The saltiest seas in the world

The Dead Sea is considered a hypersaline closed lake and a unique place on the planet: people come from all over the world to see this natural and picturesque body of water. There are many interesting facts about the Dead Sea. Here are 14 of the most surprising ones.

1. The length of the lake, according to the most conservative estimates, is about 67 km: the width of the reservoir is only 18 km. The main tributary of the sea is the Jordan River. This lies unusual lake in the region of the East African Rift Zone. At the same time, the depth Dead Sea reaches 377 m: the lake has become the deepest and saltiest body of water on the planet.

Non-swimmers may experience a lot of stress without long-term drift on the surface of the water - the extremely high concentration of salt makes it possible to float. On this moment, the definition of resort takes on a different meaning. In such a low-lying area, the air reaches 10%. Rich in oxygen and microelements. In addition, it is saturated with bromides, which have a sedative effect. The rich black mud and hot sulfur springs along the coast are used to treat skin and joint conditions. According to legend, the Egyptian expedition of Queen Cleopatra regularly set out after this mud.

2. The history of the origin of the Dead Sea is unusual: it was formed at the bottom of a depression formed as a result of tectonic movements of the continent. At depth in the Dead Sea, plate shifts are still occurring: there is increased control over seismic activity, because small earthquakes occur every year - people do not feel them, but the accuracy of the instruments allows these tectonic movements to be recorded.

It is necessary to ensure that water from the lake does not get into your eyes, as it is difficult to burn. The same can be said for people who have had wounds and wounds. Interestingly, this is not the most salty water in the world. High salinity is found in Lake Asal in Djibouti, Patience in Canada and Don Juan in Antarctica. There are also resorts on the Dead Sea. The most popular of them is the Ein Bokek Tamar area. It is located 35 km south of Ein Gedi. The resort is well known among others. with Jerusalem, from which buses run several times during the day.

When you travel by car, both from the capital and from Tel Aviv, you must take road 1, then the road. Please remember to bring your passport with your visa. In the southern part of the Dead Sea is located israeli airport Bar Yehuda, which operates charter flights and private jets.

3. Huge masses of water move in the depths of the Dead Sea, which do not have access to the surface. Scientists found an increased concentration of salts and minerals in the water: at the same time, the Dead Sea surpassed any ocean in terms of salinity.

Even the flow of the Jordan River and several small rivers into the reservoir does not make the water fresh: despite the daily intake of 7 million tons of water that does not flow out anywhere, the salinity of the Dead Sea is 33.7%. Scientists believe that the water entering the sea quickly evaporates under the influence of sunny weather.

The lake is located on the border with Israel and Jordan and is not actually a sea. It is 76 km long and 17 km wide. The name "Dead Sea", due to the extreme salinity of the water, may indicate that there is no life in it. The results of many years of research by biochemist and microbiologist Benjamin Elazari Vulcani, and then by other scientists, proved the confusion of this point of view. The lake contains single-purpose algae and simple organisms - prokaryotes, the oldest surviving cells. Over the centuries, various names have adhered to the seas.

They have been identified as the Dead Sea, Devil's Sea or Asphalt Lake. According to the Bible, the ruins of Sodom and Gomorrah lie deep. This is why it is also known as the Sea of ​​Sodom. Continuing to travel throughout Israel and now to Palestine. From Jerusalem we have ambitious plans to reach south, to Eilat and therefore the Red Sea. Of course, not today, because we are in no hurry. Along the way, you should jump into the Dead Sea and see the ancient Jewish fortress of Masada located nearby. That is, being honest - visiting this second second, which we have long considered for the sake of costs - but, on the other hand, so close to stupidity as not to enter.

4. Thanks to the surprisingly high concentration of salt, a person naturally floats on the surface of the water without difficulty.

5. Nowadays, the Dead Sea consists of two separate basins. They are separated from each other by an artificially created isthmus. The northern reservoir is deep and vast, while the southern reservoir is famous for the fact that hotels, as well as mineral extraction factories, have been built on its banks. Now the southern reservoir is completely controlled by industrial companies.

Today we will arrive in Masada, but the report from this section will appear in a separate post. The afternoon was exciting enough that it certainly deserved it. To hitchhike faster, we leave the city center by tram, and after 5 stops we are on the outskirts of the city, where we should have no problems without problems. There is only one tram in Jerusalem, so when you go you won't get lost.

We are negotiating with Dead Sea to Ein Gedi, where there is a free beach and free showers - of course, free. We divide into three pairs and we start having fun. The first was always Piotrek with Polina, then Kamil with Marzena and, finally, with Evelina. We all the way to the place spread into the title of four games. In total we didn't wait more than 20 minutes.

There, on the southern lake, there are unique thermal springs with healing black mud: it is known that many centuries ago King Herod was treated here.

The Dead Sea area, whose interesting facts have attracted scientists, is being actively studied by health care companies. The water is unique due to the increased concentration of enriched minerals. The atmosphere is exceptionally clean - there are no pollen or allergens. Great depth contributes to less solar ultraviolet radiation. Also natural conditions maintain the balance of optimal pressure for the body.

They are equally willing to talk about themselves, about Israel and what they can do. Of course, we naturally confessed our love to Barcelona and then laughed along with the driver. A moment later, having changed our transport again, we learned about the flora of Israel and that all the trees we saw along the way were brought down from Europe several years ago. After a moment we were saddened that we would not see the famous wall separating Palestine from Israel because parts of it are in cities and there are only random checkpoints on the main road.

Due to its minerals and salinity, the Dead Sea and its mud deposits have a positive effect on health. Tourists from all over the world come here to treat diseases of the pulmonary and respiratory systems; treatment of the stomach and related organs is successfully practiced here. Staying in this unique area allows you to improve your metabolism and rejuvenate your skin. It is believed that air, water and minerals have an amazing composition and prevent cell aging: this fact is intensively used by cosmetologists when developing new cosmetics.

After just over 30 minutes of driving and four hitchhikers, we are dropped off so close to Dead Sea that somewhere below he begins to show his sidewalk. The air suddenly became warm and salty. Just like the candlestick. There is no pollen in the air. We keep going down and down until we finally find ourselves in the biggest depression in the world! Bagatela is 418 meters below sea level.

With the next driver we talked more about life. The lesson was interesting because the Jew was interested in the materialization of the world and how money controls people. The same Jew who simply turns out to be the greatest materialist and the one who is behind everything in this world. You know, it's not good when human kindness is transferred with money. Now without money you can no longer take care. At this moment, his silent friend sitting next to him begins to pray, he continues. And that's bad. Money divides and changes people, they are no longer themselves, just selflessness dies my beloved.

6. Inside the Sedom salt mountain, located 135 meters below sea level, tourists can visit the large Malham Cave. Along the way, travelers are treated to amazing views - these are salt crystals in various shapes and natural structures. Speleologists often visit the cave, but doctors do not recommend staying there for long: there is a high risk of rapid dehydration.

He thought again, and then remembered that he was not asking where we were from, and we realized that we were a little unrecognized to introduce ourselves. Are you speaking from Poland? On average, every second driver who picked us up said that he was in Poland and had visited Auschwitz. Some even proudly admitted that they were from Poland. This grandfather is from Krakow, the grandmother is from Katowice. Something like this happens more immediately, but the atmosphere is not the same.

The rest already had a bath. There, apart from some other signs, there is emptiness. In general, there is nothing to be surprised about - it’s December, winter is behind us, suddenly the temperature drops by 20 degrees and, moreover, it’s cloudy. We then sit down to begin developing our next joint plan of action. Look also at Luke, who also spoke quite interestingly about Israel.

7. Next interesting fact about the Dead Sea - reduced levels of ultraviolet radiation: it is extremely difficult to get sunburn here when tanning. This allows you to be in the sun at any time of the day, even those unprepared for active activities. beach season to people.

There are several theories why the Dead Sea is called dead. One of the funniest ones is that once an unfortunate person drowned in it - which could not be done due to the enormous salinity - and they named a tank after him. According to another legend, it is under the surface of the water that Sodom and Gomorra are punished, which, as is known, is associated with many victims. However, the most likely source of the name is that due to such enormous salinity - 28% or ~340 grams of salt in every liter of water - there is virtually no life in this reservoir.

With strong evaporation, the water level constantly decreases, and the salinity increases even more. Even in the distant past, Dead Sea pai was believed to be lethal, which may have influenced its name. What’s interesting is that, according to environmentalists’ forecasts, the sea threatens to dry out in 40 years. The Jews, however, came up with the idea of ​​cheating nature, and it is rumored that the 180-kilometer pipeline project linking the Dead Sea and the Red River has already been flattened, so that in the first case the water level can be regulated.

8. The Bible repeatedly writes about the lake: it is mentioned as the refuge of King David. The story of Lot and his family is also connected with this sea. Leaving the dying Sodom, Lot's wife turned around, which was strictly forbidden by God. After that, it became a pillar of salt, which has remained on the seashore to this day.

The Dead Sea coast is in danger of a cataclysm. Avikennia has karst jams that threaten roads, resorts, as well as tourists arriving in the region. The earth is falling every day. What is the reason for this phenomenon and how to fix it? Karst piles may appear without warning.

For more than a century, the water level of the Dead Sea in the Holy Land has been steadily declining. The reason is the drought-resistant area and increasing salt water. The salt is leached by groundwater, and this causes the soil to settle even a few meters. There are huge sinkholes that can swallow whatever they are in. The first funnel was created at the beginning of the last century. Even then, scientists warned that this was only the beginning of a phenomenon that could be paid for.

9. An unusual feature of the reservoir is its ability to form special natural asphalt on the surface. The tiny black pieces resemble molten magma. Collecting this substance is quite simple - due to the salt in the water, pieces of asphalt always float on the surface of the water. History has preserved data that the Egyptians used this asphalt to mummify the dead.

The Dead Sea is the saltiest water in the world. The situation began to deteriorate in last years, as new outposts appear almost daily. As they get closer and closer to popular resorts, fears grow. It is possible that a sinkhole forms at the bottom of the sea and absorbs water, which further reduces its level, accelerating the degradation of the water body. Currently, Road No. 90 runs along the coast of the Dead Sea. If the road crosses the road, tragedy will be waiting.

Salinity makes the human body smoother and swims freely. The only salvation for the coast is for sea levels to rise again. There has been more rain than usual in recent years, systematically increasing water levels in one of the world's most marine bodies of water.

10. On the shore of the lake you can see a picturesque abandoned water amusement park and the skeletons of old boats, a grove of dead palm trees and a destroyed ship dock, the ruins of a labor camp and the remains of furniture covered with a layer of salt.

11. Scientists noticed that the water level is gradually decreasing, and extensive funnels and faults are formed on the bottom protruding from the water. A research buoy floats in the middle of the lake.

However, there is still a lot of guilt. Most importantly, at least for now, the vision of the complete drying up of this uninhabited lake lying in the tectonic trench of the Jordan River on the borders of Jordan, Palestine and Israel has disappeared. To achieve significant improvement requires very expensive investments that begin year after year. However, all indications are that the region's landscape will soon change completely.

The canal will connect the Dead Sea with the Red Sea. According to the engineers' intentions, so that the sea can rejuvenate, the canal will transport 66 billion cubic meters of water. This is what looks like a canal connecting the Dead Sea and the Red Sea. Experts recall that more than 300 million cubic meters of water perishes in the Dead Sea every year, which is up to 26% of the salt. If the project is successful, the Dead Sea, 76 kilometers long and 16 kilometers wide, will be preserved for at least the next 50 years.

12. The lowest highway is laid along the shore of the reservoir and the Jordan River: the depth of the road is 393 meters.

13. The air near a reservoir sometimes heats up to extreme temperatures, but despite this, the air is enriched with oxygen. The air masses arriving here are formed over Indian Ocean and overcome a many-kilometer strip of desert lands, where they are cleaned naturally.

The Dead Sea is the deepest Depression on Earth with a depth of 399 meters and is still deepening. On western shores The sea has resorts that attract tourists from all over the world. At the end of the season there is a rainy season and soon there will be a dry season accompanied by desert heat. Temperatures in the shade in July and August will exceed 40 degrees.

16-day forecast: Will it still be hot and sunny?

We live around the clock, we monitor what is happening in the weather in Poland and around the world. If there was something interesting about your area that you want to share with others, send us photos, videos and information. Will September bring us still warmer and sunny days? Will summer be extended, or even vice versa? Will autumn come earlier than in previous years, and September will save you from gloomy, rainy, windy and bitterly cold?

14. Contrary to assumptions, many small organisms live in the water of the lake. These are the world's oldest moldy fungi, which settled on the bottom long before the salt level in the water increased. There are also viruses living in the sea that are perfectly adapted to this concentration of salt, but they do not pose a danger to humans.

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Dead Sea (Hebrew ים המלח - sea of ​​​​salt) is a salt lake between Israel and Jordan.

It is the saltiest lake in the world. The Dead Sea coast is the most low area land on Earth: it is located 417 meters below sea level.

Several dry streams and the Jordan River flow into the Dead Sea.

The sea is called dead because, due to its high salt content, neither fish nor other organisms can live in it (with the exception of some types of bacteria at the mouth of the Jordan River).

Dead Sea- a unique place on the globe. Known since biblical times, it is located 415 meters below sea level Mediterranean Sea and is the lowest point on the surface of the Earth. This reservoir continues to decline today. Since the concentration of salts in it is the highest on the globe, there are no fish, no shellfish, no protozoa, no algae. But the Dead Sea minerals can restore youth and health to a person and have the highest therapeutic effect in the world. There is no analogue to them. Therapeutic mud is a product of the vital activity of the only and unique representative of living beings living in a concentrated salt solution - an archaeobacterium, which has apparently been preserved from the time of the origin of life on the planet. The reserves of healing substances in the Dead Sea are inexhaustible (the weight of metal salts is about 50 billion tons, and the weight of 21 types of minerals is about 50 billion tons). The banks of the strange reservoir can also be considered dead: for a considerable extent they are covered only with a crust of dried salt, which does not allow grass and trees to grow. The age of the sea as it is now known is more than 15 thousand years.

The Dead Sea is actually called big lake, which is 76 kilometers long, up to 18 kilometers wide and maximum depth 400 meters.

This body of water is part of the Great Syrian-African Rift. When the eastern mountain formations moved north 105 kilometers, the geological strata in this place formed a deep valley. The sea itself consists of two basins - the northern, with a depth of up to 185 meters, and the southern, where the average depth is only 6.5 meters. The bed for them is a two-kilometer layer of salt left after the ancient Lashon Sea finally dried up. At the bottom of the dead reservoir, in addition, there is a 100-meter sedimentary salt-mud layer. Moreover, the thickness of sediments in the south is much thicker. The smaller, southern basin is connected to the northern one through an isthmus.

About three million years ago, the Mediterranean Sea stretched from the Sea of ​​Galilee 40 kilometers south, reaching the current shore of a unique dead body of water. Its level, by the way, was already about 180 meters below the level of the Mediterranean Sea. About two million years ago, this bay became an inland body of water. Its main source of nutrition was the fresh waters of the Jordan River and its tributaries, several small rivers and flood waters carrying large quantities sand and other sediments. It was they who formed the sandy valley of the Jordan River. Now only it connected the Sea of ​​Galilee and the Dead Sea.

6000 years ago, the level of the unique reservoir dropped again, as evidenced by the underwater canyons. Three thousand years later, the Dead Sea was already 360 meters below the level of the Mediterranean. As of 1950, when Jordan and Israel began to divert water from the Jordan River, the flow fresh water V salt Lake reduced by half. Now the evaporation of liquid from the surface of the reservoir significantly exceeds the supply from all sources, so its level is constantly decreasing.

"Lowering" ancient sea caused a very unpleasant phenomenon in the area. Sandy soil at a distance of several hundred meters from the shore actively absorbs water from rivers (such as Nahal David and Nahal Arugot in the Ein Gedi region), and they continue their flow to the sea underground. Since the level of the reservoir itself is constantly decreasing, the speed of movement of these flows increases. They carry clay sediment with them and form large gullies (underground caves). Occasionally upper layer The soil that forms the “ceiling” of such voids becomes so thin that it suddenly collapses. At the same time, people who are currently in danger zone, fall through and fly down from a height of several meters.

The gloomy name for this fragment of the ancient ocean was given by Christian monks, amazed at the absence of any forms of life in the local waters. And in Hebrew this body of water is called “Yam Ha-melach” - “Salt Sea”. Ancient times unique lake also called “Ha-Yam Ha-Kadmon” (“Ancient Sea”), “Yamma Shel Sodom” (“Sea of ​​Sodom”), “Yam Ha-Arava” (“Steppe Sea”, “Sea of ​​the Arabian Steppes”) and even “ Ha-Yam Ha-Masriach" ("Smelly Sea") - due to the smell of sulfur from the surrounding springs. In the Bible, the Dead Sea was referred to as the Arava, or Eastern Sea. Well, the ancient Romans, although they were not alien to poetry, called the strange body of water Asphalt Lake.

Christians believed that dead water, unlike anything else, hid the place where in ancient times Sodom and Gomorrah were located, mired in sins and vices. One day, the virtuous resident of Sodom, Lot, received a warning that God would destroy both cities to atone for their sins. He and his family had to flee immediately. At the same time, Lot and his relatives were forbidden to look back. Unfortunately, Lot's wife could not resist the temptation. With bitterness and regret, she turned around to take a farewell look at the place where people lived in absolutely incredible luxury. In addition, the wife of a pious city dweller just wanted to see: what would happen to the doomed? For excessive curiosity, God punished the woman by turning her into a pillar of salt, with outlines resembling a human figure. By the way, “Lot’s Wife” still stands over a cliff not far from modern city Sodom baffles scientists with its inexplicable properties and completely unrealistic structure.

Among the Arabs, the dead body of water was called “Bahr Lot” - “Sea of ​​Lot”. In the Judean Mountains, in the village of Beni-Naim (near Hebron), there is a church known already from the 4th century AD. e. the grave in which, according to legend, the biblical righteous man is buried. To the south of the burial place mountain peak there are ruins ancient temple, from where Abraham allegedly watched the destruction of the cursed cities and the flight of Lot's family. In the floor of the temple there is a slab with imprints, allegedly, of the feet and knees of the forefather.

But life on the Dead Sea coast did not stop even after the disappearance of Sodom and Gomorrah. For two thousand years, King David, Herod the Great, the Essenes and Bar Kochba rebels hid here. Traces of Jewish settlements have been found at Qumran and the Masada fortress. The latter is located on top of a high cliff soaring above the Dead Sea. Once there stood the palace of Herod the Great, which was later used as a fortress by participants in the anti-Roman uprising. And in Ein Gedi several cultural layers were discovered. Archaeologists have found here traces of settlements from the Iron Age (630-582 BC), the times of the Persian Empire (V-IV centuries BC), the Hellenistic period, the early Roman period, the Byzantine period (II-VI centuries AD). BC), Crusader period.

Both the sea itself and every stone on its shores are in one way or another connected with biblical events, with the history of the origin of the Christian faith. To the north of the dead reservoir is Jericho, the oldest of cities. Not far from it is Kar El Yahud, where, according to Christian tradition, John the Baptist performed the baptism of Jesus.

As for the natural resources of the region, the Nabateans were the first to profit economically from them. It was they who came up with the idea to sell the Egyptians the bitumen necessary for embalming bodies.

The water here is truly dead. People have shunned her for centuries. Only recently did it become known that in the amazing ancient reservoir, life, if not boiling, is at least simmering. True, only 11 species of bacteria managed to “settle” in the saltiest water on our planet. But small fish live in wells located literally a few meters from the coast. They are endemic and represent evolved carp. These fish form the basis of the fauna of Lake Kinneret, better known as the Sea of ​​Galilee. Having found themselves in the harsh conditions here, they survived by adapting to the water with special high level salinity.

In general, the liquid contained in the shores of the Dead Sea can hardly be called water. Rather, this is a real brine: the concentration of salts here is 10 times higher than in any other body of water in the world - 30% per liter. Their composition is also unique. There is not a single body of water on our planet that could boast such a rich composition of salts: in the Dead Sea, one might say, almost the entire periodic table is dissolved...

The ancient lake is the lowest point of the Jordan River. But from the most unique reservoir there is no flow at all. But water from the surface evaporates already quickly: this is facilitated by dry hot climate. At the height of summer, evaporation can reach up to 25 millimeters per day. And since only the amount of water decreases, while salts and minerals remain in the reservoir, the salinity level here is constantly increasing. In addition, the Dead Sea receives additional mineral replenishment from the mineral and sulfur springs available on its shores.

Due to the large amount of dissolved salts, the density of “dead” water is fantastic. Diving in it or trying to drown is absolutely hopeless! The incredible liquid, elastic as rubber, pushes bodies to the surface, but can thoroughly corrode mucous membranes and damage the eyes. If you don’t dip your face into the oily “contents” of the ancient reservoir, then you can calmly enjoy life and relaxation, lying on your back in the sea (or even almost sitting!) and reading a newspaper at the same time. The mineral-rich water is even denser in the bottom layers. Because of this, an interesting geological phenomenon occurs in the southern part of the dead lake: sedimentary minerals are pushed to the surface by their own gravity, and this process (at a rate of 3.3 millimeters per year) has created Mount Sodom over the past 20,000 years.

The healing properties of local salts and mud have been known since ancient times. For example, the ancient Egyptian queen Cleopatra used Dead Sea water to create her “beauty balm.” High concentrations of magnesium, potassium, calcium, bromine and iodine have a healing and calming effect on the body. And salts in combination with extracts of medicinal herbs can really work wonders. As for human skin, when using natural minerals from the Dead Sea, it is cleansed and toned; salts not only help maintain the required level of moisture, but also take an active part in metabolic processes, and also protect the skin from the harmful effects of the environment. If we talk about the body as a whole, then this “dead” water is in the best possible way relieving stress, neutralizing the consequences of life “in the depths of civilization” - with a modern jagged rhythm, increased noise levels and water and air pollution. Both the atmosphere of the Dead Sea and the sea baths are healing. The mineral-rich mud helps treat skin diseases and is good for varicose veins. It is known that King Solomon, Queen Cleopatra and Herod the Great specially came to these places for healing. In addition, it was established that climatic conditions This zone helps to get rid of a number of serious diseases and, above all, bronchial asthma.

There are many natural hot springs along the Dead Sea coast. Near them there are sanatoriums for the treatment of rheumatic and skin diseases. By the way, another unique feature of these places: you can sunbathe at the Dead Sea as much as you like. You won't get a sunburn anyway! The fact is that the ultraviolet rays of the sun are effectively filtered thanks to an additional 400-meter layer of air and aerosols in the sea air. As a result, the short rays of the sun's UVB spectrum are significantly attenuated without preventing effective UVA radiation from passing through. Interestingly, the average relative humidity here is quite low. At the same time, the atmospheric pressure in this region is the highest compared to other parts of the globe, and the oxygen content in the air is 15% higher. Thus, in the Dead Sea area we are faced with the effect of a natural pressure chamber! The atmosphere is not only saturated with oxygen, but also contains 45% of the world's total bromine reserves. Thanks to this, the lungs and bronchi are cleansed and the nervous system calms down. In addition, the air of this unique place is free from pollution and allergenic impurities, and drinking water has a high concentration of selenium - an element that suppresses the growth of cells that tend to develop abnormally. The entire Dead Sea area is a protected area. It is spotlessly clean, and the sun almost always (more than 330 days a year) shines. From November to April, the average temperature of the resort is +22-29° C, from May to October +32-37° C, and in June - July it rises to its maximum: +38-39° C. The Dead Sea amazes with its “frozen” (without sudden daily and seasonal changes) air and water temperatures, low humidity. Only two months a year are less comfortable here.

Visit this amazing place it is all the more interesting that on the coast of the Dead Sea there are many interesting historical and memorable places. Naturally, none of the visitors misses the opportunity to visit the ancient Qumran caves, where manuscripts known throughout the world as the “Dead Sea Scrolls” were found. There, in 1952, a copper scroll was discovered that reported huge treasures buried near Jerusalem. According to the inscription, the treasure contained almost 150 tons of gold and silver. True, the government of Jordan, which is in charge of the scroll, was not delighted with the prospect of an outbreak of a “gold rush” on its territory. The ancient text was never published, because it gives a description and landmarks of the places where the ancient Jews hid their wealth... History is silent about the Jerusalem treasure. Perhaps he is just a figment of the sick imagination of an unknown author. But it’s probably not worth guaranteeing this.

The surroundings of the harsh reservoir amaze with inhospitable, dead landscapes. They are beautiful in their own way, but it is impossible to find anything similar in another corner of the globe. You get the impression that you are on a film set, where work is underway on another fantastic film. Judge for yourself. Once at the Dead Sea, you find yourself in an amazing kingdom of salt and rocks. Snow-white blocks, like ghosts, rise from the dead, transparent, bitter, thick, oily water of an unusual color. From the north, the Dead Sea is guarded by formidable rocks and cliffs. They are partly enlivened by waterfalls that fall almost vertically from a height of several hundred meters down. The sparkling wall of falling water is, by the way, fresh. That is why a natural oasis of life, so rare in these places, arose here. Now at the foot of the rocks a small nature reserve, the flora and fauna of which are quite rich.

But in the south the picture is completely different. Sometimes it seems that there is a mad sculptor’s workshop here. The hills of the Judean Desert, which approach the sea itself, resemble bizarre mushrooms. Composed of sand and minerals, they acquired their shape due to erosion, as well as the influence of water and wind.

Unique and ancient, this sea seems to be living out its life. Anyway, minister water resources Of Jordan, Hazem Nasser warned at an international conference held in Amman in 2004: if a canal from the Red Sea is not urgently built, which will replenish water supplies in the Dead Sea, the latter will simply disappear from the face of the earth within the next 50 years... One of the Israeli television journalists filmed An impressive report on this matter. Where 20 years ago the waves of the Dead Sea splashed, salt water killed the land, and then retreated... 600 meters. Without intensive technical intervention, the reservoir level will continue to decline at a rate of approximately one meter per year. At the same time, the nearby groundwater in this area will disappear. And the dead healing phenomenon will turn into a bitter, blinding white ghost. A monument to human irresponsibility.

The lake water is so salty that a person can lie on its surface.