Dead Sea interesting facts. Salinity, depth and full description with photos. The Dead Sea

On the border of Jordan and Israel, there is a water area located below all others in the world, which everyone knows as the Dead Sea. It is drainless salt Lake- not only a tourist attraction for travelers, a gold mine for companies that extract healing salt here, but also a treasure trove of rich and fascinating history.

and its salt is known to people all over the world. And in our conditions, we buy it because of its beneficial effect, in the form of salt or as part of cosmetics. Today we will go with you to the places where this salt originates, and we will not forget about a few entertainments about this natural phenomenon.

The rise and origin of the Dead Sea

How and when did the Dead Sea actually appear? This will be answered by a science called geology. This happened about three million years ago as a result of the displacement of a tectonic fault, thereby forming a basin, which was flooded with water over the years. Due to excessive scooping of water, weak and at the same time one of the few tributaries of water - the Jordan River, there is a long-term constant drying... And for this reason, at present, the Dead Sea is unevenly divided into two parts by a belt of land. Since the lake decreases every year, the local authorities are trying to solve the situation by building an artificial drive channel from. Of course, the problem is distance, technical complexity and the fact that water from the sea to the lake would have to be raised to a height of 120 meters, and only then it could flow to a depth of 530 meters into the Dead Sea. Despite this, everyone believes that it is extraordinary a natural phenomenon will be able to save.

Drying with it also brings excessive salinity. Everyone knows that the sea is salty, but the Dead Sea is literally one of the saltiest places in the world. Water, or rather a hodgepodge, here contains in 10 times more salt than at sea. Because of this, people who cannot swim do not need to worry about their safety. Since the water raises them, so they can safely, for example, read directly on the surface of the lake. Of course, you can't stay in the water for long. The concentration of salt is so high that after a while you will be driven to the beach to take a shower under the fresh water found on all beaches designated for public bathing. The white salt sediment creates an unprecedented atmosphere on the coast and is in great contrast to the black mud, which contains great amount iodine and bromine. These elements have a curative effect mainly on the nervous system. Other elements, such as sulfur and magnesium, act on skin conditions. Not surprisingly, health tourism is thriving here.

Salt is more valuable than gold

But the use of salt has become a great business here. Especially on south side lakes are intense salt mining and other minerals. There is also a large chemical complex for processing mined minerals in this way. We can say that the closest environment lives thanks to what the Dead Sea gives them. If you have seen or read the fairy tale "Salt is more valuable than gold", then its main idea is fully embodied.

The Dead Sea gets its name from its high salinity, but is it really dead? Absolutely not! Several types of bacteria and archaea live in it. In some places there is also algae called "dunaliella". Camels, ibex, hares, foxes, even leopards and hundreds of bird species live in the vicinity of the lake.

From a historical point of view, this area has been inhabited for more than 2000 years back. Product use Dead sea goes back to the ancient. Since they were used for mummification. Only in the recent past in the area of ​​Qumran were the so-called. The Dead Sea Scrolls, which are considered one of the oldest Bible manuscripts written in ancient Hebrew and Aramaic in the world. Their age dates back to the 1st century BC.

Whether you are interested in nature, history, or love to travel, the Dead Sea should definitely be on your travel or vacation map. There are few places on our planet where salt beats gold, so this lake must be seen, felt and enjoyed.

Translation: Alla Kutserova

Several seas are honored to be called "the saltiest". The Dead and Red Seas are the undisputed leaders. Only Red is a part of the World Ocean (MO, Ocean), connected with it by the Bab-el-Mandeb strait and Gulf of Aden... The Dead Sea Lake is a remnant of an ancient basin. This body of water on the continent of Eurasia has no direct connection with the ocean. Let's find out which sea is the saltiest, without delving into the geographical "subordination". Let's compare the mineralization of the water bodies of the planet, find out what this indicator depends on. We will be guided by the word "sea" in the names of geographical objects.

What property of water is called "salinity"?

Simple experience convinces: there are impurities even in freshwater lakes, rivers, and springs. If you pour a little tap water into a saucer and leave it in the sun, the liquid will evaporate. A white coating will remain at the bottom - these are salts. Weigh it and get a value close to 2 g / l, in terms of 100 g of water - 0.2%. There are no impurities only in distilled water, but its use harms the human body. The World Ocean contains an average of 35 g of salt per liter. By the color and transparency of the water, it is more difficult to recognize what is in front of us: a large fresh lake or the salty sea. A photo of the reservoir, taken from a good angle, and even taste sensations help to resolve this dilemma.

"Salinity" is called the content of solutes, this indicator is measured in ppm. The unit was specially introduced to study the composition of water; it was included in school and university geography textbooks. Let's simplify the explanation and relate the salinity index to the mass fraction as a percentage. Promile - a tenth of a percent, denoted by "‰".

Sea water is a multicomponent solution

Mass (g) of common chemical elements in 1 liter of seawater:

  • chlorine - 19.5;
  • sodium - 10.8;
  • magnesium - 1.3;
  • sulfur - 0.9.

Less than 1 g is contained in the water of the seas of calcium, potassium, bromine, carbon, strontium, boron, fluorine, silicon. Experts in chemistry will argue that in the form of simple substances, the above sodium and potassium ignite, and sulfur, carbon and other substances are insoluble. In fact, in the calculations, the mass fractions of elements are obtained, and they are in the water in the form of ions: Na +, K +, Mg +, Ca +, Cl -, B -, S 2-, Br -, HCO 3-, SO 4 2- and other cations and anions.

Why is the content of solutes different?

In the dispute about which sea is the saltiest, several elementary truths are forgotten. Even Heraclitus, Plato and other thinkers of antiquity said that everything moves, you cannot enter the same water twice. The composition and amount of impurities in the seas, rivers and lakes is constantly changing. The indicators are influenced by the following factors:

  • distance from the equator and the associated amount of solar radiation;
  • climate and weather;
  • the amount of precipitation;
  • surface and groundwater runoff;
  • types and strength of rocks that make up the bottom and coast;
  • vital activity of organisms in water.

The salinity of the seas also depends on warm currents, because the solubility of most substances increases with increasing temperatures. Coastal waters in areas where there is significant surface runoff from the mainland are desalinated, for example, in the deltas of the Nile, La Plata and other large rivers. When the ice melts, the salinity decreases. When the ice cover forms, it increases.

What is the saltiest sea in the oceans?

From school, many remember that the salinity of water depends on evaporation. The higher it is, the more salt accumulates. In the circumpolar latitudes, this pattern is violated in winter. With the formation of ice, the salinity of water increases, reaching record levels in the Greenland Sea for the northern part of the Moscow Region. Closer to temperate latitudes, the freshening effect of rivers, a large amount of precipitation, affects. Salinity reaches a maximum south of 45 ° N. NS. and north of 10 ° S. NS. This area is home to some of the saltiest seas in the world:

  • Red - 41 ‰;
  • Mediterranean - 39 ‰;
  • Arabian - 36 ‰.

Significant precipitation and runoff from great rivers reduce salinity in equatorial latitudes.

Strait of Bab el-Mandeb - the saltiest part of MO

Comparing all the factors, we conclude that the Red Sea is the saltiest. The body of water mentioned in the Old Testament is located between northeast Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. According to the biblical tradition, the Red Sea parted before the Israelites who fled from Egypt, and a wide passage appeared. Scientists have created a computer model proving that the legend does not contradict the laws of physics.

About 41 g of impurities are dissolved in 1 liter of Red Sea water. Salinity increases from north to south, reaching a maximum value in the Bab el-Mandeb Strait. In this region, there is practically no river runoff, precipitation falls much less than water evaporates. Temperatures are consistently high throughout the year. The factors turned out to be favorable for the rich organic world of the Red Sea, the development of tourism on its shores.

Salty seas of Russia

Knowing the basic laws affecting the content of dissolved substances, it is easier to establish which sea is the saltiest in Russia. In the north - Barents, in the east - Japanese. The salinity of the water beyond the Arctic Circle changes significantly throughout the year. In the west of the Barents Sea, this figure reaches 35.0 ‰, but significantly decreases when moving to the east. The saltiest sea in Russia is the Sea of ​​Japan, the salinity of its water is stable at around 34 ‰.

Dead Sea Lake - a natural phenomenon

The greatest influence on the content of dissolved substances is exerted by evaporation and the amount of precipitation. A combination of factors turned out to be favorable for the accumulation of salts in the lake on the border of Israel with Jordan. The saltiest water is in the sea-lake, which is called Dead. The water is so dense that a person can easily stay on its surface.

Salinity values ​​are very high - from 300 to 370 ‰. The average content of dissolved substances is 33.7% (in 1 liter of water - 337 g of salts). Not only salty water, low location on land, but also the famous mud also glorified the lake. The highly mineralized sludge contains about 300 g / kg of salts.

Mineralogical composition of the Dead Sea

In total, the lake water contains dozens of mineral and organic components. We present data on the most common compounds indicating the mass fraction of a substance in the composition of all dissolved salts:

  • magnesium chloride - 50.8%;
  • calcium chloride - 14.4%;
  • sodium chloride - 30.4%;
  • potassium chloride - 4.4%.

After bathing in the waters of the Dead Sea, rinse off the concentrated salt solution so as not to corrode the skin. Increased concentrations in mud are noted for such biologically important substances: iodine, bromine, hormone-like molecules. There are few sulfates in the water of the Dead Sea-Lake, but there are a lot of bromides, which increases the healing effect of brine.

Famous salt sea lakes disappear

Media reports about the fate of the Dead and Aral Seas further fuel interest in water bodies. The surface of the Dead Sea is already 420 m below the level of the Ocean and falls by about 1 m annually. According to researchers, in 40 years catastrophic changes may occur, similar to those that occurred with the Aral Sea. Since ancient times, water bodies have been constantly mentioned in answers to the question "which sea is the saltiest?" The Dead Lake continues to faithfully work out its obligatory name. Salt water kills bacteria and prevents algae from growing.

The French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry is the author of poetic lines about fresh water. He wrote about a liquid without color, taste and smell: "You cannot be described, you are enjoyed without knowing what you are", "You are life itself." It is a pity that such poetic comparisons did not arise for the writer at the sight of sea water. After all, the liquid medium of the animal body contains the same salts that were in the ancient ocean, which became the cradle of all life on Earth.

Its surface and coastline are 422 m below sea level and this level is constantly decreasing. The Dead Sea lies in an intercontinental depression formed during the split of Eurasia and Africa. The lakeside is the most low section sushi on Earth.

The Dead Sea is one of the saltiest bodies of water on Earth, with salinity reaching 33.7%. The lake is 67 km long, 18 km wide at its widest point, and the maximum depth is 378 m.

Immediate big cities- Jerusalem 19 km., Amman (Jordan) 48 km., 84 km., 360 km. From the western side it passes to Eilat.


The first mention of the name "Dead Sea" was found in the works of the ancient Greek scientist Pausanias, who was one of the first to explore its waters.

The sea is called "dead" because it was believed that due to its high salt content, neither fish nor other organisms could live in it (with the exception of some types of bacteria at the mouth of the Jordan River). V last years XX - early XXI centuries. it contains about 70 species of oomycetes and higher fungi, capable of tolerating the maximum salinity of this reservoir.

Several dry streams and flow into the Dead Sea. Over the past 40 years alone, the volume of the watercourse has decreased from 1.43 billion cubic meters. m per year up to 100 mln.

Also famous were found in the vicinity of the Dead Sea. These are more than 600 manuscripts proving that the Jewish sect in the II century. before the birth of Christ, she professed principles that are surprisingly similar to the Gospel commandments. The first scrolls with manuscripts from Qumran were accidentally found by a Bedouin boy in 1947.

There were biblical cities in the Dead Sea area.

The Bible tells of these cities mired in sins and vices. Lot, a God-fearing and virtuous man, was warned that the cities would be destroyed in atonement for these sins, and he and his family should flee. But in no case should anyone close to Lot look back. Unfortunately, Lot's wife could not resist the temptation to take a last look back and, according to legend, turned into a big one, and to this day standing not far from modern city Gray-haired.

Salinity and composition of water

The Dead Sea is one of the saltiest lakes in the world, along with Lake Assal in eastern Africa (almost 35%) and Lake Elton in the Volgograd region (20-50%).

It is difficult to call the water of the Dead Sea water, it would be more correct to say "strong salt solution". The mineralogical composition of the Dead Sea salt differs significantly from the composition of the salt of other seas. It contains about 50.8% magnesium chloride, 14.4% calcium chloride, 30.4% sodium chloride and 4.4% potassium chloride. The salt contains few sulfates, but relatively many bromides. This allowed the Dead Sea to turn into a unique health resort created by nature and attracting millions of tourists from all over the world.

In addition to the unique composition of salts, the Dead Sea is also known for its healing mud, which is extracted from the bottom of this lake. The famous mud sulphide mud of the Dead Sea is highly mineralized (up to 300 g / l), with a high content of bromine, iodine, hormone-like substances.

The Dead Sea consists of a larger, northern, basin and a smaller, southern, mostly dry. From the first to the second water is transported through special channels across the isthmus. In the small basin of the Dead Sea, there are artificial evaporation pools, and on the shore there is an industrial complex of the Dead Sea enterprises.

In some places, the sea water has evaporated, leaving huge blotches of salty, cracked from the heat of the earth, and behind them stand dry brown mountains as sharp dusty rocks. Farther north, these dry mountains turn red, sometimes blazing crimson in the afternoon sun, and pillars of salt stand at the southern end of the lake.

The Dead Sea region has extraordinary biometeorological conditions. At this lowest point on the globe, there is an exceptionally thick layer of air. Together with a natural filter for water vapor and minerals rising from the surface of the water, it reflects harmful UV rays.

The Dead Sea is a strange place that creates a unique atmosphere; in addition, it is a quiet place where you can hardly hear the birdsong, and the constant evaporation of water envelops it, usually in a mysterious haze.

Due to the high concentration of mineral salts and intense evaporation of water, the Dead Sea often smells of sulfur, and the temperature here rarely drops below 40 ° C - all this does not contribute to long-term contemplation of its shores.

A visit to the Dead Sea is an unforgettable pleasure, but there are some that can darken the holiday of meeting this wonder of the world.

Ecological situation

Over the past century Natural resources The Dead Sea is being exploited with increasing intensity. The industrial development of minerals and the use of 80% of the tributaries flowing into the Dead Sea have led to a sharp drop in the level of groundwater.

Over the past century, the water level has dropped by 25 m, and the destructive process is only progressing. Today, the sea level is dropping by an average of 1 m per year.

In 1977, due to drainage, the sea was divided into two parts, north and south.

The southern part is under the control of mineralogical plants. The enterprises are mining bromine, potassium carbonate and other minerals. Salt crystallization occurs through evaporation. For these purposes, the southern part was turned into a system of interconnecting basins. Thus, the natural process of water circulation in the Dead Sea was disrupted.

The current situation entails an inevitable ecological catastrophe. Its first echoes are well felt today. The lowering of the water table led to the formation of underground cavities and subsidence of the soil. On the territory of Israel and Jordan, there are about 1200 dips, the depth of which sometimes reaches 25 m.The greatest danger is posed by dips that form along roads and near residential complexes... A case of failure occurred immediately after the passage of a tourist bus. As luck would have it, none of the passengers were injured. Until now, three people have been victims of failures.

All over the world, there are about 80 seas that are part of the oceans. All these waters are salty, but among them there are record holders who are distinguished by a high concentration of salts and other minerals in their composition. The most fresh sea on the planet is the Baltic Sea, the salinity of which is only 7 ‰ (ppm), which is equal to 7 grams per 1 liter of water. Among all the others, we singled out the saltiest seas in the world.

Salinity 30 ‰

Belong to the most salty seas the world. Salinity here can reach 30 ‰ in some places. This is one of the smallest seas in Russia, with an area of ​​90,000 square meters. km. The temperature here rises to 15 degrees in summer time years and drops to minus 1 degree in winter period... Inhabitants Of the White Sea there are about 50 species of fish, including beluga whale, salmon, cod, smelt and others.

Salinity 33 ‰

One of the ten most salty in the world. Its salinity in winter is higher and can reach 33 ‰. It is located between Chukotka and Alaska on an area of ​​589 600 sq. Km. The water temperature here is quite low: in summer - 12 degrees above zero, and in winter - minus 1.8 degrees. It is home to walruses, seals, as well as fish - grayling, polar cod, Far Eastern navaga, Arctic char and others.

Salinity 34 ‰

Covering an area of ​​662,000 sq. km., are among the saltiest in the world. It is located between the New Siberian Islands and the Severnaya Zemlya Islands. The salinity of its waters reaches 34 ‰ in places, and the water temperature does not rise above 0 degrees all year round. Walrus, sterlet, sturgeon, perch and other animals live in the depths of the sea.

Salinity 35 ‰

With a salinity of 35 ‰, it is one of the saltiest on earth and the most salty in Russia. It is washed by the waters of the White Sea and has an area of ​​1,424,000 square kilometers. In winter, only the southwestern part of the sea does not freeze, the temperature here in summer does not exceed plus 12 degrees. The underwater world here is quite rich in fish, including capelin, perch, herring, catfish, killer whale, beluga and others.

Salinity 35 ‰

Located between the shores of Eurasia, the Japanese Islands, and Sakhalin Island, it is considered one of the saltiest in the world. Its salinity reaches 35 ‰. The annual water temperature ranges from 0– + 12 degrees in the north, and 17–26 degrees above zero in the southern part. Animal world it is very rich and includes many species of fish. Herring, pollock, navaga, flounder, pink salmon, chum salmon, anchovy, crabs, shrimps, oysters, squid and many others live here. Japanese salt waters cover an area of ​​1,062,000 sq. Km.

Salinity 38 ‰

considered the densest and saltiest in Greece. It is perfect for those who cannot swim and want to learn. In summer, the temperature here fluctuates between 25-26 degrees above zero, and in winter it drops to plus 14 degrees. The salinity of the sea is about 38 ‰. The inhabitants of salty waters are fish such as tuna, flounder, mackerel and others. The Ionian Sea occupies an area of ​​169,000 sq. Km.

Salinity 38.5 ‰

Aegean is one of the ten most salty seas in the world. Its salinity is about 38.5 ‰. Due to the high salinity, after bathing in such water, it is recommended to bathe in fresh water, since a high concentration of sodium can adversely affect the skin and mucous membranes. Winter temperatures here are about 14 degrees above zero, and summer - plus 24 degrees. It is inhabited by octopuses, sardines, sponges and other inhabitants. It is located between the Balkan peninsulas, Asia Minor and the island of Crete. The Aegean Sea has existed for about 20,000 years. It was formed as a result of the flooding of the Egenids land and occupied an area of ​​179,000 square meters. Its appearance led to the formation of the islands of Crete, Lesvos, Euboea and others.

Salinity 39.5 ‰

Located between Europe and Africa. It is rightfully considered one of the saltiest seas in the world, the salinity of which reaches 39.5 ‰ in places. It also applies to the most warm seas World Ocean - the temperature here is plus 25 degrees in summer and minus 12 degrees in winter. It is inhabited by seals, sea turtles, as well as more than 500 species of fish, including sharks, rays, blend dogs, lobsters, crabs, mussels and many, many others.

Salinity 42 ‰

Located between Africa and Asia, it is one of the saltiest on planet Earth. Its salinity reaches 42 ‰, which is about 41 grams per liter of water. The very rich are concentrated here underwater world: sharks, dolphins, rays, moray eels and other animals are the inhabitants of the Red Sea. The water temperature is 25 degrees above zero all year round. In the Red Sea, the water is very well and evenly mixed. In winter, surface waters cool down, become denser and sink, and warm waters rise up from the depths. In summer, water evaporates from the surface of the sea, and the remaining water becomes saltier, heavier and sinks down. Less salty water rises in its place. Thus, all year round, the water in the sea is intensively mixed, and in all its volume the sea is the same in temperature and salinity, except in the depressions. In addition, the sea boasts amazing transparency.

Salinity 270 ‰

- the most salty in the world, which is located on the border of Israel and Jordan. The content of minerals is about 270 ‰, and the concentration of salts per 1 liter reaches 200 grams. In terms of the composition of salts, the sea is significantly different from all others. It is 50% magnesium chloride and is also rich in potassium, bromine, calcium and many other minerals. Potassium salts are artificially crystallized from its water. The water has the highest density here, which is 1.3-1.4 g / m³, which completely excludes the possibility of drowning. In addition to unique salts, the sea contains therapeutic mud, which contains 45% salts. It features a high pH value of 9 and tastes bitter and oily water. The sea temperature can reach 40 degrees above zero, which creates intense evaporation and contributes to high density. If different inhabitants live in other waters with high salinity, then it is impossible to meet them in the waters of the Dead Sea.

- is a closed salt lake located between Israel and Jordan. The border between the two states runs approximately in the middle. The lake is quite large, about 67 km long and 18 km wide. Maximum depth is 378 meters.


The Dead Sea, why does it call it that? They call him dead because fish and other inhabitants of the deep sea cannot exist in such salty water, in other words, there is no highly organized life. Although, in recent decades, scientists have managed to find the simplest bacteria and fungal organisms in it, which even such a concentration of salts do not care. And the famous sulphide silt mud of the Dead Sea is nothing more than the result of the vital activity of these very bacteria and fungi.


The Dead Sea is one of the saltiest bodies of water on Earth, with a salt content (salinity) of up to 33%. The concentration of salts here is many times higher than in other bodies of water. For example, in the Mediterranean Sea this figure is 4%, and in the Black Sea it is only 2%.

Why can't you drown in the Dead Sea? The fact is that such a high concentration of salts causes a high density of water in the reservoir, so it is definitely impossible to drown in it. Here, of course, you don't really swim or dive, but you can lie on your back while reading a newspaper. The main thing is not to make too sudden movements so that water does not get into your eyes, nose and mouth.

If you really understand this, then the Dead Sea is not the saltiest lake on planet Earth. For example, the salt content in Lake Assal in East Africa reaches 35%, and in Lake Elton in the Volgograd region (Russia) 20-50%. However, it is the mineral composition of the Dead Sea that is considered the most unique and has a healing effect on the human body.


What does the Dead Sea treat and what are its beneficial properties? I must say that the water in the Dead Sea is very unusual, in addition to being highly concentrated, it is also oily in appearance. The composition of the Dead Sea salts is unique, there are less sulfides, but more bromine than any other sea water. Minerals of the Dead Sea, possessing the highest therapeutic effect in the world, are able to restore health and youth to people. The Dead Sea water and mud are especially effective in treating skin conditions, including those that are virtually untreatable like psoriasis.

The Dead Sea is located in an intercontinental depression formed during the Syrian-African Rift. Its coast is the lowest land area on Earth and is more than 400 meters below sea level. In this regard, the atmospheric pressure in this area is noticeably increased, and the oxygen content in the air is 15% higher than in any other part of the world. The air here is unusually clean, a kind of natural pressure chamber saturated with bromine vapors. Which has a beneficial effect on the bronchi, lungs and nervous system. Here are useful properties possesses the Dead Sea.

Another feature of this place is that you can sunbathe at the Dead Sea as much as you like, you still won't burn out. And this is thanks to an additional 400 meter layer of air saturated with water vapor and minerals, which creates a protective filtering barrier against harmful ultraviolet rays.


Ein Bokekresort town at the Dead Sea with a developed tourist infrastructure. There are more than a dozen hotels, hospitals, SPA salons, shopping centers, entertainment venues, beaches and an embankment here. It is worth noting that Ein Bokek is not quite a full-fledged city in the traditional sense, there are simply no local residents here. In general, this is a city exclusively for vacationers, and the attendants often live in the neighboring city of Arad, located 30 km away. Three kilometers from Ein Bokek there is another hotelNeve Zohar(Neve Zohar). From Ein Bokek to Neve Zoar, you can walk along the embankment.