The most ancient trees on earth. Virgin forest. Why there is no such thing in our blink

For many trees, a few hundred years old is a common phenomenon. The centuries-old giants are found among oaks, pines, ash and other breeds.

For today's top 10, we chose the oldest trees on the planet, whose age exceeds several thousand years. These honorable elders were witnessing generations and epochs, and today are surrounded by honor and attention, attracting tourists from all over the world.

This tree is the biggest on earth. The total mass of Sherman General is 1,900 tons, its height is 84 meters, and the trunk girth at the base is 31.3 meters. The age of the long-lived gig exceeds 2,500 years.

9. Fitzroy Cypress Alece (Argentina)

The age of this is giant - about 3,600 years. For centuries, the tree has reached a height of 57.5 meters, and the diameter of its barrel is 2.3 meters. In the wild, the trees of this species grow only in South America.

8. Zoroastrian Sarv (Iran)

The age of this evergreen cypress - 4 thousand years. The height of the tree is 25 meters, the trunk circle is 18 meters. Iranians with great respect and reverence belong to Sarva, which was erected into the rank of the National Monument.

7. Pine Mafusail (USA)

This tree of the Pine Ostnaya Type grows at an altitude of about 3 thousand meters above sea level. The age of Mafusail - 4,800 years. This is the oldest tree on the ground not a threshing origin. In order to protect the tree from the vandals, employees of the National Park, in which it grows, show Mafusail only a serious scientist.

6. Pine Prometheus (USA)

Unfortunately, from this pine, the age of 5 thousand years, only stump remained. The tree was cut down before scientists were able to assess his age. However, researchers hope. That Prometheus will begin to give new shoots in the very near future.

5. Huon Pine (Tasmania)

This coniferous plant from the nine-folding family has a root system of 1 hectare and age about 10 thousand years. The age of individual poroslevin is about 3 thousand years.

4. Spruce Old Tjikko (Sweden)

According to radiocarbon analysis of the root system tissue, the age of this fir is 9,550 years. However, the pigstream, which appeared from the ancient root system, noted only the 500th anniversary. Older processes were probably destroyed by a forest fire a lot of centuries ago.

3. Creosote shrub (USA)

This is usually a bush plant from the type of Larrea Tridentata reaches about 3 meters in height. In the center of Mojave desert, Creosote bush was discovered with a diameter of more than 20 meters, which exceeds 11 thousand years.

2. Oak Dzhurup (USA)

In the California Valley of Jurup, scientists discovered a huge "stump", from which about 70 poroslevin tall is tall of about a meter. The age of "Stump" is about 13 thousand years. Scientists argue that Oak Djorup witnessed the last glacial period in the history of the Earth.

1. Pando Pando Pando Colonia (USA)

This colony of trees may be the most long-lived organism on our planet. The age of the root system of these thumbs of the poplar exceeds 80 thousand years. Although Visually Pando resembles a poplar grove from separately standing trees, the entire colony is a single plant, the total mass of which exceeds 6,600 tons.

In contact with

It is no secret that the trees live several times longer than a person, and their age often exceeds several hundred years. Few who comes to mind at least the idea that there are plants that let root in the ground long before the creation egyptian pyramids and survived flourishing and sunset not one human civilization.

Scientists quite accurately found that there are about fifty trees on our planet, whose age exceeds a millennial frontier. If you really look at the situation, such plants are actually much more, since many of them are in a hard-to-reach area, and to conduct an examination of all known specimens, taking into account their quantity, in fact not easy.

1. In the "forest of ancient durable pines", or the National Forest Inio, in the east of California, the most old detached tree on Earth is growing - Mafusail. By approximate estimates, it is more than 4,800 years old. It is hard to even imagine that it has already grown before the first pyramid appeared in Egypt! Visitors to the National Forest Inio can familiarize themselves with the relict pines, in abundance of ancient pines growing in this forest, but the exact location of Maluisail is not disclosed because of the fear of vandalism. Therefore, numerous tourists only have to guess what pine is the oldest on the planet of hundreds of bizarre pines growing in the forest.

2. Prometheus (eng. Prometheus, also known as WPN-114) - one of the oldest trees in the world, grew up on the territory near the border of the forest of Mount Uler-Peak (Nevada, USA). Example tree age of 4862, and it is possible that we promote more than 5000 years. The tree belonged to the downtime of the Pine washer (Pinus Longaeva).

In the 1950s, efforts were actively involved in the search for ancient trees, since their rings were needed for scientific purposes, establishing climate conditions in the past geological epochs. As a result, in 1964, with the consent of the US forest protection service, the tree was cut and divided into parts that were enrolled in different areas for research.

3. USA, California. National Park Sequoia. Giant Sequoia General Sherman is growing here. This is not only the oldest sequoia on earth, but also the highest of their fellow. Its height is 84 meters, and the grumps at the base is 31 meters. Approximate age of this giant - 2300-2700 years. Next to this gigantic living being a person seems so small and fragile! No wonder Sequoia General Sherman attracts many tourists. They describe this tree as "a huge red-orange stone, whose vertices cannot be seen." Surprisingly, this tree is still growing, admirement of approximately 1.5 centimeters in the girth annually. From the wood of the sequoia, 40 houses could be built, and if it were to put next to the passenger train, it would be much longer!

4. Skostshensky Platan (Chinara), growing in Nagorno-Karabakh, has about 2,000 years old. The height of this is giant 54 meters, and the length of the trunk circle is about 27 meters. At the base of the tree, a huge hollow area of \u200b\u200babout 44 sq. Meters, in which several dozen people can accommodately! The size of the plane leaves reaches half a meter. The local population honors this tree as a shrine, because in the shadow of the chinar, according to legends, the most outstanding people of these places were sitting.

5. In Sant'alfio, on the slopes of Mount Etna in Sicily (Italy) the oldest chestnut is growing in the world, which is known as the "tree of a hundred horses". According to legend, under the crown of this chestnut, the Queen Aragon Queen and one hundred accompany her knights took place. This tree is the most voluminous on Earth, because the girth of his trunk is about 58 meters. The age of chestnut is definitely unknown, scientists offer different figures - from 2000 to 4000 years. Generally, it's amazing how it could be preserved this relict tree just 8 km from Zherla acting volcano Ethna.

6. Sarv-E Abar-kitchen, or Zoroastrian Sarv. It grows this tree in Iran, in the province of Yazz. This majestic cypress is perhaps the oldest living being in Asia, its age is 4-4.5 thousand years. At about the same time, the Asian artisans were invented by the wheel. It's amazing how much time has passed since the human civilization has advanced far, and in the shadow of this tree there are still tired travelers! The height of the tree is 25 meters, 18 meters in girth.

7. Tis from the village of Hyangernife in North Wales is located on the territory of a small church. The approximate age of the tree is 4000 years old. Despite the elder age, the tree still continues to grow. In 2002, in honor of the anniversary of the Queen Elizabeth, the second, TIS was listed in the list of 50 Great Trees in Great Britain.

8. SAMIA old fir Grows on the mountain Fulufyallet in Sweden. She also has a name, called fir tickco. This ate, even difficult to imagine, more than 9,500 years. An age was set by the radio-carbon analysis of the root system. Moreover, the current barrel Tikko is not very noteworthy, he is only a few hundred years and a tree height not more than 5 meters. Apparently, the old tree died, but the preserved roots gave a new piglet. Therefore, this fir is a real-clone tree. It has not grown out of seed, but from an ancient root. The roots of this ancient ate remember those times that we know very little about.

9. Dragon trees, age 7-9 thousand years. The old Indian legend says that a long time ago in the Arabian Sea on the island of Socotra, a bloodthirsty dragon, attacked by the elephants, lived near Yemen and drank their blood. But one day one old and strong elephant fell on the dragon and crushed it. Blood mixed them and mad earth around. At this place, trees were grew, called drazes (DR.-Greek. Δράκαινα), which means "Dragon's female". With the cut of the trunk of Drazen, there is a red-resinous juice, which is called the "blood of two brothers" or "Cynicar", and one of the drasa is called "Cinnabre and Red".

13. The oldest tree of Russia is growing in Yakutia. This is a larch whose age is eight hundred and eighty five years old. Interestingly, it does not differ at all in large sizes. So its diameter at the human breast level is only twenty-five centimeters, and the height is not more than nine meters. Such modest dimensions are associated with complex climatic conditions At the site of growing a long-lived tree. In a year, the height of the tree increases by no more than 0.22 mm.

14. The oldest tree in Moscow. It is believed that the oldest trees of the capital are growing in Kolomna Park. The same age the tree grows in the Kuskovsky Park. This is an oak veteran. The age of all these oaks is estimated from about four hundred to six hundred years. According to some scientists, there are oaks in Kolomna Park, whose age has passed for a thousand years. One of the oldest Moscow trees is a three-hundred-year-old Iva, growing in the Botanical Garden of Moscow State University "Pharmaceutical Garden". This botanical garden is the oldest in Russia.

If you, during your upcoming summer journey, find yourself in places where the oldest trees grow on the planet grow, you can visit them and get a lot of impressions.

1. In the "forest of ancient durable pines", or the National Forest Inio, in the east of California, the most old detached tree on Earth is growing - Methuselah . By approximate estimates, it is more than 4,800 years old. It is hard to even imagine that it has already grown before the first pyramid appeared in Egypt! Visitors to the National Forest Inio can familiarize themselves with the relict pines, in abundance of ancient pines growing in this forest, but the exact location of Maluisail is not disclosed because of the fear of vandalism. Therefore, numerous tourists only have to guess what pine is the oldest on the planet of hundreds of bizarre pines growing in the forest.

2., California. Sequoia National Park. Giant is growing here. This is not only the oldest sequoia on earth, but also the highest of their fellow. Its height is 84 meters, and the grumps at the base is 31 meters. The approximate age of this giant is 2300-2700 years. Next to this gigantic living being a person seems so small and fragile! No wonder Sequoia General Sherman attracts many tourists. They describe this tree as "a huge red-orange stone, whose vertices cannot be seen." Surprisingly, this tree is still growing, admirement of approximately 1.5 centimeters in the girth annually. Near the tree Americans who loving everything to translate into numbers, on the plate were designated that 40 houses could be built out of the wood of the sequoia, and if it were to put next to the passenger train, it would be much longer. But the point is not in the large volume of wood! When tourists say that the tree grew to the king Tutankhammon, then they capture the spirit.

3. (Chinara) growing in Nagorno-Karabakh has approximately 2000 years old. The height of this is giant is 54 meters, and the trunk circle is about 27 meters. At the base of the tree, a huge hollow area of \u200b\u200babout 44 square meters, in which about a hundred people can accommodately. The size of the plane leaves reaches half a meter. Interestingly, this tree is clearly seen from the space, because Crohn Chinara has an area of \u200b\u200babout one and a half thousand square meters. The local population honors this tree as a shrine, because in the shadow of the chinar, according to legends, the most outstanding people of these places were sitting.

4. In Sant'alfio, on the slopes of Mount Etna in (Italy), the oldest chestnut in the world, which is known as "Tree hundred horses" . According to legend, under the crown of this chestnut, the Queen Aragon Queen and one hundred accompany her knights took place. This tree is the most voluminous on Earth, because the girth of his trunk is about 58 meters. The age of chestnut is definitely unknown, scientists offer different figures - from 2000 to 4000 years. Generally, it's amazing how it could be preserved this relict tree is only 8 km from the taper of the acting volcano ethna.

5. SARV-E Abar , or . It grows this tree in Iran, in the province of Yazz. This majestic cypress is perhaps the oldest living being in Asia, its age is 4-4.5 thousand years. At about the same time, the Asian artisans were invented by the wheel. It's amazing how much time has passed since the human civilization has advanced far, and in the shadow of this tree there are still tired travelers! The height of the tree is 25 meters, 18 meters in girth. The tree is a national monument and one of the most important attractions.

6. In North Wales is located on the territory of a small church. The approximate age of the tree is 4000 years old. Despite the elder age, the tree still continues to grow. In 2002, in honor of the anniversary of the Queen Elizabeth, the second, TIS was listed in the list of 50 Great Trees in Great Britain. A lot of legends and legends are folded about the tree. One thing says that under Tias dwells an evil spirit, which on Halloween is a terrible voice calls the names of those residents of the village that should die this year. Whoever believes in it can go to the village in Halloween and check the truth of the legend. For tourists all conditions have been created.

7. The oldest fir grows on the world of Fulufyallet in Sweden. She also has a name, called. This ate, even difficult to imagine, more than 9,500 years. An age was set by the radio-carbon analysis of the root system. Moreover, the current barrel Tikko is not very noteworthy, he is only a few hundred years and a tree height not more than 5 meters. Apparently, the old tree died, but the preserved roots gave a new piglet. Therefore, this fir is a real-clone tree. It has not grown out of seed, but from an ancient root. The roots of this ancient ate remember those times that we know very little about.

P on human standards almost any modern tree can be considered a long-liver. Science is accurately established that at least a thousand-year frontier has already passed since the fifty of them. In fact, such trees are much more, it simply objectively cannot be recorded in full, including the most hidden corners of the planet. And the secret in the long-lived trees there is no. They are not subject to mutations, continue to exist normally, if even part of the body will be lost, therefore live long. In addition, such forest giants, like pines, do not suffer from old age. Some, swallowing three thousand aged, grow no less active than centenary counterpart. Considering the history of durable trees, it is impossible not to mention aspens. Possessing a complex root system, it can survive even in the most adverse conditions. In the case of a powerful forest fire, when the tree is completely fade, the roots will certainly give rise to a new tree. At the same time, among the long-lived trees there are relatives and unicumes.

So in 2012 in California registered the oldest living tree in the world - Pine Multiple, Ostic (Pinus Longaeva) (on the photo on the left).

According to research scientists, its age amounted to about 5062, that is, the tree appeared before the first pyramid in Egypt. Before that, the oldest alive tree was considered growing also in the mountains of California Sosted "Mafusail", her age is 4844. Slightly older than "Mafusayl" of Pine Prometheus (Nevada, USA). This tree was cut in 1964 at the age of 4862, it relates to dead trees. Stump from the fired tree is depicted in the photo on the right.

Fitzroy cyparisovoid, or "Patagonian cypress" grows in Chile. The age of this tree-long-lived 3622 years. On the photo on the left depicted Fitzroy Cyparisovoid, whose age is 2620 years old. The tree is located in Argentina in the province of Chubut in the Los Alerces National Park.

Giant sequoia Stood next on the list of trees-stolen. The oldest one is 3266 years old. The famous Mammoth Tree "General Sherman", which lived in the light of almost 2700 years, still adds annually in tapping one and a half centimeters.

These larvity records break the clonal colonies of trees, which are a single living organism, why and are included in the list of the oldest trees. The peculiarity of clonal colonies is that they consist only of male plants and breed vegetatively, have one common ancestor and are its accurate genetic copies.

Pando trees in Utah, USA, - the most ancient poplary colony, known as "trembling giant" (in the photo on the right). It combines about 50 thousand trees with a common root system, covers an area of \u200b\u200b46 hectares. The age of the colony is 80 thousand years.

In Tasmania in the mountains of Reed, the pine colony huon covers an area of \u200b\u200b1 hectare, its age is 10,000 years, and the age of individual trees is not more than 4,000 years.

In Sweden B. National Park Fulfyallet grows the oldest clonal tree - spruce name by Old Tjikko. Although its above-ground part lives only 600 years, the age of its root system is 9550 years old. Scientists managed to detect the remains of this fir, the oldest of which was 9,500 years old. Each of them gave a new escape from which young fir rose with the same genetic code. In the same place in the mountains of Ful found 20 fir years of more than 8,000 years. In the Swedish province of Herielien, spruce is growing Ordinary old ramus, her age is 9,500 years old.

The oldest trees of the planet are the subject of pride and worship of residents of states in the territories of which they grow. Here are just some of them:

One of the oldest plants of Asia, Kiparis Sarv-E-Abarch, which is a national monument. His age of more than 4,000 years. Another name of the Zoroastrian Sarv tree. It grows in Iran, with a height of 25 meters it has a bump of 18 meters. In the photo on the left.

In Normandy (France) and Great Britain are the oldest tees whose age is about 4 thousand years. In German-Celtic mythology, these trees landed in cemeteries are considered sacred, so they survived even when there was a need for Tis wood for making large lums. In the photo of the oldest tees in Velikoy-Britain, a cemetery near the Church of St. George in the town of Crowhurst in the grace of sui.

The famous Kiparis "Senator" (photo on the left) until recently was the fifth in the ranking of the oldest trees of the planet. He was 3,500 years old when he burned down in January 2012. The cause of the fire was the bonfire diluted by vandal near the tree. The tree was considered the landmark of Florida (USA), was located in Big Tree Park.

Platan "Skostshen TNZHER" in the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh, whose age is 2000 years old, is also included in the list of the oldest trees of the planet. In its foundation there is a hollow (44 m2), which can accommodate 50 people. The trunk around the circumference is 27 meters, height exceeds 54 meters. Krone is giant extended over an area of \u200b\u200b1400 m2, it can be seen from space.

Kauri Tree "Those Matuae" ("Father Les") is ancient in New Zealand, he has 16 meters in the girth (in the photo on the left). Grows in Vaipua Forest in Nortland.

Juniper Bennett (Bennett Juniper) (photo on the right), named after Naturalist Clarence Bennett, grows in Kolifanje in Stanislaus National Forest. Every year to look at the oldest tree whose age is different from 3 to 6 thousand years old, about 1,500 people come. The diameter of the trunk of the oldest juniper 4 meters, height - 26 m, the diameter of the crown - 17 m. Scientists studied the branch that fell from the main part of the tree. Its diameter was 7 cm, she had 550 annual rings. What to talk about the age of the tree itself, the diameter of which is several times more?

The oldest olive trees grow in groves around Mediterranean SeaSome, the oldest of them, more than 2 thousand years. The dried out of the inside, they still continue to produce fruit. It is believed that the somewhat oldest olive in the Garden of the Garden in Jerusalem lived at the time of Jesus. On the photo on the left depicted olives from the Gefseman Garden.

The oldest Japanese cedar (Yakusugi) with the name Dzevel judge is growing in Japan on Yakushima Island (bottom photo). This Japanese cryptomeria (Cryptomeria Japonica) has an age of at least about 2300 years. For other estimates, the age of cryptium can be from 5000 to 7000 years. The oldest cryptomeria grows at an altitude of 1300 m above sea level on high point Islands. The tree is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Dance volume judges 300 cubic meters, height - 25.3 meters.

The ancient oak "Kongigen" in the north of Denmark, age more than 1500 years.

Ficus "Jaya Sri Mach Bodhi" in Sri Lanka, age of 2300 years.

Chestnut growing in Italy, the oldest in the world. He is about 4,000 years old. According to the legend, under this chestnut, they were able to hide from heavy rain more than a hundred years of armed knights.

This list of the oldest trees on earth can be continued. It is a pity that many trees that come to it are already dead, about the living - sometimes we are attacked by vandals.

Nature has created trees so that their appearance will be very different depending on the season, the geographical location and climate in which they grow. No tree at a certain point in time is not at all like a different tree at the same moment, and no tree at one time does not seem to be at another time.

As far as we consider the tree beautiful, depends on a number of factors. The magnificence of some trees is often coming out for the usual framework of the appearance of their fellow. They challenge the human imagination, so that we can only be surprised by elegance and beauty, which creates nature on our planet naturally. People who had the opportunity to see this tree of greatness remains to hope that these trees do not expect the same cruel end as in countless many trees who died from the unrestrained cutting of the forest feeding human greed. Moreover, the trees from our list managed to survive hundreds and thousands of years, surviving all wars, natural cataclysms and climate change and the stormy human activity.

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Tree age: from 2300 to 2700 years

General Sherman is an excellent name for wood that has the largest volume in the world. This sequoia is growing in California National Park. Its recent dimensions in 1975 showed that the volume of wood is at least 1486 cubic meters.

The height of the tree is 84 meters, and its diameter at the Earth is 31.3 meters. The age of General Sherman is estimated from 2300 to 2700 years.

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Tree age: about 3000 years

This tree of the type of Cariniana Legalis (Abarco tree) grows in Brazil. It boasts an impressive high, which is 49 meters, and the diameter of the trunk is 16 meters. The tree got such a nickname (Patriarca de Floresta - Patriarch Forests) due to the fact that it is the oldest non-coniferous tree in South America. His age is about 3000 years. This abarco is sacred, but, nevertheless, is under threat due to the widespread deforestation of forests and, as a result, the loss of habitat.

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Dzemon Suga

Tree age: from 2000 to 7000 years

Dzemon Suga is an absolute record holder in height and age in Japan. The height of this cryptium located on the island of Yakushima is 25.3 meters, and the diameter is 16.4 meters. The definition of the actual age of this tree generated a large discussion, scientists disagree in estimates from 2000 to 7000 years. The name of this tree comes from the fact that the tree refers to the Dzemon period (13 000 BC. - 300 BC) This is a huge tree is one of the reasons why the whole island Yakushima entered the UNESCO World Heritage List.

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Chestnut hundred horses

Tree age: from 3000 to 4000 years

It is considered one of the oldest trees of Europe. It is located in the eastern part of Sicily on Mount Etna. The age of chestnut is estimated at 3000-4000 years, and its diameter is 57.9 meters, this is a record among the trees. It is amazing that this tree has been preserved until today, despite the fact that it is located on the slope of the acting volcano ethna. The legend says that Giovanna I Aragon (for another version, Naapolskaya) hitting in a thunderstorm, shelled under this tree along with his retinue from a hundred knights. The foliage of this massive tree was able to ensure the shelter for each of them and their horses, hence the name of the tree "Chestnut a hundred horses".

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Tree age: about 3,600 years

Fitzrooya Cupressoides, well-known as Fitzroy, Alers or patagonian cypress, Racing 60 meters, having 5 meters in diameter. Located in the south of Chile, in 1976 this tree was declared a national monument. Fitzroy's assessment age is about 3,600 years. The regenerative ability of this evergreen tree is so high that it can only be destroyed by fire.

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Tis Llangenny

Tree age: about 4000 years

Tis, the age of which is about 4 thousand years old, grows in the village of Llangenny in Wales, in the UK. He was planted in the bronze period. The tree has many processes, and it helps him to persist, despite the fragmented root core. There is a very interesting legend associated with this tees. It is believed that annually on Halloween near Tis you can hear a voice that will predict who will die over next year. This TIS was also listed in the list of fifty great Britain trees in 2002.

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Prometheus (WPN-114)

Having an impressive age of 5 thousand years, Prometheus was one of the oldest non-clonal organisms. This pine was located in Nevada, USA, but was cut down in 1964 by graduate student Donald Curry for the US forest service research objectives. Pine had a diameter of more than 6 meters. The age of Prometheus was determined after the tree was cut down. The designation of the WPN-114 tree belongs to the same Donald Curry, as it was the 114th tree test in the framework of its research.

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Tree age: about 5000 years

The exact location of this 5000-year-old pine is classified for considerations of wood protection from vandalism. One of the prophylactic measures against harm older tree It is that there is not one of his public photography so that it is impossible to identify it. This tree is hidden among the same ancient pines National Inho Park in the White Mountains of California, this grove is called "the forest of ancient". The name Mafusail - Bible, is one of the ancestors of Noah. The first pyramid, built by Pharaoh Joser in Egypt in Sakkare, can be considered the contemporary of Mafusale. This pine until 2013 was considered the oldest non-clonal tree, but the title of Malfusale had to give an even older pine.

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Old Tikko

Tree age: about 9500 years

Do not allow the appearance of this tree to mislead you, old trees should not always look ambitious. This Norwegian fir, having an unassuming appearance, has an age of 9,500 years. Located in Fulufiellue, Sweden, this tree, as believed, was part of a clonal colony, since individual trees do not live so long. The tree was called 'Old Tikko' by his primary leuffer Kullman in honor of his deceased dog - Siberian Husky.

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Age of Colony Osin: about 80,000 years

Pando is an 80000-year-old clonal colony Osin, located in Utah, USA. Also known as "trembling giant". Grove consisting of 50,000 trees occupies an area of \u200b\u200b42 hectares and its approximate weight is about 6,200 tons. Latin meaning of the word Pando - "I'm increasing", the name is very well suited to this living organism, he needed thousands of years to increase to today's sizes. The network of roots of this tree is deeply in the ground, new shoots are rocked, pleasant trees are restored, etc. Pando is protected from forest fires Due to the successful location and therefore the tree can be considered almost invulnerable.

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It was an article Top 10 oldest trees in the world. Thanks for attention!