Why are there few trees in old photographs? The oldest tree in Russia. Spruce from Sweden

It is no secret that trees live several times longer than humans, and their age often exceeds several hundred years. Few people even think of the idea that there are plants that took root in the ground long before creation. Egyptian pyramids and have experienced the rise and fall of more than one human civilization.

Scientists have absolutely established that on our planet there are about fifty trees whose age exceeds a thousand years. If you really look at the situation, there are actually much more such plants, since many of them are located in hard-to-reach areas, and it is actually not easy to conduct an examination of all known specimens, taking into account their number.

The uneven asphalt, absorbing mud pools along the edges, provides shock absorbers for carefully passing vehicles. Majority local residents no umbrellas. It doesn't look like it's raining, or they're enjoying the last drops of rain that will soon be replaced by snowflakes.

“This is what we look like this summer,” says a smiling Nikolai, a taxi driver. “Welcome to Nizhnevartovsk,” he says with slight irony. The history of the town, which was in the nineteenth century in the dock with several wooden houses, was linked to its catchment area, in the collective farm of the twentieth century.

1. In the “Forest of Ancient Long-lived Pines,” or Inyo National Forest, in eastern California, grows the oldest free-standing tree on Earth - Methuselah. According to rough estimates, its age is more than 4800 years. It’s hard to even imagine that it was already growing before the first pyramid appeared in Egypt! Visitors to the Inyo National Forest can view the relict pines that grow in abundance in this forest of ancient pines, but the exact location of Methuselah is not disclosed due to fear of vandalism. Therefore, many tourists only have to guess which pine tree is the oldest on the planet out of hundreds of bizarre pines growing in the forest.

After the discovery of the largest oil field in Russia, which was called Samotlor, Nizhnevartovsk became the home of Soviet oil workers. Currently, the city of three hundred thousand is proud of its oil history. On its edge is the Memorial to the Prophets of Samotlor, in the form of a giant perspective that raises a bowl eternal flame On sky.

It is customary for newlyweds to take straight from the wedding hall to photograph the historically first oil well in the region. A billboard of candidates from United Russia appears there. It's already Sunday, but it's hard to understand on the streets. Along the river there are shabby two-story houses that remember Stalin. In front of the street, behind the blurry blues, are five-story chests.

2. Prometheus (also known as WPN-114) is one of the oldest trees in the world, growing in an area near the forest boundary of Wheeler Peak Mountain (Nevada, USA). The approximate age of the tree is 4862 years, and it is possible that Prometheus is more than 5000 years old. The tree belonged to the species Intermontane bristlecone pine (Pinus longaeva).

In the 1950s, efforts were actively made to search for ancient trees, since their rings were needed for scientific purposes, establishing climate conditions in the past geological epochs. As a result, in 1964, with the consent of the US Forest Service, the tree was cut down and divided into parts, which were sent to various places for research.

There are crunchy ones between them shopping centers and small shops, as if waiting for someone to build five more floors to grow into the surrounding buildings. The panel house in Nizhneartovsk has its own local characteristics, which are not entirely typical for Russia. Lenin without Lenin and Felix twice.

The artery of life in the city is Lenin's class, as perhaps in all Russian and former Soviet cities. But you won't find a statue of the leader of the communist revolution in the city. In two places you will “meet” the founder of the Soviet secret service, Felix Dzerzhinsky. Not only does he have a statue, but he also has a street right across from the local police headquarters. The memorial to a resident of Dzerzhinsky here, paradoxically, was brought up during Gorbachev’s perestroika.

3. USA, California. National Park Sequoia. The General Sherman giant sequoia grows here. This is not only the oldest sequoia on Earth, but also the tallest of its fellows. Its height is 84 meters, and its girth at the base is 31 meters. The approximate age of this giant is 2300-2700 years. Next to this gigantic living creature, a person seems so small and fragile! No wonder the General Sherman sequoia attracts many tourists. They describe the tree as "a huge red-orange rock, the tops of which cannot be seen." Surprisingly, this tree is still growing, adding approximately 1.5 centimeters in girth every year. Sequoia wood could be used to build 40 houses, but if it were placed next to by passenger train, then it would have been much longer!

The city is mostly on sand covered with swamps. The origins and roots of the residents of Nizhnevartovsk resemble a crowd of poisonous flies that mercilessly, even in the rain, poison people’s lives. “I remember when we were young, we went to the swamp near our house to collect tutusa, and now they are covered with sand, and in their place there is an apartment building,” recalls a forty-year-old local resident.

Residents of Nizhnevartovsk do not recognize the desert architectural pastime. “Our city is still young, and all the cities in the Russian North, because they are young, look similar,” says Anastasy Sebelev, head of the department of philology and mass communications at Nizhnevartovsk State University.

4. The Skhtorashen plane tree (plane tree), growing in Nagorno-Karabakh, is approximately 2000 years old. The height of this giant is 54 meters, and the length of the trunk circumference is about 27 meters. At the base of the tree there is a huge hollow with an area of ​​about 44 square meters, which can easily accommodate several dozen people! The size of plane tree leaves reaches half a meter. Local population reveres this tree as a shrine, because, according to legend, the most prominent people of these places sat in the shade of the plane tree.

She calls herself a great patriot; she has never thought about emigrating. According to her, Siberia is a place where people want to live on a voluntary basis today. Minus 40, that’s mine,” says one of her colleagues with a smile. For ten years, journalism has not been taught at the University of Lower Karlovy Vary. “We specialize in economic journalism and media operations.” As the city developed, local media emerged, requiring qualified specialists, says the head of the department.

Young Siberian journalists would like to break the curse that modern Russian journalism is under. They understand that there is not enough truth in the Russian media. This reverses the stereotype that Russians east of Moscow uncritically embrace state media production.

5. In Sant'Alfio, on the slopes of Mount Etna in Sicily (Italy), grows the world's oldest chestnut tree, which is known as the "Tree of a Hundred Horses." According to legend, the Queen of Aragon and a hundred knights accompanying her took refuge from the rain under the crown of this chestnut tree. This tree is the most voluminous on Earth, because the girth of its trunk is about 58 meters. The age of the chestnut is unknown; scientists offer different figures - from 2000 to 4000 years. In general, it’s amazing how this relict tree could survive just 8 km from the vent active volcano Etna.

I asked the students why they chose journalism and they told me that journalism nowadays is too commercial, that there are a lot of fools in the media, that some social problems are hidden or that they talk too biased, that they want to become journalists to tell people the truth , explains the motivation of the lecturer.

However, she does not share this point of view. And this is more conservative than future Siberian journalists. In the beginning there was only a miniature seed that fell from the tree-earth cone into ashes forest fire. In the end, a giant organization protected by the environment emerged as a silent chronicler of the world, observing the rolling waves of time.

6. Sarv-e Abar-Kuh, or “Zoroastrian Sarv”. This tree grows in Iran, in the province of Yazd. This majestic cypress is perhaps the oldest living creature in Asia, its age is 4-4.5 thousand years. Around the same time, the wheel was invented by Asian artisans. It’s amazing how much time has passed since how far human civilization has advanced, and tired travelers can still rest in the shade of this tree! The height of the tree is 25 meters, 18 meters in girth.

The oldest continuation is 2.5 thousand

The Forests chose this monumental tree as a symbol of their 25th anniversary. From there, people like ornamental trees spread throughout the world. The oldest sequel known as General Sherman's national park The redwood tree in California is 2.5 thousand years old and over 80 meters tall.

It was from the cones that the seeds of the memorable sequoia trees in the Kunratice Forest were grown in seedlings this year. Not only Prague people can plant their “mammoth” among the trees in their garden. “A redwood tree is best remembered in a symbolic place where the tree will witness important events, such as the birth of a child or a life anniversary,” advised Petra Fischerová.

7. A yew from the village of Hyangernyf in north Wales is located in the grounds of a small church. The approximate age of the tree is 4000 years. Despite its advanced age, the tree still continues to grow. In 2002, in honor of Queen Elizabeth II's Jubilee, the yew was included in the list of the 50 Great Trees of Great Britain.

8. The oldest spruce grows on Mount Fulufjallet in Sweden. It also has a name, they call it Tikko spruce. This spruce, it’s hard to even imagine, is more than 9,500 years old. The age of the spruce was determined by radiocarbon dating of the root system. Moreover, the current trunk of Tikko is not very remarkable, it is only a few hundred years old and the tree is no more than 5 meters high. Apparently, the old tree died, but the surviving roots gave rise to new growth. Therefore, this spruce is a true clone tree. It grew not from a seed, but from an ancient rhizome. The roots of this ancient spruce remember those times about which we know very little.

Seedlings that you buy for 150 CZK

However, it is also important to have the right conditions for the giant tree. It should also have plenty of room for future growth, so it is not recommended that it bet on other mighty trees. The tree does not mind dry soil, quite the opposite, so be careful not to afforest the tree. They then went to the seminary factory in Tõnštět nad Orlica, where they were matured and sipped.

If you want to plant a grateful keeper of your family's history in your garden, you can go to several places in Prague to do so. Other unique trees grow in the metropolis. For example, in Prague 10 he is a dumbbell. The homeless man turned Prague railway station​​to the garden! And the Secret of the Mysterious Fence was revealed.

9. Dragon trees, age 7-9 thousand years. An old Indian legend says that a long time ago, in the Arabian Sea on the island of Socotra, not far from Yemen, there lived a bloodthirsty dragon who attacked elephants and drank their blood. But one day an old and strong elephant fell on the dragon and crushed it. Their blood mixed and wet the ground around them. In this place, trees grew called dracaenas (ancient Greek δράκαινα), which translated means “female dragon.” When the trunk of a dracaena is cut, a red resinous juice emerges, which is called “the blood of two brothers” or “cinnabar,” and one of the dracaenas is called “cinnabar-red.”

At first glance, you cannot even understand that this is a strange house. It has the impression of a natural connection between two much taller five-story neighboring buildings. However, if you look closer, you will find that the small shirt and jeans store has its own identity.

Over time, the shoe repair shop that has been here since the turn of the century became a children's goods store, and today there is a men's clothing store. It's hot, you're not by the sea, but in the center of Paris on the sunny Trocadéro. In addition to the numerous snack stalls, you can opt for other cooling options and then head to the Aquarium just a few meters away Eiffel Tower. You are not even a scuba diver and you have witnessed an incredibly diverse palette of colors of about 10,000 fish and fish of strange shapes and colors, the sharpness and richness of nature brought to perfection.

13. The oldest tree in Russia grows in Yakutia. This is a larch tree that is eight hundred and eighty-five years old. Interestingly, it is not at all large in size. So its diameter at the level of a person’s chest is only twenty-five centimeters, and its height is no more than nine meters. Such modest sizes are associated with complex climatic conditions in the place where the long-lived tree grows. The height of the tree increases by no more than 0.22 mm per year.

14. The oldest tree in Moscow. It is believed that the oldest trees in the capital grow in Kolomensky Park. A tree of the same age grows in Kuskovsky Park. This is a veteran oak. All these oak trees are estimated to be between four hundred and six hundred years old. According to some scientists, in Kolomensky Park there are oak trees whose age has exceeded a thousand years. One of the oldest Moscow trees is considered to be a three-hundred-year-old willow, growing in the botanical garden of Moscow State University "Apothecary Garden". This botanical garden is the oldest in Russia.

The curiosity of the aquarium is the so-called "tunnel", which strokes the tunnel, which makes you feel strange when you walk. Straight sharks swim above their heads as if they were in the water. It's just that the feeling of drought calms down, fortunately there is a barrier between you and the swimming sharks. The reservoir, where 26 sharks fly, among other fish, holds 3 million liters of water, the largest in France.

At the end of the tour you cannot leave without a pause the “Basin des lasses”, this is a shallow pool where you can get your hands wet and touch various fish, some of them are literally affectionate and come to dry their hands. Those who return to Paris again may be seduced by curiosity and the discovery of the many beauties around Paris.

Forests are one of the most valuable resources of our vast Motherland. Forest occupies about 45% of the territory and accounts for about 24% of the entire planet's reserves. The most common forests in Russia are coniferous trees, such as larch, pine, spruce and cedar. But in the European part, deciduous and mixed ones are still more common.

It is known that many trees live several times longer than humans, but few people think that there are plants that took root long before the creation of the Egyptian pyramids and survived the rise and fall of more than one human civilization.

It is a place of friendly exchanges between artists and the public, a modern complex that hosts concerts, plays, exhibitions, design, contemporary art, sports and dance performances. People freely participate in various exercises and movement variations. All ages have no problem trying to do hip hop. A group of young girls who are preparing to dance on the floor sit in the hallway listening to rap songs a little further away. In a room with a high ceiling in the corner, a girl screams to her partner, the threats gone from her eyes.

After a while you realize that they are doing the theater scene. On the dance floor, a boy and a girl sit opposite each other and eat a huge pizza. A very pleasant, inspiring and relaxed atmosphere makes this place a valuable destination for all cultures and genres. Mayflies live barely a day, a human can survive for a century, and how long does a body live on Earth? Scientists tested this and found that determining the age of the oldest species can be a difficult task. Most seem to be long lasting wood.

It is precisely established that on our planet there are about 50 trees whose age exceeds the 1000-year mark. In reality, there are much more such plants, since many of them are located in hard-to-reach areas, and it is not possible to carry out their examination.

The oldest tree on the planet is the bristlecone pine, which grows in California's Inyo National Forest. The tree is about 5000 years old. To protect him, information about his exact location is not disclosed.

Tony Kirkham of the Royal botanical garden in London, admits that it often determines their age as detective work. View among others Archival records, records documenting the age of trees. - We also consider images and graphics of the era in which the data tree can be immortalized.

In addition, it is possible to estimate the age of a tree based on the amount of grain on the trunk, but this is not so simple for two reasons: firstly, not all species correspond to a bank that is one year old, and the second century can thus only be considered after cutting. But there is a way to prevent trees from being cut down - researchers can use a special drill that sticks in the trunk. This method, however, is complex and requires great precision. To restore them, it was decided to cut down the tree. All this was a terrible pity for the tree, but thanks to chance I gained a lot of new knowledge,” says the head of the arboretum.

One of the oldest trees in our country is the Grunwald oak, growing in the Kaliningrad region; the tree is more than 800 years old. Among the two dozen oldest trees in Russia, there is an oak in Chuvashia aged 480 years, a 400-year-old oak on the Don and a 700-year-old plane tree in Dagestan. In addition, in Yakutia, scientists discovered an entire area of ​​Cajander larches (Larix cajanderi), among which more than a dozen trees are aged from 750 to 885 years.

But, he added, he has since discovered species just as old and ancient. A team of American scientists maintain a list of the oldest trees in the world that are still alive. However, the oldest trees, and probably also the oldest living organisms on Earth, live in California, the Great Basin, on the slopes of the White Mountains. We are talking about old-growth pines. The exact location of the tree in the forest is not given, so that no one can damage the pine tree.

In the same forest a few years ago they discovered an even older pine tree that had not been caused. Both have survived, among others, long-lived pine trees from the time of the Roman Empire and the construction of the Egyptian pyramids. In ancient times, people valued old trees and especially powerful ones, which they considered sacred. Love for forests and birches is manifested in Everyday life, songs and passages. It was believed that in the groves as sacred places there were healing powers, which gave and restored life. The Festival of Trees was known for many traditions.

However, the latest methods of dating the age of trees suggest that the longest-lived of all trees on Earth are TISS s.

Yews are relics that reached their maximum development in the Tertiary period; now they are extremely rare and scattered. The genus yew belongs to the yew family and includes 8 species growing mainly in the Northern Hemisphere: Europe, Asia, North America.

In Russia, yew is represented by two types: berry yew (also known as common or European - Taxus baccata) - grows in the Caucasus, Kaliningrad region. both in the Crimea, and yew spiky - grows in the Khabarovsk and Primorsky territories.

In the Khosta area near Sochi on Black Sea coast Caucasus, there is a yew-boxwood grove in which 600-1000-year-old yew trees grow.

Abroad, the age of the oldest yew in Scotland in Fortingall is estimated at nine thousand years. In England, in the county of Kent, there grows a yew tree with a diameter of 490 cm. When the pyramids were built in Egypt, this yew was already a quite decent mature tree.

One of the oldest yew trees in Central Europe is considered to be a tree growing near Czech city Havliczuv Bord, its height is up to 25 meters, and its age is more than 2000 years.

Perhaps the tallest and oldest yew in the Caucasus currently growing is the Adjarian yew in Georgia. Its height is 32.5 meters, its trunk diameter is 2.5 meters, its age is about 4000 years.

It can be difficult to accurately determine the age of yew trees. After four hundred to five hundred years of life, the trunk becomes hollow, and it is impossible to calculate the life time from the annual rings. The main parameters in such cases, which make it possible to estimate the lifespan of trees, are their height and trunk diameter.

In the mountains of Crimea, yews usually do not rise above a thousand meters above sea level (the tree does not like frost). Prefers soils that are fresh, nutritious, rich in lime - dolomites, limestones, marls.

Knowing the barbaric nature of some bipeds, yews climb into deserted places and are reluctant to let erect walkers approach them. These relics can be found in secluded places on the southern steep slopes of the Main Ridge under the canopy of beech and hornbeam forests.

The first time we discovered two relict trees was completely by accident, having lost our way in the mountains near Sevastopol.

Every time we returned to this place, a new, more ancient giant was revealed to us again and again. It was as if the trees were making sure that we did not want to harm them.

On the 5th or 6th time of our visit, a real ancient beauty was revealed to us. Height - 18-19 m, diameter - 104 cm (circumference - 3 m 25 cm), which means that The relic is about 2000 years old!

The tree is not hollow, healthy and strong. It seemed to us that this was the limit!

And imagine our surprise when the next time the patriarch of this grove revealed himself to us. Judging by its height - 24-25 meters and trunk diameter - 130 cm (circumference 4m 07cm) this tree is 2500-3000 (two and a half - three thousand) years old!

This is the oldest tree in Russia! Its age is 2500-3000 years


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Yew (Yew) - Tree of Resurrection, Tree of Eternity. From the book “Celtic Wisdom of Trees.” Jane Gifford ©.

Tiss guards the gate between this life and the future life, and also protects people from the evil spirits of the heavenly world. Since ancient times, the yew, as the sacred Tree of Immortality, has been associated with burial sites, where it protects and purifies the dead. In Brittany they believe that cemetery yews are connected by their roots to the mouth of each of the bodies resting around them. The ancient custom of placing yew branches under the shroud of the deceased was considered a means of protecting the immortal soul of the deceased on the way to the Underworld. In ancient Greece and Rome, the yew was dedicated to Hecate, whose cult spread all the way to Scotland. The potion bubbling in the famous witches' cauldron from Shakespeare's Macbeth contains yew shoots "gathered during a lunar eclipse." Hamlet's uncle, in order to kill the king, pours poisonous, “twice deadly yew” into his ear.

The Irish Ollavs revered the yew more than any other tree. The yew, like the tree of life and death, was called “The Glory of Banba.” The ancient Celts gave yew other names. The name "Enchantment of Knowledge" speaks for itself, and the name "Royal Ring" is said to refer to a brooch that symbolized the changing cycles of existence. The brooch was worn by the rulers of the Celts to constantly remind them of the inevitability of death and subsequent rebirth. The yew was a symbol of the changing of these cycles.

The Druids believed that yew was able to overcome the boundaries of time. In the rituals of the Druids, the yew personified a high degree of priesthood, called Ovate. To be initiated into Ovate, the aspirant had to go through a symbolic death in order to be reborn with new knowledge that has no boundaries and is beyond time. Thus, the yew became a means of direct communication with the ancestors and the kingdom of the spirit, where angels and intercessors live who can help each of us

The mystical aura surrounding the yew further strengthened the belief in its magical power. And the formation of prejudices was helped by the inherent fear of death in all people and the use of yew as a weapon and deadly poison.

In many legends, yew appears as a symbol of unhappy love, when lovers are united only by death (the legend of Tristan and Isolde).

Like a tree whose lifespan not only exceeds the lifespan of other trees, but also overlaps most history of people, yew serves as a symbol of the highest wisdom.

For christian church The yew became the tree of resurrection - a symbol of Jesus Christ rising from the tomb after the crucifixion.

Thiess talks about the brevity of human life and how most of our affairs are short-lived and eventually turn out to be untenable. And the last, general lesson of yew and the pinnacle of our spiritual path is the understanding that death is more significant than all other events of our existence.

Warning: All parts of yew are extremely poisonous!
Yew secretes a deadly poison that was coated on arrowheads, making the arrows doubly lethal. The poison is absorbed literally in minutes. In small doses, it slows the heartbeat, can cause collapse and cause gastroenteritis. Even in small doses, the poison can lead to sudden death. The poison is distributed evenly throughout the plant, and the older the needles, the more poisonous it is.

Wild yew berry is protected throughout the world. As an ancient relic and a unique natural monument, it deserves the most careful protection and breeding; the plant is listed in the Red Book of Russia, its damage is strictly prohibited.