The blue whale is the largest animal in the world. The perfect way to grow long and fluffy eyelashes at home! Suitable for everyone

The largest animals in the world's oceans, blue whales, reach truly gigantic sizes - up to 33 meters, and these giants can weigh more than 150 tons. For comparison, let's say that 50 weigh the same. For its active existence, an animal requires 1 million calories every day. The blue whale belongs to the (genus minke whale), its typical diet is small fish, crustaceans, cephalopods, plankton and krill.

Finding this amount of food is not difficult if you know where there are a lot of crustaceans. In the so-called “feeding fields”, where the concentration of plankton is highest, several whales can be seen at once, although they usually do not gather more than 3 individuals in a group.

Blue whales are distributed throughout the world's oceans from the Arctic to the Antarctic, and several subspecies are distinguished:

  • northern;
  • southern;
  • dwarf;
  • Indian.

The first two species prefer cool ocean waters, while the dwarf and Indian species are found in tropical seas. Leading a solitary lifestyle, these mammals have developed their own original way of communication. Sometimes adults form small groups, although even in such small communities they stay apart.

Big blue whale does not have a sensitive sense of smell, and is also practically blind, but he manages to communicate through “singing”. Calling sounds are made by males during the mating season. This singing is more like an eerie howl that can be heard at a distance of 1600 km. Females also sometimes communicate, but only with their young. According to scientists, blue whales analyze the sounds they receive, since this is the only way for them to communicate with the outside world. In addition, the intelligence and intelligence of these animals is noted.

For many years, blue whales were exterminated by humans. For the sake of obtaining whalebone, fat and meat, people hunted these giants, reducing the population by 100 times. At the beginning of the 20th century, uncontrolled fishing led to the fact that there are now no more than 1,500 individuals left on the planet. Scientists' forecasts are disappointing: this type can no longer be saved from disappearing from the face of the Earth. IN North Atlantic on this moment There are no more than 100 adult whales.

Their extinction continues due to waste dumping into the ocean, oil leaks and active human intervention in nature. Too slow natural growth greatly inhibits the renewal of the population, and keeping it in artificial conditions is impossible due to the size of the mammal.

Hello girls! I can’t help but brag – I was able to turn my short and scanty eyelashes into real “fans”! At home! Here's the result:

This is not an extension! My real eyelashes, without mascara and other “tricks” - just as they are! Impressive?

So, my story:

I believe that the main emphasis in makeup should be on the eyes - you don’t need to use lipstick, but without good mascara you are just a gray mouse. Therefore, from the age of 15, I wore full war paint and was terribly embarrassed by the thought that someone could see me without makeup. Often I used inexpensive mascaras and curled my eyelashes with tweezers. In general, by the age of 22 I have them pretty well thinned out, became thin and weak.

Then it came into fashion build-up, and I got hooked. AND a year later, my eyelashes were in a completely catastrophic state. Even good mascara didn't solve the problem. My eyelashes became short and kept falling out...

On the Internet I found many ways to restore my former beauty: oils, expensive serums, massage, vitamin and mineral complexes. I tried a lot of things, and here are the conclusions I came to:

  • Castor oil– it stings my eyes terribly and causes serious irritation. I even had to go to an ophthalmologist, who destroyed the established stereotype - the use of natural oils for eyelashes FORBIDDEN! A burn to the retina may occur! 1 point out of 5. Don't risk your health!

  • Vitamins- undoubtedly, necessary thing! After a course of treatment, hair grows better, and, sorry, not only on the head - hair removal has to be done more often. But on the eyelashes it's DOES NOT WORK! That's why, 1 point for eyelashes, 5 points – for health.

  • Special massage– pros: simple and free. Disadvantages: it takes time, you have to do it regularly and God knows how to do it correctly (you can injure your eye)! I gave up two days later. I DO NOT RECOMMEND! 1 point out of 5!

  • Serums for eyelash growth- There are expensive ones, like Estee Lauder, and there are also cheap, nameless ones from the pharmacy. I tried about 5. The maximum result was that the eyelashes stopped falling out and sticking out in different directions. Not bad, but it did not affect the growth of eyelashes. The density hasn't changed at all! If you have naturally doll-like eyelashes, this could be good remedy care, but no more! I'm wearing this DOES NOT WORK! Therefore, I bet 3 points out of 5.

My savior and favorite - eyelash growth gel

I accidentally came across a discussion of this product on the Internet, on Instagram from a popular beauty blogger. The girls vied with each other to praise and share their results. One of them, after removing her extensions on her own, had her eyelashes torn out on half of her eyelid. A in the photo a month later - gorgeous, fluffy eyelashes of incredible length! I was impressed! Although my faith in salvation was slightly undermined by unsuccessful experiments, I decided and ordered PLATINUS V on the official website. I’ll say right away - now there are many resellers who sell the product at an inflated price or bring a fake from China. Don't take risks! I will share the link to the official website at the end of the article.

PLATINUS V came to me a week later by mail. I ordered without prepayment, cash on delivery. Convenient and reliable. Everything is neatly packaged, the tube looks like mascara. The gel is odorless. The brush picks up exactly as much product as needed - the gel does not drip, does not smear and is quickly absorbed. Eyelash growth product PLATINUS V consists entirely of natural ingredients. I’m not particularly keen, but that’s what they say on the official website, and my ophthalmologist approved it. Does not cause discomfort to the eyes. Apply twice a day, morning and evening. I discovered another way - to apply PLATINUS V as a base for mascara. Eyelashes immediately look thicker - here's a life hack :)

After a week of use, my eyelashes stopped falling out completely! Even when you wash your face or rub your eyes, your eyelashes are in place. In another week became noticeable to the naked eye - The eyelashes have grown on the lower eyelid, and new ones have appeared on the top. When you see your eyelashes every day, you don’t really notice the difference, but by the end of the month I compared the “before” and “after” photos, and I was stunned! Heaven and earth! Eyelashes have become twice as thick! And so long that they reach the eyebrows! If after the PLATINUS V course my natural eyelashes began to look like a doll, then with mascara it’s just space!!! Even my boyfriend noticed the changes, and a friend asked where I got eyelash extensions so neatly and naturally. No way! No more extensions - I myself, at home, can achieve results no worse! :)

That's the story, girls! Now I use the gel to maintain the result, a couple of times a week. I got all my girlfriends hooked on this product and I have a feeling that we will soon put hair extension salons out of business - who will go to them now)))

As promised, I am sharing with you

I recommend you try it! This is the simplest, cheapest and effective method grow gorgeous doll eyelashes for everyone! Helps everyone without exception! Tested by our girl gang :)

Blue whale with baby.

The world of large organisms is amazing, and anyone who wants to know what the largest animal on the planet is sometimes faces a dilemma. The first thing that comes to mind is to remember the largest inhabitants of the oceans and African prairies. What secrets does nature and its inhabitants hide from people... The largest organisms ever discovered on Earth are determined in accordance with the following criteria: mass, height, volume, length, or even genome.

And yet I would like to know what organisms, namely the largest animals, inhabit planet Earth. The largest organism living in the ocean is the Blue Whale, let's find out more about it... It appeared millions of years ago, but scientists have not studied this animal thoroughly, and to this day research is being conducted on the marine life of large mammals. From the article you will learn what the largest Blue Whale looks like and how much it weighs, how it spends its time and what it eats. You will have an idea of ​​some of the features of his body.

Among land animals, a representative of the African elephant species, the Savannah Elephant, is considered a giant. We will talk about the external characteristics, weight and size, about the life of an elephant and how it adapts to natural conditions.

The largest animals in the world. Photo and description of the blue whale and African elephants.

Appearance and dimensions

The world's largest sea creature, the blue or blue whale, is also the largest when compared with land animals. The size of the ocean giant can be compared to the height of a 9-story building. Length blue whale reaches 30 meters, and weighs more than 145 tons! Sometimes they reach a weight of 200 tons, a staggering size! Despite the fact that the whale practically lives on a diet of small krill, its size is growing every day. A newly born blue whale weighs about 3 tons, at first he feeds on milk, but very quickly switches to regular food.

The skin color of this species of whale is gray-blue, and in sea water it appears blue. The slender and elongated body is “decorated” with barely noticeable gray spots, and under the whale’s lower jaw there are numerous folds (about 70 pieces). The whale's wide head tapers slightly toward the end, acquiring an oval shape; small eyes are located very close to the mouth. The respiratory organ is located at the end of the head and looks like two holes, through which whales can release a fountain when they approach the surface of the water. The whale has very narrow fins, one of which is located closer to the powerful tail. The belly of the whale is colored yellowish.

Where do Blue whales live?

Distribution area blue whales minke whales – the entire world ocean. There are subspecies - the southern right whale, the northern right whale, and the right whale, they differ in size and habitat. There is also an Indian whale that lives in the waters of the Indian Ocean and tropical seas, unlike the first two species, which prefer cold waters and currents. The whale is the largest animal marine mammal, which, having matured, feeds on plankton, krill and is absolutely not dangerous for large fish and humans .

Features of the owner of the seas

The largest, heaviest and loudest representative of the animal kingdom deserves special honors and discussions, which we will now do. This amazing mammal can stay awake for up to 3 months and lead an active lifestyle, and the whale can go without eating food for six months. These enduring qualities have helped the whale survive for millions of years, and its prehistoric past likely influenced its degree of survival in difficult conditions. The speed that the sea giant accelerates, anticipating danger, reaches 30 km per hour. But, unfortunately, the great blue whale moves slower than killer whales.

Whales are strange animals, they are warm-blooded, but can stay in cold waters for a long time. Their body is similar to the normal body of a cat or dog, but much larger and adapted to life in water. When a whale inhales, its lungs can be filled with 3,000 liters of air, which allows it to dive to a depth of 500 meters. They communicate using ultrasounds, sometimes so loud that being close to them can be seriously frightening. Whales do not have a sense of smell or clear vision, but communication through sound vibrations helps them find each other. The whale takes particular pleasure in staying alone, sometimes in pairs, but what the special “secret” is is not yet clear.

The most interesting thing is that it is not yet possible to weigh a huge whale with accuracy, and it is possible to determine the weight of a blue whale only in parts. The female blue whale is always heavier than the male and can weigh about 180 tons. It is also known that the heart of a blue whale weighs up to 2000 kilograms, which is almost the size of a car. The tail is compared to the wing of an airplane, and the tongue of a blue whale is compared to the size of an elephant! True, the pharynx is not at all comparable to such huge parameters - the diameter of the throat is only 10 cm. It is capable of producing loud, but low-frequency sounds, called infrasounds. This is how they exchange information with relatives and learn about danger or simply communicate.

The blue whale is the largest animal in the world.

Scientists can detect a minke whale at a distance of about 200 km if it makes a vocal call. Blue whales are the loudest animals on the planet. They use voice signals not only for communication. A loud voice with a vibrational impulse, together with excellent hearing, helps whales survive and navigate in dark places at depth. Scientists assume so. And whales hear each other at a distance of up to 1600 km.

By the way, The blue whale lives even longer than many people, with an average lifespan of 70-90 years.

What does the Blue Whale eat?

They feed on small crustaceans, krill, they are able to swallow and big fish, but this is most likely an accident. The main diet consists of plankton - small organisms and krill. During the season, a blue whale can eat about 4 tons of plankton! And then not eat for several days, resting and cruising the ocean.

The blue whale has antennae; they are located in the mouth instead of teeth, which is why it is also called a baleen whale. Through them, the mammal absorbs food and filters out debris, helping itself with its massive tongue.

Each of the baleen plates is black and covered with fringe. The length of the plate or tendril is about a meter, and the width is 50 cm. The whisker weighs up to 90 kg, this is the weight of an adult man, it’s hard to even imagine. The fringe on the antennae of a large whale is quite rigid, which makes it possible to eat larger crustaceans and even medium-sized fish.

How does a baleen whale absorb food? First, he swallows water, opening his mouth wide and moving his lip away. But the whale does not need water and excess garbage, so it filters its food through fringed plates. At the same time, the blue whale pushes the water back with its tongue, and the crustaceans remain in the mouth and are swallowed, ending up in the stomach. A thousand small shrimp, crustaceans and other plankton end up in the whale’s belly.


Sexual maturity in females and males presumably occurs from 5 to 15 years of age. If a female becomes pregnant, there are several embryos in her womb at once, but only one survives, the rest are absorbed. This is characteristic of some land animals.

Pregnancy for a female whale lasts a year, after this time a baby emerges from the womb, so to speak, about 8 meters in size. The female blue whale gets better while nursing the calf, as she needs to be given about 90 liters of milk per day. Due to the exceptional fat content of milk, the nutrients help the baby quickly gain weight within 7 months and conquer the ocean as an adult whale. During this time, the baby does not receive any other food other than milk; he gains strength and sets off on a free voyage after 12 months.

Major Research

The first study dates back to 1694, when the Scottish naturalist Sibbald first described the huge mammal blue whale. That's why the blue whale is still called Sibbald's minke whale.

The next breakthrough in studying the life of blue whales was made by Carl Linnaeus, a naturalist from Sweden. In his work “System of Nature,” the scientist gives the name to the whale as a species – musculus, which from Latin can be interpreted in two ways. This word means "muscular" or "mousy". It was rumored that it was a joke by Linnaeus when he called such a giant of the seas a mouse. But they still assume that “muscular” is the best fit for a slender and large animal, because the mass of a blue whale is the exact opposite of the size of a mouse.

Further research on the whale became more productive and revealed some shortcomings. For example, the fact that the blue whale cannot in any way be called a broad-nosed whale, as it was depicted in a British book dating back to 1834. Studying a marine mammal is not so easy, since the whale moves quite quickly and hardly rests, presumably leading a diurnal lifestyle.

But since the end of the 19th century, scientists have managed to get much closer to the life of these marvelous giants of the ocean. Whale has come up with many names that are true in any case and accurately describe the giant. It was also called the yellow-bellied in the 19th century because it was discovered that its belly was covered with a coating of algae. The largest animal on earth eventually acquired the popular name “blue whale.” This name spread throughout the world and came into use as the name of the largest and most unusual “fish” on the planet. In English, the Blue Whale is called Blue Whale - pronounced “blue whale” or “bluevale”, so in Russian you can find the name Blyuval.

Existential threats

It’s a pity that such huge and harmless animals are on the verge of extinction, and all “thanks” to environmental pollution and numerous whaling organizations. They are all looking for profit in catching a blue whale - this means tons of meat and fat that they can sell or eat themselves. The blue whale is listed in the International Red Book and is protected. Currently, conservation efforts are underway to increase the population of whales in the ocean, but since 1960 the number has only increased by 5,000 individuals.

Man is the main enemy of the owner of the ocean. In addition to humans, there are dangers for cetaceans that lead to population extinction:

  • Ocean water pollution;
  • Sonar systems and military vessels that interrupt the voices of whales;
  • Killer whales that hunt whales.

As for killer whales, in appearance they cannot be called dangerous animals at all, but, nevertheless, they attack and they are a threat to the whale. Attacking in flocks of 20-30 killer whales, sea hunters drive the blue whale to the bottom, where it cannot survive without air for long. The salvation may be the whale's sexual partner, who is nearby, but killer whales are smart and try to take the whale alone by surprise. The most interesting thing is that killing killer whales is based on the desire to eat a certain part of the whale’s body - its tongue, and not the meat itself. The tongue of a blue whale weighs as much as a whole animal and contains many nutrients.

The savannah elephant is the largest animal on land.

Most likely you are wondering how much does an African elephant weigh? African ( Loxodonta africana) The elephant is considered the largest land animal on the planet. It is also called the Savannah Elephant and it is many times smaller than the blue whale, but larger than other representatives of the animal world.

The height of the African elephant reaches 4 meters and length – 7 m. The weight of the African elephant is about 10 tons. The largest elephant and the largest animal in the world is a male elephant weighing over 12 tons. The elephant was shot in Angola and entered into the Guinness Book of Records.

Proboscis mammals appeared on the planet 2 million years ago; at the moment there are three species of elephants - Savannah, Forest and Indian elephants. Elephants are the only representatives of animals that have an appendage - a trunk, a kind of extension of the lip. With the help of their trunk, they can drink, eat, lift heavy objects and even care for their young. If an African elephant weighs approximately 10 tons, then the weight of its trunk can fluctuate around 120-140 kg, but it is quite flexible and allows the elephant to perform various manipulations with it.

The savannah elephant is the largest animal on land.

They also have incisors that have transformed into tusks. It is not for nothing that elephants are given huge ears by nature - this is how animals fan themselves with them and cool their bodies. The length of each such ear can reach 1.5 meters in height. An elephant has an exceptional pattern on its ears, formed by blood vessels, each one has its own pattern, much like a person has fingerprints. The elephant's skin is rough, dark gray in color, there is a tassel on the tail - this is the remnant of the hairline (the baby is completely covered with hairs). Despite the toughness of the skin, it is susceptible to attack by insects and heat. To protect themselves, representatives of proboscis douse themselves with water and bathe in dust.

Habitat African elephant decreased, if previously it was 30 million square meters. km, now it’s only 5.3. The population of large elephants is concentrated mainly in Mali and some other African countries, but the animals there are protected by national parks.

Life of an African Elephant

Elephants are socially organized land animals. They stay in groups of about 10 elephants in a herd. Their instincts are clearly manifested, especially at the time of mating or courtship of offspring. At these moments, the elephant can show aggression, and if a person gets in its way, it can even trample. During the remaining periods of its life, the elephant is absolutely harmless. The elephant is distinguished by its endurance; in search of food it can travel up to 500 km without feeling discomfort.

Elephants spend most of their time searching for food and absorbing food, and only about 40 minutes resting, which they prefer in the heat of the day. Interestingly, adult elephants sleep standing up, gathered in a group, and a baby can fall on its side and thus rest.

Elephants always protect their offspring from attacks by leopards, hyenas and crocodiles. The female elephant also rules the herd and drives the males out of the herd after maturity. And they, in turn, stay alone or create their own groups consisting of males.

Communication between African animals occurs through sound, which can be heard at a distance of 10 km. Elephants see poorly, but sense danger well, or vice versa, attention and affection. They can greet each other and “hug” for about 10 minutes, touching their trunks, or rubbing against each other. The elephant is a smart animal that can be safely written down in. The lords of the savannas live for about 60-70 years, dying mainly from old age, when they can no longer chew food and starve. But besides this, elephants face other problems:

  • Diseases – arthritis, tuberculosis;
  • Disappearance of vegetation in elephant habitats, desertification of lands;
  • Extermination of elephants for ivory;
  • The military situation in African countries and the development of territories by people are unstable.

So, we named the two largest animals on the planet. Among them there is one who is distinguished by larger dimensions and hides in the depths of the ocean, from time to time rising to the surface and releasing a high fountain. You can see such a giant only while sailing in the ocean on a boat or diving. But the paths of the African continent will quickly lead to the land “giant” and you can easily see it in national park Africa. The two largest animals are protected, and it is within our power to preserve the number of endangered species and, conversely, increase the population.

Impressive size and the power of the most big whales surprises and makes you feel awe of nature. It’s hard to believe that such strong and large creatures live nearby in the world. Meeting the blue whale itself is unforgettable. These huge, priceless animals are the pride of our planet.

Blue whale - external data

The blue whale belongs to the order Cetaceans, the genus Minke whales. These are the largest mammals on earth. They are not like fish, they do not breathe with gills, and do not spawn. Their children are born formed and are fed with mother's milk.

The body of the largest whale in the world slender and elongated, dark gray in color with a rich blue tint and a marbled or light gray pattern. The large head makes up about 27% of the entire body, in profile. The snout is sharp. The wide lower jaw is curved to the sides and covers the upper jaw on all sides. The corner of the mouth is bent down. There are small eyes located right above it. There are a small number of tactile hairs on the giant's face.

Characteristic dimensions of the body and internal organs:

  • length - 30-34 m;
  • weight -170-190 tons;
  • liver – 1 ton;
  • heart - 700 kg;
  • tongue – 3-4 tons;
  • lung volume -3000-5000 l.;
  • blood -8-10 thousand liters;
  • pharynx diameter - 10cm;
  • mouth area -25 sq.m.

Like all baleen whales, the blowhole is formed by both nostrils. It is located in the back of the head and looks like two narrow holes converging at the front end. In front of the blowhole there is a longitudinal keel-shaped ridge called a “breakwater”.

Exhaling, the blue whale releases a fountain of water in the form of a column or cone expanding upward, up to 10 meters high.

This giant has a small dorsal fin, triangular, pointed in shape. It is shifted far back. It varies among different individuals. In some it is barely noticeable, in others it is more developed and has a crescent-shaped cutout at the back. The edges of the fin are covered with scratches, forming an individual pattern.

Pectoral fins the blue whale's are narrow and elongated, and its tail is long, reaching a width of 7.6 m. Inside its mouth there are several pairs of baleen plates, which consists of keratin. The length of the plates ranges from 90 cm to 1 meter, the width is about 50-53 cm.


Today, most sources indicate the existence of three subspecies of whales in the world:

  1. Southern- the most numerous subspecies, which makes up the bulk of vomits. Differs from the standard species due to its larger size. But in general it is difficult to distinguish it from its northern blue counterpart.
  2. Northern type subspecies was first described in 1758 by Karl Lineus, and therefore called the type.
  3. The pygmy whale is sometimes called the pygmy whale. This population was discovered in Indian Ocean in 1959. The average body length of representatives of this species is three meters less. The color is lighter, the length of the caudal peduncle is shorter, and the baleen plates are shorter. It has a teardrop-shaped body, thicker than that of the northern subspecies.


The great blue whale, despite its impressive size, cannot be called a predator. He has absolutely no teeth. The living creatures it consumes do not exceed 6 cm in size. It is a typical plankton eater. Its daily diet is crustaceans of the order euphausiaceae, which form krill (mass aggregation). When eating masses of plankton, the animal may swallow fish or small squid.

Since the length of the whale's head is one third of the entire body, its mouth resembles a huge container consisting of numerous horny plates. These plates are called whalebone. They grow in the sky, their structure resembling a sieve.

Blue whale swims through places where prey accumulates with its mouth open high speed. Then it closes its mouth and with its tongue forcefully pushes the water through the whalebone. As a result of this, water is pushed out through a special hole at the top of the back, but food remains.

The huge lower jaw has so much weight that it is sometimes difficult for the mammal to close its mouth. Often, having collected food, the blue whale turns over on its back or side and, under the influence of its gravity, its mouth slams shut on its own.


These marine inhabitants reach sexual maturity between 5 years of age. The female by this time reaches a length of up to 25 meters. The most big whales in the world - monogamous. They form pairs for a long time, and under no circumstances leaves the female, staying nearby.

Females give birth once every two years. Pregnancy lasts about 11 months. In this case, several embryos are initially formed, which dissolve in the later stages of pregnancy.

Even at the primary stages of development The blue whale embryo is quite large. By the end of the first month, its length can be more than half a meter.

The female feeds the babies with milk for 7 months. During the day he receives up to 90 liters. full-fat milk, extremely rich in proteins.


The blue whale is a solitary animal. Only in places of abundant food availability can small groups form.

Swimming near the surface of the water, this vomit is not nearly as maneuverable as other cetaceans. Its movements are more awkward and slow. It dives quite deeply. It can dive to a depth of 200 m and stays under water for up to 20 minutes.

After surfacing, the animal's breathing quickens up to 12 times per minute. Each time a fountain appears. After a deep, long dive, the blue whale makes shallow dives and surfaces from 6 to 15 times. A shallow dive lasts 15-40 seconds, and a surface dive lasts 6-7 seconds.

Most big whale over a short distance it can swim at a speed of 37 km/h, developing power of up to 500 horsepower.

Diseases, natural enemies

In adult blue whales There are no natural enemies, which is favored by its huge size. Juveniles can become prey to killer whales that operate in a pod.

A significant threat to these animals is posed by pollution of the seas by oil products.