An airplane with a landing gear made from wings is called. Analysis of the aircraft design - how it is structured and what it consists of. Structural and power diagram of the wing

The invention of the airplane made it possible not only to fulfill mankind's oldest dream - to conquer the sky, but also to create the fastest mode of transport. Unlike hot air balloons and airships, airplanes are little dependent on the vagaries of the weather and are capable of covering long distances at high speed. The components of the aircraft consist of the following structural groups: wing, fuselage, empennage, takeoff and landing devices, power plant, control systems, and various equipment.

Operating principle

An airplane is a heavier-than-air aircraft equipped with a power plant. With the help of this most important part of the aircraft, the thrust necessary for flight is created - the active (driving) force that is developed on the ground or in flight by a motor (propeller or jet engine). If the propeller is located in front of the engine, it is called a pulling propeller, and if behind it, it is called a pushing propeller. Thus, the engine creates forward motion of the aircraft relative to the environment (air). Accordingly, the wing also moves relative to the air, which creates lift as a result of this translational movement. Therefore, the device can stay in the air only if there is a certain flight speed.

What are the parts of an airplane called?

The body consists of the following main parts:

  • The fuselage is the main body of the aircraft, connecting the wings (wing), tail surfaces, power system, landing gear and other components into a single whole. The fuselage houses the crew, passengers (in civil aviation), equipment, and payload. It can also (not always) accommodate fuel, chassis, engines, etc.
  • Engines are used to propel an aircraft.
  • A wing is a working surface designed to create lift.
  • The vertical tail is designed for controllability, balancing and directional stability of the aircraft relative to the vertical axis.
  • The horizontal tail is designed for controllability, balancing and directional stability of the aircraft relative to the horizontal axis.

Wings and fuselage

The main part of the aircraft structure is the wing. It creates the conditions for fulfilling the main requirement for the possibility of flight - the presence of lifting force. The wing is attached to the body (fuselage), which can have one shape or another, but with minimal aerodynamic drag if possible. To do this, it is given a conveniently streamlined drop-shaped shape.

The front part of the aircraft houses the cockpit and radar systems. In the rear part there is the so-called tail unit. It serves to ensure controllability during flight.

Empennage design

Let's consider an average aircraft, the tail section of which is made according to the classical design, characteristic of most military and civilian models. In this case, the horizontal tail will include a fixed part - the stabilizer (from the Latin Stabilis, stable) and a movable part - the elevator.

The stabilizer serves to stabilize the aircraft relative to the transverse axis. If the nose of the aircraft goes down, then, accordingly, the rear part of the fuselage, together with the tail, will rise up. In this case, the air pressure on the upper surface of the stabilizer will increase. The pressure created will return the stabilizer (and, accordingly, the fuselage) to its original position. When the nose of the fuselage rises upward, the pressure of the air flow will increase on the lower surface of the stabilizer, and it will return to its original position. This ensures automatic (without pilot intervention) stability of the aircraft in its longitudinal plane relative to the transverse axis.

The rear of the aircraft also includes a vertical tail. Similar to the horizontal one, it consists of a fixed part - the keel, and a movable part - the rudder. The fin gives stability to the movement of the aircraft relative to its vertical axis in the horizontal plane. The principle of operation of the keel is similar to the action of a stabilizer - when the nose is deflected to the left, the keel deviates to the right, the pressure on its right plane increases and returns the keel (and the entire fuselage) to its previous position.

Thus, relative to two axes, flight stability is ensured by the tail. But there is one more axis left - the longitudinal one. To provide automatic stability of movement relative to this axis (in the transverse plane), the glider wing consoles are placed not horizontally, but at a certain angle relative to each other so that the ends of the consoles are deflected upward. This placement resembles the letter "V".

Control systems

Control surfaces are important parts of an aircraft designed for control. These include ailerons, rudders and elevators. Control is provided relative to the same three axes in the same three planes.

The elevator is the movable rear part of the stabilizer. If the stabilizer consists of two consoles, then, accordingly, there are two elevators that deflect down or up, both synchronously. With its help, the pilot can change the flight altitude of the aircraft.

The rudder is the movable rear part of the keel. When it is deflected in one direction or another, an aerodynamic force arises on it, which rotates the aircraft relative to a vertical axis passing through the center of mass, in the opposite direction from the direction of deflection of the rudder. Rotation occurs until the pilot returns the steering wheel to the neutral (not deflected) position, and the aircraft will move in a new direction.

Ailerons (from the French Aile, wing) are the main parts of the aircraft, which are the moving parts of the wing consoles. They are used to control the aircraft relative to the longitudinal axis (in the transverse plane). Since there are two wing consoles, there are also two ailerons. They work synchronously, but, unlike elevators, they deviate not in one direction, but in different directions. If one aileron moves up, the other moves down. On the wing console, where the aileron is deflected upward, the lift force decreases, and where it is deflected downward, it increases. And the fuselage of the aircraft rotates towards the raised aileron.


All aircraft are equipped with a power plant that allows them to develop speed and, therefore, provide lift. Engines can be located in the rear of the aircraft (typical for jet aircraft), in the front (light-engine aircraft) and on the wings (civil aircraft, transport aircraft, bombers).

They are divided into:

  • Jet - turbojet, pulsating, double-circuit, direct-flow.
  • Screw - piston (propeller), turboprop.
  • Rocket - liquid, solid fuel.

Other systems

Of course, other parts of the aircraft are also important. The landing gear allows you to take off and land from equipped airfields. There are amphibious aircraft where special floats are used instead of landing gear - they allow take-off and landing in any place where there is a body of water (sea, river, lake). There are known models of light aircraft equipped with skis for operation in areas with stable snow cover.

Stuffed with electronic equipment, communication and information transfer devices. Military aviation uses sophisticated weapons, target acquisition and signal jamming systems.


According to their purpose, aircraft are divided into two large groups: civil and military. The main parts of a passenger aircraft are distinguished by the presence of an equipped passenger compartment, which occupies most of the fuselage. A distinctive feature is the portholes on the sides of the hull.

Civil aircraft are divided into:

  • Passenger - local airlines, long-haul short-haul (range less than 2000 km), medium (range less than 4000 km), long-haul (range less than 9000 km) and intercontinental (range more than 11,000 km).
  • Cargo - light (cargo weight up to 10 tons), medium (cargo weight up to 40 tons) and heavy (cargo weight more than 40 tons).
  • Special purpose - sanitary, agricultural, reconnaissance (ice reconnaissance, fish reconnaissance), fire fighting, for aerial photography.
  • Educational.

Unlike civilian models, parts of military aircraft do not have a comfortable cabin with windows. The main part of the fuselage is occupied by weapons systems, equipment for reconnaissance, communications, engines and other units.

According to their purpose, modern military aircraft (taking into account the combat missions they perform) can be divided into the following types: fighters, attack aircraft, bombers (missile carriers), reconnaissance aircraft, military transport aircraft, special purpose aircraft and auxiliary aircraft.

Airplane structure

The design of aircraft depends on the aerodynamic design according to which they are made. The aerodynamic design is characterized by the number of main elements and the location of the load-bearing surfaces. While the nose of an aircraft is similar for most models, the location and geometry of the wings and tail can vary greatly.

The following aircraft design schemes are distinguished:

  • "Classical".
  • "Flying Wing"
  • "Duck".
  • "Tailless."
  • "Tandem".
  • Convertible circuit.
  • Combined scheme.

Airplanes made according to the classical design

Let's look at the main parts of the aircraft and their purpose. The classic (normal) layout of components and assemblies is typical for most devices in the world, be they military or civilian. The main element - the wing - operates in a pure undisturbed flow, which smoothly flows around the wing and creates a certain lift force.

The nose of the aircraft is reduced, which leads to a reduction in the required area (and therefore the mass) of the vertical tail. This is because the nose of the fuselage causes a destabilizing moment about the aircraft's vertical axis. The reduction of the forward fuselage improves visibility of the forward hemisphere.

The disadvantages of the normal scheme are:

  • The operation of the horizontal tail (HE) in a canted and disturbed wing flow significantly reduces its efficiency, which necessitates the use of a larger surface area (and, consequently, mass).
  • To ensure flight stability, the vertical tail (VT) must create a negative lift force, that is, directed downward. This reduces the overall efficiency of the aircraft: from the amount of lift that the wing creates, it is necessary to subtract the force that is created by the lift. To neutralize this phenomenon, a wing of increased area (and, consequently, mass) should be used.

Airplane structure according to the "duck" scheme

With this design, the main parts of the aircraft are placed differently than in the “classic” models. First of all, the changes affected the layout of the horizontal tail. It is located in front of the wing. The Wright brothers built their first airplane using this design.


  • The vertical tail works in an undisturbed flow, which increases its efficiency.
  • To ensure stable flight, the tail creates positive lift, which means it adds to the lift of the wing. This allows you to reduce its area and, accordingly, weight.
  • Natural “anti-spin” protection: the possibility of moving the wings to supercritical angles of attack for “ducks” is excluded. The stabilizer is installed so that it receives a greater angle of attack compared to the wing.
  • The movement of the aircraft's focus backwards as speed increases with the canard configuration occurs to a lesser extent than with the classic configuration. This leads to smaller changes in the degree of longitudinal static stability of the aircraft, in turn, simplifies its control characteristics.

Disadvantages of the "duck" scheme:

  • When the flow on the tails is disrupted, not only does the aircraft reach lower angles of attack, but it also “sags” due to a decrease in its overall lift force. This is especially dangerous during takeoff and landing modes due to the proximity of the ground.
  • The presence of fin mechanisms in the forward part of the fuselage impairs the visibility of the lower hemisphere.
  • To reduce the area of ​​the front GO, the length of the forward part of the fuselage is made significant. This leads to an increase in the destabilizing moment relative to the vertical axis, and, accordingly, to an increase in the area and weight of the structure.

Airplanes made according to the “tailless” design

Models of this type do not have an important, familiar part of the aircraft. Photos of tailless aircraft (Concorde, Mirage, Vulcan) show that they do not have horizontal tail. The main advantages of this scheme are:

  • Reducing frontal aerodynamic drag, which is especially important for aircraft with high speed, in particular cruising speed. At the same time, fuel costs are reduced.
  • Greater torsional rigidity of the wing, which improves its aeroelasticity characteristics, and achieves high maneuverability characteristics.


  • To balance in some flight modes, part of the mechanization of the trailing edge and control surfaces must be deflected upward, which reduces the overall lifting force of the aircraft.
  • The combination of aircraft controls relative to the horizontal and longitudinal axes (due to the absence of an elevator) worsens its controllability characteristics. The lack of specialized tail surfaces forces the control surfaces to be located on the trailing edge of the wing, performing (if necessary) the duties of both ailerons and elevators. These control surfaces are called elevons.
  • The use of some mechanical aids to balance the aircraft worsens its takeoff and landing characteristics.

"Flying Wing"

With this design, there is actually no such part of the aircraft as the fuselage. All volumes necessary to accommodate the crew, payload, engines, fuel, and equipment are located in the middle of the wing. This scheme has the following advantages:

  • Lowest aerodynamic drag.
  • Lowest weight of the structure. In this case, the entire mass falls on the wing.
  • Since the longitudinal dimensions of the aircraft are small (due to the absence of a fuselage), the destabilizing moment relative to its vertical axis is insignificant. This allows designers to either significantly reduce the area of ​​the airbox or abandon it altogether (birds, as is known, do not have vertical plumage).

The disadvantages include the difficulty of ensuring aircraft flight stability.


The “tandem” scheme, when two wings are located one behind the other, is rarely used. This solution is used to increase the wing area with the same values ​​of its span and fuselage length. This reduces the specific load on the wing. The disadvantages of this scheme are the large increase in the moment of inertia, especially in relation to the transverse axis of the aircraft. In addition, as the flight speed increases, the longitudinal balancing characteristics of the aircraft change. The control surfaces on such aircraft can be located either directly on the wings or on the tail surfaces.

Combined scheme

In this case, the components of the aircraft can be combined using different structural schemes. For example, horizontal tail surfaces are provided in both the nose and tail of the fuselage. They can use so-called direct lift control.

In this case, the horizontal nose tail together with the flaps create additional lift. The pitching moment that occurs in this case will be aimed at increasing the angle of attack (the nose of the aircraft rises). To counter this moment, the tail unit must create a moment to reduce the angle of attack (the nose of the aircraft lowers). To do this, the force on the tail must also be directed upward. That is, there is an increase in lifting force on the nose cylinder, on the wing and on the tail cylinder (and, consequently, on the entire aircraft) without rotating it in the longitudinal plane. In this case, the plane simply rises without any evolution relative to its center of mass. And vice versa, with such an aerodynamic configuration of the aircraft, it can carry out evolutions relative to the center of mass in the longitudinal plane without changing the trajectory of its flight.

The ability to carry out such maneuvers significantly improves the tactical and technical characteristics of maneuverable aircraft. Especially in combination with a system of direct control of lateral force, for the implementation of which the aircraft must have not only a tail, but also a nose longitudinal empennage.

Convertible circuit

Built according to a convertible design, it is distinguished by the presence of a destabilizer in the forward part of the fuselage. The function of destabilizers is to reduce, within certain limits, or even completely eliminate the rearward displacement of the aerodynamic focus of the aircraft in supersonic flight conditions. This increases the maneuverability of the aircraft (which is important for a fighter aircraft) and increases the range or reduces fuel consumption (this is important for a supersonic passenger aircraft).

Destabilizers can also be used in takeoff/landing modes to compensate for the dive moment, which is caused by the deviation of the takeoff and landing mechanization (flaps, flaps) or the nose of the fuselage. In subsonic flight modes, the destabilizer is hidden in the middle of the fuselage or set to a weather vane mode (freely oriented along the flow).

No matter how many times they tried to come up with an airplane before, the whole point turned out to be in the design. Somehow, huge airliners get into the air, and the safety of passengers is a very important consideration. This article will examine in detail the structure of the aircraft, namely its main parts.

The aircraft design includes:

  • Fuselage
  • Wings
  • Tail
  • Takeoff and landing device
  • Propulsion system
  • Control systems, avionics

Each of these parts is vital for the aircraft to fly quickly and safely. Also, an analysis of the components will help you understand how the plane works, and why everything was done this way and not otherwise.

This structural element represents a certain base of the aircraft, a load-bearing part to which other parts of the aircraft are attached. It gathers all the major parts of the aircraft around: the tail, landing gear and propulsion system, and the teardrop shape does a great job of absorbing the opposing force as it moves through the air. The interior of the case is designed to transport valuable cargo, be it weapons or military equipment, or passengers; Various equipment and fuel are also located here.


It is very difficult to find an aircraft whose design does not include the placement of its most recognizable part - the wings. This element serves to generate lifting power, and in modern designs, to increase this parameter, the wings are placed in the flat base of the aircraft fuselage.

The wings themselves include in their design the presence of special mechanisms, with the support of which the aircraft turns in one direction. In addition, this part of the aircraft is equipped with a takeoff and landing device, which regulates the movement of the aircraft during takeoffs and landings, and assists in controlling takeoff and landing speeds. It should also be noted that some aircraft designs include fuel tanks in the wings.

In addition, each wing is equipped with a console. With the help of moving components called ailerons, the ship is controlled relative to its longitudinal axis; The functioning of these elements is carried out completely synchronously. However, when one element turns one way, the other will go the opposite way; This is precisely why the fuselage body rotates.


This element of the aircraft structure is an equally important element. The tail of an aircraft consists of a fin and a stabilizer. The stabilizer, like the wings, has two consoles - right and left; The main purpose of this element is to regulate the movement of the aircraft and maintain a given altitude, taking into account the influence of various weather conditions.

The fin is also an integral part of the tail, which is responsible for maintaining the desired direction of the aircraft during its flight. In order to change the height and direction, two special rudders were created, each of which controls its own part of the tail unit. An important point is that aircraft elements may not always be called by exactly these names: for example, the tail part of the fuselage can be called the tail section, and sometimes only the keel is designated by this name.

Takeoff and landing device

The short name of the device is the landing gear, which is the main device thanks to which a successful takeoff and smooth landing are carried out. Do not underestimate this element of the aircraft, since its design is much more complex than just wheels extending out of the fuselage. If you take a closer look at one exhaust and cleaning system, it becomes clear that the design is very serious and consists of a whole set of different mechanisms and devices.

Propulsion system

The device is the main driving force that pushes the aircraft forward. Its location is most often located either under the wing or under the fuselage. The engine also consists of some essential parts, without which its operation is not possible.

Main engine parts:

  • Turbine
  • Fan
  • Compressor
  • The combustion chamber
  • Nozzle

The fan, located at the very beginning of the turbine, serves several functions: it pumps entrained air and cools the engine elements. Immediately after it there is a compressor that receives the air supplied by the fan and launches it into the combustion chamber under strong pressure. Now the fuel is mixed with air, and the resulting substance is set on fire.

The flow from the explosion of this fuel mixture splashes into the main part of the turbine, which causes it to rotate. Also, a device for twisting the turbine ensures constant rotation of the fan, forming in a similar way a cyclic system that will always work as long as air and fuel flow from the combustion chamber.

Control systems

Avionics is an electronic computing complex made up of various on-board devices of an aircraft system that help read current information during navigation and orientation of moving objects. Without this mandatory component, correct and correct control of any aircraft such as an airliner would simply be impossible. These systems also ensure uninterrupted operation of the aircraft; This includes functions such as autopilot, anti-icing system, on-board power supply and many others.

Aircraft classification and design features

Without exception, all aircraft can be divided into two main categories: civil and military. Their most basic difference is the presence of a cabin that is designed deliberately for the purpose of transporting passengers. Passenger aircraft themselves are divided by capacity into long-haul short-haul (flight distance up to 2000 km), medium-haul (up to 4000 km) and long-haul (up to 9000 km)

If the flight range is even greater, then intercontinental type airliners are used for this. In addition, different types of aircraft have differences in weight. Also, airliners may differ due to a certain type and, directly, purpose.

The design of an aircraft can often have different wing geometries. For aircraft that carry passenger transportation, the design of the wings does not differ from the classic one, which is typical for airliners. Models of aircraft of this type have a shortened nose component, and because of this they have a relatively low efficiency.

There is another specific form that is called “duck”, due to its arrangement of wings. The horizontal tail is placed in front of the wing, which increases lift. The disadvantage of this design is the reduction in the viewing area of ​​the lower hemisphere due to the presence of the tail in front of the wing itself.

So we figured out what the plane consists of. As you may have already noticed, the design is quite complex, and various numerous parts must work harmoniously so that the plane can take off and land successfully after a smooth flight. The design is often specific and can vary significantly depending on the model and purpose of the aircraft.

They can be completely confident in their safety. Every detail, every system - everything is checked and tested several times. Spare parts for them are produced in different countries and then assembled at one plant.

The structure of a passenger aircraft is a glider. It consists of a fuselage and a tail wing. The latter is equipped with engines and a chassis. All modern airliners are additionally equipped with avionics. This is the name given to the collection of electronic systems that control the operation of the aircraft.

Any aircraft (helicopter, passenger airliner) by its design is a glider that consists of several parts.

Here's what the parts of the plane are called:

  • fuselage;
  • wings;
  • tail unit;
  • chassis;
  • engines;
  • avionics.

Airplane structure.

This is the load-bearing part of the aircraft. Its main purpose is the formation of aerodynamic forces, and its secondary purpose is installation. It serves as the base on which all other parts are installed.


If we talk about parts of the aircraft and their names, then the fuselage is one of its most important components. The name itself comes from the French word “fuseau”, which translates as “spindle”.

The airframe can be called the “skeleton” of the aircraft, and the fuselage is its “body”. It is what connects the wings, tail and chassis. The ship's crew and all equipment are located here.

It consists from longitudinal and transverse elements and cladding.


How does an airplane wing work? It is assembled from several parts: left or right half-plane (console) and center section. Consoles include overflow wing and tip. The latter may be different for individual types of passenger airliners. Eat winglets and sharklets.

Airplane wing.

The principle of its operation is very simple - the console separates the two air flows. Above is the area of ​​low pressure, and below is the area of ​​high pressure. Due to this difference, the wing allows you to fly.

Smaller consoles are installed on the wing to improve their performance. These are ailerons, flaps, slats, etc.. Inside the wings are located fuel tanks.

The performance of the wing is affected its geometric design - area, span, angle, sweep direction.


It is located in the rear or forward part of the fuselage. This is the name given to a whole set of aerodynamic surfaces that help a passenger airliner stay reliably in the air. They are separated into horizontal and vertical.

Vertical include keel or two keels. It provides directional stability of the aircraft along the axis of movement. To horizontal - stabilizer. It is responsible for the longitudinal stability of the aircraft.


These are the same devices that help the plane taxi along the runway. These are several racks that are equipped with wheels.

The weight of a passenger airliner directly affects on the chassis configuration. The most commonly used is the following: one front post and two main ones. This is exactly how the landing gear is located. Boeing 747 family aircraft have two more struts.

Wheeled carts include a different number of pairs of wheels. So the Airbus A320 has one pair, and the An-225 has seven.

During flight, the landing gear is retracted into the compartment. When the plane takes off or lands. They turn due to drive to the front landing gear or differential operation of the engines.


When talking about how an airplane works and how it flies, we must not forget about such an important part of the airplane as the engines. They work based on the principle of jet propulsion. They can be turbojet or turboprop.

They are attached to the wing of the aircraft or its fuselage. In the latter case, it is placed in a special gondola and used to attach the pylon. Through it, the fuel pipe and drives are connected to the engines.

The plane usually has two engines.

The number of engines varies depending on the aircraft model. More details have been written about engines.


These are all the systems that ensure the smooth operation of the aircraft. in all weather conditions and with most technical faults.

This includes the autopilot, anti-icing system, on-board power supply system, etc.

Classification by design characteristics

Depending on the number of wings, they are distinguished monoplane (one wing), biplane (two wings) and sesquiplane (one wing shorter than the other).

In turn, monoplanes divide for low-wing, mid-wing and high-wing. This classification is based on the location of the wings near the fuselage.

If we talk about plumage, we can distinguish the classic scheme (the plumage is behind the wings), the “duck” type (the plumage is in front of the wing) and the “tailless” type (the plumage is on the wing).

According to the type of landing gear, aircraft are divided into land, seaplanes and amphibians (those seaplanes on which wheeled landing gear was installed).

There are different types of aircraft and fuselage types. Distinguish narrow-body and wide-body aircraft. The latter are mainly double-decker passenger liners. There are passenger seats at the top, and luggage compartments at the bottom.

This is what the classification of aircraft by design features is like.

Wrote in July 26th, 2014

It is the world's largest twin-engine jet passenger aircraft. The Boeing 777 set an absolute range record for passenger aircraft: 21,601 thousand km! Boeing 777 (“Triple Seven” or “three sevens”) - this aircraft was developed in the early 1990s, made its first flight in 1994, and has been in operation since 1995. The Boeing 777 was the first commercial airliner to be designed 100% by computers. And this is the safest long-haul airliner in the history of aviation!

I flew on three sevens only once - from Dubai to Male with Emirates airlines and then I was surprised to learn that they saved a lot on the layout of the economy class cabin, we will put one additional seat in a row, reducing the width of the others! In this report I will talk about the history of creation, design features and show the passenger cabin of the largest operator of this type of aircraft in Russia.

History of creation:

In the mid-1970s. The three-engine 777, which was intended as a competitor to the McDonnell Douglas DC-10 and Lockheed L-1011. This aircraft was conceived as a modified version of the 767 with a redesigned wing and tail section. It was planned to create two main options: a short-haul aircraft, which would be capable of carrying up to 175 passengers over a distance of 5,000 kilometers, and an intercontinental airliner, carrying the same number of passengers over a distance of up to 8,000 kilometers.

Work on twin-engine aircraft soon began, but the 777 project was frozen, as difficulties arose with the design of the tail section of the aircraft, and the company also decided to focus on the more commercially promising 757 and 767. As a result, when both aircraft began to roll off the assembly line, it became Clearly there is a missing link in Boeing's aircraft line. There was an urgent need to have an aircraft that would be in the niche between such machines as the Boeing 767-300ER and Boeing 747-400.

At first, Boeing planned to simply modify the 767, resulting in the so-called 767-X concept. It was in many ways similar to the 767, but had a longer fuselage, a larger wing and could carry about 340 passengers over a distance of up to 13.5 thousand kilometers.


But airlines were not impressed with the new aircraft. They wanted an aircraft capable of flying shorter distances and with a cabin configuration similar to the Boeing 747, which, in addition, could be changed by adding or removing the required number of passenger seats in a particular class of cabin. Another necessary condition was to reduce operating costs - they would have to be significantly lower than those of the 767. As a result, the original project was heavily redesigned and the twin-engine Boeing 777 was born.

The Boeing 777 was the first commercial airliner to be designed 100% by computers. During the entire development period, not a single paper drawing was released; everything was made using a three-dimensional design system.

Development of the aircraft began in 1990 and the first order was immediately received from United Airlines. In 1995, the first 777 began commercial flights. Currently, the 777-200LR is the aircraft capable of performing the longest passenger flights in the world.



The 777-200 was the first modification of the aircraft and was intended for Segment A. The first 777-200 was delivered to United Airlines on May 15, 1995. With a range of 5,235 nautical miles, the 777-200 modification was aimed primarily at US domestic carriers. A total of 88 different aircraft of the 777-200 modification were delivered to ten customers. Airbus's competing model is the A330-300.



The stretched version of the 777-300 was intended to replace the Boeing 747-100 and Boeing 747-200 aircraft. Compared to older versions of the 747, the stretched version has similar passenger capacity and range, but uses a third less fuel and has 40% lower operating costs. The fuselage of the 777-300 is extended by 11 meters compared to the basic modification of the 777-200, which allows it to accommodate up to 550 passengers in a single-class configuration. The modification's maximum range is 6,015 nautical miles, allowing the 777-300 to serve heavily trafficked destinations previously served by the 747.




Modification 777-200ER (“ER” means Extended Range, increased range). The 777-200ER has increased fuel capacity and maximum take-off weight compared to the 777-200 modification. Intended for international carriers and transatlantic flights, the nf modification has a maximum range of 7,700 nautical miles (14,260.4 km).


The 777-200LR (“LR” stands for Longer Range), a Segment C model, became the world's longest-range commercial airliner in 2006. Boeing called this model the Worldliner, indicating the airliner's ability to connect almost any two airports. The modification set a world record for the longest non-stop flight among commercial airliners - the flight range is 9,380 nautical miles (17,370 km). The 777-200LR modification is designed for ultra-long flights, such as Los Angeles - Singapore or Dallas - Tokyo. The 777-200LR has an increased maximum takeoff weight and three additional fuel tanks in the rear cargo compartment.


The 777-300ER (“ER” stands for Extended Range) is a modification of the 777-300. The modification has beveled and extended wingtips, new main landing gear, a reinforced nose strut and additional fuel tanks. The model's standard GE90-115B turbofan engines are the most powerful jet engines in the world today, with a maximum thrust of 513 kN. The maximum range is 7,930 nautical miles (14,690 km), made possible by increased maximum take-off weight and fuel capacity. The 777-300ER's fully loaded range is increased by approximately 34% compared to the 777-300. After flight tests, the introduction of new engines, wings and an increase in take-off weight, fuel consumption decreased by 1.4%.


And all the modifications in the visual series:



A good illustration for comparing scales is the 737 in front. Please note that the diameter of the GE-115B engine installed on the 777 model is only 30 cm less than the width of the Boeing 737 cabin!


Design elements:

The design of the aircraft's airframe includes the use of composite materials, which account for 9% of the weight of the structure. The interior floor and steering wheels are also made from such materials. The main part of the fuselage has a circular cross-section and at the rear merges into a blade-like tail cone, which houses the auxiliary power unit.







The airliner also has the largest landing gear and the largest tires ever used on a commercial jet airliner. Each tire on the 777-300ER's six-wheel main landing gear can support 27 tons, which is more than the tire load on a Boeing 747-400!




The aircraft has three redundant hydraulic systems, of which only one is needed for landing.
In the wing fairing under the fuselage there is an emergency aircraft turbine - a small propeller that extends out of the aircraft in emergency situations to provide minimal power.

The General Electric GE90 engines powering the Boeing 7777 are the largest and most powerful jet engines in aviation history.

And all five Boeing 777-300 of Transaero are equipped with RR211 Trent 892 engines from Rolls Royse:




The cockpit is very spacious. The Boeing 777 in all modifications is a long-haul airliner capable of serving non-stop commercial flights lasting up to 18 hours. However, regulations of various aviation regulatory bodies, professional and trade union organizations limit the continuous work time of crew and flight attendants.






The 777 interior, also known as the Boeing Signature Interior, features curved lines, extended overhead bins and indirect lighting. Seat configurations range from 4 abreast in first class to 10 abreast in economy class. The size of the windows - 380x250 mm - was the largest of any commercial airliner until the introduction of the 787.

Each airline's passenger cabin has its own layout. It depends on certain customer requirements, and not on the type of aircraft!
Please note that in economy class, Transaero has one less seat in a row than, for example, Emirates (!) and Aeroflot. This means that the chairs themselves are wider and more comfortable!

Examples of the layout of Boeing 777 -200 and -300 a/k Transaero:

Economy 2-5-2:


Economy 3-3-3:


Emirates" - economy 3-4-3


Aeroflot - economy: 3-4-3



Let's take a look on board the Boeing 777-300 of Transaero Airlines. EI-UNM flew with Singapore Airlines and was transferred to Transaero in 2012. The interior has been completely updated, with a Lumexis entertainment system installed throughout. The upholstery uses wear-resistant Alcantara material, and the seat manufacturer is the Italian company Aviointeriors.

Imperial class "Transaero":






Business Class:



Economy class:

The economy class cabin in red colors is called “economy class”, and the blue one is called “tourist class”. They differ in the pitch of the seats. In economy class - 36 inches, in tourist class - 32 inches.





Wi-Fi is available on board! I'll have to test it somehow when I fly.


Visually, the color separation in the interior is pleasing to the eye:


Kitchen at the rear of the plane:


And even an installation for uncorking champagne bottles for the Imperial class:


In total, about 1100 aircraft have been produced at the moment!
Once I photographed the 1000th copy in Dubai:



This airliner is considered the safest aircraft among all long-haul airliners. During its 18 years of operation, the Boeing 777 suffered eight incidents, including one crash and two hijacking attempts. On July 6, 2013, the first plane crash with human casualties occurred. An Asiana Airlines Boeing 777-200ER, flying from Seoul to San Francisco, crashed while landing at San Francisco Airport, hitting the end of the runway with its tail. 2 people died.

Boeing 777 in Russia:

In Russia, the largest operator of Boeing 777 aircraft is Transaero. This company has 14 aircraft in its fleet: 5 Boeing 777-300, 9 Boeing 777-200ER. In addition to Transaero, this aircraft is in the fleet of Aeroflot, Nordwind and Orenair.



The Boeing 777 has been operated by Transaero for 5 years; in one of the following reports I will talk about its maintenance at the company’s own repair and technical facilities.


Enjoy your flights!



I thank the press service of Transaero Airlines and personally Sergei Moryakov for the opportunity to make this report!

Taken from alexcheban in The plane that flies the farthest!

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Many air passengers still do not know that choose seats on the plane you can and should do it yourself, during the process of purchasing an air ticket or at the time of registration for air travel. Why should this be done? For those who fly rarely, for example once a year on vacation, air travel is quite a significant event in life, and comfort during the flight often leaves an imprint on the entire vacation. For those who fly frequently, choosing a seat in the aircraft cabin is no less important, because such passengers almost certainly know from their own experience that certain seats on board are not very comfortable and cause discomfort even during a flight with a short flight duration. How to choose the right seats on an airplane and what parameters affect comfort during the flight is described in this article.

THE CONTENT OF THE ARTICLE (you can click on the link for a quick transition)

However, before I begin to describe in detail the features of certain passenger seats on an airplane, I will note that in modern air transport there are no clearly bad or clearly good seats, because in each specific situation a number of variables must be taken into account, which are individual for each passenger. Therefore, it would be more correct to describe the standard seats in the aircraft cabin and indicate their generally accepted advantages and disadvantages. And yes, the article is intended for passengers flying on charter and scheduled flights in economy class, because... I think it’s wrong to talk about the disadvantages of business class seats. All areas in the aircraft cabin can be divided into three: in the tail of the aircraft, in the bow of the aircraft and in the middle of the cabin.

Seats in the rear of the aircraft

The advantage of choosing seats at the back of the plane is often the opportunity to get a good night's sleep during a multi-hour flight, for example from Moscow to Bangkok. By the way, you can read in detail about the flight duration in the article. Experienced air passengers often take advantage of the opportunity to sleep on three seats at once when flying to Thailand or other countries during the low season, when planes are rarely fully loaded. However, during the peak tourist season and in a popular destination, you cannot count on such an opportunity.

An important factor for some will be the confirmed fact that, according to statistics, of all passengers who survived plane crashes, two tritiums (67%) occupied seats in the tail of the plane. Now about factors that can be both an advantage and a disadvantage, depending on the individual passenger. The possible lack of portholes will be a critical drawback for some, while others will not pay attention to it. People who do not tolerate shaking and motion sickness are also not recommended. choose seats on the plane in the tail, where it is felt more pronounced.

The proximity to the toilets, on the one hand, eliminates the need to walk across the cabin floor and stand in a possible queue, but on the other hand, constant walking next to passengers can be annoying and interfere with sleep (only a blindfold and earplugs, which decent airlines, for example Etihad, will save you, will save you). issued to each passenger). Finally, passengers occupying seats in the rear of the plane are often forced to leave the plane last, letting everyone else through and ending up at passport control and customs again last. Although I have read that sometimes passengers are allowed to exit through a door at the rear of the plane, using telescopic bridges at airports, I have not yet encountered this in practice.

Seats at the front of the aircraft cabin

As a rule, passenger service begins from the front of the cabin (or from the middle towards the rear), so that all passengers sitting in the specified seats can receive food hotter and with the opportunity to choose several options (often those sitting in the rear simply have no choice and you have to eat what's left). There is less shaking in the front part of the aircraft cabin, so the risk of motion sickness is noticeably lower. After landing, passengers seated at the front of the plane, just behind the business class seats, often have the opportunity to disembark in the front rows.

The disadvantage of seats at the front of the aircraft cabin is that there are often special mounts for baby cradles there, and in general there is a greater chance of finding yourself in the company of passengers with small children who will annoy you the whole way (once I was flying from Turkey right behind business class in the company of an Arab family with three small crying children - an unforgettable feeling...). Those who like to admire the view from the window may find that even if they take a seat next to one, they end up unable to see anything due to the aircraft's wings blocking the entire view.

Seats in the middle part of the aircraft cabin

A compromise option that has both advantages and disadvantages. Depending on the make and model of the aircraft, there may be a toilet and an additional kitchen in the middle part of the aircraft, then passengers have the opportunity to be one of the first to receive food and also go to the toilet whenever they want. Shaking in the center is felt weakly, especially on long-haul wide-body sides. Seats located in the central part of the aircraft cabin, just behind its wings, allow you to watch the clouds and offer views of mountains, rivers, sea and cities from above, if there is no extensive cloud cover and you manage to grab a window seat on the plane. As a rule, passengers sitting in the middle of the cabin have the opportunity to exit the aircraft faster than passengers in the rear of the cabin.

Rows of seats on an airplane: advantages and disadvantages

Occupying first row in the airplane cabin(immediately behind another class of service or the first row located in another section of the aircraft cabin), you can be sure that no one sitting in front will recline, limiting your free space. Often such rows provide a little more legroom than other seats, which is never superfluous in economy class conditions. The downside is that most likely there will be a toilet, a kitchen, or just a partition in front of you, which will limit your view throughout the flight. I’ve already written about baby cradles, but here I’ll note that instead of classic folding tables, you’ll have to eat from less convenient (in my opinion) folding tables that can be removed from the armrests. Also, someone will be annoyed by the smells and sounds of dishes coming from the aircraft kitchen.

Passengers last row in the airplane cabin(or another row behind which there are no other seats in the compartment) may find that the backs of their seats are significantly limited in their ability to recline or are completely deprived of this ability. This is usually explained by the presence of a toilet, kitchen, other technical room or cabin compartment partition behind the partition. Also, the seat backs often do not recline when one of the emergency exits is located behind the row.

Seat position in a row: pros and cons

The cabins of mid-size aircraft have a 3+3 seating formula, i.e. a central aisle and three chairs from it on both sides. All experienced passengers try to immediately choose the best seats on the plane, which for them are either located near the aisle or at the window, but not in the center. And this is quite understandable.

Seats in the aircraft cabin near the window. The best option for those who prefer to spend most of the road in their sleep, quietly read a book in daylight and look out the window at beautiful cities at night or picturesque mountains during the day. The only inconvenience of the window seat is that when you try to go to the toilet or get something from the luggage compartment above the seats, you will have to disturb the passengers sitting next to you. Also, for those who often like to ask the flight attendant to bring another glass of water (or whiskey), it is not entirely convenient to do this (to find the right moment). Personally, I always try to choose seats on the plane near the window, because I like to look “out the window” and take a nap, and on 5-6 hour flights I don’t even go to the toilet.

Places in the center. They are considered the most inconvenient due to the likelihood of running into well-fed fellow travelers who will squeeze you from both sides. The person sitting in the center is forced to let at least one passenger through (or two when it comes to a wide-body aircraft with a 3+4+3 or 2+4+2 seating arrangement) if they want to go to the toilet or get something from their things, which are located in the luggage compartment. There is no talk at all about the possibility of seeing anything through the window (only when the aircraft is strongly banking during climb or landing). Now that airplanes have individual LCD screens, and even smartphones and tablets, I have become better about center-row seats. Previously, you could only sleep and read a book there, which was a little annoying.

Aisle seats on the plane. They are convenient because you can stretch your legs a little in the aisle, calmly take things (your own, of course :)) from the luggage compartment, go to the toilet without disturbing anyone, and get off the plane before your row neighbors when landing at the airport. It is very convenient to track the movement of flight attendants and order the next glass of water or other drink. I would consider the inconvenience to be the need to let two neighbors sit in chairs if they want to stretch their legs and go to the toilet. Also causing some inconvenience are flight attendants with trolleys and passing passengers touching your elbow or shoulder.

Emergency exit seats. It so happens that I myself have flown them more than once, so I can’t help but mention them separately. These seats are very convenient because they allow you to stretch your legs as much as possible; there is no need to let your fellow passengers pass. However, there are also disadvantages: the possible absence of a porthole, a ban on hand luggage in the leg area (for security reasons). In general, there is an opinion that these seats are provided to people who, if necessary, can quickly open the emergency exit door and help the staff get other passengers out. I don’t know if this is true, but passengers with children and the elderly are definitely not given the indicated seats.

I hope that the information received was useful to you and now, when you carry out, you will immediately book the places that you think will best suit you. Since this article was quite lengthy, I posted detailed information about it in a separate article. I wish everyone comfortable flights and always smooth landings!

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