Secret canteens at Moscow airports (1 photo). Cafe and canteen in Sheremetyevo Canteen in Sheremetyevo terminal f

Although “man cannot live by bread alone,” we cannot live without food. Therefore, on flights with long layovers, you need to think in advance where you can eat tasty and inexpensive food at the airport.

I recently changed planes at Sheremetyevo. I studied this issue theoretically. In practice, since I can go for quite a long time without a good portion of food, being content with snacks, I didn’t have to use the knowledge. There's a big meeting coming up soon. Therefore, I refresh my knowledge and share it with you.

On our penultimate visit to Sheremetyevo, I was busy with the child when my husband, without asking me, decided to take us a snack. As a result, he paid about 400 rubles for tea and a bun... Not an excusable waste... I told him that you can get a hot drink from a vending machine (coffee, cocoa) for much less. And for a substantial meal there is a dining room.

Price list in the canteen of Sheremetyevo airport. Photo June 2016.

The word “dining room” is gradually going out of use. But reviews from the Internet about the canteen in Sheremetyevo suggest that you should not be afraid of this term.

So where is this cafeteria located? In terminal F we stand with our backs to the entrance and see the board.

When we are facing the elevators, we have this picture on the left.

There are elevators on both sides. We turn to those on the left. We need to go to the 4th floor of the terminal. There is a cafe-dining room “Free-Flow” and a restaurant “Fifth Ocean” (this one has a view of the airfield). In the elevator you need to press on the 5th floor (!). We exit the elevator to the left. We go to the stairs and go down to the 4th floor! We see a Pepsi sign with right-left arrows - restaurant-cafe!!!

I am making changes to this theoretical knowledge after “practical experiments”! There are elevators in different places. And there is a “4th floor” button near the manicure counter!

Appetizing? In the canteen of Sheremetyevo airport.

Price list 2015-2016: milk porridge “Hercules” (250 gr.) = 50 rub., boiled egg = 15 rub., scrambled eggs (2 eggs) = 45 rub., curd pudding (150 gr.) = 80 rub., cottage cheese pancakes (150 gr.) = 80 rub., fried sausages (1 pc.) = 45 rub., boiled sausages (1 pc.) = 45 rub., pancake with sour cream (150 gr.) = 80 rub., green peas (100 gr.) = 25 rubles, buckwheat porridge (125 gr.) = 40 rubles, snack bun (30 gr.) = 4 rubles, rye bread (20 gr.) = 2 rubles, dried fruit compote - 30 rubles, tea = 27 rubles…. Quite democratic. Especially in comparison with that bun for 400 rubles.

The opening hours of the cafeteria at Sheremetyevo F are 24 hours a day.

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How to have lunch at the airport for 300 rubles. together?

Where can you have a decent lunch at Moscow airports without the prices being exorbitant? This is a pressing question; it worries many tourists, especially those flying in transit from Russian regions.

This life hack has been circulating on the Internet for a long time, but Lena and I decided to conduct an experiment on ourselves and our stomachs.

To Sheremetyevo

There is an inexpensive cafe-canteen at Sheremetyevo Airport. Staff go there, but ordinary visitors are not prohibited from having lunch. The atmosphere in the establishment is modest, but the food is tasty and creative.

The canteen is located in the old terminal F (formerly Sheremetyevo-2). To find it, turn to the information board. There will be elevators on both sides - go to the left. All catering is located on the fourth floor.

The Aeropit dining room is located on the right side, next to which is the iconic Fifth Ocean restaurant.

The dining room has a large selection of dishes and polite staff. There is hot food from whole and minced meat, several salads, pickles, vegetables, a decent assortment of soups, and drinks. You can choose any dishes, the girls at the serving counter weigh them.

You can eat quite decently for about 150 rubles per person. For example, take buckwheat porridge for 40 rubles, schnitzel for 95 rubles and compote for 30 rubles. Total 165₽. Agree that this is a very good price for an airport. The cheapest burger at Burger King costs about 250 rubles!

There are similar canteens at other airports!

In Vnukovo

At Vnukovo airport there is a popular chain cafe “Mu-mu”, Burger King, Kroshka Kartotshka but, of course, you won’t be able to spend 200 rubles there. However, you can find a cheaper place. If you go to Terminal B - from the entrance to the far right corner, you will see a corridor. It leads to the old closed Terminal D. Walk past the shops - there will be stairs further, climb them and you will find yourself in the dining room. Access is for staff only, we try to enter together with the employees. The prices are very reasonable: for lunch you will pay about 250 rubles. You can take salad, soup, full main course, drinks; There are also baked goods. Everything is of decent quality.

If you leave the main entrance of the airport and walk about 600 meters along 1st Reisovaya Street, then in building 4a you will find Canteen No. 1. The quality of the food is average, but it is cheaper than what you can find at the airport.

In the next building you can get shawarma 24 hours a day.

To Domodedovo

At Domodedovo Airport you can also find relatively inexpensive catering establishments. Our reader Dmitry found an excellent canteen in Domodedovo. It is located at Domodedovo Airport 6/1. It's easier to explain from the photos below.

There is another more expensive option. On the second floor (sector D, common area) there is a 24-hour chain cafe “Mu-Mu”. The prices there are relatively low, although you won’t get lunch for 200 rubles either. A good selection of dishes, there are fruits and pastries; Set lunches and breakfasts are served at certain times. Personally, I thought it was a little expensive, you can normally eat for 500 rubles!

What's your record?

Write in the comments at which airport in the world and where did you manage to eat for pennies? Let's have a little competition. Write the price in $ or € in brackets to make it easier to compare.

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Sheremetyevo is one of the five largest international air terminals in the Moscow District and one of the 20 busiest airports in Europe. The passenger flow is not interrupted for a minute. For some people, waiting for a flight lasts for hours. The natural feeling of hunger in such a situation raises the question: where to eat in Sheremetyevo?

In the article we will tell you which cafes and restaurants in Sheremetyevo you can have a tasty and budget-friendly meal, and where the cheap canteen for employees is located

Restaurants and cafes in Sheremetyevo

Finding a place to eat in Sheremetyevo is not difficult. Food outlets offer food for every taste.

In Terminal F of Sheremetyevo Airport you can eat inexpensively in the following establishments:

  • American cuisine bar “Friday’s”.
  • Dishes from European cuisine are prepared in the Upper Crus restaurant. A business lunch offered by the establishment costs around 300 rubles.
  • "RamenClub" is a Japanese restaurant.
  • “Kroshka-Kartoshka” offers a menu of hot dishes, snacks, and drinks.

All food areas are located on the 2nd floor. The check amount for one person will be about 600 rubles.

Terminal E has food stations on the 2nd and 3rd floors. Food prices are reasonable and fall within the average range (from 200 to 800 rubles per visitor).

Catering points with inexpensive snacks:

  • "East market". The restaurant serves Asian and Caucasian cuisine.
  • Sbarro is an Italian bistro with a wide range of pizzas.
  • Subway is a fast food stall.

Menu tables at each food establishment will tell you where to eat cheaply at Sheremetyevo Airport.

In Terminal D, you can find ready-to-eat food outlets on all levels:

  • “Teremok” is a restaurant with home cooking. Offers Russian, Ukrainian food. The price of a set lunch is from 200 rubles.
  • "Hippopotamus" specializes in European cuisine.
  • “Moo-moo” - the cafe’s menu combines Russian, Japanese, and Italian cuisines. A business lunch costs about 300 rubles.

The cost of a snack is up to 1000 rubles per person.

Terminal B offers a new take on the food format. Combines 3 blocks: a burger bar, a gastropub, 5 self-service points with dishes from different cuisines of the world.

You can eat inexpensively in Sheremetyevo at Aeroexpress:

  • Cafe "Pelmennaya" offers traditional dishes.
  • “Our dining room” with a European menu. The emphasis is on the low cost of dishes.

For lunch, a visitor will pay 500-600 rubles.

Secret cafeteria for airport employees

Passengers who do not want to spend large sums on a snack in a cafe can eat in the canteen for airport terminal employees. But you will have to spend some time searching for it. Information about the establishment can only be found in the list of airport organizations.

The secret dining room at Sheremetyevo is located in terminal F on the 4th floor. You need to look for the road to it by following the signs. The landmark is the departures and arrivals board, behind which there are 2 elevators. Depending on which of them you get into, the further search path will depend. The left one will take you straight to the 4th floor. The desired point is located opposite the Fifth Ocean restaurant.

The right elevator does not stop at level 4, so you need to do this:

  • go up to the 5th floor;
  • go down the stairs (to the right of the elevator);
  • Of the 2 doors on the site, choose the left one.

A board with signs for food outlets will be right in front of your eyes. Free-Flow Cafe is the right goal. It works on the principle of free distribution.

The staff canteen at Sheremetyevo is open 24 hours a day. Not only employees of the complex, but also airport passengers can dine here. The menu includes a large selection of traditional dishes, our own baked goods, and drinks. The hall can accommodate large groups of visitors.

Food prices are in the double digits. Lunch of 4 items will cost 200-300 rubles per person. A cheap canteen in Sheremetyevo is worth the time spent searching for it. Here you can have a budget-friendly and tasty meal away from the hustle and bustle.

Catering establishments help pass the waiting time in airport areas. They are available in abundance in every terminal. Food prices are significantly higher than average, but it is still possible to find a place where you can eat cheaply in Sheremetyevo.

Hello friends!
How much does it cost to have a snack before a long journey at any airport or train station? 400-500-1000... rubles? Everyone knows that prices even for fast food are usually 2 or even 3 times higher! And not only in Moscow.
So keep this life hack - canteens for employees !

I went on reconnaissance to Sheremetyevo, because... this is the closest airport to me. Having googled the information in advance, I got off bus 62 at terminal F and found the entrance to the arrivals area:

After security, we go straight past the escalator in search of the elevator:

And here he is:

There are 2 elevators: on the left - for people, on the right - for staff. We need the 4th floor, and the elevator for people does not stop there, but this is not a problem. We're going until the 5th!

Then we go out, turn right and go down the stairs through the black door to the 1st floor. We're on the 4th!

And here it is, the treasured dining room:

Quite cute and cozy.

They don’t accept cards for payment, so we had to drive to an ATM and withdraw the amount that we usually pay for a set lunch in any industrial canteen - 250 rubles.

So, the menu:

Salads and soups cost about 70 rubles, hot dishes cost an average of 150 rubles. and baked goods for 25 rubles. Beauty!
I got into breakfast, so I have the following set:

omelette - 45 rub.
sausage - 45 rub.
peas - 35 rub.
dried fruit compote - 30 rub.
Total: 155 rubles and I’ll definitely last until lunch! 🙂
On a note: The canteen is open 24 hours a day!
And if your soul wants romance, you can have a cup of coffee at the Fifth Ocean restaurant overlooking the airfield. I haven’t been there myself, but I think I’ll have a sunset dinner sometime.

Well, celebrate yourself!

Have a nice trip!
Your Daria.

By the way, now you can still subscribe to new articles on my blog! They will come to you promptly and you will not miss anything!

Those who were not will be, those who were will not forget. This is not an army motto, this is the most accurate phrase that can describe almost all public catering outlets and cafes at Moscow airports. Everyone who at least once in their life arrived at the airport the required 2.5 hours before departure was faced with the fact that the time before the flight is a carriage and a small trolley, it would be nice to eat before the flight, but the prices are in “coffee shops” and “pubs” They bite hard.

A few days ago, a short life hack about where you can have a cheap lunch in Domodedovo, Sheremetyevo and Vnukovo flared up and went out on the Internet. The three paragraph instructions seemed interesting to me, and I decided to check out the people's canteens myself. Bottom line: there is no International Highway near Domodedovo, which is described in the instructions, and the cheap canteen in Vnukovo is completely closed.

Despite this, you can have a good lunch for 200 rubles at all three airports, and our correspondent will tell you and show you where these wonderful places are located.


The treasured building with the necessary canteen is already visible at the entrance to Domodedovo airport. As you move, it will appear on the right side.
Once you have left the Aeroexpress and gone through the turnstiles, most likely the first thing you will do is head to the check-in counters. Check your luggage and return back to the fast train. When you reach the turnstiles, turn left and walk along the airport building. On the right there will be a “smoking room” and, perhaps, a couple of bored workers. Don't pay attention to them, our goal is to eat cheap and tasty. Forward!

There are construction barriers there now, which may soon be removed. We don’t get distracted by the arrows on a green background; they are not a decree for us.

A happy guy probably left our destination - full and satisfied. After the construction “tunnel”, exit onto the pedestrian bridge. Then it’s hard to get lost: just go forward!

Along the long pedestrian crossing - to the treasured building on the left.

After the entrance “turntables”, turn right twice and find yourself on a gloomy staircase. Let your guide be a white A4 sheet with the inscription “Domodedovo Catering”. Even I failed to get lost, although I am a five-time champion in the “Get Lost in Three Pines” category.

Down for you.

Downstairs the Domodedovo corporate canteen awaits us. I got here in the morning, there were very few people. The dining room serves three meals a day: breakfast is served from 9:30 to 11:00, lunch is served from 12:30 to 17:00, and dinner is served from 17:00 to 20:00. Everything is as it should be: soups, main courses, side dishes and many, many desserts.

By the time I crawled to Domodedovo, breakfast had already been eaten.

A salad and sandwich display is available throughout the day.

At the checkout there is an incredibly nice woman Tatyana. When I found out that I didn’t have a “corporate discount,” I simply smiled friendly and told me the price.

To be honest, I was a little confused when I took the food. Therefore, the “set” turned out to be quite strange, but still cheap and tasty. Pudding with custard, cheesecake and tea - 113 rubles for everything. The cheesecake and my stupidity are to blame for this price. For comparison: rice with carrots and raisins will cost you 32 rubles, cherry compote - 29 rubles, salads - from 35 to 45 rubles per serving.

For many, it will be more convenient not to follow my instructions, but to simply enter the address in the navigator. This magical place has the following address: Domodedovo Airport, 8. Keep in mind that the canteen is not located in the airport building itself. I spent 9 minutes finding the road and the path itself. I got back even faster - in six.

Having eaten my fill at Domodedovo, I solemnly said: “Thank you to this house, I’ll go to another one,” and set off to drive around Vnukovo airport.


When you arrive at Vnukovo Airport by Aeroexpress, follow the signs to Terminal D. On the street you can follow the bright Ajika van. If you see it, then you are on the right track.

Near the airport there were two cheap canteens. To get to the first one, go to terminal D and turn right. Then it’s quite simple - we go forward for 5-7 minutes. On the way, you will come across a roadway without a crossing, but its absence does not bother anyone - everyone climbs over the fence and crosses the road, fortunately there are few cars there. As you walk forward, you will see a tall building with blue glass panels on the right side. The building is surrounded by a construction fence.

After crossing, you will have to walk a little along this fence, and around the bend, on the left side, there will be a treasured place.

“Dining room No. 1” is located on the left side. I discovered it by accident - I simply followed the flight attendants of the UTAIR company when I realized that there was nothing left of the canteen, which is written about in most instructions, except a couple of counters.

Inside there is “noir and decor”. Such establishments often frighten people - some people think that all the local criminals dine there. In reality, everything is completely different.

“Dining No. 1” near the airport is small. At the entrance you will be immediately greeted by the owner of the establishment, Eduard Mikhailovich. He sits at the cash register and, like a real owner, accepts money personally. Eduard Mikhailovich refused to be photographed: “Don’t take pictures of me, I’m not a public person. Better take a picture of the cook.”

The cook's name is Roman. According to the owner of the canteen, Roman is a true professional and managed to star in a culinary program. The choice of dishes in the dining room is small, but Roman prepares each dish himself. All compotes are also locally produced, and even tarragon is made here themselves.

There are a lot of salads, different salads: vegetable, carrot and, it seems, Olivier salad. The prices are good.

A two-course lunch with the same tarragon cost 220 rubles. Anticipating all your questions: the food is fine. Three days have passed since my stray lunch: I am alive, not poisoned and not covered with green scales.

When I said goodbye to Eduard Mikhailovich and the cook Roman, there was very little time left before the return Aeroexpress: if I had been late for this flight, I would have had to wait in Vnukovo for another hour and wait for the break between trains to end. But on the way back, we discovered another eatery, which employees also often visit. When you successfully cross that same roadway without crossing, turn left, straight towards this joyful sign.

Don't be alarmed, this is not a forest, but just a small copse. This is exactly where you want to go.

The road from your native black soil will lead you to a building that used to be a hotel. Now there is a cafe (read: canteen), a dry cleaner and, possibly, offices of the airport itself.

There is a staircase in the hall - we go up it and go forward. The second door on the right is a place that is proudly called a “restaurant/cafe-bar.” In fact, it is still a dining room.

Unfortunately, I did not have the energy and time to test another catering outlet. I rushed inside, took one shot, forgetting to switch the camera settings, and was about to run away to catch a train to Moscow, when the young lady waitress asked in a high, frightened voice: “Are you filming incriminating evidence?” I answered quickly: “No-what-you-are-some-compromising evidence” - and jumped back like a bullet. There were 5 minutes left before the Aeroexpress.


I caught the train, but the trip to the last airport had to be rescheduled for another day. The last point of my gastronomic tour was Sheremetyevo.

A cheap and pleasant food outlet in “Sharik” is a fairly well-known place. First of all, we go to terminal F.

In the desired terminal we see the Friday’s establishment and go to the elevators, which are located nearby. Surprisingly, the place we are heading to is not secret at all. For example, the signs next to the elevator say: “Dining room - 4th floor.” It is worth noting here that for inexplicable reasons, only the left elevator stops on the 4th floor. The right one will take you straight to 5th and will take you straight to the Sheremetyevo Museum. From there you can go down the stairs to the floor below.

On the fourth floor next door there is the same dining room and the Fifth Ocean restaurant.

The foreign Free-Flow is actually the same Aeropit cafe that many already know about. It works around the clock, which is extremely useful.

The hall is spacious and very clean. Here, too, for the most part, only airport and airline employees eat. Well, a couple of people like me, lovers of cheap and tasty food.

I distinguished myself again and dragged myself to the airport for breakfast. You can ask to pack all dishes to take with you or warm them up if they are too cold for you.

After noon, the dishes change: soups, side dishes, fish and meat appear.

Omelet “From Childhood”, pancakes and cranberry juice for 155 rubles. Well, it's great.

A special delight at Aeropit is the flight board and a stand for charging gadgets.

That's all. As it turned out, in every airport there is a place where one dish costs not 500 rubles, but only 50. In all the “catering establishments” they didn’t look at me askance and didn’t try to kick me out shouting “For staff only!” Therefore, you should not worry that you may not be allowed in. Finally, I would like to say that you will be able to visit all the canteens before entering the transit zone.