Presentation on life sciences of volcanoes and volcanic eruptions. Presentation for senior group students on the topic “Volcano. What not to do during an earthquake

1586 - eruption of the Kelut volcano in Indonesia, a person died. - eruption of the Kelut volcano in Indonesia - a person died.

On December 16, 1631, there was a strong eruption of Mount Vesuvius. One person died

A huge number of people and animals died, because at that time life was in full swing on the slopes of Vesuvius. For a long time the volcano was silent. Vesuvius began to erupt on December 16, 1631. Explosions thundered, a huge pink cloud appeared, which turned day into night. A deadly rain of hot ash and slag fell. Many residents were burned by falling burning debris and volcanic ash in their homes on the slopes of the mountain.

Huaynaputina Volcano 1600 This was the largest volcanic eruption of all time in the history of South America. It also affected the climate. The summer of 1600 was one of the coldest in the previous 500 years. Ash from the explosion covered everything within a radius of 50 square kilometers. The cataclysm of 1600 damaged the nearby cities of Arequipa and Moquegau, which took a century to recover.

Krakatoa Volcano 1883 A powerful explosion that occurred in April. It was accompanied by loud booms for several months. The eruption of this volcano threw out a huge amount of ash and pumice, and it could be heard thousands of kilometers away. The explosion also triggered the development of a tsunami, the maximum wave height reached 40 meters, killing more than 34 thousand people.

Santa Maria Volcano 1902 The eruption of Santa Maria was one of the largest eruptions of the 20th century. A strong explosion occurred after almost 500 years of silence, leaving behind a large crater, about one and a half kilometers in diameter, on the southwestern flank of the mountain. The explosion was heard 800 kilometers away in Costa Rica. The ash column rose 28 kilometers. About 6 thousand people died.

Novarupta Volcano 1912 The eruption of one of the chain of volcanoes on the Alaska Peninsula was the largest volcanic explosion of the 20th century. The powerful eruption triggered the release of 12.5 cubic kilometers of magma and ash into the air, which then settled on the ground within a radius of 7,800 square kilometers. Nearby Kodiak Island was covered in a 30-centimeter layer of ash, and acid rain caused by volcanic rock emissions caused people's clothing to fall apart.

Mount Pinatubo 1991 The catastrophic eruption began on June 10, 1991. More than 5 cubic kilometers of byproducts were released into the air, and this created a column of ash that rose 35 kilometers in the atmosphere. The eruption turned 150,000 people into refugees, forced the closure of Clark Air Force Base and the evacuation of all personnel both from it and from the Subjug naval base. Approximately 200 people died.

Changbaishan Volcano 1000 As a result of the volcanic eruption, so much volcanic material was thrown out that even in the north of Japan, 1200 kilometers from the site of the event, it was felt. The eruption created a large crater almost 4.5 kilometers in diameter and about one kilometer deep. Currently, the site of this depression is the Tianchi Lake, which is popular among tourists not only because of its beauty, but also because of the supposed unidentified creatures living in its depths.

Tambora 1815 The volcanic eruption is the most powerful in history. It reached its climax in April 1815, with an explosion so loud that it was heard on the island of Sumatra, which is located more than 1,930 kilometers from the site. The death toll was 71 thousand people, and clouds of heavy ash fell on many islands located at a very great distance from the volcano.

Ambrym Island, 50 BC The 665 square kilometer volcanic island, part of a tiny country in the southwest Pacific, witnessed one of the most spectacular eruptions in human history. A huge amount of ash and ash was thrown into the atmosphere, and a pit with a diameter of 12 kilometers was formed.

Volcano Ilopango 450 BC It was an incredible eruption. It destroyed all Mayan settlements and covered a third of the country with ash. Trade routes were destroyed, and the entire civilization was forced to move to the lowlands. Now the crater contains one of the largest lakes in El Salvador.

Thera, 1610 BC Geologists believe Thera exploded with the force of several hundred atomic bombs. Although there are no records to prove this. The island on which the volcano is located was home to the people of the Minoan civilization. There are some indications that residents suspected an eruption and were able to evacuate in time. The eruption also triggered a massive tsunami, and a huge release of sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere caused a global drop in temperature and subsequent climate change.

FORMATION OF VOLCANOES Volcanoes form in seismically active zones of the earth's crust. The Earth is enclosed in a lithospheric shell consisting of the crust and mantle. The lithosphere splits into plates that continuously move, forming ridges and depressions. As the plates move, they split or join together, and the areas where they meet are called boundaries. Volcanoes most often form in these weakest areas of the earth.

TYPES OF VOLCANOES Plinian type. The most explosive is the Plinian type. During an eruption, a huge amount of stones, gases and ash are thrown into the air. This mass reaches a height of 30 kilometers. These fragments break into small particles and cover everything around with a layer of deadly dust.

INTERESTING FACTS In February 1943, a new volcano appeared in Mexico. One day, in the middle of a corn field, a crack opened, and in 24 hours it turned into a 25-meter depression. Soon a hill 10 meters high formed here, and after 9 years the volcano grew to 405 meters.

NATURAL DISASTERS in Endonesia, on the island of Sumbaba in 1815, a volcanic eruption occurred, the largest in modern history in terms of the volume of the eruption and the number of victims (about people). Soon, up to 8,000 more people died from hunger and disease as a result of the eruption. The eruption led to a global impact on the Earth's climate; the year went down in history as the “year without summer.” Due to unusually low temperatures on the east coast of North America, snow remained for much of the summer.

NATURAL DISASTER Vesuvius is the most famous volcano in the world. Located in Italy. Here’s how the Roman scientist Pliny the Younger describes what happened back in 79 AD: “On August 24, a cloud of unusual growth appeared. It was white, yellow, and spotted in places. Soon it covered the entire sky. Fiery zigzags flashed in a huge thundercloud... ash began to fall. Women's screams and children's squeaks began to be heard. The farther it went, the stronger and hotter the rain of ash was...” This disaster claimed the lives of people, and also completely covered Pompeii with ash and destroyed it.

VOLCANOES OF RUSSIA The most active volcanoes in Russia are located in Kamchatka. The largest volcano in Eurasia is Klyuchevskoy 4750 meters, age about 8000 years. The first eruption was recorded in 1697. On average, an eruption occurs once every 5 years. The strongest was from the central crater in years, but it did not lead to serious consequences.

Ella Vassina
Presentation for senior group students on the topic “Volcano”


Introduce children to natural phenomena - volcano.


1- promote the development of cognitive activity in children, the desire for independent knowledge and reflection;

2- improve the ability to work with various materials, show a desire for transformation, and take a creative approach to solving assigned problems.

"I spit fire and lava,

I am a dangerous giant

I am famous for my evil fame,

What's my name?"

On a spaceship you can get into space, from where you can clearly see our planet. It is very huge and looks like a ball.

Deep below us, inside our planet, the earth is so hot that it looks like porridge.

There is water on our Earth (seas, rivers and oceans) and land (she's dry). We live on land. There are high mountains on land. Have you seen the mountains? The land is hard. But this is only from above, and deep inside the Earth it is so hot that even stones melt.

Word « VOLCANO» in Latin means "fire" And "flame". So named

one of the ancient Russian gods - the god of fire and blacksmithing.

Volcanoes there are eruptions

on the land…

There are also underwater...

"Sleepers" volcanoes differ little from other mountains.

But sometimes they "waking up", and then, the strong begins

underground roar, flames, ashes, red-hot

stones, volcanic bombs.

During an eruption volcano magma comes to the surface, it also

called LAVA.

The channel through which magma rises is called

MOUTH volcano.

Pieces of frozen lava - pumice. Look how interesting she is. There are air bubbles inside this pebble. This is because the lava boiled and seethed, and then froze.

Volcanoes seem beautiful, but they are very dangerous. After all, the fiery porridge is lava,

pouring out of the mountain, it can destroy cities where people live and start fires.

Scientists who monitor the condition volcanoes and can often predict the beginning of their eruptions called volcanologists.

Where fire flies from the mountain,

And it smokes from all sides,

There's a dangerous hooligan there

Awakened again (Volcano)

At that rather big mountain

The character is quiet for the time being.

But this could happen -

It will explode and smoke (Volcano)

The mountain woke up from its sleep,

It began to bubble and boil.

And it shot up from the cap

Lots of smoke, soot, ash.

The lava flows like honey, thick.

What do you call a mountain like this? (Volcano)

Publications on the topic:

Summary of direct educational activities in the educational field “Artistic and Aesthetic Development” with children 5-6.

Technological map Task 1

I want to know

What is a volcano ?

  • Volcano- (from Latin vulcanus - fire, flame), a conical mountain, from the neck of which hot gases, steam, ash, rock fragments, as well as powerful streams of hot lava are emitted, which spread over the surface of the earth.
  • A volcano is a geological formation on the surface of the earth’s crust or the crust of another planet, where magma comes to the surface, forming lava, volcanic gases, and stones.
  • Volcanoes are conical mountains formed by the products of their eruptions.

Technological map Task 2.

Volcano is…………………………………………………………………………………...

…………………………………………………………………………………………………… ...

………………………………………………………………………………………………… .....

Structure of the volcano

  • A magma chamber is a place under the earth's crust,

where magma collects.

  • A volcanic vent is a channel through which magma rises.
  • A volcano crater is a bowl-shaped depression at the top of a mountain.
  • Lava is erupted magma.

Technological map Task 3 Complete the diagram "Structure of a volcano"

Eruption- this is the release of molten matter from the Earth’s crust and mantle to the surface of the planet, called magma .

Historical catastrophe of volcanic origin

K. Bryullov “The Last Day of Pompeii”

Causes of volcanic eruptions


Pressure drop in the magma chamber. And with a sudden decrease in pressure, the magma melts, the gases expand and rush out.

Signs of a volcanic eruption

Almost always a volcanic eruption can be predicted. The most characteristic signs of the “awakening” of a volcano are:

  • - increased release of gases and

mineral waters on it

  • - temperature increase;
  • - underground hum.

Types of volcanic eruptions

If gases are released from the magma relatively calmly, then it flows to the surface, forming lava flows. This eruption was called effusive.

If gases are released quickly, an instantaneous boiling of the magmatic melt occurs and it bursts with expanding gas bubbles.

Something powerful is happening.

explosive eruption

which received

Name explosive.

If the magma is very viscous and its temperature is low, then it is slowly squeezed out to the surface. Such an eruption is called extrusive.

Types of volcanoes

Most common central type volcanoes is a hill, mountain or hill with a depression at the top crater , from which magma comes to the surface. Ejected during a volcanic eruption

rock fragments from it,

ash, poured lava

remain on its slopes.

The height of the mountain increases -

Xia, and with it the crater

moves higher and higher

Another type of volcano is linear or fissure . Their occurrence is associated with the rise of liquid basaltic magma along a crack in the earth's crust. Liquid lava spreads over vast areas, forming lava sheets. Such a volcano looks like a crack on the surface of the Earth.

Active volcanoes



Klyuchevskaya Sopka

Extinct volcanoes



1. Geological formation that appears above channels and cracks in the earth’s crust, through which ash, lava, hot gases, water vapor, and rock fragments are erupted onto the earth’s surface

a) earthquake

b) seaquake

c) volcano

2. The word “volcano” comes from the name of the ancient Roman god:

a) the underworld

3.Find two reasons for a volcanic eruption

a) flood

b) earthquake

c) pressure drop in the magma chamber

d) tsunami

4. Find three signs of a volcanic eruption

a) increased release of gases and mineral waters;

b) increase in temperature;

c) underground hum.

d) decrease in temperature

5. Choose the wrong classification of volcanoes a) by shape b) by the amount of erupted lava c) by activity

d) by location

Answers to the test

3 - b, c

4 - a, b, c


Chapter 2, paragraph 5, tasks from the technological map Creative task:

(optional and desired)

make a model of a volcano;

make a selection of facts about the volcanic eruption