Walking around Riga: what you must see? Sights of Riga: Old Town Suburbs of Riga attractions

Today we will have a fascinating and informative tour of the capital of Latvia. We will try to take a one-day trip to get acquainted with all its sights and look into the darkest corners of the history of this city. We'll tell you what you can see in Riga in one day.

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According to good tradition, getting to know Riga begins with a visit to the Freedom Monument. The memorial is dedicated to those residents who heroically defended the right to state independence in the 20s of the last century. The monument is located on Brivibas Avenue in the central part of Riga. The monument reaches 42 meters in height and is presented in the form of a woman, in whose hands three symbolic stars fit. A separate part of the exhibition is a group of additional figures at the foot of the pedestal, each of which reflects the culture, history and values ​​of Latvians. By the way, according to rumors, a certain Milda invited the sculptor to pose, in whose honor the monument received its second name.

Famous Lime clock

The Laima clock holds a special place in the hearts of the townspeople and is located in a high tower on one of the central squares of Riga. This favorite place for making appointments and appointments. Although today the tower is decorated with recognizable logos of the local sweet manufacturer, it did not always have this appearance. Initially, this place was a regular tram stop, where a clock was installed for the convenience of Riga residents rushing to work. In 1924, the first tower appeared on this site, which also contained a place for a clock. The tower was dotted with socialist and communist slogans for a long time, and its original appearance was returned only in 1999. If you are in Riga for the first time, then best place to make an appointment, which every city dweller knows, there will be a “Lime” watch.

Nymph Fountain

This architectural delight is located at the entrance to the famous Opera and Ballet Theater. It was created in 1887 by the brilliant master of his time A. Volz.

The history of the creation of the fountain is no less unique than the final product itself. According to legend, the author of the fountain, in the process of creating the figure of a naked girl, fell in love with his model. The sudden feelings that overwhelmed him did not give him peace, and the completion of the construction was constantly postponed. As a result, the beloved nevertheless reciprocated and agreed to become the wife of the brilliant architect, and the fountain, to the great joy of the residents of Riga, was completed. Today it is a statue of a naked girl holding a shell in her hands, from which a stream of water bursts out. Next to the nymph there are figures of children, a turtle and a dolphin. Each element of this sculpture is created in the smallest detail. Therefore, it is highly recommended to include this attraction in your excursion program.

Monument to the Bremen Town Musicians

As children, we all watched with interest the adventures of the Bremen Town Musicians and sincerely rooted for them, sitting in front of the TV screens. It seems that in Riga there is a special attitude towards the heroes of this fairy tale, because there is a real monument to them on one of the streets. On the pedestal, one on top of the other, there are four recognizable characters - a donkey, a dog, a cat and a rooster. It should not be surprising that the author of the monument was a German sculptor from Bremen. After all, this city is considered a sister city of Riga. By the way, according to the sculptor’s idea, the monument carries a deep historical and philosophical thought and is dedicated to the end of the Cold War between the West and the East. Of course, modern Riga residents and guests of the city do not think about such “high matters”. They prefer to believe that if you rub the nose of a donkey or the beak of a rooster, your deepest desires will certainly come true.

House of the Blackheads

This Historical building It was restored after war devastation only in the 90s and became a kind of gift to the city for its 800th anniversary. Today this house attracts tourists not just with its unique appearance, but also with its luxurious interior. Exhibitions and private events for high-ranking guests are held here. According to historical information, the house was created in the 14th century and belonged to the famous merchant guild of the Blackheads. By the way, the name is not at all connected with the surname of the traders. The coat of arms of the house depicted St. Mauritius with a black head. Unfortunately, it is not possible to check whether the current appearance of the building corresponds to the historical prototype.

Museum of Occupation

In 1993, the Museum of Occupation opened its doors, which, from its very creation to the present day, has stood out for its political and financial independence. His collection is replenished exclusively with funds from sponsors. The main idea of ​​the exhibition is to convey to modern society the life of Latvians who suffered from Nazi terror during the war, and were also persecuted by representatives of the Soviet regime. For the convenience of visitors, the collection is divided into several sections, each of which is dedicated to a separate historical period of the country. Many Russians have a contradictory attitude towards the gallery, because its creators actually equated Stalin with Hitler.

The Dome Cathedral

One of the most significant attractions in all of Latvia is the Dome Cathedral, the construction of which continued over 5 centuries, starting from the 13th century. It is not surprising that the project, which was worked on by several generations of architects, has such a mixed style. This is where the unique organ from the German manufacturer E.F. is located. Walcker & Co, which reaches a height of 25 meters! The musical instrument is decorated with decorative carvings, and when a rending sound bursts out from its seven thousand army of pipes, the heart begins to pound furiously in the chest. Even today, this instrument is considered the largest in the territory of the former USSR. And in 1883, when it was installed, there were no analogues in the whole world.

Art Museum

The gallery called “Riga Stock Exchange” includes a huge collection of the best examples of European, Oriental and Ancient Egyptian art. The oldest exhibit dates back to the fifth century BC. A huge collection of works and contemporary artists is presented. The gallery with works by Northern European authors is especially popular among art connoisseurs. Near the Western Gallery there is the Silver Cabinet, where you can enjoy an impressive collection of products made from this noble metal, which came to Riga not only from Europe, but also from the Asian region.

Government Castle

This ancient complex deserves to take its rightful place in the excursion program. Tourists will be amazed by its unique appearance and rich history, which dates back several centuries ago. At one time, it was in his offices that the historical decisions of numerous “occupation” governments of the country were made. Since each new owner of the castle adapted it to their needs, we can contemplate a rather interesting interpretation of its exterior and interior decoration. Today this building is the residence of the head of the Latvian state. But there was also room for several museum galleries.

Bar Black Magic

We recommend finishing the day's program at the Black Magic bar on Kalku Street. It was here that the legendary Riga balsam was invented, the author of which is considered to be the alchemist A. Kuntze. By the way, this drink owes its popularity to Empress Catherine II, who not only appreciated its refined taste, but also allowed the launch of a full-fledged production of herbal tincture. Even today, the bar has a safe containing 24 types of herbs needed to create the drink. And for 20 euros, each visitor can see how it is actually created. The interior decoration of the bar is also attractive - antique lamps swing under the stone arches, and the furniture is made exclusively of wood.

Hotel Garden Palace

Is located in historical center Riga

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If you only have one day to explore the sights of Riga, don’t worry. This time is more than enough. to see all the most interesting things in the capital of Latvia.

All the most interesting things for tourists are located in the historical center of the city. The only exception is , which is a must-visit if you come with children.

It is better to start your sightseeing tour from the Freedom Monument. There is also a central square and a park where you can relax and get ready to explore the old city.

In the historical center it is hard to miss the most interesting buildings. There are many streets, but they all lead to Town Hall Square. Returning from it along a different road, you will explore the second part of the old city :) It’s almost impossible to miss.

Riga Castle

For almost seven centuries, the building of the Riga Castle, which was rebuilt several times, adorns the banks of the picturesque Daugava River. This is where you should start getting acquainted with the Latvian capital.

Due to reconstruction, tourists will not be able to visit the museums located in the medieval building. But every guest of the city can stand at the high walls of the ancient castle, appreciate its majesty and the strength of its powerful towers.

Cathedral of St. James

Brick gothic building The main church of the city, located near the Riga Castle, surprises with its simplicity. Upon entering the Cathedral of St. James, visitors find themselves in a spacious three-nave hall. Their eyes are drawn to the rich decoration of the Baroque altar, as well as the massive pulpit in the Empire style and the organ, sparkling with the reflected light of candles.

"Three brothers"

For those travelers who want to step back into the Middle Ages for a few minutes and see in which buildings ordinary townspeople lived, it is worth walking to Mazā Pils Street. Here are the “Three Brothers” - green, luxurious and white - three ancient houses built one after another in the 15th–17th centuries.

Nowadays it houses a small Architectural Museum, by visiting which you can learn the fascinating history of this famous building.

In order to listen to the soulful melodies performed by musicians on a unique organ with 6718 pipes, you should definitely visit the bright and spacious hall of the Dome Cathedral.

You can become a concert spectator for a fairly reasonable amount - 10–20 €.

In spring and summer, city guests and Riga residents often relax at tables in cozy street cafes located on the crowded Dome Square near the temple.

Here, tourists can often become spectators of free concerts of talented street musicians, most often performing at the monument to Roland, the brave medieval knight.

Behind him rises unusual building Houses of the Blackheads. Once upon a time, in the distant Middle Ages, it housed the premises of the brotherhood of Riga merchants and the stock exchange. In recent decades, tourists could join tours of the house's halls, watch concerts, or visit exhibitions. Now access is temporarily closed due to the residence of the Latvian President located here.

But the doors of St. Peter's Church, located on the square, are open.

For tourists, the temple is interesting primarily for its 123.5-meter tower, which houses a small but quite spacious observation deck. From here you can see famous Riga buildings, bridges, temple towers and the picturesque Daugava. Compared to St. Peter's Church, the Town Hall located on the square appears to be a less majestic building. But this does not at all diminish the beauty of the restored three-story structure, at the facade of which city guests often take photographs.

A square with a sad history. It was built on the ruins of buildings after the Second World War.

Situated on the outskirts of the Old Town, it is a holiday destination for many people. There are many restaurants and cafes with outdoor terraces. In summer the square is decorated with beautiful flowers, and in winter there is a Christmas market with street cafes serving hot wine. There is a lively atmosphere throughout the year.

Knowing that the Latvian capital is quite an old city, many travelers show sincere interest in the numerous exhibits in the halls of the Riga History Museum. Here you can see not only historical documents traditional for such institutions, but also the wreckage of ancient ships, bronze, porcelain, and silver items dating back to various eras.

Riga Zoo

The kids' favorite place where they can spend at least 3-4 hours. And it’s better to do this in the first half of the day, when the animals are more active.

The goal of the zoo is to introduce visitors to the diversity of the animal world. Children here will learn and see a lot of new things by visiting:

  • houses of giraffes, kangaroos, flamingos, cranes and pelicans, etc.,
  • exhibition of lemurs and turtles,
  • terrarium,
  • aquarium,
  • contact rural yard,
  • exhibitions of rare European animals, predators and many others.

Every day from 11.00 to 14.15 you can watch the feeding of the animals.

On site you can have a snack in cafes and stalls, and children can also have fun in the playground.

Recreation center "Lido"

A great place not only to eat and relax, but also to spend the afternoon with children.

There are a total of 8 restaurants of this chain in Riga, but the largest is located on Krasta Street 76. On site you can eat delicious food at:

  • restaurants
  • bistro
  • confectionery
  • brewery
  • beer cellar

Entertainment offered:

  • trampolines
  • carousels “Whirlwind”, “Horses”, “Rocket”
  • inflatable rides
  • small Ferris wheel
  • jumping on elastic bands
  • pony riding
  • children's driving school
  • hippodrome
  • Rodeo "Bull"
  • darts and more

In winter there is a large ice skating rink.

One day is clearly not enough for a more or less thorough acquaintance with the city. But there’s nothing to do, the return tickets have already been purchased, so we’ll try to make the most of the day so that it won’t be so “excruciatingly painful” later..

Let’s begin the “express method of getting to know Riga.” We will definitely take care of comfortable shoes, make sure that the camera battery is fully charged, and the flash drive is empty - the “home video” has been transferred to the computer..

It's time to hit the road!

Climb. 7:30 am

We won’t be able to get enough sleep today, we wake up, (not) do exercises, wash ourselves, have breakfast, and off we go to meet the city.

Our task is to reach Old Riga by 10 am. If you already live in Old Riga, you can use the small handicap for a relaxing breakfast or for lounging in bed.

A walk around Old Riga will take at least four hours; we recommend taking our route “The 20 Most Important Sights of Old Riga” as a basis.

If the weather permits, stay nearby and go up to the observation deck - it offers a wonderful view of the city.

Rest is a rather tiring thing, especially when it involves active sightseeing. It’s a good idea to have some food along the way, and our advice is simple - choose your favorite cafe and enjoy a cup of coffee and a bun.

We will plan a substantial snack for a later time.

Dinner. About two o'clock in the afternoon

So, the route around Old Riga has been trodden, along the way we looked into the courtyards and churches we liked, it’s already about two o’clock, it’s time to have a snack. Since there is little time, then optimal choice- bistro Lido, located in the center, address - st. Tirgonu, 6.

We had a snack, drank beer or juice. It turned out quickly (given our time pressure - the most important thing), satisfying and inexpensive (which is also useful) - for 5-7 Euros per person in the center of Riga it is not so easy to have a hearty lunch.

Stop sitting around, the sun will set soon, and we haven’t even completed half of the program yet. Riga, no matter how you look at it, we have no right to ignore this fact.

Our goal is tram number 6, stop "National Opera" (stop not far from the Freedom Monument. If we are facing the Old Town, and the Opera building is behind us, then our direction is to the right (women's left). You can see the schedule) .

A short break on the tram, we pass four stops and get off at the terminus.

Here it is, the most expensive district of Riga, in every second house there is either an embassy or a bank; if it’s an apartment, then either an ambassador or a banker lives. There are also presidents, corrupt..., oh, honest politicians, as well as simple working people... no, still hardly simple... A square meter costs 3-4 thousand Euros, people need to work for a year to get a couple of meters of living space accumulate. Politicians, however, also have to work a lot, but they somehow manage to live here with non-banker salaries.. It’s a paradox, however..

The route is simple - we go without turning along Elizabetes Street. On the right is a park, on the left are luxuriously restored 4-5 storey buildings from the early 20th century.

We reach the intersection of five streets, we go to the left - onto Strelnieku Street. Let's slow down and meet the best examples of style in Riga.

The final goal is Albert Street, only half a kilometer long, on which every building is an architectural monument. We dedicated a virtual walk to her in the article ““.

In order not to carry a computer with you, you can print (or download to your phone) a PDF version of the guide.

There are no copyright violations, the guide has been prepared by us for free use - you can download it, you can copy it, you can post it on in social networks. Information should belong to everyone! Links to guidebooks are at the end of the article. So, we promoted ourselves a little, and moved on...

We've passed Alberta Street, it's past eight o'clock, we're running out of energy, there are 758 photos in the camera. A hearty lunch has already been converted into walking energy (I wonder if such a thing exists?), it’s time to think about a quiet evening rest.

If you have the strength, you can return to Old city and hang out in some restaurant, for example Lido (just kidding, Lido is not good for the evening, let's look for something more leisurely). Let's do this - while walking along the charming streets of Riga, we choose a restaurant that we like.

To say that there are restaurants on every corner in Old Riga would be an understatement; rather, between two corner establishments there are a couple more.

If we don’t have the strength, we stay in the embassy area; there are fewer restaurants here, but it won’t be difficult to find either.

We digest the impressions. Nine o'clock in the evening

Having settled comfortably and ordered dinner, we sip beer (the best varieties are Piebalgas, Valmiermuža, Užavas. Aldaris Luksus - only if nothing more decent is offered..), and thoughts are annoyingly spinning in our heads:

“..to leave tomorrow morning..
..what about her sandy beaches and cool Baltic Sea..they say that in the summer there are more stars on the boardwalk than local residents..
..and I also read somewhere that it is one of the three largest museums in the world..
..and it would be nice to take a walk along (they said that Western tourists go there as if they were going to a museum, especially the fish pavilion)... and further along the restored Daugava embankment..
.. and what are the creative quarters of Riga - I heard somewhere that interesting wooden buildings have been preserved there..
.. it would be interesting to go to ..
..my mother-in-law also advised me to listen, she was here in 1974.. she proved that the Riga for a long time was the largest instrument in the world.. she probably plays as usual..
.. it would be nice to give up, Schengen is there, the Petrovs swam, they said - the night on the ferry, the next morning it’s already there .. and it costs a few pennies ..
..eh, I’ll have to come again..”

And the main idea

“..and why am I in Riga for only one day.. so little..”

And we warned you...

What to see in Riga in 1 day. My short guide - How to get there, where to stay, where to eat, as well as transport and attractions.

My trip to Riga, like most trips to Europe, was determined by chance, or rather a $30 discount on booking 3-5 star hotels, which turned out to be most successful to use in Riga. After that, all that remained was to watch for a promotion on bus tickets Minsk-Riga-Minsk and here, too, we were lucky to start a sale with a 50% discount.

How to get to Riga

You can get to Riga, like most European capitals, by plane, bus and train. I took a night bus from Minsk for 6.9 €, but I can’t guess your option, so I’ll tell you about the main directions.

  1. : a ticket for a city bus from the airport costs 1.15 € if you buy an E-Ticket in advance, a single ticket from the driver will cost 2 €. Transfer from the airport can be ordered for 30€.
  2. : buses travel up to 10 times a day, the average ticket price is 13 €, you can buy or. Flights from 30€ can be found on.
  3. : buses to Riga go up to 4 times a day, tickets are sold from 15 €. The train costs from 40€.

Housing in Riga

  1. Apartments: It’s best to book apartments for a day on Airbnb, and to save money, use. Most apartment owners speak Russian.
  2. Hotels: if you don’t want to overpay and there are no promotions, then use a combination of a search engine and the function. The search engine will find the most profitable proposition, and CashBack and coupons will reduce the price by up to 20%.

I was lucky to book a 4-star hotel for €13 for two with breakfast (using a discount coupon), but such promotions are very rare. The hotel is located almost in the very center of the city on the island of Kipsala. Breakfast is a buffet with a large selection of food, and the hotel also has a free sauna for guests.

Public transport in Riga

The tourist part of the city is very small, and is also located next to the railway station, and if you come to the city for less than a day, then public transport may simply not be needed.

If your route involves the use of public transport, then it is worth knowing that in Riga there is an electronic fare payment system, and tickets are called E-Talon. You can buy them at any newsstand.

It is best for tourists to use disposable yellow E-Talons. A ticket for one trip costs 2.5 €, but if you plan to travel more than once, then it is profitable to buy a pass for a day for 5 €.

Sights of Riga

Before I move on to the description of my walk around Riga, as usual, I will provide several links that should help you organize your trip in advance and save time.

  1. Tourist bus Riga Sightseeing Tour - and. More expensive than a city transport pass, but it is more convenient to get to some attractions.
  2. — 15€.
  3. Excursion — — 25 €.
  4. — 69€.

What to see in Riga in 1 day

Although I was in Riga for almost two days, but because bad weather and the stay in Riga itself as a tourist was reduced to 3-5 hours. This is enough to explore the tourist center of the city and the main attractions of Riga.

Central station

Mine walking route I’ll start covering from the Central Station - the place of arrival of almost all tourists in Riga.

Latvian National Opera

Immediately in historical city You don’t have to go, so as not to make an extra circle and go for a walk in Bastion Hill Park, where you can see several attractions at once. The first thing along the way is the building of the Latvian National Opera, built in 1863.

The next point will be the Freedom Stella, located in the center of the park. It was erected in 1935 as a symbol of freedom of the Latvian people.

We continue our walk through the park to the place that gave it the name Bastion Hill. There is little left of the slide itself, but you can get some good views from it good weather. Our case was an exception and the weather was bad.

Powder Tower

We go down the hill and go towards the Powder Tower, the peak of which is visible in the previous photo. The Powder Tower is practically the only thing left of defensive wall cities. Nearby there are some more remains in the form of the Ramer Tower and a piece of the fortress wall.

Powder Tower

The corresponding thematic Latvian War Museum is located next to these buildings. The museum is open every day from 10 to 17-18 hours, in admission is free, address Smilšu iela 20.

cat house

We continue to move deeper into the historical part of the city and come to a building called the Cat House, for which they came up with a whole legend about cats on the spire of its roof. According to this legend, the cats were initially turned with their backs towards the building of the Riga Merchants Guild, and this was done due to the refusal to admit one of the merchants, who was the owner of this building, to the guild.

Today, the spiers of this building with cats are one of the symbols of the city; even a tourist magnet is rarely complete without images of these cats.

cat house

From the cat house we move towards Dome Square, where the Dome Cathedral is located, but we will not go to the square and the cathedral for now, but will walk a little to the right to Cathedral Saint James.

And now we go out to Dome Square and the cathedral of the same name.

Nearby is Museum of the History of Riga and Navigation. Entrance to the museum is 4.27 €, for adults, but it is better to immediately buy a subscription to 3 museums for 5.69 € ( Museum of Riga History and Navigation, Menzendorf House and Latvian Photography Museum).

If you are not interested in the museum, then we move to central square Riga and the House of the Blackheads located on it, as well as the Monument to the Bremen Town Musicians, which is hidden around the corner of the House of the Blackheads.

Not far from the House of the Blackheads there is another one of the main attractions of Riga - the Church of St. Peter.

This is practically all that we managed to photograph during our walk around Riga and the entire story “What to see in Riga”; a light rain prevented us from taking more photographs. But in Riga, in the old town, there are still a dozen or two interesting houses that could be photographed, and you can also find the house that was filmed in the Soviet film about Sherlock Holmes and passed off as his place of residence on Baker Street.

National Library of Latvia

And the last photo is now also a landmark of Riga - the new building of the National Library of Latvia, opened in 2013. I got here because my hotel is located nearby.

Where to eat on a budget in Riga

I’ll finish my story about Riga with a snack, or rather lunch. In Riga, if you don’t want to overpay for restaurants and expensive cafes, it’s better to go to LIDO. It’s tasty, satisfying and inexpensive, and also somewhat similar to canteens, but much nicer and cozier.

There are 4 such establishments not far from the center, and one of them is right in the historical center. The Lido in the center is constantly crowded due to good location, so it’s better to walk a little and have lunch at any other place. Below are the addresses according to distance from the center.

What to see in Riga: overview of the most important attractions

The history of Riga, as well as the whole of Latvia as a whole, is closely intertwined with the history of the Russian state, so many have probably heard well about this city, seen it in photographs, in films, and maybe even visited here once. But for representatives of the younger generation, which entered adulthood after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Riga is a typical European capital and is hardly associated with something familiar and familiar. For travelers who are going to Riga for the first time, we have prepared an overview of the most important and interesting sights of this beautiful city.

What to see in Riga in 1 day?

Not every traveler thinks of organizing a purposeful trip to Riga (of course, we do not take into account business trips, trips to relatives, and the like). As a rule, this is either one of the points on a tour of Europe (in particular, the Baltic countries), or transit. In these cases, the question arises: what to see in Riga in 1-2 days and what is the most rational way to plan a route around the city? Let's figure it out.

Old city

Regardless of how much time you have in Riga, the first place you should go is the Old Town, or Old Riga - central District cities where medieval flavor has been preserved and concentrated great amount attractions.

The Old Town of Riga occupies completely small area and without haste, you can walk around it “from start to finish” in a couple of hours. Where to start your walk doesn’t really matter. As an example, we have plotted a route from Central Station Riga, where many city guests arrive.

Route around Old Riga

The Dome Cathedral

The Riga Dome Cathedral can certainly be called a symbol of the city. Huge medieval building located on the square of the same name, in the very heart of Old Riga. The Dome Cathedral was founded back in 1211, but since then, of course, it has been repeatedly reconstructed and modernized. Today, the architecture of the cathedral belongs to the Gothic style with Baroque elements. The height of the cathedral, including the spire, which is immortalized by a cockerel, is 96 meters.

Due to the fact that Riga throughout its history suffered greatly from floods of its main waterway, the Daugava, the streets of the Old Town were covered with gravel. As a result of this, the floor level in the Dome Cathedral today is significantly lower than street level. There is a feeling that the cathedral has “grown” into the ground. By the way, since 2011, the cathedral has been gradually reconstructed. It will last 10 years.

An important object of the Dome Cathedral is a huge organ, 25 meters high and including 6,768 pipes. The cathedral regularly hosts organ concerts.

Riga Castle

Another medieval building on the territory of Old Riga is Riga Castle, whose history begins in 1330. The castle rises on the banks of the Daugava. Since the 20th century it has been the residence of the president of the country, but over the last few years it has been restored and therefore the residence has been temporarily moved to the House of the Blackheads. The castle was founded by the knights of the Livonian Order.

House of the Blackheads

One more " business card» Rigi is the House of the Blackheads. The construction of this attraction, as in the case of the Riga Castle, is associated with the Livonian Order - this is the years 1330-1353. However, during the Second World War, the building was completely destroyed and restored to its original form in 1996-2000, for the 800th anniversary of Riga.

The House of Blackheads was originally built for Big Guild– community of traders (merchants). Later, the merchants united into a brotherhood, which was called the Order of the Blackheads, which gave the name to this architectural monument.

Dome Square

Dome Square is the heart of the Old Town of Riga and, of course, a gathering place for a huge number of tourists. Around the square there are cafes, restaurants, souvenir shops and other tourist attractions.

In addition to the above-mentioned Dome Cathedral, there are other important city objects on the square: the Stock Exchange building, the Latvian Radio building, the Banking building and others. Each of them has its own unique architectural style. All together they form a unique beauty architectural ensemble Dome Square.

St. Peter's Church

Along with the Dome Cathedral, St. Peter's Church rises above Old Riga - another unique symbol of the city. This is the tallest building in the Old Town and the second (after the Riga TV Tower) in all of Riga. The height of the church is 123 meters and 64 of them are on its spire.

It is this tall spire that arouses the admiration of all guests of the city and it is thanks to it that St. Peter’s Church is often called the main “calling card” of Riga, leaving behind the Dome Cathedral, the House of the Blackheads and other unique attractions of the city.

However, the Church of St. Peter attracts the attention of tourists not only due to its majestic appearance, but also due to the observation deck located at a 71-meter height. This is without a doubt the best Observation deck Rigi. It offers a breathtaking view not only of the Old Town, but of the entire city. There is an elevator to the observation deck, the entrance fee is 9 euros for an adult.

Three brothers

This name was given to an architectural complex consisting of three small quaint buildings located in old Riga on Maza Pils street. Each of the houses has its own name - “White Brother”, “Middle Brother” and “Green Brother”. "Three Brothers" were built in different time and reflect the different eras of residential building construction in the city. Today, all three buildings are not residential; they house the State Inspectorate for the Protection of Cultural Monuments, the Union of Architects of Latvia, the Latvian Museum of Architecture and the editorial office of the magazine “Latvian Architecture”.

Powder Tower and remains of the fortress wall

In the old days, Riga, as befits any medieval city, was surrounded by fortified walls. In the 19th century, almost all of the fortifications were demolished as their original functions were lost. Only one tower, the Powder Tower, and part of the city wall have survived to this day. Anyone can see them.

The Bremen Town Musicians

A rather popular attraction is the sculpture dedicated to the Bremen Town Musicians. Bremen is Riga's sister city. This monument, made by a Bremen sculptor, was presented to the city as a gift.

According to tradition, if you make a wish and rub the nose of any of the four musicians, it will definitely come true. Moreover, each animal is capable of fulfilling a separate wish, that is, you can make four in total! And the most secret desire is fulfilled by the rooster, which is the most difficult to reach.

Cat house

There are also quite unusual sights on the streets of Old Riga. For example, the House with black cats or, simply, the Cat House. This attraction is a building in the style of Riga Art Nouveau (rational Art Nouveau), built in 1909. The turrets of this building are decorated with sculptures of black cats.

The history of their appearance is quite interesting. A merchant named Blumer, who owned this house, installed cats with their backs turned to the Guild building, where they did not want to accept him, thereby demonstrating protest against such a decision. The Guild elder did not like this act very much. A scandal began that resulted in a lawsuit. However, the court did not find anything illegal in Blumer's actions. Later, Blumer was finally accepted into the guild and the cats were turned into the correct angle.

Yakovlevsky barracks

Opposite the city walls (or rather, the part that remains of them) stretches the Yakovlevsky barracks. They were built in the 17th century for Swedish soldiers defending the Gulf of Riga.

Of course, today the barracks are not used for their original purpose. Now they house souvenir shops, shops, offices, cafes, pubs and restaurants. While walking around Old Riga, be sure to stop by here.

What to see outside of Old Riga?

If after a busy walk around the Old Town you still have enough time, pay attention to the following attractions.

Freedom Monument

The Freedom Monument is a symbol of Latvian independence. It is a 42-meter stele, erected in 1935, in memory of those who died during civil war in 1918-1920. This attraction is located on the central street of Riga - Brivibas Boulevard, in close proximity from the Old Town.

Lime watch

Near the Freedom Monument there is another fairly well-known landmark of the city - the Laima clock. Their story began back in 1924. Since then, of course, they have been reconstructed more than once and changed their appearance.

Today, the Laima clock not only serves as the main city clock, but is also an important landmark: important meetings, dates, etc. are scheduled around it.

Riga TV tower

Speaking about modern symbols of Riga, it is definitely worth mentioning the Riga TV Tower - the tallest building in the city. Its height is 368 meters and according to this indicator it ranks first in the Baltic states and is one of the five tallest buildings in Europe. Built in 1986. The tower rises on a small island on the Daugava River.

At an altitude of 97 meters there is an observation deck from which, in theory, you can see the whole of Riga and its suburbs, but the local weather does not always allow this. One way or another, the Riga TV Tower is an integral element of the picturesque panorama of Riga.

Cathedral of the Nativity of Christ

The majority of the population of Latvia, as is known, profess Lutheranism (Protestant movement in Christianity), but Orthodoxy also plays a large role in the history of the country. Almost in the very center of Riga rises Orthodox Cathedral Nativity of Christ. This incredibly beautiful building is made in the neo-Byzantine style.

Its construction was carried out in 1877-1884. We recommend that you pay attention to this attraction.

Excursions around Riga

An excellent solution would be to see all the sights of Riga as part of a group or individual excursion. Especially if you want to get to know the city as best as possible outside short term. The guide will be a local resident of Riga, who, like no one else, knows the city and its history very well and, moreover, speaks Russian.


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