Ski and thermal resorts in Austria. Ski resort Kitzbuhel (Kitzbuhel, Austria, Tyrol) Kitzbuhel hotels, slopes and Ski Safari in Kitzbuhel Skiing - the most important thing

One of the main disputes in our post-Olympic village is “Krasnaya Polyana versus the Alps.” Every time hundreds of comments are written from armchair analysts with calculations of prices and budgets, smoothly turning into insults. And we also decided to throw our two cents on the fan.

What is better?

It is almost impossible to objectively answer the question “what is better” or “where is better”, even when it comes to resorts in one country: for example, Austria. Each resort is good in its own way and each resort has its own shortcomings. Of course, Krasnaya Polyana is the number 1 resort in Russia. Because there are simply no other places for skiing with so many slopes and modern ski lifts, hotels and apartments, restaurants and bars, shops and services in our country. That is why they are trying to compare Polyana with abroad.
But there is an important point that most comparisons miss - in Austria alone there are more than 70 ski regions and almost 800 villages and towns that host tourists in the mountains. Ski holidays “there” began to develop more than a century ago, and now almost everyone who works at the resorts is either passionate fans who moved to the mountains, or people from families who have been employed in the service industry for many decades or working for the benefit of tourists. And it is ski holidays (and summer holidays in the mountains) that are the main component of this country’s budget. We can say that its quality organization is one of the government’s priorities. So when someone says: “It’s better in Austria,” meaning “the widest choice, service culture, all the little things are taken into account...” - in most cases he is right. Of course, overall they are better.

And if we compare, then it’s not “Alps vs Polyana”, but “a specific Alpine resort vs Polyana”. However, this will also be wrong, because the analogue must be chosen not based on the fact that “I was there,” but according to some specific criterion. You can take as a basis the approximate mileage of the slopes and the cost of ski passes - simply because we are going primarily to ski. But this is just part of the holiday and part of the budget, and the criteria for the attractiveness of resorts can vary greatly. Therefore, I will give my thoughts.

Transport accessibility

From the point of view of Moscow residents, Krasnaya Polyana is beyond competition. Flights every half hour to an hour from any of the three airports in Moscow, two hours in flight and 45 minutes by taxi at any time of the day or an hour or so by bus (175 rubles) until 8-9 pm. So it’s absolutely possible to miss a couple of days by making a decision on Friday afternoon. And the average price of air tickets, even during the peak season - the New Year holidays - is usually equivalent to the price of tickets somewhere in the Alps, and the rest of the time is usually lower.

There is no point in talking about the residents of the South of Russia at all: for them Polyana is a weekend resort and we can compare them, for example, with residents of Germany or central Italy, who need several hours to get to the Alps in their car.

Passports and visa

Despite the assurances that “now only the lazy don’t have international passports and Schengen,” this is still a certain barrier for the majority of winter mountain lovers. You also need money to obtain a passport and visa, the need to plan trips and vacations in advance. In addition, there are now a lot of people who are not allowed to travel abroad for various reasons. Be that as it may, let’s be realistic: noticeably fewer of our fellow citizens go skiing to all the resorts of the Alps than to the slopes of the resorts of Krasnaya Polyana alone.

The language barrier
Not all Russians can speak a foreign language, and this is a fact. It is still possible to resolve accommodation and logistics issues in advance via the Internet with a Google translator, but complete immersion in an unfamiliar language environment will be a problem for many. Most of our fellow citizens are not able to translate from a foreign language some menu item like “deflope from palabus with katsius seeds,” so many in cozy Euro-restaurants have to limit themselves to Wiener schnitzel or pizza, and instead of the expected goulash, eat goulash soup. And if you do know English, then it will not be useful to you everywhere in France or Austria. Many of them speak English, but not everyone.

You can also mention about communicating with an instructor who speaks a language that you seem to know: it is unlikely that without special training you will be able to understand on the slope what he wants to achieve from you, but he may use obscure terms. Although in fact a good instructor can explain, show and correct mistakes without words, for some such classes may not be very comfortable. This means that training will be less effective.

The shops

In terms of grocery stores, any of the resorts in Europe is completely inferior to Krasnaya Polyana. First of all, there are simply very few of them “there”. In addition, on Sunday they may simply be closed, and completely closed. Well, in Europe, just forget about the fact that you can buy groceries at any time of the day. Alcohol is a separate issue: in Russia you can buy it around the clock, but where - well... be smart here if necessary.

However, if for you the taste of sanctioned parmesan is in no way comparable to Caucasian suluguni, and shank and prosciutto are not barbecue or sudzhuk for you, then bourgeois gastronomy definitely wins. And also these stories about fine wine for 2 euros in Europe! But, in fact, those same sanctioned cheeses are sold in Polyana and Adler, and 10 minutes from the airport there is a wonderful Abkhaz duty free shop, where knowledgeable local people shop. The question is, should we eat this in Russia? And is it necessary to look for shish kebab and khachapuri in the Alps?

In terms of opening hours, almost all sports shops in Polyana also outperform similar shops there, which close at 7 pm at best. In Gorki Gorod and Rosa Khutor, such stores are open until 9-10 pm. And if after dinner you suddenly decide that you urgently need new gloves or a mask, no problem. Regarding the assortment, I can say that if you take all the sports shops in the resorts and the village of Krasnaya Polyana, then in the Alps such a variety of offers can only be found on the streets of the largest mountain towns such as Chamonix, and in many resorts the assortment of stores is several times smaller, as is their number .

Skating is the most important thing

After all, skiing is the main factor for which the trip is started. Skiing includes not only the slopes and lifts, but also the cost of rentals, ski instructors, children's schools, as well as weather, temperature, seasonality of resorts and much more. It is the totality of all this, and not a separate element, that determines the choice of a particular resort. And don’t forget that each skier needs his own specific set of services, so there is no best resort for skiing. There are more or less suitable ones.

Ski pass prices

The first indicator by which resorts begin to be compared is the price of ski passes. In general, Krasnaya Polyana will be cheaper than most alpine resorts if you study all the tariff schedules or take the trouble to buy in advance and do it with good discounts. Many argue that “they” are cheaper, but if you take everything well, then “ours” is cheaper in most cases. But there are exceptions: for example, the policy of a number of European resorts when children are allowed to ski for free.

The obvious point in which Krasnaya Polyana loses (for now) to the Alpine resorts is the lack of a single ski pass for all three resorts. True, such a mega-super pass will probably cost 20% more than the most expensive ski pass for a single resort, so those who like to save money will still buy separate ski passes for every day or even half a day of skiing, rather than a new one six-day: “what if the weather turns bad?” And naturally, the ski bus, which runs along the resorts-Krasnaya Polyana ring route every 10 minutes, is also really necessary. But in the 2017-2018 season they promise to offer just such a ski pass.


The markings of the trails at the resorts of Krasnaya Polyana, in my opinion, are quite informative, the difficulty categories are adequately marked, spring thawed patches are promptly protected with warning signs, really dangerous places are covered with safety nets or fenced off, the slopes are closed in case of avalanche danger... In a word, in this sense I am not I see reasons for quibbling. As a negative example of “them,” I’ll cite some places on the roads of the famous Meribel, where stones or earthen bald spots are found every ten meters, if not more often.

An absolutely fair complaint about some of the “blue” pistes on Rosa Khutor: they are too narrow. And the track under the main lift of Gorki Gorod also seems uninteresting to me. Unfortunately, that’s just the way the terrain here is - piste designers take into account a lot of slope parameters, and if they designed the pistes this way, then there are objective reasons for this. Some of the routes are flatter but more winding technological roads. Weak skiers are afraid to go onto a steeper route, so they choose a flatter, but narrow serpentine road, and there, too, their level of skiing is not enough.
The exception is the tracks on the slopes of Gazprom, but there are not as many of them as you would like. So according to this parameter, most alpine resorts or regions of Andorra benefit.

Who doesn't need to go to Polyana?

I’ll say right away: I do not recommend going to Krasnaya Polyana for skiing or skiing for several categories of fans of alpine skiing or snowboarding. The first category is those who like to travel to new places and at the same time constantly solve unique quests: book the necessary accommodation in a foreign language, find and buy a bus or train ticket, choose the right transfer, understand how to get to the desired point on the map, etc. etc. In Sochi this will not be useful: there are regular buses with payment to the driver, Lastochka and many taxi services (and non-services). Plus carsharing, which is gaining momentum (it also exists here). And any information - for example, where to sharpen skis or repair a car, can be found on the Internet in Russian in a couple of minutes. So it’s boring here in terms of solving quests, gentlemen.

There are also adherents of skiing on Cheget. For lovers of a strong cocktail from the difficult Northern slopes, long-known restaurant owners on Chegetskaya Polyana, friends who constantly come here, cuisine of the North Caucasus and gatherings in legendary cafes, there is nothing better than this place. And comparing Cheget and Krasnaya Polyana is like trying to compare La Grave and La Plagne: two completely different places, and each is good for a certain circle of ski lovers. So it is with Polyana - this place is an order of magnitude more suitable for mass skiing than Cheget along with Elbrus.

There is also no point in going to Polyana for lovers of ski safari at resorts with a length of slopes of 300+ or ​​600+ kilometers: skiing in the Three Valleys or Via Lattea will always be more interesting for them than, as they say, “scraping down one and a half miserable slopes.” All four Polyana resorts now have just over 150 km of pistes, provided the winter is cold and they are all open. However, it will not be possible to try all 4 resorts in one day and your maximum is the stated 102 km from Rosa Khutor, which includes both green and black. This is clearly not enough for those who like to travel the mountains on skis and ski lifts.

And finally - “mathematicians” who evaluate the attractiveness of a resort in terms of “gram-degree per invested rupee”, by dividing the amount spent on the trip by the total mileage of the resort’s trails. Moreover, they are deaf to arguments such as those that you can drive along a familiar route faster, safer and get pleasure from knowing this route. And none of them will cover the designated 600+ kilometers of trails in a week, no matter how hard they try. However, all these kilometers also need to be divided by two on average, since according to the level of skiing, about half will be either too difficult or too easy.

My personal opinion is that for the week that the vast majority of us spend in the mountains in winter, the length and variety of trails at the three operating resorts of Krasnaya Polyana (about 150 km) is quite enough. The quality of the piste preparation, if in some places it does not reach the best pistes of the Dolomites or Salzburgerland, is certainly superior to the pistes prepared by the efforts of the careless French. The ski lifts in Krasnaya Polyana are all new and high-speed, and not all European resorts can boast of this. There are also queues everywhere, you just need to be able to plan your ride correctly and then you won’t have to stand for long.

But such snow as in Krasnaya Polyana is found only on the slopes of coastal resorts in Japan and North America. The reason is clear: it is humid salty air from the sea nearby. And real snow connoisseurs from Europe really fly here. There are few of them - there are few real specialists in any field. But the majority of skiers are simply not able to evaluate the quality of snow, so, frankly speaking, unique snow is not an argument for most. Most people need pistes rolled in corduroy, and the Alps generally win here: both in width and length.


If we talk about freeride, then, for example, in Italy it is completely banned at many resorts, in Austria there are literally two or three places where there is a real opportunity to have fun off-piste, and in France and Switzerland there are not many such resorts. We must not forget that in Krasnaya Polyana freeride is really diverse: skiing across wide fields, rather steep couloirs, and sparse forests. In the Alps, such a variety of options is not so often found, even in those resorts where freeride is allowed. So, in this parameter, Krasnaya Polyana really outperforms the vast majority of alpine resorts by a great advantage. I note: not for everyone, but for those popular among the majority of fans of alpine skiing and snowboarding.

Skating culture

The culture of skiing and skiing in general for many visitors to the resorts of Krasnaya Polyana (and Russia as a whole) is lame, and in this European ski resorts definitely win. It’s not difficult to understand the reason: many Russians only started skiing or boarding after the Olympics, that is, literally in the last three years, and have not the slightest idea about the written and unwritten rules of behavior on the slope. There is also such a feature of our population as an attitude towards many things “it will do.”

And let's not forget another national feature of ours - the optionality of following rules and even laws. Plus the absence of punitive measures against persistent violators of the rules of safe behavior on the slopes, because we do not yet have the appropriate legislation. And as a result, on the slopes of Krasnaya Polyana much more often (as it seems to me) than in the Alps or the Pyrenees, “flying crowbars” and “hit and run” cases occur. So, unfortunately, the situation with safety on the slopes “here” is still worse than “there”.

But in general, the public on the slopes of Krasnaya Polyana is sane and friendly, and from abroad people are still gradually bringing the culture of skiing.

Rescuers and medicine

Related to this topic, the work of the rescue service on the slopes, evacuation to the hospital and medical care in Krasnaya Polyana can only be assessed from the words of other people. And apparently, everything here is at a good level. Doctors have a lot of experience - unfortunately, this is the reality.

The equipment of the hospital in Krasnaya Polyana remained after the Olympics, so everything is fine with that too. The wards of the Krasnopolyansk hospital are better equipped than the rooms of some hotels. View of the mountains from the window, comfortable beds, good plumbing, and the food is quite decent.

And if necessary, the victim is quickly taken to one of the hospitals in Sochi, and organizing prompt delivery home is much easier than resolving issues with the insurance company over the phone, convincing it to pay the bills of several medical and rescue structures abroad. Take my word for it - in the Alps this can become an extremely confusing and lengthy undertaking, and staying a few extra days “there” will be more difficult and expensive than “here”, even if you have a long visa.

Food on the mountain

We're not doing very well with this yet. The choice of cafes on the slopes and the atmosphere in some of them are still far from ideal. And the price tag for warm tea in a plastic cup or a vulgar sausage does not stand up to criticism. Judging by the ongoing construction and the constantly opening new stationary “catering points”, this is a temporary phenomenon, and in the coming years, I hope, the claim will be lifted. After all, only three years have passed since the slopes opened for public skiing. In La Plagne, ten years ago, we were in a chic, newly built mountain restaurant, although by that time the resort had been operating for more than forty years.


The number of toilets on the slopes of Polyana is rather sufficient - in fact, from any place in the resorts you can get to the nearest toilet in a maximum of ten to twenty minutes. But there are questions about their “comfort”. Some vacationers are uncomfortable in toilets that are temporary structures a la construction trailers, and in this sense the toilets in the Alps or Pyrenees are very good. Although in our permanent buildings the toilets are also absolutely normal.

Rentals and services

If we talk about rentals and service, then for now “our” situation is twofold. On the one hand, near the lower lift stations there are a sufficient number of ski rentals with modern equipment, there are test centers with an excellent selection of equipment, tests of new collections of skis are carried out - from this side everything is no worse than “theirs”. But in the villages there are also small rentals, the unscrupulous owners of which take advantage of the ignorance of tourists who want to save money and literally “sell” inappropriate or outdated equipment, which can even be dangerous to ride. But I’m glad that there are fewer and fewer such stories. I have never seen anything like this with them.


Instructors are also a difficult topic for us. If you are a beginner and apply to the official schools operating at each of the resorts, you will be fine. But the desire to save money “with us” often leads skiers into the arms of illegal, so-called “black” instructors, and this, unfortunately, is a lottery. Since in Russia there is no single instructor’s certificate, anyone can print some “crusts” for themselves. And none of the inexperienced skiers will understand what kind of “crusts” the instructor will show him. And therefore, along with really experienced, qualified - really great instructors, among the “blacks” you can, unfortunately, meet those who are not. In the Alpine countries, the fight against illegal instructors is tough; the recent scandal with British (note: officially trained in their country) instructors is just one example. There are illegal instructors “out there,” but they are extremely difficult to find, and they do not try to “snatch the potential client’s official instructors from under the noses.” “With us” this is still reality.


In Krasnaya Polyana there is no legendary Donguz-Orun or the symbol of Switzerland - the Matterhorn, there are no stunningly beautiful peaks of the Dolomites turning pink at sunset or the powerful glaciers of Mont Blanc. And if you want to ride surrounded by four-thousanders hanging overhead or admire the glaciers over a cup of cappuccino, it is better to choose another place to relax. Although... there are no ugly mountains, so in this regard everything is completely subjective.

History of the place

This is another topic that is important to many. And in this “here” loses with a crushing score. “We have” in Polyana or not far from it, neither mountain towns like Salzburg or Innsbruck, Aosta or Annecy - with a castle, centuries-old or even two-thousand-year history and corresponding architecture, nor cathedrals with paintings or frescoes painted by the hand of a master, nor barns blackened by time Saas-Fee and Zermatt. It is clear that this also applies to museums and art galleries. Only dolmens, but you can’t walk along them in the evening. So you either have to walk along the Mzymta embankment, or jostle on the streets of Gorki-Gorod, and this, you see, is “not quite right.”

I probably won’t name “with us” or at least partially “prayed” places where guides and instructors have been gathering “there” for decades after a hard day’s work. The very special atmosphere of these places is not for everyone, but such points of attraction are very important: there is a feeling of belonging, unity of those who gather, acquaintances arise that develop into cooperation and friendship. And you can meet good acquaintances and friends right after skiing there. With the possible exception of Trikoni, which is located far from the slopes, in my opinion, none of the establishments of the Krasnaya Polyana resorts are yet able to perform such a function, which is a shame. By the way: I will be very glad if I am wrong on this issue. Maybe “locals” will fix it?


If we're talking about Après-Ski, it's about aqua centers and swimming pools, sports entertainment such as trampolines and skating rinks, cinema halls and cafes, concert halls and open-air events, restaurants and canteens, clubs and bars, shopping centers and so on. “we” have at least parity with the most popular and largest resorts of the Alps, and Polyana wins over the vast majority of resorts of comparable size. Considering the rate at which this industry is multiplying, I think that everything will be fine in the future. Not to mention the fact that if you have an uncontrollable desire to experience beauty, you can easily go to Sochi in the evening, which is not available everywhere “with them”.

The casino, in my opinion, is not a topic for discussion at all. In the Alps there are casinos, for example, in Chamonix, Saint Vincent, Kitzbühel, but for some reason I didn’t see a massive accumulation of hungry golden mountains at the entrance. So here we also gain slightly, although this, KMK, is not really necessary.

Weather and climate

Weather is a separate topic, and, in my opinion, everything has its pros and cons. The resorts of Krasnaya Polyana open the season even before Christmas, and snowfalls, especially this season, were regular and quite abundant, which cannot be said about the Alps. On the other hand, you can forget about full-fledged skiing in April “with us”, and this month it is better to go to one of the Alpine glaciers. By the way, some of them offer skiing in the summer, which, in principle, cannot be the case at low-lying resorts, which include the resorts of Krasnaya Polyana. On the other hand, “we” don’t have frosts of minus 25-30 degrees, which you can experience in winter at glacier resorts like Zermatt, where skiing begins at altitudes of more than 3,500 meters. And I was caught in heavy rain with equal success both at the end of December in Austria and in March in Polyana, you can’t guess. So the most honest thing about the weather would be to say: depending on your luck, the chances of rain in the valley and snowfall in the upper part of the ski area “we have” are much higher.


In conclusion, a few words about the budget. Let’s not forget that the budget for any vacation consists of several components, each of which can be optimized during an independent trip both to the Alps and “to us.” Travel, transfers around the resort, food - all this can be chosen with a price difference of up to ten times. And in the case of accommodation, the difference can be even greater; there is practically no upper limit; I have come across offers online for 500 - 800 thousand rubles per week of vacation in one of the hotels in Krasnaya Polyana. But our lower limit is still less. At least through visas, passports and transfers.

So, in my opinion, one of the advantages of Krasnaya Polyana is its democracy. If you get too confused, the CP will still be cheaper than the Alps. You can fly by plane, or you can come by train or your own car - in any case, tickets not in the high season are quite affordable, and finding a “bed” in a hostel for 500 rubles per day is quite a feasible task. You can get from the airport or train station by bus, and daily trips from Krasnaya Polyana by ski bus, which runs to Rosa Khutor, are free. Lunch or dinner in a modest dining room will cost 250 - 350 rubles; on the slope you can take a light snack or a pack of sandwiches and a thermos of coffee with you, so without taking into account the cost of a ski pass, the minimum vacation budget starts at about 15 thousand rubles. In short, if you are very strapped for money, this “we” is not the biggest problem. A more comfortable holiday outside the peak season will cost ten thousand more, and if you add really tasty lunches and dinners in numerous cafes, then you need to add the same amount.

However, this is all on average. Hot tours and early bookings are available not only for us, but also for them. Experienced skaters try to get long-term visas in order to be able to take advantage of good offers not only in Russia, but also abroad. Renting a car in Russian can, in some cases, cost several times more than in German or Italian (for your own). And if everything is organized properly and in advance, then those really budget prices in the Alps that are so often written about appear.

So which is better?

Excuse me! Everyone chooses for themselves.

I simply compared the pros and cons of “ours” and “theirs”. With a reasonable approach and proper preparation, you can relax inexpensively anywhere, and your personal preferences for skiing, food and service come to the fore.

We wish everyone a good holiday in Russia and abroad! We hope that this material will be useful for beginner skiers and snowboarders.

Text: Georgy Dubenetsky
Photo: Georgy Dubenetsky, Marina Korobkova

Ski resorts in Austria with thermal springs are the best a traveler can choose for a winter holiday. All around are the milky white peaks of majestic mountains, fantastically beautiful glaciers and stunning landscapes. Below are colorful valleys, where a well-deserved aromatic mulled wine and apple strudel await you. Crowds of skiers and snowboarders scurry back and forth nearby. In the meantime, you are here, above, where the light and sky are reflected in every snowflake.

Convenient location

Innsbruck has its own airport, which means that once you fly to Austria, you won’t have to travel anywhere else. At the same time, there is an opportunity to visit the original Austrian villages that are located in the neighborhood and choose a new resort for skiing every day.

Developed infrastructure and the availability of everything necessary for a comfortable stay at the highest level.

More details about the “capital” of Tyrol can be found on the official website of the city of Innsbruck.

The best resorts for skiing in Tyrol :

  • Mayrhofen;
  • Sölden;
  • St. Anton am Arlberg;
  • Kitzbühel; Ischgl.


Mayrhofen is my favorite ski resort, and not only because it is the cheapest in Austria. The city is located 65 km from Innsbruck Airport.

First of all, this is a youth and party place where nightlife never stops. And since I love to have fun from the bottom of my heart, Mayrhofen never disappoints me.


Sölden – an incredibly beautiful resort village, the landscapes of which are stunning. It is located 84 km from Innsbruck, and the most convenient way to get here is by bus “ Ötztal Shuttle" Prices at the resort are in the average range.

If, impressed by the natural beauties, you decide to choose this place for your vacation, keep in mind: Sölden – a resort for the most advanced, here is the largest number difficult trails, the total length of which is 150 km.

Also, you should pay attention to the fact that even if you are not a beginner, but have not ridden for a long time, you should not go here either.

I will never forget how, after a break of several years, I found myself on the mountain Gaislachkogel, looked down and my heart stopped. For a long time I couldn’t decide how to go down: on skis or on foot. Courage and courage prevailed, and, although with stops, I descended, but I never climbed to such a height that day.

St. Anton am Arlberg

This is one of the oldest Austrian resorts. The skiing tradition began here in 1904, from the moment the first downhill competition was held in the town. One of the world's first ski schools opened here. The tradition of holding major competitions has not been forgotten, and in 2001 the World Alpine Ski Championships were held here.

Nowadays, skiers are offered a variety of slopes, the total length of which is about 280 km, but beginners should not go here.

The distance from the resort to Innsbruck is 103 km, the best way to travel is by rail. Distance to – 184 km.

I really like the local shops, where you can buy both items from leading world brands and small souvenirs. I once bought candied violets here, which, as it turned out, were edible. Amazing!


Kitzbühel is an elite and one of the oldest resorts, the distinctive feature of which is its unique medieval flavor; the buildings of the 16th century here will not surprise anyone. Located 100 km from Innsbruck.

Kitzbühel's calling card is legendary Streif circuit, which is known to be used for the Downhill World Cup.

The ski infrastructure of the town is also impressive: Kitzbühel has 160 km of ski slopes and about 60 lifts.


Ischgl - one of the most prestigious Austrian resorts, Hollywood stars, “golden youth”, and businessmen relax here. The place is especially attractive for freeriders.

Concerts from world-class artists are often held here, and the altitude range from 2000 to 2872 meters guarantees a variety of descents.

Conditions have also been created here for alpine skiing. So if you want to ski and at the same time immerse yourself in Bavarian culture, this is the place for you.

Among the ski resorts I would highlight the following :

  • Zell am See - Kaprun;
  • Saalbach.

Zell am See – Kaprun

Includes resorts: Zell am See, Piesendorf, Kaprun, which are united in the European Sports Region. Distance from Salzburg – 60 km, from Innsbruck – 100 km. The most convenient way to get here is by train.

A well-developed ski infrastructure, more than 40 km of excellent slopes and about 20 ski lifts gave the region the right to qualify for hosting the Winter Olympic Games, but it has not yet worked out. However, I am confident that there is great things ahead for such a stunning region.

It's incredibly beautiful everywhere here, but lake Zeller See- beyond any competition, his appearance takes your breath away, and at such moments you stop believing your eyes.

Kitzsteihorn glacier– the calling card of the complex, thanks to which skiing is possible here all year round.

Piesendorf accommodates trails for beginners.

There are much fewer tourists here than in Tyrol, which will undoubtedly be appreciated by fans of a relaxing holiday who do not like crowds.

The region is dotted with restaurants, welcomingly offering the best beer and exquisite examples of haute cuisine, in the truest sense of the word. The local Salzburg dumplings melt in your mouth, as does the Sachertorte.

Did I tell you about the chocolate-musical miracle “Mozart-Kugel”? It is in this region that you should buy the famous chocolates with the profile of the Master.


Saalbach is a 20-minute drive from Zell am See and is considered an attractive winter holiday destination. The resort pleasantly surprises with the abundance of trails and a convenient system for placing ski lifts, making ski safari possible here.

But personally, what I like most is the local après ski, where the delicious mulled wine never ends. Together with costumed carnivals and enchanting snow shows, this is the best option for spending leisure time after a whole day of dizzying descents.


This land borders Tyrol and Salzburg, and its center is Klagenfurt, population – 600 thousand people.

Fans of extreme or varied skiing have nothing special to do in this region. But real aesthetes, romantics, lovers of antiquity and fans of a relaxing holiday will be amazed: interesting landscape, countless picturesque valleys and mountains, a bunch of colorful lakes in combination with ancient castles And palaces form an incredible spectacle. And the original Austrian villages and pastoral atmosphere do not let go for long.

A nice bonus is that prices are lower here than in the above ski resorts, and there are significantly fewer tourists. Total advantages!

The local ski resorts of Nassfeld and Hermagor-Pressegger See offer good skiing facilities.


It is the second largest state of Austria with its capital in the city Graz. The location of the district is convenient, as it is in close proximity to several European airports.

The region has many attractions and antiques. There are good conditions here for skiers and snowboarders.

The number one ski region here is considered Dachstein Tauern with its large resort center Schladming. At the same time, Schladming, Rohrmoos, Pichl and Haus-Ennstal are connected to each other and form a single ski area, due to which the landscapes do not repeat during the descents, and ski trips become varied.

Thermal resorts in Austria

The magical mountain air has healing properties, and in combination with thermal springs, the effect on the human body will be healing. Austrian thermal spas are not only a luxurious wellness holiday, they are wellness, relaxation and a peaceful atmosphere.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that all resorts in Austria that have the prefix “ Bad» are classified as thermal. Many places combine skiing and thermal springs, which is very convenient.

The surrounding beauty and attractions are also important, but the main thing that needs to be taken into account is the diseases that are treated at a particular resort.

My beloved Tyrol is not rich in thermal resorts; here is the only such resort in the town Lengefeld. They treat mainly diseases of the joints and blood vessels, rheumatism and diseases associated with circulatory disorders.

Aquadom Spa in Lengefeld

Already mentioned Carinthia, In addition, it can also boast of good thermal baths, and there are a little more than sixty healing springs in the region. The largest of the local thermal resorts are Bad Kleinkirchheim And Vilah.

Circulatory disorders, infectious diseases and diseases of the nervous system can be easily relieved with the help of local thermal springs. Modern medical technologies, high-quality equipment and experienced doctors guarantee recovery, as well as an unforgettable vacation in comfortable conditions.

In my opinion the earth Salzburg— optimally combines opportunities for skiing and healing with the help of thermal waters. If in Tyrol there is more skiing, then in Salzburg excellent conditions have been created for both treatment and skiing.

The thermal center of the district is considered Bad Gastein, which is located one hundred kilometers from Salzburg. The main wealth of the resort is radon baths and mineral springs, which are used to treat the respiratory system, polyarthritis, and arthrosis. Local experts have discovered that the content of radon in local adits, air humidity up to 90% and its temperature of 37.5 to 41.5 have a healing effect on the body and actively use this formula.

It is preferable to live here in the medical and health complex “Felsenbad”. Prices at the resort, unfortunately, are high.

Gambling vacationers will be pleasantly surprised, because the resort has highland casino. But, to be honest, I like the local landscapes and the calling card of the town - its fantastic beauty waterfall. But what attracts me most is the opportunity, unique for Austrian resorts, to go straight from the ski slopes to the hot thermal pool. Indescribable sensations and invigorating contrast.

And if you want to visit a more modern place in the region, then the huge Tauern Spa complex in Kaprun will welcomingly open its doors. It was built in 2010, so the equipment here is only the newest. Thermal Upper Austria- a region that pays special attention to healthy recreation at the highest level.

Traditional health and thermal resorts such as Bad Zell, Bad Ischl or Bad Hall have long found their fans. But new places are not afraid of competition and use heavy artillery in the fight; in Bad Schallerbach they launched color thermal baths, the first in Austria, and the Aquapulco thermal baths amaze with the Caribbean idyll and attract children.

Children's thermal baths Aquapulco

See what a wonderful holiday you can organize with children in Bad Schallerbach!

They are also actively being overtaken by the ultra-modern thermal baths of Lower Austria, which “take over” with light performances and salt pools with underwater music; I liked the local thermal baths of Laa). Undoubtedly, a luxurious wellness holiday at thermal springs provides an opportunity to relax and improve your health, to detach yourself from the challenges of modernity, but personally, I can’t stand more than two days in such an environment – ​​it’s boring. And with health, thank God, everything is fine.

So, being in Austria and having swam for two days in a relaxing thermal pool, I go further: skiing, where there are snow-capped peaks, bright mountain sun and the wind in my hair.

Your name:

Your feedback:

Travel period: 02/07/2019 - 02/17/2019 (bus, bus + train) 02/08/2019 - 02/16/2019 (air)

Days of riding on the tour: 6

Transport to choose from: bus from Kyiv, train + bus, air EQUIPMENT AND LUGGAGE GO BY BUS FROM Kyiv!!! (for all)

Night travel: 2 (only in the bus option from Kyiv)

Accommodation type: aparthotel


Let's say without hesitation - one of the best trips to Austria this season“tailored” for skiers and boarders for lovers of piste and off-piste skiing with the opportunity to visit several “hit” skiing spots at once without changing the location of the main location and using a SINGLE SKIPASS! Do you think we're exaggerating? But no))). What is ESR? ESR - EUROPA SPORT REGION includes all ski resorts of the Salzburg region such as: Zell am Zee - Kaprun with its magnificent Kitzsteinhorn glacier, Kitzbuhel, Bad Gastain - Bad Hofgastain, Saalbach - Hinterglemm with its famous circumnavigation, as well as the famous Zillertal Arena. We will DEFINITELY visit all the above mentioned places!!! There is no point in going into great detail at each of the resorts - it will take a lot of your time, but remember the main thing - each of these places deserves a separate trip 100%, but we will still try to introduce you to you in one, using the SKI SAFARI method. I would also like to mention that this tour awaits you: the most luxurious Taueren SPA complex in Kaprun, the opportunity for a fun après-ski in the evening, as well as two transit overnights in Vienna and Budapest with the opportunity to spend interesting evenings in these cities.

SLOPE MAPS BY REGION (the name of the resort is highlighted with a link with a description)


Saalbach - Hinterglemm

Zillertal Arena

Bad Gastain - Bad Hofgastain

Kitzsteinhorn glacier (Kaprun)

This glacier has a very interesting infrastructure: at an altitude of 3029 meters, a complex was built with a panoramic restaurant, a through cave with 2 observation platforms, a cinema that cyclically shows 20 minutes. film about the Hohe Taueren nature reserve. In a word - YOU NEED TO BE THERE AND YOU NEED TO SEE IT!!!

You can watch a mini film about the glacier

option: bus and train + bus

02/07/2019 (Thursday)

For those traveling by bus:

18:00 Group gathering near the bus.Starting place.

18:30 Departure to Mukachevo (800 km).

02/08/2019 (Friday)

07:00 Arrival in Mukachevo. Meeting at the railway station for those traveling using the train + bus option. Departure to the border. Crossing the border and moving to Vienna(600 km)

17:00 Arrival at Vienna, check-in to a hotel. Free time


09.02.2019 (Saturday)

08:00 Check out from the hotel. Moving Vienna - Kaprun (400 km)

15:00 Arrival in Kaprun, check-in to a hotel, free time, dinner, overnight.


02/10/2019 (Sunday)

08:00 Gathering near the bus. Departure to the ski lifts of the resort Zell am See - Kaprun. Buying ski passes.

09:00 - 16:30 Skating.

16:30 Gathering near our bus. Departure to your place of residence. YOU CAN RETURN EARLIER (not necessarily by your own bus - skibuses run frequently and they FREE for ski pass holders).


02/11/2019 - 02/12/2019 (Monday - Tuesday)

08:00 Saalbach - Hinterglemm (31 km)

09:00 - 16:30 Skating.



02/13/2019 (Wednesday)

08:00 Gathering near the bus. Departure to the ski lifts of the resort Bad Gastain - Bad Hofgastain. (48 km)

09:00 - 16:30 Skating.

16:30 Gathering near our bus. Return to your place of residence.

19:30 Gathering near the bus. Departure to the SPA center Taueren SPA(12 km). Info about him

22:30 Gathering near the bus. Departure to your place of residence.


02/14/2019 (Thursday)

08:00 Gathering near the bus. Departure to the ski lifts of the resort Kitzbuhel (60 km)

09:00 - 16:30 Skating.

16:30 Gathering near our bus. Departure to your place of residence.

19:30 Gathering near the bus. A trip to the town center Zell am Zee(10 km). Free time.

22:30 Gathering near the bus. Return to your place of residence.


02/15/2019 (Friday)

08:00 Gathering near the bus. Departure to the ski lifts of the resort (we make a decision collectively))

09:30 - 16:30 Skating.

16:30 Gathering near the bus

17:00 Departure to your place of residence.

21:00 Group gathering at the hotel restaurant. Summing up the results of the skating part)))


02/16/2019 (Saturday)

08:00 Check out from the hotel. Gathering near the bus. Loading luggage. Moving Kaprun - airport Vienna.

Upon arrival, the air group disembarks.

Moving Vienna-Mukachevo.

23:30 Arrival at the railway station in Mukachevo, disembarkation of tourists traveling using the "railway + bus" option.

Moving Mukachevo-Kyiv.


02/17/2019 (Sunday)

09:00 -10:00 Arrival of the group in Kyiv.


option: air

02/08/2019 (Friday)

Flight (WIZZ) from Kyiv to Vienna (Austria). EQUIPMENT AND LUGGAGE GO BY BUS FROM Kyiv!!!


Arrival at Vienna. Meeting with our bus group at the transit hotel


02/09/2019 (Saturday)

07:00 Breakfast in the hotel.

08:00 Check out from the hotel. Departure with our bus group to the ski resort.Moving Vienna-Kaprun(400 km).Arrival in Kaprun , check into a hotel, dinner, free time.


02/10/2019 (Sunday) - 02/16/2019 (Saturday)

The tour program on these days is identical to the program with a bus.


02/16/2019 (Saturday)

08:00 Check out from the hotel. Transfer Kaprun - Vienna Airport

15:00 Arrival at the airport

19:00 Flight Vienna - Kyiv


Kyiv - Mukachevo -Vienna - Kaprun - Budapest - Mukachevo - Kyiv


On this tour you have the opportunity to choose among several options and types of accommodation:

1. Accommodation in a 3* aparthotel in a separate room but with a shared kitchen and bathrooms (block system)

Aparthotel 3*Familienappartements Eder

2. Accommodation in a 4* aparthotel in a separate apartment room or in a separate room but with a shared kitchen and bathrooms (your choice)

Aparthotel 4* "TONI"

3. Accommodation in a 3* hotel with half board (breakfast + dinner)

Hotel 3* "JUFA"


If you have a specific request regarding the level of housing and all other desired aspects, we will provide you with more detailed information with photos!





When staying in an apartment, we are talking about a separate room, and not about the whole apartment!

The kitchen area and bathrooms will be shared for 2-3 rooms. Possible if desired

separate accommodation with its own kitchen and bathroom, but the cost in this case will be higher!


* price is indicated in euros per 1 person. for a certain placement in an apartment

* payment in hryvnias at the commercial euro rate on the day of booking the tour

The Gold VTS card applies to all booking periods - 10%



The information does not apply to owners of biometric passports!!!

o Foreign passport/children's travel card for children + copies of the first page and all pages with Schengen visas only:

The passport must be valid for at least 3 months after the end of the planned trip;
- the passport must have at least 2 blank pages for a visa (VIZI/VISAS pages only);
- if a child is included in the parent’s passport and is going on a tour, his photograph must be pasted into this passport (from 4.5 years old). Such a passport must have at least 4 blank pages for visas (if 2 children are included, there must be 6 blank pages, etc.). Children under 16 years of age can be included in their parents' passports.

Extended passports are not accepted for visa purposes.
Documents containing visa violations or refusals will not be processed.

o Two color photos 3.5 x 4.5 cm, 80% of the face, from the chin to the top of the head 3.1-3.6 cm (for each traveling person, including infants), made over the last 6 months.

o A copy of all pages of the internal passport.

o Copy of marriage/divorce certificate, death of husband/wife ().

o Copy of the child’s birth certificate (FOR ALL CHILDREN UNDER 18 YEARS OLD) ( with translation into German/English);

o Certificate from place of work on letterhead with the address (at which the enterprise is actually located), contact landline telephone numbers ( not mobile!!!) and details of the enterprise, with the signature of the director, accountant, with the wet seal of the company and a breakdown for 3 or 6 months ( in German/English or with translation into German/English).

Employees working for less than two months must additionally provide a copy of the work book with a record of employment (first and last pages), with translation of these pages into German/English.

- a copy of the registration certificate of a private entrepreneur ( with translation into German/English);
- a copy of the tax payer’s certificate ( with translation into German/English);
- CERTIFICATES FROM THE TAX OFFICE, necessarily including a landline telephone number and address of the tax department ( with translation into German/English);

Or copies of the entrepreneur’s reports for the last 2 quarters, necessarily including a landline telephone number and the address of the tax department ( with translation into German/English). 

FOR STUDENTS AND SCHOOLCHILDREN - certificate from the place of study ( ):
in the certificate There must be contact landline numbers and the address of the educational institution, if a trip to Austria is planned during the period of study, there should be a phrase that “ the school/university administration does not object to the trip and reserves his place of study"

If the child has graduated from school but has not yet entered college, provide a copy of the certificate ( with translation into German/English);
- if you have completed your bachelor’s degree but did not enroll in a master’s program, provide a copy of your bachelor’s diploma ( with translation into German/English).

FOR PENSIONERS– a copy of the pension certificate ( with translation into German/English) and a certificate from the pension fund on the accrual of pension ( with translation into German/English).

o CERTIFICATES FROM THE BANKindicating the opening date of the current (card), Not deposit! bank account and the balance in your account as of the date of issue of the certificate (with translation into German/English).

It is advisable that the account balance exceeds 1500 Euros per person. The certificate is provided on letterhead in the original, indicating the name, address and landline telephone number of the bank branch that issued the document. The certificate must include the name and surname of the bank employee who issued this certificate, and his direct (not mobile!!!) worker telephone. 1 account is enough for the whole family...

Certificates from banks with DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED!

o - Travel checks(travel checks). Originals and copies of checks, at the rate of 100 euros/person for 1 day of stay. For example: tour duration 8 days/7 nights. The amount of travel checks per person is: 100*8=800 euros.

o a copy of the agreement with the bank on opening an account(WITHOUT TRANSLATION);


o IF A CHILD IS TRAVELING WITH ONLY ONE OF THE PARENTS OR WITHOUT PARENTS, it is necessary to provide the original notarized permission + a copy of it from the second parent (parents) for the child to travel abroad accompanied by the traveler (with a translation into German/English). An exit permit is required for children under 18 years of age!


o IF PARENTS ARE NOT GOING, BUT ONLY CHILDREN/CHILD ARE GOING - it is necessary to provide a notarized sponsorship letter from the parents (with translation into German/English), certificates/certificate from the parents’ place of work (with translation into German/English) and a certificate /certificate from the bank (with translation into German/English), as well as copies of pages of the parents’ internal passports.

o IF A NANNY IS TRAVELING WITH THE FAMILY FOR A CHILD, you must additionally provide a notarized letter from the child’s parents, in which they confirm that all travel expenses for the nanny are covered (with a translation into German or English).

IN CASE OF SPONSORSHIP: one family - for each family member who is being sponsored, attach copies of the sponsor's documents (work certificate + transfer, bank certificate + transfer, copy of the sponsor's internal passport - 1, 2 sides)

IF ONE OF THE TRAVELING FAMILY MEMBERS ALREADY HAS AN OPEN SCHENGEN VISA FOR THE PERIOD OF THE TRIP, to open a visa for other family members, you must provide a copy of the first page of the passport and a copy of the valid Schengen visa on which the tourist is traveling on the tour, on one A4 sheet.

o (signature on page 3, paragraph 37, on page 4 - lower right corner), for each tourist (including infants or registered children, or children under 18 years old - one of the parents signs for them).

o IF YOU ARE TRAVELING BY CAR, additionally required: “green card” (original and copies), a copy of the registration certificate and a copy of the driver’s license.

o AIR TICKETS(not a route, but a detailed booking sheet)

o ORIGINAL INSURANCE POLICY, if you have your own (issued for the entire period, including travel days: departure day + days of stay + 15 additional days, for ski resorts - you must have ski insurance!)


Please note that all inaccurate data provided by tourists or their agencies, and/or provision of incomplete information may lead to a refusal of a visa and a ban on entry into the Schengen countries!

8 days / 7 nights

Races: on request

Individual program of recreation and skiing at the resorts of Tyrol for a week, winter 2016.

It is possible to provide any additional information. services at the request of clients (equipment rental, ski guide, etc.).

Program cost = 880 Eurofor 1/2 DBL room
Accommodation: in a 3* hotel in Innsbruck (center) on a breakfast basis (it is possible to stay in a 4* hotel for an additional fee from 50 Euro/person/period)

Tour program:


Meeting at the arrivals area, transfer to Innsbruck and hotel accommodation.

Day 2. Day of skiing at the resort SOLDEN, in the evening return to the hotel. For an additional fee (23 Euro) - visit to the Aqua Dome thermal complex.

SOLDEN- one of the most popular ski resorts in Tyrol (altitude 1377m, 144 km of slopes) with three glacial ski areas, which guarantees a long g/l season from autumn to spring. It is distinguished by high-quality hotel facilities, a variety of slopes and excellent après ski + the opportunity to relax in the thermal complex of the Oztal Valley.

Day 3. Day of skiing at the ski resorts Obergurgl / Hochgurgl, return to the hotel.

Obergurgl/Hochgurgl(1930m, 120 km of slopes) - these resorts are among the highest in Tyrol, interesting for their comfortable long snowy slopes with the possibility of free ride. Snow guarantee, large database of expensive quality hotels. Located away from the noise and bustle, they are interesting for lovers of a calm and aristocratic holiday.

Day 4 Day of skiing at the Ischgl ski resort, in the evening return to the hotel

ISCHGL(1400m, 300 km of slopes) is rightfully considered one of the most expensive and prestigious resorts in Austria, famous for its apres-ski and is part of the extensive Silvretta Ski Arena ski area, which is one of the largest in Austria. It is convenient for skiers, snowboarders and off-piste skiers. High-quality hotel facilities and apartments provide the opportunity for a comfortable stay for all categories of tourists.

Day 5 Day of skiing at the resort of Serfaus, return to the hotel in the evening.

SERFAUS- an environmentally friendly resort (1200m, 260 km of pistes) with an extensive ski area, with superbly prepared pistes of medium and high difficulty categories and high-quality hotel facilities. The resort is very attractive for families with children, for whom the resort has created a special Snow park; there are many children's ski schools and nurseries. Quiet and calm for a respectable holiday.

Day 6 Day of skiing at the resort SANT ANTON, return to the hotel in the evening.

Sant Anton- one of the best g/l resorts in terms of sports skating, world-class competitions are held here and sports teams from all over the world train.
Recommended for professionals and good skiing tourists, fans of freeride, active evening life, gourmets, snowboarders. The excellent level of hotel facilities and service make it one of the most popular in winter.

Day 7 Day of skiing at the mountain resort MAYERHOFEN, return to the hotel in the evening.

Mayerhofen- one of the most popular ski resorts in Austria among Russians. It is located in the Zillertal valley (630m, 160 km of slopes), at the foot of the Tuxer glacier, which guarantees almost year-round skiing in this region. The resort is known for its inexpensive but high-quality accommodation, has three main ski areas: Ahorn is recommended for beginners and skiers with some experience, and Penken is recommended for experienced athletes and professionals, and all categories of tourists ski on the glacier.

Day 8 Breakfast in the hotel. Release of rooms.

Transfer to Munich/Innsbruck airport, flight to Russia.

Included in the price:

  • transfer Munich airport – Innsbruck hotel – Munich airport
  • transfers to g/l resorts within 6 days
  • accommodation in a 3* hotel in Innsbruck with breakfast
    NB: accommodation in a 4* hotel is possible for an additional fee
  • ski medical insurance

Paid additionally:

  • air flight to Munich (from 150 euros)
  • visa support 65 euros (or 10 euros for a package of documents for self-submission)
  • daily ski pass at each g/l resort
  • additional services for organizing recreational activities (equipment/guide)
  • travel insurance

N.B.: the tour operator reserves the right to change, if necessary, visits to g/l resorts, having notified the group in advance. The last day of skiing is possible at Garmisch - Partenkirchen (Germany) - check when booking!

Krasnaya Polyana is becoming an alpine ski resort in terms of piste length and service. Ski-safari service ski-safari is gaining popularity as a recreational skiing

This year, the total length of the slopes at the ski resorts of Krasnaya Polyana will exceed 160 kilometers. Few people noticed that this exceeds the total length of the ski slopes of the legendary Chamonix. Without the descent along the White Valley (23 km), which is an off-piste descent, the length of the prepared slopes of the Chamonix resorts is around 150 km and most likely less than this figure.

It is gratifying that we are not only approaching Alpine resorts with hotel stars, but we can also compete in skiing infrastructure.

But everything in this world has a downside. More and more often I see people on the highways studying resort maps in the guise of a blonde who has seen for the first time what is under the hood of a car. And the queues for the lifts are usually formed by “new people” who do not know all the lift options.

These and other facts show that the format has become relevant in Krasnaya Polyana

Ski-safari Ski-safari. What it is?

Despite the pretentious sound, this term simply means a ski trip along the slopes of a ski resort or a combined area of ​​several resorts. Sometimes this is called “resort escorting” or “VIP skiing”

Some people are looking for speed and kilometers when skiing, some are looking for virgin lands and extreme sports, others don’t go further than freestyle spots. And ski safari is what is now commonly called:

Recreational riding

- this is skiing aimed at extensive restoration of a person’s physical, intellectual and emotional strength or complete rest and recovery of a person through alpine skiing.

I do not judge the benefits of ski safari theoretically - I myself used the services of ski safari guides in the Alps and Norway. And many times I wandered along the colorful trails or got stuck on routers - traverses along which it’s time to go without skis, wasting precious time and energy on an unnecessary adventure in the “Ivan-Susanin” format.

The need for a ski safari for long trails is obvious. What they have been going for in the Alps for decades has already taken root in Krasnaya Polyana in a ready-made format.

Let's leave the right to solve local map quests to people who enjoy it.

And here’s what a skier who orders the services of a ski safari guide will receive:

— The correct option for starting the ascent. The obvious option is not always the best;

— Trails corresponding to the skiing level of the participants;

— The most spectacular and interesting photo shooting points, the horizons of unreal beauty;

— Excursion service with toponymic, historical, geological and other data about the surrounding nature and relief;

— Knowledge of when and where “traffic jams” occur on the slopes and ski lifts and alternative options to avoid them,

— Guide to mountain catering - cozy and pocket-friendly cafes and restaurants,

The help of a guide will also be useful for information on leisure, après-ski, shopping, restaurants and other opportunities at resorts and Krasnaya Polyana.

I would also like to mention another important awareness of the guide about safe skiing and knowledge of how to quickly communicate with rescuers.

Ski safari “For those who like it hot”

Recreational riding does not mean a slow crawl from a point of beauty to another beauty. If you wish, you can “fire up” within your capabilities along the track and taste the virgin soil near the piste in an adequate resort freeskiing format.

The term "freeski at the resort” - means the descent from the top point of the resort ski area along the pistes and the straightening of the descent along the inter-piste space. This can be virgin soil, a slope broken down to moguls, and drops from the terrain and artificial objects. Freeskihelps to diversify skiing around the resort and gain universal skiing skills.

This is discussed and carried out according to the wishes of the riding company.

Family format ski safari and ski nanny

For children, the ski resort is not only the joy of skiing, but also a high-danger zone. I would compare the situation as if cyclists were released into traffic on the Moscow Ring Road - it is impossible to dodge cars rushing at speed, and the vastly superior mass leaves little chance of survival.

If we continue the analogy, the guide will always find quiet streets, with virtually no traffic. Such skiing can be in the ski-nanny format, when parents leave the child in the care of a ski nanny and ride for their own pleasure. There may also be a family format, when adults adapt to the children's pace.

Ski safari and ski nanny - locations

Ski safari is most popular in the mountain resort of Rosa Khutor. In the new ski season 2018, the length of the resort's pistes exceeded 100 km. Even just driving around all the routes will take 2-3 days. But this is often not necessary - the most interesting places can be visited in a day or two.

At other resorts, the number of trails is much smaller, but if it is important for you to have control and safety in skiing, a guide will help you.

A ski nanny is needed for children and teenagers at any resort if parents decide to ski without children.

We are always ready to organize for you and