Amazing Records of the Human Body

In the world you can find a lot of unusual. I present to you the most unusual people who can cause a smile, surprise or even shock.

The biggest mouth Francisco Domingo Johakim (Francisco Domingo Joaquim)

This resident of Angola is the owner of the title "the world's largest mouth." The size of its mouth is 17 cm, which allows him for 1 minute to place 14 times and pull out the can of 0.33 liters.

Rubber boy
Jaspret Singh Kalra (Jaspreet Singh Kalra)

At fifteen years, this guy became known as a "rubber boy." He can turn his head 180 °.

Man who does not sleep
Yakov Typerovich

About 70 different films were taken about this person from Belarus (Minsk), because Yakov Zaperovich after clinical death not only did not die, but even stopped to sleep. After numerous surveys, scientists and doctors confirmed this fact, but could not explain it.

Inseparable friends
Sambat (Sambath) and Homran (Chomran)

Under the boy's bed, whose name is Sambat, Mom discovered a completely small snake. Then Sambat was only 3 months old. Since then, the boy and the snake Homran are inseparable friends: they eat, sleep and play together.

Woman with horn
Zhang Ruifang (Zhang Ruifang)

This 102-year-old woman from China, Henan Province, famous for his real horn, which has grown on her forehead. Anomaly surprises scientists, especially since the horn is constantly growing for several years (it has already reached a mark exceeding 7 cm).

Avovalny man
Gino Martino (Gino Martino)

The American artist and wrestler can lead to its ability to break the heads such objects as concrete blocks, iron bars bitsball bits. Doctors argue that Gino is a superproof skull.

The longest hair
Chan Wang Hay (Tran Van Hay)

A resident of Vietnam had the longest hair in the world (6.8 m). He drew his hair into a thick braid from 25 years old, because he was so comfortable. Chan Wang Haye died when he was 79 years old.
READ ALSO: 10 stories of unique people with unusual abilities

Man with a raised hand
Sadhu Amar Bharati (Sadhu Amar Bharati)

Hindu Sadhu Amar Bharati in 1973 raised his right hand over his head, winning God Shiva. Since then, he has not lowered it anymore.

Airport as a house
Mehran Karimi Nasseri (Mehran Karimi Nasseri)

This Iranian refugee lived from 1988 to 2006 in the Terminal of Charles de Gaulle Airport (France). It was Mehran by Karim Nassery filed an idea to create a famous film "Terminal".

The longest nose
Mehmet Ozyurek (Mehmet Ozyurek)

The owner of the longest nose, which was recorded in the Guinness Book of Records, is a resident of Turkey of 1949, the Mehmet Osprek. In 2010, it was found that its nose has a length of 8.8 cm.

Best karate
Masutatsu Oyama

On the owner of 10 Dana Karate, an outstanding master, the creator of Kekusinkai style and teacher Karate Masutatsu Oyama francmed legends. This is a person who brought the edge of the palm of 4 bricks or 17 layers of the tiles.
Behind the back of the Great Karatek, about 50 battles with bulls, of which he killed three without any weapons, and 49 bulls broke the horns.

The fattest man
Carol Ann Yager (Carol Ann Yager)

This woman is an unconditional record holder in the amount of weight in history. Mass Carol Yegen at the 20th age was 727 kg. With this weight, she could not even move, so several special devices have created for Carol.

Man who remembers everything
Jill Price (Jill Price)

A woman who remembers literally everything in his life to the smallest detail starting with adolescence. Jil Price remembers when she woke up that he ate, any songs, smells or places where she was. If you think it is "cool", then Jill perceives his gift as a curse.

Use self-hypnosis
Alex Lenkei (Alex Lenkei)

He decided to use his mind, not anesthesia. Using self-hypanos, Alex Lenkey can block all the pain after and before the operation, being in full consciousness.

The most alive of the dead
Lal Bihari (Lal Bihari)

We are talking about the year of 1961 of birth, which lives in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. Lal was mistaken officially dead since 1976 to 1994. Having his own testimony of death in his hands, he fought with the Indian State Bureaucracy for 18 years to prove that it is more alive.
Lal Bihari even founded the Association of Dead for victims of such terrible mistakes of Indian officials.

Egg in the embryo
Sanju Bhagat (Sanju Bhagat)

He suffered from a strange state, known as fetus in fetu (embryo germin). In the abdomen of Sanju Bhagata, a twin brother was located for many years. At first, doctors suggested that this is a tumor, but, by operating the unfortunate, removed the part of the dead infant.

Japanese inventor
Eshiro Nakamatsu (Yoshiro Nakamatsu)

The famous Japanese inventor claims that he holds the championship in the world by the number of inventions (more than 3,000). Perhaps the most well-known invention Esiro Nakamatsu is computer floppy disks. And the main goal of the scientist is to live more than 140 years.

Man who eats metal
Michael Lotito (Michel Lotito)

For the first time, a 9-year-old French guy ate a TV. Then Michael Leothito adapts to swallow rubber, metal and even glass.
He surpassed himself and got into the Guinness Book of Records, when he ate a whole plane, however, he left for two years. Doctors state the fact that Michael is still alive only because the walls of his stomach are twice as thick as an ordinary person.

Tooth king
Radhakrishnan Velu (Rathakrishnan Velu)

Malaysia man is famous for what can move various vehicles Himself and tolkosubami. The biggest cargo that drove Radhakrishnan Vello is a whole train consisting of six cars and had a lot of 297 tons!

The owner of the biggest eye (in proportion to the size of the body) among mammals, for this it is listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

He has every eye weighs more than his brain. Dolly has stereoscopic vision, which is very similar to the human shape.
This is a small animal of brown or brown-gray color, depending on the distribution area. Body length from 10 to 15 centimeters, which is comparable to the hand of a child.

In the past, long experts played a big role in the mythology and superstition of the peoples of Indonesia. Indonesians thought that the heads were not attached to the body (as they could rotate almost 360 °), and they were afraid to face them, because they believed that in this case the same fate could be happening.

The owners of the biggest eye among the representatives of the animal world are counted challenges of mollusks - octopuses, squid, Caracatians.

Especially "distinguished" a giant octopus (Octopus Dofleini) - the diameter of his eye can reach 40 cm. The diameter of the Karakatiny's eye is one tenth of its body.

The eyes of chappings are not only unusually large, but also without exaggeration, perfect, no one in underwater world It cannot be filled with them in visual acute. Being hunters, they are in pursuit of fish develop an impressive speed, and therefore it is just necessary for good eyesight.

The retina eye challenges is much more sensitive than fish. Karakatitsa, for example, is able to perceive 150 thousand visual elements, and the carp is only 50 thousand. Some cephalopods, without relying only at urgency, have acquired additional "aggregates" - various devices that allow to illuminate underwater darkness.

Mollusk's eyes are in many ways similar to human, only the ability to see at different distances is achieved at the charts by approaching the lens to the retina or removal from it, which relates them to the fish (in humans, the crystal is fixed, only its form changes). Otherwise, the eyelids work and the eyelids - they do not climb, and they are drawn by a special curtain.

Has the very big eyes (diameter 2.5 cm) with respect to body sizes (length 28 cm). To have such a ratio (1:11), a person's eyes had to be the size of a tennis racket.

Kalmar Hello Vampire (VampyrTeuthis Infernalis) So the German zoologist Karl Xoon called the strange little mollusk velvet-black color, which was caught in the trawl during the expedition on the Valdivia Research Ship. William Bib, descended by the ocean puchin in Bathisfer, in the Bermuda in 1934, saw from the window at a depth of 1 km of this small, but "terrible", black as the night of "octopus". Indeed, at first glance VampyrTeuthis Infernalis, the presence of fins, the form of the body, Umbrell is reminiscent of replete octopuses and earlier it was ranked with this group of charts. But then, after a detailed study of a large collection of these animals collected in different parts of the world ocean, it became clear that the vampires are not octopuses, but also not squid, although they have similarities and with those and others, but a special companion detachment (Vampyrumorpha) . Grace Picford believes V. Infernalis (the only representative of this detachment) with a relic appearance among intraochanumous mollusks. This is an animal of medium sizes, up to 37 cm long, with a manta length of 11-13cm, velvet and black. Breakonic mantle has a couple of fins at the rear end. Hands

As caught in 2007, the "colossal" squid, scientists discovered the largest eyes on Earth. The size of the lens is comparable to the orange, and the eyes of the fierce hunter in diameter can reach up to 40 cm.

The poor fellow caught in February 2007 New Zealand fishermen in the Antarctic waters of the Ross Sea. The 450-kilogram squid completely accidentally hit the hook of fishermen, as it turned out, squid belonged to the form of "colossal".

The colossal squid (Colossal Squid) was called because of its huge weight. It was believed that in length (the maximum value was not established) This type of squid does not exceed the giant squid (Architeuthis DUX). But it was just known that the colossus is much harder to gigantic. Hence the name of the species.

A variety of colossal squid is known to science since 1925, but since then, colostes met scientists infrequently. Last time, a young female weighing 150 kilograms managed to catch alive in April 2004 - in the same waters of the Antarctic coast in the Sea of \u200b\u200bRoss.
Fishermen considered that it makes sense to produce a squid to freedom, as it would not survive anyway. They are with great difficulty, but neatly, trying not to damage, raised the carcass on board and sent to the freezing chamber. It took more than two hours.

On land, the fishing company handed down the "catch" to the National Museum of New Zealand "TE PAPA". In the museum, a valuable copy was frozen for subsequent studies. Called Maritime Miracle of Nature turned out to be not only a representative of the rare and mysterious type of colossal squid, which he knows about scientists. But also a very large specimen of the species.

Scientists managed to establish that 450-kilogram squid, the length of which is 8 meters, just a teenager. Moreover, the creature turned out to be a special female. An adult part can achieve 750 kg in weight. "Having studied this particular, we found that this animal could grow to large sizes and increase in weight," says Steve O'Shi, a marine biologist from the University of Auckland.

But the main sensational discovery of scientists managed to do, examining one of the miracle of the preserved Kalmar's eye. Despite the teenage age, the colossal squid was the owner of the biggest eye in the animal world. "This is the first case when the eyes of a colossal squid was found safely and preserved. This is an impressive phenomenon. This is the biggest eye in the animal world," does not hide the admiration for squid specialist from Auckland University Kat Balstad.

Squid's crystal in size is comparable to orange (80-90 millimeters in diameter). The diameter of the very eye itself reaches 25 cm, however, during life, as scientists suggest, its dimensions reached 30 cm, and in an adult squid - up to 40 cm.

"His eyes are the biggest of ever recorded in history and studied, - the Swedish representative of the International Research team Eric Warrant, specializing in studying the vision of invertebrates." Crystal of his eye size with an orange, so that it can carry out a large amount of light. In dark depths, where these squids are hunting, "adds Warrant. The colossal squid, descending to a depth of 2 km, are known as ferocious hunters.

Among the pets in the cat's largest eyes relative to the size of the body. As with most predators, the cat's eyes are directed forward, and their visual fields overlap. Therefore, cats have stereoscopic vision, allowing to estimate the distance to the object of observation.

About this girl, 17-year-old Masha Tielan from Kharkov (Ukraine), says the whole world. After all, such eyes, like her, there is no one else.

It does not matter whether these eyes have a special color, a unique shape or penetrating glance - beautiful eyes Can hypnotize and carry us even through the monitor. Obviously, this is a rather difficult task - to choose the top 10 of the most beautiful eyes in the world, but those eyes that you will see in this article are definitely worthy of such a rating.

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10 in the photo: Leon Lewis

Opens our list British singer and songwriter - Leon Lewis and her big green eyes. It seems that not only her music affects the soul, but also the contrast between the color of her eye and the skin enhances the attraction. Lewis has reached international recognition immediately after the release of its first album "Spirit" in 2008.

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In the photo: Sophie Loren

Italian fashion model and actress, Sophie Lauren occupies a ninth place with her green foxed eyes. Lauren today is 81 years old. In 1962, she received an Oscar Prize for the best female role in the film "Two Women." It was the first victory in the Oscar of the film, shot not in English, but in a foreign language.

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In the photo: Charlize Theron

Without Charlize Theron, this list will not be complete. This model and actresses from South Africa are stunning eyes that allow us to see her individuality and feel her emotions. Undoubtedly, these eyes are an excellent tool in her acting career.

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In the photo: Celina Jateley

At the seventh place Celina Jateley. This is an Indian actress, a fashion model and beauty queen, which is mainly known in Bollywood. Jateley has Asian facial features and light-brown eyes of a charming form, thanks to their roots in Kashmir.

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In the photo: Christine Croyek

Magnificent Canadian Cralyne Croyek occupies a sixth place in our list. She is an actress and executive producer, mainly known for the role of Lana Young from the popular television series "Secrets Smallville". Its sensual, dark green eyes attract everything around, even popular superman.

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In the photo: Audrey Hepburn

Like Charlize Theron, the magnificent Audrey Hepburn is simply obliged to get into this list. The British actress and the humanist, who is no longer with us, has the beauty that remains forever in the heart, like deep eyes of honeycomb. Hepburn is considered an icon of style and a legend of cinema. She was the first actress that received the American Film Academy Prize.

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In the photo: Elizabeth Taylor

Another legend of the Golden Century Hollywood, the famous Elizabeth Taylor. This successful Anglo-American actress, which received two Oscars for the best female role, had world popularity. Nevertheless, she was loved by the public not only for her acting talent, but also for a glamorous lifestyle and unsurpassed dark blue eyes, which often seemed purple.

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In the photo: Kristen Stewart

Unlike the last two participants of our rating, the third place is occupied by a young beginner actress Kristen Stewart. American star flaunt a deep look of a magnificent thoughtful eye of bright green. She is known mainly by the main role in the last film "Twilight", and we hope that she fell into the cinema to stay in him for a long time.

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In the photo: Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie is considered one of the most beautiful women in the world. Her azure cat eyes are simply hypnotized, but her sharp, deep look stunned. Jolie, no doubt, an extremely beautiful woman, but she is also a very talented actress and director who received many awards for his work.

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In the photo: Aishvaria Paradise Bachchan

Aishwaria Paradise heads our list of the most beautiful eyes that you ever had to see. She is a successful Bollywood actress, the former Miss World, and is considered one of the most influential and beautiful women in the world.

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As they say, the tastes do not argue. And this rating is just one of many similar, each of which takes place. We found this list on one of the popular Western resources. He partially displays the opinion of our Western neighbors.

But let's think that one of our domestic celebrities has the most beautiful eyes? Please keep your opinions in the comments at the bottom of the page. Thanks for attention!

... But here's big eyes are always valued! Let's take advantage of our contemporaries - women with the biggest eyes.

This top model, living in Paris, and in fact, her surname sounds like a venna, since the girl is a native of the Ukrainian city of Kharkov. In the first place of our rating, she was not by chance: Maria was recognized as the biggest woman in the world. Thanks to his inspired face, she fell into a model business. Incompleteners believe that the Girl of Bastedov's disease, in the West, it is considered to be a beautiful frika, and in the meantime the scouts of modeling agencies rushed around the world to search for as unusual faces. Yes, violation of proportions, but what spirituality gives her face this "incontiniteness"!


The beauty of this Indian actress, which became Miss World in 1994, is simply perfect, and its huge gray-green eyes are sitting and fascinated. Aishvaria is considered the most desirable actress Bollywood - and certainly the most famous from the host of dancing and singing brightly dressed women.


What only the ratings do not get this fantastic beauty! But after all, her greenish eyes are truly great, and in addition, they have an unusual "fox" cut. I must say, her appearance played not the last role in the popularity of Angie, but when was the excellent appearance of a minus for the actress?


Its widely spaced blue eyes give actress similarity with aliens. The appearance of the minds, how to say, does not quite meet the generally accepted canons, but the actresses and should not be on one person. The mind is our favorite figure:


Frenchwoman who played a major role in the film "Amelie", is remembered thanks to the piercing and mischievous look of dark brown eyes, as well as a smile with charming stems on the cheeks.


Gentlemen prefer blondes, and blue-eyed! With his appearance, she is obliged to Scandinavian and Polish roots. The girl looks bright and extraordinary, but for the role can reincarnate in " serious mouse"- In the films" Girl with pearl earring "and" one more of the kind of pain. " But in life, she never "grabs the rear": active, talented girl never remains unnoticed.


In a person, everything should be beautiful - and eyes, and lips, and face, and chest ... oh! We were carried away by looking at the monica photo. That's just her expressive beauty, it seems, is not a guarantor of happiness in personal life: Not so long ago, the actress broke up with her husband after 17 years of marriage.


Her big brown eyes stand out expressly on a thin lear with a triangular chin. The fans call it the "Spanish Magic" and "Madonna" - is it really not for this look with the pain?


This model has become popular thanks to amazing red curls and puppet leaning with fine white leather and widely placed blue eyes. In combination with subtitle, as it should be models, Lily gives the impression of a teenage girl. How long will it last in this amplua?


This singer is just Beauty: Remember her wide open blue eyes and porcelain skin! However, it does not bear their beauty like a jewel, and is not afraid to be funny and brave: its extravagant images are discussed non-mineral than her hits and clips.
These are the most "eyes" women of modernity. But they also achieve their success not "for beautiful eyes." Well, at least not only for them ...

Today we have published photos of a girl with very beautiful, but incredibly long legs. And what else can the human body surprise us? Let's see people who hit the Guinness Book of Records, thanks to their anatomical or other peculiarities associated with the appearance.

17 photos

1. Mehmet Ozyurek - a man with the most long nose in the world. The length of its nose, measured from the base to the tip, is 8.8 centimeters. (Photo: Tuncay Bekar / Getty Images).

2. Cindy Jackson is a record holder in the number of plastic operations made. Cindy 58 years old, and over the past 25 years, she lasted under a plastic surgeon scalpel 52 times. She converted almost everything that was possible. (Photo: Shutterstock). 3. Emmanuel Yarborough - officially recognized as the most difficult of living athletes. It weighs more than 319 kilograms. Yarborough is engaged in Sumo. (Photo: Michael Loccisano / Filmmagic).

4. Annie Hawkins-Turner is the owner of the largest natural bust in the world. Her breasts weigh more than 40 kilograms! And bra size - 102zzz! (Photo: Steve MedDle / Rex Shutterstock). 5. AEVIN DUGAS hit the Guinness Book as the owner of the largest Afro in the world. (Photo: marcus ingram / getty images).

6. Harry Turner called "man with paper skin." The Englishman can stretch its skin in length by 15.8 centimeters. Such a feature, he "is obliged" to the genetic disease of Elessa-Dahlo. (Photo: Julian Makey / Rex Shutterstock). 7. Sarvan Singh - owner of the longest beard in the world, the length of which is almost two and a half meters. (Photo: Reuters / Andy Clark).

8. Billy Leon and Benni Lloyd Maccresry were recognized as the most serious twins in the world. Billy Leon weighed 328 kilograms, and Benni Lloyd 338 kilograms. Together they weighed 666 kilograms. (Photo: Bettmann / Corbis). 9. Lee Redmond - the owner of the longest nails in the world. She raised his almost 8 meter nails ... 29 years old. Unfortunately, whether he lost them during the car accident, which occurred in 2009. (PHOTO: JEMAL COUNTESS / WIREIMAGE).

10. Singh Chuhan Ram is the owner of the longest mustache in the world. Their length is 4 meters and 30 centimeters. (Photo: Reuters / Amit Dave). 11. Sultan Kesen, whose height is 2 meters 51 centimeters, is the highest of now living people in the world. (Photo: Yunus Kaymaz / Getty Images). 12. Robert Pokhing Wodloe is the highest person in history. During the registration of the record, its growth was 2 meters of 72 centimeters. Waslo died in July 1940. (Photo: ULLSTEIN BILD). 16. Rolf Bucholz from Germany is the most pierced man in the world. In August 2010, he had 453 earrings on himself !!! (PHOTO: INA FASSBEnder / Reuters).

17. Chandra Bahadur Danga from Nepal is the smallest person in the world. His growth is 54.9 centimeters. (Photo: AP Photo / Niranjan Shrestha).