The plane flight was cancelled, what should I do? What to do if your flight is cancelled: nuances and subtleties What to do if your flight is cancelled

If your flight is delayed

Return your air ticket

How to pass e-ticket

Airline responsibilities

Air passenger

Lawyer Gordon Andrey Eduardovich

Chamber of Lawyers of the Moscow Region

According to the Federal Aviation Rules, the air carrier has the right to cancel or delay the flight indicated on the ticket, change the type of aircraft, or change the transportation route.

What should a passenger do if the flight is canceled or rescheduled (postponed)?

The passenger’s actions depend on the type of flight - regular or charter, and the type of air ticket - regular or electronic.

First thing to do to the passenger, in case of flight cancellation or delay, regardless of which flight:

Action 1: Appear at the departure airport for check-in and put a note on your ticket about the flight cancellation or rescheduling at the airline counter.

If the passenger has an electronic ticket:

Action 1: Get it at the airline counter at the airport or at an airline representative document confirming flight cancellation or rescheduling to another time or date.

Why is it important to get this mark?

  • The mark indicates your timely presence at the airport.
  • A ticket with a mark and a separate document from the airline confirms the transfer (cancellation) of a flight (non-departure) and the passenger’s forced refusal to fly (if you refuse to fly at another time and date). They are the basis for a refund of the full cost of the air ticket.
  • From the time the scheduled flight begins, the airline's delay in carrying out the transportation begins to run. And the passenger has the rights established by federal aviation regulations: to receive drinks, food, and a hotel. More on this below.

The ticket must be marked on the ticket by an airline employee at the passenger check-in counter before departure at the airport. He is also authorized to issue a certificate to the passenger. The passenger also has the right to obtain a certificate from the airline representative at the airport.

If at the check-in counter you are refused to mark your ticket or provide a certificate, go to the airline office at the airport. As a last resort, go to the airport information desk.

Please note that it is the responsibility of the airline to mark the delay or cancellation of the flight; the airport information desk is an airport service that has nothing to do with the airlines. The fact of a flight delay or cancellation is reflected in the airport documentation and can be obtained later, including at the request of the court.

IMPORTANT: In any case, if a flight is rescheduled or cancelled, the passenger must begin collecting evidence of the airline’s violations. In case of a dispute, the passenger must provide this evidence! Such evidence is the above mark on the ticket and certificate, as well as other evidence.

How to collect other evidence?

  • Other evidence includes witness statements, video recordings, photographs, etc.
  • Interview other passengers, collect their data (last name, first name, patronymic, phone number).
  • Record your communication with airline representatives about the mark on the ticket or certificate on your mobile phone or video camera.
  • Fix the board with the date and your flight.
  • Record witnesses.

Further actions depend on the type of flight and your intentions.

Regular flight, flight refusal or flight cancellation:

If, if your flight is delayed, departure at a later time or on a different date is not acceptable to you, you have the right to cancel the flight and request a refund Money.

Action 2: Please review the airline's refund policy and application form.

You record the introduction and rules on camera, as well as the explanations of the airline employees.

Action 3:Write and submit an application to the airline for involuntary cancellation of the flight and a refund.

If necessary, attach to the application Required documents, at the end of the application, list the documents attached to it. We recommend that you complete the application in two copies, the second copy to indicate to the airline that the application has been received.

Airplane electronic ticket return

Returning an electronic ticket is somewhat more difficult than a regular one. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the rules for submitting electronic plane tickets when purchasing on the appropriate website of the airline or ticket aggregator.

Action 1: Obtain from the airline counter at the airport or from the airline representative a document confirming the cancellation of the flight or its transfer to another date. This document confirms the forced cancellation of the flight and is the basis for a refund of the full cost of the air ticket.

Action 2: If you ask at the airport to learn about the procedure for canceling a flight and returning air tickets. Apply directly at the airline counter.

You can find the rules for returning air tickets on the website through which the air ticket was purchased. Contact the support service of the relevant website or company where the air ticket was purchased - airline, travel agency, online site selling air tickets.

Action 3: Fill out an application for a refund of an electronic air ticket.

Application forms are individual for each airline. The link to the application can be found on the website of the company where the ticket was purchased. If you can’t find the link, contact the company’s support service by phone listed on the website and ask to send the form to your email address.

  • When filling out an application for a ticket refund, you must indicate all the ticket information, date, flight number, order number, etc. Information about the order number is contained in the information letter sent by e-mail to the passenger when purchasing an electronic ticket.

Refunds for air tickets on charter flights

For charter air transportation passengers are distributed general rules air transportation of passengers.

However, the transportation of passengers on charter flights has significant differences from regular flights. The passenger purchases transportation for a charter flight (air ticket) not from the airline, but from the aircraft charterer. The procedure for the airline to return the carriage charge (air ticket) to the passenger in the case of a charter flight is not established by law. Refunds for the transportation of a passenger on a charter flight are made by the charterer, not the airline. Therefore, the possibility of an air passenger on a charter flight refusing to refuse the air transportation agreement (ticket return) is not limited, but the procedure for returning the carriage charge compared to regular flights is significantly more difficult and is regulated by the agreement between the charterer and the passenger.

Passengers on charter flights can submit demands for cancellation of the contract of carriage and refund of carriage charges (air tickets) according to the rules of the concluded contract of carriage, taking into account the rules of the contract for chartering a specific aircraft.

An air passenger on a charter flight submits a request for a refund of the carriage fee to the charterer.

Airline responsibilities

If your flight is delayed

Both Regular flight and charter flight

The carrier is obliged to serve the passenger at all times waiting for flight departure. The waiting time for flight departure starts from the flight departure time indicated on the ticket.

Clause 99 of the Federal Aviation Rules of Russia:

In the event of a flight delay, flight cancellation due to unfavorable meteorological conditions, for technical or other reasons, the carrier is obliged to organize changes in the transportation route for passengers at the points of departure for free:

1) Passengers with children under 7 years old - use of the mother and child room, from the moment you start waiting for the departure of the flight;

2) Flight delay for 2 hours and more:

— two phone calls or two emails;

— provision of soft drinks;

3) Flight delay for 4 hours, and then every 6 hours (day) and every 8 hours (at night):

— provision of hot meals;

4) Flight delay at 8 o'clock (daytime) and more than 6 – at night

- hotel accommodation;

— delivery by transport from the airport to the hotel and back in cases where the hotel is provided without charging an additional fee.

5) Organization of luggage storage - in all cases of flight delays.

Taking into account the above federal aviation rules, if you have made a corresponding request to the carrier and received an unreasonable refusal, having previously recorded the request and refusal on video and by witnesses, feel free to purchase drinks, hot meals in a cafe (restaurant) and keep the receipts and also record it on video.

Also, in case of waiting for departure for more than 8 hours and the airline refuses to provide a hotel and deliver passengers to it, the passenger has the right to use the hotel at his own expense and recover expenses from the airline.

International flight delay

The rules for international passenger transportation differ from Russian ones and are determined by the “law of the land” where the flight delay occurred. For example, a dispute over the delay in Russia of a foreign company’s flight to Europe will be considered in a Russian court under Russian law.

Complaint against airlines

For international flights, it is necessary to take into account the requirements of relevant legislation. For example, in case of violations in Europe, the Montreal Convention is used, according to which a claim can be filed at the choice of the plaintiff in the state of one of the parties to the contract of carriage, or the place of departure or arrival.

What is the deadline for filing a complaint?

Requirements for domestic Russian transportation - within 6 months from the date of damage (Article 126 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation).

Complaints about international transportation are subject to the laws of the state in which the delay occurred. For example, in cases of delayed flights from Europe, claims can be made within up to 2 years.


The main thing for an air passenger is not to forget about urgent actions and your rights:

  1. Record the start of the flight wait on the ticket or in the airline’s certificate
  2. If you are flying with a child under 7 years old, at the same time ask the airline to provide access to the mother and child room;
  3. If your flight is delayed for 2 hours or more, request: two phone calls or two emails; and provision of refreshments;
  4. If your flight is delayed for 4 hours, ask for hot meals;
  5. In case of flight delay at 8 o'clock(during the day) and more than 6 - ask for a hotel at night.

Record your every call to an airline representative on camera, record telephone conversations.

At the same time, collect receipts if you incurred the listed expenses at your own expense due to the airline’s refusal.

Flight delays in Europe and America

When flights in Europe and America are delayed or canceled, airlines not only refund the passenger the cost of the ticket, but also pay monetary compensation.

Compensations are established if flights are carried out in Europe or America, or departure is carried out from Europe (America). The amount of compensation depends on the length of the delay (or the time from the cancellation of the flight to the moment of departure on the ticket) and the length of the route.

For example, if the flight is on the Paris-Moscow route (range 1,500 - 3,500 km) delayed for 3 hours , the amount of compensation is 400 Euro.

At the same time, the period for filing claims against the airline is up to 2 years.

Canceling plane flights can only cause negativity. But an experienced tourist knows how to benefit from this event and find a bunch of advantages. The main thing is not to despair. In order to save your nerves and not incur losses, but to receive compensation, it is important to know what to do if your flight is cancelled, the rights of passengers and the responsibilities of the carrier. After all, this may not be the last time.

This situation happens quite often. Therefore, airlines have a clear mechanism of action to avoid conflicts with passengers and fines, court payments for material and moral damages.

Return money or wait

Airlines are commercial entities interested in customers. The third party to the air transportation business in Russia is the state, and in Europe it is legislation that controls and regulates the quality of the services provided. Therefore, airlines are interested in ensuring that passengers receive positive emotions from their trips and that there are no reasons to go to court.

In any dispute, the law is on the side of the service consumer, and a plane ticket is an agreement between the company and the client. According to it, the air carrier is obliged to transport a passenger from one airport to another on schedule. In case of violation of contractual obligations, it is natural for the injured party to want to return the money for the ticket and receive compensation for the damage caused. Especially if the flight was canceled just before departure.

Long wait for flight

In such a situation, it is enough to contact airline representatives and receive qualified assistance and information:

  • full information about the reasons why the flight is late or cancelled;
  • possible options for further actions - waiting for the next plane, refunding tickets, paying compensation;
  • information about what privileges he can use while waiting for his flight;
  • a note in the travel document about the delay, cancellation, re-issuance of the flight;
  • refund for air ticket.

If the airline employees ignored the fulfillment of the carrier’s obligations, the client needs to take care of himself in order to later resolve issues of financial and moral damage, through Main office company providing air services, or in court.

Check with the airline about your flight arrival

Passenger rights

It is useful for people who decide to continue traveling and are waiting for departure to know what to do if their flight is canceled or delayed and what free services the airline should provide to passengers before boarding the plane:

  • if the departure time has changed by 2-4 hours, the passenger should be given refreshing, tonic drinks, 2 phone calls or given the opportunity to send a message;
  • travelers with children under 7 years old are accommodated in a mother and child room;
  • if the delay exceeds 4 hours, the airline is obliged to feed passengers;
  • in cases where the flight is delayed by more than 8 hours during the day or 6 hours at night, the client must be taken to the hotel, ensure his accommodation and delivery to the airport by the time the flight is checked in.

Passengers with children under 7 years old are provided with a mother and child room

These rules are mandatory for Russian, European and Turkish airlines.

American characteristics

In the United States, there are no legal obligations to airlines. American carriers act according to internal rules when unusual situations arise.

Important! In order not to become a hostage to the situation, you need to get an air ticket with a stamp indicating that the flight has been canceled or rescheduled by American Airlines. Based on this document, the passenger takes further actions.

Correct actions when a flight is canceled

Flights can be canceled long before departure, so airlines offer passengers two options:

  • Alternative flight to final destination. The flight can be carried out by the same air carrier or a third-party company. In this case, the quality of services must not be lower than that stated on the ticket.
  • Refund the full cost of the ticket. There are various options available, depending on the method of purchasing tickets. When purchasing a single air ticket with all transfers, the full cost of the flight is refunded to the client. In cases where tickets were purchased from different companies, money will be refunded for the canceled flight. For example, the flight is canceled by Aeroflot, and the passenger has a connection with Turkish Airlines on a separate ticket to New York. The domestic carrier returns the cost of the ticket to the client, and the rest will have to be returned standard rules or try to buy new connecting tickets.

No need to wait for a convenient flight to take off

It is important to know what to do when a plane flight is canceled and the rules for refunding an air ticket so as not to lose money. You can find out information on the website of the company where the travel documents were purchased, on tickets, or in the carrier’s instructions.

Rules and procedures must comply with the directives of the Ministry of Transport and the Air Code. They are simple, but few passengers use their rights:

  • The client can always cancel the flight 24 hours before departure. It is important to take into account that some air carriers, like Pobeda and other low-cost airlines, offer discounted prices for tickets;
  • If canceled in less than 24 hours, the passenger does not receive the full amount back. A fee is deducted from the ticket price. It cannot exceed 25% of the cost of the travel document.

The main rule is to keep your travel document until the end of the trip.

The next recommendation from experienced travelers would be for the traveler to understand the situation and take steps to resolve the situation. If the passenger doesn't do this, no one will worry about it. Airlines benefit when customers are satisfied, but the staff will not take the initiative, because the procedure is prescribed in regulations and instructions. Deviation from the standards entails penalties against the negligent employee. The aviation rules say that the refund of money for a ticket if the client refuses to travel is handled by the direct seller. In other cases, it is necessary to contact representatives of the carrier.

Airlines bear financial responsibility for delivery to passengers, except in emergency situations. These include:

  • Natural disasters, worsening weather conditions;
  • Technical issues;
  • Introduction of transportation restrictions at the state level;
  • Strikes.

All other situations are considered the carrier's fault. For each case, airline representatives provide passengers with a full report indicating the reason for the failure to fulfill obligations. This is important in order to bring the airline to clean water and deduct from it all unforeseen costs that the tourist incurred as a result of the cancellation or rescheduling of the flight.

Important! To receive a detailed response in writing, you must file a claim and submit it to the airline's legal address with notification of receipt.

For example, it is quite difficult to answer the question under what weather conditions and wind speeds flights are cancelled, because a plane is affected by many natural factors. It is difficult for the passenger to determine on his own whether they relate to force majeure circumstances or not. On average, the maximum wind speed for modern airliners is 17 m/s. But it is problematic to say exactly at what wind flights are canceled, because the calculations take into account its direction, gustsiness and other weather conditions.

The airline is obliged to provide the client with reasons for refusing to fly on time.

Bad weather conditions

Payment amounts

If the carrier could not prove innocence, this means that the flight cancellation was due to the fault of the airline, compensation must be paid:

  • in Russia - 3% of the price of the travel document, plus 25% of the minimum wage for each hour of delay;
  • in the EU from 125 to 600 euros.

Mostly such delicate issues are resolved pre-trial in EU countries in a maximum of 7 days, but in the Russian Federation clients have to be patient for a couple of months. Passengers of Russian airlines have up to 6 months to file claims. In Europe, cases from 2-6 years ago are accepted for consideration. This period depends on the current transport regulations in a particular country.

On international flights, payment issues are regulated by the Montreal Convention. Its participants are more than 120 countries. Since 2018, Russia has joined them. Therefore, if the flight is international, then it does not matter whether Alitalia, Luft Hansa, UTair or another reputable airline operates the flight, payment for damage to the passenger can be estimated at about 6,000 euros. Applications are accepted no later than 2 years from the date of the incident.

Note! If a traveler encounters problems with air carriers, he or she must document the costs associated with the rescheduled or canceled flight.

Distinctive features of charter flights

When canceling or changing the date or time of charter departure, the passenger must contact the direct seller of the flight. This could be a travel agency or another company providing services for transporting passengers to their destination. The procedure for action in the event of force majeure is specified in the service agreement, which the client must follow.

If changes in the charter schedule occur immediately before departure, then you must mark it on your boarding pass. This must be done by a representative of the airline carrying out the transportation. Thus, the passenger receives the right to all compensation and services that the air carrier provides in accordance with current legislation.

IN modern conditions a person must know the rights and responsibilities, even as a passenger. Otherwise, airlines use the slightest chance to profit from transportation. Therefore, before buying a ticket for a tourist, favorable price It is recommended to study in detail the terms of service along with the rights and obligations of the passenger and the carrier.

Almost all airlines delay or cancel flights for various reasons. Only in March of this year, flying out of Russia. Among them " North wind», « Ural Airlines", Red Wings and other popular carriers. If the flight was changed due to the fault of the airline, it must send passengers on a different board or compensate for the damage.

What to do if you receive a notification from the airline about the postponement or cancellation of your flight

Find out the reason for the changes

Call the airline's call center or, if you are already at the airport, go to the check-in counter or representative office.

Important: if the call center operator cannot fully guide you, call other support services or the airline’s press service.

  • Rosaviatsia. Tel.: (499) 231–50–09, 231–56–56. Email: [email protected]. 24-hour service telephone - hotline for emergency situations on international passenger flights outside of the schedule ( charter flights): (499) 231–53–73, e-mail: [email protected].
  • Hotline for tourism in Yekaterinburg. Tel.: (343) 268–46–86.
  • Ural Transport Prosecutor's Office. Tel.: 8–922–120–60–50; 8–922–118–01–40.

Request written notice of changes from the carrier

Let them send it to you by mail. Or ask to put a note on the itinerary receipt about what happened and when: the flight was canceled, delayed at check-in or after landing, the arrival airport was changed, and so on. You must have written proof of what happened.

By the way, the written notice should spell out your rights, including your rights to compensation for flight cancellation and what exactly you will need to do to receive it.

If you are waiting for a flight at the airport, ask for free services: food, water, hotel accommodation

If the flight is delayed for more than two hours Russian airline must provide passengers with free drinks and, if the delay is more than four hours, hot meals. Next, you should be given hot meals every six hours during the day and every eight hours at night. If your flight is delayed by six hours at night and eight hours during the day, you must be accommodated in a hotel and transported back and forth to the airport. We wrote in detail about what to do if your flight is delayed.

You can demand financial compensation for waiting for departure. If the reason was not force majeure, then the carrier is obliged to pay you a fine - 25% of the minimum wage for each hour of delay, but not more than 50% of the ticket price.

Take a different flight if the airline offers one.

There is no need to wait for monetary compensation if you were offered another flight that does not interfere with your future plans (if you catch your connecting flight and do not lose vacation days).

What should I do if the airline did not provide me with an alternative and did not compensate for the damage?

If a flight is delayed or canceled due to the fault of the airline, it is obliged to offer other flight options or issue an involuntary refund of the ticket (that is, return the full cost). As a rule, these issues are resolved as usual. If the situation is not resolved in your favor, contact the airline representative or email the support service.

If it was not possible to resolve the situation peacefully, you need to send a free-form claim to the airline demanding a refund. It must be answered within 30 days. If there is no answer, contact the court at your place of residence.

Here are the documents needed to sue an air carrier.

  • Statement of claim.
  • A photocopy of the document with a note about the delay or cancellation of the flight (it needs to be certified, you can write on it “Copy is correct” and put your signature with the date, and bring the original to the court).
  • All confirmation of your expenses (checks and receipts for meals, hotel accommodations, telephone conversations, etc.).
  • Claim to the carrier (you must provide evidence that it was sent and, if possible, received).
  • Response to the complaint, if any.

Text: Alexandra Kunitsyna, Alexandra Morozova

23.04.2018 , 11:24 15307

Flights can be canceled either a few minutes before departure or several days before departure. Flight cancellation at the last minute is a fairly common situation.

What to do if your flight is canceled when you are already at the airport?

  1. First of all, go to the check-in counter and find out the reason for the flight cancellation, check the time of the next flight or alternative flight options.
  2. Find out about the possibility of providing you with free food, a hotel, a telephone card, or even better, ask the airline employee for a special written notice. This notice will detail your rights, including your rights to , and what you will need to do to receive this compensation.
  3. Re-register your ticket if the next flight time is right for you. Don't forget to re-check or claim your checked baggage. After this, wait for your flight at the airport or hotel, or go home (if possible).
  4. If your flight is cancelled, and the alternative departure time offered by the airline does not suit you, you can return your plane ticket. from whom it was purchased. You don't have to do this right away. You can return your ticket the next day, a week later, and even after returning from a trip. According to Russian law, a claim can be filed within 6 months from the date of the flight delay.
  5. Be sure to make a note about the flight cancellation on your ticket. Keep all receipts paid during the waiting period and boarding pass. You may need all this to receive compensation.
  6. Record your communications with the airline, if possible. Take a few photos of the schedule showing the departure time - this may make it easier to receive compensation for flight delays in the future.
If you decide to wait for your flight, you can safely demandthe airline provides:

After 2 hours of waiting

  • Soft drinks and cold appetizers/snacks (the airline must then provide drinks and meals every 3-4 hours).
  • 2 phone calls or the ability to send e-mail/fax.
  • Providing a room for mother and child (for parents with children under 7 years old).

After 4 hours delay

  • Hot meals (further every 6 hours).

If you need to wait 8 hours for the next flight during the day and 6 hours at night:

  • Hotel accommodation during the delay.
  • Transfer to the accommodation and back to the airport.

If the airline categorically refuses to provide these amenities, you can use your own funds and demand compensation from the airline for the flight delay and reimbursement of the money spent after the trip. Please note that if you are flying in economy class, no one will pay for accommodation in a suite.

The rights that a passenger has in the event of being denied boarding due to overbooking (when more tickets are sold on a flight than the aircraft can accommodate) are exactly the same as in the event of a canceled flight.

Useful tips in case of flight cancellation or delay

  • Before booking or purchasing an airline ticket, always read the airline's policies to ensure you know your rights. Some airlines may have policies that state that they are not responsible and will not provide compensation if the flight is cancelled.
  • Before leaving home, always call the airport or airline to check if your flight has been cancelled.
  • Print out your e-ticket or itinerary receipt and take it with you, as compensation or an alternative ticket will only be available upon confirmation of your booking.
  • Always pack items in your bag or suitcase that may be useful in case your flight is canceled or delayed, such as a phone or tablet charger, a book, personal hygiene items, a small supply of food and water, etc.
  • Just in case, always have enough money with you to buy another ticket. If you need to fly urgently, then sometimes this becomes the only option.
  • For a very important trip, purchase separate insurance along with your air ticket in case of flight delays or cancellations.