Where do ships, trains and planes disappear? Where ships, trains and planes disappear Flight 914 documentary film

Who would have thought that a DC-4 with 57 passengers on board would land in Caracas, Venezuela in 1992... 37 years after it disappeared in 1955 during a flight from New York to Miami. The worst thing is that the plane didn’t stand still for a minute, it immediately took off and disappeared into a thick layer of clouds.

Newspaper clipping about flight 914

I agree, this story looks like the fiction of some science fiction writer or director who wrote the perfect plot for a horror film. But it's not that simple. It turns out that there is evidence that this plane actually landed, as evidenced by the testimony of airport workers.

The testimony of the airport control service workers who saw this incident coincide in essence, said the Deputy Minister civil aviation Ramon Estovar

But as it turned out, the veracity of this story was finally put to rest by Ramon Estovar, who discovered a 1955 calendar thrown by the pilot of the “mystical ship” from the cockpit window before taking the plane into the air again.

Initially, de la Corte and the other controllers on the tower could not understand what was happening when a propeller-driven aircraft approached the airport, which did not show up on their radar screen.

The controllers asked the pilot to identify himself, and he radioed to us: “Where are we?” His voice was frightened and confused, but finally he said that he was doing chartered flight 914 from New York to Miami with a crew of 4 and 57 passengers on board. The dispatcher said that after these words there was deathly silence in the control room. Everyone was stunned. Flight 914's destination is... Miami... 1800 km from Caracas...

When the landing was calculated for the aircraft, it began to descend and landed safely. Later, de la Corte's headphones heard the voice of one of the pilots, who was surprised by what he saw.

“Jesus Christ, Jimmy! What the hell is this?

It turns out that they were surprised by modern jet aircraft and looked at them as if they were UFOs.

Later the pilot said out loud: “Something is wrong here.” De la Corte tried to calm the pilot, but he was too scared. And when the ground crew began to approach the plane, the pilot furiously began to drive them away with his hand, in which there was some kind of folder, from which the calendar presumably fell out.

The pilot immediately started the engines and the plane took off. Later, ground service workers said that they saw the faces of passengers who watched with interest what was happening from the windows.

Recordings of conversations with pilots and a calendar are attached to the case file, which is still under investigation.

The mystery of flight 914. THE PLANE THAT DISAPPEARED IN 1955 LANDED 37 YEARS LATER! Like a flying phantom from the Twilight Zone, a DC-4 charter plane with 57 passengers on board landed in Caracas, Venezuela in 1992... 37 years after it disappeared in 1955 while flying from New York to Miami! But not even a few minutes had passed before the ghost plane took off again and disappeared into the clouds! Eyewitness accounts and tape-recorded radio communications between the pilot and the control tower provide irrefutable evidence that this nightmare landing of the plane actually happened. “The testimonies of airport control workers who saw this incident are identical in essence,” said Deputy Minister of Civil Aviation Ramon Estovar. But the clincher, according to Estovar, is a small 1955 calendar that the pilot threw on the runway moments before the DC-4 took off and disappeared. - I saw the plane... I heard the pilot’s voice. “I even held the calendar in my hand, but I still can’t believe it,” said Juan de la Corte, who clearly saw everything that happened from his post on the flight control tower. “These people on board still thought it was 1955 and that they had landed in Florida.” But that's not true. Only God knows where they have been all these years. According to de la Corte and other air traffic controllers, they realized that something supernatural was happening when a propeller-driven plane suddenly began approaching the airport and did not appear on the radar screens. “We saw the plane with our own eyes, but there was no sign of it on the radar,” said de la Corte. - We asked the pilot to identify himself, and he radioed us: “Where are we?” He sounded scared and confused, but finally he said that he was on charter flight 914 from New York to Miami with a crew of 4 and 57 passengers on board. The dispatcher said that after these words from the pilot, there was silence in the control room. Everyone was stunned. The destination of flight 914... Miami... 1800 km from Caracas... - I answered the pilot: “This is Caracas, Venezuela... South America" Then I asked, “Are you in distress?” There was no answer, and I cleared the corridor for the plane to land. The landing went well. Just when I started to think everything had gone well, I heard the pilot say to his co-pilot, “Jesus Christ, Jimmy! What the hell is this? They looked at the jet plane and acted as if it were a spaceship. According to de la Corte, the pilot stated that he was scheduled to land at Miami International Airport at 9:55 a.m. on July 2, 1955. “Then I heard him say, 'Something's wrong here.' I radioed the plane: “Captain, this is international Airport in Caracas. Today is May 21, 1992." He just exclaimed: “Oh, God!” You could hear him breathing heavily. I tried to calm him down by telling him that the ground team was already heading towards them. According to de la Corte, as the ground crew and tanker approached the plane, the pilot shouted over the radio, “No! Don't come any closer! We're flying away from here!” Ground service workers later reported that they saw the faces of passengers pressed against the windows. And the pilot opened his cockpit window and waved for them to get out. “He was waving some kind of folder,” de la Corte said. - Apparently, the calendar fell out of it, which we later discovered. The pilot started the engines and the plane took off. Civil aviation officials have seized all recordings of communications with the aircraft, as well as the calendar found, and are continuing to investigate the incident.

The Mystery of Flight 914

The plane that took off from New York in 1955 and disappeared landed 37 years later in Venezuela...

A DC-4 charter plane with 57 passengers on board landed in Caracas, Venezuela in 1992... 37 years after it disappeared in 1955 while flying from New York to Miami! But not even a few minutes had passed before the ghost plane took off again and disappeared into the clouds!

Eyewitness accounts and tape-recorded radio communications between the pilot and the control tower provide irrefutable evidence that this nightmare landing of the plane actually happened.

The testimony of the airport control workers who saw this incident coincides in essence, said Deputy Minister of Civil Aviation Ramon Estovar. But the clincher, according to Estovar, is a small 1955 calendar that the pilot threw on the runway moments before the DC-4 took off and disappeared.

I saw the plane... I heard the pilot's voice. “I even held the calendar in my hand, but I still can’t believe it,” said Juan de la Corte, who clearly saw everything that happened from his post on the flight control tower. “These people on board still thought it was 1955 and that they had landed in Florida.” But that's not true. Only God knows where they have been all these years.

According to de la Corte and other air traffic controllers, they realized that something supernatural was happening when a propeller-driven plane suddenly began approaching the airport and did not appear on the radar screens.

We saw the plane with our own eyes, but there was no sign of it on the radar,” de la Corte said. - We asked the pilot to identify himself, and he radioed us: “Where are we?” He sounded scared and confused, but finally he said that he was on charter flight 914 from New York to Miami with a crew of 4 and 57 passengers on board. The dispatcher said that after these words from the pilot, there was silence in the control room. Everyone was stunned. Flight 914's destination is... Miami... 1800 km from Caracas...

I answered the pilot: “This is Caracas, Venezuela... South America.” Then I asked, “Are you in distress?” There was no answer, and I cleared the corridor for the plane to land. The landing went well. Just when I started to think everything had gone well, I heard the pilot say to his co-pilot, “Jesus Christ, Jimmy! What the hell is this? They looked at the jet plane and acted as if it were a spaceship.

According to de la Corte, the pilot stated that he was scheduled to land at Miami International Airport at 9:55 a.m. on July 2, 1955.

Then I heard him say, “Something is wrong here.” I radioed the plane: “Captain, this is the international airport in Caracas. Today is May 21, 1992." He just exclaimed: “Oh, God!” You could hear him breathing heavily. I tried to calm him down by telling him that the ground team was already heading towards them.

According to de la Corte, as the ground crew and tanker approached the plane, the pilot shouted over the radio, “No! Don't come any closer! We're flying away from here!” Ground service workers later reported that they saw the faces of passengers pressed against the windows. And the pilot opened his cockpit window and waved for them to get out.

He was waving some kind of folder,” de la Corte said. - Apparently, the calendar fell out of it, which we later discovered. The pilot started the engines and the plane took off. Civil aviation officials have seized all recordings of communications with the aircraft, as well as the calendar found, and are continuing to investigate the incident. By the way, the calendar was from 1955!

The plane that disappeared in 1955 lands 37 years later!

Like a flying phantom from the twilight zone, a DC-4 charter plane with 57 passengers on board landed in Caracas, Venezuela in 1992... 37 years after its disappearance in 1955 while flying from New York to Miami! But not even a few minutes had passed before the ghost plane took off again and disappeared into the clouds! Eyewitness accounts and tape-recorded radio communications between the pilot and the control tower provide irrefutable evidence that this nightmare landing of the plane actually happened.
“The testimony of the airport control service workers who saw this incident coincide in essence,” said Deputy Minister of Civil Aviation Ramon Estovar. But the decisive argument, according to the estovar, is a small calendar from 1955, which the pilot threw on the runway a few seconds before the DC-4 took off and disappeared.
- I saw the plane... I heard the pilot’s voice. “I even held the calendar in my hand, but I still can’t believe it,” said Juan de la Corte, who clearly saw everything that happened from his post on the flight control tower. -. These people on board still thought it was 1955 and that they had landed in Florida. But that's not true. God only knows where they have been all these years.
According to de la Corte and other air traffic controllers, they realized that something supernatural was happening when a propeller-driven plane suddenly began approaching the airport and did not appear on the radar screens.
“We saw the plane with our own eyes, but there were no signs of it on the radar,” said de la Corte. - we asked the pilot to identify himself, and he radioed us: “Where are we?” His voice was scared and confused, but finally he said that he was operating charter flight 914 from New York to Miami with a crew of 4 people and 57 passengers on board. The dispatcher said that after these words from the pilot, there was silence in the control room. Everyone was stunned. Flight 914's destination... Miami...1800 km from Caracas....
- I answered the pilot: “This is Caracas, Venezuela... South America.” Then I asked: “Are you in distress?” There was no answer, and I cleared the corridor for the plane to land. The landing went well. Just when I started to think everything had gone well, I heard the pilot say to his co-pilot, “Jesus Christ, Jimmy! What the hell is that?” They were looking at the jet and acting like it was a spaceship. .
According to de la Corte, the pilot stated that he was scheduled to land at Miami International Airport at 9.55 a.m. on July 2, 1955.
- then I heard him say: “Something is wrong here.” I radioed the plane: “Captain, this is the international airport in Caracas. Today is May 21, 1992.” He Just Exclaimed: “Oh, God!” You could hear him breathing heavily. I tried to calm him down by telling him that the ground team was already heading towards them.
According to de la Corte, as the ground crew and tanker approached the plane, the pilot shouted on the radio: “No! Stay away! We're flying out of here!” Ground workers later reported seeing the passengers' faces pressed against the windows. And the pilot opened his cockpit window and waved for them to get out.
“He was waving some kind of folder,” said de la Corte. - Apparently, the calendar fell out of it, which we later discovered. The pilot started the engines and the plane took off. Civil aviation officials have seized all recordings of communications with the aircraft, as well as the calendar found, and are continuing to investigate the incident.

Like a flying phantom from the Twilight Zone, a DC-4 charter plane with 57 passengers on board landed in Caracas, Venezuela in 1992... 37 years after it disappeared in 1955 while flying from New York to Miami! But within a few minutes, the ghost plane took off again and disappeared into the clouds! Eyewitness accounts and recorded radio communications between the pilot and the control tower provide irrefutable evidence that this nightmare landing of the plane actually happened.

The testimony of the airport control workers who saw this incident coincides in essence, said Deputy Minister of Civil Aviation Ramon Estovar. But the clincher, according to Estovar, is a small 1955 calendar that the pilot threw on the runway moments before the DC-4 took off and disappeared.

I saw the plane... I heard the pilot's voice. “I even held the calendar in my hand, but I still can’t believe it,” said Juan de la Corte, who clearly saw everything that happened from his post on the flight control tower. “These people on board still thought it was 1955 and that they had landed in Florida.” But that's not true. Only God knows where they have been all these years.

According to de la Corte and other air traffic controllers, they realized that something supernatural was happening when a propeller-driven plane suddenly began approaching the airport and did not appear on the radar screens.

We saw the plane with our own eyes, but there was no sign of it on the radar,” de la Corte said. - We asked the pilot to identify himself, and he radioed us: - “Where are we?” He sounded scared and confused, but finally he said that he was on charter flight 914 from New York to Miami with a crew of 4 and 57 passengers on board.

The dispatcher said that after these words from the pilot, there was silence in the control room. Everyone was stunned. Flight 914's destination... Miami... 1800 km from Caracas...

I answered the pilot: “This is Caracas, Venezuela... South America.” Then I asked: “Are you in distress?” There was no answer, and I cleared the corridor for the plane to land. The landing went well. Just when I started to think everything had gone well, I heard the pilot say to his co-pilot, “Jesus Christ, Jimmy! What the hell is this? They looked at the jet plane and acted as if it were a spaceship.

According to de la Corte, the pilot stated that he was scheduled to land at Miami International Airport at 9:55 a.m. on July 2, 1955.

Then I heard him say: “Something is wrong here.” I radioed the plane: “Captain, this is the international airport in Caracas. Today is May 21, 1992." He just exclaimed: “Oh, God!” You could hear him breathing heavily. I tried to calm him down by telling him that the ground team was already heading towards them.

According to de la Corte, as the ground crew and tanker approached the plane, the pilot shouted over the radio: “No! Don't come any closer! We're flying out of here!" Ground service workers later reported that they saw the passengers' faces pressed against the windows. And the pilot opened his cockpit window and waved for them to get out.

He was waving some kind of folder,” de la Corte said. - Apparently, the calendar fell out of it, which we later discovered. The pilot started the engines and the plane took off.

Civil aviation officials have seized all recordings of communications with the aircraft, as well as the calendar found, and are continuing to investigate the incident.