Colorado (state). Colorado Largest structure in Colorado

Despite the abundant falling snow, we managed to fly away from wet and dirty New York
And although they write in the news that half an hour after our departure from the airport LaGuardia there the aircraft rolled out of the runway Delta, our United plentifully watered with a reddish non-freeze and wound up from the pusher, falling into air pockets so the people groaned and gasped ... nevertheless escaped from cyclonic captivity somewhere over Illinois (US state)

IN Colorado(US state) sunny and calm
A completely different America - smiling and friendly
And although the roads are dry - we were told that we can do whatever we want with the rented car - it is fully insured
Choosing a car for rent in the USA
They drove to the place in an hour ...
The journey across the USA has begun!
First stop: near the city Colorado Springs the park Garden of the gods(Garden of the Gods)

New York:
I recommend staying in cozy houses near the park Garden of the gods : Sunflower Lodge

The further into the depths of "one-story America" ​​- the cheaper the prices in shops and motels.
There are bearded and shaggy grandfathers in greasy overalls. They drive prehistoric jeeps like Chevrolet and can't hide their surprise when they see us.

It turns out Beavis and Badhead are not fictional characters: they were copied from the young people of "one-story America" ​​- I can testify.

Something amiss is going on with the weather and climatic zones: we left in the January cold, and after lunch it was already mid-May around.
The bright sun in the blue sky, and at the bottom of the snow with needles stuck like a hedgehog's back - pines and Christmas trees
Colorado tour will continue tomorrow at Colorado National Monument

Departure to national park Colorado National Monument located 6 km from the town Grand junction
And although the park opens at 9 o'clock, we drove there at 8
Could have been earlier - with the first rays of the Sun

Leaving the park costs 10 dollars and we paid this fee upon leaving
There was no one in the park employee's booth at 8 o'clock
We spent 3 hours in the park, but there are enthusiasts who walk here and spend several days exploring this place.
Well, now we are moving east - ski resorts in our program tomorrow

Now we stopped in Craig (on the 40th road in the direction of the Steamboat ski resort). You know ... this Craig is 2 streets 3 houses. On the horizon, two chimneys of some kind of processing plant or state district power station are smoking ... We stopped at a hotel in this town. There is still a sign in front of the entrance: "Wipe your dirty feet before entering." But the hotel itself is very good: the suite is 100 bucks with taxes.
So - Ikrinka got into a conversation with a girl from the reception (the girl is a typical Craig resident: fat, with black and red hair and abundant piercings)
When she found out that we are from Russia, she says:
- I really want to go to Russia….
— ?
- Actually, I like Craig.
— ?
- This year will be my first trip - to the Philippines. But my friends with whom I am going to the Philippines say that you need to go to Russia
- Listen, this is a bad idea - you should go to Russia
— ?
- Will you start asking everyone there "How are you?" but in Russia they do not like it and for this you can get in the eye
- I still want to go to Russia

I never cease to enjoy the roads in Colorado: there is snow all around, minus outside, and the asphalt is clean and dry
Today we drove 40 road past the ski resort Steamboat.
What can I say: I prefer to go for a drive to Italy and Austria: compact, cozy ... and here is a whole city.
I think that the rest of the major ski resorts in the United States are of the same plan.
Put a tick

Rocky Mountain Park or Rocky mountain national park did not impress at all: groups of tourists photographing a half-dead deer and creating a traffic jam, playing frisbee on Bear lake... Everything is somehow sucked from the finger
No, maybe all the beauty is there…. beyond the horizon and to see it you need to put on snowshoes and cut there for a couple of days - but this is not our method

Nevertheless, I can recommend staying in a separate cottage from Wildwood Inn- very nice, spacious, overlooking the river, 3 km from the entrance to the park. And there is also a restaurant nearby Headtrail- pretty good moose burgers

I just wrote this message - Ikrinka knocks on my window from the street: Take your camera - we have an elk in the parking lot!
It turned out not to be a moose, but a deer

Today we decided to march and no longer travel around Colorado: we extended our stay in Estes Park by booking an extra night in the cottage Wildwood Inn and tomorrow afternoon we fly to Utah - Salt Lake City and this will be the second part of the trip to the USA (there are 4 of them in the USA)

Today yesterday's elk decided to act decisively and demonstrated to Ikrinka that he is not an elk, but a deer
We drove down the 7th road - all entrances to the park are closed. In general, the conclusion is this: in the national park Rocky mountain there is absolutely nothing to do in winter. It is best to come here in autumn, when the leaves turn yellow and red. Then it is beautiful and colorful here, as this state of the United States is called.

Colorado, USA (Colorado, CO, USA) - Photo

Colorado (Colorado, CO, USA) Is the 24th state of the USA, famous for its unique rocky mountains. Unique nature and the state's mild climate, which is sheltered from winds and storms by a mountain range, has made Colorado America's premier tourist destination. In summer, tourists are attracted by excellent weather, in winter - by snow-capped mountains. The mountainous regions of the state are known as ski resorts throughout the world. These are, first of all, Aspen, Colorado Springs and East Park. However, it's not just tourists who generate income for Colorado. Many residents of the state are engaged in animal husbandry and farming. In Colorado, potatoes, sugar beets, cereals, corn, etc. are grown.

The mining industry is also highly developed in this region. For the first time, gold and silver were discovered in the Rocky Mountains back in 1850, however, the extraction of these valuable metals is still underway. Although at the moment more significant and profitable is the production of molybdenum in Colorado, the production of gasoline and steel.

Translated from Spanish, the name of the state is translated as "painted in red". This name was given to these lands in honor of the Colorado River of the same name, the water of which, due to the stones that covered its bottom, had a reddish color. Colorado is often called the "Century State" as it became a US state in 1876 on the 100th anniversary of the proclamation of the famous "Declaration of Independence".

Colorado cities

Colorado Photos

Colorado- a state in the west of the central part of the United States, one of the so-called Mountain States. Population - 5,268,367 people (data for 2013). The capital and largest city is Denver. Other major cities are Colorado Springs, Fort Collins, Arvada, Pueblo, Westminster, Boulder, Englewood.

Official nickname - "State of the Century" (Centennial State, the state joined the union in 1876 when the country celebrated its centenary).

Colorado is one of the three states (along with Wyoming and Utah), all borders of which are latitudes and meridians and, like Wyoming, forms just a "rectangle" (more precisely, a sector the earth's surface) between a pair of latitudes and a pair of longitudes. The area occupied by Colorado is 269.7 thousand square kilometers.

Flag Coat of arms Map

The territory of the state is crossed in the middle part from North to South by the ridges of the Rocky Mountains ( highest point- Mount Elbert, 4399 m). They form the so-called Great Continental Division. In the east of the state - the Great Plains, in the west - the Colorado plateau. The climate is temperate, continental. Average January temperature on the plains and plateaus is 0 - 4 C, July 20 - 22 C. Precipitation is 300 - 400 mm per year. The main rivers are South Platte, Arkansas, Rio Grande and Colorado. The vegetation in the east is steppe, in the west it is semi-desert. Mountain slopes for the most part covered with coniferous forest.

At the beginning of the 16th century, the territory of the future state was explored by the Spaniards. Since 1706, the territory of Colorado has been declared a colony of Spain. Then the province passed to France.

The USA received the eastern part of Colorado as a result of the Louisiana Purchase (1803). Central Colorado was taken over by the United States in 1845, and western Colorado in 1848, as a result of the war with Mexico.

In the 1850s. gold was found near Denver, and crowds of immigrants flooded here.

By law of 1911, the official state flag is a rectangular cloth. The red letter "C" stands for "Colorado", which is translated from Spanish as "colored red". The golden ball inside the "C" indicates the presence of gold mines in the state. The blue and white stripes on the flag represent the blue skies and white snows of the Colorado Rockies. On the state coat of arms, which was officially adopted in 1877, the triangular figure symbolizes the all-seeing eye of God. The coat of arms depicts the state's mountains, land, and a pickaxe, which symbolize Colorado's mining industry - the backbone of the state's economy.

Colorado has such minerals as coal, oil, natural gas, vanadium, uranium, zinc.

Being in fact an offshore zone, Colorado is not included in the "black list" of offshore jurisdictions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation - no restrictions are imposed on operations with Colorado companies. Colorado companies can do business all over the world. If a company is managed by non-US residents and does not do business in the US, it may not pay any taxes or file reports.

In preparing the material, articles from Wikipedia were used

Colorado is a state located in the central part of the country. The most big city and, at the same time, the capital of the state is the city of Denver. Colorado has over 5 million inhabitants who live mainly in large cities.

Denver is known as a mile-long city. Denver got this nickname because it is located at an altitude of 1609 meters above sea level. The city was formed in the middle of the 19th century and is rich in sights. It is the cultural and industrial center of Colorado. In Denver, be sure to visit the local art museum, which boasts unique exhibits. Also noteworthy is the Capitol Hill building, located in the center of Denver and striking in its beauty. The building is made of white granite and is crowned with a 60-meter golden dome.

Not far from Denver is the famous resort of Colorado Springs. This resort can be compared with Sochi: beautiful ski slopes, dry air. Colorado Springs is very popular, about 7 million tourists visit it annually, which brings the budget about 1 billion dollars.

It is necessary to pay attention to the urban district of Westminster, which together with Denver form a huge metropolis. This place is ranked in the top 30 for living. Westminster County got a boost when the precious metal was found.

The city of Boulder boasts the world famous University of Colorado. There is also a natural history museum that will interest tourists.

Must-see places include the world's tallest suspension bridge. Its height is 321 m, it is an unforgettable experience to be there. An interesting pastime is visiting the old railroad Pikes Peak Coug. You can also go on an unusual air excursion using a hang glider. Do not be afraid, as the instructors will show and tell you everything, and you can enjoy the magnificent views and sights of Colorado.

Of the interesting facts, one can single out the fact that the so-called Colorado potato beetle did not appear here. The home of the thunderstorm of farmers is Mexico. How the beetle ended up in this state is still a mystery. Now the Colorado potato beetle has evolved and poses a threat to all of America's agriculture.

Colorado at different milestones in history belonged different countries... Until the state became part of America, it was dominated by Spain, France and Mexico.

About 40% of the state's territory is occupied by local reserves and national parks. It is considered good form to open such seats to new governors or members of the US Senate and Parliament.

Another interesting fact is that according to the census, about 30% of the state admitted to their atheism. That is, they are not adherents of any religion.

Colorado state on USA map

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Since the XV century. BC e. until about the XII century. n. e. in the present territory of Colorado there lived Indian tribes who called themselves "Anasazi", representatives of a developed agricultural civilization. Their possible descendants - the Utah and Cheyenne tribes are familiar to us from American Westerns.
In the XVII century. the Spaniards come to the territory of the future Colorado, who give the region its current name. They were followed by the French from the already mastered colony of Louisiana. A long struggle for control over this territory begins.
At the beginning of the XIX century. Colorado is occupied by the United States of America and in 1876 it becomes the thirty-eighth state.
During 1913, thanks to a Norwegian, an addiction to skiing developed among the locals. So Colorado becomes one of the main centers of the "white madness" of skiing. Even earlier, in the seventies of the XIX century, with the advent of the railway in the region, crowds of gold diggers poured here. But the Colorado gold rush was short-lived.

At first glance, Colorado is only cliffs and mountains, but in reality it is rife with sights.

Most of the state of Colorado is located in the mountain range, along which the climatic boundary between the western states (California, Utah and Nevada), the central and eastern parts of the United States passes. Savotch is one of two mountain ranges that traverse the state from north to south and serves as the hydrographic boundary between the Pacific and Atlantic basins.
The most high peak Colorado - Elbert (4398 m).
Eastern Colorado is a flat area. They are engaged in animal husbandry and produce significant amounts of oil, gas, tin, molybdenum, zinc, coal and silver.
Near Colorado Springs are the offices of electronics and information technology companies.
In Colorado, tourism plays a very important role. Aspen, located 354 km southwest of Denver, is known to winter sports enthusiasts around the world. Influential and wealthy people in search of exciting experiences come here every year to enjoy the thrilling slopes.
Near Colorado Springs is the Garden of the Gods - rocks of red and white sandstone and other sedimentary rocks surrounded by evergreen cypress trees. This is an amazing landscape, especially at sunrise.
You should definitely visit Colorado Springs. Here is a restored old ranch, which seems to have come to us from Westerns. It is worth taking a walk and along National Park, which is declared a cultural heritage by UNESCO. Here you can find traces of the first inhabitants of this state, related to the culture of the Anasazi tribes.

general information

Thirty-eighth state of the United States (since 1876).
Common state borders: Wyoming, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah.

Capital: Denver 598 707 people, in the metropolitan area - 2 506 626 people. (2008).

English language.

Currency: US dollar.

Religion: Christianity.

The most significant cities: Colorado Springs, Lakewood, Boulder, Pueblo, Arvada.
Rivers: Colorado. Arkansas, South Platte, Rio Grande.

Mountains: Medicine Bow Ridge, Savotch Ridge, San Juan.


Area: 269 837 km 2.

Population: 4,301,261 (2000).
Population density: 15.9 people / km 2.
Average height above sea level: 2100 m.
Highest point: Elbert (4398 m).


Minerals: metal ores, coal, natural gas, uranium.

Agriculture: growing potatoes, sugar beets, animal husbandry.

Curious facts■ Colorado in Spanish means “painted in red”. Apparently, the whole point is that the Colorado River flows between the rocks of a red hue.
■ From 1858 to 1860 Denver, main city Colorado, called Auraria.
■ Near Colorado Springs is one of the most significant US educational institutions - the United States Air Force Academy.
■ Around 1850, over 10,000 people in the gold rush flocked to Colorado Springs in pursuit of their fortune.