Moscow minibus taxi. Moscow minibus Monday - Thursday

On the cancellation of the last minibuses in Moscow from August 15. In theory, it was assumed that only routes going beyond the boundaries of “old Moscow” could remain, and that routes that do not have a single stop outside these borders would not operate from mid-August.

Our correspondents studied the situation on the streets of different districts of Moscow. Stops near several busy metro stations were selected for testing (Sokol, Oktyabrskoye Pole, Komsomolskaya, Krasnoselskaya, Preobrazhenskaya Ploshchad, Universitet, Prospekt Vernadskogo, Yugo-Zapadnaya, Tsaritsyno " and "Technopark"). The research was done on the first Saturday after the ban on minibuses, August 20, 2016.


At the Sokol metro station, minibuses stopped working (both from Leningradsky Prospekt and from Peschanaya Street). Only intersubject route detected № 524 .

"October Field"

There were also no fixed-route taxis at Oktyabrsky Pole, but instead they began to operate bus route No. 691k(it is served by Transavtoliz LLC, which is part of the Autoline group of companies) - with blue buses, validators, and the validity of all city tickets and benefits.


Minibus detected No. 269m(metro station "Komsomolskaya" - Chelyabinskaya street). The route does not go beyond the Moscow Ring Road anywhere; according to the Moscow City Hall, it should not exist.


A white minibus with an inscription is driving along Verkhnyaya Krasnoselskaya Street No. 387m(circular: metro station "Baumanskaya" - metro station "Baumanskaya"). The color is important, since on the same route there are cars operating according to the new model of transport service (their number is approximately the same - № 387 , but without the “m”). Despite the very similar sizes, the difference is significant - the authorities demanded that private carriers release standard cars on new routes, and the color can only be blue (and such cars must have a ticket validator, air conditioning, etc.). Therefore, we have before us an “old type minibus” - with payment in cash and the absence of standard benefits.

"Preobrazhenskaya Square"

In addition to the already mentioned “minibus” No. 269m, here we were able to meet only minibuses with a red license plate № 716 (metro station “Preobrazhenskaya Square” - Vostochny village). Why is color important? According to the current agreement, stencils of cars operating at unregulated tariffs are painted in red in the Moscow region. Part of the route № 716 falls in the Moscow region - therefore, in this case there is no violation (the carrier received approval for the inter-subject route).


Near the metro you can see a large number of minibuses with signs No. 699m(metro station "University" - quarter "Shuvalovsky"). Here, perhaps, the rolling stock is the most diverse - Fords, Mercedes, and Hyundais. Cars are parked both at the southern vestibule of the metro and on Lomonosovsky Prospekt near the Moscow State University fence. According to the Department of Transport, this route should no longer operate.

"Vernadsky avenue"

Near the Prospekt Vernadskogo metro station you can still see two routes from the past. On Vernadsky Avenue there is a Peugeot with a stencil No. 616m(metro station "Prospekt Vernadskogo" - metro station "New Cheryomushki"), and cars with inscriptions rush along Udaltsova Street in both directions No. 300m(Novatorov St. - Ramenki). Both routes were scheduled to stop operating after August 14th. Let's go check further.


This station, even after the extension of the Sokolnicheskaya line, remains very major center attraction - the intersection of two busy highways, transport to the Solntsevo and Novo-Peredelkino areas, suburban routes. There are still routes here No. 45m, 1129 And 1166 , and their status is at least controversial - the route No. 45m was excluded from the Moscow city register (should have stopped working no later than August 15), and two other numbers can be found in the register of routes connecting Moscow and the Moscow region, but the routes indicated there are different (accordingly, metro station "Troparevo" - st. Aprelevka and metro station "Yugo-Zapadnaya" - Aprelevka). Apparently, all three routes operate in violation of documents issued by the Moscow government. With a minibus with a stencil No. 205m(metro station "Yugo-Zapadnaya" - 9th microdistrict Teply Stan) the situation is clearer - he should not appear here after August 14 - however, he cheerfully carries passengers along 26 Baku Commissars Street.


There are minibuses here No. 620m(metro station "Tsaritsyno" - Zagoryevskaya st. 10). The Moscow City Hall considers them canceled as of August 15. In addition, an approximately eight-seater car with the inscription “New Tsaritsyno Microdistrict” opened the door invitingly. Its status is generally unclear, and no route numbers are visible on the boards. But we can assume that it also carries passengers along a fixed route with stops on demand in arbitrary places - without, obviously, being registered in the register of routes of the city of Moscow. In addition, cars with a red stencil are visible № 1130 (metro station "Tsaritsyno" - state farm named after Lenin). Judging by these inscriptions, they travel beyond the administrative border of Moscow, and their cancellation was not planned. On the other hand, there is information that these cars only go as far as Yagodnaya Street, that is, the route does not cross the borders of “old Moscow” - and this is already a violation.

Finally, the Technopark station is a minibus No. 764m(metro station "Kozhukhovskaya" - Nagatinsky Zaton), again a discrepancy with the documents of the Moscow government.

In addition, it was discovered that some minibuses that transport passengers to shopping centers. For example, at the Troika shopping and entertainment center on Verkhnaya Krasnoselskaya Street you can see minibuses going to four metro stations - Sokolniki, Komsomolskaya, Rizhskaya, Baumanskaya (specially equipped stops and signs for these stations have also not disappeared routes). If they were free and stopped only at the end ones, then there would be no violation. But in their current form, according to the order of the Department of Transport of the Moscow City Hall, they should not exist.


At each of the ten carefully studied points of attraction, some “minibuses” were found that violated the requirements of the authorities. There are a minority of routes that continued operating after August 14. If we take into account the state of the register of routes at the beginning of this summer, then we can very roughly estimate the share of the remaining “illegals” at 10-15% (the check took place on a weekend; perhaps a number of more routes operate on weekdays).

Is there any logic to the set of surviving routes? It can be noted that where traffic has not stopped, there is rather a high demand, and historically Mosgortrans either did not launch its buses (trolleybuses, trams) there, or (despite the potentially large passenger flow) launched them with a very low frequency. However, new routes were organized this summer both to the Shuvalovsky quarter and along the ring in the Baumanskaya metro area.

Is it true that all remaining routes belong to carriers challenging the Department of Transportation's order in court? No, in some cases the transportation is carried out by a company that, at the time of the study, had not filed a claim with the arbitration court. In the places we checked, it was almost impossible to find “minibuses” of those eight companies that operate according to the new model of transport service. But even here there is no strict correlation - one company still has both old “minibuses” and new “blue” transport.

What practical conclusions follow from these observations? The most important thing: minibus companies have quite clearly shown where the unmet demand for transport services remains. And if the Moscow authorities are confident in their decision to abandon “minibuses” throughout the entire territory of “old Moscow,” then it is necessary to greatly improve the functioning of transport in those places where the “minibuses” of the previous model still operate.

In Moscow, minibus taxis appeared in the 30s of the 20th century. Passenger cars ZIS-101, later ZIS-110, ran between the most important squares of the capital, train stations and major exhibitions, parks, and transported passengers to sports matches. Thus, in 1939, along with trams, trolleybuses and buses, 120 minibuses were transporting visitors to the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition (VSKhV). Unlike ordinary taxis, where taximeters worked, fares for minibuses were set according to tariff sections, as in buses and trolleybuses of those times; Thus, travel from Sverdlov Square to the All-Russian Agricultural Exhibition Center cost 3 rubles. Taking into account the culture of boarding a taxi, which usually took place at equipped parking lots, the route often differed from the main routes, boarding was carried out only at the end routes, and alighting was upon request.

In the 60s, especially small class buses (minibuses) RAF-977 and small class buses PAZ-652 began to be used as route taxis. Very soon they ousted passenger cars from route traffic.

  • No. 1. Pushkinskaya square. - st. Gorky - Red Square - st. Kuibysheva - pl. Nogina - Yauz Gate.
  • No. 5. Pushkinskaya square. - st. Gorky - Leningradsky Prospekt. - st. "Pravda" - plant "Pravda".
  • No. 6. Pushkinskaya square. - Tverskoy Boulevard - st. Herzen - pl. Vosstaniya - st. Tchaikovsky - Kutuzovsky Ave. - Hotel "Ukraine".
  • No. 7. Belorussky railway station - st. Gorky - Boulevard Ring - Pokrovsky Gate.
  • No. 8. Belorussky Station - Butyrsky Val - Savelovsky Station - Butyrskaya Street. - st. Rustaveli.
  • No. 9. Pl. Mayakovsky - Garden Ring road- Kursk station.
  • No. 10. Maryina Roshcha - Oktyabrskaya st. - pl. Communes - Samotechnaya st. - Garden Ring - Kalanchevskaya st. - Komsomolskaya sq.
  • No. 11. Kyiv station - embankment. Taras Shevchenko - hotel "Ukraine".
  • № 12. Paveletsky railway station- Kozhevnicheskaya st. - Paveletskaya emb. - 56th hospital - Danilovskaya embankment.
  • No. 13. Pushkinskaya square. - Boulevard Ring - Pokrovsky Gate.
  • No. 18. Kursk station - Lyalin lane. - st. Chernyshevsky - st. Bogdan Khmelnitsky - Ilyinsky Gate - Old Square. - pl. Nogina.
  • No. 21. 3 Mr. Novokosino - st. m. Novokosino
  • No. 25. Art. m. "Oktyabrskaya" - Leninsky Prospekt. - department store "Moscow".
  • No. 38. Hotel “Sovetskaya” - st. Gorky - ave. Marx - Art. m. "Dzerzhinskaya".
  • No. 39. Art. m. "Krasnopresnenskaya" - Barrikadnaya st. - pl. Vosstaniya - st. Herzen - ave. Marx - Art. m. "Dzerzhinskaya".
  • No. 40. Paveletsky station - st. Osipenko - st. Solyanka - pl. Nogina - Ilyinsky Gate - Art. m. "Dzerzhinskaya".
  • No. 44. Ave. Marx - Art. m. "Dzerzhinskaya" - New square. - st. Kuibysheva - Red Square. - Moskvoretsky Bridge - st. B. Ordynka - Dobryninskaya sq. - Lyusinovskaya st. - Danilovskaya sq.
  • without a number. Pl. Revolutions - Vnukovo airport.
  • without a number. Pl. Revolutions - Sheremetyevo Airport.

Night minibus lines

  • No. 501. Art. m. "Oktyabrskaya" - Leninsky Prospekt. - st. Kravchenko - Art. m. "Prospekt Vernadskogo".
  • No. 502. Art. m. "Kyiv" - hotel "Ukraine" - Kutuzovsky prospect. - st. Barclay - 1st Filevskaya st. - Kastanaevskaya st. - art. m. "Pionerskaya".
  • No. 503. Manezhnaya square. - art. m. "Revolution Square" - prosp. Marx - Gorky Street (Sovetskaya Square - Mayakovsky Square - Belorusskaya metro station) - Leningradsky Avenue. - art. m. "Falcon".
  • No. 504. Manezhnaya square. - art. m. "Revolution Square" - prosp. Marksa - st. Dzerzhinsky - st. Sretenka (Sretensky Gate) - Kolkhoznaya Square. - ave. Mira - Art. m. "Botanical Garden" - st. metro station "Rizhskaya" - st. m. "Peace" - st. m. "VDNKh" - the town of Mossovet.
  • No. 505. Manezhnaya square. - art. m. "Revolution Square" - prosp. Marx - Art. m. "Dzerzhinskaya" - st. Bogdan Khmelnitsky (Ilyinsky Gate) - st. Chernyshevsky (Pokrovsky Gate) - Zemlyanoy Val - Sadovaya-Chernogryazskaya st. - art. m. "Lermontovskaya" - Kalanchevskaya st. - art. metro station "Komsomolskaya" - Krasnoprudnaya st. - art. m. "Krasnoselskaya" - Rusakovskaya st. - art. m. "Sokolniki" - Preobrazhenskaya st. - Preobrazhenskaya Sq. - B. Cherkizovskaya st. - Shchelkovskoe highway (15th Parkovaya street).
  • No. 506. Sq. Nogina - st. Solyanka - Yauz Gate - Ulyanovskaya st. - pl. Pryamikova - Shkolnaya st. - pl. Ilyich - Novaya platform - Entuziastov highway - Slava cinema (1st Vladimirskaya st.).
  • No. 507. Sq. Nogina - st. Solyanka - Yauz Gate - Upper Radishchevskaya st. - art. m. "Taganskaya" - Vorontsovskaya st. - pl. Peasant Outpost - Volgogradsky Avenue. - “Textile Workers” platform.
  • No. 508. Art. m. "Dobryninskaya" - Lyusinovskaya st. - pl. Serpukhovskaya outpost - B. Tulskaya st. - Warsaw highway (Swimming pool).
  • No. 509. Art. m. "Belorusskaya" - 2nd Brestskaya st. - art. m. "Mayakovskaya" - Garden Ring (Vosstaniya Square) - st. m. "Smolenskaya" - Smolenskaya st. - art. m. "Kyiv" - Borodinsky Bridge - Smolenskaya st. - art. metro station "Smolenskaya" - Garden Ring (Zubovskaya sq. - metro station "PKiO" - metro station "Oktyabrskaya" - metro station "Dobryninskaya" - Valovaya St.) - metro station. m. "Paveletskaya".
  • No. 510. Art. m. "Paveletskaya" - Zatsepsky Val - Narodnaya st. - art. m. "Taganskaya" - st. Chkalova - Art. m. "Kurskaya" - Zemlyanoy Val - Sadovaya-Chernogryazskaya st. - art. m. "Lermontovskaya" - Kalanchevskaya st. - “Komsomolskaya” - 1st Dyakovsky lane. - Orlikov lane. - Garden Ring (metro station "Lermontovskaya" - Kolkhoznaya Square - Samotechnaya Square - metro station "Mayakovskaya") - st. Gorky - Art. m. "Belorusskaya".

From the late 70s to the mid-90s, exclusively Latvian-made minibuses RAF-2203 and RAF-22038 with 11 passenger seats were used as route taxis.

According to data for 1980, 480 minibuses, mainly RAF-2203, were used as minibuses. There were 46 routes, the total length was about 400 km. Minibus taxis carried more than 100 thousand passengers every day.

Russian period

From 1996 to 1998, Latvian RAF minibuses, which became imported, were completely replaced by more spacious domestic GAZ-32213 GAZelle minibuses. The mass production of cheap GAZelle minibuses gave the minibus a new life. At the end of the 1990s, attempts were made to use small-class ZIL-3250, IVECO Daily and IVECO-Breda buses as minibuses, but after the 1998 default, the use of foreign cars was interrupted for several years. However, due to an increase in passenger traffic and increased safety requirements, after 2003 a number of large road carriers began to use imported small-class buses like Mercedes-Benz Sprinter, Ford Transit, Volkswagen LT 2 as route taxis, “IVECO Daily”, “Volkswagen Crafter”, “Hyundai County”, low-floor citybuses PAZ-3237 (trial operation), as well as large-class semi-low-floor buses “Scania OmniLink”.


Reduced funding for transport enterprises and weakening control over fares in the 90s led to a deterioration in the work of the city public transport. In 1992, the structure of state minibuses was virtually destroyed, and the rolling stock (minibuses) was purchased by drivers and actually ceased to carry out regular passenger transportation. The revival of minibus taxis began in 1994 with the advent of private motor transport companies (an example is the Moscow company "Avtoline"). In a market economy, minibus taxis began to act as a more expensive means of transportation (no benefits, initially higher fares), but a faster, more flexible, more comfortable means of transportation with a guaranteed seat. In addition, carriers sometimes created new routes that were in demand by passengers, but were not serviced by Mosgortrans (access to large markets and chord connections of neighboring metro stations along the shortest route). Gradually, minibus taxis attracted the bulk of solvent land transport passengers.


By the early 2000s, minibus taxis had become a serious competitor to municipal transport, covering almost all commercial interesting routes. However, since the late 90s, minibus taxis began to change the niche they occupied. If in the early 90s they were a conditionally more comfortable, faster and, at the same time, more expensive alternative to municipal transport, then gradually they began to be perceived only as faster, but at the same time much less safe and even less comfortable view transport. Prices for travel between minibuses and municipal transport have also leveled off. This was largely due to some of the successes of Mosgortrans in replacing rolling stock and, conversely, the complete lack of control by private carriers over the quality of service for minibus taxi passengers. Broken GAZelles with low-skilled drivers could no longer satisfy paying passengers.

The situation changed radically with the introduction of ASCP systems by Mosgortrans on its rolling stock. Due to large delays at boarding (especially at some stops), many passengers began to return to minibuses. At the same time, minibus taxi owners began to use more modern and safer imported rolling stock with a larger capacity, thereby improving the quality of service. Gradually the situation leveled out. Since November 2007, active replacement of rolling stock has been taking place; GAZelles may disappear from the streets in the future.

But the transition to more spacious models of rolling stock led to the following problems:

  1. When switching from GAZelles to small-capacity vehicles, mainly Sprinter and Transit, the number of stops during rush hour increases to 3-4 times compared to duplicate routes. Although routes to remote areas lead to acceleration by flying over a large section (usually from the metro to the Moscow Ring Road), stopping only to disembark passengers at the main points.
  2. Carrying standing passengers, which was the exception in the era of GAZelles, has become the rule.
  3. If previously a minibus could depart when it was fully loaded, now it has become the rule to depart 1-2 minutes before the duplicated transport.
  4. If there are two metro stations on the route, there are often cases of intermediate stops that can last up to 20 minutes.

From 2006, it was planned to reassign all minibus taxis to the Moscow Department of Transport and Communications and introduce the obligation to coordinate their work with Mosgortrans.

In 2015-2016, as part of the implementation of a new model of transport service for Moscow, all intracity minibuses are to be eliminated and converted into new commercial routes with a single tariff menu or replaced with a strengthened duplicated Mosgortrans route.

Role in transportation

The network of minibus taxis largely replicates the network of bus (less often trolleybus) lines, but still has its own specifics. Taxi routes, as a rule, are shorter than bus routes ("unprofitable" sections are cut off), can change depending on the congestion of the streets, and very often serve the transportation of passengers over a relatively short distance (and one of the final destinations in this case, as a rule, is a metro station).

The role of minibus taxis is especially important in suburban areas. In some cases they are the only mode of transport. For example, route No. 581 from Medvedkovo metro station to Service University.

From st. Kagan

on weekdays: 6-50, 9-00, 11-52, 13-06*, 14-34, 15-57, 18-52, 20-10, 21-30, 23-10* (in summer)

on weekends: 5-30, 6-50, 8-23, 11-05, 12-25, 13-40*, 15-15, 16-40, 18-35, 20-10, 21-30, 23 -10 (summer)

From Medvedka

on weekdays: 6-06, 7-24, 9-34, 11-43 (before SAC), 12-29, 15-10, 16-32, 19-27, 20-45, 22-42 (summer)

on weekends: 6-06, 7-24, 9-00, 11-40, 13-00, 15-53, 17-17, 19-15, 20-46, 22-42 (summer)

Ol. Gagarina-Kagan St.

on weekdays: 6-12, 7-30, 9-40, 12-35, 15-16, 16-38, 19-33, 20-51

on weekends: 6-12, 7-30, 9-06, 11-46, 13-06, 15-59, 17-23, 19-21, 20-51

* - flights to PATP

Route No. 4 “st. Kagana - village Builders"

From st. Kagan

on weekdays: 5-05, 6-05, 6-23, 6-40, 7-00, 7-15, 7-32, 7-48, 8-10, 8-24, 8-47, 9- 10, 9-30, 9-52, 10-07, 10-33, 10-51, 11-15, 11-30, 11-50, 12-12, 12-24*, 12-35, 12-53 , 13-13, 13-22*, 13-35, 14-00, 14-04*, 14-27, 14-45, 14-50*, 15-12, 15-45, 15-54*, 16 -15, 16-35, 16-38*, 16-50, 17-10, 17-30, 17-50, 18-10, 18-30, 19-00, 19-26*, 19-35, 19 -45*, 20-05, 20-18*, 20-55, 21-33, 22-05*, 22-51*

on weekends: 5-05, 6-05, 7-01, 7-30, 8-01, 8-15, 8-33, 8-50, 9-30, 9-54*, 10-00, 10 -14, 10-28, 10-50, 11-15, 11-35, 12-00, 12-35, 12-50, 13-20, 13-31*, 13-50, 14-00, 14- 33, 14-45, 15-14*, 15-30, 15-56*,16-00, 16-08*, 16-25, 16-55, 17-20, 17-30, 18-21, 18 -55, 19-17, 19-55, 20-45, 20-50*, 21-16*, 21-50, 22-41*.

From the village Builders

on weekdays: 6-03, 6-33, 7-03, 7-21, 7-37, 8-00, 8-15, 8-32, 8-50, 9-08, 9-26, 9- 44, 10-14, 10-30, 10-52, 11-07, 11-30, 11-50, 12-15, 12-26, 12-50, 13-10, 13-34, 13-53, 14-13, 14-35, 15-00, 15-25, 15-42, 16-12, 16-39, 17-15, 17-35, 17-50, 18-10, 18-30, 18- 50, 19-10, 19-30, 20-00, 20-35, 21-05, 21-55, 22-30*.

on exit. days: 6-03, 7-03, 8-00, 8-35, 8-59, 9-13, 9-30, 9-50, 10-30, 11-00, 11-10, 11-25, 12-00, 12-22, 12-35, 13-00, 13-33, 13-48, 14-18, 14-50, 15-10, 15-30, 15-45, 16-30, 17- 00, 17-23, 17-52, 18-17, 18-55, 19-20, 19-55, 20-13*, 20-55, 21-43, 22-42*.

from PATP to st. Kagan

on weekdays: 6-45, 13-07, 13-59, 14-43, 15-43, 17-12.

on holidays days: 7-01, 7-46, 8-05, 8-18, 10-54, 15-00, 15-53.

To Stroiteley village on weekdays: 6-03.

* - flights to PATPf

Route No. 10 "st. Voskresensk - village Fedino"

From Art. Voskresensk: 5 -17, 6-14, 7-12, 8-42, 10-05, 11-14, 12-04, 13-26, 14- 15, 15-35, 17-25, 18-31, 20-16, 21-18.

From Fedino: 4-54, 5-44*, 6-38, 7-36*, 9-23, 10-40, 11-38, 12-30* ,13-49, 14-58, 16-15, 17-50, 18-54*, 20-49*, 21-43*.

* - flights to PATP

Route No. 11 “Stroiteley village – Michurina street – Moskvoretsky quarter”

Monday Thursday

From the Moskvoretsk quarter: 7-23, 8-15, 9-10, 10-05, 13-20, 14-20, 15-13, 16-04*, 17-35, 18-40, 19-43*.

From Stroiteley: 7-52, 8-43, 9-38, 10-30*, 13-50, 14-45, 15-40, 18-10, 19-18.

7-04, 13-03, 17-12.


From Moskvoretsky quarter: 7-23, 8-15, 9-10, 10-05, 12-20, 13-20, 14-20 15-13*, 16-38, 17-35, 18-35*.

From Stroiteley: 7-52, 8-43, 9-38, 10-30*, 12-50, 13-50, 14-45, 17-05, 18-10

From PATP to Moskvoretsky quarter: 7-04, 12-03.


From the Moskvoretsky quarter: 9-10, 10-05, 11-05, 14-20, 15-13, 16-10, 17-10, 18-10, 19-05*.

From Stroiteley: 9-38, 10-35, 14-45, 15-40, 16-40, 17-40, 18-40.

* - flights to PATP

Route No. 12 “st. Kagan - st. Spartak"

From st. Kagan

on weekdays: 7 -10*, 7-25, 8-03, 8-42, 9-17, 10-02, 10-20, 10-58, 11-35, 12-03, 12-30, 13 -12*, 13-33, 14-02*, 14-15, 15-05, 15-43, 16-00 (Fri), 16-12 (Mon-Thu), 17-05, 17-35, 18 -04, 18-46, 19-20, 20-15, 21-00, 21-45, 22-30*

on weekends: 7-40, 8-55, 9-20, 11-02, 11-30, 12-40, 13-10, 14-14, 14-55, 16-10, 17-00, 17- 50, 18-45, 19-01*, 19-42

From SAC: 7-07 (on weekdays), 7-13 (on weekends)

From Spartak street

on weekdays: 6-15 (before SAC), 6-37, 7-20**, 7-55, 8-15, 8-47, 9-05**, 9-35, 10-05 (with arrival on Shifernaya Square), 10-45, 11-07, 11-40, 12-05**, 12-30, 13-17, 13-51*,* 14-15 (with a stop at Shifernaya Square), 14-58, 15-08, 15-30**, 15-55, 16-25, 17-05 (with arrival at Shifernaya Square), 17-35**, 17-55**, 18-23, 18-50, 19-32, 20-08, 21-00, 21-45, 22-30*

on weekends: 6-23 (to SAC), 7-20**, 8-05, 8-30, 9-00**, 9-45 (with a stop at Shifernaya Square), 10-10, 10- 40**, 11-50, 12-20, 12-55**, 13-30 (with arrival at Shifernaya Square), 14-00, 14-35**, 15-00, 15-45, 16- 32**, 16-55*, 17-00, 17-46, 18-10 (with a stop at Shifernaya Square), 18-39, 19-32*, 20-30.

* - flights to PATP, ** - bus departures from bus stop No. 41

Route No. 13 “st. Voskresensk – Dental Clinic"

From the Dental Clinic: 6-54 (on business days), 7-52, 8-45, 9-43*, 11-48, 13-00, 13-55, 15-13, 16-32, 17-32, 18-33*.

From Voskresensk station: 7-25 (working hours), 8-15, 9-15, 11-26, 12-30, 13-28, 14-50, 16-10, 17-08, 18-11.

Route No. 14 "p. Lopatinsky - SAC"

From pl. Gornyakov: 5-17, 6-27, 7-02, 7-42, 8-15, 8-55, 9-35, 10-20, 11-07, 12-54, 14-15, 15-24, 16-02, 17-05, 17-12*, 18-15, 18-42, 19-22

From SAC: 5-55, 7-02, 7-42, 8-17, 8-55, 10-35, 11-40*, 11-45, 12-20, 13-30, 14-50, 15-25, 15-55, 16-37, 17-38, 18-47, 19-17*, 19-55*.

From PATP to SAC: 11-50, 14-59.

From PATP to pl. Gornyakov: 6-35, 17-47.