How do you spend your weekend. Rest on weekends. How to rest properly. How to spend a day off with your husband

The weekend is approaching and you are completely out of ideas on how to spend it. free time? Naturally, there may be a lot of options, but the problem is that most people do not want to spend a lot of money on an ordinary vacation. So if you are also having difficulty making plans for the weekend, then this list of options will come in very handy.

Walk in nature

Even if you live in densely populated city, you can always find a place where there is a lake, forest and other greenery. Walking along a trail can be a great way to relax, and you won't have to spend a penny.


If you want something more impressive, then you should try to find hiking trails nearby. hiking. They can be of different lengths and degrees of difficulty, but in any case they will provide you with an unforgettable experience.

Ride a bike

You don't have to hit the road on foot - if you have a bicycle, you can use it. Even if you don’t have one, there are stations almost everywhere where you can rent a bicycle for a certain period of time or for the whole day to have a good rest.

Create something

Many people constantly have a desire to create something new or transform and update the old. Usually there is not enough time for this, but the weekend is ahead - use your free time to make your dreams come true.

Wine degustation

If there is a wine bar near you, then you can find the right moment and get in for a tasting, which will allow you to have a fun and interesting time and even make new acquaintances.

Art Gallery

Recently, more and more art galleries are popping up everywhere. It can be fine art, sculpture, or photography - you can go to the opening of one of these galleries to get acquainted with contemporary art.


If you are not interested in contemporary art, then you can visit the museum to enjoy the classics and history.


One of the most simple ways- go on a picnic. Bring a blanket, a basket of sandwiches and something for entertainment, such as a book, music player or tablet, and have fun.


You can also go to a karaoke bar to sing your favorite songs and take a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Book and film

It is unlikely that you often have enough time to read a book and watch a film adaptation - on a day off you can easily do something similar.

coffee house

Head to a coffee shop to enjoy the taste of freshly brewed coffee or try a new type of tea.

Live music

Going to a concert will cost you a lot, but you can enjoy live music at one of the local bars or restaurants.

Take part in a marathon

Art walk

Many cities have a street or area dedicated to art. You can walk there and look at the distant and mysterious world.

Volunteer activities

You can also visit a shelter for homeless animals. There's no need to take someone into your home if you don't want to - but you can help those who care for animals.

Confiscated and second-hand goods

It is not necessary to spend huge sums on purchases - you can look into those stores where you can literally buy quite good things for next to nothing.

Garage sales

The same goes for garage sales - some of them can buy real treasures for a couple of dollars.

farmers market

If your city has a farmers' market, be sure to visit it to buy fresh vegetables and other products for the week that you can't find in supermarkets.

Literary readings

Many bookstores and clubs periodically host readings of contemporary literature. Visit them to experience modern literature.


Going to the theater can be extremely expensive, but you can visit the drama department of any university - it is quite possible that students there produce plays for free that you can watch.

Birthday is one of the main holidays throughout a person’s life. This wonderful holiday, unfortunately, happens only once a year. But on the other hand, if you celebrate your birthday every month, then this event loses its magic and charm.

Children's birthdays are real events in the lives of their parents; they prepare for them in advance, helping children create a real holiday with gifts, fun and games. Well, as an adult, a person takes on all the preparations for a birthday party or entrusts them to professional agencies for a fee.

Yes, celebrating a birthday is a habit formed in childhood and instilled in each of us by adults. At the same time, we can safely say that this is a good habit that gives great pleasure not only to the hero of the occasion, but also to his close circle. Preparations for this event take place in anticipation of celebration and joy, and the holiday itself delights with many wonderful surprises, gifts, congratulations, and positive communication with invited friends. The main thing is to organize everything correctly!

How to celebrate a birthday?

One of the main criteria for a good holiday, of course, is the availability of financial resources for its organization. However, even with a small income and no savings, you can organize a great holiday that will be remembered for a long time not only by the birthday boy himself, but also by all the guests. For example, low-budget options include holding a holiday outdoors or in the country. Even at home or in the office, with the consent of management, you can organize a real party.

You can organize a memorable holiday with little effort

Birthday preparations

Planning is one of the important stages of hosting a birthday party. The optimal period for preparing festive events is 3-4 weeks. This period will allow you not only to plan your budget, but also to think through all the little details of the celebration, on which the success of the entire evening depends.

Planning the venue

The number of invited guests and the budget of the celebration will depend on the venue. This could be, as mentioned above, your own living space, a cafe, a summer house, a restaurant or a club. When choosing a location for a party, you should take into account the time of year and weather conditions expected outside on the day of the celebration. For example, celebrating a birthday that falls in winter on the beach is, to say the least, uncomfortable. The best option for a winter party is to hold it in some room.

But for a summer birthday, the bosom of nature, a cottage or a cafe under open air. The same applies to a holiday on a boat or liner. It's not very pleasant to be surrounded by water on a cold autumn day.

Preparing the venue

If the venue is a private area - a cottage or an apartment - then it is necessary to do a thorough cleaning in advance and expand the space by temporarily rearranging the furniture. If the special event will take place in a cafe or restaurant, on a rented ship or in a sauna, it is required to arrange the rental of the premises in advance, having discussed the design options with the administration.

If your birthday is planned to be held outside the city, you should consider ordering road transport, delivery and delivery of invited friends and relatives after the holiday.

The preparation of the holiday must be taken responsibly

List of invited guests

The list of guests depends on the number of people close to the birthday person, the budget of the event and the size of the room where the party will take place. In any case, you should only include on this list those people you would actually be happy to see.

Your birthday is your holiday, so you don’t need to pay tribute to society and observe vague standards of decency by inviting those who are unpleasant to you to your celebration. Invitations must be sent out in advance. Invitation cards indicating the place and time of the party will not be superfluous.

When compiling a guest list, you should take into account the appropriateness of the venue and the number of invitees. For example, it would not be very correct to invite grandparents to night club, and the boss - to the sauna, unless you are in a very close relationship.

Menu selection

The menu, as well as the shopping plan, should be thought out in advance. The holiday budget will depend on this; in addition, early planning will help avoid fuss on the eve of the event. If the birthday party will be held in a cafe or restaurant, you should agree in advance on snacks and hot dishes with the chef. You should inform the administration of the establishment the number of invited guests and select from the proposed list of dishes those that you like the most.

How to celebrate a birthday at home?

Home parties, as a rule, are not very expensive compared to restaurants or clubs. At home, you can enjoy communication with relatives and friends without officialdom, distractions and the presence of strangers, for example, waiters or musicians. Although, the latter can be invited to a home celebration.

In any case, in his own living space, the birthday person will be able to feel more relaxed, and the atmosphere will be cozy and warm - family. If you wish, you can contact an agency organizing holidays, and they will send a toastmaster or artists at the right time who will diversify the traditional party at home.

The holiday can be very fun at home

For a birthday party held at home to be a great success, you need to elegantly decorate your living space with beautiful garlands, balloons, ribbons and flags. You can develop and prepare an unusual menu, think through entertainment program– games, competitions, charades and music playlist. In events held at home, it is very important that everyone invited has fun.

For a few days, you should look in specialized magazines or the Internet for recipes for new salads, appetizers, meat and fish dishes - everything that you will treat to invited relatives and guests. We should not forget about the cake, which is a very important attribute of a birthday. You need to set the table with beautiful dishes - let everything on this day be homely, but still solemn!

Who are home parties suitable for: Celebrating a birthday at home is perfect for people who appreciate the comfort of home and communication with loved ones in the family circle.

The main disadvantage of celebrating a birthday at home is the need for careful preparation, which falls entirely on the shoulders of the hero of the occasion: you will have to decorate the home, set the table, think through entertainment, and after the holiday you will also have to clean the apartment. Besides, in an ordinary apartment You can’t invite a large number of guests, as people will feel uncomfortable in crowded spaces.

How to have fun celebrating a birthday in a cafe or restaurant?

In every modern locality There are cafes and restaurants, various entertainment venues where you can successfully hold a birthday party. When choosing such a place, you should pay attention to two main criteria:

    What and how they cook in the establishment;

    What entertainment program does the cafe or restaurant offer?

Reviews on city forums, a list of signature recipes, and the opinions of friends who have visited the restaurant before will help you understand the first question. The answer to the second question will be the reputation of the group that plays in the evenings in the establishment, but everything is simple here - for a fee, the establishment will organize entertainment for you for every taste, especially if you rent the entire hall for the evening of the holiday.

Restaurant reservations should be made in advance, no later than two weeks before the event. The menu, the sequence of serving dishes, and the entertainment program must be discussed with the administration of the establishment in advance. By the way, it is the top manager or creative director of the establishment who will help decide on the design of the hall.

There is a budget option for holding a birthday inexpensively and not within the walls of your own home: you can organize a party in a pizzeria or on the summer terrace of a cafe - this will cost much less than renting a hall. And the pleasure from the event will be no less.

Outdoor Birthday Scenario

One of the options for a summer birthday party is a celebration held outdoors. The invitation cards must indicate in advance that the event will be held outdoors, as they will need to dress appropriately and take the necessary accessories and attributes.

Of course, the hero of the occasion, when holding a party outdoors, takes the main preparatory activities to myself. However, he simply cannot cope with all matters alone. Therefore, you should agree in advance which of your friends will help you and who will be responsible for what. If the holiday will take place outside the city, you should consider transporting the guests, and if you plan to spend the night, then organize sleeping places to accommodate all the guests.

If you are planning a picnic in a park or on a river, then you should choose in advance a place where the holiday can be enjoyed without disturbing other vacationers. When celebrating a birthday in the park, you should remember the rules of conduct in public areas.

Organizing a party outside the city is easier and more interesting - you can surprise your invited friends with dishes cooked in the fresh air: potatoes, meat, vegetables baked on coals. If there is a body of water near the festival site, you can catch fish or crayfish and cook fish soup.

Holding a celebration outdoors allows you to organize a tournament or competition in outdoor, active games that are difficult to play indoors.

The advantages of holding a holiday in nature include fresh air, beautiful scenery, the opportunity to play football or volleyball. A budget option a holiday that will cost less than an event in a cafe or restaurant. In addition, the list of guests for an outdoor celebration can be unlimited - there is enough room for everyone.

The disadvantages of such a party include unpredictability weather conditions, which may surprise you with rain or cold wind.

How to have fun celebrating a holiday in a nightclub?

Parties in a nightclub are ideal for people who love visiting such establishments, love loud music, invigorating cocktails and dancing until the morning. When planning a party in a nightclub, you should remember that everyone present will congratulate you on your celebration, as the DJ will definitely loudly announce this event.

Today club birthday parties are very popular. Themed holidays, which are held according to pre-planned scenarios, are especially in demand. Find out in advance what the theme of the party is planned for the significant date. Book tables in advance based on invited guests. When filling out invitation cards for friends and family, be sure to indicate the theme of the party so that your guests have the opportunity to think about their costume, hairstyle, and accessories.

Scenario for a pajama party with a photo shoot

An original version of a birthday party could be a pajama party. The tradition of holding such events came to us from America, where they are a long-standing tradition. Today they are also loved by our youth for their intriguing subtext, which is why they are always received with a bang.

This type of holiday is suitable for young people who love unusual “gatherings”. This fun takes place without active games and is limited to passive entertainment: playing cards, backgammon and watching movies. You can diversify your pajama party with a pillow fight or a game of spin the bottle. But it is romanticism and mystery that distinguish such an event from other types of holidays.

The main rule of a pajama party is the spiritual closeness of all its participants. Therefore, you should not invite unfamiliar acquaintances to such a birthday. This will not only be inappropriate, but may put those present in an awkward position. Moreover, a pajama party involves a photo shoot. Funny hairstyles and makeup will be captured on film and will allow you to remember the holiday for a long time.

When organizing a pajama party, don’t forget about candles that will add intrigue, light treats - it’s harmful to overeat at night, and sleeping places where invited friends can stay overnight.

The pajama party will be remembered for a long time by all participants

Beach Birthday Party Secrets

With the onset of summer comes a unique opportunity to celebrate dedicated to the Day birthday, in the form of a fiery beach-style party. For many, a beach party is associated with the romance of the sea, fun, entertainment until dawn and cheerful company. If you also time it to coincide with such a significant event as a birthday, then the holiday can be turned into an unforgettable event. Not a single party on the beach, both sea and river, would be complete without fun entertainment, refreshing drinks and exotic treats.

Menu and drinks

Juices, cocktails, fruits - for a party on the beach you need great amount drinks. As for appetizers, seafood and fish treats are suitable, for example, sliced ​​fish, eggs with caviar, shrimp on lettuce, grilled fish and grilled vegetables. You can offer your guests beach toast with ham and cheese. BBQ sausages are very popular outdoors. Fruits can be washed and placed in wicker baskets. They are suitable for making cocktails and as a dessert.


The beach offers a huge number of opportunities for fun. These can be active games - volleyball, tennis, tug of war, gatherings around the fire with a guitar, you can play the traditional birthday game - “forfeits”. A mandatory attribute of a beach party is fiery dancing to modern music. The main thing is that everyone has fun.

Birthday script in hip-hop style

This scenario is suitable for those who are young at heart, ready for transformation and love to rock things. For such a party, a place is chosen where dancing, a buffet, and competitions can be organized - a hall in a cafe, a spacious hall in the office, a summer dance floor in the park. There's no need to worry about the menu either. It is enough to prepare canapés, light salads, and, of course, hamburgers and hot dogs - attributes of American food.

Unusual party scenarios include:

    Joining a parachute club or horse riding section, biking or diving, you can have a fun and active time not only alone, but also in the company of friends.

    Tired of noisy company? Tired of the hustle and bustle? You can spend the day alone with yourself. Buy a delicious treat for your loved one, don’t invite anyone, turn on an interesting movie that you’ve been dreaming of watching for a long time, turn off the lights and light the candles - enjoy!

    Go on a trip or hiking trip. You can go to the taiga, to the forest, to a mountain glacier or to the lower reaches of a dormant volcano - to any place where you have not been before.

    You can organize a costume ball, dress up yourself and dress up your guests in costumes of fairy-tale characters. Such a holiday will be remembered for a long time if you come up with interesting competitions and fun.

    You can spend your birthday in a water park in an interesting and fun way. A sea of ​​positive mood is guaranteed for you and your guests! An opposite, but no less interesting place for a friendly party is the skating rink. Many people love ice skating, why not organize group skating on your birthday?

    An excellent place for a non-traditional birthday is a paintball court. This fun entertainment allows you to organize a real “war” and entertain a large company of invited guests. After the game you can have a picnic.

How to celebrate a birthday? It's entirely your choice! The main thing is that you enjoy this day, because this is your holiday. Choose an acceptable option and... light it up to make the party memorable! It doesn’t matter at all how old you turn, on this day the birthday person can do whatever he wants.

Yesterday, there was an article about things to do in London that outlined the idea that you can not only save money, but also have fun without spending a penny over the weekend.

When I first read about this, I thought it was a great idea that I wanted to bring to life.

Most people don't follow this concept every weekend just because they don't want to be different from others. This is the main problem.

If you can't spend, it seems like you can't socialize ().
Most people think that this is impossible and that they will simply die of boredom. But it seems to me that if you want to improve your life, then you need to move away from common ideals and show people a completely different way to spend time that is beneficial for yourself, your wallet and your health.

Boredom? Inability to join the company? These are not the things I associate with the concept of a money-free weekend. Below are 15 things you can do without spending a single penny.

Board games.

We all have a dusty game stored on the farthest shelf. So why not take advantage of it? Invite your friends over, ask them to bring their favorite board games, learn the rules and feel free to start.

Prepare a meal from what you have.

Pull out the food from the back of your cupboard and invite friends over for some fun food experiments. Tell them that instead of a ready-made meal, they should bring items from the refrigerator or cupboard that they haven't used in a while. Examine all the components you collect and start experimenting! Basically, it's free food, but on top of that it's also a good evening with friends or relatives.

Take a walking tour.

Visit interesting historical places in your city, but first stock up on food to have a picnic in a park or clearing. There is no need to buy food, cook it from what you already have.

Write a letter.

A handwritten letter that granny receives in the mail from us always leaves her in awe. Spend time with a pen and paper writing your letter.

Take up sewing.

My friend does this all the time. She takes fabric - often old curtains, clothing or sheets - sits down, cuts it all into squares, and then sews it together. The more you practice, the more complex and interesting your products will become. She provided all her relatives with quilts made from a simple T-shirt.

Play football or volleyball.

Grab a ball, go to any open court near you and immerse yourself in the game. All you really need is a ball. And don’t worry about playing poorly, it’s the process that matters.

Do yoga.

Read a book or watch a video on the basic principles of yoga, and then start practicing them yourself or in a group. Yoga can change your attitude towards life and people for the better.

Read a book.

Do you want to be alone? Find a book in your closet or on your computer that you have been wanting to read for a long time and choose comfortable place to be alone with her.

Finish old things.

Compose giant list household chores that you haven’t been able to do for a long time. This could be painting the garage door or changing a light bulb in the basement. The main condition should be the availability of material. Get together and do everything in one fell swoop. You'll feel like you had a productive day and feel uplifted when you finish.

Volunteer in your free time.

What else to do on the weekend without money? Suggest to your friends or just do it yourself. Either way, it won't cost you anything other than your time. However, you will raise your status in society and the world at large.

Increase your spirituality.

For example, do meditation or go to a temple service. Think high, open your mind to the new and unknown.

Blow soap bubbles.

This will be especially appropriate and productive if you have children. Pour water and slowly add a little detergent (a spoon or two) so that no foam forms. Bend the wire so that part of it looks like a circle, dip it in the soapy water and voila!

Take a musical instrument and learn to play it.

You have 10-15 instruments to choose from that you can start learning at any level. And the most important instrument is the voice. It can and should be developed too. Go for it!

Check the city administration calendar.

Check the City Hall website and see if there are any free events taking place on the weekends. Perhaps there's a band concert or ethnic festival you haven't heard of before. Stop by and see what's happening in your city. You can also look at the websites of nearby parks.

Visit your parents, grandparents, and just relatives.

Restore family ties. It is no coincidence that you were born in this family, at this time, in this place. Everything in this life changes. The family was, is and will be. All the best to you and long life.

What do you think of these options?

A couple of free days will help you escape from your boring home. Commit walking or a hike. Go overnight to a nearby scenic spot. Go fishing. You can make your trip more cultural - for example, by visiting old manor or a church in the suburbs. Or you can go on a weekend excursion to another city. Having escaped from stuffy Moscow, St. Petersburg or another large city, you will feel a heightened sense of all senses. And you can take your child on a short trip. Some travel companies also provide an interesting service - they offer weekend tours to seaside resorts.
Popular destinations for weekend tours are beach resorts Egypt, Turkey, Morocco, Spain.

Get creative

A free day off when you don't have to go anywhere will be a great time to unleash your creativity. Perhaps you have long dreamed of learning to draw or write poetry. Or maybe you would like to play the guitar or dance. Go for it! The Internet or special publications will help you master the basics of creativity. In addition, art schools often have weekend groups. You can create all day long without fear of going to bed late again - that's what weekends are for.

Do some spring cleaning

This activity is suitable for those who hate spending time aimlessly. Set aside a whole day or even two for complete, high-quality cleaning. This will be very useful - you will get rid of small household chores on weekdays and find the desired order for a long time. Make a clear action plan and strictly adhere to it. The most important thing is to finally clear out all the trash and throw away things you haven’t used for a long time. The weekend is ideal for getting rid of old junk.

Get involved with art

Make your day off a day of learning new things. Go for a walk through museums and exhibitions, attend an interesting lecture or master class. If you don’t want to leave the house at all, read a book you bought a couple of months ago or arrange an evening of films by famous directors. Such creative days can also be spent in company - after introducing yourself to art, you can discuss the emotions received.
Some museums are open for free on the last Sunday of the month.

Brain development over the weekend

Have you long wanted to repeat the English you learned in your second year at St. Petersburg State University? The weekend is the perfect time to do this. You can repeat the rules, take out dusty textbooks or take courses, or you can simply communicate online and in person with English-speaking people. If you are not interested in languages, remember what else you wanted to learn. Maybe you were planning to grow professionally by mastering a couple of computer programs. Or there are hundreds of training videos in your email newsletter. Remember, a career depends not so much on education as on self-education. Successful people also study on weekends.

This is where the real paradox lies: we spend the whole working week waiting for the weekend, making plans to spend it well, and when Friday evening comes, we start racking our brains about what to do on the weekend!

Really, what to do on the weekend?

In our subjective opinion, there are two types of weekends:

  • "lazy" weekend;
  • active weekend.

A “lazy” weekend is the dream of most of our compatriots. On such days, you can allow yourself to lie longer in a warm bed, without rushing anywhere, drink morning (or rather pre-dinner) coffee, not rush around the apartment at a mad gallop, afraid of being late for work (see), and at least devote the whole day to doing nothing and dreaming and lying on the sofa with a box of chocolates and a romance novel. Tempting, isn't it?

However, even such a pastime can very quickly become a habit, become boring and, over time, stop seeming such a good idea. Very soon you will begin to get tired of the endless search for “something interesting” on TV, you will begin to feel sick of reading and lying on the couch, while life goes on, everything changes, youth passes...

And to prevent this from happening, they were invented. This is a completely different pastime. Read below about what to do on such weekends.

What to do on the weekend: top 8 best ideas

  1. SPEND TIME WITH THE PERSON YOU LOVED According to statistics, about seventy percent of couples spend no more than an hour a day together. Hence the increase in the number of divorces, adultery and loss of romantic feelings for each other. To prevent this from happening, you must maintain the romance in the relationship and the passion burning between you. A day off is ideal for these purposes. Surprise your loved one! Arrange a romantic dinner by candlelight for him, play some nice music, dance a little. After dinner, you can sit down with your loved one on the sofa and watch some interesting film. What's not a perfect weekend?
  2. HAVE YOURSELF A PHOTO SESSION Involve a friend in this matter, choose some interesting place for photography (park, lake, old ruins), take some food with you for a light snack and go! You can arrange an intimate photo shoot. By the way, this is also an excellent gift for your man.
  3. DEVOTE A DAY TO CHILDREN If you have children, you are a happy woman. Surely, in weekdays you don't get to spend enough time with your children. In this case, why not fix it on the next day off (see)? If it's on the street good weather, you can go on a family walk to the nearest park or forested area. Tossing yellow leaves up and diving into a “snowdrift” of leaves is enjoyed not only by kids, but also by older children. If you're unlucky with the weather this weekend, you can find something to do at home. You can get creative with your kids - sculpt from plasticine, make animal figures from salt dough, draw, make appliqués. With older children you can play puppet theater, daughter-mother, shop or war games. If you don't have children yet, don't worry. They will definitely be there. You can devote all the forty-eight hours you have to this pleasant task!
  4. GO SHOPPING Go shopping (see), update your wardrobe. Shopping perfectly relieves stress, distracts from bad thoughts, and brings positive emotions.
  5. MEET YOUR FRIENDS In our time of developed information technologies, people prefer communication via Skype, ICQ, telephone or even email correspondence to real communication with a real person. Therefore, if you are bored, you don’t know, on the weekend, go visit your friends.
  6. INVITE YOUR PARENTS If you rarely see them, invite your parents to visit.
    Often we are so absorbed in work, our personal problems and experiences that we completely forget about the people who raised us. But they really need our love and care! Call them, ask how they are doing, and invite them to come to you. If they cannot, for example for health reasons, visit them yourself.
  7. DO CLEANING (see) Review your wardrobe, sort out closets and mezzanines. You may have accumulated a lot of things that you don't need at all. Wash the windows, wash the curtains and tulle, tidy up the shelves and cabinets. It’s not for nothing that they say: less junk in closets means less garbage in your thoughts and life (see).
  8. REARRANGE YOUR FURNITURE We all crave something new from time to time. Try rearranging the furniture in your apartment. Maybe not in every room, but at least in the one where you spend the most time - the bedroom or living room. A huge charge of positive energy is guaranteed to you!

We are sure: if you follow our advice, you will definitely not have the question: “What to do on the weekend?”

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