Crow River. Rivers of Murmansk. Larger dunes

Voronya is a river in the western part of the Kola Peninsula, connecting the Lovozero basin with the Barents Sea. Its length is 155 km, and its total area is 9,940 square kilometers.

The river flows from Lovozero. Flowing into the Barents Sea, it forms the Voronya Bay (up to 30 meters deep).

There are 2 reservoirs formed on the river - Serebryanskoye and Voronye of the same name. In addition, the largest lake of the Kola Peninsula, Chudzyavr, is located in its basin. The Voronya River has many tributaries - Krasivy, Nivka, Lun, Staraya Voronya, Einch, Uyma, Kumzha. The lower reaches of the river are rich in rapids and waterfalls, the largest and most famous of which is Bolshoi Padun, about 27 meters high. The river in its lower reaches lies in a deep gorge, forming many islands. In the upper part, it flows in a valley flooded by reservoirs.

The banks of the Voronya River are rich in deposits of gray jasper, red and gray granite and shales.

The mouth is surrounded by forest - birch and pine. Huge meadows stretch along the coast.

Previously, there were settlements on the banks of the river - the villages of Voronye, ​​Bolshoi Padun, Golitsino.

Verman River

The Verman River flows in the southwest of the Kola Peninsula. Conventionally, it is divided into several parts: Upper, Middle and Lower Verman. The depth in some places reaches 2 meters, length – 31 km, width – 37 km.

Verman originates on the slopes of Mount Repotunturi near the village of Alakurtti. The river flows through hilly terrain through lakes Upper and Lower Verman, flowing into Lake Tolvand and Job Reservoir. In some places it is adjacent to deep swamps. The height of the nearby hills reaches 560 meters. The most significant hills are Voyanvara, Voyta, Repotunturi, Pogranichnaya. The banks of the river are covered with pine and spruce forest.

Verman is a fast river with many rapids. Flowing from Lake Nizhny Verman, it forms a small waterfall (1 meter high). The middle of the river was dotted with small, nameless islands. The river's tributaries are small and not marked on the map. There are no settlements here either. However, the river is crossed in places by railways, highways and winter roads.

The river coast has its own history, military, mysterious and enigmatic. Everywhere there are dugouts preserved from the Great Patriotic War, and the ruins of military fortifications.

In memory of Soviet soldiers, a monument was erected on the left bank.

Titovka River

You can get to Titovka from Murmansk if you drive 2 hours at average speed towards Norway. This is a salmon river, that is, salmon comes here to spawn, so fishing for this fish here is either prohibited or limited. For amateur fishing you need to buy a one-time license; for visitors it will cost 240 rubles. According to the license, you are allowed to catch 1 salmon, after which you need to stop fishing. Also in Titovka there is pink salmon, fishing for which is allowed without restrictions.

An 8 km long section from the mouth (Motovsky Bay of the Barents Sea) to the first waterfall is allocated for fishing.

The river bed is winding, with forested rocks and low mountains rising along the banks. Despite this, there are many clearings near the shore where you can set up a tent or just sit comfortably.

There are many high and beautiful waterfalls on the Titovka River, which you can admire absolutely free.

It flows on the Kola Peninsula in the Murmansk region of the Russian Federation. Currently, it is regulated by the dams of Serebryanskaya HPP-1 and HPP-2 with the formation of the Upper and Lower Serebryansk reservoirs.

The Voronya River originates in the lake. Lovozero, Lovozero district, Murmansk region. It flows into the Voronya Bay of the Barents Sea (west of the Kola Peninsula). Before regulation, the length of the river was 155 km. Currently, the Voronya River is a small section from the lake. Lovozero to the Upper Serebryansky Reservoir and from the GES-1 dam to the mouth.

Serebryansky Reservoir created in 1970 as a result of flooding of part of the river catchment area. Voronya flowing from the lake. Lovozero. Based on morphological and hydrological features, the Serebryansky reservoir is divided into two sections. In its upper, southern part, flooding is limited to the floodplain, and the features inherent to the river regime are preserved. The northern, near-dam part of the reservoir is a lake-like reach. The depth increases from the upper reaches to the dam part. All this is typical for valley-type reservoirs. The reservoir stretches from south to north, and crosses both climatic zones of the Murmansk region: taiga and tundra, geographical coordinates – 68 o 42 ‘00′ N. and 35 o 27 ‘00′ E.


P. Tumanny (13 km from the dam site) and the village of Lovozero (18 km from the source of the reservoir). During the creation of the Serebryansky reservoir, the following settlements were resettled and subsequently flooded: Bolshoi Padun, Voronye, ​​Serebryansky, Golitsino, Voroninsky Pogost.


Highway Murmansk - Tumanny (113 km). The road is paved only up to the Teriberka - Tumanny fork, the rest of the road is a dirt road. In winter, the road is often covered with snow. Routes to the Serebryansky reservoir (nivka river area) from the village. Lovozero in summer and autumn is 18 km along a dirt road, to the source of the reservoir by boat along the Virma River and Lake Lovozero is 28 km. All winter roads are subject to snow drifts.

General characteristics.

The reservoir area is 556 km2. The annual course of the level of the Serebryansky reservoir is characterized by a sharp rise during the period of spring filling, stagnation in the summer and subsequent autumn - winter drainage. The amount of winter drainage ranges from 5 to 8 m, while the reduction in the area of ​​the water surface reaches 100 km 2 . The unfavorable impact of deep autumn and winter work is manifested in a decrease in the area of ​​shallow waters, as well as in the transformation of spawning substrates, fish eggs and benthos by ice cover. The surface area of ​​the reservoir at a normal retaining level is 237 km 2, the greatest length is 157 km, the maximum width is 20 km, the length of the coastline is 379 km, the greatest depth at the dam is 62 m, the greatest depth to silt is 12 m, the average depth to silt is 7.5 m, thickness silt to solid ground ranges from 30 to 80 cm, the catchment area is 9940 km 2, the average ice thickness is 80 cm.

The Serebryansky reservoir is located on three types of terrain: a low-lying low-lying area - from the source of Lake Lovozero to the Uyma River, where grassy and swampy terrain with sparse forest and shrubs predominates. The second type is a flat area where forests and shrubs predominate. The third type is hilly areas - from the Lun River to the dam area. A significant part of the basin is occupied by swamps: grass, grass-moss, ridge and hummock-hollow. In the basin of the Serebryansky reservoir, illuvial-humus podzolized, sandy-stony soils predominate. In swamps the soil is peat.

As a rule, along the coastline the predominant types of vegetation are birch, spruce, pine, goat willow, and junipers. On the Serebryansky Reservoir, the coastline topography combines both low areas and sloping and steep ones.

There are 49 islands on the Serebryansky Reservoir. Their area is 48.7 km2. Large islands are located in the area near the dam and Dolgaya Bay in the lower part of the Serebryansky reservoir. The size of one of the large ones is 2.8 km 2. As a rule, the coastline combines sandy and pebbly soil areas, and in some places stone ridges or boulders. The vegetation on these islands is represented by shrubs and birch, and in rare cases, spruce forests. Several small islands are made up of rock ridges. When examining the site (from the source of the Serebryansky reservoir to the Lun River) the Lovozero branch found that moss, grass-moss swamps occupy 32 km of the coastline from the source to the Uyma River, with a total area of ​​​​approximately 23 km 2.

The Serebryansky reservoir belongs to the Barents-White Sea basin complex and is a flow-through wastewater reservoir, because its waters are artificially discharged through the canals of HPP-1, first into the lower Serebryansky reservoir, then through HPP-2 they are discharged into the Voronya River, the length of which is 12 km to the sea section of Voronya Bay. Average annual water flow 114 m 3 /sec.

More than 120 small and medium-sized unnamed streams flow into the Serebryansky Reservoir. The largest streams are the Postny stream, the mouth of the stream is 23 m wide, 60 m long, located 12 km from the Lun River, and the Saharny stream in the area of ​​the Mudayok River. The following rivers flow into the Serebryansky Reservoir: Nivka, Khariusnaya, Chudzyok, Staraya Voronya, Lun. The Limtayok, Karyayok, Saharnaya, and Mudayok rivers also flow into it.

In winter, many lips of the Serebryansky Reservoir freeze when releasing water. The area of ​​the water surface decreases, the coastline becomes steep.

The bottom topography at the source is sandy and pebble, throughout the entire reservoir it combines sandy and pebble areas of the bottom and muddy areas. In the area of ​​the spills (Dolgaya Bay) there are two rocky ridges; in the area of ​​the Uyma River there are sandbanks.

Overgrowing of the reservoir with higher vegetation in the area near the dam does not occur due to the great depths. Every year in August the reservoir blooms.

The waters of the Serebryansky Reservoir are low-mineralized (no more than 25 mg of salts per liter of water), hydrocarbonate type. During the period of open water, oxygen saturation is close to normal in the surface layers and decreases with depth from 9.6 to 0.7 mg 0 2 /l. In winter, the presence of hydrogen sulfide is noted in the deepest water zone near the dam.

Freeze-up of the Serebryansky Reservoir continues from November until the end of May.

The pH value in winter fluctuates in the range of 6.0-6.4, and in the period of open water - 6.2-6.9. Water transparency varies from 1.5 to 2.5 m.

Spinning. Catch: 5-10 kilograms

Fishing place: Voronya River. From Nyvka to the bottom 15 km.

I arrived at Nyvka around 19:00 and was on the water at 19:40. There are a lot of cars parked along the shore, very close to each other. The fishermen did a good job of helping to get the boat off the water. I started trolling with a wobbler with a depth of up to 1 m, size 6 cm. Not reaching the Pants, the first bite. The fish resisted strongly; it turned out to be a trout weighing 1 kg. There were many fishermen at anchor who were quite successful in catching whitefish and grayling. I had complete calm until 10:00 p.m., when I approached Veal. I walked for 8 kilometers at low speed, tried to fish at a depth of 4-6 m with heavy and medium spoons, at a depth of up to 2 m with a spinner and a wobbler, complete silence. At 22-00 a perch of 200 grams hit the turntable. I swapped the turntable for a wobbler and immediately there were perch bites at a depth of 2 meters, 2 perch of 300 grams each, and two not released bites. After 15 minutes, the echo sounder showed two fish, a bite and caught a pike with a weight of 500 grams. He turned around and went back to the same place, hit and the result was a pike of 1.5 kg. The little puppy was complacently released to grow up. Then, for about 1.5 hours, the bites followed one after another, the perch pecked, but not very aggressively, there were a lot of bites even near the boat itself. As a result, 8 perches but 300 gr. After 01:00 the weather completely deteriorated - strong wind, big wave. I return at low speed to the car. Despite the waves, after 4 hours the perch was actively biting at a depth of up to 2 meters, but there were many departures, the result was 5 perches and a pike of 1 kg. The wind finally got to me, I decided not to troll anymore, but to go to the car at full speed, especially since the bite had stopped. Near Shtanov, another pike weighing 2 kg was caught on a wobbler with a depth of up to 1.5 meters. All tired, I went home and slept all Saturday.