And once again about Atlantis. The true history of Atlantis. Nina Ivakhnenko Blavatsky's Atlantis

For the first time, the famous Soviet scientist and atlantologist Nikolai Feodosevich Zhirov (1903-1970) spoke about atlantology as a science. In 1964, his famous book “Atlantis” was published. The main problems of Atlantology”, where the scientist formulated its principles and methods. According to him, atlantology as a science can be considered one of the sections of biogeography of the modern, Quaternary period (Anthropocene) of the geological history of the Earth.

At the end of the 19th century, probably the most famous book of the American congressman and political figure Ignatius Donnelly (1831-1901) “Atlantis” was published. The World Before the Flood” (1882). He came to the conclusion that many myths and tales about the events of prehistoric times contain a grain of truth. Donnelly suggested that the gods and goddesses of ancient Greek myth, for example, are personifications of the historical kings of Atlantis and other past civilizations. A few years later, in 1877 and 1888, Helena Blavatsky published two main books of her life, “Isis Unveiled” and “The Secret Doctrine,” which describe the esoteric-occult history of the development of the Fourth Race of the Atlanteans.

Atlantomaniacs decisively declared at the Vancouver Congress (1933): “We will never give up the idea of ​​Atlantis just to please geologists and botanists. Atlantis has won too honorable a position in literature to be shaken by tedious scientific arguments.”

In 1923, the first magazine dedicated to Atlantis, Atlantis, began to be published in Paris, and on June 24, 1926, the Society of Atlantological Research (Société d'Études Atlantéennes) was founded there, the main task of which “was the critical and scientific analysis of all problems associated with the existence Atlantis, collecting literature and giving support to all scientific research concerning this extremely interesting problem.”

In 1948, a new journal, Atlantic Research, appeared in London. For a long time, the magazine was headed by the famous atlantologist, member of the Royal Geographical Society, Egerton Sykes (1894-1983), who also founded the Atlantis Research Center in the English city of Brighton. Here Sykes collected the largest collection of classical sources, monuments of ancient literature and collections of legends related to Atlantis.

In recent years, a large number of magazines and other periodicals specifically dedicated to Atlantis have appeared. In Europe, in America, in Africa, at one time even in the Azores, magazines about Atlantis and the most ancient mysteries of mankind were published and are still being published. In many countries, societies, organizations and clubs are being created that are actively working on the problem of the island of Poseidonis. One of the main such centers is located in Virginia (USA). The Association of Scientists and Educators (ARE) was created in 1932 on the basis of the Edgar Cayce Foundation, which conducts research, experiments, seminars and lectures related to the famous “readings” of the great seer and other problems, in particular, the problem of Atlantis. After Sykes's death, all materials and books from England were transferred to the Association Library, where they are currently located.

According to our information, one of the closed institutes in the United States is studying the legacy of H. P. Blavatsky and other occultists, theosophists on the problem of Atlantis and searching for unknown historical documents related to this island.

Russia is also developing secret projects for conducting reconnaissance and research work in the Atlantic Ocean (and not only in it). “Black archaeologists” are active in this regard, the finds of which are unlikely to appear in the near future before the eyes of scientists and specialists. Russian atlantologists have become noticeably more active. Since 1999, the almanac “Atlantis: problems, searches, hypotheses” has been published in Moscow.

In the summer of 1998, the Institute of Metahistory together with the Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences named after. P.P. Shirshov prepared an expedition to search legendary island. Scientists had to test the hypothesis of Vyacheslav Kudryavtsev, a full member of the Russian Geographical Society of the Russian Academy of Sciences, according to which Atlantis was located in the Celtic shelf area, south of present-day England and Ireland and west of France. But the expedition did not take place due to financial difficulties.

First of all, Kudryavtsev compared several English and Russian translations of Plato’s dialogues, highlighting the most controversial passages in them. As a result of such comparisons, the researcher established that the discussion in Plato’s dialogues is not about an island, but about a certain “land” located “on the other side of the Pillars of Hercules.” There is also a significant difference in Plato's description of the capital of Atlantis. In Greek translation, it is a city located high above sea level, on a steep hill with a cliff towards the sea. The entire city is surrounded by a flat plain, in turn bordered on three sides by a chain high mountains. This plain is now located on the Celtic Shelf south of the British Isles, and the edge of the continental platform faces south-southwest.

Not far from this edge, about 48º 16-29´ N. w. and 8º 46-59´ W. d., the Little Sol underwater hill is located. Its peak rises 57 meters from the surface, while at the same time it is surrounded by depths of 16 - 170 meters. This hill is located almost in the very middle of the long side of the plain. This area, south of Ireland, was dry land during glacial and post-glacial times - approximately 10,000 years ago. Kudryavtsev believes that Atlantis perished as a result of a strong rise in the level of the World Ocean during the melting of the ice, when the last Ice Age ended.

It was Russia that gave the world those writers - M. Lomonosov, D. Merezhkovsky, V. Bryusov, K. Balmont, V. Khlebnikov, V. Rozanov, Vyach. Ivanov, D. Andreev, A. Tolstoy, A. Belyaev - who used their creative gift to show the mysterious world of Atlantis in all its glory, to express bold and unexpected hypotheses.

Russia has its own Atlantis - Belovodye. Belovodye is a sacred Russian concept found among Old Believers, wanderers, a sacred country in the East, a place of fulfillment of cherished human desires, where holy sages and righteous people live, who have preserved spiritual knowledge and true faith in purity. Finding Belovodye means finding White Water Eternal Life and spirituality, find inner harmony, the source of health, happiness and wisdom in your soul.

Rus' has long been one of the early colonies or lands of Atlantis, if we remember that the outlines of the current continents and continents were completely different several tens of thousands of years ago. It is Slavic legends that tell us about the lost once great land of Veles-Svyatogor-Dazhbog.

Therefore, we consider Russian Atlantis, first of all, as a kind of timeless phenomenon, born on Slavic soil and inherent in any other people. Is this not what genetic memory, hidden in the deepest layers of the “collective unconscious” of humanity, tells us? Undoubtedly, there is an archetype of Atlantis, like the archetypes of other primitive civilizations. But the Slavic people and their best representatives were somehow more soulful, more sincerely able to show and express the innermost mystery of Atlantis, creating their own, different from the West, unique and unique image Russian utopianism.

Lomonosov first mentions Atlantis in his works “Letter on Earthquakes” (St. Petersburg 1756) and “The Word on the Birth of Metals from Earth Shaking (St. Petersburg 1757). The great poet describes Neptune's underwater palace in his poem “Peter the Great” (1760-1761).

The idea of ​​proto-culture was originally developed by another famous Russian poet Vasily Kapnist in “A Brief Study of the Hyperboreans” (1815). In the article, Kapnist raises the question of the origin of the Slavs from the Hyperboreans and Atlanteans.

“About Ancient Kingdoms” is recalled by the muse of another Russian poet, Semyon Bobrov. He speaks of the Blessed (Canary) Islands: “where the souls of the ancients were boiled for bribes of Ambrose.” Bobrov recreates an even more majestic picture of dying states in his poem “Fate ancient world, or the World Flood” (St. Petersburg, 1804).

In the first half of the 19th century, Abraham Norov made an attempt to scientifically search for Atlantis in the Mediterranean area, relying on hard-to-reach Arab and Greek sources.

The most prominent role in the creation of the occult legend about Atlantis was played by our compatriot H. P. Blavatsky, whose monumental works “Isis Unveiled” (1877) and “The Secret Doctrine” (1888) contributed to the further study and dissemination of the esoteric heritage.

Works of Russian atlantologists: V. Shcherbakov, A. Kondratov, A. Gorodnitsky, V. Kudryavtsev, A. Asov, V. Demin, A. Voitsekhovsky, D. Panchenko, A. Rybin, and others allowed us to get closer to solving the centuries-old mystery-myth.

In 2000, the First Russian Congress of Atlantologists took place in Moscow, which mainly resolved organizational issues. Nevertheless, it set priorities in the leadership of Russian atlantology at the moment. The leading atlantologists of Russia were the writer, President of the Moscow Club of Mysteries, academician of the International Academy of Informatization Vladimir Shcherbakov and laureate of the USSR State Prize, full member of the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics. K. E. Tsiolkovsky Alim Voitsekhovsky. At its meeting, the congress noted the revival of interest in Russia in the problem of Atlantis. The development of the science of Atlantology will inevitably in the near future lead to a practical goal - the discovery of the mysterious Atlantis.

Incredible relics of antediluvian peoples

Today, the most promising areas for searching for Atlantis are: Cuban and Bahamian waters, the Bermuda Triangle, Central and South America, the island of Sao Paulo, the Celtic shelf, the coast of Spain, the mouth of Gibraltar, the Atlas region and Tritonida (North Africa), Macaronesia, the islands of Crete and Santorini.

The esoteric tradition seems to confirm Plato's words. Theosophists (including H. P. Blavatsky) tell us about four ancient continents that periodically disappear after each cataclysm on Earth. These are the Indestructible Sacred Country (the only one of the four that is destined to remain from the beginning to the end of the Manvantara, throughout each Round), Hyperborea, Lemuria and Atlantis. In ancient times, Atlantis was a huge archipelago consisting of “a collection of many islands and peninsulas.” At the beginning of Atlantean history, says Blavatsky, the vast Continent was divided into seven peninsulas and islands (called Dvipa). The mainland (Atlantis) included all the North and South Atlantic regions, as well as parts of the North and South Pacific Oceans and had islands even in Indian Ocean(remains of Lemuria). Blavatsky once again emphasizes that it is impossible to draw a clear line that would mark the geographical border of the archipelagos of dying Lemuria and the emerging Atlantis. Such a scatter in the geography of finds related to the history of Atlantis is understandable. The ten kingdoms of the sons of Poseidon could have arisen on seven islands, peninsulas or even areas ( we must think on continental shelves, which later disappeared), then turning into numerous colonies on all continents (“Eastern Atlantis” by V. Shcherbakov, Crete and other Mediterranean countries).

The esoteric tradition speaks of the mysterious treasures of the world, supposedly hidden in reliable, secret repositories of the Earth. Esotericists report that the Atlanteans received sacred relics from previous races: the Hyperboreans and Lemurians, and then were transferred to the best representatives of our Fifth Race. Only the Great Initiates know where the precious heritage of the extinct Races is hidden. These repositories are located in South America, Africa, Europe, Russia and Tibet.

Jorge Livraga in his book “Thebes” writes that about 12,000 years ago, as a result of another cataclysm, the last fragment of Atlantis, Poseidonis, disappeared, but most of the libraries and some objects of the Atlanteans were already in Egypt.

Some of these relics, somehow connected with Atlantis, have already been found: the gold of Troy, geographical maps of Ptolemy, Piri Reis, Orontius Phineus, Mercator, the Tablet of Isis Bembo, Noah's Ark, the famous Mitchell-Hedges crystal skull or The “Skull of Doom” (discovered in 1927 in a Mayan temple in British Honduras, now Belize) and other skulls found in Central America, Europe and Tibet.

According to modern reconstruction, remnants of the last glaciation can be observed on Ptolemy's map of Northern Europe. If this is so, then the picture depicted on this map belongs to a period 10,000 years distant from us. Geographic Maps Piri Reisa, Orontius Phineus had prototypes dating back to the Late Ice Age; neither the Phoenicians, nor the Egyptians, nor the ancient Greeks had such knowledge. They clearly show the rivers that flowed in Antarctica approximately 6,000 years ago! The Piri Reis map shows a large island in the Atlantic Ocean east of South America in the area of ​​Sao Paulo Island. According to Russian and Italian researchers, Atlantis was located in this place. Holocene movements of the planetary crust were discovered here during the last 12,000 years, which occurred after the end of the Ice Age. At the bottom of the ocean, granites and carbonaceous shales were found that could only have formed on the land. The lithospheric blocks sank to the bottom recently and are not covered with marine sediments. Plato's description of the relief of the capital of Atlantis surprisingly resembles the local structure of a volcanic caldera. Arc-shaped concentric rises and underwater valleys in a circle are hundreds of kilometers in diameter.

The Isis tablet was found in 1530 and sold to Cardinal Bembo. There have been many interpretations of the Tablet. Divided into three panels, it may represent a plan of the halls where the mysteries of Isis were performed. Plato undergoing an initiation ritual in an underground hall Great Pyramid, stood in front of the altar on which lay the Tablet of Isis.

Literally all experts claim that the skulls come from Atlantis. The “Skull of Doom” is a repository in which certain information is incomprehensibly recorded. The fact is that this skull sometimes glows, and inside it appear images of unfamiliar landscapes and mysterious buildings, similar to Atlantean temples.

Sensational discoveries still excite people's imagination. One of these finds should be recognized as the treasury of unknown kings from Dorak on the Asia Minor shore of the Sea of ​​Marmara in the 1950s. According to experts, the age of the relics of unknown gods, seen and partly described by Professor James Mellart, was 45 centuries! Dorak's gold floated into private collections and, apparently, is lost to science forever. In the 1980s, an exhibition was opened at the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art, which displayed the treasures of Croesus, exported from Turkey 18 years ago. In 1999, in Turkey, where the kingdom of Phrygia was once located, the golden tomb of King Midas was discovered. It is made of gold blocks, its size is 9.5 by 4.5 meters. The royal sign of Midas is engraved on the walls of the tomb, as well as texts about the life of the Phrygian king. In the center of the burial room stood a large golden sarcophagus, inside of which was a coffin. The Austrian expert on ancient civilizations, Dr. Wolfgang Reinstein, stated that the body of King Midas to this day has the amazing ability to turn all objects into gold if you touch it.

Fidel Castro - the king of Atlantis?

In the book “The Gates of Atlantis” (2000), British scholar Andrew Collins examines in detail the options for translating Plato’s dialogues. According to Collins, Plato was trying to tell us that the rulers of Atlantis, and the “other” islands, held ocean territories equal in area to Libya and Asia! Therefore, the kingdom of the Atlanteans was not a single island massif, but a huge a bunch of islands.

Traditionally southwestern part Europe and the northwestern tip of Africa are considered to be the location of the legendary Atlantis. Atlas, for example, was the king of ancient Mauritania, located in what is now Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Libya. It was here that J. Mayol found stone walls stretching for 16 km at a 40-meter depth in the waters of Morocco. In Plato, Atlas’s twin brother Eumelus (Gadir) received as his inheritance “the tip of the island immediately in front of Pillars of Hercules, the very region that today bears the name of Ghadira.” Atlantologists usually identify it with Tartessus-Atlantis. In the later Roman era, the Iberian port of Gades received the name Cadiz.

French scientist Jacques Collina-Girard stated that Atlantis was located in the Strait of Gibraltar. 19,000 years ago, the level of the World Ocean was 130 m lower, and Gibraltar at that time was much narrower and longer. In fact, such a strait was the “ inland sea”, what Plato spoke about. In the western part of the ancient “ strait-sea“Jacques Collina-Girard found an island stretched from west to east, where, in his opinion, the Atlanteans lived. To the east of this island, at the bottom of the strait, there is a series of hills, which then represented an archipelago consisting of four or seven islands.

Russian and American geologists have long studied the Ampere, Josephine, and Atlantis seamounts, which are part of the Horseshoe archipelago system. On the slopes of these mountains, the remains of some structures, walls, terraces, made of huge rectangular stone blocks were discovered. Basalt samples showed that such a rock could only have formed on the land 12000-15000 years ago. Thus, for almost 12,000 this archipelago was above water and stretched from the Azores to Gibraltar. This is where Zhirov placed “his” Atlantis, being unfamiliar with the latest research.

Andrew Collins stated that the most famous Atlantis was in Cuba! He identifies the kingdom of the Atlanteans with the legendary Antilia - the Island of the Seven Cities. Information about Antilia was known to the Phoenicians, Carthaginians and Moors long before this island began to appear on medieval navigation maps.

According to Collins, Cuba, Hispaniola (Haiti) and Puerto Rico are the three most large islands Atlantis (according to the ancient evidence of Marcellus-Proclus), the other seven are the remains of that land archipelago that stretched from Cuba to the Bahamas.

It was in Cuba that, according to Collins, there was a highly developed civilization that built mysterious stone sculptures and earthen monuments. In the eastern part of the province of Santiago, for example, archaeologists discovered “circles, squares, burial mounds and hedges.” All these finds in general resemble the remains of earthen structures in the Mississippi Valley (USA). Some of the earthworks found in this valley, which have come down to us in varying degrees of preservation, are completely unique monuments, dating back to approximately 4000-3000 BC. e. Recent research has shown that people lived in Cuba around 6000 BC. e. (Levisa culture), which was then absorbed into the larger Guayabo Blanco culture (5000 BC).

At the site of ancient people (2000 BC) near the Cueva Funche cave in the city of Guanajacibibes, in western province Pinar del Rio, archaeologists discovered in 1966 two vertical stone pillar, which were once part of a vast earthen structure. These monoliths are reminiscent of Neolithic and Bronze Age monuments in Europe.

Preserved on the walls of the caves cave drawings, unique petroglyphs (abstract forms) and pictographs (images of animals and humans). But abstract geometric compositions are of particular interest: concentric rings, spirals, triangles, squares and rhombuses. The drawings date back to between 5000 BC. e. and 250 AD e. Other estimates put their age at least 30,000 years old!

Plato's description of the Atlantean capital, according to Collins, is quite similar to the topography of the western part of Cuba. To the west of Havana, a fertile valley stretches almost 540 km all the way to Pinar del Rio. This plain approximately 10,000-8,000 years ago extended south to the shores of the Island of Youth and its width was almost 160 km.

An echo of the ancient tradition is reflected in the legends of the peoples of Central America, dedicated to their mythical ancestral home of Aztlan, where the Seven Caves were located. According to legend, the capital of the Atlanteans consisted of seven parts, converging on a certain central cave, which was located in the depths of the “mountain”, surrounded by water.

One of these Seven Caves was accidentally discovered in 1910. Collins visited her in 1998. This is a cave called Cueva N 1, one of the group of “Seven Caves” in Punta del Este, on the Island of Youth, which lies about 100 km from the coast of Cuba. This island, according to Collins, occupied the position of a citadel of the capital of Atlantis, and the caves of Punta del Este served as a grotto in which Leucippe gave birth to Clito, the ancestor of the Atlanteans.

A cross was drawn on the walls of the cave, formed from gradually diverging rings. But the most striking thing was the pattern in the form of a target, consisting of approximately 50-55 concentric rings of alternate red and black colors. On top of this design are nine more groups of rings, as well as a double arrow, as if emerging from the center and reaching the outer ring. According to Collins, this shows the orbits of the planets and the central Sun. The composition of the target resembled raindrops falling into water. Such “sun arrows” are found in many caves in the USA. Through the windows made into the caves, a ray of sunlight on the day of the summer solstice falls exactly on the drawing. Another design consisted of concentric rings connected to an oddly shaped S-shaped tail, which was also surrounded by rings. This image resembled a comet, and the raindrops resembled falling fragments celestial body. Such “bowls and rings” from the Mesolithic era are found, for example, in Scotland. In Mayan mythology, the rattlesnake had a celestial counterpart emanating from the seven stars of the Pleiades constellation.

The rise in sea level after the disaster and the end of the Ice Age caused the flooding of the island masses of the Bahamas and Cuban archipelagos. Formation of bottom sediments around the circumference Bahamas began in 10,000-8000. BC e. (late 9th millennium BC). Around 3000 BC e. The sea level has settled at approximately the current level.

In the northern coastal waters of Cuba, back in the 1950s, the remains of Cyclopean structures were seen here, but due to a lack of technical means research papers were not carried out. There have already been reports in the press about a certain complex of underwater buildings with an area of ​​four hectares north of Cuba. Collins cautiously writes that according to unconfirmed reports, research has already been carried out in this “building complex” using a Soviet submarine. Perhaps these buildings were located on the vast Kai Sal Bank, 70 km north of Cuba. When sea levels rose markedly, the Kai Sal Bank sank underwater after the end of the Ice Age around 8000-6000 CE. BC e. Subsequently, the deputy director of the Museum of Science and Archeology in Florida, Herb Savinsky, discovered two more structures on this bank, reminiscent of the famous “Bimini Road,” as well as two huge processed and polished stone blocks.

And no matter how incredible this story may seem, the fact remains: it was followed by the publication of the book “Atlantis” (1957) by the Soviet scientist and atlantologist N.F. Zhirov. A more thorough work called “Atlantis. The main problems of Atlantology” appeared in 1964. It was at that time, says Collins, that the Soviet Union, relying on these finds, conducted an active search in various areas of the Atlantic for evidence of the existence of Atlantis.

The Russian almanac “Atlantis: problems, searches, hypotheses” contains unique documents from the personal archive of N. F. Zhirov (1903-1970). Among them there is an unpublished biography of a Russian scientist. Judging by these documents, such highly classified research work was actually carried out.

Among those people in the West who suggested that the Soviet Union had already conducted research on an underwater structure in Cuban waters was Leicester Hemingway. During his flight to Cuba, Leicester Hemingway, brother of the famous writer Ernest Hemingway, noticed at the bottom of the vast Cai Sal Bank “stone ruins, covering an area of ​​​​several acres and having a strange white color, as if they were made of marble.”

The famous American treasure hunter Mel Fisher also knew the location of the capital of Atlantis - where, he did not specify, but made it clear to his friends that he could go in search of it only when the authorities of a certain country established more friendly relations with the United States. In 1998, Collins was able to talk to Fischer. The latter confirmed that the desired object was first discovered thanks to images taken from a space satellite, and then its existence was confirmed by sonar instruments. Unfortunately, Mel Fisher died in December 1998, taking his Atlantis secret to his grave.

Most recently, former US President Jimmy Carter paid a friendly visit to Cuba and met with Fidel Castro. Before this visit, no American diplomat had ever set foot on Cuban soil. This happened precisely during the period when the long and painstaking work of Cuban and Canadian researchers was carried out on the secret Atlantis program. The amazing thing is that Carter gained access to literally all objects in Cuba, including military bases.

In May 2001, an expedition from the Canadian company Advanced Digital Communication (ADC) worked in the Gulf of Guanajasibibes, in the western part of Cuba. The Canadian company is one of four companies that is now officially searching for Spanish galleons in Cuban waters. But the main purpose of such searches is strictly classified. According to rumors leaked in the Western press, researchers are looking for the remains of Atlantis and its capital. The expedition is headed by oceanographer Polina Zelitskaya. She is working with the Cuban Academy of Sciences to create a map of a relatively unexplored area of ​​the ocean floor. It is expected that these works will not only help the geographical and archaeological study of the region, but will also allow the development of measures to raise the cargo from the sunken Spanish galleons, which is estimated at 3 trillion US dollars.

During horizontal scanning, deep-sea vehicles recorded a huge stone structure at the bottom of the Cuban Gulf of Guanaacabibes, similar to an underwater city with clearly located, as if specially marked, streets and squares. It is curious that Polina Zelitskaya was born in Poland, but studied to become an engineer at one of the institutes of the Soviet Union. During the Cold War, she was assigned to work on a secret submarine that was then in Cuban waters. After which Zelitskaya got married and moved to Canada. This once again proves that the discoveries of the Cuban-Canadian company led by Polina Zelitskaya in the western waters of Cuba were based on the results that were made several decades ago by the Russians and Cubans. It is no secret that the area of ​​the Seven Caves on the Island of Youth is still controlled by the military, and tourists are not allowed access here.

For underwater filming, the Canadians brought the remote-controlled submarine Illuminant, which was located on the oceanographic vessel Ulysses. They used sophisticated scanning (sound) equipment for the first time and came to sensational conclusions.

Polina Zelitskaya said that at a depth of 670 meters, researchers discovered a city spread over an area of ​​40 square kilometers. It was “a huge plateau with clear outlines, reminiscent of huge architectural structures, partially covered with sand. From above they look like pyramids, roads and buildings.” The video monitor showed structures in the form of pyramids, rectangles, and huge balls, seemingly made of processed granite blocks. The deep-sea Illuminant, placed on wheels, even drove several kilometers along a paved underwater road. But the submarine was not the first. There are traces of an unknown person on the highway vehicle, who passed here shortly before its descent.

The city predates the pyramids of Egypt by about 1,500 years. At that time, the seabed was dry land, and the Mexican Yucatan Peninsula was connected to Cuba. The study area is now dotted with underwater volcanoes. Near Yucatan, researchers also found huge caves with statues carved into them. Straight roads are also visible through the water; they begin in the jungle and go deep into the water. According to calculations, Cuba itself went under water three times.

The stone blocks are clearly made by human hands. But the most sensational thing is that mysterious inscriptions were found on the edges of these stones. The size of the largest blocks reaches 2 x 2 x 5 m. The structures are reminiscent of the ancient buildings of Easter Island and Stonehenge. Huge and smooth stones do not fit into the environment, they are cut very evenly and are ideally located on top of each other in the form of the bases of pyramids.

On some blocks there are images of the “Central American cross”, consisting of two ovals superimposed on each other at right angles. This is a very ancient symbol. Crosses and signs are also found on the walls of caves in Cuba and on nearby islands. Some images are similar to the symbols of Central America and to the characters of archaic Greek writing. But no other similarity with the written signs of the indigenous peoples of America has yet been observed. On the contrary, scientists have suggested that the mysterious signs found are similar to the Cretan-Mycenaean Linear B letter (III-II millennium BC), which has not yet been deciphered. Most likely, such signs were left in various regions of the Earth by the so-called “peoples of the sea”, who poured from the shores of the Aegean Sea.

Frank Joseph, editor-in-chief of the journal “Ancient America,” believes that the “overseas” possessions of the Atlanteans were in Spain, Ireland, and Yucatan. In his opinion, Atlantis finally perished as a result of a catastrophe that occurred 3,200 years ago, which caused the end of the Bronze Age on the entire planet.

At a symposium of astronomers in 1997, scientists concluded that around 1200 BC. e. Halley's Comet collided with Earth. Meteor shower destroyed most earthlings, leaving behind enormous destruction. Several asteroids from this hail collided in the Eastern Atlantic in the place where Atlantis was supposed to be located.

Some scientists have expressed many criticisms of the Cuban finds. Polina Zelitskaya herself recently stated: “This is truly an amazing sight, the structure looks like a huge city center. However, it is too early to draw any conclusions as we do not yet have any evidence.” Andrew Collins is more optimistic. The discovery only confirms his many years of research about the connections between Cuba and Atlantis. In September 2002, the expedition will again begin exploring Cuban waters.

Currently, US and British ships are on combat duty near these places. Some optimistic atlantologists say that underwater inhabitants of Atlantis may live in the depths of the Gulf of Cuba. We will wait for new results.

Rival Bahamas

In recent years, the most sensational discoveries have been made in the Bahamas. The Bahamas consists of 700 large and almost 2,000 tiny islands and rocky cliffs. The most famous islands are: New Providence, Great Abaco, Great Bahama, Cat, Long Island, Eleuthera, Great Exuma, San Salvador, Acklins, Crooked Island, Great Inagua and the largest of them - Andros.

In the summer of 1968, Captain Robert Brush and co-pilot Trigg Adams flew several north of the island Andros, we saw the outlines of a regular rectangle. After the flight, they reported this discovery to D. Manson Valentine, a specialist in underwater archeology and antiquities of pre-Columbian America, and French oceanographer Dimitri Rebikoff. Valentine and Rebicoff found that the rectangle, measuring about 30 by 24 m, was precisely oriented along an east-west axis. Processed limestone blocks about 1 m thick were also discovered there.

The researchers immediately recalled the predictions of Edgar Cayce, made in 1933 and 1940, that in 1968 or 1969 it would be possible to find the wreckage of the underwater temple of the Atlanteans near Bimini. Thus, Valentine and Rebicoff recognized the discovery off the island of Andros as important evidence of the return of Atlantis in 1968. Valentine, in a press release issued in Miami on August 23, 1968, announced that “ ancient temple, the walls of which are slightly inclined. The walls are masonry and are undoubtedly the work of human hands.”

A little later, the same Robert Brush, southwest of the shores of Andros Island, noticed a huge dark ring with a diameter of 300 m and approximately 1 m in width. Inside it were two more concentric rings of the same thickness. Scuba divers confirmed that the rings were made of a “three-row” layer of stone.

On September 2, 1968, at a distance of 800 m from Paradise Point in North Bimini, Valentine and his colleagues were able to discover another mysterious underwater object - the so-called “Bimini Road”. The length of the road is about 638 meters, it is made of a double row of stone blocks. Some blocks are up to four meters wide and have a smooth surface. Further on, the road is paved with rectangular blocks about 2 m wide. The highway then turns almost at a right angle towards the shore and resembles the letter J. The road itself is located at an angle of 14º relative to the shore, and the structure is oriented to the southwest. The thickness of the blocks varies from 60 to 90 cm. As a rule, there are gaps between the blocks 10-15 cm wide, but some of them are 67-78 cm apart.

Charles Berlitz in his book “The Mystery of Atlantis” writes that according to chemical composition These stones are not ordinary coastal stones and, according to Valentine, they were specially processed or were a composite like concrete. In 1969, scientists D. Gifford and D. E. Hall conducted a study of the road. They concluded that the object represents “a section of Pleistocene coastal rocks,” a characteristic feature of the coast of the Bahamas.

In the area of ​​the Moselle Bank (5 km north of Bimini), Valentine and his friend Jim Richardson recorded from the air a number of underwater objects of clearly artificial origin. They represented “ complex system squares, rectangles and semicircles.” A structure consisting of many cells, almost 100 meters long, was found nearby. It was shaped like a human leg with toes. The structure was made of hexagons, the smallest reaching 3.5 meters.

Several rectangular, triangular and other structures have also been discovered along the northern edge of the Grand Bahama Bank, off North Bimini. 100 km southeast of Bimini, two parallel roads stretch almost 11 km to the islet of Russell Light House. These lines were part of a huge star-shaped composition hidden under thick algae. Near the islet of Cay Guinchos, researchers from a flight height saw terraced slopes, the “streets” on which ran almost parallel. Valentine identified this place as a kind of “ceremonial center.” Closer to Cuba, they noticed “many dark rectangles and straight lines stretching into the distance.” Subsequently, Valentine would call this find “the architectural plan of an exceptionally complex urban complex.” Over the course of his research, Manson Valentine (died 1994) managed to include in his dossier about 60 objects located in the shallow waters of the Grand Bahama Bank that may be of archaeological interest.

In the early 1970s, scuba divers reported to Alan Landsburg that they had found about 14 artificial objects in the waters of Andros Island. Landsburg described his searches in the entertaining book “In Search of Ancient Mysteries” (1974). These structures had walls “built from large square-shaped limestone blocks, tightly fitted to each other.” The thickness of the walls was 1.3 m. The largest building was 81 m long, 27 m wide and was divided into 3 separate halls or parts. There, divers came across “fired pottery and ceramic figurines.” Analysis showed that the figurines were created around 5000-3000 BC. BC e.

In the 1970s, a group of scuba divers, along with Dr. David Zink, conducted annual research as part of the “Poseidia Project.” Subsequent expeditions “Poseidia-75” and “Poseidia-77”, under the leadership of E. Zink, revealed that the “temple” found by Valentine was a pile of rubble. The Bimini Road was also explored. Based on the fact that most of the stones had dimensions of about 2.3 and 3.45 m, the researchers obtained a conventional construction unit of 1.15 meters. This ancient unit was exactly equal to two Phoenician cubits, or 1.14 meters. Radiocarbon dating of the rock showed 15,000 years! Therefore, members of the expedition believed that the road was of architectural rather than geological origin.

In 1975, David Zink discovered a hewn and sanded piece of masonry near the southern branch of the Bimini Road. The stone was a square with a side of 32 cm, its thickness was about 8 cm. The block was made of mixed rock, which included siliceous shale and limestone; This breed is not found in the Bahamas. On both sides of the block, tongues running along the entire length are visible, and on the third there is a long longitudinal groove into which the tongue of another block should have entered. Several marble and granite blocks have been found in the area, although this type of rock is not found on the islands. These include hexagonal slabs with a diameter of about 1 m and a thickness of only a few cm, as well as collapsed stone monoliths. Among such finds, a block of marble weighing from 90 to 135 kg stands out. It looks like a stylized image of some animal from the cat family.

The famous scuba diver Rob Palmer in his book “The Blue Deeps of the Bahamas” (1985) stated: “Man moved to the Bahamas long before the level of the world’s oceans rose significantly about 5,000 years ago.” In the vicinity of the island of Grand Bahama, he opened a “public burial mound” in the so-called Hall of Heavenly Light - a huge underwater cave complex. It consists of many caves and connecting channels with a length of about 10 km. The hill is a large cone-shaped mound made of large stones and located in a huge cave, which, according to Palmer, was once an underwater lake. Above this mound there is a round window. A ray of sunlight, penetrating under the arches of the cave, falls on special petroglyphs exactly on the days of the equinox. Here there is an undoubted connection between this cave and cave No. 1 in Punta del Este. This ancient building, undoubtedly, is the creation of an unknown civilization.

In 1995, off the southern branch of the Bimini road, scuba diver Billy Keefe found a hewn and polished block measuring 56 by 47 cm and a thickness of about 11 cm. The weight of the artifact was 25 kg. The black stone was a “fine-grained black granite” of the same type as granite quarried in the states of Vermont, New Hampshire and Washington, as well as in Italy. On one side of the block there were “complex connecting elements” in the form of a deep triangular tongue or groove. E. Collins, who saw this stone, however, stated that it was not granite, but hornblende (slate), and it could hardly be used on the ship as ballast.

Currently, the expedition of American archaeologist Douglas Richards is exploring the underwater shelf of Bimini.

Douglas Richards and Joan Henley in the summer of 1996 led an expedition to the Bimin Islands (North Bimini and South Bimini), organized on the initiative of the Association of Scientists and Educators (ARE). Dr. Richards is on the faculty at Eastern University and is director of research for the Meridian Institute. Dr. Henley is the President of the GAFA Project and has been researching the Beamin Islands for many years.

They reported “many anomalous features (underwater) that may provide evidence of the existence of an ancient civilization.” D. Richards and J. Henley studied a large cliff, the base of which on the echolocation map goes 300 meters deep, and its top - 40 meters. In one place they noticed a rectangular fragment 15 m long and 8 m wide. Inside it were smaller rectangular segments. Another object was immediately discovered protruding from this cliff. Scientists talk about them as archaeological ruins. The main thing is not to confuse the artifacts with the wrecks of sunken ships. The satellite tracking system quite accurately recorded the rectangular growths.

10,000 years ago, there was land on the site of the Grand Bahama Bank, and people could live on this cliff. Most geologists believe that the cliff is composed entirely of limestone or organic material. But this type of rock has never been encountered on the Bahamas Bridge.

A few years ago, one of the team, John Holden, saw what looked like a pylon or rectangular object made of granite or concrete? It measures 15 by 5 meters and also sticks out from the edge of the cliff. Unfortunately, it has not yet been discovered, since it can be very difficult to fix this or that object during the first dive.

Not far from the shore, mysterious mounds rise above the ground, which have attracted researchers. The work was carried out with the help of Gypsy Graves, an archaeologist and curator at the Graves Museum in Airward Country, Florida. These are the so-called “shark” and “rectangular” mounds. A seismic study of the rectangular mound was carried out. Although they are surrounded by salty mangrove swamps, these mounds are 3.5-4 meters above the ground. Scientists talk about the artificial origin of earthen embankments. They resemble the figured mounds of North America, such as the great Serpentine Mound in Ohio. The strange thing is that these mounds contain plants that are not found anywhere else on Bimini. The Bimin mounds are astronomically precisely oriented. The tail of the “shark” hill is rectangular in shape, and its angles precisely point to the north, south, east and west.

Order of the Knights of Atlantis

More than one expedition was coordinated by Steve Heath, a marine biologist, scuba diving specialist, and representative of the Association of Scientists and Educators (Virginia, USA). This organization (ARE) was created in 1932 on the basis of the Edgar Cayce Foundation, where research, experiments, seminars and lectures are carried out related to the famous “readings” of the great seer and other problems, in particular, the problem of Atlantis.

Since 1989, several organizations, including the Quest for Atlantis group (Joan Henley, Wanda Osman), the GAFA project (Joan Henley), and the Alta project (Bill Donato, Donnie Fields), began to use new techniques in underwater research. As part of the Alta project, 4 expeditions were carried out in the Bahamas region: in October 1997, June 1998, May 1999 and 2001. As part of the GAFA project, 3 expeditions were sent to this area in 1998, 1999 and 2001.

In 1998, Bill Donato decided to find three concentric circles south of Andros. A year ago he managed to photograph them. As Bill Donato told our almanac, these ruins resemble the rounded capital of Atlantis, outlined by Plato. In size, the three circles exactly correspond to the description of the capital in the dialogue “Critius”.

Soon they could discover the remains of an underwater rock structure called the Pentagon (Pentagon). The same Pentagon was recorded near South Bimini. There are probably several similar structures in existence. The question is whether they are the remains of ancient structures, like the Olmec hexagonal structures.

On the Moselle Bank, researchers stumbled upon a massive structure consisting of 19 huge blocks. Donato determined that they were made by man. On the first stone, a cut was found that started at the bottom, continued to the very top and ended at the side of the stone. On another stone, the cut was located in the corner. The first stone was discovered in October 1997. The second stone was recently found. The scientist proves that other stones may contain signs left by humans. If the Bimini Road is about 15,000 years old, then these stones could be much older. Traces of an ancient waterfall were also discovered.

Researchers from the Alta project made a sensational discovery in June 1998 near the islet of Angilla Key (Cai Sal Bank). They discovered an unusual structure in the form of an arc (“Arch of Angilla”). It looks like an architectural entrance to a man-made cave. A row of stones located along one line is like a continuation of the arch. One of the photographs shows a channel between huge stones. These straight lines of stones are very reminiscent of the Bimini Road.

What are the pyramids made of?

Egyptian pyramids still present surprises to researchers. At one time, al-Mamun (786-833), when opening one of the pyramids, discovered a statue made of green stone and an emerald bowl. In our opinion, this was a symbolic image of Atlas, and the cup was the famous Antediluvian Grail. Historical sources claim that the Grail, once presented to Buddha, comes from Egypt (c. 12,000 BC), where it was kept as a symbol of the esoteric spiritual culture of antiquity. Napoleon saw, for example, in the Great Pyramid something that shocked him and struck him to the core of his soul. The great emperor never told anyone else about his meeting with the Unknown.

Recently, a very popular hypothesis is that blocks on Egyptian pyramids ah were made from special concrete, which was then turned into very hard rock. As you know, cement was invented only in the 19th century! Not only pyramids, but also temples, monuments, and huge statues were made from this concrete. Researchers discovered in the pyramid the remains of formwork into which the ancient Egyptians poured their “secret” solution. Maybe that’s why scientists on the Bimin shelf could not accurately determine the nature and age of the man-made road?

In the 1980s, Swiss chemist Joseph Davidowitz first suggested that the blocks of the Cheops pyramid were made of concrete. One of the stelae of the III dynasty even allegedly contained a recipe for preparing such concrete. A Swiss scientist identified 13 components of the ancient Egyptian recipe, patented it and began commercial production. Most likely, for “ancient cement,” Egyptian craftsmen took crushed limestone with the addition of 5% limestone powder and 5% river silt.

The world has accumulated a huge number of artifacts that prove the existence of ancestral civilizations in ancient times, and it is simply unacceptable not to notice this. Nakhodki recent years prove that it is urgently necessary to revise the chronological framework of the development of known civilizations. The recent discovery of giant pyramids in Peru pushes the emergence of the culture of the ancient American peoples back several thousand years. Currently, pyramids, in addition to the well-known ones in Egypt and Mexico, have been discovered in all parts of the world: in North and South America, in England, Crimea, Kola Peninsula, in Tibet, Morocco, Namibia, Mozambique, Australia, in the area Bermuda and on the sea coast of Easter Island.

According to some data, there are twelve “pyramid regions”, which, being included in the overall system, ensure the existence and regulation of life on the planet. Here are the locations of the pyramids on earth: Eastern Hemisphere - Egypt, Morocco, Namibia, Mozambique, England, Crimea, Tibet, Australia; Western Hemisphere - Bermuda region, Mexico, central Brazil, sea coast near Easter Island. The Eastern Hemisphere was inhabited much earlier than the Western Hemisphere. It is also possible that some similar pyramids were built on other planets. Built according to a single plan, the pyramids stabilized the movement of the Earth in its orbit around the Sun, reducing the level of global cataclysms to local ones and not dangerous to humanity. There are not twelve such “pyramid areas” around the world, but much more. There are pyramids in Sudan, the Canary Islands and China. In recent years, pyramids have been found in Peru, and even in Nakhodka (Russia, Primorsky Krai).

The pyramid was fed with energy from the earth's core. It was the inner core that was the “eternal battery” that for millions of years provided energy supply to the pyramidal structures. Thus, the pyramids were built in turn by representatives of the most ancient civilizations on Earth: the Hyperboreans, Lemurians and Atlanteans! Every time some Root Race died, the next one restored the pyramids destroyed by the most enormous catastrophes and thus fulfilled its mission of protecting and defending the Earth from natural disasters. Pyramids of this kind existed at the “four corners of the world” and were never a monopoly of Egypt.

One of the underwater pyramids in Bermuda Triangle recorded in the 1990s by American oceanographers using sonar instruments. After processing the data, scientists suggested that the surface of the pyramid-shaped structure is perfectly smooth, perhaps glass! It is almost three times the size bigger pyramid Cheops! According to the characteristics of the echo signals reflected from its surface, the faces of the pyramid are made of some mysterious material, similar to polished ceramics or glass. The famous atlantologist and explorer Charles Berlitz was sure that such a mountain was located at a depth of 400 meters, its height was 150 meters, and its base was about 200 meters. Unfortunately, C. Berlitz was never able to conduct underwater research.

All that remains is to find the records

Edgar Cayce once predicted that part of the special records for the Initiates of the times of Atlantis would be found in one of the temples of Egypt (entry 5750-1 dated November 12, 1933). Casey wrote: “The time is approaching big changes“.

In 1993, with the help of a crawler robot, it was possible to discover a miniature stone plug or door at the end of a narrow ventilation duct of the Great Pyramid. The entrance hole is 20 by 25 centimeters. There are copper pins visible in the door. Scientists have suggested that a secret chamber is hidden behind the stone plug. The Egyptian authorities immediately banned further research. One of the sects of E. Casey’s adherents stated that the prophecies of the great Teacher were coming true that the secret archive of the Great Priests from the lost Atlantis should be preserved in the pyramid. However, the chamber should be opened on the night of 2012.

At the end of the 20th century (1999), Egyptian archaeologist Zahi Hawass discovered a vertical shaft between the Pyramid of Cheops and the Great Sphinx. At the bottom of the shaft, a burial chamber with a sarcophagus made of black granite was found. Hawass suggested that this is the tomb of Osiris and there may be sacred records there.

In September 2002, American specialists, with the participation of the same Zaha Hawass, finally drilled a stone plug. Behind it they saw the same traffic jam. On the top of the second stone, two axes were found that coincide with the copper inserts of the first stone, if you mentally draw a straight line. The editor of one of the atlantological magazines, Dan Clark, suggests that the stones look like a miniature copy of some megalithic structure. The two axes of the second stone relate to the copper inserts of the first stone symbolically, for example, like two stars. Perhaps this has something to do with the Book of the Dead. The second stone, therefore, is like a door to heaven, and this door has its own door bolts to heaven - axes. Symbolically, such axes are the path to other worlds, but which ones?


In his programmatic article “The Lords of Ogenon. Mythology of Atlantis” I consider two directions in the study of the problem of Atlantis: mythological and occult-esoteric. I managed to isolate from a great variety of myths and tales (primarily ancient Greek), those that directly point to Atlantis. If there was a legend about Atlantis, told by Plato, then it must have been passed down from generation to generation in the form of genealogical diagrams, behind which stands the historical reality and ancestral memory of mankind, hidden in the deepest layers of the “collective unconscious”. Most likely, it was the oldest civilization on Earth, the real name of which is known only to the Initiates. And it doesn’t have to be called Atlantis.

Such famous atlantologists as I. Donnelly, E. Sykes, S. Bellamy, L. Spence, L. Stegeni, L. Seidler, N. Zhirov, V. Shcherbakov and others have repeatedly turned to Greek mythology(and not only Greek), seeing in it a direct indication of the maritime (mainly “Poseidonian”) origin of the Atlanteans. But, unfortunately, they did not go further than such evidence, and were unable to unravel the most complex tangle of mythical genealogies, to reveal the esoteric meaning and purpose of the most ancient traditions and legends.

The article identifies and deciphers mythological and genealogical schemes and tables of gods, heroes and historical figures who were directly related to the kingdom of the Atlanteans and their hidden treasures. Among such persons: Sanchuniathon, Philolaus, Pherecydes, Pythagoras, Socrates, Gelon of Syracuse, Pindar, Aristotle, Xenocrates, Xenophon, Theopompus, Cyrus, Cambyses, Mita (Midas), Alexander the Great, Nonnus of Panopolitan, the Zeno brothers, Valery Bryusov, Apollinaris Mikhailov , his son Mikhail Mikhailov and many others.

In the same article, for the first time, the place where the sacred relics of Hyperborea, Lemuria and Atlantis are hidden is established. According to folklore tradition, on one of the capes of the island of Crete are hidden “ greatest treasures antiquities". Through historical and genealogical research, it was revealed connection sacred relics of Atlantis and other ancient civilizations with Crete. The path to the ancient relics is closed - they are guarded by the golden dog of Zeus.

The culture of Atlantis, thus, having absorbed the culture of the lost civilizations of Hyperborea and Lemuria, was transformed into a European one, and then into a global one (according to Donnelly). Therefore, for most researchers and scientists, traces of the Atlanteans are not found, because they are among us, the people of the Fifth Race, for we came from the Fourth Race of the Atlanteans.

From the colored pieces of the antediluvian heritage of the most ancient civilizations, a solid mosaic canvas called “Atlantis” is gradually being formed. You just need to see this wonderful creation among many pictures of human and earthly History.

Question Mark, 2003, N 2.

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Much has been written by many about the amazing and legendary civilization of the Atlanteans.

Whether it was a civilization that owned a group of separate islands, or a race that inhabited the entire planet, and whether it existed at all remains a mystery and a topic of further debate.

The lifespan of the Atlanteans is attributed to 20,000 - 10,000 BC. What happened 11,000 years ago? Nostradamus, E. Blavatsky and the Akashic Chronicle note that after the global flood 850,000 years ago, in addition to the Himalayas, Tibet and Gobi, another piece of land remained unsinkable in the modern Atlantic Ocean, which was described by Plato and goes everywhere under the name " Plato's island. On Plato's island, a group of Atlanteans survived and did not lose their knowledge and technology. This group of Atlanteans lived on their island, influencing the development of the people of our nascent civilization on the continents that rose from the ocean. In particular, E. Blavatsky attributes the construction of the great Egyptian pyramids to the Atlanteans of Plato's island and names the time of construction of the pyramids - 78,000 years ago, when "Egypt had barely risen from the waters." 11,000 years ago, the Atlanteans of the island of Plato saw a new star in the sky. It increased in size and soon, as Nostradamus describes, it began to give off an unbearable heat. It was Typhon's comet (according to Nostradamus), which fell in the area Atlantic Ocean. As a result of the fall of a comet, Plato's island sank, and the last Atlanteans on the globe died. The comet's body has broken through earth's crust, magma poured into the ocean. Large amounts of steam and dust rose into the atmosphere, causing darkness to fall on the earth for many years. Our civilization, which arose at that time, again found itself in difficult conditions of survival.

Chinese sources also contain a description of Atlantis, which they called Magasima. It is also indicated that Atlantis sank to the bottom of the ocean, and the surviving Chinese Noah gave continuation to the human race (Muldashev E.R., “From whom did we come? Part II What the Tibetan lamas said”).

There is a hypothesis by Vyacheslav Kudryavtsev, a full member of the Russian Geographical Society of the Russian Academy of Sciences, according to which Atlantis was located in the area of ​​the Celtic shelf, south of present-day England and Ireland and west of France.

The esoteric tradition also confirms Plato's words. Theosophists tell us about four ancient continents that periodically disappear after each cataclysm on Earth. These are the Indestructible Sacred Country (the only one of the four that is destined to remain from the beginning to the end of the Manvantara, throughout each Round), Hyperborea, Lemuria and Atlantis. In ancient times, Atlantis was a huge archipelago consisting of “a collection of many islands and peninsulas.”

E. P. Blavatsky ("The Secret Doctrine", vol. 2, 1937, pp. 279, 280) identifies two main continents of Atlantis: one - in Pacific Ocean, the second - in the Atlantic. As the author notes, the remains of the huge Pacific continent of Atlantis are Madagascar, Ceylon, Sumatra, Java, Borneo and the islands of Polynesia. The size of this continent can also be judged by finding the Sandwich Islands on the map, New Zealand and Easter Island, which were "the three peaks of a sunken continent." The natives of these islands never knew each other and, nevertheless, they all claimed that their island once formed part of the landmass of a huge continent. But the most curious thing was that these natives spoke the same language and had the same customs. The second continent of Atlantis was located in the Atlantic Ocean and its remnants are the Azores and Canary Islands. On the site of the modern Asian mainland there were only large islands.

Geographical maps of Piri Reis, Orontius Phineus had prototypes dating back to the Late Ice Age; neither the Phoenicians, nor the Egyptians, nor the ancient Greeks had such knowledge. They clearly show the rivers that flowed in Antarctica approximately 6,000 years ago! The Piri Reis map shows a large island in the Atlantic Ocean east of South America in the area of ​​Sao Paulo Island. According to Russian and Italian researchers, Atlantis was located in this place. Holocene movements of the planetary crust have been discovered here over the past 12,000 years. Plato's description of the relief of the capital of Atlantis surprisingly resembles the local structure of a volcanic caldera.

Russian and American geologists have long studied the Ampere, Josephine, and Atlantis seamounts, located in the Atlantic Ocean approximately 500 km west of the Strait of Gibraltar and part of the Hosshu seamount system. On the slopes of these mountains, the remains of some structures, walls, terraces, made of huge rectangular stone blocks were discovered. Basalt samples showed that such a rock could only have formed on land 12,000-15,000 years ago.

In the northern coastal waters of Cuba, back in the 1950s, the remains of Cyclopean structures were seen here, but due to a lack of technical means, research work was not carried out. There have already been reports in the press about a certain complex of underwater buildings with an area of ​​four hectares north of Cuba.

In May 2001, an expedition of the Canadian company Advanced Digital Communications (ADC), led by oceanologist Polina Zelitskaya, worked in the Gulf of Guanajasibibes, in the western part of Cuba. According to rumors leaked in the Western press, researchers are looking for the remains of Atlantis and its capital.

For underwater filming, the Canadians brought the remote-controlled submarine Illuminant. They used sophisticated scanning (sound) equipment for the first time and came to sensational conclusions.

Polina Zelitskaya said that at a depth of 670 meters, researchers discovered a city spread over an area of ​​40 square kilometers. The video monitor showed structures in the form of pyramids, rectangles, and huge balls, seemingly made of processed granite blocks.

The deep-sea Illuminant, placed on wheels, even drove several kilometers along a paved underwater road. But the submarine was not the first. On the highway there are traces of an unknown vehicle that passed here shortly before its descent.

The city predates the pyramids of Egypt by about 1,500 years. At that time, the seabed was dry land, and the Mexican Yucatan Peninsula was connected to Cuba. Near Yucatan, researchers also found huge caves with statues carved into them. Straight roads can be seen through the water; they start in the jungle and go deep into the water. According to calculations, Cuba itself went under water three times.

The stone blocks are clearly made by human hands. But the most sensational thing is that mysterious inscriptions were found on the edges of these stones. The size of the largest blocks reaches 2 x 2 x 5 m (Alexander Voronin, "Question Mark", 2003, No. 2).

Currently, the pyramids, in addition to the well-known ones in Egypt and Mexico, have been discovered in all parts of the world: in North and South America, in England, Crimea, on the Kola Peninsula, in Tibet, Morocco, Namibia, Mozambique, Australia, in the Bermuda region, on the sea coast of Easter Island, in China and even in Nakhodka (Russia, Primorsky Krai).

According to some sources, there are twelve “pyramid regions”, which, being included in the overall system, ensure the existence and regulation of life on the planet.

One of the underwater pyramids in the Bermuda Triangle was recorded in the 1990s by American oceanographers using sonar instruments. After processing the data, scientists suggested that the surface of the pyramid-shaped structure is perfectly smooth, possibly glass! It is almost three times the size of the Cheops pyramid and is made of some mysterious material similar to polished ceramics or glass. The pyramid is located at a depth of 400 meters.

The remains of a mysterious city lie on the seabed near the Japanese island of Yonaguni in the Ryukyu archipelago. These underwater structures are not called the Atlantis of Japan for nothing. There was a city here: traces of terraces, a swimming pool, a theater, and part of a humanoid statue remain from it ("Membrane", 09/21/2007).

Based on the above, we can assume that there really was a civilization that inhabited the entire planet, i.e. a race described by H. P. Blavatsky and mentioned many times in the Teaching of Living Ethics.

It is also known that this race was wiped off the face of the Earth for abusing knowledge for personal selfish interests.

E. Blavatsky indicates the main reason for the first catastrophe of Atlantis - the departure of its kings and population from the Cosmic Laws of the Hierarchy of Light and the abuse of secret knowledge for aggressive purposes. E. Blavatsky describes the reasons for the misfortune that befell the Atlanteans: “Under the influence of the evil insinuations of their demon Teutates, the Atlantean race became a people of evil wizards and magicians. As a result of this, a war was declared, the history of which is too long to retell. Its essence can be found in distorted allegories the race of Cain, the giants, Noah and his family. The conflict ended with the absorption of Atlantis by the waters, which is reflected in the legends of the Flood: “giants and magicians... all of the flesh died... all people except Noah and Xisutra, who, in essence, are identical to the Great Father Tlingit "Popol Vuha", the sacred book of the Guatemalans, which tells of his salvation, similar to the salvation of the Hindu Noah Vaiswata" ("Isis Unveiled").

The reasons for the death of Atlantis are mentioned by Lobsang Rampa in the "Akashic Chronicles", Nostradamus, the same E. Blavatsky in the "Secret Doctrine" testifies to the role of the sin of the Atlanteans, which consisted in the abuse of knowledge and new technologies (Muldashev E.R.).

“The Atlanteans mastered aeronautics, they knew how to cross plants, they used powerful energies. They knew the secrets of metals. They were sophisticated in deadly weapons” (E.I. Roerich, “Agni Yoga”).

“...the nature inherited from God was exhausted, repeatedly dissolving into mortal admixture, and human character prevailed - and then the Atlanteans were unable to bear their wealth any longer and lost their decency, having lost the most beautiful of their values, although they seemed most beautiful and happiest just then, when unbridled power was seething in them. And then Zeus, the god of gods, thought about the glorious race that had fallen into such pitiful depravity, and decided to inflict punishment on it, so that, having sobered up from misfortune, it would learn decorum" (Plato, "Critias" ).

And this begs a rhetorical question: don’t current events resemble those distant times?

“Nowadays, the theme that has especially come up is Atlantis. Quite independently, in different parts of the world, people have remembered forgotten cataclysms. Let us not consider these memories as threats. Free will remains the hallmark of man. It can be regretted if this excellent energy drives madmen into the abyss. Among the destinies of Atlantis one can see that the warnings were poured out generously, but the madmen did not hear" (Roerich E.I., "Agni Yoga").

The development of science and technology occurs much faster than the spiritual development of society and the caring attitude of people towards nature and each other. If this trend continues, then a cataclysm will not be avoided!

It is necessary to accelerate the process of spiritual recovery of society!

The Teachers of Living Ethics talk about this.
“Events are taking away the old world. This time was indicated in all the Testaments. However, people do not think about what is happening. They do not even know how to begin to think about the future.

Already on distant worlds they are horrified by the inevitability of fire, but the Earth continues to be shrouded in a dark veil. What took a century to accomplish now takes place in five years—the progression of acceleration operates according to law. Therefore, when I speak about the heart, it means that salvation can be found through this channel.

Do you hear, I repeat about salvation! Not discussion, not doubt, not hesitation, but salvation will be the sign of this hour. We need to understand even more clearly how the old measures are no longer appropriate. What remains is the bridge from the Higher Worlds - the heart."

“The energy emitted by humanity is needed for the correct movement of the planet. When this energy becomes poisoned, it weakens the protective network and thereby upsets the balance of many Stars. The waves of vibrations change, and the planet loses part of its self-defense, so humanity itself controls its own destiny.”

“Everyone who can love beauty is already transforming part of the life of the Earth.”

“The fire of the sun and the fire of the spirit are our creative forces. The warmth of the sun and the warmth of the heart are our life-givers.”

“A good person is one who does good. The creation of good is an improvement of the future. So every thought of good is already an arrow of Light.”

Every person is responsible for what happens in the world.

And so let everyone ask himself:
"How carefully do I treat Nature? What can I do to save my loved ones and relatives?"

And then the answer will come, and circumstances will develop, and you need to be ready to recognize and accept them.

Let's be kinder this way!

Let us admire, rejoice, love!

Let's save our beautiful planet!

12. Atlantis

Atlantis - the legendary continent that once rose in the middle of the present Atlantic Ocean, to which, in fact, he gave the name and which is considered by many esotericists as the ancestral home of modern humanity - is mentioned in many ancient myths and legends. However, here we will focus not so much on the historical, but on the esoteric aspects of this topic.

The many striking ethnological and linguistic coincidences in the mainland cultures that flourished on both sides of the Atlantic suggest with a high degree of probability that there was once, in prehistoric times, a large continent connecting both shores. Here is what the famous researcher Le Plongeon writes, for example: “The language of the Mayan Indians consists of Greek words and roots by a third. How did Homer's language come to America? Or, conversely, who taught the Greeks the Mayan language? It is known that Greek comes from Sanskrit. Is the origin of the Mayan language also Sanskrit? Or is Sanskrit the proto-language of both the Greeks and the Mayans?”

Another example of the same kind is the Basque language, which is not similar to any of the European languages. The famous linguist Farrar writes: “There is no doubt that this unique language, preserved in its original form in a remote corner of Europe between two great states, resembles in its structure the languages ​​​​spoken by the indigenous inhabitants of the great continent [Atlantis], and no one more".

From an ethnological perspective, the different skin tones of American Indians have always been a mystery to specialists. For example, representatives of such Indian tribes as the Menomai, Dakota, Mandan and Zuni are distinguished from their red-skinned counterparts by light skin, dark red hair and blue eyes, while the Kara and some now extinct tribes of the Californian coast of America were black, like blacks. .

Nothing surprised Spanish adventurers in Mexico and Peru more than the extraordinary similarity of religions, rituals and symbols in the Old and New Worlds. Everywhere in temples and other religious temples there were crosses, which were worshiped by local residents and which were used as symbols of faith. For example, Mexican, Central American and Peruvian tribes performed rituals that closely resembled Christian rites, such as baptism, communion, confession and the last supper, and Indian priests, during baptism or absolution, put their palms together at face level, as Christian priests do.

But one of the most amazing similarities in the cultures on both sides of the Atlantic is temple architecture. The similarities between the Egyptian, Mexican and Central American pyramids are so striking that it can hardly be explained by pure chance.

In his book “Atlanticus”, the Greek philosopher Plato gives a detailed description of the history, objects of art, rites and customs of the people of Atlantis, and in his famous dialogues “Timaeus” he writes about “a powerful military power that invaded from the Atlantic Ocean with hostile purposes and with incomprehensible speed spread throughout Europe and Asia. At that time, the Atlantic Ocean was navigable, and right opposite the two cliffs that served as the gates to the ocean and were called the Pillars of Hercules, there was an island. This island was larger than Libya and Asia combined, and provided access to other nearby islands, and from there it was quite easy to reach the continents that were located in the vastness of the Atlantic.”

The Mexican Toltecs trace their origins to a country they call Atlandia or Aztlandia, and the British Celts have a legend that part of their land once extended far into the Atlantic Ocean, but was destroyed as a result of powerful cataclysms. This is also confirmed by the legends of the inhabitants of Wales, which tell of three such cataclysms.

Not only in the Bible, but also in the tales and legends of many peoples of the Earth there are similar descriptions of the great flood. For example, in the library of the British Museum there is an ancient Mayan manuscript found on the Yucatan Peninsula and written approximately 3,500 years ago, which gives the following description of the disaster that resulted in the sinking of the island of Poseidon: “In the sixth year of Kan, the eleventh Muluk of the month Zak, a terrible earthquake occurred, which continued without a break until the thirteenth Chuen. Great My, the land of hills, perished. Having appeared several times from the depths of the sea, one night it suddenly completely disappeared, and the entire water area was constantly shaken by volcanic explosions. Volcanic activity was local in nature, so land in several places either disappeared or reappeared. Finally, its surface was completely under water, and as a result, ten countries died and sank to the bottom. Unable to withstand the cataclysms, they sank with all 64 million inhabitants in the year 8060 from the time of this book."

Now let's see what the esoteric teaching says about Atlantis. At its heyday, this continent occupied most of what is now the Atlantic Ocean, and also included huge tracts of land on the American continent, which at that time was just beginning to acquire its modern look. At that time, to the east and north of Atlantis, the remains of the not completely destroyed ancient continents of Lemuria and Hyperborea still remained.

Initially, the new lands were dominated by the Lemurians who came there, who made up the first Atlantean subrace - the Rmoagals. These were dark-skinned giants, who over time, as they were more and more pushed north by subsequent subraces, became lighter and smaller in stature. It is believed that modern Laplanders are descendants of the ancient Lemurians.

Representatives of the second Atlantean subrace, the Tlavatli, were red-skinned mountaineers who came from an island off the western tip of Atlantis. They displaced the Rmoagals and settled in the mountainous regions of the central and eastern part of the mainland, where they dominated for some period of time.

They are followed by a third subrace - the Toltecs, who had copper-red skin. They ruled the continent for many millennia and created highly developed civilization and culture, which we will briefly discuss at the end of the chapter. It is this subrace, along with the Tlavatli, that is the ancestor of the Indian tribes of America.

The fourth subrace - the Turanians - is the first of the so-called yellow races of humanity. The homeland of the Turanians was the eastern tip of the continent. They were wonderful seaworthiness, which allowed them to colonize many parts of the world in a fairly short time, even as distant as the territory of modern China, whose inhabitants are their descendants. However, due to their expansion to the east, they never became the dominant race in their homeland.

The next, fifth, subrace became such a race - the Semites, who, having displaced the Toltecs, subjugated the entire continent. These were warlike people with light skin, but they differed from other subraces not only in skin color, but also in their thinking. If before this the evolution of consciousness followed the path of the development of sensory life, then, starting with the Semites, it went in the direction of the development of active mental activity. It is not surprising that Vaivasvata Manu selected representatives of the Semitic subrace for the “cultivation” of the fifth, “thinking” root race - the Indo-European type of people.

The Semites were constantly at enmity and waged wars on land and sea with the sixth Atlantean subrace - the Akkadians, who were also light-skinned. This war ended with the Semites being completely defeated, and the Akkadians single-handedly ruling the continent for many centuries. In addition, they, like the Turanians, were excellent sailors and skilled traders, who plowed the oceans of the whole world on their ships and founded numerous colonies in distant lands.

The seventh subrace - the Mongols - are the only Atlantean people whose homeland was not Atlantis. The Mongols were descendants of the “yellow” Turans, who once settled in the territory of modern Asia, where they became the dominant race. They are still one of the most numerous races on Earth, and modern Japanese are considered their direct descendants.

Now a few words about the Toltecs, one of the most cultured and civilized peoples of Atlantis. At its peak, the Toltec civilization featured an advanced political and social system, as well as developed cultural and scientific institutions. True, they achieved this not with the help of creative thinking, but solely due to the fact that among them lived the highest initiates, representatives of the Hierarchy, who put their “magical” talent at the disposal of the Toltecs. The capital of the Toltecs - “The City with the Golden Gates” - was located in concentric circles on the slopes of a hill overlooking the surrounding plain. At the top, among magnificent gardens, stood the royal palace, where, with the help of a beautifully designed hydraulic system, water was constantly supplied, which was first used to irrigate the gardens and was used for household needs, and then was drained through four drains into the moat or canal that surrounded the palace. From here the water flowed further into the lower canals, which framed the hillside in concentric circles and supplied water to all the inhabitants of the capital, who at that time numbered nearly two million.

The city was a truly remarkable architectural structure, the beauty and grandeur of which was enhanced by the fact that all the palaces, temples and other religious buildings were decorated and lined with precious metals, mined using alchemical recipes under the guidance of initiates. The houses of ordinary residents resembled structures that today we would call atriums, that is, they were a kind of huge “greenhouses” with shady gardens and terraces.

For transport purposes, the Atlanteans had airships, the so-called vimanas, which were powered by special energy - vril; this energy is not known today, but it, like many other things, was also developed under the guidance of initiates. True, the Atlantean airships were not as fast and did not fly as high as modern aircraft, but they were silent: they glided smoothly in the air at an altitude of several hundred meters, developing speeds from 80 to 160 km/h.

The presence of highly dedicated adepts among the Atlanteans, in addition to the obvious benefits, subsequently played a rather negative role in the fate of Atlantis. As already mentioned, the consciousness of the Atlanteans was not distinguished by the clarity of thinking, like the consciousness of modern people, and was rather astral-psychic in nature. This psychism, that is, the ability of the brain to perceive astral images, allowed them to come into direct contact with natural forces and invisible beings, and they often abused this ability, using it for selfish or selfish purposes, a phenomenon that we today call “black magic.”

Faced with the fact of such abuse, initiates from among the members of the Internal World Government began to hide part of the secret magical knowledge from the Atlanteans, which was opposed by the ruling elite - priests, magicians and rulers, as a result of which violent strife and wars began in the country between light and dark forces.

The manipulation of natural forces led to a series of natural disasters, under the influence of which vast coastal parts of the continent went under water, causing the death of millions of people. The largest of the cataclysms occurred approximately 800, 200 and 80 thousand years ago. As a result, the continent fell apart into smaller parts, until only one island remained from the huge continent - Poseidon, which Plato mentions. Eventually this island also sank in a disaster that occurred in 9564 BC.

No matter how high the civilization and culture of Atlantis were, they should in no way be taken as evidence of a “higher” level of development than ours. The Atlanteans owed all their wealth and splendor primarily to dedicated adepts, so all their technical achievements were an introduced factor, and not at all the result of the creative activity of designers, engineers and technical workers.

For, although the process of evolution is accompanied by inevitable cyclical ups and downs, the present, when viewed from a broader perspective, will always represent a higher stage of development of consciousness in comparison with the past.

From the book Traditional Forms and Cosmic Cycles by Guenon Rene

ATLANTIS AND HYPERBOREA In "Atlentis" for June 1929, Mr. Paul le Cour wrote a notice about our article of last May, in which we assert the difference between Atlantis and Hyperborea, in contrast to those who prefer mix them up and who's talking about

From the book Various Works (collection) by Guenon Rene

Atlantis and Hyperborea In the magazine "Atlantis" (June 1929), Mr. Paul Le Cour mentions our article published in May (magazine "Veil of Isis", May 1929, title of the article "Stones of Lightning"), where we pointed out the difference between Hyperborea and Atlantis, contrary to the opinion of those who

From the book Mysteries of Eurasia author Dugin Alexander Gelevich

Atlantis and Eurasia The racial paradigm of the “Ura-Linda Chronicles” has a clear geographical structure that corresponds to this paradigm. The “Lydians” are inhabitants of the deep South, but they are hardly mentioned in the Chronicle. The main geographical area where the story unfolds

From the book The Mystery of the West: Atlantis - Europe author


From the book The Secret of the West. Atlantis - Europe author Merezhkovsky Dmitry Sergeevich

7. ATLANTIS - AMERICA IOn one ancient, 15th century, Nuremberg map just open America depicted St. Christopher, the angel of Columbus, a giant wading the Ocean, with the infant Christ in his arms: he brings light from the East to the West, “who sit in darkness and the shadow of death,”

From the book The Secret Doctrine of H. P. Blavatsky in 90 minutes author Sparov Victor

10. WHY DID ATLANTIS PERISH? IAll love is sacrificial, and the stronger, the more sacrificial. God is the limit of human love and sacrifice; People sacrifice to God what is most dear to them - themselves or another person. In this “or” there is a slippery line between the divine and the demonic in

From the book Future Shock by Toffler Alvin

12. ATLANTIS - PREHISTORY I What is death for a person, is the end of the world for humanity. A healthy person living a full life forgets death naturally, does not believe in it; knows about it, but does not know it; only in the rarest of flashes of lightning does he suddenly remember - see her face to face,

From the book Multiple States of Being (collection) by Guenon Rene

Part I. Atlantis

From the book Worlds Collide author Velikovsky Immanuel

7. Atlantis - America I On one ancient, 15th century, Nuremberg map of the newly discovered America, St. Christopher, the angel of Columbus, a giant wading the Ocean, with the infant Christ in his arms: he brings light from the East to the West, “who sit in darkness and the shadow of death,”

From the book by Francis Bacon author Subbotin Alexander Leonidovich

12. Atlantis - prehistory I What is death for a person, is the end of the world for humanity. A healthy person living a full life forgets death naturally, does not believe in it; knows about it, but does not know it; only in the rarest flash of lightning does he suddenly remember - he sees her face to face,

From the book English Utopia author Morton Arthur Leslie

12. Atlantis Atlantis - the legendary continent that once rose in the middle of the current Atlantic Ocean, to which, in fact, he gave the name and which is considered by many esotericists as the ancestral home of modern humanity - is mentioned in many

From the author's book

NEW ATLANTIS “In the next 50 years,” says Dr. F. N. Spies, head of the Marine Physical Laboratory of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, “man will go to the sea and into the sea, master it and exploit it as an integral part of our planet: for recreation, as

From the author's book

Atlantis and Hyperborea In Atlentis, June 1929, Mr. Paul le Cour wrote a notice of our article of the previous May, in which we maintain the distinction between Atlantis and Hyperborea, in opposition to those who prefer mix them up and who's talking about

From the author's book

Atlantis The story told by Plato about the island of Atlantis, which reigned over Africa as far as the coasts of Egypt and Europe and to Tuscany on the Apennine Peninsula, and which one fateful night was destroyed by an earthquake and sank, has never ceased to fascinate

From the author's book

XII. New Atlantis The dream is the lot of youth, while experienced maturity is more inclined to a sober and worldly view of things. For Bacon, already a precocious child prodigy from early childhood, it was the opposite. His first works are “Religious Reflections”

Races and eras

Certain aspects of the esoteric teaching about the ancient civilizations of the planet, evolutionary types of humanity unknown to official historical science (the so-called races and subraces), as well as some patterns of the development of human history related to the problem of Atlantis, are covered in detail in one of the letters of Kut-Humi A P. Sinnett.

“(…) Humanity of our fourth great circle has one great cycle of development; also have its races and subraces. (...) Remember, you belong to the fifth race, but still you are only a Western sub-race. Despite your efforts, what you call civilization is limited only to the latter and its offshoots in America. (...) The student of occultism should not talk about the ossified consciousness of the peoples of the fourth race, for history knows almost nothing about this state “before the beginning of modern progress” of other nations except Western ones. What do you know about America, for example, before the Spanish invaded this country? Less than two centuries before the arrival of Cortes, there was the same desire for progress between the sub-races of Peru and Mexico as is now observed in Europe and the United States of America. Their subrace ended in almost complete destruction due to the causes generated by it; the same will happen to yours at the end of her cycle. We can speak only of the “ossified state” into which, following the law of development, growth, maturity and decline, every race and subrace falls during its transitional period. Your “General History” is acquainted only with the latter state, remaining extremely ignorant even of the state in which India was some ten centuries ago. Your subraces are now rushing to the top of their respective cycles. History goes no further back than to the periods of decline of several other sub-races, most of whom belonged to the previous fourth race. And what is the area and time period captured by her World Eye? In the greatest span of several insignificant dozens of centuries - a powerful horizon, truly! Behind this is the darkness of ignorance and nothing but hypotheses!

Question 2.During the time that people of the fourth great circle lived on Earth, did there exist a civilization as great in terms of intellectual development as ours?

Answer. Undoubtedly there was. The Egyptian and Aryan sources, especially your tables of the Zodiac, supply us with all the evidence, in addition to our internal knowledge. Civilization is a heritage, a ancestral heritage that passes from race to race along an ascending and descending path of cycles. During the infancy of one subrace, it is protected by its predecessors, who usually die out when the first reaches perfection. At first, most of them mismanage their wealth, squander it or leave it untouched in the chests of their ancestors. They disdainfully reject the advice of their elders and prefer, like boys, to play in the street rather than study and extract as much as possible from the untouched wealth laid up for them in the Records of the Past. Thus, during your transition period - the Middle Ages - Europe rejected the evidence of antiquity, calling such wise men as Herodotus and other Learned Greeks "fathers of lies", until they learned more and changed this nickname to "fathers of History."

Instead of neglecting, you are now collecting and adding to your wealth. Like every other race, you have had your ups and downs, your periods of glory and infamy, your dark midnights, and now you are approaching your shining noon. The youngest in the family of the fifth race, you were for many centuries an unloved and neglected Cendrillona in your own home. And now, when so many of your sisters have died, and others are still dying, while the few old ones who remain are waiting for their Messiah - the sixth race, to rise to a new life and walk again with the strongest along the path of a new cycle; Now that Western Cendrillona has suddenly turned into a proud, rich princess, a beauty we all admire, what does she do? She turned out to be less kind-hearted than the Princess in the fairy tale. Instead of offering to his older sister, more offended by fate (the eldest in reality, for she is almost “a million years old”, and the only one who has never treated her badly, although perhaps she did not notice her) - instead of offer her the "kiss of peace" she applies to her lex talionrs with a vindictiveness that does not elevate her natural beauty. This is by no means an exaggerated allegory, but History.

Question 3. Even the fifth race (ours) of the fourth great circle began in Asia a million years ago. What happened to her during the 998,000 years preceding the last 2000? Did greater civilizations rise and fall during this period?

Answer. The fifth race - ours - began in Asia a million years ago. What was she like for 998,000 years, before the last 2000 years? A fitting question, proposed, moreover, in a thoroughly Christian spirit, which refuses to believe that anything good could have happened anywhere or ever except in Nazareth. What was she doing? She was busy enough, as she is now, to beg the pardon of Mr. Grant Allen, who would place our primitive ancestor, primitive man, in the early period of the Eocene Age. Truly, your learned writers climb their hypotheses extremely fearlessly, as far as I see. It will be truly deplorable to see how one fine day their fiery, ardent horses will begin to kick and break their necks, which is absolutely inevitable in the future. In the Eocene period, even in its “very first half”, the great cycle of the fourth race - Atlantean - had already reached its highest point, and the great continent, the father of almost all the existing continents, showed the first signs of subsidence, a process that was in progress 11,446 years ago, when it last island(translating his local name, we can call him Poseidonis) plunged into the water with a terrible roar. By the way, whoever wrote reviews of Donnelly's Atlantis is right: Lemuria can no more be confused with the Atlantic continent than Europe can be confused with America. Both sank and were drowned with all their high culture and "Gods", but both catastrophes were separated by a short period of about 700,000 years. Lemuria flourished and ended its run just about this short period of time before the early period of the Eocene Age, since its race was the third. Try to spot the remnants of this once great nation in some of the flat-headed Aborigines of Australia. The criticism that rejects the attempt to populate India and Egypt with the remnants of Atlantis is fair. No doubt your geologists are very knowledgeable.

But why not assume that under the continents they changed and explored, in the depths of which they found the Eocene Age and forced it to reveal its secrets to them, other, much more ancient continents, whose layers have never been geologically known, may be deeply hidden in the bottomless beds of the ocean have been explored, and that they may one day completely revolutionize their present theories, thus illustrating the great truths of inductive generalization, as opposed to their illusory assumptions. Why not admit - in fact, none of them ever thought about it - that our present continents were, like Lemuria and Atlantis, already flooded many times and had time to reappear and carry new groups of humanity or civilizations. And that with the first great geological uplift in the next cataclysm (in a series of periodic cataclysms that occur from the beginning to the end of each great circle) our already exposed continents will sink, while Lemuria and Atlantis will rise again. Think of the future geologists of the sixth and seventh races - imagine them digging deep in the bowels of what was Ceylon or Simla, and finding the utensils of the Vedakhs or the distant ancestors of the civilized Pahari - all the objects of the civilized part of humanity that inhabited these regions will be reduced to dust by enormous masses of moving glaciers during the next ice age.

Imagine them finding only such rude tools and utensils as are now found among savage tribes, and thereby declaring that during this period primitive man climbed and slept in trees and sucked marrow from the bones of animals. And from here the conclusion follows that in the year 1882 from the Nativity of Christ, humanity was an animal-like people, black-faced and bearded, with protruding jaws and large sharp wolf teeth. True, some representative of the sixth race may not be far from the true facts in his conjectures that during the “Simla period” these teeth were used in the fights of “males” for straw widows - but in this case the metaphor will be very little concern anthropology and geology. This is your science.

Let's get back to your questions. Of course, the periods of the highest civilizations of the fourth race, such as the Greek, Roman and even Egyptian, are nothing in comparison with those civilizations that began with the third race. Representatives of the second race were not savages, but they could not be called civilized. Now, as you read one of my first letters about race (M. touched upon this issue first), please do not accuse either him or me of any new controversy. Re-read it and understand that it completely bypasses the question of civilizations and mentions only the degenerate remnants of the fourth and third races and gives you in confirmation latest conclusions your own science. Don't view inevitable incompleteness as incompatibility. Now you ask me direct questions, and I answer them. The Greeks and Romans were small subraces, while the Egyptians were part and parcel of our “Caucasian race”. Pay attention to Egypt and India. Having reached the highest civilization and the development of science, both began their descent. The Egyptians, as a certain subrace, disappear completely (its Copts are the remnants of hybrids). India, as one of the most powerful branches of the main race, composed of many sub-races still existing, is struggling to take once again its place in History.

The story contains only a few vague glimpses of Egypt, about 12,000 years ago, when, having already reached the top of its cycle (a thousand years earlier), it began to decline. What does she know or can she know about India 5000 years ago or about the Chaldeans, whom she confuses with the Assyrians, making them either “Akkadians” or “Turanians”! And that is why we say - your History is on the high seas. We are denied by the Journal of Science; his words, repeated and quoted by M. A. Oxon with delight worthy of a great medium, do not recognize our right to any “higher knowledge.” “Suppose the Brothers said: “Point your telescope at such and such a point in the sky, and you will find a planet hitherto unknown; or: dig in the ground there and you will find a mineral, etc.” Excellent indeed, and suppose that this is done - what will be the result? Well, of course, the accusation of plagiarism, when everything like that, “every planet and mineral” that exists in space and in the bowels of the Earth, was known and recorded in our books a thousand years ago; Moreover, many true hypotheses have been timidly put forward by our scientists and constantly refuted by the majority whose preconceptions they interfered with. Your intentions are laudable, but nothing that I can answer you will be accepted from us.

Every time it is discovered that “this is really so,” the discovery will be attributed to someone who backs up the evidence with facts, as was the case with Copernicus and Galileo, the latter using Pythagorean manuscripts. But let's return to “civilizations”. Did you know that the Chaldeans were at the height of their occult glory before what you call the "Bronze Age"? That the "sons of Hell" or the children of Light preceded by hundreds of centuries the "age of iron", which was already an ancient age, when what you now call the historical period (probably because what is known about it turns out to be not history, but fiction) has hardly just begun. We affirm that much higher civilizations than ours have been created and destroyed. It is not enough to say, as some of our writers do, that a bygone civilization existed before Rome and Athens were founded. We argue that there were a series of civilizations before as well as after the Ice Age; that they existed in different parts of the globe, reached the apogee of fame and died. There was not the slightest memory of the Assyrian and Phoenician civilizations until the discoveries of recent years were made. And now they are rediscovering far from one of the early pages in the history of mankind. These civilizations are not so ancient compared to the most archaic ones. But history is afraid to even admit their existence. Archeology has sufficiently proven that human memories extend much further deeper than that, which has been admitted by historical science, and the hidden achievements of once powerful nations, preserved by their heirs, are even more worthy of confidence. We are talking about civilizations before the Ice Age, and yet from the point of view of not only the ignorant, but also the highly educated geologist, our statement sounds ridiculous. What would you say then to our assertion that the Chinese (I am now talking about inner China, about the real Chinese, and not about the hybrid mixture between the fourth and fifth races who now occupy the throne) are aborigines who, by their unmixed nationality, belong to the highest and the last branch

of the fourth race) reached their highest civilization when the fifth race had barely appeared in Asia and while its first branches were still in projection. When it was? Calculate. You would not suppose that we, having such enormous odds against the acceptance of our doctrine, would deliberately invent races and sub-races, if they were not an irrefutable fact. A group of islands on the Siberian coast, discovered by Nordenskold, was found strewn with the remains of horses, rams, bulls, etc., among the giant bones of elephants, mammoths, rhinoceroses and other monsters belonging to the period when man - says your science - had not yet appeared on the ground. How can horses and rams be found in combination with huge antediluvian creatures? The horse, as we are taught in school, is a completely new invention of Nature, and no man has ever seen its pedactul (ancestor). The Siberian Islands group can expose this convenient theory as a lie. The area now shackled eternal winter and uninhabited by man, that most fragile of animals, had, as will soon be proved, not only a tropical climate - something which your science knows and does not dispute - but was also the foundation of the most ancient civilization of the fourth race, the highest remnants of which we find in the degenerate Chinese, and the lowest (to the ignorant scientist) are mixed with the remnants of the third race. I have already told you that the highest (spiritually) type of people on Earth belongs to the first subrace of the fifth root race - the Aryan Asians. The highest race (physical mind) is the last subrace of the fifth race, you yourself, the white winners. The majority of humanity belongs to the seventh subrace of the fourth root race; the above-mentioned Chinese, Malays, Mongols, Tibetans, Javanese, etc., and the remnants of other sub-races of the fourth race. All these are fallen and destroyed representatives of humanity, straightforward descendants of highly civilized nations, the names and memory of which are preserved only in books such as the Popol Vuh and several others unknown to science.

Question 4. To what era does the existence of the continent of Atlantis belong, and is the cataclysm that caused its destruction (...) connected with the obscurations*, which take their place in the cycle of evolution of the Manvantara?

Answer. To the Miocene era. Everything happens at its indicated time and in its indicated place in the evolution of large circles, otherwise it would be impossible, even for the best clairvoyant, to calculate the exact hour and year when certain cataclysms, large or small, should occur. All the Adept could do was to predict the approximate time; then, so now events that are reflected in large geological changes can be predicted with the same mathematical accuracy as eclipses and other phenomena in space. The sinking of Atlantis (a group of continents and islands) began during the Miocene period (as is now the gradual sinking of some of your continents) - and it culminated first in the final disappearance of the largest continent - an event coinciding with the rise of the Alps, then with the last of the beautiful islands mentioned by Plato. The Egyptian priests of Sais told his ancestor Solon that Atlantis (the only remaining large island) perished 9,000 years before their time. This number was not fictitious, for they carefully preserved their achievements for thousands of years. But then, I say, they only mentioned Poseidonis and would never have revealed their secret chronology even to the great Greek legislator. Since there is no geological reason to doubt this, on the contrary, there is a lot of evidence to accept this information, science has finally recognized the existence of great continents and archipelagos, and thus the truth of another “fable” has been confirmed. It teaches now, as you know, that Atlantis or its remnants continued to exist until post-Tertiary times and that their final immersion occurred in the Paleozoic centuries of American history! So what! Truth and fact should be grateful even for such small favors, in view of the absence of such for many centuries. Deep studies of the seas, especially by Challenger, fully confirmed the reports of geology and paleontology. A great event - the triumph of our “Sons of Light”, the inhabitants of Shambhala (then an island in the Central Asian Sea) over the selfish and vicious magicians of Poseidonis - happened exactly 11,446 years ago. Read in this connection the incomplete and partially veiled narrative in Isis, Volume I, and some things will become clearer to you. I find Donnelly's confirmation of this tradition and history largely correct, but you will find all this, and much more, in Isis.

Question 5. I find that one of the most frequent questions asked about occult philosophy by fairly intelligent people who are beginning to take an interest in it is whether occult philosophy gives any explanation for the origin of evil? This is a point that you previously promised to touch upon and which might be worth tackling in the near future.

Answer. Undoubtedly, it is given, and I touched on this subject long ago. In my notes on Hume's manuscript of On God, which he kindly adds to our philosophy (something which the latter never intended), this subject was touched upon frequently. Didn't he let you look at these notes? For you I can expand on my explanations, but not before you have read what I wrote about the origin of good and evil in the margins of that manuscript. I have said quite enough for our present purposes. Strangely enough, I found a European author - the greatest materialist of his time, Baron de Holbach, whose views completely coincide with the views of our philosophy; reading his “Essais sur la Nature”, I could imagine that in front of me was our book “Kinti” ( ...) M. thinks that for your purposes it would be better for me to give you a few more details on Atlantis, since it is very connected with evil, if not with its origin. In the following Theosophist you will find one or two notes appended to Hume's translation of Eliphas Levi's Preface in connection with the Vanished Continent. (…) What can I add to what has already been said? I am not able to give you purely scientific information, since we will never come to full agreement with the Western conclusion, and our doctrines will be rejected as “unscientific.” Yet geology and paleontology show much that we can say. Of course, your science is right in many generalizations, but its premises are wrong.

For example, she is right that during the founding of America ancient Atlantis sank, gradually collapsing; but she is wrong neither in the epochs she gives, nor in the calculations of the duration of the period of this descent. The latter is the future fate of your British Isles, the first on the list of victims to be destroyed by fire (underwater volcanoes) and water. France and other countries will follow suit. When they reappear, the last seventh subrace of the sixth root race of present humanity will flourish in Lemuria and Atlantis, which will reappear by that time. Their reappearance will immediately follow the disappearance of the present islands and continents. There are very few seas and big waters will then be found on our Earth, the waters, just like the earth, appear and disappear, changing periodically, each in its turn. Trembling at the prospect of new accusations of “contradictions” with some incomplete message, I would rather explain what I mean by this. The approach of each new obscuration is always heralded by cataclysms - fire or water. But besides this, each small circle or root race must be cut in two, so to speak, by one or the other. Thus, having reached the pinnacle of its development and glory, the fourth race, the Atlanteans, were destroyed by water, and you find only their degenerates, decadent remains, whose subraces, nevertheless, had their victorious days of glory and relative greatness. You will become what They are now - the law of cycles is one and unchanging. When your race - the fifth - has reached the zenith of its physical and mental development, has developed the highest civilization (remember the difference we make between material and spiritual civilizations) and is unable to rise higher in its cycle, its progress towards absolute evil will be stopped in the same way , as in their time, its predecessors - the Lemurians and Atlanteans, people of the third and fourth races, were stopped in their development, moreover, by one of the natural changes that had the nature of a cataclysm. The great civilization of your race will be destroyed, and all its sub-races will begin their descent in their respective cycles after a short period of fame and learning.

Pay attention to the remains of the Atlanteans - the ancient Greeks and Romans (modern representatives of these nations belong to the fifth race), how great and how short-lived were the days of their fame and glory. For they were only sub-races of the seven branches of the root race. The Root Race, no more than its sub-races and offshoots, is permitted by the One Ruling Law to violate the prerogatives of the race or sub-races following it, least of all to seize the knowledge and powers accumulated for its successor. “You will not eat fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that grows for your heirs.” This tree is protected by us, which is entrusted to us by the Dhyan-Chohans, the Patrons of our race and the Guardians of those who will come. Try to understand the allegory and never lose sight of the hints given to you in my letter about the Planetary Spirits. At the beginning of each great round, when humanity appears under completely different conditions from those which existed at the birth of each new race and its sub-races, one Planetary Spirit must enter into communication with these primitive people, refresh their memories and reveal to them the truths that they known in previous circles. Hence the confused traditions about Jehovah, Ormuzd, Osiris, Brahma and tutti quanti. But this happens only when a new race arises. It is the duty of the last race to find suitable successors among its sons, who are "chosen," to use the biblical expression, as a vessel to contain the full store of knowledge of the races and posterity until the completion of this circle. (...)

Each race had its Adepts, and with each new race we are allowed to give as much of our knowledge as the people of that race deserve. The last, seventh race will have its own Buddha, just as each of its predecessors had it. But its Adepts will be much higher than the Adepts of the modern race, for among them will be the Planetary Spirit, the Dhyan-Chohan, whose duty is to “enlighten” the memory of the first race of the fifth class of people after the coming “darkening” of this planet. En passant To show you that races are not only not invented by us, but they are the cardinal dogmas of the Buddhist Lamaists and all those who study our esoteric doctrine, I send you an explanation of one or two pages of "Buddhism" by Rhys Davids, which are otherwise incomprehensible, meaningless and absurd. This is written with the special permission of the Chohan (my Master) for your benefit. No Orientalist has ever suspected the truth it contains - you are the first Westerner (outside of Tibet) to whom it is now explained. (...)” (“PM”, 92.)

<Сыновья Бога»

Let us now turn to the artistic interpretation of the problem of the disappeared continent. In the book “Initiation” by E. Heich, already known to us, the history of bygone races and civilizations is outlined as follows:

“Once upon a time there lived on Earth a race of people different from those who live now. The law of the spirit was fully manifested in them, and not the law of matter, as in people living now. They had consciousness on the divine plane and manifested God here on Earth, without any admixture of selfish bodily qualities. Because of their divine purity, they earned the name "Sons of God."

Their lives were completely determined by spiritual love and selflessness. They had no instinctive physical drives and passions that would cast a shadow on their spirit. People of this high race possessed all the secrets of nature. Knowing very well about their powers and abilities and keeping them completely under the control of consciousness, they could use them to control and guide nature. Their knowledge was limitless, and they did not need to earn their bread by physical labor. Instead of working hard, they used the forces of nature. Knowing the secrets of nature, matter, mind and their own essence, they also possessed the secrets of transforming force into matter and matter into force. And they designed such devices and tools with the help of which they could preserve and use not only the forces of nature, but also their spiritual powers. They lived in happiness and peace as the dominant race on Earth.

However, at the same time, other creatures lived on Earth with them, similar to the Sons of God, but with much more material bodies and at a much lower level of spiritual development. They lived in the jungle, fighting with Nature, with each other and wild animals. These people completely identified consciousness with their body. The race of sons of man now in our country is the result of the crossing of these two ancient races.

The Earth is now going through a period when the process of materialization is progressing. This means that the divine creative force is moving further into the depths of matter, and power on Earth is falling into the hands of more and more material races, which were once ruled by higher, more spiritual races. Representatives of these higher races gradually die out, they leave the material plane for the spiritual and leave humanity to its own devices for many, many millennia, so that it can climb up on its own without any visible guidance.

And finally, this race of cavemen, in accordance with divine laws, will begin to rule the Earth. However, before leaving the Earth, the higher race will implant its powers into the lower, and by the laws of heredity this will enable the lower race - after a very long period of development - to rise again from matter. That is why many sons of a superior race made the great sacrifice of begetting children from the daughters of primitive man. Thus a new type of people developed, new races arose.

The divine power of the Sons of God and the physical powers of the daughters of man produced different types of descendants. On the one hand, among them were physical giants: on the maternal side they received a primitive brain, and on the paternal side they received spiritual strength, which, acting on the material plane, created bodies of enormous strength and strength. Thanks to their enormous physical strength, they defeated the weaker, and their bestial inclinations and needs turned them into tyrants who inspired fear.

On the other hand, among them were also spiritual giants who manifested their inherited creative power through the higher centers of the brain, and not on the lower physical plane. Their task was to lead and teach for a certain time both the inferior and hybrid races. They taught these two races wisdom, sciences and arts, as the foundations of a higher civilization. In addition, they provided these two races with examples of divine universal love, selflessness and spiritual greatness. This is why some countries are now ruled by despotism and tyranny, while others are governed with love and wisdom. Gradually this state of affairs will disappear, and mankind will learn of these great initiates and their secret sciences only from historical records, traditions and legends. But even in the darkest period of human history, according to the laws of heredity, it will be possible for the birth of the Son of God in a human body in order to show humanity the way out of darkness and suffering.

The continent that was the Home of the Sons of God was completely destroyed, and gradually there were fewer and fewer descendants of the divine race left. They left their mortal bodies and never incarnated again. Finally, there are only a few of them left in different parts of the Earth.

However, thanks to the crossing of the two races, new individuals arose with the knowledge of the magic of their fathers and with the bestial egoism of their mothers. They managed to enter the temple and, thanks to their spiritual powers, receive initiation. But they reduced their knowledge to black magic and used both their own and natural forces, which they controlled with the help of instruments and equipment in the temple, for selfish purposes.

The Sons of God who still remained in that part of the earth saw that this would lead to general destruction, since the forces used with devilish egoism instead of divine selflessness would mercilessly destroy both the black magicians and everything around. Therefore, they built ships, closed on all sides and impenetrable even to the forces that destroy matter, loaded them with a few tools and instruments, their families, domestic animals and sailed - some to the north, others to the east, others to the south, and others to the west, to the country where we now live.

Soon the black magicians lost control of their tools. They had to channel the highest cosmic divine forces into these instruments and store them there, since the only source of this force on Earth is the human being himself. But the more selfish these people became, the more the current with which they charged the tools for later use changed.

When the Sons of God were already far away, tragedy broke out. One of the black magicians accidentally introduced into his body a force that destroys matter, that is, transforms matter into another form of energy. And this process, once started, continues without stopping until everything around it dematerializes. This is how an entire continent was destroyed. Finally, the process of disintegration stopped, and the continent, converted into radiation energy, first rose into the upper layers of the earth's atmosphere, and then again turned into the primary form of matter. After further transformation processes, this entire gigantic mass fell to the ground again in the form of an endless stream of water, mud and sand. Ocean waves rolled through giant chasms in the body of the Earth, the earth's surface split, the continental masses of the other hemisphere, split into pieces by a terrible earthquake, diverged further and further from each other to restore balance on the Earth, until they took their present place. Part of the destroyed continent is now in our country in the form of a huge sandy desert, and there is a danger that the winds will carry away these mountains of sand and it will cover the fertile populated areas.

The Sons of God had special equipment on their ships that kept the ships balanced at all times, so they survived the disaster. Finally, they landed at different ends of the earth, where they laid the foundation for a new civilization. With their wisdom and love they won the hearts of the aborigines and became rulers. They were worshiped and revered as gods or demigods. The first actions of the Sons of God in new places were the construction of buildings impenetrable to external influences, where they could store tools charged with powerful all-pervasive energy. These buildings, called pyramids, can now be seen in those parts of the earth where the Sons of God arrived.

We still possess some of these instruments, with which we can control the force of gravity, neutralizing or increasing it at will. Depending on the need, we can make objects weightless or heavier than usual. When we make a huge stone block weightless, even a child can move it with his little finger - this is how the pyramids were erected by the Sons of God.

Where the Sons of God arrived, a high civilization arose, and where they still rule, they lead people with selfless love and self-sacrifice, remaining here on earth to teach people and impart spiritual powers. (E. Heich, “Dedication,” pp. 62–65.)

Night of Vengeance

The reasons for the death of Atlantis are also set out in the fundamental works of H. P. Blavatsky - “Isis Unveiled” and “The Secret Doctrine”. This is how the tragedy that befell the Atlantean race is told in “Isis Unveiled”:

“Tradition relates, and the records of the Great Book explain, that long before the days of Adam and his inquisitive wife Eve, where now only salt lakes and barren deserts are found, there was a vast inland sea that stretched over Central Asia to the north from the proud Himalayan range and its western extension. And there was an island there, which in its incomparable beauty had no equal in the world: it was inhabited by the last remnants of the race of men that preceded our race. This race could live equally comfortably in water, air or fire, since it had unlimited power over the elements [of nature]. They were “Sons of God” - not those who saw human daughters, but real Elohim, although in the eastern “Kabbalah” they have a different name. And it was they who conveyed to people the most prophetic secrets of nature and revealed to them the wonderful, now unpronounceable lost “name” (...) The hierophants of all priestly schools were aware of the existence of this island, but only Iava Aleim, or the head of each school, knew the “word”, and he passed it on to his heir only at the time of death. There were many such schools, and the ancient classics talk about them.

We have already seen that one of the universal traditions accepted by all ancient peoples was that which says that there were many races of people prior to our present race. Each of them was different from the previous one, and each of them disappeared when the next one appeared. The Laws of Manu clearly mention six races, one after another. (...)

There was no communication with the beautiful island by sea, but only through underground passages, known only to the heads; these passages extended in all directions. Tradition points to many of the magnificent ruins of India - Ellora, Elephanta and the Ajanta Caves (Chandor Range), which once belonged to the above-mentioned schools, and to which [they] were connected by such subterranean passages. Who can say about the lost Atlantis - which is also mentioned in the "Secret Book" (...) - that it no longer existed in those days?

((E. P. Blavatsky. “Isis Unveiled”, vol. 1. m 1992, pp. 491–493.))

It is easy to notice that in this case we are talking about the island of Shambhala, on which at that time the representative office of the cosmic Hierarchy of Light was located. The civilization of Atlantis still existed in those days, but had already fallen under the power of black magicians, or adherents of the forces of evil, the origin of which we have already touched upon. Regarding the moral orientation of adepts initiated into esoteric knowledge and their involvement in the Hierarchies of Light or Darkness, H. P. Blavatsky wrote:

“To continue the tradition of the beautiful island, we will add that the class of hierophants was clearly divided into two categories; one are those who received instruction from the "Sons of God" from the island and who were initiated into the divine teaching of pure revelation; another category is the inhabitants of the lost Atlantis (...). In short, they represented the fourth race of people mentioned in the Popol Vuh, whose vision was unlimited and who knew everything at once."

((Ibid., p. 494.))

In this case, Blavatsky is referring to the unusual psychospiritual abilities of the Atlanteans. As esoteric sources say, the Atlanteans were a race of born magicians (or mediums); in those days, unusual, paranormal psychic abilities for people of our race were the most common phenomenon inherent in all representatives of that ancient race, without exception. However, innate magical abilities in the absence of a high spiritual level of development became a fatal circumstance for the entire Atlantean race, which led it to disaster. As E. P. Blavatsky further writes about the Atlanteans and their magical abilities, “perhaps they were what we now call “born mediums” who did not fight, did not suffer for the sake of acquiring knowledge and also did not receive it at any cost - or victims. Therefore, as the first (we are talking about the hierophants mentioned above. - WITH.) following the path of their divine mentors, acquiring knowledge gradually and at the same time learning to distinguish between good and evil, the Atlantean adepts from birth followed the suggestions of the great and invisible “Dragon,” King Tevetat (the Serpent of the Book of Genesis?).” (Ibid.)

This Serpent of the Book of Genesis, who seduced the Atlantean race, was, of course, the once brilliant Lucifer, who by that time had become the Fallen Angel, the Prince of this World.

Blavatsky continues in Isis Unveiled:

(...) under the influence of the evil suggestions of their demon Tevetat, the Atlantean race became a nation of black magicians. As a result, war was declared, the story of which would require too long a narrative; the essence of this story can be found in the distorted allegories about the offspring of Cain, the giants, and in the allegories about Noah and his godly family. The collision ended with the immersion of Atlantis into the depths of the ocean, which found its imitations in the stories of the Babylonians and the Mosaic flood; giants and magicians "(...) and all flesh perished (...) and all people." (Ibid.)

Even more information regarding the Atlantean civilization is given in The Secret Doctrine. In this work, H. P. Blavatsky writes:

“It was from the Fourth Race that the first Aryans received their knowledge and “a lot of wonderful things” (...). From them they learned aeronautics, Vimana Vidya, “the art of flying in air carriages,” and therefore also their great sciences of meteorography and meteorology. Again, from them the Aryans inherited their most valuable sciences about the hidden properties of precious and other stones, also chemistry or, rather, alchemy, mineralogy, geology, physics and astronomy.” (“The Secret Doctrine”. In 2 volumes. Minsk, 1994, vol. 2, book 1, p. 538.)

Regarding the sinking of Atlantis to the bottom of the ocean and the reflection of this event in the myths, traditions and religions of the world, E. P. Blavatsky notes:

“Many times the writer asked herself the question: is the story in the Book of Exodus - at least in its details - as it is told in the Old Testament, independent? Or is it, like the legend about Moses himself and many others, just another version of the legends about the Atlanteans? For who of those who have heard the legend about the latter will not see a great similarity in the main features? Let us remember the wrath of “God” at Pharaoh’s stubbornness and His command to the “chosen ones,” before leaving, to steal from the Egyptians their “jewels of gold and jewelry of silver,” and, finally, the drowning of the Egyptians and the Pharaoh himself in the Red Sea. Then let us read from the Commentaries the following passage from an earlier story:

“And the “Great King of the Shining Face,” the head of all the Yellow Faces, mourned, seeing the sins of the Black Faces.

And he sent his airships (Vimana), with pious people in them, to all his brother rulers (heads of other peoples and tribes), saying:

“Get ready. Arise, you people of the Good Law, and cross the land while it is [still] dry.

The Storm Lords are coming. Their chariots are approaching the ground. Only one night and two days will the Lords of the Dark Face (Sorcerers) live on this patient land. She is condemned, and they must go down with her. (...) Rise up and use your (that is, your magical powers to resist the forces of the Sorcerers). Let every Lord of the Shining Face (Adept of White Magic) force the Vimana of every Lord of the Dark Face to fall into his hands (or possession), so that not one (of the Sorcerers) could, thanks to him, be saved from the waters, escape the Wand of the Four (Karmic Deities) and save your evil ones (followers, or people).

Let every Yellow Face send a (hypnotic?) dream to every Black Face. Even if they (Sorcerers) avoid pain and suffering. Let every person loyal to the Solar Gods bind (paralyze) every person loyal to the Moon Gods so that he does not suffer and escape his fate.

And let each Yellow Face give his water of life (blood) to the talking animals belonging to the Black Face, so that they do not wake up their master.

The hour has struck, the black night is ready.

May their destiny come true. We are Servants of the Great Four.

May the Kings of Light return." The Great King fell on his Shining Face and wept...

When the Kings gathered, the waters had already moved...

[But] the peoples have already crossed the dry lands. They were beyond the water level. The kings overtook them in their Vimana and led them to the lands of Fire and Metal (East and North).”

Elsewhere it is also said:

“Stars (meteors) fell like a shower on the lands of the Blackfaces; but they were sleeping.

The talking beasts (magic guards) were calm.

The lords of the depths awaited orders, but they did not come, for their lords were asleep.

The waters rose and covered the valleys from one end of the earth to the other. The plateaus remained, the bottom of the Earth (the land of the antipodes) remained dry. Those who escaped lived there: the people of the Yellow Face and the Straight Eye (open and sincere people).

When the Lords of the Dark Face awoke and remembered their Vimanas to save themselves from the rising waters, they saw that they had disappeared.”

Then one passage indicates how some of the more powerful magicians of the "Dark Faces", awakened earlier than others, pursue those who "robbed them" and who were in the last ranks, for "the peoples carried away were as numerous as the stars of the Milky Way." , says one of the more modern Commentaries, written only in Sanskrit. “Just as the serpent-dragon slowly unfolds its body, so the Sons of Men, led by the Sons of Wisdom, unfolded their ranks and spread and expanded like a rushing stream of fresh waters... many of the fearful among them perished on the way. But the majority were saved."

However, the pursuers, “whose head and chest rose high above the water,” pursued them “for three lunar periods,” until finally the rising waters overtook them and they died to the last man; the soil sank beneath their feet, and the Earth swallowed up those who desecrated it.

This is very similar to the original material on the basis of which a similar story was built, many hundreds of thousands of years later, in the Book of Exodus. (Ibid., p. 541.)

As E.P. Blavatsky further notes, it was the Atlanteans who became the most ancient colonizers of Egypt. “The civilization of the Atlanteans was even higher than the civilization of the Egyptians. It was their degenerate descendants, the people of Plato's Atlantis, who built the first pyramids in this country, and this, of course, even before the coming of the “Eastern Ethiopians,” as Herodotus calls the Egyptians. This may well be deduced from the statement made by Ammianus Marcellus, who speaks of the pyramids: “There are also underground passages and winding shelters, which, as they say, were built by people skilled in the ancient mysteries and thereby learned of the impending flood; they were built in different places so that the memory of all their sacred rituals would not disappear.” (Ibid., p. 542.)

The problem of Atlantis is not as far from the problems inherent in our civilization as it may seem. As we remember, Atlantis was destroyed by a severe cataclysm caused by the violation of natural laws and the improper use of higher natural energies by representatives of its civilization. It is not difficult to notice that in the teaching of Living Ethics there are direct references to the fact that our time is reminiscent of the times of Atlantis. What led our civilization to such a dangerous point that destroyed the once huge continent and the powerful civilization inhabiting it?


Hubbe-Schleiden- President of the German Theosophical Society. - WITH.

Svyatoslav Nikolaevich Roerich- youngest son of E.I. and N.K. Roerichs. - WITH.

This refers to large evolutionary cycles in the development of the planet and humanity. - WITH.

Cendrillon- Cinderella. - WITH.

Copts- Egyptians of Christian faith, members of a Christian religious sect. - WITH.

"Popol Vuh"- epic of the Quiche people; monument of indigenous literature of the peoples of Ancient America. - WITH.

This refers to the British round-the-world oceanographic expedition of 1872–1876. under the leadership of C.U. Thomson. - WITH.

The spiritual heritage of the world is called culture by the Teachers. Living Ethics says a lot about the difference between civilization, i.e., the material values ​​created by humanity, and culture, i.e., its spiritual heritage. - WITH.

- amazing finds from the past
- Scientists are looking for the trace of Atlantis
- our time and the times of Atlantis

In ancient myths and manuscripts there is evidence of the existence and mysterious disappearance of highly developed civilizations on our planet. The remains of ancient structures for various purposes were made with knowledge of astronomy, physics, chemistry and medicine. Who built them? Why did the creators go into obscurity?

The story of the sunken Atlantis, told by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato, has worried humanity for almost two and a half millennia. Inspired by the great thinker, many have written various works on this topic over the centuries. Thus, in the 17th century, the English philosopher and politician Francis Bacon wrote a talented scientific and technological utopia “New Atlantis”. Merezhkovsky in his philosophical novel “Atlantis - Europe” turned to the ideological wanderings of humanity, to its terrible sentence to forever go in a circle: from one Atlantis to another. According to the writer, the path of civilizations is the path of eternal catastrophes in the past and future. In his work “Teachers of Teachers,” Valery Bryusov defended the idea of ​​​​the complete reliability of Plato’s information about Atlantis. Supporters of the existence of Atlantis were Academician N.K. Roerich and Academician V.A. Obruchev. In J. Verne's "Nautilus" passes under the ruins of Atlantis, the story of its destruction was used by Alexei Tolstoy in his famous "Aelita" and A. Belyaev in the story "The Last Man from Atlantis".

In different parts of the world, on different continents, there are amazing relics - evidence of the Earth's past. These are the Sphinx and the pyramids in Egypt, the 390-meter “Devil's Tower” in Wyoming (USA), the alleys of giant balls in Karnak (France), giant terraces on the islands of Australia, the mysterious stones of Ica (Peru) depicting maps of the Western Hemisphere, comets , nebulae and constellations, as well as surgical operations on the heart and other human organs.

In Peru, in the Nazca desert, there is a complex of ground figures of 30 species of animals, 100 spirals, 700 geometric areas. According to scientists, it would take about 100 thousand man-years to make all these images, and more than 1000 years to build the Egyptian Sphinx (which is older than the pyramids and the flood of Noah).

As a result of many years of research, scientists have found evidence of the existence of flooded cities. Thanks to aerial photography in calm weather and underwater archaeological expeditions, sensational finds have been made. Near Venezuela, a 160 km long wall, made of multi-ton blocks, stretches along the seabed. In 1968 Pilot Brout noticed underwater structures in the Bahamas archipelago. A subsequent expedition by Professor Velentine to the same area discovered a temple and roads underwater. During his flight, pilot Morgan saw pyramids at the bottom of Lake Ron near Madison (USA).

Stories about giant human skeletons being found, as well as other evidence of the existence of giants, are typical for many places on the planet, but perhaps most of these stories exist in North America.

For example, a 10-foot-tall Goliath skeleton was found at Lompton Ranch, California, in 1833. Soldiers digging a hole for the foundation of a powder magazine discovered in an earthen niche a perfectly preserved skeleton with a huge skull and two rows of teeth. There were huge stone axes, spearheads, various shells and stone plates with engraved mysterious inscriptions lying around in abundance. The skeleton and all the finds, by secret order of the high command, were secretly buried in an abandoned coal mine at a depth of forty meters.

In 1911 In Lovelock Cave, located 112 km northeast of Reno, Nevada, the mummified remains of seven red-haired people, whose height reached 2.5 meters, were found. This was a factual confirmation of the legends of the local Pyuto Indian tribe about very large people, whom the Indians called “siteka”. One of the skulls with several bones was preserved and is located in the Humboldt Museum in Winnemucca, Nevada, and household items and huge axes and knives were taken to Reno, to the State Historical Museum.

However, the most amazing remains of giants were found in the 1880s in the Tioga Point Valley, Pennsylvania. Here is what the naturalist Robert Lyman writes about this in his famous book “The Forbidden Land”:

“Dr. Doonghu, State Historian and former clergyman, in conjunction with Professor Moreheadon and Professor Skinner of the Philippe Acdover Academy, excavated the Indian burial ground. They found the bones of 68 people there. The average height of these people was 7 feet (210 cm), and many were much taller, up to 9 feet. Several samples have been sent to the American Research Museum."

All these remains illustrate the descriptions of ancient philosophical treatises of the East about the existence of high civilizations on our planet. The themes of pyramids and sphinxes, Lemuria and Atlantis have been exciting the inquisitive minds of researchers for many years. Riddles, hypotheses, assumptions... And the answers? How to explain these findings? Let's see what knowledge about Atlantis was conveyed to us by ancient legends, what scientists think about this, how the present time is similar to the times of Atlantis, and what conclusions should modern people draw from this.

Scientific rationale for the existence of Atlantis

The ancient Greek philosopher Plato outlined the legend of Atlantis in his two dialogues, Timaeus and Critias. At the same time, he pointed out that when writing them he used information about Atlantis taken from the Athenian legislator and statesman Solon, his great-grandfather, who was revered in Ancient Greece as “the wisest of the seven wise men.” Salon traveled through the Mediterranean countries for 10 years and visited Egypt, where the priests told him that 9,000 years ago in Athens there was a powerful state, and at the same time, behind the Pillars of Hercules, there was a large island of Atlantis - a land of wonders where peace and happiness reigned for centuries, memories of which are the Gardens of the Hesperides, Mount Olympus, the Gardens of Alcinous, the Champs Elysees.

In his Dialogues, Plato describes the mythological story of the creation of Atlantis by the god of the seas Poseidonis and gives a detailed picture of the main city.

Both supporters and opponents of the existence of the Atlantic continent mention these works of Plato in their discussions. Only opponents believe that Plato invented Atlantis to illustrate the ideal state, of which he is the author. On the contrary, supporters argue that Plato sought confirmation of his theory in real facts.

The search for the sunken continent is based mainly on these “Dialogues” of Plato. From time to time, scientific reports appear in the press about discoveries of ghosts of a drowned country, either in the Atlantic or in the Mediterranean. With the development of methods for exploring the depths of the World Ocean, the search for Atlantis intensified. Let's see what evidence scientists present in favor of the existence of Atlantis?

In 1982, a Soviet expedition led by Gorodnitsky, a lecturer in geological and mineralogical sciences, explored the depths of the Atlantic Ocean and the mountain range of the so-called Azores-Gibraltar zone. According to Goroditsky, analysis of samples from Mount Ampere showed that basalt of this type could only be formed by lava solidifying in air, and not under water, i.e. above the surface of the ocean, from which the logical conclusion follows - Mount Ampere was a volcanic island. Further studies of this mountain, as well as Mount Josephine, showed that they used to rise above the water, and this is confirmed by the following circumstances.

In the walls of the mountains there are large niches - obvious traces of the destructive action of water; both mountains are covered with cracks filled with basalt blocks that are well rolled. Between the blocks there are pebbles of different sizes. This means that surf waves once roamed here. And the edges of the rocks are heavily damaged by weathering. All this suggests that this mountain range was once an island, and only later did it sink under water.

How does immersion occur? Where the continental plates collide, the thinner, more deeply submerged oceanic lithosphere breaks and “dives” beneath the continent, thus sinking into the depths of the island’s ocean. A similar situation is currently observed in the Pacific Ocean, the bottom of which is moving at a relatively high speed - approximately 5 cm per year - under the edge of the Asian continent: under Kamchatka, the Kuril and Japanese island arcs.

By the way, the atlantologist Muk, in his statements regarding the location of Atlantis, was based on the translation of the name of the continent from the Aztec language, according to which “atl” means “high mountain”, i.e. Atlantis is a “mountain in the middle of water.”

The famous ethnographer and archaeologist Thor Heyerdahl in his works highlighted common features in the history of the Old and New Worlds: on the one hand, the ancient culture of Asia Minor, Egypt, Crete and Cyprus, on the other, the pre-European civilizations of Mexico and Peru: on both sides of the ocean there was a cult Sun; creation of pyramids; mummification using resins and bandages; construction of canals in cities; similarities in clothing, tools and weapons; similar musical instruments, such as drums and flutes.

In addition, Muk draws an analogy with the “ring of pyramids” and cites the “language ring” - similar linguistic features among various modern peoples of America, Europe and Asia. According to scientists - atlantologists, similar features in the culture and life of peoples and even general patterns of development of civilizations on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean are explained by the fact that Atlantis was the cultural beginning for the Old and New Worlds.

Anti-Atlantologists oppose the Platonic hypothesis with quite serious and well-founded arguments. But how will they explain the sudden achievements of ancient peoples, in particular, this concerns the knowledge of astronomy, metallurgy, medicine, stone architecture and other branches of science? After all, the emergence of a civilization practically out of nowhere in Asia Minor is probably no less a miracle than the existence of Atlantis.

It is no coincidence that Donely, the author of Atlantis: The World Before the Flood, is considered the father of modern Atlantology - it was his research that first aroused serious interest in Atlantis. It was Donely, who was one of the first to draw attention to the similarity of the architecture of the Indians and Egyptians, who hypothesized that Atlantis was the cradle of all the high civilizations of antiquity.

Donnelly's arguments are based largely on the obvious similarities between the culture of Ancient Egypt and the cultures of the Indians of Central and South America. On both sides of the Atlantic, a 365-day calendar was used, embalming of the dead was practiced, pyramids were erected, legends about the flood were preserved, etc. Donnelly argues that both ancient cultures - Egyptian and American Indians - were the product of Atlantis, and when it was destroyed, they spread west and east. According to Donnelly, the legacy of Atlantis can explain the fact that the Basques of the Spanish Pyrenees differ in appearance and language from all their neighbors. Also, the inhabitants of the Canary Islands bear little resemblance to any African people and had the custom of mummifying the dead. Donnelly says that Spain, Portugal and the Canary Islands could be a likely refuge for immigrants from the dying Atlantis.

Mellis in 1958, studying the origin of deep-sea sands in the Atlantic Ocean, showed that the sands of the Romanche Trench were probably the result of weathering of a section of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge that once rose above the ocean surface. In 1959 in the Military Engineer there was a message that “in the process of hydrographic research, the US Coast and Geodetic Service discovered flooded depressions (depressions) more than 90 m wide and up to 150 m deep in the Strait of Florida. They are located 25 km from the Florida Keys, where the ocean depth is 270 m. They are believed to have been freshwater lakes in an area that then sank.”

The most important expert arguments in favor of the existence of Atlantis can be found in the article by René Malais, “Studies of the ocean floor in connection with the geological structure,” which appeared in Geologiska Foreningens. Malais argues that many of the continental-type landforms of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, in particular the canyons on the ocean floor, could not have been cut by underwater turbulent currents, but must have been formed when the modern sea floor was above water level. He looks at ocean currents and their impact on the glacier that covered Europe and America 10 - 12 thousand years ago.

However, all these facts cannot serve as confirmation of the existence of Atlantis. At best, they indicate that parts of the Atlantic Ocean floor in the recent past were located above the water level.

In the April 1949 issue of Science Digest, another scientist, Dr. Maurice Ewing of Columbia University, published a short article entitled: "The Lost Continent Called Myth." Ewing, in his words, “since 1935, has been mapping, taking samples, echoing the ocean floor and going down to the depths himself.” He took underwater photographs to depths of 5.5 km and "found no evidence of sunken cities anywhere." His research focused along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, stretching from Iceland to Antarctica. At first glance this may be taken as evidence against the existence of Atlantis, but some reflection leads to a different conclusion. Suppose the United States of America is destroyed by severe earthquakes and volcanoes over a period of months or years. Our cities are reduced to ruins and then buried under deposits of ash and lava. Huge tidal waves crashed onto the earth, sweeping away and destroying the remains of structures and all evidence of human creations. Finally, the entire country sinks into the ocean, and within 13 thousand years the tidal currents dissipate and ocean sediments cover all remnants of our civilization. In 14967, someone will photograph several tens of square centimeters of the ocean floor or drill a hole 10 cm deep at the bottom. Can we expect him to see cities or the inside of a car, plane or factory? Everything speaks against this. But he will have no doubt that he has the right to conclude: America never existed.

In the end we seem to be going in circles. The harder you try to solve the problem, the clearer the impossibility becomes clearer. The current literature does not provide convincing evidence for either view or the other. Until written sources other than Plato's are found about its history, or until there is definitive evidence that it never existed, Atlantis seems likely to remain a mystery.

Meanwhile, the concept of the evolution of human races, different from that accepted by modern science, is discussed in detail in the “Secret Doctrine” of H. P. Blavatsky. In accordance with it, races are considered as impulses of cosmic life on the planet, with each race representing a certain stage of a single cycle of earthly evolution. Such spiral cycles are universal in the Cosmos and reflect, regardless of scale, the process of descent, and then - together with the acquired knowledge and experience - the ascent of the human spirit from matter. The Life Cycle of humanity is divided into seven human races called indigenous races. They appear sequentially - one after another. Also, in each Root Race, seven sub-races appear successively. The fourth, or Atlantean, race in the Esoteric Doctrine is characterized by the greatest immersion of spirit into matter in a given cycle.

Could we, representatives of the modern Fifth Race, be interested in the previous fourth race of the Atlanteans?

It is certainly interesting if we take into account the action of the universal law of analogy. For example, each person’s personality is a consequence of his past incarnations, strung, like beads, on the core of the spirit, therefore self-knowledge, which is so necessary for self-improvement, is inseparable from an impartial analysis of one’s own imperfections, sometimes rooted in the distant past of individuality. Likewise, it is equally urgent to study, from the surviving evidence, the heritage of the previous race that was the parent of our own.

The question inevitably arises about how to obtain such reliable evidence. Marine geology and archeology have not yet provided indisputable evidence of the existence of Atlantis. However, in the works of Plato, H. P. Blavatsky and Edgar Cayce, a bright, life-filled, internally consistent and comparable picture of the existence of the Atlantean race appears. How was this knowledge obtained?

There are numerous types of memory. Visual, auditory and other types of memory are associated with the physical senses. There is memory for emotions and thoughts, as well as for the near or distant past. All these types of memory are inherent to the individual, i.e. specific mortal part of man. But there is perfect memory, the memory of the spirit - this is the most intimate secret in man. The Spirit, also called the Witness, the Silent Recorder, has absolute memory of all forms of life in which it has ever resided. Such memory belongs to Individuality - the immortal, reincarnating Triad of the highest principles of man. The memory of the spirit is usually inaccessible to the touch of the personal consciousness, so we, as a rule, do not remember our previous incarnations. We know that we cannot penetrate into the future with the memory of a person, we cannot understand the thoughts of our interlocutor, we cannot see life on another planet if our spirit has not been there.

But consciousness has all these abilities. The category of consciousness is one of the most complex problems of modern natural science. Consciousness is associated with spirit and is defined as the ability to form and perceive ideas, and mind and intellect as the practical application of this ability. In the human microcosm there are different states of consciousness characteristic of its temporary body-conductors that clothe the spirit. There is also a high spiritual consciousness, i.e. the incorruptible acquisition of many lives, the true and eternal property of a particular person. The carriers of spiritual consciousness are the fiery energies collected after each incarnation around the highest Triad of divine principles in man. Of course, these energies or spiritual accumulations of a person reflect the highest (if any) aspirations of each mortal, earthly personality, worthy of joining the immortal Triad. Accordingly, each person has their own accumulations, and for different people they differ qualitatively and quantitatively. Thus, gradually, in a series of incarnations, the cosmic consciousness of the immortal Individuality of man and its fiery body, consisting of the finest accumulated energies, are formed. The formation of the fiery body is the highest goal of the evolution of earthly man in its distant future cycles.

With fiery consciousness you can penetrate into the past of your Individuality, see the chain of your own incarnations. The past is also accessible to consciousness, which has never been in the memory of not only the individual, but also the immortal Individuality. Fiery consciousness is capable, for example, of plunging into the past of a distant geological epoch of the Earth or some ancient people, where the spirit of a given person has never incarnated.

A higher state of our consciousness is straight-knowledge. The highest levels of consciousness, reaching into the infinity of evolution, are omniscience of various degrees. Clairvoyance, clairaudience and other clairsenses are attributes of high consciousness. Clairsentience is a consequence of partially or fully opened human energy centers, which indicates a high degree of formation of the fiery body.

All of the above makes an attempt to explain from the standpoint of the Esoteric Doctrine the mystery of Edgar Cayce’s cognitive abilities, but does not yet answer the question of where he received knowledge about Atlantis. In the “readings” of the clairvoyant, such an answer was given, and Akasha was named as the source of information. In the “Secret Doctrine” of H. P. Blavatsky it is indicated that at the beginning of cosmic evolution Mulaprakriti - the primordial, unmanifested and undifferentiated matter - emits an emanation called Akasha. To imagine how the imprints of everything that happens are formed in Akasha, you can imagine our planet making continuous and complex movements in Space and emitting various radiations. These radiations are imprinted on the subtlest substance of Akasha, creating a kind of film reflecting the life of the planet from the beginning to the end of its existence. Since everything in the Universe moves, the information-energy trace of any cosmic body is also in motion. Complex patterns left in Space are called Akashic scrolls, Cosmic Archives or the perfect Memory of Nature.

But perhaps such imprints in the Akash form only large cosmic objects?

However, the Esoteric Doctrine asserts that literally everything that has existence in the dense world leaves an indelible mark in the Invisible World. All phenomena are recorded, including, for example, the slightest feelings, thoughts and actions of a person. Everything that exists, every object of the universe leaves behind such a “film”, where the story of its life is clearly, completely, and in every detail recorded. Space sees and hears, and for it there is nothing secret or hidden. The symbol of the All-Seeing Eye as a manifestation of the Supreme Deity becomes more understandable. And such a Divinity is Infinity - infinite space with absolute memory; including all the past, present and future of the Universe; visible, and to an incomparably greater extent, the invisible plans of the Cosmos. The information in the Akashic scrolls is indestructible.

The Akashic Scrolls, although they belong to the past, are perceived by the cognizing consciousness in the present, for they exist in reality, in the great “NOW”. The distant future of the planet, already existing in Akasha, is accessible to the observation of seers also in the present, for they are in the eternal “NOW”. The great prophets of the future obtained their information in this way. The Teachers of humanity, the Great Representatives of the Creator of our Solar System read the Akasha as if it were an open book. These perceptions become accessible to consciousness with the opened energy centers of the formed fiery body. Exceptional talents have manifested themselves in individuals before, but also not without enormous efforts on their part over a number of lives. The properties, characteristics and abilities of a person, that is, the qualities of his spirit, are infinitely older than his body, upbringing, education and other layers of a given incarnation. Two people in one: the first is ancient, having accumulated many good and bad properties, the second is young, barely formed in this incarnation. If a person discovers some unusual ability, it means that he has already demonstrated it almost once in the past. The fiery apparatus of the spirit cannot be destroyed either by life or death, therefore the fruits of achievement remain with a person forever.

Now development is following the path of technical progress, but the goal of Evolution is to equip man without a single apparatus, because the potential of his spirit contains the most amazing and perfect fiery equipment. Television and radio, airplanes and rockets are only imperfect imitation of man's future spiritual capabilities. Evolution will go exactly in this direction. The human spirit potentially has the qualities of omnipresence, omniscience, omnipotence - i.e. such powers as are usually attributed to the Divine. The distance between what a person is in the present and what he will become in the distant future is immeasurable.

I would like to try to evaluate the significance of the knowledge Edgar Cayce acquired about Atlantis. Edgar Cayce practiced clairvoyant medical diagnosis for forty-three years and submitted reports of thirty thousand diagnoses and hundreds of complete case histories to the Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.) he founded. Edgar Cayce's prophecies about the fate of the world are beginning to be seriously studied, because many of them have already come true.

While doing diagnostics, Casey discovered the ability to see the past and predict the future. So, his visions associated with the legendary Atlantis are interesting. He believed that Atlantis was located in the Atlantic Ocean between the Sargasso Sea and the Azores Islands and was destroyed as a result of three cataclysms that occurred between the 15th and 10th centuries BC. According to Cayce, the Atlanteans were familiar with electricity, invented the airplane, had the ability to telepathy, and also had a crystal for focusing and using electrical energy (Casey died in 1945 - long before the invention of the laser). This crystal allegedly caused a series of cataclysms that destroyed Atlantis. After the first and second cataclysms, the Atlanteans moved to the nearest continents, which explains the presence of common features in the civilizations of South America and Ancient Egypt.

As Casey reported, the crisis of modern civilization is occurring largely due to the fact that the souls of Atlanteans are currently incarnating en masse on Earth, having not outlived their worst traits, and sometimes having fallen low. These souls, refusing incarnations, broke away from world spiritual progress and lagged behind in their development. They often have excellent innate technical abilities, but at the same time they are distinguished by selfishness and a desire only for material wealth. The violence and lack of spirituality inherent in modern, especially Western civilization, according to Casey, is a consequence of this phenomenon.

Humanity continues to reap the fruits of its own deeds committed back in the days of Atlantis. Modern humanity must finally realize the reality and drama of the legacy of the previous race, which is imprinted not only in the Memory of Nature, but also in the spirit of each of us. We must begin with knowledge of the true causes of the processes taking place in the world, for this is the first step to improvement.

Many today are seriously studying Cayce's prophecies regarding earthly cataclysms and geological shifts expected from the 1930s to the first decade of the 21st century. Some of them have already begun to be implemented; these include a marked increase in volcanic activity since the 1960s, especially in Alaska, California and the Mediterranean; others may not yet have occurred within the specified time frame.

However, it must be said that Cayce himself did not consider the prophecies to be absolute truth, because this, in his opinion, would exclude free will and the power of prayer - he believed very deeply in their action. And he repeatedly emphasized that nothing can be completely predetermined, only possibility is predetermined.

N.K. Roerich wrote in his book “The Power of Light”: “Yes, legends are not abstractions, but reality itself... Humanity does not make legends about small things, about insignificant and pitiful things.” According to esoteric sources:

The fourth root race of humanity - the Atlanteans - began “its existence approximately 4-5 million years ago... where approximately the middle of the Atlantic Ocean is now located. Then there was a cluster of islands in this place; over time they rose and turned into a great continent - Atlantis.

The first Atlanteans were... giants - reaching three and a half meters. Over the course of thousands of years, their growth gradually decreased. The state of the first Atlanteans can be called infantile; their consciousness was undeveloped. Therefore, their development took place under the direct guidance of the Great Mentors of humanity, who endowed them with intelligence, who were embodied in the person of their Rulers, as a result of which the third subrace of the Atlanteans - the Toltecs - reached the pinnacle of development of their Race.

They were also tall - reaching two and a half meters; Over time, their height decreased, reaching the height of a person today. The descendants of the Toltecs are purebred representatives of the Peruvians and Aztecs, as well as the red-skinned Indians of North and South America.

Atlantis reached its peak approximately 1 million years ago. At that time, “the continent of Atlantis occupied most of the Atlantic Ocean. Atlantis's northern edge extended several degrees east of Iceland, including Scotland, Ireland and the northern part of England, and its southern edge extended to what is now Rio de Janeiro, including Texas, Mexico, the Strait of Mexico and parts of the United States of America and Labrador . The equatorial regions included Brazil and all the ocean space to the gold coast of Africa. The present-day Azores were the inaccessible snowy peaks of the highest mountain range of the continent of Atlantis. There were also separate parts, as if torn off from Atlantis, in the form of islands of various shapes, which later turned into the continents of Europe, America and Africa.”

The Toltecs created the most powerful empire among the peoples of Atlantis. From the Divine Teachers who led them, the Atlanteans received faith in the existence of a Supreme Cosmic Being, penetrating all things. Thus the cult of the Sun was established as a symbol of this highest concept.

After long internecine wars, the individual Toltec tribes united into one large federation, headed by the emperor. The time has come for peace and prosperity for the entire Race. For many thousands of years, the Toltecs reigned over the entire continent of Atlantis, achieving enormous power and wealth. The city of the Golden Gate, located in the eastern part of Atlantis, was the residence of emperors, whose power extended not only to the entire continent, but also to the islands.

Throughout this era, dedicated drivers have always maintained contact with the hidden Hierarchy of Light, obeying its instructions, and acting in accordance with Her plans. As a result, that era was the golden age of Atlantis. Governance was fair and beneficial, and the arts and sciences flourished. The country's leaders, using secret knowledge, achieved truly extraordinary results. During this era, the culture and civilization of Atlantis reached its culmination point.

During the heyday, under the influence of the Adept emperors, the people achieved the purest and truest understanding of the Divine idea. The symbol was the only form with which one could approach the idea of ​​that essence of the Cosmos, which, being inexpressible, permeates everything. Thus, the symbol of the Sun was one of the first to be perceived and understood. The Cult of Fire and the Cult of the Sun were glorified in the magnificent temples that rose throughout the continent of Atlantis, especially in the City of the Golden Gate. In those days, all images of the Divine were prohibited. The disk of the Sun was the only emblem worthy of depicting the head of a deity, and this image was found in every temple. This golden disk was usually placed in such a way that the first ray of the Sun illuminated it during the spring equinox or summer solstice.

Atlanteans “wrote on thin metal sheets, the surface of which resembled white porcelain. They knew how to reproduce and multiply the text.

Schools in the heyday were of two categories: primary, where they taught writing and reading, and higher, where children received a more extensive education. Botany, chemistry, mathematics and astronomy were studied here. Much attention was paid to ensuring that every educated person knew in general terms medicine and methods of treating magnetism.

The main task of the teacher was the development of the student’s hidden mental powers and, in connection with this, experimental acquaintance with the secret forces of nature. This included familiarization with the hidden properties of plants, metals and precious stones, as well as the chemical process of transmutation of metals. ...Particularly outstanding individuals studied at higher schools and universities, where they were specifically engaged in the development of hidden individual powers.” Atlanteans could, for example, cause rain at will.

... "One of the main industries of the Toltecs was agriculture and husbandry." In agriculture, great importance was attached to astronomy.

The main branch of art at that time was architecture. ...The facades of buildings were decorated with frescoes, sculptures or colored ornaments. Atlanteans loved bright colors and painted their houses both inside and outside. A special substance, similar to glass, but less transparent, let light into the interior of houses. Public buildings and temples amazed with their massiveness and gigantic size. Fountains flowed in the courtyards of buildings of public importance. Water was delivered to the city, in particular to the capital of Atlantis, the City of the Golden Gate, through canals.

“The Atlanteans used highly developed technology. They realized the idea of ​​an aircraft, or flying car. To build aircraft, they used a special mixture of three metals. This white metal mixture was very expensive. The surface of the aircraft was covered with sheets of this metal. The Atlantean aircraft sparkled in the darkness, as if they were covered with shiny plaster. They looked like a ship with a closed deck. The motive force was a kind of ether.

The Atlanteans also had sea vessels driven by a force similar to ether, only of a denser composition. Later, when wars and civil strife put an end to the golden age, military ships designed for air navigation largely replaced sea-going ones.

Approximately one hundred thousand years after the Golden Age, the decline of the great Atlantean Race began. The spiritual decline began. Selfishness took over. And the wars put an end to the Golden Age. People, instead of working for the common good under the guidance of the Great Mentors, in collaboration with the cosmic forces of nature, fell into a frenzy of self-destruction. ...Each person began to fight only for himself, to use his knowledge for purely selfish purposes and began to believe that in the universe there is nothing higher than man. Everyone was his own law, his own god.

The Atlanteans began to create their own images, in size and likeness, and worshiped them. ...The richest maintained entire staffs of priests to serve this cult and take care of the altar in which their statues were located. Sacrifices were made to them as to gods. The apotheosis of self-worship could not be greater.

The kings, the majority of the clergy and a significant part of the people began to use hidden powers, regardless of the laws prescribed by the Initiates, frivolously neglecting their advice and instructions. The connection with the Hierarchy of Light Forces was broken. Personal interests, the thirst for wealth and power, ruin and destruction of enemies in order to enrich themselves more and more took possession of the consciousness of the masses.

Intimate knowledge, directed in the direction opposite to the goals of evolution - towards selfishness and ill will, turned into black magic and witchcraft. Luxury, brutality and barbarism increased more and more, until the bestial instincts began to act unchallenged. Sorcerers and adepts of black forces widely spread black magic, and the number of people who comprehended and used it constantly increased.

When the perversion of evolutionary laws reached its apogee and the City of the Golden Gate became a veritable hell in its cruelty, the first terrible catastrophe shook the continent. The capital was swept away by the waves of the ocean, millions of people were killed. Both the emperor and the clergy who had fallen away from the highest Hierarchy were repeatedly warned about this catastrophe.

Under the influence of the Light Forces, who foresaw the catastrophe, the best part of the people emigrated from this area before the catastrophe. These were the most developed members of the Race, who did not succumb to general madness, who knew the law of the world, retained a correct understanding of responsibility and control over psychic forces. This first catastrophe occurred approximately 800 thousand years ago.

The second, less significant catastrophe occurred about 200 thousand years ago. ...About 80 thousand years ago - the third catastrophe, exceeding the others in strength and fury. As a result of these catastrophes, only a small part of the Atlantis continent remained - the island of Poseidonis.

In this era, before the disappearance of the island of Poseidonis, an emperor from the light dynasty always reigned in some part of the continent. He acted under the leadership of the Hierarchy and resisted the spread of dark forces, leading a minority who observed a pure and exalted life.

Before disasters there was always an emigration of the best minority. These emigrations were led by spiritual leaders. They were, as it were, the center of prophetic warnings and saved the faithful, chosen tribes. Such migrations took place secretly, under the cover of night.

In 9564 BC, powerful earthquakes destroyed Poseidonis, and the island sank into the sea, creating a huge wave that flooded the lowlands, leaving a memory in the minds of people as a huge destructive “flood”.

Regarding the destruction of the once great continent of Atlantis, Edgar Cayce also reported that there were three periods of destruction: the first occurred around 50 thousand years BC, the second - 28 thousand years BC. and the last one - 10 thousand years BC, when the remains of the mainland - three large islands, including Poseidonis - disappeared overnight into the dark abyss of the ocean during a cataclysm caused by powerful volcanic eruptions. In many details his descriptions coincide with those of Plato, although Cayce never read the Dialogues of this great philosopher. It is important to note that if all of Edgar's references to Atlantis, which he gave in his “life readings” over a period of about 20 years, are combined together, they form a coherent, consistent series of events. It is also very instructive that much of the information in these records corresponds to H. P. Blavatsky's comments on Atlantis in her magnum opus, The Secret Doctrine. For example, both E.P. Blavatsky and E. Casey mention the high technical achievements of the Atlanteans, huge cities and developed means of transportation, in particular, aircraft; about the discovery of terrifying technical devices and energy sources (like laser beams, nuclear energy, radioactivity); about the great threat to human life from giant animals and birds. Both Cayce and Blavatsky refer to the culmination of a great battle between the proponents of Good and Evil, the forces of Light and Darkness, which ultimately led to the destruction of the last remnants of this archipelago.

How does the legend of Atlantis relate to Edgar Cayce's "life readings"? There are 2,500 documented "readings" given to approximately 1,600 people. About 700 of them - almost half of those who received information about their past lives - had incarnations in Atlantis that affect their present lives. Moreover, Casey did not mention all the incarnations of each individuality, but only those of them that most influenced his current life, as well as those that could be most useful to a person. Therefore, it is not impossible that almost everyone living today had incarnations in Atlantis at one time or another.

Individual strengths and weaknesses are reflected in subsequent lives. When many entities that lived together at the same time reincarnate in another era, group or national tendencies become apparent.

According to the "readings" of Edgar Cayce, many individual souls who had one or more incarnations in Atlantis are reincarnating on Earth in this age, especially in America. Along with technical abilities, they also bring with them a tendency towards extremism. They often exhibit individual and group karma, marked by selfishness and the desire for exploitation as it relates to relationships with other people. Many of them lived during the destruction or geological disasters in Atlantis. If Cayce's prophecies are correct, then a similar period of earthly changes is inevitably approaching.

The final destruction of the remaining islands occurred around 10,000 BC. Most likely, it was this last catastrophe that Plato described in his writings. Each period of destruction lasted for months or years, not days. In any case, there were significant warnings, so many of the inhabitants escaped by moving to Europe, Africa and America. Thus, according to Cayce’s “readings,” both Americas and some areas of Europe more than once experienced an influx of Atlanteans in the prehistoric past.

Why does Edgar Cayce claim that Atlantean incarnations have such a great influence on people, especially in our time? He answers this question in a general "reading": “If the fact of reincarnation is true, and the souls that once dwelt in such an environment (i.e., Atlantis) are now penetrating the earthly sphere and inhabiting individuals, is it surprising if in the past they made such changes in the affairs of the Earth , which brought them self-destruction, and if they come now, they can cause many changes in the affairs of nations and individuals.”

When we look at people who seem to have once been citizens of a country strikingly similar to twentieth-century America, we can often discern both personal and national flaws. The evils, when understood, can be corrected, and America can yet be spared the fate that befell Atlantis. At the very least, individuals, such as Robert Dunbar, may be capable of change and lead more constructive rather than destructive lives.

Robert Dunbar's parents listened in amazement to their nine-year-old son. Robert's face beamed with excitement as he excitedly began talking over lunch about the results of his first experiments with a new set of chemical reagents. That day he carried out almost all the experiments described in the chemistry textbook. With the trepidation of a discoverer, he spoke about the compounds of various chemicals, peppering his story with an abundance of technical terms. It was described with particular excitement how, with a small number of components, he managed to obtain gunpowder and with his own hands make “crackers” and other pyrotechnic products for the New Year.

The story of the chemical reagents actually served as an experience for Robert's parents as they began to study the advice given by Edgar Cayce in his "life readings" for their son. This experiment brought them a new understanding of mental predisposition and opened up to them the still unknown world of the theory of reincarnation and karmic impulses coming from past lives. After the “readings” they looked at Robert with different eyes, and he no longer seemed to them just a smart kid. Now a new image of their son emerged before them, created by his talents, inclinations and abilities accumulated in past lives.

William Dunbar remembered well that day and the unusual feeling with which he listened to the “life readings” for his son Robert, when Edgar Cayce, in a sleeping state, warned that he and Elizabeth had great responsibility for raising the child. The “readings” described Robert’s past lives in Germany, India, Egypt and the legendary country of Atlantis.

In Germany, his activities were related to the use of steam engines; in India, he developed a chemical compound for explosive devices used against enemy tribes. Mathematically based research in the field of electricity and mechanics carried out in other lives was indicated. The warning words of the “readings” rang in the father’s ears again: “...for we find that the abilities of this soul exceed the ordinary level. Therefore, it is necessary to guide (Robert) in the proper direction so that the peoples of the world can benefit from the fruits of the activity of this soul. For if directed along the wrong path (his abilities) will lead to what many have been warned against, namely, “What will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, but loses his own soul?”

A passion for chemical reagents and an immediate attempt to obtain explosives was the first, but not the last, completely accurate description of Robert Dunbar's inclinations made by Edgar Cayce. At an early age, Robert showed interest in cars and all kinds of mechanical devices. In high school, he became interested in electricity and, encouraged by his parents, received a degree in electrical engineering. His attention is drawn to his own “life readings,” and he repeatedly turns to them during World War II when he needs to make a decision. During the war, electrical engineers were involved in performing various engineering work for defensive structures or in order to inflict heavy losses on the enemy in manpower and equipment. Robert chooses to work with radar installations. As Rommel's forces occupied Africa and an invasion of South America seemed inevitable, Robert energetically directed the construction of a radar network in the West Indies to protect the Panama Canal and the oil-producing areas of Trinidad.

At the end of the war, he again had to make a choice, and the decision was not easy. In the fall of 1945, Robert wrote the following letter to his parents:

“Dear mom and dad, today I made a choice and I hope you will approve of it. The Colonel gathered all of us working in this laboratory. You know that I now have ample reason to return to civilian life, the Colonel says that I have the opportunity to remain in the army in my present position and have a good chance of promotion to a transfer to the Dayton, Ohio training ground. This work is secret, captured German scientists will work there, and I think it is connected with the production of missiles and the atomic bomb. A country with such weapons will be invincible. You know how I feel about the army, but I have another opportunity. Those with military experience working with electronics are offered the same civilian jobs. For me, this is much more attractive than military service, and the pay will be double what I previously received from the electric supply company. Work related to means of destruction, rockets and bombs is a trap for me. I read my “readings” again and was surprised that I was sent to the Caribbean, where I once lived and where, as Edgar Cayce said, traces of Atlantis would someday be discovered. This time my work, I believe, was constructive and not destructive. That's why I decided today not to participate in the rocket program. Many of my friends agreed to this proposal. They thought I was crazy when they heard about my decision to return to work in the electrical supply; Maybe I am like that, but in any case, it seems to me that this is more creative work. I am sure that in the future, as soon as everyone sees the benefits of electrical service, there will be a great demand for it, and people will live like human beings again. I hope you both think my decision is correct. Robert, who loves you."

After the war, Robert's life turned out well. He hasn’t made any money, but he has a wonderful wife, two nice kids, he doesn’t complain about his health and has a decent income. He is an active member of the Association for Research and Education. When asked if he ever regretted turning down big money and perhaps fame in another field. He answered with a smile: “I sometimes thought about it, but most of what I would like to have, I already have.”

Now let's see how this story of constructive use of "readings" differs from the story of another young man. The first "reading" was given to him while he was in college. The similarities between him and Robert are such that they could have been friends in Atlantis. Before us is another individual with outstanding talent as a scientific researcher. It was pointed out that his work was also related to mechanics and electricity, and it was also strictly warned that these abilities should be directed in a creative direction. At the beginning of the “readings” it was said that “at this time (1910 – 1911) many people with unusual abilities, directed both towards good and towards evil, incarnate on Earth.” In the “readings,” in particular, it was stated that this person was distinguished by his mental abilities and his profession would be related to research work. He was warned that in his long-ago incarnation in Atlantis he used his scientific data for selfish purposes, “forcing people to obey the will of others.” The "readings" further stated that "if his abilities serve constructive purposes, many will give him honor and glory, but if he turns them to destructive or selfish purposes, many will curse the day when they met this soul."

This young man (Tom) rejected urgent advice to use his talents to create. Rapid success in the field of electronics came to him, it seemed, without any effort on his part. Tom became the head of a large electronics concern developing rangefinders for warships. He was a pioneer in the development of a number of electronic devices used in explosions and other means of destruction. During the war, Tom earned a lot of money. However, instead of peace and happiness, they brought him anxiety and mental confusion. Neither wealth nor marriage served him well, and he eventually reached a nervous breakdown. It was only after he began working in a more constructive field related to high-performance electronic equipment for the entertainment industry that he gained peace of mind and a happier life.

As can be seen from Edgar Cayce's descriptions, there are two individuals here with very similar aspirations and abilities in the field of electronics and mechanics, inherited from long-ago incarnations in Atlantis. Each of them made their choice. One chose creative activity, the other, temporarily, destructive activity. The first achieved the fulfillment of his desires and found peace in his soul, the lot of the second was mental discord and misfortune.

Edgar Cayce's "Readings" indicate the widespread occurrence of this kind of phenomenon. In our era, hundreds and thousands of people are incarnated, carrying inclinations acquired during the time of the technically highly developed civilization of Atlantis. The harmful character traits of people of that time - unbridled selfishness, destructive impulses and slavish submission to one's desires - are again reproduced, as in an unfinished cycle, which promises disasters in the future. Such individuals are often extremists with an innate desire for great good or great evil. And the future of our civilization may depend on how they realize their karma.

The current state of planet Earth

“If you look at the historical time of OUR civilization, you can see that in many parts of the planet there are bloody wars using weapons of mass destruction. Industrial products poison the earth's atmosphere, water bodies, and forests. People die not only in war, but also in peacetime. The scale of moral decay is enormous. Witchcraft is spreading.

We are all currently witnessing unprecedented natural disasters. Over the past few years, an average of 600 different disasters occur annually, including 200 hurricanes, 170 floods and 50 earthquakes, with each subsequent year, on average, 23 more disasters than the previous one.

Our planet is in a position where, at the conclusion of all cataclysms, a change in the angle of inclination of the planet’s rotation axis can occur. One of the reasons for global warming and other adverse phenomena is the unreasonable use of natural resources and environmental pollution with waste from human activity. But this is no secret to anyone. But few people think about other, no less important causes of natural disasters. E.I. Roerich wrote: “Let us not be short-sighted when talking about the death of the World... it is the human spirit that is the exponent and causative agent of volcanoes... A person causes an earthquake - take it literally.”

Few people think about the fact that our thoughts are material, that it was evil thoughts that gave rise to a layer of brown gas that enveloped the Earth and does not allow solar energy to pass through; that it is millions of evil sendings that collide and cause vortices in the atmosphere.

“There are no such cataclysms that would draw the attention of mankind to the essence of what they are doing. After the cataclysm, the survivors did not bother to think about the cause of what happened. They considered themselves innocent victims of fate. They did not improve consciousness and instead of purification they began new battles of insane will. The sons of the Earth are hastening to bring disaster closer.”

We could talk about the causes of the cataclysms in detail and a lot, but this is most accurately, briefly and comprehensively stated in one paragraph of the Teaching of Living Ethics: “Unfortunately, the present time completely corresponds to the last time of Atlantis. The same false prophets, the same wars, the same betrayals and spiritual savagery. We are proud of the crumbs of civilization, just as the Atlanteans knew how to rush over the planet in order to quickly deceive each other; Temples were also desecrated and science became a subject of speculation and contention. The same thing happened in construction, as if they didn’t dare to build firmly! They also rebelled against the Hierarchy of Light and were suffocated by their own egoism. They also upset the balance of underground forces and through mutual efforts created a catastrophe.”

The salvation of humanity lies in the realization that the World is controlled by the Cosmic Mind. And the crown of the Cosmic Mind is the Mind of the Hierarchy of Light. Great Kumaras (Higher Teachers) come to Earth to accelerate human evolution; they are the ones who show us the evolutionary direction. They are embodied in all races and nationalities, as the founders of religions and philosophies, as Great Sages and mentors of peoples. They take on a physical form to shift the consciousness of lost humanity and to cleanse old teachings of error and distortion. They were all once people. They are former people who, through selfless lives, grew into Gods. For there are no Gods who were not once men.

The Hierarchy of Light really exists; exists as a Stronghold of Knowledge and Love. And all great discoveries, all great ideas invariably come from this Source. And in catastrophic situations, it is the Elder Brothers of humanity who send warnings to the best people on the planet, and whoever listens to them will be saved. As mentioned above, our planet is now in a critical situation. This is reality. People must realize it in order to join forces in eradicating evil and stopping wars, stopping moral decay. Everyone must adjust their life in accordance with the laws of evolution.

“Let us remember the covenant of the ancients... Before stepping into the great future, let us remember the past and comprehend the present. Let's think together about what wisdom has been saying for thousands of years in the language of legends and tales. Perhaps this knowledge will be useful along the way.”


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2. “Introduction to Agni Yoga.” Novosibirsk, 1997.
3. “Facets of Agni Yoga” in 15 volumes, N.-Sibirsk, “Algim”, 1994-2005.
4. “Cryptograms of the East.” Riga, Uguns, 1992.
5. “Letters of Helena Roerich”, in 2 volumes, Minsk, “Lotats”, 1999.
6. “Modern space legends of the East.” Novosibirsk, “Consent”, 1999.
7. “Spiral of knowledge”, in 2 volumes, M. “Progress”, 1996.
8. “The Secret Doctrine”, in 2 volumes, Adyar, Theosophical Publishing House, 1991.
9. “Teaching of the Temple”, in 2 volumes, M. MCR “Master Bank”, 2001.
10. “Bowl of the East.” St. Petersburg "Peace Watch", 1992.
11. Dmitrieva L.P. “Messenger Christ...”, in 7 volumes, M., Ed. "House named after Helena Roerich", 2000.
12. Klizovsky A.I. “Fundamentals of worldview of the New Epoch.” Minsk, “Moga N – Vida N”, 1995.
13. Roerich N.K. “Diary sheets”, in 3 volumes, M. MCR, 1996.
14. Rokotova N. “Fundamentals of Buddhism.” N.-Sibirsk, “Consent”, 2001.
15. Uranov N. “Bring Joy.” Riga, “Fiery World”, 1998.
16. Dmitrieva L.P. “The Secret Doctrine of Helena Blavatsky in some concepts and symbols”, in 3 volumes, Magnitogorsk, Amrita, 1994.
17. Glazkova N., Landa V. “Secrets of the pyramids and Atlantis.” M., "Armada-press", 2001.