An animal that lives on all continents. Antarctica: nature. Fauna and flora of Antarctica

Australia is a continent that for a long time was in complete isolation from the rest of the world. During this time, the continent managed to form favorable for those living here living beings ecosystem.

Australia is famous for its unusual flora and fauna, because most of them are endemic (animals and plants that exist only on one continent).

Many people believe that a half eye is no better than any eye. That is, you cannot fly with half a wing, you cannot hear with half an ear. Therefore, there may be a series of intermediate forms that gradually lead to the modern eye, wing, or ear.

This type of statement is so naive that it is difficult to even find reasons to believe it. Obviously, half the eye is not useless. Those who suffer from cataracts and have had their crystalline ones surgically removed cannot see very well without glasses, but are certainly much better than people who cannot see at all. Without a target, you can't focus on a detailed image, but you can avoid being slammed by obstacles and even spot the shadow of a lousy predator.

Lives on the mainland about 12 thousand species of living beings, of which almost 9 thousand are endemic. Thanks to such unique flora and fauna, Australia is recognized as a continental reserve.

Representatives of the animal world

The most popular representatives are in the following video:

Additionally, the claim that one cannot fly with only half a wing is denied big amount animals that use highly plane flight, including mammals of various species, lizards, frogs, snakes and even squids. Many species of animals that live in trees have patches of skin between their limbs that can really be thought of as fractions of the wings. If you fall from a tree, any flap of skin or flattening of the body that increases the surface area can save your life.

And yet, big or small, that it is a wing, there will always be such a critical height that if you fall from a tree of that height, your life will be saved if your wing were a little wider. So, when the descendants have developed this surface more, their lives can be saved if they fall from trees with more high height. And so, after several steps of steps for hundreds of generations, one can come to the development of an entire wing.

Which ones live only in this country?

Marsupial mammals: why are they found only here?

In Australia, marsupial mammals outnumber placental group of animals. However, in the rest of the world the opposite is true; placental animals have great advantages over their rivals, marsupials.

The eyes and wings do not jump out in one pass. But if you turn the lock wheels, and whenever you get close to the lucky number, the secure door opens another slot, soon the door will open! Essentially, this is the secret of how the evolution of natural selection achieves what at first seemed impossible. Things that cannot plausibly be derived from very different antecedents may be plausibly derived from just slightly different antecedents.

It is only granted that there is a long enough series of such slightly different precursors, all of which could be derived from something else. Thus, evolution is theoretically capable of doing work that once seemed the preserve of God. But is there any evidence that evolution actually happened and is still happening? The answer is yes; the challenges are overwhelming. Millions of fossils are found in the exact locations and exact depths we should expect if there is evolution. Not a single fossil has ever been found anywhere, except where the theory of evolution predicted, although this could happen very easily: if a fossil mammal were recovered from rocks older than those containing the fossil fish, that would be enough, to disprove the theory of evolution.

Thanks to the isolation of the mainland and years of evolution, marsupials became the main representatives of the animal world of Australia and occupied this position for quite a long time.

The situation began to change with the advent of civilization; the appearance of people and introduced animals reduced the population of marsupials. Due to the invasion human factor a large number of marsupial species disappeared from the face of the Earth. Currently marsupials animals are under special protection and live in special reserves and national parks.

The distribution patterns and species of animals and plants on the world's continents and islands are what would be expected if they gradually evolved from common ancestors. The patterns of animal and plant resemblance are exactly what we should expect if some were close relatives and others distant cousins. The fact that the genetic code is the same in all living things, in the vast majority of cases, suggests that they all descend from the same ancestor. The evidence for evolution is so compelling that the only way to salvage the theory of creation is to assume that God deliberately set up so many tests to make them appear evolutionary.

Who else is around here?

Continentanimals living on this continent, what are the similarities between these animals Eurasia North America South America Africa Australia Antarctica Project work Formalization of the result Statement of the problem Determine the habitat of the animal. Identify the similarities between animals living on the same continent. Determine the habitat of the animal. Identify the similarities between animals living on the same continent

In other words, fossils, geographical distribution of animals, etc. they would all be a giant gimmick. Does anyone want to worship a God capable of such deception? It is certainly much more reverent, as well as more scientifically sound, to consider the evidence of their true value.

The subject of design as a reason for believing in God was destroyed. Some people believe in God because of their "inner revelation." Such revelations are not always uplifting, but they seem real to the person concerned. Many patients in mental health institutions have excessive inner faith that makes him think that he is Napoleon or, indeed, God himself. It is impossible to convince such subjects that their inner revelations may be wrong, but this is not a good reason why everyone else believes it.

Brown bear BROWN BEAR is a predatory mammal of the bear family. Body length 1.7–2.2 meters, weight 100–340 kg. The brown bear inhabits deciduous and coniferous forests of Eurasia and North America. These are tightly built animals, with an elongated facial region, small eyes and ears, a sloping back and short tail. The fur is thick, brown, of various shades. The paws are powerful, five-fingered, the claws are strong and strongly curved. The largest brown bears, found in the Russian Far East and Alaska, can reach 2.5 m in length and weigh up to 750 kg.

In fact, since such beliefs contradict each other, we cannot all believe it. You still have to add something. Evolution by natural selection explains many things, but it is clear that it cannot begin anywhere. It could not begin until there was some kind of reproduction and inheritance, however rudimentary. Modern inheritance is based on a genetic code that is too complex to think that it suddenly appeared in one accident. There must be some hereditary system that has disappeared today, which was quite simple since it arose for random events and the laws of chemistry provided the means by which such a cumulative natural primitive form could begin.

Brown bear Brown bears are active at any time of the day. In winter they fall into a shallow sleep. They make dens in holes, caves or thick dead wood. A bear's winter rest is not hibernation, since it maintains normal body temperature and, in case of danger, can immediately wake up and jump out of the shelter. They swim well and fish on sandbanks. Bears are good at climbing trees, destroying bee nests. They usually lead a solitary lifestyle. In addition to berries, roots, honey, insects, vertebrates, they can feed on carrion.

Before this kind of natural selection, there was a time when complex chemical compounds were formed from simpler compounds, and even before that period when the simplest chemical compounds were formed from simple chemical elements, in accordance with the known laws of chemistry and physics. Even earlier, all elements came from pure hydrogen, which was formed immediately after the Big Bang that began the universe.

It is tempting to say that while God may not need to explain the evolution of a complex order where the universe was formed according to the fundamental laws of physics, we do need God to explain the origin of all things. However, this idea doesn't leave much for God: in fact, once the big bang started, would God be there to wait for everything to happen? Physical physicist Peter Atkins, in his excellent book Creation, posits a lazy God who would try to do as little as possible before starting anything.

Red fox FOXES Found in Eurasia, North America, Africa, brought to Australia. Foxes have a squat body, a head with an elongated sharp muzzle, large pointed ears, eyes with vertical oval pupils. Body length up to 90 cm, tail up to 60 cm. In most cases, the back is bright red, the belly is white, sometimes black. It lives not only in forests, but also in the tundra, steppes, deserts and mountains. It settles in independently dug or abandoned holes, sometimes in hollows.

Atkins explains how each stage of the history of the Universe will be generated from the immediately preceding one, according to simple physical laws. The author then varies the amount of work that a lazy creator would have done, and finally comes to the conclusion that he really doesn't need to work at all!

The scientific details of the original life-spell of the Universe belong to the realm of physics; As a biologist, I am more interested in the later stages of the evolution of complexity. Even if a physicist needs to postulate the initial presence of a “minimal”, indispensable for the beginning of the universe, for me, as a biologist, this insurmountable minimum is, of course, extremely simple. By definition, explanations based on simple premises are more plausible and satisfying than explanations that require the postulation of extremely complex and statistically improbable initial phases.

Red fox The fox's diet consists of rodents, mainly voles, hares, young ungulates, birds, various plants, fish, reptiles, and carrion. During the hunt, it exhibits very complex forms of behavior (it is no coincidence that in Russian folklore it is a symbol of cunning and intelligence). field hares ungulates reptiles

And you can't think of anything more complex than an almighty God! Main Features: The largest of the bears, it has an elongated neck and a relatively smaller head than other bears, brown and black species. It has white fur that may appear yellow in summer. The pups then stay with their mother for 2.5 years to learn how to hunt seals. Only pregnant females lie in ditches; other polar bears remain active even in winter. Seals are their favorite prey, but they do not disdain other species of seals, walruses, beluga whales, narwhals and even ducks.

Boar BOAR Wild boar is widespread in North Africa(almost exterminated) and in Eurasia from Western Europe to the Far East. Acclimatized in several American countries. Length cm, weight kg. The head is large, wedge-shaped, extended forward. The ears are long and wide, the eyes are small, and the snout has a snout. The body is covered with elastic bristles, longer and denser in winter. On the back the bristles form a ridge. Color ranges from light brown to almost black. Striped piglets.

If there is no food available, they can fast for 8 months. They mostly live near the polar limit where they have easier access to prey. They are present throughout the Arctic. Key Features: This is the only fox that is suitable for living in the harsh arctic climate; This is why he has developed special physical characteristics, his ears and nose are smaller and his legs are shorter than his older cousins. Naturally, except for the color of the fur. It is the only dog ​​that changes fur color depending on the season and geographic region.

Wild boar Habitats are varied. Leads a herd lifestyle. Omnivorous. It feeds on rhizomes, tubers and roots of plants, fruits, nuts, berries, as well as green parts of plants, insects and small animals - mollusks, fish, rodents, insectivores, birds, etc.

Nocturnal, except during the summer in the Arctic, they hunt seabirds and small mammals, and do not disdain to eat the remains left by other predators such as polar bears. Its northern limit is determined by the availability of food, and its southern limit by the presence of red foxes, which prey on them more from the territory. Key Features: This is a large pink rose with fangs that are only very large dogs. The muzzle is covered with whiskers called vibrissae. There are two different subspecies: one lives in North Atlantic, specimens of this population are smaller and have the rounded snout of their northern cousins.

Ussuri tiger One of the most ferocious predators Eurasia. The Ussuri tiger is one of the attractions of the Primorsky Territory. The Amur (Ussuri) tiger can be considered one of the largest and most beautiful representatives of the cat family. It stands out, first of all, for its large size (body length up to 2.4 m, tail up to 90 cm), as well as very fluffy, soft and relatively light-colored fur. The tiger lives alone and marks the boundaries of its territory with marks on trees. The tiger warns its rivals with a roar that can be heard within a radius of 3 km.

Males are larger and have thicker skin on the neck and shoulders. The fangs are primarily used as defensive weapons and to intimidate opponents. Important breeding sites are located north of Greenland, Svalbard, Francis Joseph Land, Novaya Zemlya, Laptev Sea, Bering Sea, Chukchi Sea and Baffin Island.

Key Characteristics: This is a cattle whose long brown dark winter hair almost reaches the ground and covers fine, tricky hairs. Males are larger than females and have large horns that emerge from their massive forehead; females have shorter and less impressive horns. They feed on seeds, grasses and shrubs. They usually live in mixed-sex groups, but some men prefer to remain single during the summer. When attacked by a predator, the adults circle with the puppies in the center, opposing the enemy with a circle of pointed horns.

Amur tiger Body length 2–3 m, tail more than 1 m, weight 200–300 kg. Lives in the south of the Russian Far East, in Eastern China and on the Korean Peninsula. Its diet is based on wild boars and deer, as well as smaller animals. Can roam over distances of up to km. Currently, the number of Amur tigers living in natural conditions is about 400 individuals, the bulk of which are concentrated in Russia.

Key Characteristics: This is a pitch cervica that lives in the deep north. Both sexes have horns, males have larger and half-palmed ones, females have smaller and smaller ones. The color and size of the horns vary depending on the subspecies. They live in fairly heterogeneous environments, ranging from the boreal forest, where they reach the largest, to the Arctic islands, where specimens are very small and have shorter legs and ears and lighter coloration. It feeds on grasses, mosses and lichens. They live in herds that are produced in long migrations, during which they move into the tundra in search of food.

Giraffe GIRAFFE Lives in the savannas of Africa, south of the Sahara. The giraffe is the tallest animal in existence. Body length 3–4 m, height at the withers up to 3.7 m, height 5-6 m, weight kg. The giraffe has a relatively small head on a disproportionately long neck, a sloping back, long legs and a tongue (up to 40–45 cm). The giraffe has only seven cervical vertebrae and has small horns (sometimes 2 pairs) covered with black hair. The spotted color varies greatly. Capable of moving at speeds of up to 50 km/h, as well as jumping over obstacles and swimming well. Usually forms small herds (7-12 individuals), less often up to

Gorillas GORILLAS Gorillas live in western and central Africa. The largest of the apes. The body length of males reaches 180 cm, body weight 250 kg or more. The body of gorillas is massive, with a large belly; broad shoulders; the head is large, the eyes are widely spaced and deep-set; the nose is wide, the nostrils are surrounded by ridges; upper lip, short; the ears are small and pressed to the head; the face is naked, black. The gorilla's arms are long, with wide hands. The brush is used when collecting food. Legs are short. The coat is short, thick, black; adult males have a silver stripe on the back and a small beard. great apes

Raccoon Raccoon RACCOON Widespread in the forests of Central and North America. Medium-sized animal (body length up to 60 cm, tail up to 25 cm). The body is stocky, on short legs, with long mobile toes. The head is wide, with a short thin muzzle and large ears. The fur is thick, long, brownish-gray. The muzzle has a characteristic black mask with white trim. The tail has 5-7 wide black or white rings. It makes its homes in hollows and rock crevices. It feeds on amphibians, crayfish, fish, rodents, as well as berries, fruits, and nuts. Before eating prey, it rinses it in water (hence the name).

Skunk An amazing animal lives in North America - the skunk. Its jet-black fur is colored with two wide white stripes leading to its bushy tail. When moving in search of food, the skunk often holds its tail vertically, which is why it is visible from afar. However, predators are in no hurry to attack him. The fact is that in defense, the skunk sprays a sharp-smelling liquid at the offender, which causes an attack of dizziness and nausea.

Giant anteater In pampas, bushland and sparse forests South America There is an amazing animal - a giant anteater. It is distinguished by a narrow and slender body with an elongated, tube-shaped head. Long claws grow on the second and third fingers of the anteater's front paws. With their help, he destroys the strong walls of termite mounds or digs up anthills. After this, the anteater squeezes its narrow head into the crack and licks the insects, using a long tongue covered with sticky saliva.

Anaconda B tropical forests South America is home to the largest snake - the anaconda. Its average length ranges from 5 to 6 meters, although individual specimens can reach 10 and even 11 meters in length. Anaconda inhabits quiet river backwaters and small channels in the Amazon and Orinoco river basins. It swims well and can stay under water for a long time. Hiding at the bottom, the anaconda hunts from behind gardens, lying in wait for small ungulates, waterfowl and young caimans. She waits out the dry season by burying herself in the bottom silt and falling into torpor.

Koala The koala, or marsupial bear, lives in the forests of Eastern Australia. Most The koala spends time in the crown of trees, eating eucalyptus leaves. He doesn't eat anything other than them. He descends to the ground only to move from one tree to another. Europeans first learned about it in 1880, when the London Zoo bought a live animal. Because of its thick and beautiful fur, an uncontrolled hunt began for the koala. As a result, by the beginning of the twentieth century it was on the verge of extinction. The Australian government passed a law banning hunting and creating a network of nature reserves to protect it.

Kangaroo The giant gray kangaroo lives in the equalips savannas of Eastern Australia. This is the largest modern marsupial, reaching 1.5 meters in height. Fleeing from danger, the gray kangaroo makes 9-meter jumps. The kangaroo is a true symbol of Australia. It is not for nothing that he and the emu were placed on the coat of arms of this country.

Emperor Penguin The largest penguin found in Antarctica is the Emperor Penguin. It was discovered by the outstanding Russian navigator, Admiral Farad Bellingshausen during a trip to Antarctica. Huge colonies of emperor penguins are located under the protection of cliffs near areas of open sea. Interestingly, emperor penguins hatch their chicks in the midst of the harsh Antarctic winter. In severe frosts, penguins gather in close groups, preventing the chicks and each other from freezing.