Where are the cup makers located in Belarus? History of the town of Chashniki. Tourist potential - Chashniki

Flag of Chashniki

Coat of arms of Chashniki

A country Belarus
Region Vitebsk
Area Chashniksky
First mention 1504
Postcode 211149
City with 1966
Vehicle code 2
Coordinates Coordinates: 54°51′12″ N. w. 29°09′53″ E. d. / 54.853333° n. w. 29.164722° E. d. (G) (O) (I)54°51′12″ n. w. 29°09′53″ E. d. / 54.853333° n. w. 29.164722° E. d. (G) (O) (I)
Population 9.4 thousand people (2010)
Timezone UTC+2, in summer UTC+3
Official site link (Russian) (English)
Telephone code +375 2133

Chashniki (Belorussian: Chashniki) is a city in the Vitebsk region of Belarus on the Ulla River (left tributary Western Dvina), 95 km from Vitebsk, 190 km from Minsk. Administrative center of Chashniksky district. Highways associated with Senno, Orsha, Lepel, Novolukoml. 2 km from the city - railroad station on the Orsha-Lepel line. Population - 9.2 thousand people (2010).


The bus station connects the city with the capital of the republic, Minsk and regional center Vitebsk.

Republican highways pass through the city: P62 (Chashniki - Klichev - Bobruisk), P86 (Bogushevsk (from M8) - Senno - Myadel) and P111 (Beshenkovichi - Chashniki).

2 km from the city in the village of Varki there is the Chashniki railway station, from which there is communication along the Orsha - Lepel line.


  • Jewish cemetery
  • Paper mill "Red Star" (in 1886 - "Skin")
  • Spaso-Preobrazhenskaya Church (1843-1845)


The following enterprises operate in the city:

  • OJSC "Chashniksky agroservice"
  • OJSC "Chashnikispetsodezhda"
  • OJSC "Paper Mill "Krasnaya Zvezda""
  • Branch "Chashniksky Distillery" of the state enterprise "Polotsk Winery"
  • OJSC "Chashniksky flax plant"


First mentioned in 1504. They were part of the Polotsk Voivodeship of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, belonged to the princes of Lukomsky, and from the end of the 16th century to the Kishki, Sapega, Pototsky, and Volodkovich princes.

In the Livonian War of 1558-1583, near Chashniki, the troops of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania defeated Moscow troops in the Battle of Ulla in 1564, when Voivode Shuisky died here, on the Ivan Fields, and in 1567, by order of Tsar Ivan IV, a wooden fortress was built on the right bank of the Ulla castle (see Chashnitsky castle; burned in 1708). In 1580, near Chashnikov, King Stefan Batory was gathering troops for a campaign against Velikiye Luki; thanks to the position of the town, the Russians could not know about the direction of the campaign until the last moment.

In the 17th century, Chashniki was a trading place; in 1633 there were 109 houses and 16 shops. A Dominican church was built in the town.

In the 18th century, a pier and workshops for the construction of commercial plow ships were built. In 1791-1793 Chashniki is the center of Polotsk Voivodeship. After the 2nd partition of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in 1772, Chashniki became part of Russian Empire.

In 1812, a battle took place near Chashniki between the French troops of Marshal Victor and the Russian army led by Prince Wittgenstein. In 1868, the Dominican church was rebuilt into Orthodox Church. The population at the beginning of the 20th century was about 5 thousand people, the inhabitants were mainly engaged in agriculture, the Jews - in trade.

Famous residents and natives

  • Vladimir Denisov is a Belarusian hockey player, defenseman of the Dynamo Minsk hockey club and the Belarus national team.
  • Gutman Yeshua - Israeli historian; Dikhtyar Solomon Romanovich - Soviet hygienist.

    Question: What is the population of Chashniki? Answer: Chashniki (Chashniki), Belarus (Administrative unit: Vitebsk) - Latest population data ≈ 8 900 (year 2015). It was 0.094% of general population Belarus. If the population growth rate remains the same as in the period 2009-2015 (-0.54%/year), then the population of Chashniki in 2019 will be: 8 715* .

    Population in the past

    Annual population change

    +7.37 %/year
    +1.53 %/year
    +2.9 %/year
    +0.03 %/year
    -0.93 %/year
    -0.54 %/year


    GPS coordinates: 54.858, 29.161
    Local time in Chashniki: 14:17 Tuesday GMT+3 .

    Sources, Notes

    1959c, 1970c, 1979c, 1989c, 1999c, 2009c, 2015e. Legend: e-preliminary data, c-census, o-Other, ..
    * Unofficial data on population size.
    **In some cases, boundary changes may affect the comparability of population data. The data is provided factually, without guarantees of accuracy, timeliness or completeness of the information. Terms of Use .
    . National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus
    . Recensements de 1959, 1970, 1979, sur www.webgeo.ru
    . pop-stat.mashke.org Y1959, 1970 some missing data
    . Huizinga. International aardrijkskundig woordenboek, 1958
    . Wikipedia Few missing population data for largest cities
    The city density map was created from population.city using data provided to us by 1km.net. Each circle represents a city with a population of over 5,000. Link
    Population density map created according to instructions from daysleeperrr on reddig.

    Chashniki is the administrative center of the Chashniki district of the Vitebsk region. The city is located 95 km from Vitebsk, 190 km from Minsk. It is located on the Ulla River (a tributary of the Western Dvina). Republican highways P62 (Chashniki - Klichev - Bobruisk), P86 (Bogushevsk - Senno - Myadel) and P111 (Beshenkovichi - Chashniki) pass through the city. The Orsha-Lepel railway line runs 2 km from the city.

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    History of development - Chashniki

    The first mention of Chashnikov dates back to 1504. IN 1564 during the Livonian War 1558 - 1583. took place near Chashnikov Battle of Ulla, as a result of which the advance of the Moscow army was stopped. In 1567, a wooden castle was built in Chashniki (it existed until the 18th century). In 1580, King and Grand Duke Stefan Batory received the ambassador of Ivan the Terrible here. In the middle of the 17th century. A Dominican monastery was founded in Chashniki. Thanks to its favorable geographical location, in the 18th century the town developed river navigation: a pier and workshops for the construction of merchant ships were built.

    As a result second section of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in 1792 Chashniki became part of Russian Empire. In 1812, a battle took place near Chashniki between French and Russian troops. After the suppression of the liberation uprising of 1830-1831. in 1832, Russian authorities closed the Dominican monastery in Chashniki. In 1843-1845. was built in the village Orthodox Church of the Transfiguration. IN 1886 opened in Chashniki paper factory.

    January 1, 1919 Chashniki became part of BSSR, however, on January 16 of the same year locality together with other territories of eastern Belarus was transferred to the RSFSR. July 17, 1924 The cups were returned to BSSR, and already in 1925 The Chashniki railway station began operating. September 27, 1938 Chashniki received official status urban village. During Great Patriotic War from July 5, 1941 to June 27, 1944 Chashniki were under German occupation. February 7, 1966 the settlement received official status cities. January 20, 2006 has been approved city ​​coat of arms.

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    Tourist potential - Chashniki

    Despite rich history city, few significant historical sights have been preserved in Chashniki. The main attraction of the city is, which was built in 1845. Until 1832, opposite the current church there was a Dominican church and a monastery of Mariavites.

    Preserved in Chashniki historical buildings of the 19th-20th centuries., which includes the house of the merchant Gurevich, a candle shop, shopping arcades, Jewish cemetery, paper mill "Red Star".

    The collection contains archaeological finds, objects from the Great Patriotic War and exhibits related to the history of Chashniki.

    juicy Antonovkas, chickens in a box, flax mill, hikes near the cemetery and many other Belarusian “secrets” of Georgy Mikhailovich Grechko

    Today, on the day when Yuri Gagarin flew into space for the first time, we remember another famous cosmonaut - Georgy Mikhailovich Grechko , twice Hero of the Soviet Union, a man who traveled into space three times.

    Georgy Mikhailovich Grechko speaks at a meeting with residents of Chashnik in 2011. The astronaut's wife is sitting nearby. Photo by Irina Torbina

    In May, Georgy Mikhailovich will turn 85 years old. And in May 2011, as part of the “Space Odyssey” project, dedicated to the 50th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin’s flight, the cosmonaut visited his native places, so beloved in childhood. Georgy Mikhailovich came to the regional center with his wife and a group of accompanying persons. He remembered and told a lot of interesting things, and a journalist from the newspaper “Chyrvony Pramen” shared these facts with us. Irina Torbina . The result was several stories from the Chashnik life of the famous cosmonaut.

    Fact 1. Georgy Mikhailovich Grechko was born on May 25, 1931 in Leningrad. And at the age of 80, he again visited the places where he spent his childhood. After all, his maternal relatives and beloved grandfather lived in Chashniki. By the way, little-known information, but in 1975 Georgy Mikhailovich had already been to Chashniki, albeit on an unofficial visit.

    Georgy Grechko in Chashniki in May 2011. Photo by Irina Torbina

    Fact 2. In the village of Koptevichi, not far from Chashnik, lived the aunt of the famous cosmonaut Ksenia Yakovlevna Gorbadei. And what's interesting is... Thanks to this, the French garrison in Vitebsk was forced to surrender, which greatly disrupted Napoleon's plans. After all, it was in our city on the Dvina that Bonaparte planned to place his soldiers in winter quarters.

    Memorial sign in memory of the battle of 1812 in the village of Koptevichi, Chashnitsa district. Photo orda.of.by

    Fact 3. Few people know that just thirty kilometers from Chashnik in the neighboring Krupsky district in the village of Beloye is the birthplace of cosmonaut Vladimir Kovalenko. He, like Georgy Mikhailovich Grechko, made three flights into space.

    Fact 4. At a meeting in Chashniki in 2011, Georgy Mikhailovich recalled that he was baptized twice. And just for the first time, the sacred rite was held in the Chashnik Church:

    Most likely, I was baptized in this church. The fact is that the parents were convinced atheists. Therefore, at first, a Belarusian grandmother baptized me secretly from everyone. The Ukrainian one thought that I was unbaptized and performed the ceremony for me in Ukraine. Much later, the truth finally emerged...

    The church in Chashniki, where the future cosmonaut was baptized for the first time. Photo by Vladimir Borkov

    Fact 5. Georgy Grechko remembers very warmly his grandfather from Chashnik, Yakov Kapustin. The future cosmonaut spent his childhood in his house on Embankment. By the light of a torch, my mother’s father read the Bible and the Niva magazine, copies of which, by the way, are kept. That is why one of our latest books our hero called it “From a splinter to space.” Beloved grandfather Yakov and cousin from Chashnik, taken into care by Georgy Mikhailovich’s parents after the death of their relatives, died in besieged Leningrad.

    Georgy Mikhailovich remembers his childhood in the museum. Photo by Irina Torbina

    Georgy Grechko in Chashnikskoye historical museum. Photo by Irina Torbina

    Fact 6. The Vitebsk region has always been famous for its apple orchards. Georgy Mikhailovich also remembers them, or rather the Chashnik Antonovkas:

    I was always looking, but never found such Antonovkas anywhere. They were huge and impossible to eat without cutting them. And when cut, they sparkled like diamonds...

    The famous cosmonaut on the site of his native estate. Photo by Irina Torbina

    Fact 7. The war found the future cosmonaut in the Chernigov region, with his father’s parents. Georgy Mikhailovich said during his last visit to Chashniki that children at that time had practically no toys. That’s why the boys loved to play around with the shells left over from the battles. These funs did not always end well. And only an accident once saved the life of Georgy Grechko. Probably for space.

    Fact 8. Georgy Mikhailovich always said that he learned to overcome difficulties in deep childhood. He believes that in order to achieve something in life, one must sometimes do the impossible. But his beloved grandfathers taught him to move towards his goal so consistently:

    To be persistent and not to deviate from what was planned was greatly helped by the character traits inherited from both grandfathers - Belarusian and Ukrainian. There are no people more patient and talented than the Slavs.

    Favorite river Ulla, which Georgy Grechko remembers very fondly. After all, his childhood passed here. Photo by Vladimir Borkov

    It is also interesting that it was the Chashnik land that tempered the character of the future cosmonaut. Thus, in the Chashniksky Historical Museum, Georgy Mikhailovich’s attention was attracted by a wicker box in which rural residents in our area usually kept chickens:

    This is where my grandfather’s chickens sat. One day they almost pecked me.

    But they didn’t peck! Probably also for space.

    Embankment Street, where the astronaut spent his childhood. Photo by Vladimir Borkov

    On native land Our illustrious fellow countryman trained his mother and his will. He deliberately walked past the cemetery at night. The little boy was very scared, but he still walked.

    And here is the cemetery, walking along which our hero strengthened his character. Photo by Vladimir Borkov

    Fact 9. From time immemorial, our grandfathers and great-grandfathers raised their children by working on the land. To become an astronaut, you have to work very hard. Everyone knows about this. Judging by the memoirs of Georgy Grechko, the Chashnik grandfather did not spare a “rural diploma” for his grandson. At least, the eighty-year-old cosmonaut handled the flax mill in the museum simply masterfully during his last visit to the regional center!

    The place where astronauts grow up. Photo by Vladimir Borkov

    The editors of the Vitebsk Courier express special gratitude for the preparation of this article to a talented journalist, a researcher of the history of Chashnichina and simply a very interesting person Irina Torbina.