Incoming control. Control dictation for the year On the warm earth Dictation my native land I am an experienced hunter

The beginning of all beginnings

What did the word mean for people’s life in general? It’s a bit scary to even ask such a question, let alone answer it. The fact is that the word was equated by our ancestors with life itself. The word gave birth to and explained life; for the peasant it was the keeper of memory and the guarantee of an infinite future. At the same time, it consoled, helped, motivated, interceded, healed, inspired. And all this happened by itself, like the flow of river water. Under such conditions, would it seem surprising for the emergence of a cult of the word that exists in villages in our time?

The ability to speak figuratively and tactfully was a measure of social status, a reason for respect and deference. For small and evil people, such skill was the subject of envy. The word - whether spoken, sung, or even just felt - has always strived for its figurative perfection...

A beautiful speech cannot be a stupid speech. The ability to speak well is not at all equivalent to the ability to speak a lot, but dense silent people were by no means honored, they were also laughed at. Intentional silence was considered a sign of cunning and malevolence, with all the ensuing consequences.

1. Explain the punctuation in the first paragraph.

2. From the text, write down examples of continuous or separate spelling NOT with words. Explain your choice.

3. Write down a sentence that states the main idea of ​​the text.

Control dictation with grammar tasks.

As an experienced person, I am still joyfully excited and irresistibly attracted by the vast expanses of my native Russian nature. Perhaps that’s why I was and am so passionate about hunting. In hunting, in long-standing sea wanderings, in poetic forest overnight stays, a blond, dreamy boy with a bare, sun-bleached head came to life in me.

People who do not break their connection with nature cannot feel completely alone. As in a dreamy childhood, the beautiful sunny world is still open to them! And, as in the distant days of childhood, white and golden flowers sway above the head of a tired traveler, lying down to rest after a tiring hike, and a buzzard hawk circles high in the sky, looking for the way.

After lying down in the fragrant grass, admiring the golden summer clouds frozen motionless in the heavenly ocean, with a new surge of strength I rise from the warm native land to continue my journey among the blooming beloved world...

(I. Sokolov-Mikitov. “On the Warm Earth”)

Additional tasks

1. Give an interpretation of the words (meanings used in the text): poetic, dazzling, vast, dear.

2. Make a synonymous series with words wandering, road, traveler, hike.

Russian language in 8th grade


In the morning, the hikers set off again, hoping to climb to the top of the mountain today. It is not high, but with four ledges.

A barely noticeable winding path winds along the bank of a narrow mountain river, originating from a glacier, and then sharply climbs to the left. Travelers struggle to overcome the steep climb.

The path goes around random piles of stones, complicating the path. We have to overcome these obstacles too. Thickets of wild raspberries, strewn with still unripe berries, also interfere. Its thorny branches cling to backpacks and clothes.

This is the top. Here tourists settle down to rest. A wonderful panorama opens up from here. To the left of the foot of the mountain lies a valley covered with dark green forest. Here and there the mirrors of small lakes sparkle in the sun. For thousands of years, their banks were overgrown with dense vegetation. To the right stretches an endless chain of hills, completely covered with greenery.

All day long, tourists enjoyed the beauty of the mountains, sunbathed, and sang songs to the accompaniment of a guitar. Only in the evening, afraid of getting lost in the dark, they returned to the path leading to the camp, sharing their impressions of the hike. (147 words)

Grammar tasks.

1. Parse the words according to their composition.

I Option: messy, path Option II: endless, dotted

2.Morphological analysis

Option I : stones Option II: forest

3. Syntactic analysis of the sentence.

I Option: The path goes around a disorderly pile of stones, complicating the path.

II Option: To the right, at the foot of the mountain, lies a valley covered with dark green forest.

Test dictation on repetition at the beginning of the year


I remember the thunderstorm that caught us on the road.

I was sitting with my mother in a wooden shed under a thatched roof. Lightning blazed in blue zigzags at the open gate, muddy from the pouring rain. My mother hastily crossed herself, hugging me tightly to her chest. I listened to the sound of the rain, to the heavy peals of thunder, to the ear-splitting crack of blows, to the restless rustling of mice in the oat straw.

Having risen, we saw a diamond net of rain at the gate, and through the transparent drops the joyful summer sun was already shining, shimmering with rays.

The father harnessed the horses, shiny from the rain, frightened by the thunderstorm, and moving their feet impatiently and restlessly. The road lined with birches and washed by rain seemed even more cheerful. A multi-colored rainbow hung over the meadow, the bright sun sparkled on the backs of cheerfully running horses. I sat next to my father, looking at the road, glistening with puddles, winding ahead, at the receding dark, sunlit and still menacing cloud, at the column of white smoke rising in the distance above the barn lit by a thunderstorm. I listened to the cheerful voices of birds in the washed, wonderful sunny world that opened up to me.

(I. Sokolov-Mikitov) (153 words)

Grammar task.

1. Choose 3-4 words with a similar structure to the word crossed the structure.

2. Underline the participles, highlight the suffixes in them, determine which type of participles were not found.

3. Find two adjectives: qualitative and relative.

4. Perform a syntactic analysis of the sentence with a participial phrase (Option I) and with a participial phrase (Option II).

Control dictation for the first half of the year


At the edge of a young forest there is a small pond. An underground spring comes out of it. This pond is the cradle of the great Russian river. The Volga is born in swamps and bogs and from here it sets off on a long journey. Volga is a beauty. It passes through places that are amazingly beautiful and diverse in climate, plant cover and wildlife. The beauty of the Volga is glorified by the people in legends, and by poets and artists.

From Rybinsk the Volga begins to turn southeast. Its low banks are covered with a green carpet of meadows and bushes. Picturesque hills alternate with valleys. These Volga landscapes have unique beauty and charm. Beyond Kostroma, both banks become mountainous, and the further you go, the more picturesque. The slope on the embankment near the old Kremlin wall in Nizhny Novgorod is one of the most beautiful places in the upper Volga. The nature of the Zhiguli Mountains is unique and picturesque. Zhiguli is the pearl of the Volga.

Volga! This name is near and dear to millions of residents of our Motherland.

Additional tasks

1. Identify the grammatical basis in the first four sentences, determine the type of predicate:

First paragraph (1 option). Second paragraph (2nd option)

2. Parse the sentence:

Zhiguli is the pearl of the Volga. (1 option)

Volga is a beauty. (Option 2)

Control dictation for the year

On warm earth

As an experienced hunter, I am still joyfully excited and attracted by the vast expanses of Russian nature. Maybe that's why I'm interested in hunting.

People who do not break their connection with nature do not feel lonely. Years pass, but a transformed, beautiful world is still revealed to them. As before, white and golden flowers sway above the head of the tired traveler, who lies down to rest, and a hawk, looking out for prey.

After lying down in the fragrant grass, soft and tender, admiring the golden clouds frozen in the blue heavenly ocean, I rise with new strength from the warm native land. I return home to meet new working days, cheerful and renewed. A foggy curtain rises from the river, not yet warmed by the sun, but ahead is the expectation of something bright, clean, and beautiful.

I don’t want to talk to anyone, I would just walk along my native land, stepping barefoot on the dew and feeling its warmth and freshness.

Final control dictations for 8th grade

The morning, quiet and clear, stunned me. A narrow but deep river, pink in the rays of the sun, splashes at your very feet. A light breeze barely sways the coastal bushes. No noise, no rustling.
There were several anglerfish sheltered on the shore, who, as it turned out, had come from nearby villages. A fisherman sits on a sandbank, near a snag that was once thrown out by the wind. His tackle is simple and reliable. He attaches a piece of raw crayfish neck to the hook (the crayfish are lying next to him in the bag) and throws the bait into the middle of the river. His weight, I noticed, was heavier than usual. The lead semicircular plate fits tightly to the bottom, and water flows well around it without moving it from its place. However, there is almost no current felt here.
Having cast his fishing rods, the fisherman becomes alert and for some time stares at the flexible twig stuck in the sand. But then the twig begins to twitch and shake, and soon several fish are fluttering on the sand: a handsome perch, a red roach, a silver ide.
Fishing is, of course, an amazing thing! (142 words)
(According to V. Soloukhin)
I received the task of bringing several rare animals from an expedition sent to Transcaucasia.
One early morning I was awakened by voices: “Uncle Prokhor has a wild cat! I fell into a trap."
A few minutes later I was already at Uncle Prokhor's. There was a crowd standing there, watching a large jungle cat lying on the ground. A short chain of a trap, attached to a stake driven into the ground, brought the cat to the ground. I threw off my leather jacket and, covering my face with it, approached the beast. The beast was tied up and placed in a cage. However, he behaved strangely: he did not try to free himself, lay motionless in the corner of the cage, not touching the food offered to him, and did not seem to notice people.
Fearing for the cat's life, I let a live chicken into his cage - a cat's favorite food in the wild. At first, the chicken, frightened by its dangerous neighbor, rushed around the cage, but then calmed down. The predator didn't pay any attention to her. After living two more days, the cat died. Apparently, he could not come to terms with the loss of freedom. The chicken, doomed to be eaten, remained unharmed and was released into the wild. (162 words)
(According to E. Spangenberg)

Cyril and Methodius - Slavic enlighteners
The brothers Cyril and Methodius brought the light of writing and knowledge to the lands of the Slavs. They compiled the Slavic alphabet and translated sacred and church books from Greek into Slavic.
Cyril (before becoming a monk his name was Constantine) and Methodius lived in Thessaloniki, the famous trading city of Byzantium. Around Thessaloniki, Slavic tribes grew bread. Craftsmen lived in the city, but they were illiterate. A book was considered an unaffordable luxury.
Several years have passed, and Konstantin, already famous for his scholarship, comes to the capital. Here, in Constantinople, he studies with famous scientists: with Photius - literature, with Leo the Mathematician - mechanics, astronomy.
To obtain a higher education, one was required to study seven sciences: grammar, rhetoric, philosophy, arithmetic, geometry, and music. Konstantin gradually becomes the best student. Over the course of ten years, he mastered a number of languages: Slavic, Greek, Arabic. Knowledge of Slavic, which then existed only in oral form, determined his future life and activities. (139 words)
(According to V. Yanchenko)

A sensitive ear catches the familiar sounds of spring. Up above, almost overhead, a drum trill was heard, ringing and joyful. No, this is not the creaking of an old tree, as inexperienced urban people usually think when they find themselves in the forest in early spring. Having chosen a dry tree, the forest musician, the spotted woodpecker, drums like spring. Everywhere: in the forest, closer and further, drums sound solemnly, as if echoing one another. This is how woodpeckers welcome spring.
Here, warmed by the rays of the March sun, a heavy white cap fell from the top of the tree, crumbling into snow dust. And, as if alive, the green branch, freed from the winter shackles, sways for a long time, as if waving its hand.
A flock of crossbills, whistling cheerfully, scattered like a red-lingonberry necklace over the tops of spruce trees hung with cones. Only a few know that these cheerful, sociable birds spend the entire winter in coniferous forests, skillfully arranging warm nests in thick branches. Leaning on your ski poles, you admire for a long time how nimble birds fiddle with the cones with their beaks, choosing seeds from them, how, circling in the air, light husks quietly fall onto the snow. (149 words)
(According to I. Sokolov-Mikitov)

Migration is a difficult period in the life of birds, requiring them to devote all their strength. However, they become travelers, despite the difficulties they have to overcome along the way.
One of the mysteries of nature is the ability of birds to determine the start time of migration. It is not difficult for them to set harvest dates for wintering. Inclement autumn weather, shortening daylight hours - all this hurries you on the road. Another thing is returning to nesting sites, to their homeland. How do birds, living in the tropics, determine the approach of spring here? Apparently, they are helped by the bird's biological clock.
As you know, the sun moves from the eastern regions of the sky to the western ones during the day. Surprising observations show the ability of birds to navigate by the sun. For many birds this ability is innate. For birds who have not inherited this knowledge, a fantastic memory helps them remember the landmarks they need along the way. Birds, scientists say, also sense earthly odors, listen to sounds coming from below, take into account the magnitude of the centrifugal force that arises when the Earth rotates, and react to changes in its magnetic field. (148 words)
(According to B. Sergeev)

The approach of night
The summer day is fading, and a resounding silence reigns in the falling forest. The tops of the giant pines are still red with the gentle glow of the burnt dawn, but below it is becoming dark. The aroma of resinous branches, sharp and dry, weakens, but the cloying smell of smoke spreading across the ground from a distant forest fire is stronger through it. Silently and quickly, night falls to the ground. As the sun set, the birds fell silent.
It got completely dark. The eye, accustomed to the gradual transition from light to darkness, discerns the vague silhouettes of trees around. Not a sound or rustle is heard in the forest, but in the air you can feel an amazing herbal smell floating from the fields.
Everywhere: both to the right and to the left of the path - there are low tangled bushes, and around it, clinging to branches, swaying and stretching, torn shreds of fog, unclear, white, wander.
A strange sound suddenly echoes through the forest. It is long, low and seems to come out of the ground. (133 words)
(According to A. Kuprin)

Test dictations in Russian language grade 8 Test dictation on repetition at the beginning of the year Thunderstorm I remember a thunderstorm that caught us on the road. I sat with my mother in a wooden barn under a thatched roof. In the open gates, muddy from the pouring rain, lightning blazed in blue zigzags. My mother hastily crossed herself, hugging me tightly to her chest. I listened to the sound of the rain, to the heavy peals of thunder, to the ear-splitting crackling sound of blows, to the restless rustling of mice in the oat straw. Having risen, we saw a diamond mesh of rain at the gate, and through the transparent drops it was already shining, shimmering with rays , joyful summer sun. The father harnessed the horses, shiny from the rain, frightened by the thunderstorm, stepping impatiently and restlessly with their feet. The road lined with birches and washed by rain seemed even more cheerful. A multi-colored rainbow hung over the meadow, the bright sun sparkled on the backs of cheerfully running horses. I sat next to my father, looking at the road glistening with puddles, winding ahead, at the passing dark cloud, illuminated by the sun and still menacing, at the column of white smoke rising in the distance above the barn lit by a thunderstorm. I listened to the cheerful voices of birds in the washed, wonderful sunny world that opened up to me. (I. Sokolov-Mikitov) (153 words) Grammar task.

1. Choose 3-4 words with a structure similar to the word crossed.2. Underline the participles, highlight the suffixes in them, determine which type of participles were not met.3. Find two adjectives: qualitative and relative.4. Perform a syntactic analysis of the sentence with a participial phrase (I option) and with a participial phrase (II option). Test dictation for the first half of the year Volga There is a small pond on the edge of a young forest. An underground spring comes out of it. This pond is the cradle of the great Russian river. The Volga is born in swamps and bogs and from here it sets off on a long journey. Volga is a beauty. It passes through places that are amazingly beautiful and diverse in climate, plant cover and wildlife. The beauty of the Volga is glorified by the people in legends, and by poets and artists. From Rybinsk the Volga begins to turn southeast. Its low banks are covered with a green carpet of meadows and bushes. Picturesque hills alternate with valleys. These Volga landscapes have unique beauty and charm. Beyond Kostroma, both banks become mountainous, and the further you go, the more picturesque. The slope on the embankment near the old Kremlin wall in Nizhny Novgorod is one of the most beautiful places in the upper Volga. The nature of the Zhiguli Mountains is unique and picturesque. Zhiguli is the pearl of the Volga. Volga! This name is near and dear to millions of residents of our Motherland.Additional tasks1. Indicate the grammatical basis in the first four sentences, determine the type of predicate: First paragraph (1 option). Second paragraph (option 2)2. Parse the sentence: Zhiguli is the pearl of the Volga. (1 option) Volga is a beauty. (Option 2) Control dictation for the year On warm earth

As an experienced hunter, I am still joyfully excited and attracted by the vast expanses of Russian nature. Maybe that's why I'm interested in hunting. People who do not break their connection with nature do not feel lonely. Years pass, but a transformed, beautiful world is still revealed to them. As before, white and golden flowers sway above the head of the tired traveler, who lies down to rest, and a hawk circles high in the sky, looking for prey. After lying down in the fragrant grass, soft and tender, admiring the golden clouds frozen in the blue heavenly ocean, I rise with new strength from the warm native land. I return home to meet new working days, cheerful and renewed. A foggy curtain rises from the river, not yet warmed by the sun, but ahead is the expectation of something bright, clean, and beautiful. I don’t want to talk to anyone, I would just walk along my native land, stepping barefoot on the dew and feeling its warmth and freshness.

The Andes are the highest mountains of the American continent, cutting it from north to south. 4 They amaze with their changing landscapes. Here you will see unconquered peaks, peaks covered with eternal snow, and smoking volcanoes. In the west, the Pacific Ocean sparkles with turquoise; in the east, endless jungles, cut by a web of silver rivers, delight.

After a one-day stay in the capital of Peru, we fly in the direction of the lost city of the Incas. We take the train to a small town and walk through the eucalyptus forest to the village. Clay houses and thatched huts are reminiscent of ancient civilization. We try not to lose the path that disappears in places and winds upward.

A mysterious city appears in the distance, located on a rocky peak. After five hours of climbing, we pass through the heavy gates and enter the fortress located on the mountain. 4 On numerous terraces, connected by countless stairs, there is a stone world with streets and squares. The ancient city enchants us.

(121 words) (According to Ya. Palkevich.)

Grammar task

3. Do:

The Andes are the highest mountains of the American continent, cutting it from north to south. 4 (1 option);

After five hours of climbing, we go through heavy climbs and enter the fortress located on the mountain. 4 (option 2).

Control dictation for the first half of the year


At the edge of a young forest there is a small pond. An underground spring comes out of it. This pond is the cradle of the great Russian river. The Volga is born in swamps and bogs and from here it sets off on a long journey. Volga is a beauty. It passes through places that are amazingly beautiful and diverse in climate, plant cover and wildlife. The beauty of the Volga is glorified by the people in legends, and by poets and artists.

From Rybinsk the Volga begins to turn southeast. Its low banks are covered with a green carpet of meadows and bushes. Picturesque hills alternate with valleys. These Volga landscapes have unique beauty and charm. Beyond Kostroma, both banks become mountainous, and the further you go, the more picturesque. The slope on the embankment near the old Kremlin wall in Nizhny Novgorod is one of the most beautiful places in the upper Volga. The nature of the Zhiguli Mountains is unique and picturesque. Zhiguli is the pearl of the Volga.

Volga! This name is near and dear to millions of residents of our Motherland.

Additional tasks

1. Identify the grammatical basis in the first four sentences, determine the type of predicate:

First paragraph (1 option). Second paragraph (2nd option)

2. Parse the sentence:

Zhiguli is the pearl of the Volga.(1 option)

Volga is a beauty.(Option 2)


Lent was over, it was Holy Week. The weather was beautiful: the days were bright, quiet and warm. The snow was all covered with black tulle, and in some places large clearings appeared. The walkways, from which excess snow was occasionally shoveled in winter, were completely blackened and lay in black ribbons. But then you step out of the yard and plunge into the water. You could only drive on the highway. The peasants dug in the yards, adjusting the harrows and plows, the children passed streams that flowed into the river all the fruitful juices from the dung heaps piled up in the middle of the yard.

The smell of manure over the villages. In the middle of the day, it seemed that the yards were drowning. But it did not harm anyone: neither people nor animals. And the roosters, standing at the very top of the dung heaps of steaming manure, imagined themselves as some kind of priests. They pompously puffed up their feathers, shook their red combs and, throwing back their heads solemnly, exclaimed: “Long live spring!”

Take care of this rooster,” the man said to his wife, leaning on his pitchfork, pointing to the walking rooster. “This is a real bird, but that little one, the little one, needs to be slaughtered for the holiday.”

And the man, spitting on his hands, began picking with the pitchfork again.

(160 words) (According to N. Leskov.)

Grammar task

1 option

Option 2 is more difficult

Indicate the types of predicates


The walkways, from which excess snow was occasionally shoveled in winter, were completely blackened and lay in black ribbons.

They pompously puffed up their feathers, shook their red combs and, throwing back their heads solemnly, exclaimed: “Long live spring!”

Parsing a sentence

But it did not harm anyone: neither people nor animals.

And the roosters, standing at the very top of the dung heaps of steaming manure, imagined themselves as some kind of priests.

Good Wolf

That winter there was a young she-wolf in the pack, who had not forgotten her childish amusements. 4 During the day, the wolves, curled up in balls, dozed, and she jumped up, circled, trampling the snow, and woke up the old people. The wolves reluctantly rose, poked their cold noses at her, and she playfully snapped, biting their legs. The old she-wolves, curled up and not raising their heads, looked at the young prankster. 4

One night the she-wolf got up and ran into the field, and behind her, with their tongues hanging out, the old men began to shake. The wolves remained lying down, then they ran after the pack.

The wolves ran along the road, and shadows glided behind them, breaking in the snow. The snow sparkled like diamonds in the moonlight. The ringing of bells was heard from the village. It seemed as if the stars that had fallen from the sky began to ring as they rolled along the road. The wolves, belly-deep, retreated into the field and lay down, turning their muzzles towards the village.

(125 words) (According to I. Sokolov-Mikitov.)

Grammar task

  1. Write out examples of 3 different types of predicates from the text.
  2. Write down 3 different phrases and sort them out: from 1 paragraph (1 option); from 3 paragraphs (2nd option).

That winter there was a young she-wolf in the pack, who had not forgotten her childish amusements. 4 (1 option);

The old she-wolves, curled up and not raising their heads, looked at the young prankster. 4 (option 2).


The Duke received considerable pleasure by inviting Don Quixote and Sancho to the castle and being amused by their eccentricities. But Don Quixote began to be burdened by captivity and an idle life, believing that a real, and not an imaginary knight, when traveling, should not indulge in laziness and incessant amusements and sit with folded hands. That's why he asked permission to leave.

Having said goodbye to everyone early in the morning, Don Quixote, dressed in the same ridiculous armor, appeared in the square in front of the castle. 4 From the gallery, perplexed, barely restraining laughter, all the inhabitants of the castle were staring at him: the duke, the duchess, the courtiers... 4 Sitting on his gray, Sancho was delighted: the ducal steward handed him, without stinting, two hundred gold .

Having bowed politely to the Duke, as well as to everyone present, Don Quixote turned Rocinante and, accompanied by Sancho, rode out the gate into an open field, saying:

- Freedom, Sancho, is incomparable to any treasure!

(126 words) (According to M. de Cervantes.)

Grammar task

1. Write out examples of 3 different types of predicates from the text.

2. Write down 3 different phrases and sort them out: from 1 paragraph (1 option); from 3 paragraphs (2nd option).

3. Parse the sentence:

Having said goodbye to everyone early in the morning, Don Quixote, dressed in the same ridiculous armor, appeared in the square in front of the castle. 4 (1 option);

From the gallery, perplexed, barely holding back laughter, all the inhabitants of the castle stared at him: the Duke, Duchess, courtiers... 4 (2nd option).

Control dictation with grammar task

based on the results of the second quarter

The estate was all white, there were fluffy flakes on the trees, as if the garden had bloomed with white leaves again. A fire crackled in the large old fireplace, and everyone entering from the yard brought with them the freshness and smell of soft snow.

The poetry of the first winter day was accessible to the blind in its own way. Waking up in the morning, he always felt especially cheerful and recognized the arrival of winter by the stomping of people entering the kitchen, by the creaking of doors, by sharp, subtle smells, by the creaking of footsteps in the yard.

The frozen ground, covered with a fluffy, soft layer, became completely silent, but the air somehow became especially sensitive, clearly carrying over long distances the cry of a crow, the blow of an ax, and the light crack of a broken branch. From time to time a strange ringing sound was heard, as if from glass, rising to the highest notes and dying away in the distance. These were the boys throwing stones on the village pond, which was covered with a thin film of the first ice.

But the river near the mill, heavy and dark, still trickled through its fluffy banks and rustled at the sluices.

(160 words) (According to V.G. Korolenko “The Blind Musician.”)

Grammar task

1 option

Option 2 is more difficult

Write out the predicate

simple verb

compound nominal

Underline in the text

isolated circumstance

isolated definition

Write down 3 phrases of different types

from 1-2 paragraphs

from 4 paragraphs

Parsing a sentence

From time to time a strange ringing sound was heard, as if from glass, rising to the highest notes and dying away in the distance.

Having put on high hunting boots in the morning, he went to the mill, laying a loose trail along the paths.


The doll came out from behind the partition. She smiled, tilting her disheveled head to the side. Her hair was the color of the feathers of small gray birds. Her gray eyes sparkled with merriment. Now she seemed serious and attentive, but there was no trace of her sadness. On the contrary, they would say that she is a minx pretending to be modest.

Then further. Where did her former magnificent dress go, all that pink silk, golden roses, lace, sequins, fabulous outfit, which could make every girl look, if not like a princess, then, in any case, like a Christmas tree decoration? Now, imagine, the doll was dressed more than modestly. A blouse with a blue sailor collar, old shoes, gray enough not to be white. The shoes were worn on bare feet. Don’t think that this outfit makes the doll ugly. On the contrary, he suited her. There are such dirty things: at first you don’t deign to look at them, but then, looking more closely, you see that such a dirty thing is cuter than the princess.

But most importantly: remember, the doll of the heir Tutti had terrible black wounds on the chest. And now they have disappeared. It was a cheerful, healthy doll!

(160 words) (According to Yu. Olesha.)

Grammar task

1 option

Option 2 is more difficult

Indicate the types of predicates

Write down 3 phrases of different types

A blouse with a blue sailor collar, old shoes, gray enough not to be white.

There are such dirty things: at first you don’t deign to look at them, but then, looking more closely, you see that such a dirty thing is cuter than the princess.

Determine the type of one-part sentences in the text

Parsing a sentence

She smiled, tilting her disheveled head to the side.

Her hair was the color of the feathers of small gray birds.

Test dictation on repetition at the beginning of the year

Heavy thunderstorm

I remember the thunderstorm that caught us on the road.

I was sitting with my mother in a wooden shed under a thatched roof. In the open gates, muddy from the pouring rain, lightning blazed in blue zigzags. My mother hastily crossed herself, hugging me tightly to her chest. I listened to the sound of the rain, to the heavy peals of thunder, to the ear-splitting crash of blows, to the restless rustling of mice in the oat straw.

Having risen, we saw a diamond net of rain at the gate, and through the transparent drops the joyful summer sun was already shining, shimmering with rays.

The father harnessed the horses, shiny from the rain, frightened by the thunderstorm, and moving their feet impatiently and restlessly. The road lined with birches and washed by rain seemed even more cheerful. A multi-colored rainbow hung over the meadow, the bright sun sparkled on the backs of cheerfully running horses. I sat next to my father, looking at the road glistening with puddles, winding ahead, at the passing dark cloud, illuminated by the sun and still menacing, at the column of white smoke rising in the distance above the barn lit by a thunderstorm. I listened to the cheerful voices of birds in the washed, wonderful sunny world that opened up to me.

(I. Sokolov-Mikitov) (153 words)

Grammar task.

1. Choose 3-4 words with a similar word stepping overshih structure.

2. Underline the participles, highlight the suffixes in them, determine which type of participles were not found.

3. Find two adjectives: qualitative and relative.

4. Perform a syntactic analysis of the sentence with a participial phrase (Option I) and with a participial phrase (Option II).

Control dictation based on the results of the third quarter


Soon a path led to the right, onto a rather steep hill. We followed it and after half an hour we found ourselves in a pine forest. Flowering cocen. As soon as we hit a pine branch with a stick, a thick yellow cloud immediately surrounded us. Golden pollen slowly settled in the calm.

Just this morning, forced to live within four walls, spaced no more than five meters from each other, we suddenly got drunk from all this: from flowers, from the sun, smelling of resin and pine, from luxurious possessions, suddenly acquired for nothing us. The backpack was still holding me back, and Rosa either ran forward and shouted from there that there were lilies of the valley, then she went deeper into the forest and returned, frightened by a bird that had fluttered out from under her very feet.

Meanwhile, ahead, through the trees, water sparkled and soon led to a large lake. The lake was, one might say, without shores. There was thick, lush grass in a forest clearing, and suddenly, at the level of the same grass, water began to flow. It was as if a puddle had been filled with rain. It was thought that the grass also continued under the water and that it had been flooded recently and not for long. But through the yellowish water a dense sandy bottom was visible, going deeper and deeper, making the lake water blacker.

(155 words) (According to V.A. Soloukhin.)

Grammar task:

1. Determine the type of one-part simple sentences, including complex ones: 1 paragraph - 1 option; 3 paragraph - 2 option.

2. Parse the sentence:

1 option - Meanwhile, ahead, through the trees, water sparkled and soon led to a large lake.

Option 2 - But through the yellowish water a dense sandy bottom was visible, going deeper and deeper, making the lake water blacker.

3. Write down different types of complications from the text.

Control dictation for the year

Warm earth

As an experienced hunter, I am still joyfully excited and attracted by the vast expanses of Russian nature. Maybe that's why I'm interested in hunting.

People who do not break their connection with nature do not feel lonely. Years pass, but a transformed, beautiful world is still revealed to them. As before, white and golden flowers sway above the head of the tired traveler, who lies down to rest, and a hawk circles high in the sky, looking for prey.

After lying down in the fragrant grass, soft and tender, admiring the golden clouds frozen in the blue heavenly ocean, I rise with new strength from the warm native land. I return home to meet new working days, cheerful and renewed. A foggy curtain rises from the river, not yet warmed by the sun, but ahead is the expectation of something bright, clean, and beautiful.

I don’t want to talk to anyone, I would just walk along my native land, stepping barefoot on the dew and feeling its warmth and freshness.

Final test (8th grade)
Option one
1.Copy down the text “On the Warm Earth”, insert the missing letters and punctuation marks,
based on the learned rules. The work lasts 20 minutes.
On warm earth
As an experienced hunter, I’m still happy...but I’m excited and attracted by the vast expanses
Russian nature. Maybe that’s why I’m interested in hunting.
People (not) breaking ties with nature do not feel lonely. Years go by but (by)
A transformed, beautiful world is (still) revealed to them. (Still) above your head
of a tired traveler lying down to rest, white and golden flowers are swaying high in the sky
A hawk circles looking for prey.
After lying down in the fragrant grass, soft and tender, admiring the golden clouds frozen in
On the blue heavenly ocean I rise with new strength from the warm native land. Coming home
towards new working days, cheerful and renewed. From the river not yet warmed by the sun
a dark curtain is rising, but (in) ahead there is an expectation of something bright, pure and beautiful.
(With no one)
(I don’t) want to say so and would walk across my native land, stepping barefoot on the dew and feeling it
warmth and freshness.
2. Read the text and complete tasks A1A3, B1B12. The work is designed for 20
(1) We are entering a century in which education, knowledge, professional skills will play
determining role in human destiny. (2) Without knowledge, by the way, which is becoming more and more complicated, simply
It will be impossible to work and be useful. (3) For physical labor will be taken over by machines,
robots. (4) Even calculations will be done by computers, as well as drawings, calculations,
reports, planning. (5) A person will bring in new ideas, think about things he hasn’t thought about
a machine can think.
(6) And for this, a person’s general intelligence, his ability
create something new and, of course, a moral responsibility that he cannot bear in any way
(7) Teaching is what a young man now needs from a very young age. (8)
You always need to learn. (9) Until the end of their lives, they not only taught, but also studied
greatest scientists. (10) If you stop learning, you won’t be able to teach. (11) For knowledge grows, everything
time getting more complicated.
(12) It must be remembered that the most favorable time for learning is youth. (13)
It is in youth, in childhood, in adolescence, in adolescence, that the human mind is most receptive. (14)
And here I hear the young man’s heavy sigh: what a boring life you have
offer to our youth! (15) Just study. (16) Where is the rest and entertainment? (17) Well
us, and not rejoice? (18) No! (19) Acquiring skills and knowledge is the same sport. (20)
Teaching is difficult when we do not know how to find joy in it. (21) You must love learning and forms
choose smart ones for recreation and entertainment that can also teach us something, develop something in us
(D.S. Likhachev)
will be needed

A1. Which sentence contains the MAIN THOUGHT OF THE TEXT?
1) 1; 2) 5; 3) 8; 4) 9

A2. Which of the statements is NOT REFLECTED in the content of the text?
1) Computers will work on the development and implementation of new ideas.
2) You need to study at any age.
3) The knowledge that humanity possesses is constantly expanding and becoming more complex.
4) Recreation and entertainment can also contribute to human development.
A3. Which interpretation of the word INTELLIGENCE(6) is correct?
1) knowledge of foreign languages;
2) education, broad outlook, high level of morality;
3) outstanding abilities, talent;
4) the ability to quickly find a common language and make acquaintances with other people.
IN 1. From sentences 1421, write down

AT 2. From sentences 16, write down

, in which the spelling of the prefix depends on its
AT 3. From sentences 611 you will write down

“The soft sign after sibilants is written in 2nd person singular verbs.”
, the spelling of which is determined by the rule:
Q 4. From sentences 46, write down

that it has the suffix –ENN(ONN).
, in which two letters are written -H, because
Q 5. Determine the type of one-part sentence No. 15. Write

l; Bl; or nominative).
abbreviated (Ol; N
Q 6. Among 1013 sentences, find a sentence complicated by SEPARATE


Q 7. From sentence 3, write down

With the type of connection of the words MANAGEMENT.
Q 8. Replace the phrase IN THE DESTINY OF A MAN (sentence 1), built on the basis
the result
control, a synonymous phrase with the coordination connection. Write

Q 9. Among sentences 27, find sentences that include INTRODUCTORY WORDS AND
OFFERS. Write them

Q 10. Among the 1216 sentences, indicate the one in which there are HOMOGENEOUS CIRCUMSTANCES.
Write it

Q 11. Determine the TYPE OF PREDICATE in sentence 4. Write.