A selection of countries with interesting ideas for everyday life. Numerology and choosing a country for travel. Where is the best place to go on vacation? Which country is more suitable for holidays and travel?

They say that you can learn something good from every person. What if we move to a larger scale? After all, certain experience of one country can be very useful....
They say that you can learn something good from every person. What if we move to a larger scale? After all, certain experience of one country can be very useful for others.

We propose to take a virtual trip around the world and take note of the wonderful rules from around the world.

1. Air train, new police officers and sleeping anywhere, China

In China, a new Sky Train railway was created in 4 months. The train, which looks like everyone's favorite Chengdu panda, travels on a monorail. The train can accommodate 230 passengers and reaches speeds of up to 60 km/h. The train is designed for small cities. Construction of the overhead network is faster than metro stations and tunnels: the construction of the line takes 3–5 months.

In the province of Xinjiang they are seriously considering using geese. Thanks to the feathered brigade, they managed to prevent the theft of a motorcycle from the site: the thief poisoned the guard dogs and climbed over the fence, but his way was blocked by 20 “fighting” geese, and the duty officer came running in response to the noise. Scientists say that these birds have potential: panoramic vision, good hearing and aggression in case of danger.

How do they do this? The Chinese have already become famous throughout the world for their ability to fall asleep anywhere. There was even a website “Sleeping Chinese” created, where photos of all the stars of this genre are collected.

2. Absolute victory over garbage waste, Switzerland

In Zurich, 43% of waste is recycled. There are containers everywhere for collecting cardboard, metal, and glass; there are even above-ground bins. The rest of the garbage is thrown away in white bags for € 1.5. Everyone is interested in having fewer of these packages, and they sort them more carefully. The garbage is burned, and the resulting energy is used to heat 170 thousand houses. In this case, the smoke is cleaned and comes out of the pipes harmlessly.

The ashes are taken outside the city, where metals, including gold, are extracted from them. There is also a message on the containers: “noisy” garbage (glass, metal) can be thrown away from 7:00 to 20:00, and on weekends it is completely prohibited. By following these rules, you show respect to yourself and your neighbors.

3. Advanced transportation and service systems, Japan

“Bullet Train” first surprised the world in 1964 at the Tokyo Olympics. He was racing at a speed of 210 km/h. Today, the new Shinkansen are breaking all records, reaching a maximum of 603 km/h during testing. JR Central plans to release these compounds by 2027. As a result, 280 km can be covered in 40 minutes or less.

Robots have become something everyday for many Japanese. At the cafe they will prepare pancakes for you, and at the hotel they will offer you fresh linen. But the most amazing thing is that robots put people who cannot walk on their feet.

The Japanese managed to create an exoskeleton. “We want to show the world that robots are the future,” say the developers of HAL (Hybrid Assistive Limb). All tests were successful. By the way, a person does not need to constantly press something; the robotic legs “walk”, receiving impulses from the human muscles.

4. City of the Future, South Korea

Ultrametropolis on an artificial island? Why not. The Songdo “smart city” was built from scratch 65 km from Seoul near the airport. The main idea is technology for comfort. Residents own a smart card to receive all kinds of services and free travel. The entire city is connected to the data system, cars have RFID tags - this is how information is received about situations on the road, the condition of houses, etc.

In addition to skyscrapers, water canals, exhibition centers and 4G Internet, there are parks, bike paths, charging stations for electric vehicles, etc. And 8 city systems have been created: a pneumatic garbage chute with automatic sorting, a super-efficient water supply system, a “smart” energy grid, etc. The city has been declared free economic zone.

5. Maggie Daly Playground, USA

This children's park in Chicago is every child's dream. On an area of ​​1.2 hectares, all kinds of corners were created for children of different ages. So, in “Gavan” there are lighthouse slides, telescopes and a whale splashing with water. There are climbing walls everywhere, and the safe rubberized terrain imitates hills and waves.

In the Rolling Crater you will find a bunch of slides, as well as the much-loved towers with a huge suspension bridge. Everyone here will enjoy the “Talking Tubes” entertainment - from the tower you can chat with those below.

There's mini golf, a mirror maze, and a spinning boulder that even a little one can turn.

And the popular attraction “The Sea” invites you onto the deck of a ship with a steering wheel, ladders, ropes and nets.

Picnics are arranged on the lawns, and plants are planted for all seasons. For example, in winter, a skating rink is built in the climbing wall area for older children and adults.

And in the Enchanted Forest, little ones will find paths among upside-down trees leading to a tea table. The atmosphere is fabulous, it’s not for nothing that the designers took inspiration from “Alice in Wonderland” and the film “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”.

6. The best roads in the world, Germany

Autobahns in Germany are synonymous with perfection. They serve without repair for 30–50 years, and the repair itself is more like building from scratch. The technology resembles a layer cake: frost-resistant base, geotextiles, cement reinforcement, cement concrete coating and “glaze” - diamond milling or a layer of concrete with aggregate.

A team of workers starts about 1 km a day starting at 5 am. All labor-intensive processes are carried out by road equipment, and people control them. By the way, thanks to technology it was possible to reduce not only the noise level of such roads, but also the cost.

These eco-friendly routes do not emit toxic gases when heated, reflect 3 times more light at night, and the level of safety is so high that 50% of the roads have only the recommended speed limit.

8. New look for buildings, Austria

The Kunsthaus in Graz is called the “Friendly Alien”. It stands out impressively against the background of tiled roofs of old buildings. According to the designers, this is a kind of dialogue between tradition and avant-garde. And if at first the idea seemed strange, now the Museum of Modern Art is a symbol of the city.

The Spittelau incineration plant is the creation of Friedensreich Hundertwasser. The architect put forward a number of requirements so that the Vienna plant emits a minimum of harmful substances. And only when I was convinced that this was possible, I started the project.

Today, more than 60 thousand apartments near the plant are heated with energy from the Heating Plant, and tourists always note it on their walks.

9. Plastic money, Australia

In Australia, since 1988, they have forgotten about taped banknotes. They were replaced by banknotes made of plastic. They were released to mark the 200th anniversary of the European settlement of the continent. Durable and waterproof money immediately took root. But the Reserve Bank did not stop there - today animation has also appeared on banknotes.

By the way, their practical approach has long been adopted by New Zealand, Romania, New Guinea, Vietnam, Brunei, Canada, and the Maldives. More than 20 countries are also switching to new banknotes, including Israel, Mexico and the UK.

10. Road zebra crossing 3D, Iceland

Isafjordur decided to make more effective markings for pedestrian crossings. Artists made ordinary stripes look voluminous. And so talented that at first glance it seems to everyone as if they were suspended in the air.

The local environmental commissioner came up with the idea. Ralph Trull once saw such innovation in India. As practice has shown, drivers notice such a zebra much faster than a regular one.

11. Marriage contract and electricity from the waves, Brazil

In Brazil, when submitting an application, they will definitely ask what kind of marriage contract the couple chooses. There are 3 options. The first is that the property of the spouses acquired before and after marriage is divided equally, the second is that only the property acquired after marriage is divided, and the third option is that the spouses do not divide what they acquired before and after marriage. It seems that this innovation will only benefit romantic Brazilians.

As for energy, the country is 90% supplied by alternative sources. Brazil was also one of the first to begin converting energy from waves. By the way, the potential here is great, because the length of the coastline is 8,000 km.

12. Greenhouse evolution, Netherlands

The Netherlands is the undisputed leader in innovation. At the high-tech campus in Eindhoven, one patentable invention is created approximately every 20 minutes! In addition, this small country ranks 2nd in food exports. It produces 2.5 times more food per acre of land than other countries.

The Netherlands is also a champion in the production of tomatoes and onions, and the state also owns half of the world flower market.

The main “engine” of farmers is greenhouses. They are everywhere here: gigantic outside the city, 9-story in the metropolis, compact in houses. Over the past 20 years, farmers have reduced their dependence on water by 90% and eliminated pesticides.

Farmers follow the developments of Wageningent University, which has become the agricultural tax of Silicon Valley in Food Valley. Thus, in the Duijvestijn Tomaten complex, 15 varieties of tomatoes are grown on basalt fiber.

And innovator Jan Koppert sells in 95 countries bags of ladybug larvae (to defeat aphids), bottles of mites that eat mites on plants, and bumblebees and butterflies for pollination. Farmers unanimously say that thanks to this, the harvest has increased by 30%.

All agriculture in the Netherlands is organized in the spirit of the 21st century. The principle is simple: produce more food using less land and energy. This is very important for planet Earth, because approximately by 2050 its population will reach 10 billion.

Which rules did you find most useful? Share with us in the comments.

Planning a vacation, on the one hand, is a pleasant procedure, but on the other hand, it’s exciting: worrying about where to go to make your vacation memorable for a long time, and at the same time spending an affordable amount of money. Again, who is better to relax with - with best friends, family or alone. In general, there are many questions, but the answer is one and it lies in numerology.

By turning to this science, you can always plan the best vacation for both yourself and the whole family. So, numerology and choosing a country for travel: where is it better to go on vacation to make it unforgettable and impeccable.

First of all, you need to calculate the number of birth, for example, a person was born on 06/01/1975, which means: 1+6+1+9+7+5=29=2+9=11=1+1=2. So, the number of birth is 2. He is planning a vacation in 2015, which means we calculate the annual number: 2+1+5=8. Now the number of birth and the number of the year must be added: 8+2=10=1. This number is the numerology travel number for 2015.

Which country is more suitable for holidays and travel:

It is better for you to spend your vacation alone or with your significant other in a warm country; it is advisable to plan it in winter or early spring. This time of year is perfect for your tired nerves. The choice of country depends entirely on personal preferences - a sea or mountain holiday in the countries of East Asia is what you need.

You will get the happiest and most unforgettable vacation by visiting the countries of Western Europe. It can be done both with children and with work colleagues. It’s better to leave your other half at home; it’s time for you to take a break from each other. Of course, if you are used to always relaxing together, then this will be difficult, but at least take at least one excursion that you can visit alone.

This year you will feel comfortable and sincere in a large company, regardless of your chosen climate, country, or financial capabilities. It can be either a dacha in a village or the Mediterranean Sea; what matters most is the people who surround you.

Have you long dreamed of exotic things? Now the time has come when you need to follow your deepest desire: Thailand, Cuba, UAE, Maldives, Bali - these are the countries that can lift your spirits. You can go there either alone or with loved ones, the main thing is that you are on the same wavelength.

This year you will not only have a rest, but also be able to make the necessary contacts if you go on vacation to Canada or the USA. This is where you will meet influential people on whom your future and the future of your business may depend. And don’t worry that the flight will take a long time - it will be great!

It is better for you not to travel outside your country this year - illnesses or personal problems may begin. As for the company, with whom to go on vacation, it is best to do this with a loved one or parents; it is advisable to leave the children at home during this time - after all, you are going to relax and not be nervous?

Your girlfriend or boyfriend has already decided where to go, listen to them, and your vacation will be the best. And don’t worry about how your family will perceive that you will spend your vacation without them. They won't mind and even vice versa!

The islands are waiting for you! There you will improve your health and have an active rest. Women will be able to lose weight, and men will be able to get into excellent physical shape. Changing your diet and lifestyle will only benefit everyone.

If you are one of the creative people, then visit Iceland, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Austria. There you can discover a lot for yourself and use it for future creations. If you are a pragmatic person, then visit the countries of North Africa, here you will get a lot of unforgettable impressions.

Do you want to go on a trip but can’t decide which country to go to? Trust chance and our country generator.

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Where to go on vacation: our country generator will help you make a choice

Not sure where to go on your next vacation or weekend? Warm countries near the sea, mountains or desert? Everything seems equally attractive, especially if you are not too worried about the budget for the trip. You are free to choose any direction, but which one?

We invite you to use our world country generator. You can completely rely on the random selection of a country by checking the “Any” box, or determine the priority part of the world - Europe, Asia, Africa, North or South America, Australia and Oceania.

By choosing an option, in a split second you will receive an answer - where to go on vacation? You will also immediately get acquainted with basic information about the country of the world selected by the generator - its location, population, climate, cuisine, main attractions and other nuances important for tourists.

Do you want, just read interesting information about the countries of the world, test yourself - do you know all the countries of the world? Surely, using the generator you will be able to learn a lot of new things about the countries you know, or discover completely new names.