Where is Tanzania (Zanzibar) located on the world map. Where is Tanzania (Zanzibar) on the world map Zanzibar Island: where is it

Unforgettable impressions will give you a holiday in one of the brightest and most intense tourist regions East Africa– . This wonderful country is rich amazing fauna And flora, and known from children's poems about Aibolit, is an unspoken symbol of the state. And, of course, speaking about, it is simply impossible not to mention the island, which, although it belongs to the territory of the country, retains some autonomy in some matters. For example, it has its own president and parliament, and the population of Zanzibar considers themselves primarily Zanzibaris. The culture here, although similar to Tanzanian, has its own unique features.

general information

In general, Zanzibar is an archipelago near Africa, headed by an island of the same name. What is characteristic is main city has the same name, although it is popularly called . By opening a geographic atlas, you can easily find out where Zanzibar is located - it is located in the Indian Ocean, just 40 km from the mainland. Somewhat earlier, the island bore the name Unguja, and it was inhabited by immigrants from the East - Arabs, Persians, Indians. This mixture of cultures has given rise to its own, exclusively Zanzibar spirit and flavor.

The island has a tropical climate, it is almost always sunny, very humid and a little stuffy. The average temperature is +26...+27 °C, but in the hot season it can reach 36 °C. From October to November and from April to May there is a rainy season here, so it is better not to plan during this period.

Nature in Zanzibar abounds with various species of animals and plants. A considerable part of the territory is devoted to plantations of nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger, cloves and other spices. In addition, the wealth and beauty of Zanzibar by no means ends with land life - the local undersea world like a separate planet, overgrown with corals and inhabited by a wide variety of inhabitants.

Entertainment and relaxation

Hotels in Zanzibar

There is no shortage of choice. There is a haven here for every taste and budget: you can live right on the coast or in the very center of Stone Town. Dhow Palace Hotel is located in historical building Built in 1559, near the center of the Stone Town. For guests on the roof of the building there is a terrace with excellent panoramic views of the city and the ocean, as well as an outdoor swimming pool. Tembo House Hotel is located at the water's edge, in close proximity from the Old Fort and the House of Wonders. The rooms are furnished in Swahili style and are equipped with air conditioning. An outdoor swimming pool is available to guests. Budget tourists on the island of Zanzibar will be warmly welcomed by the Summer Dream Lodge and Savanna and Ocean hostels.

Restaurants and cuisine in Zanzibar

Since spices are held in high esteem on the island, the dishes are mostly spicy and aromatic. The diet in Zanzibar is dominated by a large amount of seafood, fish and exotic fruits. In addition, here you can try very original types of meat - antelope fillet or elephant meat. If you want to test your courage and determination, Zanzibar also serves fried locusts and termites. As a side dish local residents they prefer rice, ugali porridge or unsweetened bananas, similar to potatoes.

Among the restaurants in Zanzibar there are establishments that also serve familiar dishes of European cuisine. However, you should approach your choice carefully, preferably after consulting with a guide. The majority of restaurants are located in the Stone Town area. Among the establishments on the island are Tea House Restaurant, Emerson Spice, House of Spices. Here you will find the best combination of price and quality with good service.

Note to tourists
  1. Do not forget that Islam is widespread in Zanzibar. Although they call the island “a Muslim country with English rules,” one should not neglect the rules of decency. If you are invited to visit by local residents, remember that you should not pay much attention to the hostess of the house, and also not touch the children. It is better to eat food with your right hand; when entering the house, you must take off your shoes. And in general, you should behave modestly and with restraint, and it is better not to visit without a guide.
  2. Tap water in Zanzibar is unsuitable for drinking, making ice or brushing teeth. It needs to be boiled first, but it is best to buy bottled, carefully checking the reliability of the packaging.
  3. When planning a holiday in Zanzibar, you must take into account the fact that before arriving on the island you need to be vaccinated against yellow fever, and you should definitely take anti-malaria medication throughout your stay.
  4. Snakes also pose a serious danger to tourists on the island. Although they react and quickly crawl away when a person approaches, you should still be extremely careful so as not to spoil your vacation.
  5. You should definitely carry swim slippers with you to the beach. On the coast of Zanzibar there are a large number sea ​​urchins, some of which may be poisonous. In addition, the water also carries coral fragments ashore, which, if stepped on, can injure your foot.
Tourist safety

As for safety in the city, caution is also a good idea here. Although the locals seem friendly and smiling, it is better not to carry large sums of money or jewelry with you. Also leave the original documents in your hotel room - you can carry copies with you. You should not take walks at night on deserted streets.

Experienced travelers recommend taking note of a few small notes that will significantly improve your comfort on vacation. Firstly, you should look for rooms with air conditioning - this is the only way to escape the local heat. Secondly, it is strongly recommended to take with you various types of mosquito sprays and coils - even if your home is equipped with mosquito nets, these things will protect you from annoying insects on the street. And one more point that is worth considering is the adapters for the socket.

How to get to Zanzibar?

There are no direct flights to the island. You need to get to the mainland, and from there fly to the local one on small corn planes. Tickets can be booked separately, but it is much cheaper to book seats immediately on the “air route” to the island. The flight time will be about half an hour.

As exotic as the name Zanzibar is for a Russian person, the location of the island of Zanzibar on the world map is just as interesting.

First of all, Zanzibar is an archipelago that consists of 75 islands. This archipelago is located in the Indian Ocean near Eastern Shore Africa. Zanzibar is an autonomous part of Tanzania with its own parliament and president.

Of the 75 islands of the archipelago, only 2 islands are large - Pemba and Unguja. The island of Unguja is the largest, and is known throughout the world as Zanzibar, but if you want to emphasize the island in a conversation, then it is better to say Unguja, since the locals using the word Zanzibar believe that we are talking about the whole archipelago.

The history of Zanzibar is very interesting and contains many educational facts. For example: the shortest war took place right here, in the capital of Zanzibar - Stone Town - the legend of the world stage, the leader of the group Queen, Freddie Mercury, was born and raised. Read more about this link.

Zanzibar on the world map:

Looking at the map, Zanzibar is located just below the equator in the southern hemisphere. This means that here December, January, February are summer, and June, July, August are winter. Although the seasons here are relative, since in the coldest month of the year the average daily temperature is +27, and in the hottest +33.

The poor inhabitants of the island, they know exactly what stability is. The weather forecast for the day is completely useless for them. 320 sunny days year with the same temperature.

The sky is like this 10 months a year.
On one of our trips we lived on an island during the rainy season. It was like this for 5 weeks in a row.

I am often asked: how long does it take to fly to Zanzibar? I always answer - for a long time. But there is also good news. Firstly, if you look at Zanzibar on the world map, you can see that from Moscow to Zanzibar is not much further than from Moscow to India, and even closer than from Moscow to Thailand or Indonesia.

And a very important advantage of traveling to Tanzania is the same time zone with Moscow and Minsk. You will not have jet lag, and it is also very convenient to communicate with parents or friends during the trip, and upon return you will not suffer from a shift in your internal clock, since the daily routine is not disrupted. Further on the link you can read all the information about.

Jet lag is a traveler's illness associated with frequent time zone changes. In Zanzibar he does not threaten you.

Over the past few years, holidays on Unguca have been gaining popularity among European tourists and this is no longer a gray spot on the world map, but a full-fledged tourist destination. Luxurious hotels are being built, infrastructure is being developed, services provided to tourists on the archipelago are being developed, but this is not yet that resort in the full sense of the word, but give the Zanzibaris another 5 years and the result will surprise us all.

Airlines also keep up with the times, and if 2 years ago it was possible to get to Zanzibar only from African countries, today you can fly to Zanzibar airport with a minimum number of connections and at very attractive prices from several European cities, from Kiev, from Moscow, from Istanbul, from Doha, from Dubai.

Once you have a crazy idea in your head to visit Zanzibar, and you have already received the first information about the island, its location on the map, climate, weather, the next question appears: what kind of beaches and hotels are there?

The beaches on the island are amazing, some are deserted for many kilometers, some have high tides, some have emerald water. There are beaches where people go for snorkeling, there are beaches where hundreds of kiters gather, there are beaches where they watch the sunrise, and there are beaches where they watch the sunset. We have visited all the beaches and now we can say that choosing a beach must be approached responsibly, since they are very different and are intended for different purposes.

  • Jambiani beach
  • Paje beach
  • Kizimkazi beach
  • Nungwi beach
  • Kendwa beach
  • Matemwe beach
  • Pwani Mchangani beach

And at the end: in Zanzibar great holiday, this is exoticism in its purest form. The diseases and infections that exist in Africa and in particular on the mainland of Tanzania have long been absent here. Today they are no longer needed, subject to certain conditions. This country is open and safe for travelers.

In conclusion: Zanzibar is no longer a gray spot on the world map, it is open and accessible to everyone. Discover new countries, travel and enjoy it.

Have a magical and unforgettable holiday!

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: below are the main resources without which you cannot organize your holiday in Zanzibar (immediately add what you need to your bookmarks):

Air travel:– the cheapest tickets to Zanzibar via Istanbul, Dubai, Doha or Muscat.

Ready tours: — tours to Zanzibar from 60,000 rubles. (You can find a direct charter Moscow - Zanzibar)

Hotels:– hotels on the island with 50% discounts, work with Booking, Ostrovok, Trivago.

Villas, bungalows and hotels on the first line:- There are exclusive options at great prices.

Car rental:- the world leader in car rental, in Zanzibar too.

Extended medical insurance: — cooperate directly with the Zanzibar hospital and clinic. When purchasing insurance, you will receive a free online consultation with a doctor 24/7 during your trip!

Jumbo! It’s time to talk about my trip to East Africa, namely Tanzania. True, I never visited the very center of the state. I spent 11 days relaxing on the island of Zanzibar, which is famous for its sandy beaches. I'll tell you the truth and my opinion about this place. Maybe someone thinks differently, but this is my blog and since you are reading it, it means you are interested in my opinion.

You do not need to apply for a visa in advance. When we arrived in Zanzibar, right at the airport we needed to fill out migration card and pay $50. And not in cash, but only MasterCard or Visa. Fortunately, there was money on the card and I warned the bank about my trip abroad. Currency conversion into dollars upon payment was carried out automatically.

Vaccinations are not required, and no one has checked them (but if you want to visit Tanzania itself, and not on the island, then it is better to do so). Actually, they didn’t really check anything at the border. They are stupidly lazy. Paste the visa, put a stamp and go for a walk.

Food, fruit and prices

In restaurants, the food is no different from Russia (some even have menus in Russian, due to the large influx of Russian tourists). Moderately salty and spicy. Most of all, of course, seafood dishes. Shrimp, squid, octopus and lobster for every taste and size. And a huge portion of side dish definitely guarantees that you will be full.

Prices in dollars: juice 1.5$, beer 2$, soup 4$, pasta 7$, grilled lobster and squid from 10$.

Fruits: pineapples, mangoes, passion fruits, lychees, papaya, watermelons, bananas, oranges, etc.

Prices for tourists are random, whatever comes to mind (from $3 to $7). We always bargained at 50%, and in 99% of cases it was successful.

Nature and ocean

Nature has generously rewarded this area. Beautiful sandy beaches, palm trees.. What to tell, look at the photo.


There are not many excursions, but they are great! We were in Stone Town and went to Prison Island. Both excursions are awesome!

Of course, Stone Town cannot be called a city of contrasts. Everything is gray, small streets where there is a smell of fish. The guide barely speaks Russian and English languages and simply leads you along a given route. But even so, there is a great opportunity to get to know the city and feel its atmosphere.

Prison Island was also impressive. Huge ageless turtles (they lack the aging gene) that are more than 200 years old! Prison for slaves, peacocks and other living creatures! Pristine beaches right on the ocean!

Local life

Every morning fishermen catch great amount fish, both for the family and for sale, because there is nothing else to do. By lunchtime, a huge number of boats arrive in one place and the packing of the spoils begins. Some people beat squid and octopus on the sand to make them taste softer, others cut huge fish into small pieces for better transportation. The spectacle is very unusual.

Communication and Internet

There is a connection, it’s already good. As far as we understand, there are only 2 operators. A sim card costs $20. It includes 10 GB of traffic and a number of minutes (I don’t know exactly). That is, 1 GB costs about 128 rubles. Which is very expensive. People practically don’t have computers because they are very expensive and due to people’s lack of education, few people know English.

One day on the street I was asked (with gestures) to update WhatsApp because it wouldn’t open. All you had to do was update it in the Play Store. But they couldn't because they didn't understand how. Strange right?)

Education. Pensions.

Education here is good, but long. In total, 14 years of schooling take place. Primary school is free, then there is a fee. A local guy told us about this, who completed his studies with excellent marks and was sent to university in Moscow (!for free). There he learned Russian. His favorite phrase is “Careful, the doors are closing! Next station, Belyaevo”))) I returned back because it’s better in my homeland. O_o

There are no pensions if you haven't worked for a while. A most of residents and does not work. Only fish and possibly livestock (very expensive). And there’s really nowhere to work.

Where is Zanzibar? Coordinates, map and photo.

Therefore, if you are lazy, you will live in a house made of sticks and clay all your life. And if you have a goal in life and strive for it, then you can build it from foam blocks and even paint it :)


They are the indigenous people of Kenya and Tanzania, or to be more precise, a tribe. These are long, elongated men with a sword and a brand on their face. They are considered the richest tribe, as they raise a lot of livestock! Almost nothing is spent on sale, everything goes to feed the tribe. Their difference is that they try to maintain the “ancient” way of life and move away from civilization. This is difficult for them! Many people walk around with mobile phones.

For tourists it's like business card Tanzania and Zanzibar. For a fee, they are ready to carry your things, guard you, show you the area and provide other services.


We really enjoyed! A little dirty - but what nature! This is Africa! Hakuna Matata!

UPD: how much did I spend (at the request of readers)

The trip cost 130,000 rubles for two. It includes round-trip flights, 4* hotel and meals (breakfast only). We were very happy about this because we didn’t have to go back to the hotel to have lunch. Restaurants on the shore serve delicious food for tourists!

In addition to the voucher, we spent another 60,000 rubles. For excursions, photo sessions, food and souvenirs.

Total 190,000 rubles in 11 days! Everyone would like to live like this)

Tanzania Zanzibar where is it located

Download file - Tanzania Zanzibar where it is located

An unforgettable experience will be provided by a vacation in one of the brightest and most intense tourist regions of East Africa - Tanzania. This wonderful country is rich in amazing fauna and flora, and Mount Kilimanjaro, known from children’s poems about Aibolit, is an unspoken symbol of the state. And, of course, speaking about Tanzania, it is simply impossible not to mention Zanzibar - an island that, although it belongs to the territory of the country, retains some autonomy in some matters. For example, it has its own president and parliament, and the population of Zanzibar considers themselves primarily Zanzibaris. The culture here, although similar to Tanzanian, has its own unique features. In general, Zanzibar is an archipelago near Africa, headed by an island of the same name. Tellingly, the main city bears the same name, although it is popularly called Stone Town. By opening a geographic atlas, you can easily find out where Zanzibar is located - it is located in the Indian Ocean, just 40 km from the Tanzania mainland. Somewhat earlier, the island bore the name Unguja, and it was inhabited by immigrants from the East - Arabs, Persians, Indians. This mixture of cultures has given rise to its own, exclusively Zanzibar spirit and flavor. The island has a tropical climate, it is almost always sunny, very humid and a little stuffy. From October to November and from April to May there is a rainy season, so it is better not to plan a trip to Zanzibar during this period. Nature in Zanzibar abounds with various species of animals and plants. A considerable part of the territory is devoted to plantations of nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger, cloves and other spices. In addition, the wealth and beauty of Zanzibar does not end with terrestrial life - the local underwater world is like a separate planet, overgrown with corals and inhabited by a wide variety of inhabitants. Not in Tanzania better place for a holiday than on the island of Zanzibar. A variety of excursions are organized here. For example, if you wish, you can visit spice plantations. Zanzibar has about 25 beaches that will satisfy the needs of even the most demanding travelers. The sand here is white and fine, and the water is azure and crystal clear. Rest assured, it is on this island that a considerable part of those photographs are taken, which, seeing on the Internet, we think are photoshopped. In addition, Zanzibar is among the top five in the ranking of the best beaches in the world. As mentioned earlier, there is a very rich underwater world around the island. Therefore, one of the most popular activities in Zanzibar is diving. Visibility under water is about m, which allows you to easily observe fish, giant crabs, moray eels, stingrays, and various inhabitants of coral reefs. Favorite places divers are the reefs of Boribo and Morogo, where the well-known Turtle Cave is located and the giant manta ray lives, as well as the space between the islands of Pange and Bawe, at the depths of which lies a sunken ship. The hallmark of the island is Stone Town - the Stone City, which was built by the Sultan of Zanzibar at the beginning of the 20th century. Today he is an object world heritage UNESCO. In the small area of ​​Stone Town there are 51 mosques, 6 Hindu temples and 2 Catholic churches. In addition, there are many other buildings built from coral reefs, and the Arab Old Fort is the most interesting. But the most important feature of Stone Town is more than five hundred different carved doors, upholstered in brass, which symbolize the gates to the heart of the city. The island of Prizon, also known as Prison Island, also receives a lot of attention from tourists. But what interests travelers is not the casemates that can be found here, but the giant land turtles. Many years ago they were brought here from Seychelles, and now they have fully populated the island. Speaking about the sights of Zanzibar, we can safely include the Jozani forest in this category. In fact, this is an entire protected area in the southeast of the island. Here you can find a considerable number of monkeys. Red colobus monkeys are quite peaceful animals and do not show any aggression towards tourists. Among the museums on the island one can note National Museum , the Natural History Museum, and the Palace Museum. In addition to the above attractions, Zanzibar is rich in many others, including the Anglican Church, Livingstone House and many others. There is no shortage of accommodation options on the island. There is a haven here for every taste and budget: Dhow Palace Hotel is located in a historic building in the city. For guests on the roof of the building there is a terrace with excellent panoramic views of the city and the ocean, as well as an outdoor swimming pool. Tembo House Hotel is located on the water's edge, very close to the Old Fort and the House of Wonders. The rooms are furnished in Swahili style and are equipped with air conditioning. An outdoor swimming pool is available to guests. Budget tourists on the island of Zanzibar will be warmly welcomed by the Summer Dream Lodge and Savanna and Ocean hostels. Since spices are held in high esteem on the island, the dishes are mostly spicy and aromatic. The diet in Zanzibar is dominated by a large amount of seafood, fish and exotic fruits. In addition, here you can try very original types of meat - antelope fillet or elephant meat. If you want to test your courage and determination, Zanzibar also serves fried locusts and termites. As a side dish, locals prefer rice, ugali porridge or unsweetened bananas, similar to potatoes. Among the restaurants in Zanzibar there are establishments that also serve familiar dishes of European cuisine. However, you should approach your choice carefully, preferably after consulting with a guide. The bulk of Tanzanian restaurants are located in the Stone Town area. Among the island's establishments one can note Tea House Restaurant, Emerson Spice, House of Spices. Here you will find the best combination of price and quality with good service. As for safety in the city, caution is also a good idea here. Although the locals seem friendly and smiling, it is better not to carry large sums of money or jewelry with you. Also leave the original documents in your hotel room - you can carry copies with you. You should not take walks at night on deserted streets. Experienced travelers recommend taking note of a few small notes that will significantly improve your comfort on vacation. Firstly, you should look for rooms with air conditioning - this is the only way to escape the local heat. Secondly, it is strongly recommended to take with you various types of mosquito sprays and coils - even if your home is provided with mosquito nets, then on the street these things will protect you from annoying insects. And one more point that is worth considering is the adapters for the socket. There are no direct flights to the island. You need to get to Tanzania, to the mainland, and from there fly on small corn planes to the local airport in Zanzibar. The flight time will be about half an hour. Asia Middle East Europe Africa North America South America Australia and Oceania Note. Zanzibar An unforgettable experience will be given by a vacation in one of the brightest and most intense tourist regions of East Africa - Tanzania. General information In general, Zanzibar is an archipelago near Africa, headed by an island of the same name. Entertainment and relaxation There is no better place to relax in Tanzania than on the island of Zanzibar. Sights of Zanzibar The hallmark of the island is Stone Town - the Stone City, which was built by the Sultan of Zanzibar at the beginning of the 20th century. Hotels on Zanzibar There is no shortage of accommodation options on the island. Restaurants and cuisine in Zanzibar Since spices are held in high esteem on the island, the dishes are mostly spicy and aromatic. Note for tourists Do not forget that Islam is widespread in Zanzibar. If you are invited to visit by local residents, remember that you should not pay much attention to the hostess of the house, and also not touch the children. It is better to eat food with your right hand; when entering the house, you must take off your shoes. And in general, you should behave modestly and with restraint, and it is better not to visit without a guide. Tap water in Zanzibar is unsuitable for drinking, making ice or brushing teeth. It needs to be boiled first, but it is best to buy bottled, carefully checking the reliability of the packaging. When planning a holiday in Zanzibar, you must take into account the fact that before arriving on the island you need to be vaccinated against yellow fever, and you should definitely take anti-malaria medication throughout your stay. Snakes also pose a serious danger to tourists on the island. Although they react and quickly crawl away when a person approaches, you should still be extremely careful so as not to spoil your vacation. You should definitely carry swim slippers with you to the beach. On the coast of Zanzibar there are a large number of sea urchins, some of which can be poisonous. In addition, the water also carries coral fragments ashore, which, if stepped on, can injure your foot. Safety of tourists As for safety in the city, caution is also a good idea. How to get to Zanzibar? Anglican Church in Stone Town. Note for tourists The most expensive hotel in Dubai Perhaps everyone who imagines the most expensive hotel in the world has Dubai in their imagination, with its desire for luxury and perfection. Let's take a peek at the very best hotel. How should tourists dress in Dubai? When going on vacation to Dubai, many tourists are faced with the problem of choosing clothes, because the Muslim world has its own rules, especially regarding the appearance of girls. In our article we will tell you how tourists should dress in Dubai. Beach holidays are the main focus of tourism in Zanzibar, which is certainly facilitated by snow-white sand, azure water and hot sun. In our next article we will try to figure out where the best beaches islands and why they are attractive. Zanzibar is one of the most popular destinations in Tanzania. Paradise Island, as tourists often call it, is great place For beach holiday and visiting all kinds of historical attractions.

Interactive map of Zanzibar, Tanzania

You can diversify your trip by booking one of the excursions around the island - pleasant impressions and positive emotions come included! The island of Zanzibar is known primarily for its excellent conditions for a beach holiday. In addition, there are many historical attractions that occupy an important place in cultural heritage Tanzania. We will tell you further in our article what interesting things you can see on the island of Zanzibar. An important point of any trip is the purchase of memorable souvenirs for yourself and your loved ones. When going to the island of Zanzibar in Tanzania, think in advance about what you would like to bring from your trip, and our next article will help you decide on this. The fishing village of Kizimkazi is one of the most popular holiday destinations in Zanzibar. Here you can fully experience the real African flavor, enjoy swimming with dolphins and try traditional dishes local cuisine. We will tell you more about what else to do in Kizimkazi in our next article. Stone Town is the capital and just a beautiful city in Zanzibar. There are all conditions for have a nice rest: In our article we will tell you more about the amazing Stone Town in Tanzania. Select it and click:


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Tanzania: Zanzibar Island (photo)

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Tanzania, Zanzibar island: description, attractions and interesting facts

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When we hear about Tanzania, we imagine Africa, but what about complete information, for example, where is Tanzania (Zanzibar Island) on the world map, and what sea (ocean) borders this country? This beautiful country is located in the eastern part of Africa, and is famous for its beautiful beaches and unique safaris. For those who love to relax in warm countries, it will fit perfectly. In this tropical region you can have a great holiday and get acquainted with representatives of the local flora and fauna. For those who go on holiday with children, Tanzania attracts with a variety of entertainment and beautiful places. Tourism in the country is one of the most important industries. At the height of the season, about one hundred thousand tourists visit it. The largest tourist centers are Zanzibar, Mafia, and Pemba. In addition, on the territory of this country there is the most high point Africa, Mount Kilimanjaro. It is noteworthy that the capital of this country, Dodoma, is not among the leaders in terms of the influx of guests. This country has common boundaries with a number of other African countries. The border touches Kenya, Uganda, Burundi and many other countries. From the east it is washed Indian Ocean, thanks to this, the country increases its economy through fishing. Tanzania itself is part of the separate archipelago of Zanzibar. The population consists of fifty million people, most of whom live in the villages of the country, and the cities are larger for tourists and guests.

How long does it take to fly to Tanzania from Moscow?

Let's say that you want to go to this beautiful country, then you will have a question, how long is the flight to Tanzania from Moscow? You cannot travel to this country on a direct flight from Moscow, but if you use KLM airlines, you can go straight to Tanzania after a transfer in Amsterdam. There are other airlines that fly to this country. When flying from Moscow to Tanzania, a transfer is made depending on your flight; it can be in Europe or Africa. Depending on the transplant it goes away different time Flights average from ten to eighteen hours. In addition, the flight time will depend on the purpose of the flight. If you are traveling to see Mount Kilimanjaro, you should fly to Nairobi and from there take a bus to Arusha. For more information about the possibility of making a tour to this country, see the link http://www.tourboss.ru/tanzania.htm. The bus ride takes on average up to five and a half hours. The main thing is to decide on the purpose of the trip. The flight from Moscow to Zanzibar takes about twenty hours, despite the fact that the distance between them is about six thousand nine hundred kilometers. Ticket prices start from eight thousand two hundred rubles. If the flight is via Almaty and Dubai, it will take a little longer, up to twenty-two and a half hours to the destination. The flight via Munich and via Muscat takes twenty hours. And the fastest flight is a flight through Beirut and Doha, which takes up to nineteen and a half hours of flight.

After your arrival, you can spend your waiting time at Zanzibar Airport in a comfortable waiting room, which has paid storage rooms and seating areas. In addition, you can visit a restaurant, a separate cafeteria, and shops. And most importantly, at the airport you can find a car rental office. It takes fifteen minutes to get to Stone Town; the parking lot is located two hundred meters from the Zanzibar Airport passenger terminal. When purchasing a ticket and planning your itinerary, it is important to consider which airline you will be flying with. Not only the comfort of the flight will depend on this, but also the time spent on the road and the ticket price.

What planes (airlines) fly to Tanzania

The next question is choosing a good airline for the flight, let's look at what planes (airlines) fly to Tanzania. If you bought tickets from Moscow to Dar es Salaam, then you can fly on company planes Air France, KLM, British Airways which are the leaders of the best air carriers. In addition, planes of other companies such as Flydubai and Kenya Airways fly this route. They are also considered reliable air carriers; they have many aircraft for convenient travel. Please note that in some cases the flight to Dar es Salaam may take a little longer than expected. The flight with a transfer in Istanbul and Nairobi will take twenty-one hours and thirty minutes. Among other routes, it is the longest and if you have the opportunity to choose with transfers at other points, then it is better to use them. Thus, you will save yourself time and energy that you can spend on sightseeing. The flight to Dodoma is also not much different in duration from the flight from Moscow to Dar es Salaam.

Capital of Tanzania

The city of Dodoma is officially recognized as the capital of Tanzania; it is located in the central part of the country, three hundred and twenty kilometers from the coast. In the vicinity of the city you can see many different animals, from antelopes to elephants. The appearance of rhinoceroses, giraffe monkeys and even lions in these surroundings is not so uncommon; lovers of watching wild animals will be able to see a lot. These regions attract a large number of safari enthusiasts. About three hundred and twenty thousand people live in this city, ninety-nine percent of the population are representatives of African peoples. The remaining share comes from immigrants from Asia or Europe. Regarding the religious issue, in the capital of the country, adherents of Islam and Christianity, namely Catholics, are more predominant. A small percentage accounts for those who honor the traditional religions of their people. There are very few architectural monuments in the city itself. But there are many attractions that you should definitely visit. These include the government residence of the president of the country, Train Station, built in the early twentieth century, and the sacred temple of the Sikhs.