Pros and cons of renting an apartment with a girl. Rented apartment - pros and cons. Mortgage - for family and “remaining”

There are a huge number of reasons that force people to move from place to place. When changing place of residence, everyone wonders what to choose - an apartment or a house? The deciding factor for many people will be the cost of rent, but now we are talking about something else. To solve this problem, it is necessary to compare the advantages and disadvantages of renting an apartment and a house.

Basic principles for choosing housing

For those who can afford to make a choice based not only on financial well-being, or are moving their entire family, it is better to choose a home, adhering to certain conditions, which include:

  • size;
  • safety;
  • infrastructure;
  • comfort;
  • panorama;
  • cost of utility bills.

Before choosing between an apartment and a house, it is better to carefully weigh all the pros and cons.

What to choose - an apartment or a house

If a single man can live in a one-room apartment, create coziness and comfort for himself in a small area, a family with children simply cannot do that. With similar expenses, of course, you can rent a cottage in the suburbs or on the outskirts of the city for a family with children, but you need to know what the advantages of a rented house are:

  • silence. No one behind the wall or overhead creates the noise that is typical of modern apartment buildings. And even though the law provides for penalties for noise at night, residents have to put up with music playing at inopportune hours, noise from renovations, and simply knocks or creaks created by neighbors when walking or rearranging pieces of furniture. In a private house there is no noise irritant;
  • access to fresh food. Vegetables and fruits grown in the garden diversify the table of a person living in a private house;
  • The view from the window is your concern. Whatever you plant, you will admire;
  • there is a place to park a car in the yard or garage;
  • on the territory of your property, you can do whatever you want without fear of causing discontent among your neighbors;
  • an opportunity to relax in the evening, practice relaxation, listen to nightingales or simply breathe in clean air and give your soul real rest.

Disadvantages of renting a house

There are also disadvantages to this choice, so it is worth considering what are the disadvantages of a rented house:

  • living conditions. In private buildings, running water, drainage and a sanitary facility are not always provided. Usually water has to be carried and carried out by hand, and the facilities may be in the yard. If the building is modern, that is, it has new plumbing fixtures, then the drainage system requires regular cleaning using special equipment, which will additionally put a burden on the family budget;
  • service. In the apartment, you can contact the Housing Office if a problem occurs with the wiring or plumbing. But in private housing you will have to independently look for an electrician, plumber or craftsman with the appropriate specialization;
  • taking care of the area. When caring for your home, you must take into account the area adjacent to it. The garden, vegetable garden, flower beds and auxiliary buildings require a lot of attention. If you don’t need a garden, you still need to monitor the condition of the soil. In its place, you can make a decorative vegetable garden, or simply sow it with a lawn;
  • the distances to a school, kindergarten or store are much longer than in areas of multi-apartment buildings. The reason is population density;
  • for those who are accustomed to living in the flow of people, like to visit bowling alleys, all kinds of establishments and the theater, living on the outskirts, renting a cottage, will definitely be inconvenient, because getting to any of their favorite places will be somewhat difficult;
  • Job. Most private cottages are located in areas remote from the industrial and business centers of the city. Getting to work from there is very difficult, since the transport infrastructure here is radically different from the central ones;
  • alarms here are simply pointless: security companies are rarely based in such areas. By the time they get there, everything will already happen. The alarm system is good in a cottage community, but not on the mere outskirts of the city.

Pros and cons of a rented apartment

To make the right choice, consider the advantages of a rented apartment:

  • home security can be guaranteed by an alarm system and a good strong door;
  • on the upper floors the view from the window is usually very beautiful;
  • A feature of residential areas is considered to be a developed infrastructure, thanks to which everything is nearby;
  • if a problem arises, the neighbor living behind the wall will always help;

It is equally important to consider the disadvantages of a rented apartment:

  • poor sound insulation;
  • if there is a kindergarten or playground nearby, noise from children’s games will always burst in through an open window;
  • most often the windows of the house opposite are very clearly visible, which violates the privacy of the residents;
  • the number of parking spaces is significantly lower than the number of residents who have their own transport;
  • In addition to rent, of course, you have to pay utility bills;
  • some neighbors do not take into account the opinions of others, so they make noise at inopportune times, litter, etc.

Each of these options has its pros and cons. Let's try to figure this out.


Many parents and even future students themselves are sometimes scared by one word - dormitory. Parents may remember their student years in the dormitory and what liberties they allowed themselves. Now they are worried about their own child, who is being released from under their “wing”.

A new student is probably more worried about the amenities that he will lose if he lives in a dormitory. After all, there is only one toilet and shower for many people, and in the morning there will definitely be a queue.

Yes, the hostel has many disadvantages:

These are shared amenities (toilet and shower); getting there freely will be problematic.

There is a shared kitchen where everyone prepares their own food, but this can be attributed to both disadvantages and advantages. After all, here you can learn, for example, new recipes or learn how to cook if you don’t know how to do it.

In the hostel you will have to follow the internal regulations and rules. Namely: after a certain hour, the doors of the hostel are closed for the night and if you stay late, you will hardly be able to get there. You can also invite guests only at certain hours. The commandant of the hostel and the so-called educators exercise some supervision over you, and there is also a watchman in the hostel who also keeps order.

You will have to live in a room with one or two roommates who will not always take your needs into account. There will still be drinking and partying, such is student life.

If you are used to studying in silence at home, then you are unlikely to have such an opportunity here. And if your roommate snores every night, you'll still be going to class without enough sleep.

And the hostel itself may turn out to be old and long overdue for renovation, and this also leaves its mark on the amenities.

If you still decide to live in a dormitory, you must submit an application to the dean’s office in advance. After all, you may not have enough space, because there is a crisis outside and many simply do not have the means to rent an apartment.

The hostel has many advantages:

The main thing today is the price - you will also need to pay for the hostel, but this is several times less than for rented housing.

The hostel is a kind of school of life. Here you will learn to get along in a team, maybe adapt to someone else's character. Respect other people's interests, communicate, talk - these skills are especially useful for people who are shy by nature.

Here you can find true friends with whom, as they say, you will eat more than a pound of salt. Or maybe your love lives in the next room, and this often happens.

The hostel often hosts discos, and joint leisure also brings us closer together.

People from the same course or faculty are staying in the rooms, which means you can borrow notes from your neighbor and prepare for exams together. You can also ask senior students for advice or take some materials for preparation.

And it’s just fun in the hostel. Here you will definitely not be left without congratulations on your birthday, however, you will still have to treat your roommates.

Rental apartment

It would seem that there should be only one plus, there would be money. But it is not so.

You need to look for an apartment in advance, about a month before the start of classes. You need to consider several options and be sure to see everything in person. In addition, it is better if you choose an apartment together with your parents, because they should know in what conditions their child will live. And parents will also pay for rented housing, this happens in most cases. Another advantage of choosing an apartment together with your parents is the fact that the owners of the apartment will try to overcharge the price for an unremarkable apartment.

Advice: be sure to enter into a lease agreement in which you agree: the rental period, the amount of prepayment, the timing of payment for housing, etc.

If you are not ready to bear the cost of housing alone, then you can rent a house for two. Moreover, it will be cheaper to rent a 2-room apartment for two than a 1-room apartment for one.

Pros of rented housing

  1. In a rented apartment, you are the full owner for the rental period.
  2. You can come and go any time you need.
  3. You can invite guests if permitted by the contract.
  4. All amenities are at your disposal at any time of the day.
  5. No one will bother you to study, sleep and relax.
  6. The kitchen is also at your disposal, including a refrigerator, as well as a washing machine, which is also important.
  7. You can also be calm about the safety of your belongings.

Possible disadvantages of rented housing:

  • If you rent an apartment for two, then, of course, you will have to pay less, but you will not live alone. This, of course, is not a hostel, but you still have to take into account your neighbor and his habits.

  • If you only have enough money for housing in the private sector, then the amenities will be minimal and, most likely, on the street.
  • The apartment may be located at a considerable distance from the place of study and it will take you a long time to get there. This means you have to get up earlier, not always getting enough sleep, and you’ll also have to spend money on travel.
  • You need to be extremely careful when using other people's household items, and especially household appliances. Because in the event of a breakdown, you will be billed for that too.

Where you live while studying is up to you. But remember that your student years come only once and you will remember them for a long time.

To the question “what is better - a private house or an apartment?” there is no clear answer. Everyone makes a choice based on their own needs and financial capabilities. Some people cannot live without the amenities and entertainment of a big city, while others prefer a quiet life in a country house. But in the end, the comfort of a home is determined by the monetary issue, which is the decisive factor in the purchase of real estate. After all, the difference is noticeable: both a run-down house and a modern cottage fall into the category of a country house. A prestigious apartment in the city center and a small family in a Khrushchev building will definitely not provide the same living conditions.

But even without the opportunity to build your own villa, you can become the owner of a good private house with its surrounding territory. True, there are advantages and disadvantages here. Next, all the issues are discussed in detail, down to what is better - to build a house or buy an apartment.

Pros and cons of a private house

Among middle-class residents of Europe and America, living in their own homes is common. But we have a stereotype that country buildings are intended either for poor people or for wealthy people (cottages and villas). Quite a misconception, given the latest trends, where urban families are opting for a private home. Let's consider the advantages of this solution.

Pros of a private house

Owning a home is perfect for those who are tired of the constant noise of the metropolis, the constant renovations of their neighbors and the lack of personal space. A private house solves these problems. You don’t have to worry about privacy violations, annoying noise from neighbors, and you don’t have to worry about throwing long parties yourself. There should be no problems with guests, especially if there are additional rooms or guest houses. For lovers of a hermit lifestyle, a high fence will help hide from prying eyes.

Even with equal living space, doubts about which is better - a house or an apartment, tip the scales towards the house. This is because the space is not limited by the walls of the building. There is a plot of land adjacent, and how to use it is up to everyone to decide for themselves. You can plant a garden, do floriculture, or grow vegetables (a significant plus, given the environmental friendliness of the garden beds themselves). If you wish, you can build a gazebo with a barbecue, a bathhouse, and even practice beekeeping. But an indisputable advantage will be received by car owners who will not have to share parking and pay for a garage, if it is easier to have their own.

By purchasing an undeveloped plot of land, you can participate in the design of your dream home. If you already have one, it is always possible to add additional rooms, verandas, etc. This is an excellent solution for a large family consisting of three generations. But what is better - a cottage or an apartment? The answer is obvious: in a large home there is always room for both retirees and their grandchildren.

Carrying out repair work is not limited to the interior; the external facade of the house is also decorated to taste, which cannot be said about high-rise buildings. A properly selected landscape design completes the picture perfectly. This is where those who like to plant and dig can get into serious trouble, but for lazy owners it is enough to systematically mow the lawn.

Independent heating. You can use gas heating by first installing a meter. This will allow you to independently regulate the required amount of heat and save some money. It is also possible to switch to an alternative type of fuel, for example, by purchasing a solid fuel boiler, but you will have to take care of procuring firewood. So whether it is better to buy a house or an apartment must be decided taking into account the climate of the region.

Beautiful nature and fresh air are an undeniable plus in favor of the house. Joggers will especially appreciate it, because exercise along city highways with inhalation of exhaust gases will cover up all the benefits of physical education. Unless it’s difficult to get to the gym, it’s more convenient to allocate a room and buy the necessary supplies. Therefore, deciding where to live - in a house or in an apartment - should be based on your own needs.

Disadvantages of a private house

A huge disadvantage, the presence of which significantly affects the purchase of suburban housing, is the lack of personal vehicles. Car owners are independent in terms of movement, but others must get to their destination by public transport. City residents do not have to worry about being late for minibuses and buses that constantly travel along standard routes. When purchasing property in rural areas, you will have to memorize the minibus schedule, otherwise being late will result in a long wait for the next flight. And the less developed the infrastructure, the worse things are.

The lack of educational and medical facilities is a huge disadvantage that should be taken into account. The most difficult situation will be for families with children who need to be transported to school, various clubs, sections, etc. There is usually no entertainment in the villages, and you will have to forget about an evening trip to the cinema, restaurant or club, or you will have to get there by car.

Private houses are not particularly safe. The risks of being robbed during a long absence increase significantly compared to an apartment building. So is it better to live in an apartment or in a house? If you take care of the security system by installing an alarm, you can sleep more peacefully. The ideal option is to install surveillance cameras and a special system that turns on the light in the room, creating the effect of the presence of the owners. Or ask relatives to look after the house until you return.

Any emergency situations will have to be resolved at your own expense. If a roof leak in an apartment building must be resolved by the housing office, then in a private building all the troubles fall on the shoulders of the owner. Additionally, you need to monitor the amount of sewage drains so that you can call the sewer service in a timely manner.

The above problems are not relevant for cottage towns. As a rule, they have a developed social infrastructure, excellent roads and close proximity to large cities. You can evaluate all the advantages of a cottage town using the example of the cottage village “BEREZKA all seasons” at the link:

The torment of “what is more profitable - to build a house or buy an apartment” is difficult to answer unequivocally. Naturally, the construction of a cottage in the city and in the peripheral zone differ in pricing policy. The price takes into account not only the price of the land plot, taxes, etc., but also the quality of building materials, the increase of which inevitably increases the price. It is impossible to say for sure what is cheaper - to buy an apartment or build a house.

Pros and cons of the apartment

So how do you decide - a house or an apartment? There are pros and cons to each type. If the advantages of a private house are not impressive, and the disadvantages are simply critical, there is no need to think for a long time - you need to take an apartment. All the disadvantages of suburban buildings automatically become advantages of multi-apartment properties.

Pros of the apartment

The city has all the necessary conditions for the most comfortable stay. It’s clear where it’s better - in an apartment or in a house located far from the city? Residents of apartments always have quick access to shops, hospitals, pharmacies, and various entertainment facilities. The problem of finding schools and kindergartens disappears, which cannot be said about many villages. There are no problems with transport either; you don’t need to get up earlier than usual in order to get to work on time.

Big cities have all the conditions for an active social life. Free time here is much more interesting and exciting. At any time you can get together with friends in a cafe, go to the cinema or theater, or visit sports complexes. There are many more opportunities for the comprehensive development of children in an urban environment, and there should be no problems with choosing a club or sports section. It is wrong to say that an apartment or a house is more profitable; it all comes down to everyone’s needs.

Whatever one may say, the security of an apartment is still higher than that of a lonely private house. The presence of neighbors can protect you from intruders, and installing an alarm will definitely prevent robbers from sneaking inside. It is difficult to determine how wealthy the owners are by appearance. With a private house, the opposite is true: expensive facade decoration and the height of the fence directly speak about the owner’s condition.

Not all houses have water supply and sewerage; apartments do not have this disadvantage. Responsibility for the condition of the home falls entirely on the owner; in multi-apartment buildings, most problems are solved by housing departments.

The apartment is an ideal option for lazy owners. It is necessary to take care of your garden plot, constantly maintaining it in a neat appearance. Otherwise, the garden will become overgrown with weeds, which will crowd out most of the planted flowers or vegetable crops. For those who don’t have the time and desire to put things in order, the problem of “where is it better to live in a house or apartment” disappears.

Cons of the apartment

Everything is clear here - living in an apartment does not provide all the advantages of your own mansion. It is impossible to enjoy the beautiful nature outside the window, the singing of birds and clean air. A person is limited within four walls, and everything outside is common territory. It is not so easy to make a decision - a private house or an apartment: each has its pros and cons. Take the same neighbors who can inadvertently flood.

It is impossible to specify whether your own house or apartment is better. But they have another drawback: restrictions on reducing utility bills. Installing meters or special energy-efficient boilers can require lengthy legal red tape and additional costs.

Many cannot decide - an apartment or their own house; there are pros and cons in both the first option and the second. There is a good compromise on the topic of “private house or apartment”: on the outskirts of the city, two- or three-story houses are often built, into which several families can easily move in. Here you are closer to nature and it is not difficult to get to the center. So a solution can always be found.

“Anya is only 28 years old, she already has a husband, children and a two-room apartment in Novokosino. And you’re still renting an apartment!” It’s easy to understand mothers: they want their child to be settled. Even if the baby has turned 32. However, times are changing, a rented apartment is slowly but surely turning from the nightmare of all parents into a simple and convenient option. Of course, it doesn’t have as many advantages as the loft left as an inheritance by a second cousin, but it’s also enough. For example.

Favorite area under the windows

Let's be honest - few people move to Moscow or any other big city with the thought: “Oh, how wonderful it is that I have the opportunity to live in Bibirevo with a view of the Million Little Things store.” Most people dream of the Tretyakov Gallery around the corner, a coffee shop a five-minute walk from the Park of Culture, or sunsets over the river. Thanks to the crisis, prices for rental housing have dropped slightly, and now you can afford to live in the center. Or with a view of the embankment. Or five minutes from a beautiful park - in a word, exactly where you really like it. Yes, it’s more expensive than living in your own apartment, but you don’t have to spend two hours on the road, getting from the Moscow region by train.

Moving? Easily!

A stadium was built next to your house and now football fans are screaming chants about “Moscow shish kebab” so much that pictures are falling off the walls? Have you been offered a new job in another area (which, if you live in Moscow, equals “you have been offered a job in another city”)? Do you want to be closer to the beach in Serebryany Bor? Your own home is unlikely to allow you to quickly change your location. It’s like a persistent and demanding relative, with whom you sometimes want to sever all ties, but it’s difficult to decide. A rented apartment gives you freedom. You change the area, the interior, and at the same time you change yourself.

Down with the trash

An old Soviet wall that most likely still remembers dinosaurs and the October Revolution. Grandma's favorite teapot. A carpet on which numerous children, animals and aliens left traces. You look at all this and give up. If you rent an apartment, then a) you don’t have to accumulate trash, b) you can throw it away (the main thing is to agree with the owner). And sometimes, when excavating other people’s old mezzanines, you come across funny things: for example, a samovar, a gas mask, or Christmas tree decorations from the GDR era.

It's cheaper than a mortgage

If you don't have a couple of extra millions lying around, you've probably already calculated that a mortgage is quite expensive. Of course, if you take out a loan for square meters together with your husband, it won’t hurt so much, but what if you don’t have a husband? A rented apartment can be rented both with a loved one and with friends or complete strangers. It will be noisy, inexpensive, sometimes too fun, but definitely not boring.

Goodbye, sad life

Checking meters, fixing a washing machine or repairing batteries - all utility issues are decided by the apartment owner. He goes to the MFC or tax office, communicates with gas workers, and you just transfer money to his card once a month. And even if your neighbors flood you, again, it’s not you who will worry about it.