Is it possible to land at a station other than the one indicated on the ticket? Take the train later than your station. Is it possible? Take the train before your station

If we formulate the answer to the question: “Can I catch my train at another station?” as briefly as possible, it will turn out something like: “It’s better not to intend.” The thing is that the answer is still not unambiguous. Theoretically, it is possible, but only if you are going to board the train at a station that is next along the route to the one where your boarding is marked.

Previously controversial situations on this topic have been reviewed on the Internet. There is the opinion of Russian Railways, as well as passengers dejected by the bitter experience and the decision of courts at various levels. Summarizing the information, we can conclude that the result of your enterprise may be 50:50, depending on a number of circumstances. Starting with what the situation on the train is with seat occupancy, what decision the conductor will make, and then the rest of the higher levels of the carrier’s employees, and ending with the interpretations of trial lawyers of paragraph 1 of paragraph 16 of the Rules for the Transportation of Passengers dated July 26, 2002. If you are interested in becoming a participant in such a clarification of the truth, go for it.

Economic feasibility of reselling an empty seat in a train carriage

If we approach this problem from an economic point of view, then any road is a resource that must be used with maximum efficiency. Accordingly, it is not advisable to run trains on the road without passengers. The quality of care in the described case clearly suffers. After all, if you send your seat for resale, it is not a fact that you will not appear at any of the subsequent stations and will not claim the right to your seat on the train, you will not cause a scandal if it turns out that the seat is occupied, and you will not waste time from the train staff , drawing their attention to solving the problem. On the other hand, a half-empty train is the result of the fact that purchased seats are waiting for their passengers. At the same time, potential travelers eager to leave are told at the ticket office that there are no tickets for this train. Which situation do you prefer?

What is clear is that you will not be able to board the train at a station located along the route earlier than the one indicated on the ticket. Here the wording of the rules is clearly in harmony with logic and justice.

Russian Railways’ attitude to the existing problem of violation of buyer’s rights

It is quite remarkable that Russian Railways is considering the existing problem. In response to a question he asked via the Internet, he received an answer about the development of a new draft of rules, according to which, in such cases, boarding would be carried out directly at the seats indicated on the tickets. However, the answer was received back in 2012. So far, no new rules have been published.

Even if you bought a place for yourself, it will be put on sale again. This is a common sense requirement. So it’s better not to try to prove your case to the carrier organization, and then not waste effort and money on legal proceedings. It is better to understand that boarding passengers from a railway station other than the one indicated on the ticket is simply problematic from an organizational point of view.

Having understood the full depth of the problem and accepted the discipline of the carrier organization, plan your trip in advance in such a way as to be in the right place at the right time. Otherwise, you will end up like the famous joke: “To spite the conductor, I’ll take a ticket and walk.”

A common situation: you cannot board the train at the station from which you purchased the ticket. This happens for various reasons - being late, having business in another city, etc. Can I board the train at the next station or change my ticket?

According to the rules - most likely not.

  1. The trip must begin from the station from which the ticket was purchased (passenger transportation rules).
  2. You cannot “just replace” a train ticket. You can return it and take a new one - to those places that will be free at the time of purchase. Moreover, the place for which you returned the ticket will not be available - some (unpredictable) time passes from the moment the train ticket is returned until it appears in the system. These, unfortunately, are the technical nuances of the system.

In practice, most likely, yes.

In reality, everything is ambiguous. On the one hand, the Russian Railways information service says that 30 minutes after the train departs, information about unoccupied seats appears - and, accordingly, the ticket can be sold.

On the other hand, the conductors claim the opposite: firstly, if you yourself have not returned the ticket, the seat continues to be yours until the end of the trip; secondly, in practice many people do this. In real life, there are often cases (especially on trains from the south) when passengers board later than the station from which the ticket was purchased. In some places it’s more convenient due to the location of train stations and ticket offices; in others, this is the route on vacation – there are many reasons.

Therefore, if circumstances are such that it would be more convenient for you to sit somewhere other than the beginning of your route, most likely you don’t have to worry.

What to do?

  1. If you missed the train, but manage to catch it at a nearby station, you can try to do this.
  2. The standard scheme is to return the ticket and take another one. Perhaps on the same train, perhaps on a different one, depending on the availability of seats.
  3. If there are no train tickets that suit you, look at routes with transfers. Firstly, you can combine different trains (including long-distance and high-speed trains, electric trains, etc.). Maybe there are tickets from other stations along the route, from a neighboring city or to a town near the place where you need to go. Sometimes it makes sense to look at buses, planes and other types of transport.
  4. We can try

29.06.2009, 11:57

29.06.2009, 12:05

It used to be like this - if a person did not show up to board at the station from which his ticket began, his seat could be sold from the next station. this is if there was a possibility of communication. but this is not at every station. I don’t know how it is now.

29.06.2009, 14:17

We did this - a ticket from St. Petersburg, landing in Bologoye. I wrote a statement (I don’t remember - from the station manager?) that the landing would take place at another station. Otherwise, your place may indeed be sold again.

29.06.2009, 14:26

Otherwise, your place may indeed be sold again.
You are giving false information.
The existing E-3 system on Russian Railways allows you to sell tickets indicating seats from an intermediate station. In this regard, if you do not come to the train at the boarding station, then this place will go empty (unless they put a hare on it). You can board the train at any station in your seat. If problems arise, contact the head of the train (the staff car has an antenna on the roof) or call 8-8002006767 directly from the carriage. Usually, all issues are quickly resolved.

29.06.2009, 14:27

And later? Closer, so to speak, to your destination?:) Do they have the right to take your place?:001:
Nothing will happen, sit down and eat.
Otherwise, whoever takes your place, send him back to where he came from (what is written on his ticket).

29.06.2009, 16:02

In accordance with the Rules for the carriage of passengers, baggage and cargo on federal railway transport, a passenger's trip must begin from the station indicated in the travel document. Travel documents purchased by passengers are valid for the duration of the train with which the passenger travels to their destination. This information is located on the reverse side of the control coupon of the travel document. As an exception, it is possible for passengers to board a passenger train at a station other than the station indicated in the travel document. However, your seat may be taken due to the fact that the head of the passenger train has the right in cases where passengers cannot be issued a travel document at the ticket office at the ticket office due to a technological interruption in the operation of the Express system, board passengers (if there is a justified need for urgent departure) with subsequent registration of travel to unoccupied seats in the cars within one hour from the moment the train departs from the formation point and within 30 minutes - from the intermediate station, and also if there are free seats, at the passenger’s request, make an additional payment with the transfer of the passenger to a carriage of a higher category. In addition, when boarding a train at an intermediate station along its route, the passenger is issued a ticket indicating the carriage number, but without indicating the seat. Passengers are seated by the conductor in the empty seats in the carriage.

A.I. Emelyanovich, First Deputy Head of the Department of Long-Range Passenger Transportation of JSC Russian Railways
Taken from the official website of Russian Railways (

29.06.2009, 16:33

Taken from the official website of Russian Railways (

This information was in effect until recently, when Russian Railways used the E-2 system. With the introduction of the new E-3 system, the functions of which have been expanded, it is possible to sell tickets indicating seats from intermediate stations.
The head of the train, when selling tickets in the carriage, sells them only for his reserve of seats, which does not go on general sale, or for free seats on the train, but you still have a preferential right to occupy your seat. If they don’t give it to you, call directly from the car 8-8002006767 - the issue will be resolved immediately, perhaps even before they pick up the phone.
I also want to clarify the information:
1. In accordance with clause 30. Rules for the transportation of passengers, luggage and cargo luggage on federal railway transport. approved by order of the Ministry of Railways of Russia dated July 26, 2002 ZG 30, the head (mechanic-foreman) of a passenger train has the right only in cases where passengers cannot be issued a travel document (ticket) at the ticket office due to a technological interruption in the operation of the Express system , board passengers (if there is a justified need for urgent departure) of no more than 4 people into the headquarters car, followed by registration of travel using a receipt for various fees to unoccupied seats in the cars.
According to paragraph 16 of the same document, passengers' journeys must begin from the station indicated in the travel document (ticket). At the same time, in order to improve the quality of service for passengers on trains formed by the Federal Passenger Service, passengers are allowed to board at any passenger station after the departure station indicated on the ticket, subject to the validity of the ticket and payment of fares along the entire route.
Services for informing train masters and station masters about the boarding of passengers at the following stations after the departure station indicated on the ticket are not provided on the railway network of Russian Railways.
A.B. Sondyk, Head of the Department of Passenger Services on Trains of the Federal Passenger Directorate - a branch of JSC Russian Railways.

In the name of the Russian Federation

July 1, 2004
The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation composed of:
Supreme Court judges
Russian Federation Zaitseva V.Yu.,
under secretary Zhukova I.V.,
with the participation of prosecutor N.Yu. Goncharova,
having considered in open court a civil case at the request of E.S. Kornilova. on declaring partially invalid paragraph 16 of the Rules for the transportation of passengers, luggage and cargo luggage on federal railway transport, approved by order of the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation dated July 26, 2002 No. 30,
By order of the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation dated July 26, 2002 No. 30, the Rules for the transportation of passengers, luggage and cargo luggage on federal railway transport (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) were approved.
The second sentence of paragraph 1 of clause 16 of the Rules stipulates that the journey of passengers must begin from the station indicated in the travel document (ticket).
Kornilova E.S. appealed to the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation with an application to challenge this provision of the Rules, citing its contradiction with current legislation, in particular, Article 310 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which does not allow unilateral refusal to fulfill an obligation, except in cases provided for by law.
The statement states that the contested provision of the Rules allows the carrier to refuse boarding to a passenger at the next station along the train in cases where the passenger cannot board the train from the departure station indicated on the ticket.
The applicant did not appear at the court hearing, having submitted a petition asking for the case to be considered in her absence.
Representatives of the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation (MPS of Russia) Tonkikh A.V., Likhachev S.S. and Pobezhimova L.A., representative of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation Savelyeva Yu.A. The applicant’s demand was not recognized and they asked to refuse it as unfounded, explaining that paragraph 1 of paragraph 16 of the Rules does not contain a prohibition on boarding passengers at the stations following the departure station along the train route. The disputed order states that passengers' journeys should not begin earlier than the station indicated on the travel document (ticket).
Having heard the explanations of the representatives of the persons participating in the case, and having studied the case materials, having heard the conclusion of the prosecutor of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, N.Yu. Goncharova, who considered the applicant's demands to be unfounded, the court finds the statement of E.S. Kornilova. not subject to satisfaction for the following reasons.
According to paragraph 2 of Article 784 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the general conditions of transportation are determined by transport charters and codes, other laws and rules issued in accordance with them.
The conditions for the transportation of goods, passengers and luggage by certain types of transport, as well as the responsibility of the parties for these transportations are determined by agreement of the parties, unless otherwise established by this Code, transport charters and codes, other laws and rules issued in accordance with them.
Relations arising between carriers and passengers when using public railway transport services, their rights, duties and responsibilities are regulated by the Federal Law “Charter of Railway Transport of the Russian Federation”.
In accordance with Article 3 of this Federal Law, the federal executive body in the field of railway transport, on the basis of the said Charter, with the participation of the federal executive body for regulating natural monopolies in transport, other interested federal executive bodies, interested organizations, within its competence, develops and in accordance with the established approves the rules for the transportation of goods by rail and the rules for the transportation of passengers, luggage, cargo luggage by rail.
Rules for the transportation of passengers, baggage, cargo luggage by rail are normative legal acts that contain rules binding on carriers, infrastructure owners, passengers, senders, recipients, other legal entities and individuals, and regulate the conditions for the transportation of passengers, hand luggage, luggage, cargo luggage .
Thus, in approving the contested Rules, the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation acted within the powers granted to it by law.
At the same time, the Ministry of Railways of Russia rightfully enshrined in paragraph 1 of clause 16 of the Rules the provision that the journey of passengers must begin from the station indicated in the travel document (and not earlier), since the condition on the point of departure is one of the essential conditions of the contract for the carriage of passengers by general rail transport use, without which this agreement cannot be considered concluded.
This conclusion follows, in particular, from Article 2 of the Federal Law “Charter of Railway Transport of the Russian Federation” and Article 2 of the Federal Law “On Railway Transport in the Russian Federation”, which stipulate that the carrier under a contract of carriage by public railway transport assumes the obligation to deliver passenger from origin to destination.
The applicant's argument that the contested provision of the Rules gives the carrier the right to unilaterally refuse to fulfill an obligation under the contract of carriage cannot be considered valid.
Clause 16 of the Rules does not contain a rule on the right of the carrier to refuse to fulfill the obligation of a passenger to deliver him to his destination in cases where he boards the train not from the departure station, but from the next station along the train route.
There is no such rule in paragraph 51 of the Rules, which regulates cases of refusing a passenger to board a train.
Taking into account the above, the court has no reason to believe that the contested prescription of the Rules contradicts current federal legislation and violates the rights of citizens arising from the contract of carriage.
By virtue of Part 1 of Article 253 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, the court, having recognized that the contested normative legal act does not contradict a federal law or other normative legal act of greater legal force, makes a decision to refuse the corresponding application.
Guided by Articles 194-199, 253 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation
Kornilova E.S. refuse the application.
The decision can be appealed to the Cassation Board of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation within ten days from the date the court made the decision in final form.

29.06.2009, 16:41

Oh, thank you very much!

29.06.2009, 16:50

Based on the above, travel from a station located after the departure station with a valid ticket is LEGAL.

Previously written:
The existing technology for selling tickets in the E-3 system allows you to issue tickets indicating the location from the intermediate station (unlike E-2). Therefore, where is the guarantee that this place is not sold, for example, train 245 not from St. Petersburg but from Gryazi? It could well be that the person who bought the ticket from St. Petersburg to Gryazi did not show up. And his place from Gryazi to Tuapse has already been sold to another. And he will come and occupy it in the Mud.
Therefore, as a rule, now conductors do not engage in amateur activities without instructions from the LPN (maybe they even noticed that they do not even recommend changing places).

By the way, we and our friends have been using this opportunity for a long time.

29.06.2009, 17:56


29.06.2009, 21:34

Just a week ago I encountered a problem that the tickets were only from the final station (St. Petersburg), but I had to leave from the intermediate one.
At the Russian Railways help desk (tel. on their website) they convinced me for a long time that they could sell my seat, and they would put me on another free one, and the passenger who bought a ticket for my seat would be right. When I was indignant and asked what I should do, they gave me another operator, and she said that because. I'm going to get on at the first stop of the train, everything will be ok.
So if we are talking about boarding not at the first stop, maybe it makes sense to clarify? Although I admit that the girls at the Russian Railways help desk may be wrong.

01.07.2009, 00:55

01.07.2009, 01:04

Sorry to intrude with my question... But you explain everything here in great detail and with links ;)
Maybe you can help me too.:flower:
The situation is this: mom, dad, and child are traveling in the compartment. They travel a long way, so I would like to buy a fourth mask in the compartment, knowing that no one will travel in it.
Do you think (or maybe you know for sure) whether this is legal? Or they might set someone up anyway.
And do I need to present the fourth ticket immediately when boarding the train?

Do not worry. Feel free to buy a fourth place, but only for one of you adults. No one will be seated, just don’t forget to show your ticket right away. I just drove like this myself, no questions or problems.

In December, I tried an interesting service provided by Ukrainian railways - “line boarding”.

The gist is this:
"My situation is as follows. I want to buy a ticket for the Kharkov - Sumy - Kyiv - Uzhgorod train. All tickets for it are sold only from stations between Kharkov and Sumy, and in Kyiv this train is not visible in the express system. This is done so that Kiev residents do not "They were snatching up tickets for this train, and all the seats went to residents of Eastern Ukraine... I'm making such a trick with my ears. I'm buying a ticket from Sumy to Uzhgorod, but I don't want to go to Sumy to take this train, so I need to change the boarding station to Kyiv." I described this mechanism completely

At the same time, I knew that in Russia there is no longer such an outdated Soviet system - when you need to send a telegram at the station, saying that I will sit at a different station than indicated on the ticket. That is, to put it bluntly, you can buy a ticket from Moscow to Vladivostok, and only get hooked halfway in Siberia, and your seat will be yours for the entire duration of the journey. Russian Railways have been developing and changing much faster in recent years than Ukrainian Railways. railway Today they sent me a link to a document, which shows that this pleasant innovation was introduced in 2008, that is, 4 years ago. We read the question from the Russian Railways website:

Is it possible to land at a station other than the one indicated on the ticket?

Can I, having bought a ticket from the St. Petersburg station for the St. Petersburg - Anapa train, board at the Vyshny-Volochek station? This is dictated by the fact that the Express system from the Vyshny Volochek station does not issue all seats on the train, or rather, only one reserved seat car, in which almost all tickets are sold out, while from the St. Petersburg station there are tickets for any choice.



In accordance with clause 30. Rules for the transportation of passengers, baggage and cargo luggage on federal railway transport, approved by order of the Ministry of Railways of Russia dated July 26, 2002 No. 30, the head (mechanic-foreman) of a passenger train has the right to board passengers on unoccupied seats only in cases when passengers cannot receive a travel document at the ticket office due to a technological interruption in the operation of the Express system, and if there is a justified need for urgent departure. In this case, no more than 4 people are initially boarded in the staff car, then travel is issued using a receipt for various fees to unoccupied seats in the cars.

According to paragraph 16 of the same document, passengers' journeys must begin from the station indicated in the travel document (ticket). At the same time, according to the Directive of JSC Russian Railways No. FPDOP-03/347 dated 03/06/08, in order to improve the quality of passenger service, passengers are allowed to board at any station after the departure station indicated on the ticket, subject to the validity of the ticket and payment for travel along the route.

Services for informing train masters and station masters about the boarding of passengers at the following stations after the departure station indicated on the ticket are not provided on the railway network of JSC Russian Railways.