Peterhof fountains. Fountains of Peterhof Fountains of Peterhof

How to get there: by bus from the stations Baltiyskaya, Avtovo, Leninsky Prospect. By train from Baltiyskiy railway station to New Peterhof station, then - by local buses plying in the city. On a meteor from the pier on the Palace Embankment or near the Decembrists' Square (meteors start to run from May to September)

Opening hours: ticket offices 09:00 - 19:30, fountains from 10:00 - 18:00, weekends: 10:00 - 19:00.

Ceremonial launch of fountains: Big Cascade: 11:00, Fountains-Crackers "Water Road": 13:00, 14:00, 15:00.

Today Peterhof is the most popular of all Petersburg suburbs. During the working period of the fountains (from May to September), it is full of tourists. Such popularity is not easy, because Peterhof is often called the Russian Versailles, with all its fountains and palaces. You can verify this by visiting this suburb. It is easy to get from St. Petersburg to Peterhof. You can use any mode of transport convenient for you: train, bus or meteor. The whole journey will take no more than 30 minutes. Please note that if you go by train, you will need to walk a few more kilometers to get to the palace and park ensemble, or use a local bus. A ticket for this bus will cost no more than 15 rubles. But by choosing this type of transport, you can get to know better the city of Peterhof, and not only with its part where the park is located. A meteor and a suburban bus will take you straight to the palace and park ensemble and you will not have to wander.

The palace and park ensemble itself consists of two parts: the Upper Park, the Palace and the Lower Park. Actually, all tourists strive to get to the Lower Park, since it is there that the most famous fountains are located. To get to the park you need to buy a ticket. For adult residents of Russia, a ticket will cost about 350 rubles. There are also discounted tickets, they are cheaper. The ticket gives the right to enter the park, where all the fountains are located. However, if you want to get to the palace, or to another complex located in the park, you will have to buy a ticket to enter them separately. Please note that if you arrive at Peterhof on a meteor, you will be taken directly from the pier to the middle of the park, leading straight to the main cascade. If you arrive at Peterhof by bus or train, your path through the park will start right from the palace, from the Upper Park.

I do not like to go into history and overload readers with dates, however, in order to have an understanding of how such beauty was built, I will give a few facts. Peterhof was conceived by Peter I after visiting Paris. During a visit to France, Peter spent a lot of time in the suburbs of Paris and paid special attention to Versailles. He liked this suburb so much that he decided to build something similar, but more magnificent in Russia. This is how the idea of ​​building a palace and park ensemble with a huge number of fountains was born. Now many can say that Peterhof is something like a plagiarism of Versailles. However, in my opinion, Peterhof has many differences from Versailles, which create its uniqueness. For example, it is more compact, and its palace fits more organically into the park ensemble than Versailles. These are completely different buildings and cannot be compared. A large amount of effort was invested in the construction of Peterhof. The best architects of France, Russia and Italy took part in its construction. The most difficult thing turned out to be to think over the water supply system for the fountains. There were several water supply projects, but they were all either too expensive or very cumbersome. As a result, Peter I himself, who had a good engineering education, developed a water supply system. He proposed to supply water from the Ropsha heights, from where it flowed into the fountains by gravity and provided the required pressure. To this day, this system is considered unique in the world. Now, of course, electric pumps are used for many fountains, which provide the required water pressure, however, some fountains still receive water through a vertical drop system in a natural way.

Musicians often perform in the park in summer

The fountains were first launched in 1721 to commemorate Russia's victory in the Northern War. The opening was attended by a large number of representatives of foreign states with their retinues. After the opening of Peterhof, Peter moved his summer residence here. But the development did not stop there. During the reign of Nicholas I, new parks were laid here - Alexandria, Lugovoi, and new buildings were erected - the Farmer's Palace, the Gothic Chapel, and the Belvedere. After the First World War in 1918, the park was nationalized and given to the state, but there was not enough money to maintain it, many fountains fell into disrepair and were closed. The flood of 1924 worsened the condition of the park. Water from the Gulf of Finland flooded the Lower Park and littered many fountains with sand and silt. Soon, specialists began to restore the fountains, and in 1926 many of them were already restored. However, another disaster awaited Peterhof - during the Second World War, as a result of fierce battles, Soviet troops had to leave the city. On the day of the liberation of the city - January 19, 1944, a terrible picture of devastation and desolation was discovered: museums were plundered, palaces were in ruins, fountains were destroyed. None of the suburbs of St. Petersburg suffered as much as Peterhof. After the war, its active restoration immediately began, and in August 1946 the fountains were again launched. Now, thanks to restorers, architects and engineers, we can once again admire the beauty and wealth of this historical monument.

Upper park

The upper park covers an area of ​​about 15 hectares. There are numerous small gardens (bosquets), arched alleys (berso) braided with plants with gazebos, flower beds and lawns. Such parks had the function of a front entrance to the palace. But the main role in the park is played not by the palace, but by the mirrored pools with fountains located in the center:

After passing the entire Upper Park, you will see a magnificent palace that separates the Upper and Lower Parks.

Lower park

You will need more time to inspect the lower park than the upper one, please be patient and do not forget to wear comfortable shoes. In case you are traveling with small children, you can use the services of excursion electric cars that will take you around the entire lower park past the fountains.

There are 150 fountains and 6 large cascades in the park. Getting into the Lower Park, you immediately find yourself near The grand cascade- the world's largest fountain ensemble, which includes 60 fountains. This cascade has been restored and rebuilt three times. The design of the grand cascade includes over 250 sculptures shining in gold. It looks especially beautiful in the rays of the sun. Each sculpture has its own meaning: for example, Neptune and Amphitrite symbolize Russian naval victories, and Diana and Actaeon personify Russia and the Swedish king Charles XII. The entire cascade generally praises Russia's victory in the Northern War.

Big and Small grottoes, located in the center of the Grand Cascade, decorated with fountains and not noticeable at first glance, give the cascade grace and lightness. The grottoes can be visited by purchasing a separate ticket.

All the waters of the Grand Cascade descend into a vast bowl pool - Bucket... On the sides of the bowl are pagan and forest creatures that create new jets of water. The Grand Cascade is crowned with the most famous composition, which is worth paying special attention to and enjoying its beauty - fountain "Samson Tearing the Lion's Jaws"... This fountain was created in honor of the 25th anniversary of the Battle of Poltava and symbolizes Russia's victory over Sweden. The jet escaping from the lion's mouth reaches a height of 20m, in one second the fountain consumes up to 70 liters of water! During the launch of the Grand Cascade, the Samson fountain is the first to be turned on, and only when the jet from the lion's mouth reaches its peak height, other fountains of the cascade are launched.

Samson and Voronikhinskaya Colonnade

Departing from the Grand Cascade Sea channel connecting the palace with the Gulf of Finland. Along the canal, there are 22 fountains emanating from marble bowls. This channel serves as the central axis of the Lower Park. Previously, it was navigable, it included the ships of guests visiting the palace. After the establishment of the Grand Cascade, navigation along the canal ceased. Now there are 2 small bridges on the canal, from which a beautiful view of the palace opens.

There are a large number of fountains in the lower park, each with its own history and peculiarities. However, I will not go into detail about all the fountains, otherwise it will be an endless story. I will tell only briefly about the main ones.

  • Fountains of the Large parterre flower beds: Nymph and Danaid... These are the first fountains of Peterhof.

  • Fountain Favorite... This is a fountain fountain or a fountain “with a hidden meaning”. Find it yourself!
  • Fountains Adam and Eve... They symbolize the marriage of Peter I and Catherine I.

  • From a distance, a stream escaping from a pipe raised above the water really looks like a whale stream.

  • Discharge fountains. The strength and height of the jets of these fountains reaches 15m. Peter I himself made drawings of fountain water cannons for them.

  • It decorates the Orangery Garden, the richest garden in terms of flower variety. Here, as before, you can see tulips, daffodils, roses, phlox and other flowers. In the center of the composition is the struggle of Triton with a fantastic beast. This fountain had not only aesthetic value, but also economic value. Previously, water was taken from it for watering flowers and trees in the garden.

  • Two fountains, the architectural design of which is inspired by the fountains in front of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome. 7 alleys diverge from the place where the fountains are installed, including the alley leading to the Monplaisir palace.

  • This is the most abundant fountain in the Lower Park with a water flow rate of more than 150 liters per second. The fountain water cannon consists of 505 nozzles.

  • It is the central building of the Menagerie Garden, where the Petrovsky Menagerie with ponds and aviaries for birds was originally located. The central water cannon of the fountain is equipped with a rotating post, on top of which a structure with 187 holes is fixed. Rotating, the jets resemble the rays of the sun. Today it is the rarest example of a mechanical fountain.

  • Crazy fountains. Some of the most interesting fountains in the park. They suddenly turn on, spraying unsuspecting passers-by with their jets. There are several firecracker fountains in the Lower Park: Umbrella, Dubok, Fir-trees, Divanchiki, Water road. The last fountain turns on 3 times a day for only a few minutes. Don't miss the opportunity to see this spectacle!

Talking about Peterhof, you shouldn't be limited to fountains only. In the park complex there is a large number of pavilions that are of no less interest: the Hermitage, the Bath complex, Aviaries for birds, Monplaisir, the Marly Palace. Special attention should be paid to Monplaisir (translated as "my pleasure"). It was here, and not in a large palace, that Peter I most often stayed when arriving in Peterhof. Adjacent to the palace is a Dutch-style garden with several fountains and sculptures. Monplaisir is worth visiting and enjoying its décor.

Peter I. If you throw a coin into your boot, your wish will come true

Swans swim behind the enclosure in the pond

In the center of the park is the Great Peterhof Palace, which was created by several architects, one of whom was Rastrelli. For a long time it housed the ceremonial residence of the royal family. In the interiors of the palace, you can see numerous paintings and portraits of Russian emperors, silk flowing along the walls and gilded wooden carvings.

View from the palace to the Chalice fountain

Undoubtedly, the Peterhof palace and park ensemble occupies one of the important places in the cultural and historical heritage of Russia. Everything here is saturated with royal luxury. It is worth visiting Peterhof during the fountain season. Please note that all fountains are off during winter. But as soon as spring comes, the park blooms again with all its colors. Next to the park ensemble there is another park, which does not have fountains, but this makes it no less interesting - Alexandria Park. It is a wilder park with sophisticated pavilions. You can walk along it, or use the sightseeing tram.

It is not for nothing that Peterhof is considered the most visited suburb of St. Petersburg. Many tourists strive to get here. The beauty, wealth and splendor of the atmosphere that reigns here tirelessly reminds of the power that Imperial Russia possessed! Well, did you feel its resemblance to Versailles?


When Peter I conceived a summer residence near St. Petersburg, he wanted it to be no less luxurious than Versailles. Peterhof fountains and cascades are striking in their magnificence. They were made by the best engineers and sculptors, and most of the fountains have been working properly for almost three hundred years.

General view of the Grand Cascade, the Samson fountain against the background of the Grand Palace

How were the Peterhof fountains built

The construction of a country residence in Peterhof began in 1712, and after 3 years a large construction was started in Strelna. Peter wanted to decorate the park ensemble of the new palace with fountains, or as they were called in those days "water extravaganzas". However, in order for the fountains to work around the clock, engineers had to raise the water up to 10 meters above sea level. The area surrounding Strelna was located below this mark, and if this happened, the area would be flooded.

A way out of a difficult situation was found by the hydraulic engineer Burchard Christoph von Munnich, known in Russia as Christopher Antonovich Minich. He made calculations, proved the impossibility of "water extravaganzas" in Strelna and proposed to transfer them to Peterhof, where nature itself took care of a suitable landscape. Thanks to the abundant springs of the Ropsha Heights, fountains in Peterhof could be made without using pumps. The hydrotechnical structures of the imperial residence were built gradually, and in their scale they significantly surpassed those of Versailles.

General view of the Avenue of Fountains and the Sea Canal from the Grand Cascade

The German occupation caused great damage to the park, its palaces and fountains. In 1946, the restored fountains of the Lower Park began to work, and a year later the jets of the Samson fountain began to flow. Today, visitors can admire one and a half hundred active fountains and four large water cascades.

Fountains Opening Celebration

In winter, the Peterhof fountains are turned off, and in May St. Petersburg hosts a holiday dedicated to the opening of the fountains. The ceremonial launch of the fountains is accompanied by the performance of the Peterhof anthem.

The party starts at 14.00 and lasts until the evening. On this day in the park you can see theatrical performances, concerts, performances of military bands, balls and fireworks. Many tourists from Russia and abroad come to see the spectacular show.

To visit the fountain opening festival, you need to purchase a ticket to the Lower Park in advance. This can be done in advance on the site of the palace and park ensemble.

View of the fountains of the Lower Park and the Voronikhinsky colonnades

Fountains in the Upper Garden

The elevated part of the Peterhof park was founded in the reign of Peter the Great and was used for the cultivation of herbs and vegetables. It has an area of ​​15 hectares and is located on a spacious terrace on the south side of the Grand Palace. All fountains in this part of Peterhof were built in the 1730s. For guests, the green area is open from 9.00 to 21.30, and the fountains here turn on from 10.00 to 18.00. Free admission.

Fountains of the Square Ponds

Eastern fountain of Square Ponds decorated with a statue of Apollo

Graceful fountains around water reservoirs in the upper part of the park did not appear immediately. Their sketches were made by the famous sculptor and caster Bartolomeo Carlo Rastrelli. Today, both ponds are decorated with bronze dolphins, the goddess of love and beauty Venus, as well as the god of light and patron of the arts, Apollo.


Fountain "Oak" against the background of the Grand Palace

In a circular pool located in the center of the garden, there is a fountain with Cupid, who puts on a mask. The hero of the ancient epic was placed on a small island shaped like a starfish. The fountain was named "Oak" because initially there was a gilded oak tree, around which there were statues of tritons and dolphins.


Fountain "Neptune" from the west

One of the oldest fountains in the park was recently restored in April 2016. On a high granite pedestal, you can see a bronze figure of the ruler of all seas. At the foot of the pedestal, there are statues of boys riding on dolphins and warriors on hot horses. The fountain is decorated with figures of babies and intricate bundles of coral and shells. During the occupation, German troops took the statues of this fountain to Germany, and when the war ended, the bronze parts were returned to their homeland.


Fountain "Mezheumny" from the main gate

Near the main gate there is a fountain with an unusual name, which arose due to the frequent changes in its decor. Now the fountain is decorated with bronze sculptures of a sea dragon and several dolphins.

Fountains of the Lower Park

The oldest part of the Peterhof ensemble occupies the land between the Gulf of Finland and the building of the Grand Palace. On the territory of 102 hectares there are more than 140 fountains and cascades. The park is open for visitors from 9.00 to 21.00, on holidays - until 20.00. It should be borne in mind that cash desks stop working half an hour earlier. Almost all fountains in this part of the park run from 10.00 to 20.45.

The grand cascade

Great cascade from the west

The huge fountain complex at the foot of the Grand Palace appeared in the times of Peter the Great. Like the entire park, the Grand Cascade was badly damaged during the war years and then it took a long time to restore. Today the wide cascade is decorated with over 225 sculptures made of gilded bronze, lead and marble.


Fountain "Samson" against the background of the Grand Cascade and the palace

This is the name of a beautiful fountain that stands at the foot of the Grand Cascade. The gilded sculptural composition symbolizes the military might of Russia. Samson, who tears open the mouth of a ferocious lion, has long been considered the hallmark of the entire Peterhof complex.


View of the eastern bowl

In the 1720s, beautiful paired fountains were built at the foot of the Grand Palace. In the beginning, the bowls were made of painted wood, but time passed and they were made of beautiful Carrara marble.

Alley of fountains

View of the Avenue of Fountains from the Marly Bridge

The main entrance to the Grand Palace is decorated with a long Alley of fountains. There are 22 water cannons installed on it, the thin jets of which resemble the branches of beautiful trees.


View of the Favorite fountain

An interesting mechanical fountain is hidden from the west of the Voronikhinskaya colonnade. He appeared here in 1725. Four ducks hurry one after another across the deep pool, and the little dog Favorite catches up with them. Thin streams of water burst out of the dog's mouth and beaks of birds.

Adam and eve

Fountain "Adam"

Paired fountains appeared in the park in the 20s of the 18th century. Their decor is completely the same, with the exception of the central sculptures. One fountain is decorated with a white marble statue of Eve, and the other - Adam.

Golden mountain

View of the cascade "Golden Mountain" from the north

In the west of the Lower Park, on the hillside, you can see an unusual cascade, built in the likeness of a fountain at the palace of the kings of France in Marly-le-Roy. The last restoration of the picturesque cascade was carried out in the fall of 2015.


Fountain "Triton (or Orangery)" from the side of the Big greenhouse

The territory of the garden to the south of the Orangery is decorated with a gilded sculptural group. It depicts the struggle of the lord of the waves - Triton with a sea monster.

The victory of the lord of the waves over the forces of evil symbolizes the triumph won by Russia in the wars over the Baltic.

Discharge fountains

One of the Menager Fountains

At the foot of the Golden Mountain cascade, there are Menagerie fountains. Their name comes from the French verb "menager", which means - to save or save. It is curious that the original nozzles, thanks to which the water pressure significantly increased, were invented by Emperor Peter I.

Chess Mountain

Cascade "Chess Mountain" from the side of the Roman fountains

The central place on the largest square in the east of the Lower Park is occupied by a large water cascade. It is called "Chess Mountain" because of the drain steps painted with black and white squares. On both sides, the water cascade is framed by marble statues of the Greek gods.

Roman fountains

View of the Roman fountains

To the north of the Shakhmatnaya Gora cascade, there are two symmetrical two-tier water cannons. They were made in the likeness of the fountains in front of St. Peter's Cathedral in the capital of Italy and began to be called "Roman".

Lion cascade

View of the Lion Cascade from Berezovaya Alley

According to the idea of ​​Peter I, it was planned to build a separate fountain for each park pavilion. The graceful Lion Cascade was built near the Hermitage. Unlike other cascades of Peterhof, this one was placed on a flat terrace, and not on a hillside.


General view of the Whale fountain

Not far from the Lion's Cascade, a small Sand Pond is visible. There is a large water column in the middle of it, and four smaller jets surround it. The design of the fountain has changed several times. The name "Whale" has been preserved since the middle of the 18th century, when a wooden sculpture of a fish similar to a whale stood in the pond.

The sun

Fountain "Sun" from the side of the enclosure of the Lower Park

The central pond of the Menagerie Garden is decorated with a beautiful fountain. A hidden mechanism turns the gilded discs on the column, and the jets of the water Sun shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow.


Fountain "Pyramid"

The fountain, which forms a high pyramid, is considered the most original in the park. It differs not only in its unusual shape. The pyramid is a very abundant fountain. In just a second, it passes 100 liters of water through itself.

Bell Tritons

Fountain "Triton with a bell"

The fountain, decorated with four gilded sculptures, is located by the Marlinsky pond. Flat bowls can be seen in the hands of newt boys.

Fountains at Monplaisir

Fountain "Sheaf" in the garden of the Monplaisir Palace

The garden adjacent to the Monplaisir Palace is divided into four porters. In the center of each of them there are water cannon fountains decorated with gilded figures of Apollo, Bacchus, Psyche and Faun. The water flowing from them forms transparent bells, that's why the fountains were named "Bells".

The centerpiece of the garden is the luxurious Sheaf fountain. It is made of stone and decorated with tuff. The streams rush upward in two tiers and are located at an angle, like ears of corn in a sheaf of rye. All fountains near the Monplaisir Palace are on from 10.00 to 19.00.

Crazy fountains

Fountain-cracker "Water road"

The most unusual decoration of the Lower Park is considered to be funny fountains-firecrackers. They have different décor, act in different ways and are very popular with visitors. When trying to come close or touch individual parts, splashes or jets of water suddenly fly out. It is easy to guess about the location of water fun by the noise and cheerful laughter of tourists.

Fountain-cracker "Sofa"

The very first of the built fire fountains is called Divanchiki. It is located in the south of the Monplaisir Gardens. Nearby, on the alley, there is an arch of the "Waterway", about which the guests of Peterhof often speak of "The Wet Road". The arch is turned on three times a day for 15 seconds - at 13.00, 14.00 and 15.00.

Fountain-cracker "Umbrella"

The Umbrella Fountain was built in the park towards the end of the 18th century. In Soviet times, it was called "Fungus", so "wetting fun" retained both names. "Dubok" appeared earlier, in 1735. This is not a separate fountain, but a whole complex of water entertainment, from which no one can get away dry. "Dubok" and "Umbrella" are launched from 10.00 to 20.45.

Fountain-cracker "Dubok"

Three small fountains "Herringbone" are very similar to natural trees. Many tourists, not seeing the trick, come close and receive thin streams of water from the "branches". You can have fun at the "Christmas trees" from 10.00 to 19.00.

Attraction rating

The Mezheumny fountain is located in front of the main entrance to the Upper Garden of Peterhof. Currently, the image of the fountain is one of the postcard views of Peterhof.

The fountain also has a second name "Undefined", which reflects the numerous changes in the sculptural design.

In 1738, a sculptural group "Andromeda" was installed in the fountain, which depicted Perseus on a horse, protecting Andromeda from the dragon. Four dolphins were swimming around the sculpture. The sculpture was in the fountain until 1775. It was too big for the water supply of the fountain. From the entire sculptural group, only a dragon and four dolphins remained in it.

In 1859, a crater vase was installed in the middle of the fountain.

During the Second World War, the fountain was completely destroyed. After the war, it was restored by A.F. Gurzhiy on the surviving sketches.

Fountain "Pyramid"

The Pyramid fountain, created by the architect Nicolo Michetti in 1724 on the instructions of Peter I, is located in the eastern part of the Lower Park of Peterhof. It is one of the most beautiful fountains in Peterhof.

Its peculiarity lies in the layout, due to which the fountain site is not visible from the avenues. Therefore, the water pyramid sparkling with splashes opens to the eyes of visitors suddenly, when they find themselves in the immediate vicinity of the fountain.

The fountain consists of four cascades oriented to the cardinal points. It also has an important symbolic meaning. In the 18th century, there was a tradition in the Russian army to erect obelisks in the form of pyramids at the sites of battles. One of these obelisks was the water pyramid on the shores of the Gulf of Finland, dedicated to the victory of the Russian troops in the Northern War.

Fountain Favorite

The Favorite Fountain, or Favorite, is one of the most interesting and original fountains in Peterhof. It is located behind the western Voronikhinskaya colonnade. The fountain was made in three months in 1725 by order of Catherine I, it was designed by the architect M. Zemtsov. The fountain clearly illustrates J. La Fontaine's fable "Ducks and Poodle": "The Favorite Dog is chasing ducks on the water, then the ducks told her this: you are in vain torment, you have the strength to drive us, but you do not have the strength to catch."

The composition of the fountain is constantly in motion: in a small pool, a funny dog ​​chases four copper ducks, brightly painted with oil, in a circle. Streams of water fly out of the dog's beaks and mouth. The barking of a dog and quacking of ducks are used as musical accompaniment.

The fountain figures are set in motion by a special mechanism hidden at the bottom of the pool.

During the Great Patriotic War, the fountain was destroyed. In 1957, the water supply of the fountain was reconstructed, the ducks and the dog Favoritka were created anew from copper.

Western Square Pond (with the fountain "Venus of Italy")

One of the so-called "Square Ponds" (which are actually rectangular) is located next to the Special Storeroom of the Grand Palace.

Square ponds were intended to store water supplied to the Grand Cascade.

In the center of the pond there is a fountain with a sculpture of Venus of Italy - a copy of the sculpture of the same name by Antonio Canova.

Fountain Sun in Peterhof

The magnificent fountains of Peterhof are famous not only for their extraordinary beauty, but also for a wide variety of both architectural and engineering ideas. One of the most interesting fountains in the park is undoubtedly the Sun Fountain.

The fountain is located in the southern part of the Lower Park, near the Monplaisir Palace. At the time of Peter the Great, the Menagerie, a menagerie, was located here. In the pond surrounding the fountain, sturgeons brought here from the Volga were bred, swans, geese and ducks glided along its surface.

The fountain was built in 1721 according to the project of Nicola Michetti with the active participation of the emperor. Fifty years later, the design of the fountain was significantly redesigned by the architect Yuri Felten and it acquired the look we are used to today. A turbine is installed at the base of the fountain, which, under the pressure of water, rotates a bronze column topped with gilded discs. From the holes in the discs, like the sun's rays, thin water jets are beating in all directions.

Fountain "Adam"

Fountain "Adam" was built in St. Petersburg in the period from 1718 to 1726. designed by the Venetian sculptor Giovanni Bonazza.

This fountain, located on the territory of the Peterhof Palace and Park Ensemble, is part of a single architectural concept, together with the Eva fountain. The fountains are similar in artistic style and engineering.

Fountains "Adam" and "Eve" are located on the axis of the main alley of the park (Marlinskaya alley) in the central points of the eastern and western parts of the park, respectively.

The pool of the fountain has the form of a regular octagon, in the center of which there is a sculpture on a pedestal, which is surrounded by sixteen inclined streams of water.

These are the only fountains on the territory of Peterhof that have retained their original appearance.

Fountain "Sheaf"

The Sheaf Fountain is located in the Monplaisir Garden of Peterhof. The garden, like the palace itself, was created according to the project of Peter I in the eastern part of the Lower Park.

Construction began in 1721 under the direction of the architect N. Michetti.

The fountain is a powerful water cannon. Twenty-four jets shoot from the base of the circular pool, which is twenty-one meters in diameter. The streams burst out in the form of ears, which form the form of a sheaf. The central jet beats up four and a half meters.

The fountain is surrounded by four bell fountains, which create the complete composition of the Monplaisir Garden.

Currently, the garden is one of the most popular places in Petrodvorets.

Fountain Oak

The Oak Fountain is the first fountain in the Upper Garden in Peterhof. In 1734, P. Sualem created a plan for the future fountain. B.K. Rastrelli created sculptures for him from lead: an oak modeled after the same sculpture at Versailles, three newts and six dolphins. The lead oak was moved to the Lower Park in 1746. Over the course of two hundred years, the fountain was constantly rebuilt; by the 19th century, only dolphins remained from the original composition. In 1929 the fountain took its final form.

Now the fountain, which has retained its former name "Oak", delights with its graceful decor. In the middle of the round pool, the bottom of which is lined with slabs of dark and light granite, there is a tuff slide in the shape of a starfish with six rays. At the ends of the starfish there are six bronze dolphins, from whose mouths thin streams of water are directed upwards. In the center of the hill you can see the marble sculpture "Cupid Putting on a Mask".

Terrace fountains Peterhof

Terrace fountains are located on the sides of the Grand Cascade in Peterhof, on the terraces in front of the Grand Palace. The idea of ​​creating fountains on the terraces originated in the first quarter of the 18th century. In 1799-1800, the architect F. Brower and the fountain master F. Strelnikov, according to the project of A. Voronikhin, created 20 fountain-bowls and 10 cascades from Pudost limestone. In 1852-1854, according to the drawings of A. Stakenschneider, the details of the cascades and the bowl were made of marble. In this form, the fountains have survived to this day.

Ten identical fountains are located five each to the left and right of the Grand Cascade. On the ledges there are marble bowls, from each of them a stream of water gushes upwards. Below the bowls there are marble cascades of four steps, their vertical walls ending in triangular pediments with gilded mascarons, water from which flows down the steps. At the bottom of the cascades, single-jet water cannons can be seen in a long marble trough that connects five fountains together.

Fountain-jester Dubok

Fountain-cracker "Dubok" is a funny curiosity fountain in Peterhof. It was originally designed by B.K. They were shot in 1735 as part of the fountain in the Upper Garden. In 1802, it was installed in the Lower Garden as part of a composition of several jokes.

Fountain "Dubok" is a six-meter metal tree with a hollow trunk, five hundred tubular branches and several thousand metal leaves, painted green, standing on an oval island surrounded by a narrow stream. Jets of water burst from the tips of each twig. There are five fountain tulips under the tree. There are two benches next to the tree, on which one has only to sit down, as water jets rise from behind the backs.

During the war, the entire composition of the fountains, including an oak tree, tulips and benches, was destroyed. The fountain was re-created in 1947 by the masters Lavrentyevs, according to the project of the architect A.A. Olya and according to the surviving fragments and drawing from 1828.

Fountains "Closhi"

In 1724, near the "Marly" palace in the western part of the Lower Park, on an alley along the reservoir, it was planned to build four fountains based on the themes of Aesop's fables. However, the plan was not realized, and the figures of four "Tritons" made in 1721 from bronze according to the drawing of the architect I.-F. Braunstein. Wooden bowls with tubes, from which water gushed over the Tritons' heads, were replaced at the end of the 18th century with flat discs with a water conduit outlet in the center. The water flowing out under low pressure forms a kind of bell. "Tritons", surrounded by a transparent veil, seem to be in the native element of the underwater kingdom. Since then, the fountains have been called "Cloches", which means "bells" in French.

Destroyed during the Great Patriotic War, "Kloshi" were recreated in 1955.

Sea canal with avenue of fountains

The creation of the Sea Canal, 12 meters wide, was the idea of ​​Peter I. The canal was assigned not only a decorative, but also a navigable role; in the middle of the 18th century, light ships could sail along it to the harbor in front of the Grand Palace. The Alley of Fountains consists of 22 pools with fountains on lawns on both sides of the Sea Canal.

According to the idea of ​​Peter I, 22 swimming pools were installed along the canal. They were originally called Nichels, as they were located in niches, and farther from the water than they are now. Four pools were with fountains decorated with sculptural groups based on the stories of Aesop's fables. There were also fountain vases. In 1835, the pools with fountains were moved closer to the canal, the pipes of the fountains were redesigned in such a way that the jets of water formed different geometric shapes, including pyramids. Therefore, the fountains became known as Pyramid fountains.

In the years 1854-1860, fourteen pools were replaced with new ones, made of Carrara marble. Eight pools remained the same, only they were painted in the color of marble, they were replaced later, in the 60s of the XX century. In the pools, single-jet water cannons were installed, gushing at a height of four meters, perhaps from that time the name of the Alley of Fountains appeared, since the jets looked like amazing trees from the water.

Eva fountain

The Eve fountain in Peterhof is named after the legendary biblical progenitor of the human race. Its construction began in 1725 under the leadership of T. Usov, in 1726 the fountain was tested. The Eva fountain located in the western part of the park is paired with the Adam fountain, located in its eastern part. ... Both fountains are located on the axis of the Marly Alley.

The Eva Fountain is a sculpture of Eve, located on a high pedestal in the center of an octagonal basin made of hewn profiled granite. The sculpture is surrounded by sixteen fan-shaped water jets seven meters high.

Around the fountain there is a small square, from which large and small alleys radiate out like rays.

Fountain "Neptune"

Fountain "Neptune", decorated with a three-tiered sculptural group, is the central fountain of the Upper Garden of Peterhof. The statue of Neptune rises on a high pedestal surrounded by masks of sea monsters, from which oblique streams of water gush.

The composition called "Neptunov's Cart" was installed in the central basin of the Upper Garden in 1736. The sculptures were made of gilded lead. In 1797, instead of the "Neptunova Cart", a sculptural group "Neptune" was installed, which has survived to this day. After the war and the dismantling of the fountains, they were re-launched by the craftsmen under the leadership of A. Smirnov only in 1956.

The fountain figures were made in Nuremberg in honor of the memory of the Peace of Westphalia, and then sold to Russia. A copy of the fountain, installed in the city park of Nuremberg, has been there since 1902.

Like all tourists or just lovers of travel, we began our visit to Peterhof from the upper garden. He greeted us with a riot of tulips of a wide variety of shapes and colors. The well-groomed lawns, shady alleys, neatly trimmed trees were striking. On the territory of the upper garden there were two small fountains, the first of all their variety. The weather was wonderful, and the Peterhof Palace looked just great against the blue sky.

How to get there

  • From the metro station "Avtovo": Minibuses: T-224, T-300, T-424 buses: No. 200, No. 210
  • From the metro station "Leninsky Prospekt": minibuses: T-103, T-420
  • From the metro station "Prospect Veterans": minibuses: T-343, T-639B
  • From the railway station Baltiyskiy vokzal: train to the station New Peterhof or Oranienbaum from the station in New Peterhof 10 minutes by buses: No. 344, No. 348, No. 350, No. 351, No. 352, No. 355, No. 356

I will leave a little from the main topic, but it is necessary to write that from time to time we are worried about the same thing. So, all the toilets are located in remote parts of the park. Therefore, especially if you are with children, we advise you to solve all the pressing problems at the entrance to the park, so that later nothing will interfere with having a pleasant time. Well, and immediately about something else. A visit to the park will take you all day, no less. The food in the park is very expensive, it is worth stocking up on sandwiches and water (although the latter ends very quickly). Two of us couldn’t stand the hunger strike and “crackle” over a burger using the last “cash” (cards are not taken) - and this explains why we got home by bus. If you intend to make purchases (souvenirs, etc.), take cash.

Let's continue. Having admired the Samson Breaking the Lion's Jaws fountain from above, we decided to go down directly to the fountain itself. And here we were interested in the invitation to the excursion "Grottoes of the Great Cascade". I will not describe the manipulations in which we bought tickets without passports, but we did it. The excursion is very unusual - you have to take it. But this is a separate story, and read about it in our separate article.

Then we went down to "Samson". Samson is mesmerizing. The statue itself symbolizes the power of Russia, the victory over both Sweden and Nazi Germany. By the way, during the war against fascism "Samson" was destroyed and rebuilt. The jets of the fountain rise proudly. The beauty is extraordinary. And if you are at the fountain in good weather, take a closer look - you will see a rainbow. Would admire more, but the time of the excursion has come.

After the excursion, we walked to the right obliquely (if we stand facing the Gulf of Finland from Samson on the left) and ended up on a shady alley, where we met a cute charming squirrel, which was intently gnawing a nut, paying little attention to the children attacking it from all sides. Very quickly we went to the square of the "Shakhmatnaya Gora" cascade. There are also two beautiful fountains there. By the way, there are toilets and numerous fast food stalls on the same square.

In total, there are 147 operating fountains on the territory of the complex.

After a short break, we moved on. Our way lay to the fountains "crackers". It turns out that Peter had a certain sense of humor and he liked to suddenly douse his guests with water. The fountains include the "Waterway", the "Dubok" and "Umbrella" fountains. The whole "trick" is that walking along the road, admiring an oak tree or sitting down on the "Umbrella" bench, you risk getting wet from head to toe at the most inopportune moment. The kids really like it. We know the principle of operation of these fountains, but we will not disclose it to you. The most curious, turning their heads in all directions, will understand what the secret is.

Having walked along the park alleys, we naturally decided to head towards the Gulf of Finland. On the way we met the "Sun" fountain. In general, there were many fountains, we simply cannot describe everything. Each fountain is remarkable in its own way. "Sun" because a ball is installed at the top of the fountain, from which jets of water are thrown out and, as it were, beams are obtained. At the same time, the ball rotates slowly.

Our way to the Gulf of Finland was broken by the sign "Labyrinth". Since none of us was there, we decided to look at this miracle of engineering technology. On the way, there was a chance to admire the swans and ducks in a closed enclosure. Regarding the labyrinth - of all the labyrinths, this is the most "not a labyrinth". There is nothing to do there. Don't waste your time.

And finally, the Gulf of Finland. It immediately became cool. The Gulf of Finland is always cold, so in Peterhof a swimsuit is not included in the mandatory "dress code" in summer. But on the other hand, there is a beautiful view of the city, of the cable-stayed bridge (in clear weather). We walked along the road along the Gulf of Finland, periodically dodging the ubiquitous electric cars with sightseers, and took pictures on all lawns and all streams "because we wanted to."

So gradually we came to the "Dutch yard". Peter, as you know, loved Holland and recreated its tiny corner here. The small courtyard is planted with amazingly beautiful scarlet tulips. In the center, of course, there is a fountain. In the corner of the courtyard there is some kind of entertainment for the children, where they are poured with water. But we didn't go there. Who will go with children - try it, just take your child a raincoat.

Tired, having trampled on the last shoes and experiencing incredible pleasure from the walk, we decided to head home. We made the return trip in the same order. At the same time, our tireless photographer continued to take pictures. Why we did the return trip by bus, we already wrote above, but we do not advise you to do this in any case - only a fixed-route taxi.

And at the end I would like to write the following: no matter how many times you come to St. Petersburg, the same number of times you will definitely go to Peterhof. In order to admire the majestic streams of fountains, enjoy the beautiful landscapes of the park, stroll along its shady alleys, see beautiful meadows with flowers, stand on the shore of the Gulf of Finland, or just feed a little fluffy squirrel.

Every tourist who has ever visited St. Petersburg should definitely visit one of the pearls of the Northern capital - Petrodvorets, better known as Peterhof. So we could not resist and decided to go to Peterhof. For the umpteenth time.

Once Peter the Great decided to build a country residence that would be in no way inferior to the French Versailles, and his dream came true. At that time, many rulers of the world were ill with Versailles, so we can be proud that our attempt to outmaneuver everyone succeeded, it seems to me. In a short time, a grandiose palace was erected and a park with stunning fountains was laid out. The descendants of Peter I also completed and decorated this beautiful corner. In 1941, the Germans occupied the territory of Peterhof, many park trees were cut down, fountains were destroyed and the Great Peterhof Palace was blown up, and numerous values ​​of the palace complex, which could not be evacuated during the evacuation, were taken abroad. Immediately after the war, restoration work began, and with the help of the hard work of numerous art workers and volunteers, now everyone can see all the splendor and extraordinary beauty of the creation of Peter I. So, welcome to Peterhof.

You can get to Petrodvorets in different ways:

1) We decided to get to Petrodvorets by water on a meteor. They move away from the pier at the Bronze Horseman. The ticket price is 650 rubles. Meteors arrive at the pier at the Lower Park.
2) Minibuses depart from the Avtovo and Leninsky Prospekt and Baltiyskaya metro stations. Minibus numbers 424,224,103,404 and 054. We chose a minibus for the return journey. It rides for about half an hour and is very winding, so I even got seasick there. But it costs only 70 rubles, in contrast to the meteor.
3) Also, trains from the Baltic station run to Petrodvorets once an hour. The journey takes about 30 minutes. The fare is 50 rubles.

Near the stop of the meteor at the pier of the Lower Park, you need to buy a ticket to the park at one of the ticket offices, it costs 450 rubles. In general, as I understand it, you have to pay extra for the entrance to each palace or museum located in Peterhof. And they are all expensive.
By the way, we saw a helipad nearby. It turned out that you can also get to Peterhof from St. Petersburg by helicopter. However, it must be ordered in advance, because helicopters carry groups of 15 people or more. The ticket price will then be 3000 rubles per person.

We entered the park along the Sea Canal, which divides the Lower Park into two parts. Our tour began with one of the oldest fountains in Petrodvorets - the Adam fountain, surrounded by pavilions. It has been preserved since the time of Peter I.

On the other side of the Sea Canal, there is the twin fountain "Eva".

There are several firecracker fountains in the Lower Park. They are easy to find by laughing and screeching nearby. The fact is that during the construction of the park, a kind of water fun was copied, with the help of which the European nobility of the 18th century was entertained. When dressed up ladies and gentlemen walked along the alleys of the park, they could suddenly be sprayed by a nearby Christmas tree or some other structure. If earlier these fountains entertained adults, now children are mostly frolicking around them, deliberately running through those places where jets of water suddenly appear.

We also admired the beauty of the oldest fountains of Peterhof - "The Sun" and "Pyramid", walked along the numerous alleys of the park, watched the squirrels that often run out to please tourists.

The beloved palace of Peter I amazes with its grace with the well-groomed courtyard of Monplaisir, which translates as "my pleasure".

And the garden, laid out near the palace, is one of the most beautiful places in the Lower Park. If you move away from the center, then the number of people on the alleys becomes less and less, here, in good weather, you can get real pleasure from walking.

Another building of the Lower Park amazes with its grace and beauty - a greenhouse building with a magnificent garden and the Triton fountain.

But the most grandiose fountain complex, which is the hallmark of Petrodvorets, is the fountains of the Grand Cascade. Created in the 18th century, they were supposed to symbolically glorify the victory of Russia over the Swedes and the conquest of the outlet to the Baltic Sea.

The central figure - the fountain "Samson Breaking the Lion's Jaws" was created for the Day of Military Glory in honor of the Russian victory in the Northern War. Why Samson? The fact is that the triumphant Battle of Poltava took place on the day of St. Samson. In the fountain, he thus allegorically depicts Russia, and the lion of Sweden, in whose coat of arms these animals are depicted.

Then we went to the Marly Palace. It was erected on an artificial embankment between two ponds. Ever since the time of Peter I, fun was invented to feed the fish that are bred in these ponds. The guests gathered around, a footman appeared who rang the bell, and a flock of various fish swam to the feeding place. We didn’t see any fish in the pond, perhaps it wasn’t yet dinner time, and they were looking for food in the depths of the pond. The palace itself seems like a fairytale house, reflected in the surface of the pond.

Also of interest is another small palace in the western part of the Lower Park - the Hermitage Palace. This building was built in a rather remote place for courtiers to meet, here the close persons could retire. Even the table was laid downstairs, and then, with the help of a special mechanism, it was raised into the banquet hall so that guests could do without the presence of servants.

I must say, by the end of our walk through the Lower Park, we were pretty tired. And if at first we were delighted with each fountain, then after a couple of hours we examined many structures very quickly.

I think that even a week will not be enough to inspect Peterhof. It is impossible to visit all the palaces and see all the parks and fountains in one day. Once, when we came here in November, only a tour of the Grand Palace took us almost the whole day. It is upsetting, of course, that visiting individual palaces is not cheap.

According to my calculations, the inspection of all objects of Peterhof will cost more than 5,000 rubles. It seems to me that it would be better to have made some average-cost ticket, which gives the right to see all the sights of Petrodvorets.

After walking through the Lower Park, we went up to the Upper Park and left Peterhof already by minibus.

Despite the fact that we spent the whole day in nature, among the magnificent and stunning masterpieces of architecture, such a number of objects and huge crowds of people tired us out. Nevertheless, Petrodvorets is the place to which you want to return again and again.

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