Cape Verde has the best beaches. Description and attractions of Cape Verde. Cuisine and restaurants

The city of Santa Maria is the second most populous city in Cape Verde. It is located in the northern part of the island of Sal. In this lively place, life does not stop even at night. A huge number of bars, restaurants, clubs and entertainment centers are happy to welcome tourists on their snow-white shores. But above all else, you should definitely visit the local market.

Santa Maria is the most attractive place on the entire island with its own unique flavor and atmosphere. The locals, mostly ordinary people, fishermen and workers, are very friendly and helpful. They willingly communicate even without understanding the language, inviting you to restaurants and cafes to try local dishes. But none of this compares to the incredible atmosphere of the local market. Here you can find the most unexpected and amazing things. In the total mass of colorful, bright and fragrant goods, you will find that unique souvenir that will remind you of your trip to Cape Verde for a long time.

Almost every week there are folk festivals with music and dancing. Local residents love it when tourists join in their simple entertainment and celebrations. On September 15, St. Mary's Day, the most vibrant and incredible festival takes place, which brings together residents from the surrounding islands.

Salt developments of Pedra Vincente Lume

Sal island is famous for its white beaches. The local landscapes resemble the lunar surface: the island is completely flat and the sand, blown by winds from Africa, forms small relief dunes against the backdrop of reddish rocky plains. The northern part of the island looks completely snow-white against the backdrop of white beaches. Here, in the crater of an extinct volcano, salt is being mined and some deposits are developed for medicinal purposes.

The island of Sal is of volcanic origin and the local salt deposits owe their appearance to its once powerful eruptions. Nowadays, in the picturesque crater of the volcano in the town of Pedra de Lume (literally translated as Fire Stone), not only salt is mined, but also tourist health resorts are thriving. Some deposits are equipped with spa centers and clinics, where you can take a hot salt bath enriched with minerals. Local salt has a beneficial effect on the skin and some chronic diseases of the joints and bones. Inhaling the local bitter air while walking along the coast will be very useful!

Just a short drive from Pedra Lume is the island's busiest town, Santa Maria. Here you can stay in a hotel, relax on the beaches, have fun in nightclubs and bars, and at the same time visit the Pedra de Lume salt mines.

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Porto de Palmeira

The main port of the island of Sal is located in the northwestern part of the island in the city of Palmeira on the west coast. This large city is the main maritime link, receiving hundreds of tourists and many merchant ships every day. Life in Port de Palmeira does not stop even at night.

Most residents of port cities in the republic are engaged in fishing and the island of Sal is no exception.

There are many restaurants and cafes where you can get acquainted with traditional cuisine immediately upon arrival. Local dishes are delicious and varied. Its main components are, of course, fish, shellfish and other seafood. Be sure to try the shellfish soup with a rare set of spices “Caldo de camarã o a moda da mama Bibi” and the shrimps soaked in local wine “Camarã o em vinha de alhos”. For dessert, order coconut cheesecakes and the local drink Ponchi, infused with coffee, peppermint and orange.

The most popular attractions in Sale with descriptions and photographs for every taste. Choose the best places to visit famous places in Sal on our website.

The Republic of Cape Verde is located on the islands of the same name in the Atlantic Ocean. An archipelago of 10 large and 8 smaller islands is located 620 kilometers from the west coast of Africa. The distance between the islands is 100–150 kilometers. Conventionally, they are divided into 2 groups: “leeward” (Sotaventu) and “windward” (Barlaventu). The first includes the islands of Sao Vicente, Santo Antau, Sao Nicolau, Sal, Boavista and the uninhabited island of Santa Lucia. The "windward" group of islands includes Brava, Fogo, Santiago and Mayu. Translated from Portuguese, the name of the country means “Cape Verde”. Previously, the country was called that way in Russian - Cape Verde Islands; unofficially this name still exists. Cape Verde is a unique country in the sense that it has preserved pristine nature, which miraculously has not been touched by the rapidly developing tourist infrastructure here. The main thing that travelers come here for is diving (Cape Verde is one of the world's top five most interesting places for diving), windsurfing and sport fishing. And of course, guests of the Cape Verde Islands will not leave indifferent the local carnivals and music festivals (by the way, it was this country that gave the world the inimitable Cesaria Evora). And the sincere hospitality of the Cape Verdians and the peaceful atmosphere of a paradise lost in the ocean will leave an indelible mark on the soul.


  • Independence date: 5 July 1975 (from Portugal)
  • official languages: Portuguese
  • Regional or local official language: capoverdiana
  • Capital: Praia
  • The largest city: Praia
  • Form of government: Presidential republic
  • Territory: Population
  • Currency: Cape Verdean escudo (CVE code 132)
  • Internet domain: .cv
  • ISO code:CV
  • IOC code: CPV
  • Telephone code: +238
  • Time Zones: −1

A Brief History of Cape Verde

The uninhabited Cape Verde Islands were discovered by the Portuguese in 1456.
1462 - Beginning of Portuguese colonization. Import of black slaves from Africa.
Soon African slaves appeared there.
Until February 6, 1986 The name of the country - the Republic of Cape Verde - was translated from Portuguese.

Climate and weather in Cape Verde

The climate is dry tropical. Ocean water temperature: February-March +21…+22 °C, August-October +25…+26 °C. The wind constantly blows on the islands, which helps to tolerate the summer heat well. There is little precipitation during the year - 100-300 mm. Sometimes there are heavy downpours in the mountains, which can “pour out” up to 500 mm of moisture in one day, which destroys the fertile top layer of soil. The rainy season is from August to October, when the southwest monsoon blows. The rest of the time, northeast trade winds dominate. The east harmattan wind, blowing from the Sahara between October and June, has a drying effect and brings fine dust.


Official language: Portuguese and Creole. Creole is a mixture of Old Portuguese and African languages. In the tourist environment, Spanish and English are used.


About 80% of the population are Catholics. Many adherents of local beliefs have survived.


International name: CVE. The Cape Verdean escudo is equal to 100 centavos. Banknotes in circulation are in denominations of 100, 200, 500, 1000 and 2500 escudos. Coins come in denominations of 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 escudos. Foreign currency and traveler's checks are exchanged at banks and hotels. There is no return exchange. The use of credit cards and traveler's checks is only possible in large restaurants and hotels in the capital.


It lags behind Moscow by 5 hours in summer, and by 4 hours in winter.


Islands of volcanic origin. The relief is predominantly mountainous. The plains are located on the islands of Boavista, Mayu and Sal. The coastline of the islands (1053 km) is rocky and very indented. The archipelago is located in one of the seismic zones of Africa, the most frequent earthquakes are on the island of Brava. The highest point of the archipelago is the active Fogo volcano (2829 m), located on the island of the same name (the last eruption occurred in 1995). There are two groups of islands - the northern windward ones
(Barlaventu) and southern leeward (Sotaventu). Minerals: basalt, volcanic tuff, limestone, kaolin, pumice, pozzolan and salt. On the islands of Brava and Santo Antan there are springs of medicinal mineral waters. The climate is dry tropical (hot). The warmest period of the year is August-September, the coolest is January-February. The average annual air temperature is +22–26° C. The average annual precipitation is 100–300 mm, most of it falls in the mountains. Vegetation is sparse. The flora includes 450 native plant species and 150 introduced ones. Acacias, bombardeira, cypresses, pines and eucalyptus trees grow in the mountains, and almonds, coconut and date palms grow in the valleys. There are baobabs, dragon trees and mangoes. The greenest island of the archipelago is Brava, sometimes called the island of flowers. Deforestation has led to the virtual disappearance of rivers; their beds fill with water only during the rainy season. Sources of fresh water include wells, drilling rigs and desalination plants. Fauna - a diverse world of birds (egret, wood grouse, kingfishers, waders, sea gulls, quails, parrots, falcons, flamingos, frigatebirds) and many species of lizards. Most animal species were introduced by settlers - livestock, cats, rabbits, rats, mice, monkeys and dogs. The world of butterflies and insects is diverse. The waters of the islands are rich in fish (barracuda, mullet, salmon, mackerel, sole, moray eel, herring, tuna). Lots of sharks, lobsters and shellfish. There are whales and sea turtles.


Population density – approx. 130 people per 1 sq. km. (2009).
The average annual population growth is 1.428%. The birth rate is 21.21 per 1000 people, the mortality rate is 6.28 per 1000 people.
Infant mortality is 26.02 per 1000 births. Average life expectancy is 71.8 years (67.78 years for men and 73.27 for women). (All figures are as of 2012).
70% of the population are Creoles (descendants of mixed marriages of Portuguese and Spanish settlers with Africans), 28% are Africans, 1% are Europeans. In addition to the Portuguese language, the Creole dialect Criulo (a mixture of Old Portuguese and African languages) is widespread. 53.3% of the population are residents of cities and towns (2000). The most populated island is Santiago.
More than 60% of the population lives in cities. Large cities: Mindelo (62.97 thousand people), Sao Filipe (6 thousand people) - 2000.
Purchasing power in 2002 was 1.4 thousand US dollars. In 2011, this figure was 2,078 thousand US dollars. (a fairly high level for African countries), however, approx. 30% of the population is classified as poor.
The process of population emigration continues. The Cape Verdean diaspora in Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, the USA and African countries (Angola, Gabon, Guinea-Bissau, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal and Mozambique) numbers 700 thousand people.


January 1, January 20, February 19 and 20, May 1, July 5, August 15, November 1, December 25, as well as religious holidays


Tourists are attracted by the sandy beaches of the islands of Boavista, Mayo and Sal, as well as the picturesque mountain scenery on the islands of Brava, Santo Antan, Santiago and Fogo. Favorable climatic conditions make it possible to receive tourists all year round. Both local entrepreneurs and foreign investors invest in the development of tourism (74% of all foreign investments were invested in 1998). The main foreign investors are Austria, Germany, Spain, Italy, Portugal and France. Hotel complexes are popular in the city of Tarrafal, on the islands of Boavista, Mayu, Sao Vicente and Santo Antan. In 1999, the first five-star hotel, Kriula, opened on the island of Sal. The number of tourists (Portuguese, Germans, Italians, Dutch, Americans, French, South Africans, etc.) increases annually: 20 thousand people. in 1993, 67 thousand people. in 1999. In 2000, the country was visited by 83.3 thousand people, and income from tourism amounted to 40.8 million US dollars.
Sights: Catholic cathedrals from colonial times, the village of Cidade Velha (translated as “old city”, founded on the island of Santiago in the 15th century, listed as a UNESCO protected historical monument), Belem Tower and the Maritime Museum in the city. Mindelo, ethnographic museum in Praia. When planning travel around the country, you should take into account holidays: January 20, May 1, July 5, November 1.


Traditional housing in rural areas is stone one- or two-room funku houses (built without the use of cement) with an earthen floor and mandatory shutters on the windows. The roof is gable, covered with straw or tiles. The architectural appearance of modern cities organically combines ancient mansions from colonial times and multi-story buildings and cottages with all amenities, the construction of which began in the 1990s. Fashionable hotels and supermarkets made of glass and reinforced concrete structures have become a hallmark of the cities.

Online tour to Cape Verde (video)


The islands cannot boast of magnificent nature or gorgeous beaches, but many tourists come here to take a break from civilization. The stunning contrast of the azure-blue ocean and yellow, sun-dried rocks create the unique charm of this country. The main “treasures” of the islands are located under water - the ocean in the archipelago area is saturated with life, so this is one of the best places in the world for water sports and scuba divers. The underwater foothills of the islands go down very steeply and are replete with both coral reefs with countless marine inhabitants and underwater caves with a labyrinth of tunnels and caverns. During the migration period, both herds of whales often appear off the coast of the archipelago, allowing them to approach at a fairly close distance, and schools of ocean fish, serving as an object for sport fishing. Suffice it to say that in 2000, 6 world records for the size and weight of fish caught were registered off the coast of these islands.

The capital of the country, Praia, located on a mountain plateau, which is called Plateau, is not rich in any architectural delights or attractions, but it has two beautiful beaches to the west of the center - Praia Mar and Cuebra Canela. 10 km. to the west of the capital is Ciudad Velha (Old Town), the first European settlement in the archipelago, famous for its picturesque Portuguese fort of Real da Santo Felipe, hanging over the ocean waters. And to the north of the capital lies Tarrafal - a favorite vacation spot for citizens and guests of the country, known for its beautiful beaches.

The deserted island of Sal, on which the country's international airport is located, is almost entirely at the disposal of tourists. While waiting for a flight to the capital or to the islands, you will be offered to take a boat excursion to various islands of the archipelago, visit good restaurants with local and Portuguese cuisine, or spend time on the small but cozy beaches of the island.

Mindelo on o. Santo Vincente is the largest city in the country and the only deep-water port of the archipelago. Unlike the capital, it is full of bars, nightclubs and restaurants. Mainly built with colonial architecture with carved balconies and shaded courtyards, it is the tourist capital of the islands.

Santo Antan, lying north of Santo Vincente, is the greenest and most picturesque of the islands of the archipelago. It is the most popular among fans of hiking. Here you can take a mini-safari in jeeps or bicycles along the green hills of the island and admire its quaint landscape, and then relax on the beaches of the east coast.

Amazing sights of Cape Verde

The island of Sal is mostly desert and there is a magnificent green oasis here too. This paradise, namely the Botanical Garden, is located in the city of Viveiro, where you can stroll among the palm trees, ride an ATV and even visit a tiny zoo with donkeys, goats, rabbits, ducks and peacocks. Attractions of Cape Verde – It is not only stunning nature, it also has numerous architectural monuments and museums.

Things to do in Cape Verde

If the countryside has been chosen as a holiday destination, then you should not count on a varied entertainment program in the evenings after 10 pm, but if you are lucky and the locals may be in the mood, then you can arrange a real celebration with songs and dances. Peak seasons are Christmas, New Year and the summer months.

When it comes to mass entertainment, it is worth focusing on the large cities: Santa Maria on the island of Sal, Mindelo on Sao Vicente Praia in Santiago and the city of Sal Rei and the Esplanade on Boa Vista. Entertainment Cape Verde, one way or another, connected with music, which is a main component of the life of the local population.

Interesting places in Cape Verde

The Cape Verde Islands are a fascinating combination of Portuguese and African influences. One of the most popular events is the Baia das Gatas festival. Sao Vicente is also famous for its wild celebrations. The performances are very popular in Cape Verde. The plays, usually written by the actors themselves, deal with everyday topics that interest residents. A theater festival takes place in the summer in Mindelo. ANDinteresting places in Cape Verde In terms of nightlife, you can find in the city of Santa Maria on the island of Sal: bars, discos, restaurants. In addition, large hotels offer music and dance events.

Excursions Cape Verde

The Cape Verde Islands have much more to offer than meets the eye. For those who want to know a little about their holiday destination, and not just bask in the sun, various excursions Cape Verde. Diving in the ancient city of Mindelo, getting to know Santiago's African roots, hiking through Santo Antan and contemplating tropical landscapes, visiting an active volcano - all this is possible! In Sal, Santiago, Sao Vicente and Fogo you can explore in detail the best local attractions.

Monuments of Cape Verde

Deserves special attention monuments of Cape Verde, for example, located in the city of Mindelo, a 15th century tower called Torre de Belém, which was designed to guard the port of Lisbon. In an incredibly beautiful location with stunning views of the lower town of Praia and the small beach just in front of it, the Diego Gomez monument is located near the presidential palace, which can be seen on a walking tour. StoryCape Verde, one way or another, is reflected in city buildings and statues. The Diego Alfonso monument, for example, reminds people of their colonial past.

Museums of Cape Verde

History buffs can visit numerous museums in Cape Verde. The five most popular of them are the Museum of Archeology in the capital city of Praia, which is said to be difficult to find, but worth it, the Museum of History in Mindelo, the Museum of History of Tabang in Assomada, the Ethnographic Museum, and also the art gallery deserves special attention Casa Da Memoria in Sao Filipe