Airports of Abkhazia. Is there an operating airport in Abkhazia? Resort places in Abkhazia

Abkhazia is famous for its natural resources and low prices. For many years now it has had the status of a budget health resort, hospitably welcoming vacationers of middle and low incomes. Another important advantage is that you do not need a visa to enter the country.

Holidays here are much cheaper than on the Crimean Peninsula or in Sochi, and the conditions are in no way inferior to the famous resorts. Here you can enjoy picturesque landscapes mountains, lakes, rivers and sea. History buffs will find many interesting ancient monuments and will be able to admire the most beautiful architectural structures. The spiritual heritage of the republic is represented by numerous monasteries.

Almost everyone who wants to visit this beautiful region has a question: “What is the best transport to get there? Which airport in Abkhazia accepts tourists?”

Operating airports in Abkhazia

Unfortunately, today there is no way to get to Abkhazia by direct flight. For several reasons, the air routes of the republic cannot accept passenger flights tourist destination. However, there are still airports on the territory of Abkhazia that will soon have such functions.


This is an airport in Abkhazia that accepts exclusively government flights. The airport is at the stage of international certification and is not yet intended to receive passenger flights. Russian peacekeepers, UN aviation and helicopters on domestic flights land on its runway. This is a strategically important airport in Abkhazia, but it is used in extreme cases. The distance from it to the capital is only 18 km. The 3.64 km long runway accommodates almost all types of civil aircraft whose weight does not exceed 125 tons. Its location on the coastal territory of the Colchis Lowland allows it to receive aircraft from several directions. This makes the airport in Abkhazia more profitable than the airport in Sochi.

Passengers are received in the old building, which was opened back in the 1960s. In the 80s, a new air terminal began to exist. In the mid-80s, it was decided to lengthen the runway, and now they can land on it civil aircraft Airbus class. The first flight was made by the Il-86 airbus on the route Moscow - Sukhumi - Moscow. After a successful landing, the number of flights was increased to 3-4 per day.

During Soviet times, the airport in Sukhumi was used as a reserve site by cities such as Baku, Sochi, Simferopol, Krasnodar, Rostov, Yerevan and Mineral water.

The terminal's capacity during peak summer time is about ten thousand passengers.

The largest airport in Abkhazia received its name from the village of Babushara of the same name, near which it is located. Perhaps, after receiving international certification, the airport will be able to accept tourist flights.


You can quickly get a taxi that will take you to the border area. After passing customs control and paperwork, already on the territory of Abkhazia you can use the services of private drivers or minibus taxis and get to the desired resort, for example Sukhumi, Gagra or Pitsunda.

The country's leadership is still working to improve the international transport interchange. Perhaps tourists will soon have the opportunity to travel to Abkhazia by air.

Tourists who dream of visiting this wonderful region often wonder what operating airports in Abkhazia are and how to get from them to their destination? To prepare a trip, many vacationers study the route and draw up a travel plan before departure. — amazing world, these are excellent resorts, beaches, sun, beautiful nature, many historical attractions.

You cannot fly to Abkhazia on a direct flight. There are many reasons why this region is not able to receive aircraft. However, there are airports on the territory of the region, and in the near future they will again have a status that will allow them to receive civil aircraft with tourists on board.

One of the airports in Abkhazia is Babushara. It is owned by the state and is the closest airport that can only handle civil flights. It is currently undergoing certification and is not currently in use; it is intended only for transporting passengers. The airfield's take-off strip is designed only for aircraft of Russian peacekeepers, helicopters and UN aviation. This airport in Abkhazia is a strategic facility and is used only in rare cases.

The distance from the capital of Abkhazia is 18 km.

The runway for aircraft takeoffs and landings is 3.64 km long. It is capable of receiving civil aircraft, their weight should not exceed 125 tons. Due to its favorable location near the coast of the Colchis Lowland, Abkhazia Airport is able to receive aircraft from different sides. So good location it is more convenient than Sochi airport.

The building itself was opened in 1960, and by 2020 it is operational. In the 1980s, it was decided to make the take-off strip much longer, so it began to be used for landing aircraft such as the Airbus. The plane that took off from the airport for the first time was an Il-86, it followed the Moscow-Sukhumi-Moscow course. As soon as the plane made a successful landing, the number of flights was increased to 3 per day.

The airport is located in Sukhumi. Formerly in Soviet times, it was a reserve airfield for cities such as Mineralnye Vody, Krasnodar, Sochi, Rostov, Yerevan, Sochi, Baku, etc. summer season it was capable of carrying 10,000 passengers.

The name Babushara comes from a nearby village. As soon as the airport receives international certification, it will be able to receive aircraft from various airlines that carry tourists.

The military airport in Abkhazia is called Bamboura, it is located in Gudauta, the distance to the capital of the state is only 40 km. In Transcaucasia it is considered one of the largest.

The length of the runway for aircraft take-offs and landings is 3 km, it can accommodate military and combat aircraft. The strip is located near the Black Sea coast and is located so that from the border of the sea to the shore area is approximately 70 m. Thus, aircraft can be hidden from radar, and after they have taken off, they have the opportunity to fly at a low altitude above the sea.

Even with bad weather conditions Bamboura is capable of servicing maritime and civil aviation. In the USSR, it was a base for assault and military equipment of the Air Force, and received transport ships and fighters. In the first half of 2009, Russia began to deploy its own air force groups on it.

Both airports currently do not accept passengers, and to travel to Abkhazia, tourists use others that are currently in operation. One of them is Adler Airport, located in Sochi. Sochi Airport is modern and multifunctional; it can accommodate a large number of passengers wishing to travel to Abkhazia. It provides services to resorts: Adler, Abkhazia and others. It is located in the southeast of Sochi and is located at a distance of 30 km.

Babushara Airport

        • Babushara Airport (Sukhumi International Airport named after V.G. Ardzinba) is located in the Gulripsh region of Abkhazia.

Bamboura Airport

  • Bamboura Airport is a joint military airfield and is located in the Gudauta region of Abkhazia.

Sochi Airport

Tourists can easily use the airport to travel to the resort in Gagry (Abkhazia). The current airport of Abkhazia, located in Sochi, was opened in 1945, and it was named Adler. At that time it was not very big, and the plane was capable of accepting flights only during the daytime. They decided to improve the airport in 1981; its area was significantly increased. Airplanes began to operate international flights, which did not exist before the reconstruction. The very first flights of international aircraft were the following countries: Poland, Bratislava and a little later Prague. Afterwards, aircraft from the airfield began to fly to the Middle East and western part Europe.

In 2009, a new modern air terminal was built. The infrastructure fully allows passengers waiting for boarding to spend the time before their flight in comfortable conditions. The airport received its status in the 21st century, and it acquired a name - Sochi International Airport. It can accommodate different types of aircraft.

Adler Airport, Sochi, present time.

In Russia, the airport in Sochi ranks 8th among large airports in terms of passenger traffic. In 2014, the reconstruction of the terminals was completed, which was necessary for the Olympics in Sochi. For passengers departing from Sochi Airport, it provides services such as restaurants and cafes, duty-free shops, parking, there are also currency exchange offices, and a mother and child room. You can see the airport terminals from the inside in the following video:

Babushara Airport serves the capital of Abkhazia, Sukhum. It is located in the village of Babushara and is named after V.G. Ardzinba. Unfortunately, on this moment The airport is not in operation, but it is planned to start operating soon.
There is one runway on the territory of the airfield, its length is 3640 meters. The airport is capable of receiving aircraft such as Il-86, Tu-154 and lighter ones.
Abkhazian Airlines cooperates with the airport, and UN aviation is also based here.
The problem with launching the airport is that the ICAO organization cannot recognize it as international until the Georgian authorities give permission for this. Currently, the airport is sometimes used for flights by top officials of Abkhazia and Russia.


The history of the airport in Sukhumi begins in the 60s of the last century. Then a new airfield and terminal were opened. In the 70s, the runway was reconstructed and the thickness of its pavement was increased. In the following decades, a new one opened at the airport passenger terminal, and the runway was lengthened.
The airport's new runway made it possible to accept the Il-86 aircraft, which at that time regular flights on the route Sukhum-Moscow. In addition, regular helicopter service between other cities of Abkhazia was established from the airport. Passenger traffic reached 6 thousand people a year.
The airport was closed in 1993, immediately after the conflict between Georgia and Abkhazia. Several aircraft were abandoned on the airfield. The runway was also mined.
After clearing the airport area of ​​mines, local residents began to use free land for agricultural needs.
In 2008, during the war in South Ossetia, several landings were made at the airport by Russian military aircraft, which delivered military equipment and troops to the territory of Abkhazia. That same year, a passenger plane carrying the Russian Foreign Minister landed at the airfield.

The Government of the Republic of Abkhazia represented by the Republican Unitary Enterprise “Sukhum International Airport named after. V. G. Ardzinba"

LUM height

The official operator of the airport is the Republican Unitary Enterprise “Sukhum International Airport named after. V. G. Ardzinba" (OGRN 107RA001238; state registration date 03/17/2011; legal address: Republic of Abkhazia, Gulrypsha district, Babushara village, Airport).


In the mid-1960s, an airfield and terminal building were built. At the end of the 1970s, the thickness of the concrete surface of the airfield was increased by 20 cm, which made it possible to accept aircraft such as Il-76. In the 1980s, a new one was opened next to the first airport terminal, which is currently not in operation. In the mid-1980s, the runway was lengthened, which made it possible to receive Il-86 aircraft (in particular, they operated flights Moscow - Sukhumi - Moscow).

Until the early 1990s, airplane flights operated from the airport to many cities of the USSR, and helicopter lines connected Sukhumi with several settlements Abkhazia. Passenger turnover was up to 5 thousand passengers per day in summer, up to 1 thousand in winter.

Republic of Abkhazia

The airport was closed in 1993 and there are no regular flights.

Currently, it is actively used for flights by top officials of Russia and Abkhazia.


  • On April 22, 1956, during takeoff, for unknown reasons, an Il-14P of the 65th air squadron of MUTA (Aeroflot) fell into the sea, killing 6 people.
    • On July 8, 1977, an An-24RV from the Kirovograd Flight School fell into the sea during takeoff, killing 6 people.
      • On August 14, 1982, two planes of the Sukhumi joint air squad (Aeroflot) collided on the runway when a Tu-134A crashed into an L-410M that had entered the runway during takeoff, killing 11 people (all on board the L-410M).
        • During Third Battle of Sukhumi in September 1993, as a result of attacks by Abkhaz troops, five Georgian airliners were destroyed: three Tu-134A and two Tu-154B, killing a total of 136 people.

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          Excerpt characterizing Babushar (airport)

          “Yes... I’ll tell him,” Pierre said, but... – He didn’t know what to say.
          Natasha was apparently frightened by the thought that might occur to Pierre.
          “No, I know it’s over,” she said hastily. - No, this can never happen. I am tormented only by the evil that I did to him. Just tell him that I ask him to forgive, forgive, forgive me for everything...” She shook all over and sat down on a chair.
          A never-before-experienced feeling of pity filled Pierre's soul.
          “I’ll tell him, I’ll tell him again,” said Pierre; – but... I would like to know one thing...
          "What to know?" asked Natasha's gaze.
          “I would like to know if you loved...” Pierre did not know what to call Anatole and blushed at the thought of him, “did you love this bad man?”
          “Don’t call him bad,” said Natasha. “But I don’t know anything...” She started crying again.
          And an even greater feeling of pity, tenderness and love overwhelmed Pierre. He heard tears flowing under his glasses and hoped that they would not be noticed.
          “Let’s say no more, my friend,” said Pierre.
          His meek, gentle, sincere voice suddenly seemed so strange to Natasha.
          - Let’s not talk, my friend, I’ll tell him everything; but I ask you one thing - consider me your friend, and if you need help, advice, you just need to pour out your soul to someone - not now, but when you feel clear in your soul - remember me. “He took and kissed her hand. “I’ll be happy if I’m able to...” Pierre became embarrassed.
          – Don’t talk to me like that: I’m not worth it! – Natasha screamed and wanted to leave the room, but Pierre held her hand. He knew he needed to tell her something else. But when he said this, he was surprised at his own words.
          “Stop it, stop it, your whole life is ahead of you,” he told her.
          - For me? No! “Everything is lost for me,” she said with shame and self-humiliation.
          - Everything is lost? - he repeated. - If I were not me, but the most beautiful, smartest and best person in the world, and if I were free, I would be on my knees right now asking for your hand and love.
          For the first time after many days, Natasha cried with tears of gratitude and tenderness and, looking at Pierre, left the room.
          Pierre, too, almost ran out into the hall after her, holding back the tears of tenderness and happiness that were choking his throat, without getting into his sleeves, he put on his fur coat and sat down in the sleigh.
          - Now where do you want to go? - asked the coachman.
          "Where? Pierre asked himself. Where can you go now? Is it really to the club or guests? All people seemed so pitiful, so poor in comparison with the feeling of tenderness and love that he experienced; in comparison with the softened, grateful look with which she looked at him the last time because of her tears.
          “Home,” said Pierre, despite the ten degrees of frost, opening his bear coat on his wide, joyfully breathing chest.
          It was frosty and clear. Above the dirty, dim streets, above the black roofs, there was a dark, starry sky. Pierre, just looking at the sky, did not feel the offensive baseness of everything earthly in comparison with the height at which his soul was located. Upon entering Arbat Square, a huge expanse of starry dark sky opened up to Pierre’s eyes. Almost in the middle of this sky above Prechistensky Boulevard, surrounded and sprinkled on all sides with stars, but differing from everyone else in its proximity to the ground, white light, and long, raised tail, stood a huge bright comet 1812, the same comet that, as they said, foreshadowed all sorts of horrors and the end of the world. But in Pierre this bright star with a long radiant tail did not arouse any terrible feeling. Opposite Pierre, joyfully, eyes wet with tears, looked at this bright star, which, as if, with inexpressible speed, flying immeasurable spaces along a parabolic line, suddenly, like an arrow pierced into the ground, stuck here in one place chosen by it, in the black sky, and stopped, energetically raising her tail up, glowing and playing with her white light between countless other twinkling stars. It seemed to Pierre that this star fully corresponded to what was in his soul, which had blossomed towards a new life, softened and encouraged.

          From the end of 1811, increased armament and concentration of forces began Western Europe, and in 1812 these forces - millions of people (counting those who transported and fed the army) moved from West to East, to the borders of Russia, to which, in the same way, since 1811, Russian forces were drawn together. On June 12, the forces of Western Europe crossed the borders of Russia, and war began, that is, an event contrary to human reason and all human nature took place. Millions of people committed each other, against each other, such countless atrocities, deceptions, betrayals, thefts, forgeries and the issuance of false banknotes, robberies, arson and murders, which for centuries will not be collected by the chronicle of all the courts of the world and for which, during this period of time, people those who committed them did not look at them as crimes.
          What caused this extraordinary event? What were the reasons for it? Historians say with naive confidence that the reasons for this event were the insult inflicted on the Duke of Oldenburg, non-compliance with the continental system, Napoleon's lust for power, Alexander's firmness, diplomatic mistakes, etc.
          Consequently, it was only necessary for Metternich, Rumyantsev or Talleyrand, between the exit and the reception, to try hard and write a more skillful piece of paper, or for Napoleon to write to Alexander: Monsieur mon frere, je consens a rendre le duche au duc d "Oldenbourg, [My lord brother, I agree return the duchy to the Duke of Oldenburg.] - and there would be no war.
          It is clear that this was how the matter seemed to contemporaries. It is clear that Napoleon thought that the cause of the war was the intrigues of England (as he said on the island of St. Helena); It is clear that it seemed to the members of the English House that the cause of the war was Napoleon’s lust for power; that it seemed to the Prince of Oldenburg that the cause of the war was the violence committed against him; that it seemed to the merchants that the cause of the war was the continental system that was ruining Europe, that it seemed to the old soldiers and generals that the main reason was the need to use them in business; the legitimists of that time that it was necessary to restore les bons principes [good principles], and the diplomats of that time that everything happened because the alliance of Russia with Austria in 1809 was not skillfully hidden from Napoleon and that the memorandum was awkwardly written for No. 178. It is clear that these and a countless, infinite number of reasons, the number of which depends on the countless differences in points of view, seemed to contemporaries; but for us, our descendants, who contemplate the enormity of the event in its entirety and delve into its simple and terrible meaning, these reasons seem insufficient. It is incomprehensible to us that millions of Christian people killed and tortured each other, because Napoleon was power-hungry, Alexander was firm, the politics of England was cunning and the Duke of Oldenburg was offended. It is impossible to understand what connection these circumstances have with the very fact of murder and violence; why, due to the fact that the duke was offended, thousands of people from the other side of Europe killed and ruined the people of the Smolensk and Moscow provinces and were killed by them.

At a government meeting, the President of Abkhazia Raul Khadzhimba signed a decree granting Sukhum airport the status of a joint airport, which provides for the use air harbor both military and civil aircraft. Interfax reports this.

“After the reconstruction of the airport, it is planned to restore air communication between Abkhazia and Russia, which ceased 26 years ago due to the Georgian-Abkhaz war,” Vakhtang Pipia, chairman of the State Committee for State Property Management and Privatization, said at the meeting.

“Work on the Sukhumi airport reconstruction project began in 2018, a Russian investor was attracted, and work on design and estimate documentation is at the final stage,” Pipia said.

According to him, after reconstruction, Sukhumi airport will be able to receive from 3 thousand to 5 thousand passengers per day and be used for regular air cargo transportation.

For his part, the Prime Minister of Abkhazia Valery Bganba, at a government meeting, signed an order on the preparation of regulatory legal acts on the use of airspace republic and implementation of measures to ensure the functioning international airport Sukhum.

This information grew. The media, and I give it in the original source.

Source: The airport of the city of Sukhum (Sukhumi) is located near the village of Babushara, Gulripshsky district of Abkhazia. The distance from the airport to the capital of Abkhazia is 18 kilometers.

P.S. A topic has already been opened on the Georgian political forum, with a conditional title - how can we answer:

There are different points of view, from the fact that this is unrealistic, and that the ICAO will not give permission, and in case of disobedience, Russia will run into further sanctions, etc...

Someone thinks that this is an election campaign in Abkhazia, and the current head of the republic, Khadzhimba, scores points for himself. Someone believes that this is a fake and that the Russian Federation does not care about Abkhazia and will not expose itself again because of it.

Someone posts a video with “shuriks and ellochkas” who complain about the Abkhaz horsemen, and on the other hand, these same “shuriks and ellochki” tell how good it is in Georgia, and this, by local Internet warriors, is considered the answer to the question: -).

Someone, one of the persistent verbal onanists, traditionally shouts that there is hunger and they are at a dead end, and they need to wait a little. Why onanists?

Yes, because these people said the same thing a year ago, 5,10,15,20 and even 25 years ago.

I think we won’t exist, and their mental continuation, if everything remains as before, will be just as fiercely engaged in the same thing throughout its “active political life.” Or do you think there will be no jingoistic patriots in 30-50 years?

I am tormented by doubts... that talkers and loudmouths are all over the world. will be in the same percentage, both in 30, and in 50 and more. years

Someone, in the old fashioned way, writes that a little more and the Abkhazians will be eaten by the Armenians. This, too, is from a mantra from 20 years ago. At the same time, those who shout such things forget that there are as many or even more Georgians in Abkhazia today than Armenians.

But the main thing is to shout out, but why do you shout out, what meaning do you give, what difference does it make? If screamers thought before screaming, then they would not be screamers.

Verbal enuresis is a problem for all southern peoples, but if we take Georgia specifically, then, IMHO, no one here seriously treats it. Moreover, they are even often proud of him.

I remember once with foreign colleagues sitting in a good restaurant, having a drink, this was 8 years before the Crimea, there was such a quiet, helpful and cunning representative of the future tseropa among us.

We talked to the Japanese about Kuril Islands, they were just on Sakhalin and talking about their impressions, and then, for some reason, they started talking about Ukraine... You can’t imagine how this quiet guy suddenly started shouting.... began to explain to the Japanese what their mistake was, and how you have to buy “these sheep” that are always on sale. I listened to him calmly then, because in Georgia I was sitting on the throne - a chatterbox of chatterboxes, who said similar things in a much harsher form.

I asked him, is Crimea truly Ukrainian? And are you sure that it will always be like this? To which he chuckled and, as if he had a poem by heart, he read out a mantra, which I later, especially after 2014, heard dozens of times.

There we have Crimean Tatars, they will cut the Katsaps to hell. I didn’t argue so as not to offend the proud patriot, but the Japanese asked - what if suddenly the Russians come to an agreement with them, or intimidate them?

To which I immediately received a lively response from a guy from Putin’s united people - America is with us, the West is with us, Crimea has no water of its own, they will completely perish without us... It is we who feed them. How can you even think that this idiot would dare to encroach..... Yes, the khan would be hers then, and instantly. You underestimate Ukraine!!! :-)

I later had a conversation with this guy, and others like him, about Donbass, believe me, there was the same “fish-eye” - in terms of confidence. The mantra is the same - they don’t know how to do anything, “everything is captured” there, the West is with us, Russia is starving and will never dare....:-)

Now to the airport in Sukhumi.

I have no way of knowing how accurate this information is. And they will not argue with those who believe that this may be pre-election campaigning. Because I don’t know.

But, if suddenly the airport in Sukhumi opens and flights begin... and Russia agrees to this, then, in my opinion, Georgia has nothing to answer, except for the chatter of local babbles.

And if you think that Georgia has something to answer, write.

P.S. And here is the answer:

The Georgian Civil Aviation Agency issued a statement clearly stating why the international air service at Sukhumi airport cannot be carried out without permission from the Georgian aviation authorities.

According to the statement, no airline will be able to carry out international air traffic at Sukhumi airport until Georgia makes a decision on this and flight safety supervision is ensured by the Georgian side.

If any airline starts flying in the direction of Sukhumi, it will violate both international standards civil aviation, and the Georgian law on occupied territories, which will complicate the operation of this airline in the international direction and in the direction of Georgia.

Sukhumi airport has been closed by the Georgian side since 1993. It is not certified by the Georgian aviation authorities. At the same time, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) recognizes Abkhazia as an integral part of Georgia.

ICAO has not assigned a four-digit location code to Sukhumi Airport. Its assignment occurs only on the basis of a request from the authorized aviation authorities.

According to the Civil Aviation Agency, the use of an airfield for civil aviation purposes on the territory of Georgia is unacceptable if its operator does not have a certificate of suitability of the airfield issued by the Civil Aviation Agency of Georgia.

Certification of airfields on the territory of Georgia, issuance of certificates, refusal to issue, suspension of validity of a certificate, cancellation of a certificate, constant supervision and control of the operator’s activities is carried out by the Georgian Civil Aviation Agency.

P.S. It seems to me that Russia in case of real desire, can easily bypass Georgia's warnings. And you?

A little analogy:

Ercan Airport- airport of the partially recognized state of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. Due to the fact that the airport is located in an unrecognized for the most part international community state, it also does not have the official status of an international airport and its IATA and ICAO codes are not included in the officially registered lists.

Located east of the capital of the Republic of Cyprus, Nicosia, near the village of Timvu. All aircraft flying internationally to and from Ercan Airport must make a stopover at one of the Turkish airports.