Camping sign in traffic rules. What does the camping sign on the road say? Delivery across Russia

The fashionable word "camping" came to us from in English, where it means outdoor recreation in tents. In simple terms, this is a hike. If you are going on vacation to a picturesque place somewhere on the shore of a lake or in a forest clearing and are going to spend... open air at least one night (meaning in a tent or hut), then you can safely say that you are camping.

But there is still some difference between the meaning of the words “camping” and “hiking”. A hike is, rather, a walking outing into nature, in which the participants themselves find and organize a place for their relaxation. What is camping (see photo above)? It means not only the event itself, but also the place where the camp is set up. Camping areas are specially equipped and parking is provided near them.


For some vacationers, the meaning of camping is to live in a tent, provide food and entertainment away from civilization. But there are others for whom a tent camp is simply a forced stop, a place to sleep and recuperate. In this case, we are already talking about different types of camping. Here are some of them:

  • active camping is a type of recreation in which the goal is the journey itself, for example, a bike ride, kayaking, auto tourism, and the campsite is used as a place to spend the night and cook food;
  • hiking - enthusiasts with backpacks on their shoulders go on a journey, expanding the boundaries of their knowledge about the world (the thriftiest can even find titanium cooking utensils in their backpacks, and those who like to travel light limit their luggage only to food, water and equipment);

  • social camping - tent city, where people come by prior arrangement (these could be relatives, members of the same club, who organize such meetings regularly and carefully think through the program of their vacation; the tourist gatherings we all know can also be an example of what social camping is);
  • survivalism, or camping for survival - type active rest which allows you to learn the skills necessary to survive in wildlife, for example, how to get food, navigate the terrain.

How are things going abroad?

Europeans learned what camping is at the end of the 19th century, when an enterprising resident of the British Isles opened the first commercial campsite for recreation. Since then, organized relaxation in nature has become increasingly popular. Today, camping is a favorite activity family vacation among the inhabitants of Europe and North America, as evidenced by the International Camping and Caravanning Association, created more than a hundred years ago and currently operating.

Camping in Europe is very civilized, although it involves relaxation away from the usual amenities.

  • These are not just tent sites marked with a sign. These are entire complexes where everything is thought out down to the smallest detail. Europeans definitely know a lot about what camping is.
  • All camping sites can be found on special websites, and if desired, they are even offered to be booked.
  • There are showers, sinks for washing dishes, and most importantly, electricity is supplied to each tent.
  • European campsites offer fun for children.

What do we have?

IN last years camping is gaining popularity in Russia too. They are dealt with as local residents, and foreign guests. Favorite places for outdoor recreation steel Altai region, Ural, The Gulf of Finland, and the Black Sea coast is to this day the first site in Russia for those who know what camping is (see photo below).

Various types of camping are common in our country, and we have not been spared a newfangled trend in this area - glamping, which got its name from a combination of the words “glamour” and “camping”. Those who wish, having paid a tidy sum of money, get the opportunity to live in nature, but not in a tent, but in a special tent furnished with antique furniture, eat expensive delicacies and enjoy the view of nature from the window. A day of such a vacation in Moscow will cost about 600 dollars, for comparison: in Thailand - about 1000 dollars, in Australia - more than 2000. Here, as they say, to each his own.

What is camping according to traffic rules?

When organizing a holiday, various factors should be taken into account, but the most important one is, of course, safety. Therefore, the issue of organizing a camp site is regulated by the rules traffic.

“A place for a tent and parking a car” - that’s what camping is in the traffic rules. The proximity to such a site is indicated by a road sign, which is a blue rectangle with a tent depicted in the center on a white background.

If the sign is installed far from the campsite, then the distance to the campsite should be indicated at the bottom of the sign. tent camp and an arrow indicating the direction of movement.


The list of necessary things can be either very long or short, because everyone has their own understanding of what camping is. In any case, some things should not be neglected:

  • first aid kit - you shouldn’t go out into nature without it;
  • tent and sleeping bag;
  • warm clothes (the weather can change at any moment);
  • headdress;
  • food, water;
  • dishes;
  • protective cream and insect repellent spray;
  • flashlight.

Deluxe camping

By the way, those who want to go into nature, but don’t like all this tent romance, should pay attention to special “homes on wheels”. There is even a separate name for holidays in such motorhomes - caravanning. Of course, they are not cheap, but nothing prevents you from renting such a car and spending your vacation with maximum comfort.

Another option for the most demanding is a camping hotel, but there are not many of them yet. There is no clear definition of what a camping hotel is, but judging by the offers available on the Internet, we can conclude that these are cottages surrounded by nature. They allow you to enjoy the beauty of lakes and forests without interrupting the benefits of civilization.

What is camping? This is a way to have fun with family and friends, take a break from the bustle of the city, enjoy the fresh air, and feel the romance of a hike. Relax in specially designated places - and you will be able to avoid unnecessary problems, and don’t forget to pick up trash after yourself and take care of nature, so that you will want to return to this place next year.

Traveler drivers who stop in the forests for a rest stop often come across a camping sign on the road, on which a triangle is drawn in the form of folded sticks. It is also present on traffic rules tickets, so you must know it.

People who are accustomed to this way of life, namely, without a cozy bath, with a fire and a tent, know this sign well. And this article will describe in detail what camping is in traffic regulations and its significance on the road.

If we resort to the literal translation of this word, then it means a place to rest, temporary residence without comfortable conditions, or overnight stay in tents. That's why we came up with a road sign with the name camping, which will help you navigate the area and find perfect place for a break or rest.

This informant is not considered prescriptive, so it cannot prohibit anything. It is installed solely to inform road users that it is possible to camp nearby or spend the night in a car.

So that drivers know in advance that there is a camping area somewhere, a sign, according to traffic regulations, is installed in advance.

To more accurately inform drivers about the location of a place where you can make a fire and spend the night in a tent.

Just below the sign itself a certain distance is indicated:

  1. When an informant is installed in a populated area, the distance is small - a maximum of 150 meters.
  2. On the highway, the section to the campsite is longer for obvious reasons, and is 400-800 meters.
  3. It also happens that, if absolutely necessary, this distance increases up to 80 kilometers.

If a recreation area or rest stop is located far from the roadway, then a camping sign is installed at the first intersection in order to be aware of the location. Next to the information about the distance after which there will be a halt, draw an arrow in the required direction so as not to accidentally get lost.

To immediately recognize such a sign, you don’t have to travel around the world to find it. After all, on the Internet there is great amount camping sign in photo. And it’s not difficult to remember – it’s a triangular shape, reminiscent of a camping tent.

There is a difference between motel or hotel and campground signs. The fact is that the first two provide all the necessary living conditions for guests.

There is:

  • water;
  • comfortable beds;
  • toilets;
  • opportunity to have a decent meal.

The camping area is intended for “wild” recreation, that is, without beds or comfortable bathrooms. Food is cooked over a fire, water is obtained from a source, there is no talk of a bathroom at all.

If you want to get out of your comfort zone, you should definitely head to this place and feel like a real forest dweller who doesn’t have a microwave or coffee machine at hand - everything is obtained naturally.

A camping sign is made with reflective elements that have either internal or external lighting. In addition, anything written in black or gray should under no circumstances serve as a reflector. Substances that are used as reflective objects in the manufacture of the sign must be easily legible on the road both day and night.

Thus, based on the above, it should be said that the topic of what a camping sign is and what it means is completely covered. Although this informant is not very popular among other informative signs, the very fact of being in nature, away from the noisy city, is worth a lot.

The base of the road sign is made of galvanized steel with a thickness of 0.8-1mm, to increase the rigidity characteristics, the workpiece is rolled to obtain a double flange. A road sign mask made of high-quality reflective films in accordance with GOST R 52290-2004 and GOST 32945-2014 is applied to the surface of the base. Additional stiffening ribs and reinforced fastenings eliminate the possibility of the sign bending both from wind load and under the influence of any forces. To secure the road sign, the base is equipped with a special tongue-type fastening.

Indicates the location of the Campsite. Road sign 7.10 is installed at the site. Preliminary service signs outside populated areas are installed 400-800 m, and, if necessary, 15-20 km and 60-80 km before the object, at turning points to them (intersections), if they are located away from the road. Preliminary service signs indicate the distance to the object. When indicating distances on preliminary service signs informing about objects located away from the road and installed 15-20 km, 60-80 km away, it is necessary to take into account the distance from the turn point (intersection) to the object. Preliminary service marks in populated areas It is allowed to install 100-150 m before the object and at the turning points closest to it (intersections).

Table E.7
Dimensions in millimeters


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Delivery across Russia:

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