History of excursions to tourism cosmodromes. Roscosmos will develop tourism at the Baikonur and Vostochny cosmodromes. Excursion to Baikonur

Cape Canaveral and Kennedy Space Center, USA

Kennedy Space Center is one of the main spaceports in the world. In terms of the number of launches per year, it is ahead of Baikonur. A rocket park and a museum complex with space attractions are open to visitors, but most of the territory is a secret facility, but outsiders can explore the surrounding area from the window of a branded bus. During the 1.5-hour tour, a garrulous guide tests passengers' erudition and talks about each building they see. There is only one stop - at the giant boathouse, where the largest (110 meters) and powerful launch vehicle on the planet, Saturn 5, stretches out to its full height. About once a month, another rocket is launched from Canaveral - you can watch it directly from the Center. The next one is scheduled for March 16 (Atlas V rocket).

Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan

A trip to Baikonur is perhaps the most accessible opportunity to see the launch of a spacecraft with your own eyes. As a rule, the tour lasts 3–4 days, and the program includes a sightseeing tour of the city of Baikonur. The main reason why tourists come here from all over the world is the opportunity to see the removal of the Soyuz launch vehicle from the assembly and testing building and its installation on the launch pad, attend the crew press conference and greet the cosmonauts on the way to the rocket and during an official report to the Chairman of the State Commission. The highlight is watching the launch of the ship, which soars into the sky with a roar just a couple of kilometers from the observation deck (at other cosmodromes they don’t allow you to get so close). The next manned launch to the ISS is scheduled for March 27.

Guiana Space Centre, French Guiana

This is the home launch site for the European Space Agency. Its convenient location relative to the equator adds an additional 460 m/s to take-off rockets. Several launch vehicles soar into the sky from the cosmodrome: heavy Ariana, medium-load Soyuz, and light Vega. Visiting the Guiana Space Center with its technical facilities and the cosmonautics museum and even seeing the launch of a spacecraft from a distance of five kilometers will be allowed for free - by prior agreement with the administration and subject to availability. If an agreement cannot be reached, you can watch the start from the beach and hills of the city of Kourou, located 15 kilometers away. The launch schedule is regularly posted on the official website - for example, the launch of Ariana with satellites on board should take place in the first quarter of 2017.

There are already a number of travel agencies in the world that specialize in organizing space excursions. One of them, the German Space Shop, is located in Bonn. He has strong ties with the Russian Space Agency, which provides various services: flight into the stratosphere on the MIG-25 (13 thousand euros), zero-gravity flight on the IL-76 MDK (5 thousand euros per tourist), training in Star City in ISS modules submerged in water, simulating weightlessness, comprehensive preparation for flights of tourists to the ISS.

This shows that Russia, in principle, is technically ready to create such an international travel agency. But a lot of work remains to be done to create the financial infrastructure, especially in connection with the transformation into a more widespread one and based on specialized excursions and delivery vehicles into orbit. At the same time, one of the primary tasks of management is to determine the potential demand for this type of tourism service for the next 15-20 years.

According to available information, the American company Space Adventures is already planning to build a tourist spaceport in the UAE, estimating its cost at $265 million. The UAE government has even already made an initial contribution to the project - $30 million. Space Adventures also entered into an agreement with investment company Prodea to finance the construction of spacecraft. And the British company Virgin Galactic plans, based on the results of its marketing activities, to sell a license for the technologies of its aircraft to other companies that want to use them. “If the business becomes profitable in about five years, we will carry out the next stage of the project - the creation of an orbital space system,” said Will Whitehorn, president of Virgin Galactic. The American company Rocketplane Ltd is also making ambitious plans. and US-Canadian Planetspace venture XCOR Aerospace. Rocketplane and Planetspace announced plans to begin commercial spaceflight sometime in 2007, and Virgin Galactic announced plans to begin commercial spaceflight in 2008 or early 2009.

However, many of the statements of foreign private companies involved in the use and implementation of the capabilities of what we call the “applied” space industry, today are very similar to an ongoing PR campaign, with the intention of securing their place as leaders of the new industry, creating an impression in people’s minds their individuality, uniqueness and power, their internal and international organizational capabilities, as well as resources to realize, on the one hand, the desires of extreme tourists, and on the other, ambitious and ready for even greater fame, as well as the next (never superfluous, but now throughout the whole world and in all countries, as well as in the history of mankind) mentioning both their name and the name of their own companies, wealthy businessmen who are ready today to spend tens of millions of dollars for the opportunity to rise to an altitude of a couple of hundred kilometers for a few days. But doesn’t the proposal to make a space flight around the Moon seem something unimaginable today? The company that put forward such a proposal, naturally, today simply does not have any opportunities to implement such a trip. However, by placing such an offer for consideration as a service they provide on its Internet page, the company skillfully creates a wonderful advertising campaign for itself, in other words, it is already making money on its brand today.

So what about Russia? Are we ready today to move to the active and effective use of existing and future advanced technologies and their capabilities in the field of space? Let us remember that the Russian Buran, deviating 80 kilometers from the landing strip due to crosswinds, itself, controlled by electronics, turned around and approached it from the opposite side, and the Clipper ship and the air launch system, as far as is known, Almost ready to go.

Before outlining our approach to accelerating the development of applied space, it seems necessary to outline a number of not very optimistic assessments of the situation in this area. It seems that the disastrous situation in the use of non-military space has arisen primarily due to the insufficient state leadership of the entire industry, including the areas of scientific development, design and direct production at factories. Another important reason, apparently, is the actual isolation of the scientific, technical and other spheres of the public, one way or another connected with space in the past and present, as well as the media from this topic.

Maybe, after all, the time has come for the space fraternity represented by cosmonauts, space equipment testers, designers and engineers, doctors and physiologists, journalists specializing in astronautics, to be active in creating thematic clubs and funds, attracting the attention and funds of our “new” Russian billionaires in as patrons of the arts.

But first of all, it is necessary to strengthen the interest of government agencies and legislators in allocating the necessary investments. In January 2006, the Strategy for the Development of the Defense-Industrial Complex was approved, which provides for increasing the share of civilian products in the defense industry to 70% in the medium term. It is planned to increase the volume of industrial products of the rocket and space industry by 2015 compared to 2004 by 2.8-3 times. The Federal Space Program for the period 2006-2015 has also been approved, with the help of which Roscosmos is trying to restore the positions lost in past years. So far, by the way, Russia has regained world leadership in the number of space launches: in 2005, every second rocket that went into space was Russian-made.

Among the priority short-term goals, the main one is the creation or restoration of an orbital constellation of spacecraft of all systems, primarily for communications purposes. Today in Russia a reusable spacecraft “Clipper” with increased payload capacity is being developed, the uniqueness of which is that it will be as reliable as the Soyuz and as comfortable as the Shuttle.

In 2006, an experiment to prepare a flight to Mars began in Russia. But according to the head of Roscosmos A. Perminov, the implementation of plans is hampered by a lack of funding. Indeed, it is planned to allocate 305 billion rubles from the budget for the implementation of the entire Federal Space Program, incl. this year - 23 billion. This is clearly not enough, but the Minister of Trade and Economic Development G. Gref suggested during the discussion to look at this problem from the other side - and what the space industry itself can earn. The proposed solution is generally well-known - the development of the so-called public-private partnership, which will attract money from domestic businesses to finance projects. Therefore, the space program stipulates that Roscosmos should attract almost a third of the total funding from extra-budgetary sources, including through income from space tourism, although this is not the most profitable industry yet.

How are you planning to attract domestic business? The development strategy of the Russian defense industry provides for the creation of 10-11 horizontally and vertically integrated structures, including diversified innovative united companies that produce the entire necessary range of rocket and space technology and offer a wide range of rocket and space services. Along with such existing space holdings as the State Research and Production Space Center named after. Khrunichev, TsSKB-Progress and a recently organized holding based on NPO Mashinostroyenia in Reutov, new ones may soon appear.

One is for communication satellites; it is planned to be organized on the basis of the Applied Mechanics Research and Production Association. The other is based on the Research Institute of Space Instrumentation. The third is based on NPO Energomash, the world leader in the production of rocket engines. Currently, the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation to create a separate venture fund for IT technologies are being worked out. It seems appropriate to include in the documents being developed the topic of the use of civil applied space, especially space aviation. To solve this problem, it would be necessary at the first stage to determine approximate areas of work for 15-20 years, for example, space avionics of ships, costs for the development and preparation of launches of civil spacecraft, including issues of production and training of pilots and maintenance personnel, volumes necessary financing, a list of international, national and regional project participants, the size of cargo and passenger transportation, and assess the economic return on launches and flights.

Speaking about the topic of “applied” space, it should be noted that today we need to make military technologies more accessible to the civilian sphere, including for replicating them in private and international business. As leaders in this field, we could initiate a lot. To become, so to speak, “initiators” and, moreover, leaders in this boundless and just beginning to develop area.

In connection with some of the justifications given above, the question naturally arises of how to understand the term “applied” space. Without claiming originality or definitive terminology, this concept can include, for example, training personnel in management, ensuring the solution of all organizational and managerial issues (which does not exist in any country today), training those who want to not just “take a ride” into space as an inquisitive tourists, but also to conduct research there according to individual programs at their own expense or with the money of a university or research center interested in the results, and, over time, for school clubs of astronomers and young cosmonauts. And, of course, the creation of the necessary legislation. This includes many elements from all aspects of society, including the obligations of participants, their responsibilities, accumulation of necessary finances, attraction of investments, their effective and transparent use, development of innovative means, insurance, profit, conditions of participation, rights and responsibilities of heirs and much more. - here is an incomplete list of problems that need to be solved within the framework of the legal framework for “applied” astronautics.

It seems that the concept of “applied” space cannot be limited only to “casual tourism” of the elite, thirsty for thrills and additional adrenaline, but, on the contrary, should become a public event, covering areas of non-traditional cooperation, including student (for example, the use of space suits for training for students of the MAI Aerospace Faculty). It is clear that the hour is approaching when income in this area, including from advertising, will increase. There are all possibilities for this. In fact, this business does not exist anywhere and Russia should try to be the first to occupy this niche. Shareholders and participants need to wait a little, but then with the help of organizers and enthusiasts, authority, popularity, wide publicity, international advertising and demand, the program will begin to bring in money.

What does it mean to unite? It is understood that the area of ​​military developments and activities is not affected and continues to be carried out as usual, but their capabilities in the field of applied space are combined. That is, we are talking about creating a corporation, possibly and preferably international, with access to it for all other interested countries and organizations that have not yet reached a sufficient level of development in the field of astronautics.

At this stage, the most important issue becomes organizational. In order to initiate a process in this area, to obtain answers to existing and new questions, it would be desirable to organize and hold (possibly in Russia) an International Conference, where approximately the following questions would be considered:

1. State policies and programs in the field of practical use of applied astronautics in the coming years, including consideration of globalization trends in this area and the organization and gradual expansion of mass tourism flows, or the creation of means for the rapid transportation of people using suborbital astronautics and, in the future , a large number of passengers.
2. State policy and legislation in the field of development and provision of technical means for use in the field of applied space.
3. Legislative support for the provision of services in the field of applied space and document management.
4. Information and communication systems, ensuring the use and development of applied space.
5. Electronic control by stakeholders on the use of applied space. Foreign and Russian experience, including electronic and other services to citizens and businesses.

Based on the synthesis of proposals and conclusions of the Conference participants, it will be necessary to develop a program of action and implement a number of activities, namely: create an initiative group that could summarize the results of the Conference and develop proposals for the Government, space structures, Legislative bodies of Science, relevant institutions, the public and the media. It would be necessary to involve both practical technical specialists who own the technology and have access to it, as well as scientists, economists, experts in other relevant industries, including management, to develop initial developments and proposals for legislation, create appropriate space assets, engage the necessary production capacities, creation of the necessary organizational and educational structures. Perhaps the relevant experts and members of the Public Chamber should be involved in this matter in order to give this entire project a public resonance. The wider the circle of interested people and the more fully the public is notified about the project, the more opportunities the initiators will have to advance in this area and translate ideas into a specific program of action.

Tourist trips to cosmodromes are a new area of ​​business in which the management of Roscosmos, which was recently transformed from a federal government body into a state corporation, has become interested, the Izvestia newspaper writes.

Interest in visiting places such as Baikonur, and in the future Vostochny, will increase, according to tourism industry experts. But without investment in infrastructure development, it is problematic to develop this area - despite the fact that in the case of Vostochny we are talking not only about hotels, but about creating everything from scratch.

A special system will be developed that will make the tourist destination more civilized, says Roscosmos official representative Igor Burenkov. - The state corporation itself will not be engaged in servicing tourists, but it will certainly make the necessary infrastructural changes. And then, in a transparent manner, the selection of operators will be carried out, who will directly take on the creation of the product and servicing tourists.

You can go to Baikonur as a tourist now. But this is quite expensive: skyandspacetravel.com, for example, offers British citizens to go on a week-long tour to the cosmodrome, visiting all the sights and watching the launch for 325 thousand rubles, not counting the flight from London to Moscow.

Now there are excursions to cosmodromes, they are not organized systematically, but on a one-time basis under contracts with enterprises involved in servicing launches, explains Burenkov.

Scaling up the task of attracting tourists to the cosmodromes is hampered by infrastructural opportunities: at Baikonur there are two hotels where you can accommodate a foreign tourist willing to pay thousands of dollars for a trip. And on the days of manned launches - the most attractive events from the point of view of tourists - they are already packed to capacity.

In case of emergency, you can pay attention to the departmental potential of “beds” at the cosmodrome: the Khrunichev Center, the Center for Operation of Ground-Based Space Infrastructure Facilities (FSUE TsENKI, services cosmodromes) and other large companies have their own dormitories and hotels at Baikonur.

The urgent need may come as early as 2017.

Astana will host Expo 2017 in two years, two to three million guests are expected from more than a hundred countries, says Ranokhon Juraeva, acting. General Director of TsENKI. - There is an incentive to build a system and realize the existing potential at the proper level. Today, the management of TsENKI has been instructed to study the possibilities and formulate a proposal for operators in Baikonur. We are discussing our plans with the Kazakh side; mutual understanding and interaction are very important. When we are ready, we will enter into negotiations with leading travel companies and work together according to the most transparent and business-friendly rules.

The importance of developing tourism was noted during a recent visit to the Vostochny cosmodrome by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, who noted the reason for the high demand: “because people want to see the process of launching spacecraft.”

At Vostochny, all the efforts of the builders are now aimed at building and equipping the launch pad by December. The topic of housing infrastructure is still in the background there.

For Vostochny, the situation, on the one hand, is simpler, because it is Russian territory and a Russian civilian spaceport,” says Juraeva. - On the other hand, it’s more difficult, because the cosmodrome has not yet been put into operation. Tourists need good transport logistics and ready-made infrastructure. As soon as all this is done, we will be ready to welcome tourists there too.

According to the co-owner of one of the travel network companies, who previously negotiated with Roscosmos, educational tourism is now on the rise, and facilities such as cosmodromes can become good growth points for domestic tourism.

“We see increasing interest in visiting hard-to-reach places with a rich history,” says the co-owner of a tourism business. - Hundreds of thousands of people have visited Chernobyl over the past couple of years. Baikonur, if the product is properly presented, can become the Mecca of Soviet history; it has enormous potential. Its limit is measured only by the capabilities of Baikonur itself; there it is necessary to deal with the hotel fund.

In addition to visits to cosmodromes, starting in 2018, Roscosmos plans to seriously engage in space tourism and thus compensate for the loss of a contract with NASA to transport astronauts to the International Space Station (ISS). “It is planned to compensate for the drop in demand for manned transport spacecraft of the Soyuz type after 2018 by resuming short-term expeditions to the Russian segment of the ISS on a commercial basis,” says the report for the fourth quarter of 2014 by RSC Energia OJSC, the parent organization of Roscosmos in field of manned space exploration.

Today, the vacant positions of the third crew member on the Soyuz spacecraft are bought by NASA: after the end of the Space Shuttle program in 2011, the Americans had no operating spacecraft left, and they use Soyuz. Transporting an astronaut to the ISS and then back to Earth costs $76 million.

Recently, excursions and tours around the Khabarovsk Territory, organized for children and teenagers, have become especially popular. With the help of such tourism, young residents of the region learn more about their small homeland, the potential of the region and its development through personal experience.

In addition, the peculiarity of such tourism is that it immediately affects the mind, soul and body of a growing person, said Victoria Komarovskaya, chief specialist of the department of analytical work and organization of tourism activities of the tourism department of the Ministry of Culture of the Khabarovsk Territory.

— Regular tourism and local history classes shape a person’s spiritual image, his character, life guidelines, attitude towards other people, his homeland, nature, and work. At the same time, there is an awakening of a sense of a beautiful, aesthetic attitude towards the world around us,” the specialist noted.

These are the tasks that regional tour operators set themselves when developing routes for children and teenagers, which come in various themes and directions. Thus, cultural and educational excursion programs, military-patriotic routes, as well as educational and career guidance tours are organized.

— Thus, children’s and youth tourism is a means of harmonious development of adolescents and young men in the form of recreation and socially useful activities. This is achieved through hiking, travel and excursions,” noted Victoria Komarovskaya.

Today, schoolchildren not only of the regional capital, but also of various regions of the region are involved in such tourism: Amursky, Verkhnebureinsky, Nikolaevsky, Sovetsko-Gavansky, as well as Komsomolsk-on-Amur. This allows us to get a complete picture of the development of the region. We present to you some tours that are popular among the growing population.

Tour to Nikolaevsk-on-Amur

Tours are carried out by a Khabarovsk company with the support of the administration of the Nikolaev municipal district. A system of subscriptions has been developed here, which are special sets of events for schoolchildren: museum classes, master classes, various excursions, quests and out-of-town trips.

The program lasts two days, not counting travel time. On the first day, schoolchildren, as part of a sightseeing tour of the city, will visit one of the very first Sovetskaya streets, the monument to G.I. Nevelskoy, city square, various memorials, Victory Square, St. Nicholas Church and many other attractions of the city.

Next in the program is a sightseeing tour of the halls of the Museum of Local Lore named after V.E. Rozova and watching a film about the history of Nikolaevsk. The children will also visit the Center for the Culture of Minority Peoples of the North and the interactive open-air complex “Nivskaya Estate”, where they can make a souvenir from fish skin, or take part in the search for the treasure of an old shaman.

The second day includes a visit to the farpost for the protection of the Amur region - the “Chnyrrakh Fortress”, a tour of the fish processing plant, an ethno-tour with immersion in the culture of the Nivkh people. On the third day, students go home.

A tour for a group of 10 people will cost 11,600 rubles, for a group of 15 – 10,300 rubles, for a group of 20 – 9,450 rubles. This price includes transport services, excursions, hostel accommodation, meals, entrance tickets and master classes.

Please note that transfer to Nikolaevsk-on-Amur and back is carried out independently and at your own expense. There are two options here: either by plane from Khabarovsk, or by bus to Komosomolsk-on-Amur, from where the tour participants go to Nikolaevsk on a “meteor”.

A round-trip air ticket will cost 19,310 rubles per person and 10,440 rubles for children under 12 years old.


Tour "Khabarovsk - Amursk - Komsomolsk-on-Amur"

During the two-day bus tour, young Khabarovsk residents will have time to visit two cities: Komsomolsk-on-Amur and Amursk.

On the first day, the guys arrive in Amursk, where they are met by a guide and given a short sightseeing tour of the city. Next, participants go to the Botanical Garden. Children are taught about plants in a playful way and given various quizzes. In addition, the children are offered to plant a plant themselves, which they can later take home.

On the second day, there is an excursion to the ESKPO center of the KnAAZ plant, where the children are told about aircraft manufacturing, shown models and various exhibitions. Afterwards, a visit to the Python Zoo Center, which is home to leopards, bears, bers, roe deer, eagles, as well as a crocodile, snakes and spiders. Next, participants visit a shipbuilding plant, where they have the opportunity to see submarines, corvettes, and also learn the history of shipbuilding.

The age of the tour participants is from 8 to 18 years. Cost – 3900 rubles per person. Typically, a tour group consists of up to 40 people. The ticket price includes transfer, accommodation and meals. There are also separate tours to the Amur region, where participants are invited to take part in hikes throughout the region.
Tour to Sovetsko-Gavansky district

This is an interesting historical and educational route for children with visits to historical places along the G.I. Nevelsky and N.K. Boshnyak. The tours were developed by a Komsomol company, but they can be visited not only by children from the city of their youth, but also from the regional capital. The cost must be clarified with the tourism department of the Ministry of Culture of the Khabarovsk Territory.

Sovetskaya Gavan

Linguistic camps

Another area of ​​activity of travel companies is the organization of linguistic camps in the region where children learn English and Chinese in a playful way using modern interactive technologies.
Thus, on the basis of the tourist complex “Zaimka” the language tour “ENGLISH VILLAGE” is held. Khabarovsk travel agencies are also organizing a children's educational camp under the “English Fun” and “English career focus” programs on the basis of the “Energetik” country health camp.

Shifts take place not only in the summer. So, for example, the next shift will be held from October 30 to November 5. The cost of the tour is 20,000 rubles. It includes accommodation, meals, and entertainment. But the main emphasis is on learning the language. The age of the shift participants is from 7 to 15 years.

Summer camps of local history

At the base of the camp named after. Oleg Koshevoy tour operators are organizing a children's camp with a tourism and local history focus called “Robinson”. Shift duration is 10 days.

Camp Robinson

The program includes rock climbing, shooting with airsoft weapons, sailing on catamarans and river expeditions, freerope, “Tourist School”, quest game “Gold Rush”, desmurgy and valeology, exercises, multi-race “Zarnitsa” and other camp events.

Another camp “S.P.E.C.N.A.Z.” for high school students with a military training program and a “young fighter course.” It is better to clarify the cost at the beginning of next year.

Programs for high school students

Tours are carried out in Khabarovsk and Komosomolsk-on-Amur with quests and master classes from leading entrepreneurs of the region. In close cooperation with the administration of the Verkhnebureinsky municipal district, the company is implementing a program for schoolchildren to visit the region of the Uralugol enterprise and the Bureinsky state reserve, located in the single-industry settlement of Workers' Village Chegdomyn.

— Tours to the Vostochny Cosmodrome

There are two program options. The first is Komsomolsk-on-Amur - Khabarovsk - Tsiolkovsky - Svobodny. On the first day, participants arrive from Khabarovsk to Komsomolsk, where they visit the KnAAZ EXPO Center on an excursion. For an additional fee you can visit the roller skating rink.

Afterwards, the participants return to Khabarovsk, where they take a tour of the confectionery factory and taste the products. Next - a sightseeing tour of the city with a visit to the bridge over the Amur. From Khabarovsk, tour participants go to the cosmodrome by train. Upon arrival, there is a tour of the city of Tsiolkovsky, the Museum of Cosmonautics and the facilities of the Vostochny cosmodrome.

From there, schoolchildren go to the city of Svobodny, where they are given an excursion and return to Khabarovsk.

The cost of a tour in a group of 10 people is 8,700 rubles per person, for a group of 15 - 7,650 rubles. The price includes a hostel room, bus rental during excursions, escort in cities, meals, excursion services. Additionally, train travel to all cities on the tour is paid.

The second option will cost Khabarovsk residents less due to the fact that it excludes a visit to Komsomolsk-on-Amur from the program. Participants go straight from Khabarovsk to the cosmodrome by train. Upon arrival, there is a tour of the city of Tsiolkovsky, the Museum of Cosmonautics and the facilities of the cosmodrome. Then the participants travel to the city of Svobodny, where they conduct another excursion. And they leave for Khabarovsk.

The cost of the tour for a group of 10 people is 3,200 rubles per participant, for a group of 15 people – 2,700 rubles.

The price includes excursions, bus travel, meals. Rail travel is paid separately.

Vostochny Cosmodrome

— Tour « Komosomolsk-on-Amur is the industrial capital of the region"

Program for high school students. There are one-day and two-day tours.

The first option includes a sightseeing tour of the city with a visit to the Gagarin Aviation Plant and the EXPO CENTER. Afterwards, participants are offered excursions to choose from: to the Local History or Art Museums, or to the Python Zoo Center. The cost of the tour for a group of 10 people is 2400 rubles per participant, from 15 – 2200 rubles. There is an additional charge for round-trip railway transportation.


The second option also includes the above excursions. And on the second day, high school students will visit Amursk. The program includes an excursion to the botanical garden, greenhouse complex and Amur arboretum.

The cost of the tour is 3,800 rubles per person in a group of 10 participants and 3,600 rubles in a group of 15 participants. Round trip travel is also paid separately.

— Tour “Chegdomyn – the land of black gold”

The tour lasts two days. On the first day, participants are given a city tour by bus with a guide, as well as an excursion to a confectionery factory and a visit to Soya JSC, where high school students get acquainted with the organization and intricacies of work at agricultural enterprises. Then everyone leaves for Chegdomyn.

There, schoolchildren will have excursions to the mining and processing technical school, the Chegdomyn processing plant, and the Bureinsky-2 open-pit mine, where the business game “Getting a Job” is held. Next – a sightseeing tour to the village of New Urgal and departure to Khabarovsk.

The cost of the tour is 2800 rubles per person in a group of 10 participants and 2300 rubles in a group of 15.

— Program “Strategy and Business Development in Khabarovsk”

This program includes a visit to Soya CJSC, as well as business training with the head of the Khabarovsk branch of the Association of Young Entrepreneurs of Russia and a quest game.

The cost of the program is from 2250 to 2700 rubles per person.

Tours in Russia

This year, as part of the national program of children's cultural and educational tourism “My Russia”, 396 students from the Khabarovsk Territory will travel along 5 routes: “My Russia: Petrov City”, “Moscow - Golden Ring”, “Russian Estates. Literature”, “Crimea Culture for Children”.

Tours in Khabarovsk
City excursions include routes through historical and memorable places of the city, along the first street - Shevchenko, and park area. Travel agencies also offer excursions to museums, theaters, the regional philharmonic, kindergartens and schools.
In addition, during industrial excursions you can learn a lot about television centers, the development of small aviation, and fish hatcheries. An excursion to the confectionery factory will leave no one indifferent.
Country and nature excursions offer a closer look at the nature of the region. So, you can go to the Priamursky Zoo, the Bolshekhehtsirsky Nature Reserve, the Utes wild animal rehabilitation center, and the Sikachi-Alyan petroglyphs.

Costs and age restrictions can be clarified with travel companies in the regional capital.


It should be noted that in the Khabarovsk Territory, a total of 29 tour operators are engaged in organizing the recreation, recreation and employment of children, which offer 40 tourist routes and more than 100 excursion programs of cultural, educational, career guidance, military-patriotic, educational and sports orientation in the Khabarovsk Territory, Russia and abroad.

Currently, work is underway to include in the program of children's cultural and educational tourism “My Russia” for 2017 an ecological and educational route for children “The Dersu Uzala Path” with a visit to the cities of Khabarovsk and Komsomolsk-on-Amur.

Baikonur Cosmodrome (Kazakhstan) - description, history, location. Exact address, phone number, website. Tourist reviews, photos and videos.

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Baikonur is the world's first and largest cosmodrome, located on the territory of Kazakhstan. And the Soviet secret services called it that, trying to confuse the “potential enemy.” The fact is that there really is a town in the country called Baikonur, but it is located about 350 km from the actual location of the cosmodrome, the village of Tyuratam. But this name has become generally accepted with the help of newspapers, radio and television.

From the Baikonur Cosmodrome, the first artificial Earth satellite and the first human flight into space were launched, manned spacecraft of the Vostok, Voskhod and Soyuz series were launched. Orbital stations of the Salyut and Mir series, the reusable Energia - Buran system, interplanetary spacecraft and artificial Earth satellites.


Excursion to Baikonur

Now tourists have a unique opportunity to take a tour of manned and unmanned spacecraft launches from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. In three days they will take a sightseeing tour of the cosmodrome, an excursion to the Gagarin Launch, and visit the Museum of the History of Cosmonautics, memorial houses of Yuri Gagarin and Sergei Korolev.

They will also explore the launch pads and famous historical sites of the cosmodrome. For example, the Soyuz and Proton complexes, the Proton and RSC Energia installation and testing buildings.

Such “space tours” are carried out infrequently (like the flights themselves); applications must be submitted at least 2 months in advance. The approximate cost is around 800-1200 USD. Prices on the page are as of September 2018.