Law on baggage on airplanes. Basic rules for carrying baggage on an airplane. The most important things about the new flight rules

In law Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated June 28, 2007 No. 82 (as amended on January 14, 2019) “On approval of the Federal Aviation Rules” General rules air transportation of passengers, baggage, cargo and requirements for servicing passengers, shippers, consignees" (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on September 27, 2007 No. 10186)
at any Russian airline You can carry up to 5 kg of things on board free of charge. There are carriers that allow you to take 10 or 15 kg.

As a rule, than more expensive ticket, the more things you can carry in the cabin. Typically, economy class flights are limited to one seat. hand luggage, and for business class - two. But here everything depends on the carrier: some companies have their own standards for each fare, route, aircraft, while others have a single standard for everyone.

Dimensions are not specified in the law, so each carrier can set its own rules. Typically, bags with dimensions of 55 × 40 × 20 cm or with the sum of three dimensions equal to 115 cm are allowed on board. Such a suitcase will fit in the overhead luggage rack along with the hand luggage of other passengers.

You can also take a handbag, briefcase or backpack with things in excess of the norm. It is assumed that you will place them under the seat in front, so the permitted weight and dimensions may be less than for carry-on luggage. For example, up to 3 kg and no more than 80 cm in the sum of three dimensions.

Carefully read the rules on the company’s website: if the weight is not indicated there free luggage above the norm, check this on the website or by phone.

Also, instead of an additional bag, briefcase or backpack, you can take for free:

  • bouquet of flowers;
  • outerwear;
  • baby food for the child during the flight;
  • suit in a suitcase (check weight and dimensions);
  • a device for carrying a child (cradle, chair, stroller) - provided that you are flying with a child and can fit these things on a shelf or under the seat;
  • medications, special dietary needs in the amount required for the duration of the flight;
  • crutches, canes, walkers, rollators, a folding wheelchair, if you can fit them in the cabin on a shelf or under the seat;
  • goods from Duty Free, if they are suitable in weight and dimensions and are sealed in a sealed bag (check weight and dimensions).

The basic rule: what you are going to take into the cabin must fit on a shelf or under the seat. Ask the carrier in advance how much excess hand luggage he will allow you to carry.

How to check hand luggage at the airport

If your hand luggage looks bulky, it will be weighed at the airport and the dimensions will be checked using a special frame. This is a plastic container or two walls that your suitcase should fit into. In this case, everything should fit in, including handles and wheels.

Frame for checking carry-on baggage sizes /

To avoid having to pay extra for hand luggage, choose soft bags or a backpack with drawstring straps that reduce the size of the already packed travel accessory.

02.09.2017 , 03:40 1269

In September, amendments to the Air Code will come into force, which will give airlines the right to charge money for baggage transportation services as part of non-refundable tariffs. But on a ticket that can be returned, the free baggage allowance will remain 10 kilograms.

Passengers will need to carefully look at the conditions under which they enter into a contract of carriage with the airline, that is, buy a ticket, after the amendments to the Air Code come into force.

It is possible that it will be possible to transport luggage weighing more than 10 kilograms from major carriers on a number of tickets. Especially those who are members of international aviation alliances. There the limit is set by airlines from different countries, having agreed among themselves.

In addition, passengers traveling as a family have the right to combine their baggage allowance. For example, a family of three will be able to take one suitcase for three, but weighing 30 kilograms.

But for the greater weight of the suitcase you will have to pay as for oversized cargo, the Ministry of Transport clarified. As for airlines that carry passengers on non-refundable tickets, you will have to pay for any luggage.

And if the passenger decides to take it after purchasing a baggage-free ticket, then it is worth paying for the luggage transportation service through the carrier’s website. This can cost half as much as paying for it before the flight itself when checking in for the flight.

Passengers who purchased tickets before the new requirements of the Air Code came into force (that is, before September 29, 2017), even for the end of this year, have the right to take luggage according to the old rules, because they have already concluded a contract of carriage, experts remind.

Those who buy air tickets before September 29 will be able to take luggage with them on the flight according to the old rules

The Ministry of Transport has not yet approved new rules for carrying hand luggage.

According to the ministry's forecasts, the cost of tickets without luggage will be 15-20 percent cheaper than the price of a flight with a suitcase. And they will be in demand among at least a quarter of passengers who fly short distances. This is how many people flew without luggage before the introduction new normal Air Code. Now, perhaps, there will be more such passengers.

But we must take into account if the passenger decides to buy additional service for the transportation of a suitcase, then in case of non-flight, according to the new requirements of the Air Code, the money for luggage services must be returned to him.

And you can get money for the airline ticket itself if the trip was canceled due to illness of the passenger. And he has a sick leave certificate or an extract from a medical institution in his hands, writes Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

If you are going on a trip, study in advance the nuances that determine the carriage of baggage on an airplane. They determine the standards on all Russian airlines, except Pobeda. For foreign companies, the rules determined by the legislation of the relevant country continue to apply. What do you need to know so that you can save yourself from unpleasant surprises?

Generally accepted standards and rules: what baggage can be transported as cargo

First, understand the terminology to avoid confusion:

  • Carry-on luggage It is customary to name the things you take on a plane. They can be placed on a special shelf or under the seat in front (if the items do not differ in size). During check-in, carriers have the right to require hand luggage to be weighed. If you go through the procedure online, then marking is not required. In this case, weighing is done before the boarding gate.
  • Personal items- items that are allowed to be taken on the plane without preliminary weighing and marking (folder, cane, book).
  • Baggage- these are bags, suitcases, backpacks and other things checked into the cargo compartment. It is issued for each passenger separately. When checking in, you place your bags on a conveyor where they are weighed. If the norm is not exceeded, the baggage is marked with a barcode sticker and sent to the cargo compartment. You are given a delivery coupon, and if you lose your suitcase or bag, the document will help you defend your rights.

According to the new baggage rules on planes , The weight norm for 1 place is reduced from 32 kg to 30. It can be lower, but not higher. But this does not mean that the indicator is the same for everyone: it is influenced by the tariff at which the ticket was purchased.

New rules: how to transport luggage and hand luggage

If you have not traveled since the introduction of the new rules, you may be surprised: after all, baggage-free tickets It's not the first day they've been on sale. But even the budget Pobeda provided the opportunity to transport up to 10 kg in the cargo compartment. In 2018, the norm specified in the Air Code was canceled. What needs to be taken into account now?

Baggage requirements 10-30 kg

To avoid troubles, check the new rules on the carrier’s website. He has the right to set the weight depending on the ticket fare. If the upper limit is 23 kg, then if you are overweight you will need to pay extra or take out some of your items.

Don't forget to check the baggage rules on the plane.

According to the rules, baggage weight of 30 kg is allowed for business class passengers: it has advantages over economy class. In the latter, the upper limit of normal is 23 kg.

Baggage requirements over 30 kg

If the norm is exceeded 30 kg The cargo falls under the heavy weight criterion. The calculation is made according to the company's tariffs. You have to pay extra for every kilogram.

There are also restrictions on dimensions, and these include:

  • skis and other sports items that take up a lot of space;
  • musical instruments (double bass, cello);
  • Large home appliances.

To transport such cargo, contact airline representatives in advance and find out the new rules. The support service will select an option for transporting oversized luggage, but if there is not enough space in the cargo compartment, they have the right to refuse you. You should arrive at the airport early: check-in will take longer.

IN winter period Some airlines allow you to carry skis and other equipment without additional charges.

Baggage-free tickets

Important changes to the rules regarding the carriage of baggage on an airplane affected baggage-free tickets. After all, airlines have received the right not to include the cost in the price of the travel document, which will allow the passenger to save money. For example, previously on a Pobeda flight you could check a suitcase weighing up to 10 kg into the cargo hold. But now the airline has the ability to charge for everything except a handbag or briefcase. The advantages for travelers include low cost: those who want to save money will find profitable offer, leaving extra things at home.

46% of passengers agree to do without even carry-on luggage in order to save on flights.

Similar rules apply to the category non-refundable tickets. When purchasing them, check whether you have chosen the “luggage-free” option or whether the price includes freight transportation. If the ticket is refundable, the price automatically includes transportation of 10 kg of luggage.

Is it possible to combine luggage on a plane: read the rules

After a protest from the Moscow Interregional Transport Prosecutor's Office, Aeroflot changed the rules for transporting baggage.

If passengers travel together for the same purpose of travel, to the same airport of destination or stopover, then, at the request of the passengers, it is allowed to apply to the baggage of these passengers the sum of the standards (including weight and size standards) for the free carriage of checked baggage for each of the passengers.
One piece of baggage should not exceed 32 kg in weight and/or the sum of three dimensions 203 cm, the total number of pieces of combined baggage should not exceed the sum of the free baggage allowance.

Now, when traveling with family or friends, you will receive possibility to combine cargo, rather than distributing things among several bags or paying extra for overweight. In this case they should take 1st place. Airplane baggage rules require that you place your items in one shared bag. But the total weight should not exceed 30 kg, or you will have to pay extra.

Rules for transporting fragile items

Do you have to take fragile items on a trip? Glass products, electronic devices and equipment, and decorative items should not be delivered as regular cargo. To prevent boxes or bags from being thrown around when loading onto an airplane, check your luggage as “fragile.” He will not be placed on a conveyor, but will be taken to the department. Alas, you will not receive guarantees for the integrity of the items.

If the dimensions of the items do not exceed the permissible dimensions, take them to the salon. In this case, it is important that you do not transport liquids in glass jars: the jam will have to be checked into the cargo area.

Excess weight of luggage and what to do with it

When you buy a travel document, its category determines the permissible limits for the weight of goods. If the indicator exceeds the established norm, the mass is considered above the norm. For example, an economy class passenger can take luggage up to 23 kg. The amount of the surcharge should be clarified in advance, and some companies allow a slight excess.

Hand luggage and new rules for its transportation

When packing your luggage on the plane, ask how many kilograms per person are allowed. Since the fall of 2017, the following restrictions have come into force for airlines:

The maximum weight of hand luggage that can be carried free of charge must be no more than 5 kg.

In this case, the carrier has the right to change the indicator, increasing the norm to 6, 7 or 10 kg: this will attract the client. There are also restrictions on dimensions, because the height of the item should not exceed 0.56 m, width - 0.45 m, and thickness - 0.25 m. Please check the acceptable parameters on the website of the selected carrier.

What can you not check in as carry-on luggage?

Under the new rules, hand luggage may be weighed and tagged at check-in or before boarding. But you are allowed to take extra things.

Previously, the list was wider, but the Ministry of Transport decided that some things can be put in a bag. These include a laptop, umbrella, books and mobile phone.

Placed your laptop in a bag or backpack? You won't have to pay. Didn't complete the task? Pay extra.

What luggage to take into the cabin: what can you keep in your hand luggage with you

When determining what to take into the cabin, remember: the main cargo may be lost. In time they will find him, but It’s safer to keep the necessary things with you. Bring documents, fragile items, expensive gadgets, medicines, and hygiene products to the salon.

What else can you take? According to the rules, the following is allowed:

What you are not allowed to take into the cabin: transportation rules

  • You cannot take weapons or children's toys or dummies that imitate them.
  • Sharp, piercing, cutting objects are prohibited. The idea of ​​grabbing knitting needles or a corkscrew will have to be abandoned. Even manicure scissors and a nail file are included in the list of items not allowed in the cabin.
  • You will have to do without household chemicals, especially flammable aerosols.
  • When it comes to shaving accessories, choose disposable products with closed cutting surfaces or safety razors.

The question is often asked whether it is possible to bring a thermometer into the salon. The answer depends on the type of device: you put the electronic one in your hand luggage or in a suitcase that you check in the cargo hold. A thermometer with mercury is carried in a protective case in the amount of 1 piece (check the Rules for the carriage of baggage and hand luggage on the carrier’s website). But you will have to check it in as luggage.

Items prohibited in hand luggage

Airline rules: what you need to know about carrying luggage on an airplane

According to the new rules, airlines have the right to weigh luggage before boarding passengers. How are changes implemented in practice?

Aeroflot: unpleasant surprises

Aeroflot passengers have to think not only about what they can carry on the plane in their luggage. Since February 2018, complaints began to appear that the company was measuring baggage dimensions near boarding gates. Representatives of the carrier provided an explanation: according to them, the measure was taken due to the fact that customers are unhappy with the lack of space in the cabins.

Now the “sum of 3 dimensions” rule does not work: if previously the total value of the indicators should not exceed 115, then according to the new regulations the dimensions are limited to 55x40x20 cm. Even if the height of the suitcase is 35 cm, this does not mean that the width can exceed 20 cm. Under Even small bags do not fit the criteria.

New rules for Aeroflot

The new rules are stricter than most low-cost airlines with their strict standards. But Aeroflot has also changed the list of things that can be taken into the cabin without registration. Baby food, a cane, and a camera disappeared from the standard list. The number of duty-free packages is also specified: it must be the only one.

Is a guitar a permitted item? The company announced that musical instruments must have a maximum height of 135 cm in the sum of 3 dimensions. If the guitar does not meet the criteria of the rules, contact the company representatives 36 hours before departure and agree on the issue.

Ural Airlines: what you need to know

The company explains the current regulations:

Free carriage rules

For some flights (“Moscow - Baikonur - Moscow”) additional restrictions are introduced: for economy class the weight of hand luggage is 5 kg, and baggage up to 15 kg can be carried free of charge. If you bought a business class ticket, the figures increase to 10 and 30 kg, respectively.

Utair and S7: consider the changes

Abbreviated lists of things that are allowed to be imported and exported as an addition to hand luggage have also appeared on the websites of Utair airlines.

The list of items allowed to be placed in the cargo hold includes the following:

  • crossbows, knives, swords, etc.;
  • knives or scissors, when the length of the cutting part does not exceed 60 mm;
  • alcoholic drinks or liquids if the alcohol content does not exceed 24%;
  • drinks and liquids with an alcohol content of 24-70%, provided that the quantity per person is no more than 5 liters (the capacity of the container should also not be higher than this value);
  • aerosols in cylinders, the nozzles of which are closed with caps, and the maximum volume is 500 ml (there is a limit for 1 passenger - 2 kg or l).

Official rules apply on all flights; the administration introduced similar conditions “ Ural Airlines"and other companies.

The rules prohibit the carriage of the following items in checked baggage:

  • military, civilian and service weapons;
  • pyrotechnics;
  • explosives and parts of explosive devices;
  • flammable liquids and solids;
  • radioactive and corrosive substances;
  • items containing radioactive elements;
  • products similar to weapons that can be used in the commission of acts of unlawful interference, including all types of brass knuckles and projectile weapons;
  • compressed and liquefied gases.

Some items are allowed to be transported only if the “Dangerous Goods” are registered. These include personal mobility devices powered by lithium batteries. The same rule applies if you want to transport a moped or mobile device powered by a 160 Wh or higher lithium-ion battery.

Exceptions are made when it comes to devices used by passengers with reduced mobility. In this case, you must obtain the company's permission in advance. If the battery power is less, it is removed and transported in hand luggage (with a characteristic of 100-160 Wh you need to obtain permission).

Find out in advance what the cost of your luggage on the plane will be if you are overweight. The conditions can be clarified on the company's website.


Some restrictions come as a surprise to passengers. To avoid such situations, please read the answers to frequently asked questions.

Is it possible to carry liquids on an airplane?

Since 2006 the company prohibited the transportation of bulk containers with liquids. The restriction is due to the fact that terrorists have repeatedly tried to smuggle parts of explosive devices disguised as harmless bottles on board international planes.

The following are considered liquids:

  • cosmetic and perfumery products (perfumes, gels, etc.);
  • products (jam, drinks, syrups, etc.).

How much liquid can you carry on an airplane?

How much liquid can be carried in airplane luggage?

The maximum volume of the container containing liquid is 100 ml. If you try to take a 200 ml bottle, arguing that there is only 50 ml of water in it, you will not be able to bring it on board.

If the volume does not exceed the permissible limit, the passenger should put all containers in a 20x20 cm bag. It is advisable to buy it in advance, since the cost at the airport will be higher. The total volume of liquids should be no more than 1 liter. There is 1 package per 1 passenger; what doesn't fit will have to be thrown away. There is no need to put baby or diet food in it, but be prepared to open the containers to check the contents.

Liquids purchased at duty-free can be taken into the cabin, provided that they are in a sealed bag.

Is it possible to take groceries on a plane?

It is not prohibited to take food into the cabin, but on international flights additional control is carried out: veterinary and phytosanitary. To avoid unpleasant surprises, take sandwiches in foil, candy or fruit with you. Avoid products that leave crumbs or may disturb the smell of your neighbors. Also note that some treats are classified as liquids (yogurt). The volume of the container in this case should not exceed 100 ml.

If you still have questions about whether you can take groceries on a plane, watch the video:

Hand luggage when flying with a child

When flying with a child, the question arises: Is it possible to take a baby stroller into the salon?. The rules are that you will give the stroller to the airport staff before boarding the plane. It will be classified as checked baggage. Her weight will not be included in the weight norm, but it should not exceed 20 kg.

Some strollers are allowed on planes

Child seats are transported free of charge, and you can take him into the cabin provided that you have purchased a ticket for your child with a separate seat. The product must be marked to indicate that it is suitable for use on aircraft.

Separate luggage can be checked in for a child under 2 years old; weight should not exceed 10 kg. Check with the carrier for the upper limit of hand luggage: many companies do not allow it, since an infant flies without a seat.

What to do if your baggage is lost by an airline

If your luggage is lost or sent on another flight, don’t despair. The main thing is that you have the receipt in your hands. Write a statement by contacting the missing items department and wait for the result. The airline is obliged to find the loss within 3 weeks. Was the bag returned damaged or not found at all? Demand compensation; if they refuse, take documentary evidence and go to court.

The amount paid for lost or damaged luggage varies by company:

  • foreign ones provide $20 per kg;
  • domestic - $10 per kg.

According to the Montreal Convention, the maximum compensation for the loss of a suitcase is $1,500. To increase your chances, add receipts to the description of the missing items and receive a full or partial refund.

It is advisable to insure valuable items in advance by paying additional fees.


New airline rules provide an opportunity to save money. Go on a trip with a minimum of things, and you won’t have to pay extra for luggage transportation. The main thing is that you clarify the tariffs and norms in advance!

Registered 10/24/2017 № 48651

In accordance with Article 102 of the Federal Law of March 19, 1997, 60-FZ "" (Collection of Legislation Russian Federation, 1997, No. 12, art. 1383; 1999, No. 28, art. 3483; 2004, No. 35, Art. 3607, No. 45, Art. 4377; 2005, No. 13, art. 1078; 2006, No. 30, art. 3290, 3291; 2007, No. 1, art. 29, No. 27, Art. 3213, No. 46, Art. 5554, No. 49, 4 art. 6075, No. 50, Art. 6239, 6244, 6245; 2008, No. 29, art. 3418, No. 30, Art. 3616; 2009, No. 1, Art. 17, No. 29, Art. 3616; 2010, No. 30, art. 4014; 2011, No. 7, art. 901, No. 15, Art. 2019, 2023, 2024, No. 30, Art. 4590, No. 48, art. 6733, No. 50, Art. 7351; 2012, No. 25, art. 3268, No. 31, Art. 4318, No. 53, Art. 7585; 2013, No. 23, art. 2882, No. 27, Art. 3477; 2014, No. 16, art. 1830, art. 1836, No. 30, art. 4254, No. 42, Art. 5615; 2015, No. 27, art. 3957, No. 29, Art. 4342, 4356, 4379, 4380; 2016, No. 1, art. 82, 18, art. 2487, No. 22, Art. 3095, No. 27, Art. 4160, art. 4224, No. 28, Art. 4558) I order:

Introduce into the Federal Aviation Rules "General rules for the air transportation of passengers, baggage, cargo and requirements for servicing passengers, shippers, consignees", approved by order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on September 27, 2007, registration No. 10186), with amendments, introduced by orders of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated October 8, 2008 No. 165 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on December 24, 2008, registration No. 12964), dated October 25, 2010 231 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on December 14, 2010, registration 19174), (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on May 5, 2012, registration No. 24083), (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on May 23, 2014, registration No. 32421), dated July 16, 2014 No. 187 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on August 25, 2014, registration No. 33780), dated February 15, 2016 No. 25 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on March 21, 2016, registration No. 41479), (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on December 22, 2016, registration No. 44878), changes in accordance with the appendix to this order.

Minister M.Yu.Sokolov

Changes made to the Federal Aviation Rules "General Rules for Air Transportation of Passengers, Baggage, Cargo and Requirements for Services for Passengers, Shippers, Consignees", approved by Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated June 28, 2007 No. 82, regarding the carriage of baggage

1. Subparagraphs 10 and 12 of paragraph 25 should be stated as follows:

"10) the passenger's luggage when he concludes an agreement air transportation a passenger who provides for a free baggage allowance in excess of the free baggage allowance established by the carrier, or the passenger's baggage when he enters into an agreement for air carriage of a passenger that does not provide for a free baggage allowance (hereinafter referred to as excess baggage);

12) passenger baggage, the weight of one piece of which exceeds thirty kilograms (hereinafter referred to as heavy baggage).”

2. Paragraph three of paragraph 37 should be stated as follows: “on the terms of the passenger air transportation agreement, including the free baggage allowance if the passenger enters into a passenger air transportation agreement that provides for the free baggage allowance, carry-on luggage allowance, including the carriage of things specified in paragraph 135 of these Rules, items and things prohibited for transportation, conditions for the carriage of baggage, conditions for the carriage of goods purchased in the sterile area of ​​the airport."

3. Clause 85 should be stated as follows:

"85. When checking in and/or checking in baggage, the passenger is required to present for weighing all baggage intended for transportation as checked baggage.

When checking in and/or boarding, the passenger, at the request of the carrier, is required to present for weighing the hand luggage specified in paragraph 133 of these Rules, as well as a backpack, cradle, baby stroller when transporting a child, specified in paragraph 135 of these Rules."

4. In paragraph 87:

a) paragraph one should be stated as follows:

"87. When checking in luggage, the passenger is given a part (tear-off coupon) of a numbered luggage tag, and the other part is attached to each piece of luggage accepted by the carrier for transportation in the luggage compartment of the aircraft under the responsibility of the carrier for the safety of such items from the moment they are handed over by the passenger until the moment of delivery passenger (hereinafter referred to as checked baggage)";

b) paragraph four is declared invalid.

5. In paragraph three of paragraph 113, replace the words “free baggage allowance” with the words “free carry-on luggage allowance”.

6. The title of Chapter X should be stated as follows:

"Transportation of baggage and hand luggage".

7. Paragraph 122 should be stated as follows:

"122. When concluding an agreement for air transportation of a passenger that provides for a free baggage allowance, the passenger of the aircraft has the right to transport his luggage within the limits established by the carrier without additional payment (hereinafter referred to as the free baggage allowance).

The free baggage allowance is set by the carrier and stipulates the number of pieces and weight of baggage per aircraft passenger. At the same time, the free baggage allowance established by the carrier cannot provide less than ten kilograms per aircraft passenger."

8. Paragraph 123 should be stated as follows:

“123. When a passenger enters into an agreement for the carriage of passengers by air, which provides for a free baggage allowance, the carrier is obliged to accept baggage for transportation within the limits of the free baggage allowance.

If a passenger enters into an agreement for air transportation of a passenger that does not provide for free baggage allowance, the carrier is obliged to accept for transportation the baggage paid for by the passenger at the baggage rate established by the carrier."

9. Paragraph 125 should be stated as follows:

"125. If a passenger presents for transportation baggage with a weight and/or size, and/or in a number of seats less than what was booked and pre-paid for, the difference in payment for transportation between the paid and the actual weight and/or size, and/or number of seats baggage must be returned to the passenger."

10. Paragraph 127 should be stated as follows:

"127. At the request of passengers traveling together for the same purpose of travel to the same airport (point) of destination or airport (point) of stop on the same flight (family members, persons traveling together or going on a business trip), and when When such passengers enter into contracts for air carriage of passengers that provide for free baggage allowance, the carrier is obliged to combine the amount of free baggage allowance by weight of each passenger.

If the passengers specified in this paragraph enter into contracts for air transportation of passengers that do not provide for free baggage allowance, and provided that such passengers pay for baggage at the baggage rate established by the carrier, the carrier is obliged, at the request of the passengers, to combine the weight of baggage provided for by the baggage rate.

The weight of one piece of combined baggage must not exceed thirty kilograms and is accepted for transportation without charging an additional fee.

If the weight of one piece of combined baggage exceeds thirty kilograms, payment for such baggage is carried out in accordance with paragraph 136 of these Rules.

Baggage must be checked in individually for each passenger."

11. Paragraph 133 should be stated as follows:

"133. An aircraft passenger has the right to carry hand luggage in the cabin of the aircraft within the limits established by the carrier without additional payment (hereinafter referred to as the free hand luggage allowance).

Items that do not contain substances and objects prohibited for transportation in the aircraft cabin, the weight and dimensions of which are established by the carrier and allow them to be safely placed in the aircraft cabin, are accepted as hand luggage.

The free hand luggage allowance established by the carrier cannot be less than five kilograms per passenger.

Carry-on baggage that exceeds the free carry-on baggage allowance established by the carrier in weight and/or dimensions is checked in by the passenger as baggage in accordance with the terms of the concluded air carriage agreement.

12. Paragraph 135 should be stated as follows:

"135. As hand luggage in excess of the norm established by the carrier in accordance with paragraph 133 of these Rules, and without charging an additional fee, the passenger has the right to carry the following things:

a backpack, the weight and dimensions of which are established by the rules of the carrier, or a handbag, or a briefcase with things included in the backpack, or bag, or briefcase;

bouquet of flowers;


baby food for the child during the flight;

suit in a suitcase;

a device for carrying a child (baby cradle, restraint systems (devices) for children under two years of age, baby carriage and other devices) when transporting a child, the dimensions of which are established by the carrier’s rules and allow them to be safely placed in the aircraft cabin on a shelf above the passenger seat or the floor of the seat in front of the passenger seat;

medications, special dietary needs in the amount required for the duration of the flight;

crutches, canes, walkers, rollators, folding wheelchairs used by a passenger and having dimensions that allow them to be safely placed in the aircraft cabin on a shelf above the passenger seat or under the seat in front of the passenger seat;

goods purchased in duty-free shops at the airport, packaged in a sealed plastic bag, the weight and dimensions of which are established by the carrier’s rules.”

13. Paragraph 136 should be stated as follows:

"136. Transportation of oversized baggage, heavy baggage, service dogs, pets and birds is paid based on its (their) actual weight, dimensions and number of pieces according to baggage tariffs established by the carrier, regardless of other passenger belongings transported as checked baggage, with the exception of a guide dog traveling with a blind passenger, a wheelchair, crutches, cane, walker, rollator used by a disabled passenger and other persons with disabilities, as well as a baby stroller used by a passenger, having dimensions that do not allow for safe placement her (them) in the aircraft cabin on a shelf above the passenger seat or under the seat in front of the passenger seat, and transported without charging an additional fee.

When transporting excess baggage, if the passenger enters into an agreement for the carriage of passengers by air, providing for a free baggage allowance, the difference between the established free baggage allowance and the weight of the pieces of baggage presented for transportation is paid according to the baggage tariffs established by the carrier.

When transporting excess baggage, if the passenger enters into an agreement for air carriage of a passenger that does not provide for free baggage allowance, the transportation of such baggage is paid according to the baggage tariffs established by the carrier."

14. Subclause 4 of clause 230 should be stated as follows:

“4) refusal of an aircraft passenger to pay for the carriage of his baggage in the amount and on the terms provided for in the passenger air carriage agreement.”