Fair on Tverskaya Square schedule. Addresses of Christmas markets in the center

Every year Moscow is transformed before the New Year - central squares filled with New Year paraphernalia, Christmas markets and other entertainment appear. This year, the annual Journey to Christmas festival will last from December 16 to January 19, 2017. We decided to walk through the main sites on the opening day and note the most interesting ones. We share our feedback without delay.

If earlier we looked with interest at photographs of European Christmas markets and dreamed of seeing it with our own eyes, now Muscovites and guests of the city do not need to go anywhere, because every year in Moscow there are many New Year's fairs, sites with giant New Year's decorations and installations, and how many winter entertainment! Winter 2017 was no exception, the Journey to Christmas festival, parks, shopping centers and the skating rinks have prepared so many surprises that choosing what to see in New Year’s Moscow, where to take a walk, where to have a photo shoot, where to go with children is not easy. We have chosen the most interesting places and New Year's events in Moscow, we went out into the street with a camera and prepared for you a guide to the New Year's center of the capital.

Perhaps the most anticipated New Year's surprises are these.

1. Designer Christmas trees: Kuznetsky Most street, property 6-3 (near the Bolshoi restaurant)
2. 3D Christmas tree decorations and magical animation on Pushkinskaya Square
3. Tverskoy Boulevard: light tunnel on
4. Hundred-meter ice slide: Revolution Square (transition to Manezhnaya Square)
5. Ice skating rink and Christmas market on Red Square
6. Magic Theater on Revolution Square: free ice shows
7. Fairs
8. Christmas tree-carousel, 160-meter light tunnel and starry sky at VDNH

The long-awaited illumination in Moscow was lit on Friday evening, December 16. We, having forgotten about the frost, set off on a journey through the center of Moscow. In order to spend the time most efficiently, we first drew up a route: we decided to start from the Teatralnaya metro station (from the Bolshoi Theater), then walk to the Central Department Store, walk along Stoleshnikov to the fair, which is located opposite the Moscow City Hall. From there we planned to walk to Pushkin Square. Well, it was decided to end our first New Year's walk on Revolution Square. Although it is best to start the journey with the latter - but first things first.

New Year's Bolshoi Theater

At about 19-30 we met near the Teatralnaya metro station and went to the big theater. The first thing we saw was a light composition similar to the crown from the Nutcracker play. Imagine our surprise that the Bolshoi Theater did not have any fair this year, but in previous years there was. Well, let's move on.

View from the Bolshoi Theater.

The Central Department Store (TSUM) shimmers like a precious diamond before the New Year.

As always, the TSUM windows are surprising - the fruit of the designers’ fevered imagination, but looking at them is very funny.

Fair on Kuznetsky Most

We quickly reached the first fair on our way - the fair on Kuznetsky Most. This year, the shape of the houses that housed the fair surprised me a little. Retail outlets are glass pavilions decorated with LEDs. Modern, but does not create a holiday feeling.
We went into one of these houses and bought mulled wine - the frost was seriously raging.

According to my companion, the most beautiful Christmas trees in Moscow are located near the Cartier store on Kuznetsky Most. I think I agree.

The Petrovsky Passage shopping complex is very beautifully decorated - we also dropped in there to warm up - silence, beauty, no one.

Next we went to Stoleshnikov Lane towards the City Hall. Almost all pedestrian streets decorated in the same way - with the ubiquitous LED trees. It’s beautiful, but since they stand in Moscow all year round, they didn’t cause us much surprise.

There were indeed such interesting compositions - a symbol of the holiday. Either a watch or a carriage.

Fair near the monument to Yuri Dolgoruky (Moscow City Hall)

Near the City Hall there was a fair, oriented to be shown on television - everything was very beautiful, in a European way.

Along the perimeter of the square there are retail outlets where you can purchase Christmas goods from different countries Europe.

Next, we go out onto Tverskaya Street. The main feature of Tverskaya is the special design of the lighting poles - if you look closely, you can recognize glasses of champagne in these lights.
In short dashes we reached Pushkinskaya Square. It’s as if you won’t get torn apart here: near the monument to Pushkin there is a composition Musical forest, and on Tersky Boulevard there is a light tunnel. What to do? We decided to look at everything in order and started with the fun, oh, musical forest.

Musical forest on Pushkinskaya Square

Every 10 minutes music sounds and this entire white composition is filled with different bright colors. The spectacle is very beautiful! In addition, you can penetrate into the very heart of this composition.

In the center there is a certain fabulous white tree, decorated with balls and icicles. There are so many people that it is very difficult to even take a photo. Everyone wants to plunge into a fairy tale!

On Pushkinskaya Square there are also glass pavilions where they sell balls, Christmas trees and all sorts of New Year's rubbish.

Having pretty much frozen by this point, we decided to go to the famous self-service restaurant with the letter “M” on Pushkinskaya Square to warm up. I was a little surprised that at all these fairs there were practically no places to eat. And I really wanted to eat a hot sausage in the cold!

Light tunnel on Tverskoy Boulevard

The main attraction of Tverskoy Boulevard is, of course, the light tunnel, which this year was moved closer to the people, closer to the metro.

We walked right through the tunnel and expected to see fairground houses, but we saw only one, and in it... a guard lives. A little further along Tverskoy Boulevard we spotted an ice town, apparently intended for playing snowballs.

The second part of Tverskoy Boulevard seemed somewhat dark and uncomfortable to us - so we decided to turn around and finally head towards Okhotny Ryad and Manezhnaya Square.

On Tverskaya Street, in addition to the above-mentioned “glasses of champagne,” opposite Kamergersky Lane, one can note a chess composition, where the royal throne is located in the center.

We stayed here a little to admire Kamergersky Lane.

Okhotny Ryad is ready for the New Year

The end of the evening - and we are just approaching the “Heart” of the Christmas festivities. On Okhotny Ryad we see a New Year's carousel and numerous glass boxes-stalls. By 10 o'clock they were all already closed.

Traditional carousel.

Large postcards based on Soviet motifs.

Against Historical Museum an unusual ice town is located.

After visiting the fair on Okhotny Ryad, we head to Revolution Square.

Revolution Square before Christmas

The Ice Theater is located not far from the metro. He looks quite impressive and beautiful from all sides. To get to the show here, you need to carefully study the program. I even wondered how it would accommodate everyone? Ice ballet starts at 19-00.

To finish off our visit to the first day of the festival with dignity, we decided to look at Nikolskaya Street. Nikolskaya is decorated in the same way as last year - with Italian LED arches.

This is how our almost four-hour walk around New Year's Moscow flew by unnoticed.

So, the most interesting platforms in my opinion are:

1. Ice theater on Revolution Square
2. Ice slide on Revolution Square
3. Musical forest on Pushkinskaya Square
4. Light tunnel on Tverskoy Boulevard
In general, when walking around Moscow before the New Year, you get a strong feeling that you have already seen all this last year. Glass pavilion houses are probably more comfortable for sellers, but they do not create a New Year’s mood.

Traditional light tunnel on Tverskoy Boulevard. This year it was located at the very beginning of the boulevard, next to the metro. It is so long that you can’t even see the end of it! There's plenty of room for photos for everyone. #Tverskoy Boulevard #travelChristmas #Christmaslight #MoscowNewyear #newyear2017 #newyear2017 #earlyyear #merrychristmas #travelofRussia

Posted by Nina and Natasha, travelers (@shagauru) Dec 17, 2016 at 2:11 PST

Addresses of Christmas markets in the center:

1. European Christmas market on Tverskaya Square
2. Manezhnaya Square, possession 1
3. Pushkinskaya Square

5. Novopushkinsky Square - gingerbread, pastries, kurabye
6. Sweet Christmas trees and mulled wine: Arbat Street, building 19
7. Decor items self made on Kutuzovsky Prospekt
8. Tea and coffee traditions on Stoleshnikov Lane
9. New Year's toys and masks at Rozhdestvenka
10. New Year's book fair "Book-Market" on Novy Arbat
11. Square in front of Sokolniki Park
12. There will be a Sweet Fair on Leningradsky Prospekt, 62
13. Fair near the Raikin Plaza shopping center on Sheremetyevskaya street
14. VDNH

All this is my subjective opinion, but otherwise everything is fine, happy upcoming everyone!
The next post will be about the festival sites on Novy Arbat.

A magical journey to Christmas awaits Muscovites again in winter holidays: for Christmas and New Year In 2017, the capital will host the New Year and Christmas festival, which is so beloved by the townspeople, for the fourth time.

Festival "Journey to Christmas" 2016-2017 promises to be no less colorful than the previous ones, while remaining the same long: the holiday will take place from December 16, 2016 to January 15, 2017 - a whole month!

At 42 thematic venues located in different districts of the capital (mainly in the center), festival visitors will be able to see unusual art objects and light installations, exciting street performances and concerts, as well as take part in various master classes. The “Journey to Christmas” festival sites will be located on the streets and squares of the city and will be decorated in the spirit of the New Year and Christmas: this year 144 live Christmas trees will be placed on them.

In addition, quests and competitions await townspeople: by taking part in the “Happy Time” quest, festival visitors will be able to test their knowledge about the traditions of New Year and Christmas celebrations and receive special festival coins that can be exchanged for gifts.

Festival venues

The Journey to Christmas festival will be held at 42 venues, b O Most of which - and the most interesting - will be located in the city center.

. Manezhnaya Square:"Magic time". The festival’s tallest living New Year tree (17 meters), brought from the forests of the Tver region, will be installed on the site. Here, master classes on journalism, cartooning and making New Year's gifts will be held for children, and adults will be able to visit a thematic fair where they will sell Christmas decorations(including antique ones), exclusive souvenir watches, carnival masks and gifts.

. Revolution square:"Magic Ice Theater" On Revolution Square, festival visitors can expect daily shows: ice ballets “The Nutcracker”, “ Swan Lake", "Snow White" and "Cipollino". More than 50 professional figure skaters are involved in theatrical productions; when there are no performances, the "Ice Theater" works like a skating rink, on the ice of which anyone can skate.

. Revolution square:"Milky Way". In addition to the “Magic Ice Theater”, on Revolution Square, festival visitors will find a 100-meter ice slide, which will be located near Manezhnaya Square.

. Pushkinskaya Square:"Cozy time." The fountain, turned off for the winter, will turn into the “Musical Forest” installation, which will combine the public’s favorite New Year’s and Christmas melodies with a light show. For children, master classes will be held on animation and drawing fairy-tale characters in Adobe Photoshop, as well as creating Christmas tree decorations using 3D printing.

. Novopushkinsky Square:"Gingerbread Village" In Novopushkinsky Park, visitors will be drawn into the world of fairy tales; Here you will be able to try traditional Russian gingerbread cookies, shaped gingerbread cookies, pumpkin donuts and other sweets. Lessons will also be held on site. in English and master classes on robotics.

. Kuznetsky Most:"Time of Magic" and "Gallery of Magic Trees". Kuznetsky Most Street will become a home of high fashion and style, where you can purchase items from the collections of Russian designers. Theater and acting workshops will be held for children. In addition, an exhibition of magical New Year trees will open outside.

. Gogolevsky Boulevard:"Star of Bethlehem" The site not far from the Cathedral of Christ the Savior will be dedicated to the Nativity of Christ. Here you can buy monastic goods.

. Tverskaya Square:"European Christmas Market". On Tverskaya Square near the monument to Yuri Dolgoruky, as part of the Journey to Christmas festival, a real Christmas village with houses, restaurants and an elegantly decorated Christmas tree will spread out. Here you can buy gifts, sweets, Christmas tree decorations and dishes from France, Spain, Czech Republic, Denmark, Switzerland, Germany and others European countries. There will also be children's New Year trees in the traditions of different countries (Finland, Austria, the Czech Republic, Spain and others), as well as Christmas trees in Russian traditions, handicraft master classes, poetry readings and concerts.

. Stoleshnikov Lane:"Warm time". Festival visitors will be able to take part in coffee and tea ceremonies, as well as master classes on handicrafts, New Year's table decor, latte art and making New Year's drinks.

This year, the Journey to Christmas festival will take on a truly international format: 15 countries will take part in it, whose representatives will introduce Muscovites to their New Year’s traditions, and the festival sites are preparing to receive (according to the organizers’ plans) as many as 12 million guests from Moscow and different cities Russia and the world.

Trade fairs

As before, bright fairgrounds and shopping chalets will open their doors to festival visitors. This time, Muscovites were allowed to take part in the formation of the assortment of fair chalets: a vote was held on the Active Citizen portal about what citizens would like to see for sale at the festival sites.

In beautiful chalets, decorated in the style of New Year and Christmas, festival guests will be able to buy candies and sweets Gift Baskets, New Year and Christmas souvenirs, home decorations and toys, as well as holiday accessories and paraphernalia.

Visitors who want to grab a bite to eat or warm up will be able to buy baked goods and hot drinks.

Familiarize yourself with the program and content of all holiday venues in more detail. festival "Journey to Christmas" You can also find announcements and a detailed schedule of events on the official website of the festival:

Tomorrow, December 22, the Journey to Christmas festival opens in the capital. It will last until January 14 inclusive.

Street ice ballets, concerts, performances, master classes and shows will be held daily at the main venues. Entry is free everywhere. And on the weekend entertainment program trying to make it even more interesting. That's what we'll see this weekend.

Revolution square

At 16.00 - the play “Snow Tale” from the street theater “Factory”. The performance is based on the book by Viktor Vitkovich and Grigory Jagdfeld “A Tale in Broad Daylight”. Adults and children will see unusual designer costumes, hear beautiful music, and be able to participate in the performance themselves.

Immediately after the “Snow Tale” you can make it to Novopushkinsky Square by 19.00. Here at the Ice Theater they will show the first ice ballet of this season - “The Nutcracker” staged by the famous figure skater Pyotr Chernyshev.

New Arbat

At the site near house No. 13, dedicated to the heroes of the works of the famous Finnish storyteller Tove Jansson, guests will see the play “Moomintroll and the Christmas Comet.” Starts at 17.00.

Rozhdestvenka Street

At the “Gift Factory” master classes at 15.00, children, together with experienced teachers, will begin preparing for the New Year celebration. Those interested will be taught how to make greeting cards and original gift wrapping.

Kamergersky Lane

At 16.00 the magical heroes of the Winter Theater perform the play “The Snow Maiden” in the genre of clownery with elements of a New Year’s fairy tale.

Tverskoy Boulevard (area near the monument to Timiryazev)

At 16.00 - the play “A Dream on Christmas” from the street theater “Fairytale Dreams”. Children and adults will see a story about fairy-tale gnomes. At the same time, until 19.00, New Year's mobile orchestras will perform at the same venue.

Venue in 2nd Nikoloshchepkovsky Lane (near Smolenskaya metro station)

At 19.00 - the play “The Snowman and His Team” from the “Sorcerers” theater. The snowman and his friends will decorate the Christmas tree, feast on tangerines and put on a circus acrobatic show.

Revolution square

At 15.00 at the “School of Good Manners” there will be a lesson “Celebrating the New Year in the traditions of Imperial Russia.” Children will learn about the traditions of New Year celebrations.

Revolution square

At 17.00 - a performance based on Andersen's fairy tale "Ole Lukoye" performed by artists of the famous Tall Brothers street theater.

Site on Arbat street, near house number 19

At 14.00 at the “Father Frost Academy” everyone will be taught how to design Christmas tree decorations in a graphics editor. And at 16.00 - create animated New Year's cards.

Tverskaya Square

The real Santa Claus came to Moscow from Lapland. The foreign guest will not only communicate and take photographs with everyone, but will also appear on stage in theatrical productions on Tverskaya Square. This weekend, Santa can be seen in the play “Snowmill”, specially created for the festival, based on Finnish fairy tales. The participants of the play will go to Lapland to find a magical snow mill, without which there will be no Christmas. Performances start at 17.00.

On the same site next Saturday and Sunday there will be an immersive musical performance “Angels of Christmas”. Starts at 19.00. There will also be an interactive show with characters from famous books by Tove Jansson - Moomintroll and Snufkin. Favorite characters will tell you how they prepare for Christmas in the Moomin House, share a recipe for a pie with spruce needles and explain how to properly prepare for a trip to Lapland.

Here, from 12.00 to 20.00, every hour there is a performance-quest for children “A Mysterious Adventure in the White Forest”. Spectators will put on magical cloaks and go on a journey accompanied by the fabulous inhabitants of the White Forest.

In the Glass Theater, craftsmen will show how they create glass Christmas tree decorations, various decorative items and works of art from glass. From 11.00 to 21.00 - glass blowing show and master classes on fusing - the art of molding heated glass.

Klimentovsky Lane

The fair will feature performances from the immersive White Theater. Every day at 19.00 - theatrical light shows “Glare of Murano” (Saturday, December 23) and “Snow Ball” (Sunday, December 24). Guests will be able to become full participants in the action.

Manezhnaya Square

Spectators are invited to the interactive performance “Twelve Months”. For this purpose, coniferous forest was installed throughout the area. There will be 12 transparent display cases “hidden” among the trees, each of which will show one of the scenes of the famous fairy tale. Starts daily at 15.00 and 18.00. And at 16.00 and 19.00 - an interactive program with fairy tale characters.

New Arbat

Near house No. 15 - interactive performances with characters from Andersen’s fairy tales – Snow Queen and the Good Soldier.

Near house number 13 there is a show based on the works of the famous Finnish storyteller Tove Jansson. On Saturday, December 23 - the play “Moomintroll and the Christmas Comet”, on Sunday, December 24 - “Christmas Trouble in Moomin House”. Starts at 17.00.

News from the Journey to Christmas festival is available on the Moscow Mayor’s portal mos.ru and on the website newyear2018.moscow.


From Monday to Thursday – from 11.00 to 20.00;

From Friday to Sunday and holidays- from 10.00 to 22.00.

At each site of the Journey to Christmas festival, guests will be greeted by green beauties, in different outfits. The trees will be decorated with orange slices, felt boots, figurines of angels, and firebirds. And the spruce next to it will look like the Kremlin tower with chimes and a ruby ​​star.

Fair and skating rink on Red Square 0+

The main venue of the festival will be Red Square - the heart of the capital. It will be decorated abstractly and symbolically (in the style of the works of Kandinsky and Chagall), the atmosphere of a different reality will be complemented by bright lights, a festively decorated fir tree and fairground rows. Here you can meet Father Frost and Snow Maiden, watch street performances, go ice skating and buy gifts.

pl. Red

On Tverskaya Square there will be a real Christmas town with shops, restaurants and decorated fir trees. Every day there is a festive program with a national flavor: guests will learn about the New Year traditions of Germany, the Czech Republic, Austria, Denmark and other European countries. On the square you will meet fairy-tale characters and heroes of Christmas stories.

pl. Tverskaya

Venue "Winter Games Time" 0+

Tverskoy Boulevard will be covered with a magical canopy of thousands of glowing snowflakes - a hundred-meter-long light tunnel will be installed here. After taking New Year's selfies, you can relax actively: skiing, sledding, ice-skating, playing hockey and curling. The animation house will offer exciting journeys using virtual reality helmets.

Tverskoy Blvd.

"Cozy Time" site

Pushkin Square will be transformed for the New Year: the organizers will revive the fountain, which sleeps in winter, and turn it into a “Musical Forest”. This is a light and music installation that will delight guests with Christmas melodies and cozy lights. There will also be a fair with warm clothes and souvenirs, and for children there will be workshops on 3D modeling and cartoon creation.

Pushkinskaya Square

At the “Sweet Tooth Time” site, lovers of desserts and delicacies will find themselves in the most real paradise. Guests will get acquainted with delicious New Year's traditions warm countries, learn how to make hot chocolate with chili, sweet bread with candied fruits, fried bananas. And if you can’t wait, all these and many other sweets can be bought at the fair.

Leningradsky Ave., 62

An equally delicious program awaits guests of the Candle Yard. Children and their parents will learn the secrets of preparing New Year's delicacies from different countries: Italian fruit pizza, Lithuanian poppy seed milk, Laurentian bean pie. After culinary experiences, guests will be able to taste their masterpieces and try what others have done.

st. Marshala Chuikova, ow. 3

If you are sure that the best gift is a book, we suggest taking a look at the Christmas Book Market. New products from domestic publishing houses will be presented here, as well as designer notebooks, pens, notebooks and other pleasant little things for creativity. Works every day open library with books for children and adults, writers, musicians and actors perform.

st. Novy Arbat, 21

You can plunge into a culinary fairy tale on Arbat. French pancakes, Belgian waffles, gingerbread men and non-alcoholic mulled wine - you can cook and, of course, taste all these treats. At the fair you will find Christmas tree decorations, sweets, dishes, napkins and tablecloths in New Year's decorations.

st. Arbat, 19

You can update your wardrobe for the New Year at the “Time of Magic” site, which will become the territory of high fashion and good taste. Clothing and jewelry from Russian designers, both young and already famous, will be presented here. While parents are being transformed, kids will be able to play, master the craft of a magician or circus performer, and take part in acting master classes.

st. Kuznetsky Most (in front of TsUM)

If you want to organize a themed holiday, say, in the Russian style, we recommend checking out the Happy Minute site. Here townspeople are told about New Year's balls of the 19th century, about traditional treats, and about celebrating Christmas in the Russian village. It’s not limited to conversations: cooking lessons are held for everyone who wants to different dishes and sweets.

st. Skhodnenskaya, vl. 56

Look for all the delicious things for the New Year’s table on the “Gourmet Time” site. At the fair they will sell all kinds of sweets, farm cheeses, meat delicacies, red and black caviar. They haven’t forgotten about beauty here either: guests are given master classes on creating vintage Christmas tree decorations, carnival masks and postcards using scrapbooking techniques.

lane Klimentovsky, 8

Heroes of your favorite cartoons and fairy tales will meet children at the “Time” playground active rest" Little guests will get acquainted with ballroom etiquette, dance at a disco with the Snow Maiden, and learn about traditional winter fun in Rus'. Children will also enjoy outdoor games based on the cartoon “Winter in Prostokvashino”.

st. Kosygina, 17

Guests of the “Handicraft Time” site will be offered to make New Year’s toys and carved candles with their own hands, paint pictures with sand, and take part in theatrical performances. You will learn about New Year's traditions in Russia, learn how to make interesting souvenirs, and master the technique of 3D painting of stones. Both children and adults are welcome to attend the master classes.

pl. Sokolnicheskaya

Christmas on the sea coast, a snowman made of sand and a coconut smoothie on the festive table - exotic New Year traditions will be discussed at the Future Time site. Every day, master classes are held for children and parents on preparing treats native to India, Japan, the Philippines and other warm countries.

Troitsk, Sirenevy Boulevard, ow. 1

Fairytale cities on Manezhnaya Square 0+

The largest living spruce, whose height will be as much as 17 meters, will be installed on Manezhnaya Square. The fair will sell antique Christmas tree decorations and handmade carnival masks. Meanwhile, children will learn how to create their own cartoons and master the basics of the reporter profession.

pl. Manezhnaya

Venue "Magic Ice Theater" 0+

Colorful musical show-ballets on ice will be shown on Revolution Square. We will see “The Nutcracker”, “Swan Lake”, “Cipollino” and “Snow White”. Starts at 19:00, admission is free.

pl. Revolutions

Not only children will want to slide down this huge mountain. The megaslide will be installed between two squares - Revolution and Manezhnaya. The structure will be decorated ice clock. Fair houses will be located nearby.

between Revolution Square and Manezhnaya Square

Handmade lovers will appreciate the exhibition of New Year trees on Kuznetsky Most. Visitors will make decorations for the exhibition themselves during creative workshops; each tree will turn into a unique art object.

st. Kuznetsky Most, ow. 6/3

You can never have too many sweets during the holidays! Novopushkinsky Square will be a paradise for those with a sweet tooth: be sure to try traditional Russian gingerbread cookies, ginger cookies and other sweets. Here you can learn robotics and attend interesting English lessons.

st. Bolshaya Bronnaya, 29

Families with children will enjoy walking along the festive Rozhdestvenka Street. There will be a special children's fair here: toys, board games and sweets will be sold. And the special New Year's decoration of the street will make the walk even more enjoyable.

st. Rozhdestvenka, ow. 6

The “Journey to Christmas” festival site on Tverskoy Boulevard actively invites you to celebrate the holidays. Throughout the holidays they will play curling, hockey and snowballs. And in trading chalets, they sell everything necessary for winter active recreation: from sleds and ice cubes to warm hats and mittens.

Tverskoy Boulevard, ow. 2

This site organizes daily interactive master classes for children. You will be able to get acquainted with circus professions, make a postcard or unusual constellations that glow in the dark.

Tverskoy Boulevard, ow. 19

Do you want to know how Christmas is celebrated in different countries - how they dress up, what music they listen to, what they eat? Cooking shows will be held on Kamergersky Lane national dishes different countries: Belgium, Italy, Mexico and others. Meanwhile, children will prepare dishes from their favorite cartoons.

Kamergersky lane, ow. 2

Sweet tooth lovers will definitely visit Arbat in search of Belgian waffles with toppings and shortbread cookies. The chalet will sell dishes and cutlery for the festive table, and master classes will teach you how to bake pancakes with orange flambé and how to make non-alcoholic mulled wine.

st. Arbat, vl. 6/2

The site with monastic goods will be located on Gogolevsky Boulevard, next to the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. It will be possible to purchase icons, candles, books, scarves, honey and much more.

Gogolevsky Boulevard, ow. 4

The best Russian publishing houses will take part in the children's section of the giant Book Market book fair. On the shelves there are books, gift editions, designer pens and notebooks. A children's library will open nearby - stop by to read books and warm up with hot tea. But don't get too deep into the books, or you'll miss the parade of snow angels and Santa Clauses.

st. Novy Arbat, 13

Almost every day, as part of the book fair on Novy Arbat, there will be Christmas processions and parades (from 15:00 to 16:00), as well as performances by street musicians (from 17:00 to 19:00).

st. Novy Arbat, 15

For everyone who cannot live without coffee even in new year holidays, coffee ceremonies will be held on Stoleshnikov Lane. They will also teach latte art here. Those who prefer tea will also not be offended: come to tea ceremonies and choose unusual varieties in the shopping arcades.

Stoleshnikov lane, 10–14

Literary readings of winter poems by Korney Chukovsky, Agnia Barto, Samuil Marshak and other Russian poets will be held on Sheremetyevskaya Street. At the “Christmas Bells” master class they will teach you how to play the xylophone and rattles, and at the “Forest of Miracles” lesson they will perform a New Year’s performance.

st. Sheremetyevskaya, 6

Everyone knows the Russian Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, and so does Santa Claus. Let's find out who comes to children in France, China and Finland, and also learn Christmas songs in foreign languages and we will stage mini-performances based on the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm and Charles Perrault.

Orekhovy Boulevard, ow. 14

While adults choose souvenirs and Christmas tree decorations, children will solve riddles, compete in sports relay races and play chess.

Europe Square

In Zelenograd, festival guests will be treated to a special Christmas drink with orange and cardamom, and there will also be cooking master classes for all ages.

Zelenograd, pl. Youth, ow. 2

The installation of houses and pavilions has already begun. The work will be completed by December 19, three days before the start of the festival.

More than 320 shopping and restaurant chalets will open in Moscow for the Journey to Christmas festival. Most Of these, collection has already begun at 79 festival sites.

The chalets will be presented in several types, including French pavilions, already familiar to Muscovites wooden houses, wooden chalets of a new design (they can be seen on Garden Ring), as well as glass honeycombs and greenhouses.

All pavilions will be installed by December 19. Transparent chalets resembling a honeycomb will be installed on Manezhnaya Square. Some of the hexagonal cells will be occupied by restaurants and cafes, which will offer visitors European cuisine. The rest will house the actors involved in the immersive play “Twelve Months,” and the scenery will also be located there. In addition to Manezhnaya Square, honeycomb-shaped chalets will be installed on Kuznetsky Most from the Central Department Store.

The elegant carved pavilions on Revolution Square will be made in the style of the works of the famous architect and restorer of monuments of ancient Russian architecture, Pyotr Baranovsky (1892–1984).

“The detailed range of products that can be purchased in the pavilions of the Journey to Christmas festival will be determined in the near future, after applications for the right to trade in the pavilions have been processed. In total, since the beginning of the application campaign, 730 proposals have been received from entrepreneurs from 20 regions of Russia. The winners will be determined by a commission,” said the press service of the Moscow Fairs State Budgetary Institution.

A new site will appear on Profsoyuznaya Street, the prototype of which was the traditional architecture of fairs and exhibitions of the late 19th - early 20th centuries. Several dozen pavilions will open there in the style of French exhibitions of that period, including a restaurant with a clock tower on the roof and an indoor rotunda-shaped brazier where hot dishes will be prepared. All chalets will be black with patina and will be decorated with decorative arches made of forged metal. On other sites, the chalets will resemble wooden country houses with a triangular roof. They will be decorated with live spruce branches and Christmas tree decorations.

The Journey to Christmas festival will be held for the fifth time. The venues will operate from December 22 to January 14. This year the festival will be dedicated to theatre. The main events will take place on Tverskaya Street and Red Square, as well as on Manezhnaya and Tverskaya Squares, Revolution Square, on Rozhdestvenka, Novy Arbat, Arbat and Kamergersky Lane, on Tverskoy and Gogolevsky Boulevards, in Klimentovsky Lane and Novopushkinsky Square. For the first time, the festival program will be presented on the renovated Garden Ring.