National cuisine of Russia. National dishes of different countries Cuisines of the world history and traditions

Each of us is familiar with the expression - how many people, so many opinions. If you change it a little geographically, you will get so many peoples, so many traditions. This expression is also true for cooking. The cuisine of each individual people of the world represents separate culinary kingdoms that are extremely interesting to learn about.

Each people living on Earth has its own traditions and history and, of course, its own characteristics of national cuisine. National cuisine acts as a kind of stronghold of those centuries-old traditions that are dear to everyone, which were preserved and kept secret in order to pass them on from generation to generation. In Italy, no one will tell you the real secret of making delicious pasta, the Chinese will not share with you the national recipe for preparing dishes from snake meat or shark fin, and there is no need to talk about French cuisine, which has long been considered the most aristocratic in the world.

National cuisine is a set of dishes that are constantly prepared by residents of a certain territory or country. Historical preconditions are a feature of any national cuisine. Most of the dishes that are considered national in a particular area were prepared several centuries ago. As time passed, the recipes were improved and supplemented in order to pass on culinary secrets to future generations. More often National dishes consist of those products that are available in a given area. There are also conditions for preparing dishes from the national menu.

Culinary gourmets are ready to travel far to enjoy the national cuisine of a particular country. After all, it is possible to taste the taste of real sushi only in Japan, and you can enjoy roasted chestnuts prepared according to original recipes only in France. Those who do not have the opportunity to visit foreign countries can try to study some recipes and features of savory national dishes in their own kitchen.

All existing national cuisines of the world can be divided into several large groups, uniting them according to some common characteristics.

European cuisine

Modern European cuisine has developed under the influence of the national characteristics of various European countries. However, despite this, it is difficult to talk about a single European cuisine, since the territory of Europe is inhabited by many peoples, and their way of life and culture are determined not only by climatic, but also by geographical conditions. The cuisine of the southern countries of Western Europe differs in “temperament” from the cuisine of its northern countries, just as the character of a Spaniard or Italian differs from the Finns. Southern cuisine is spicy, aroma, and colorful compared to the simpler and more restrained cuisine of the north.

Features of European cuisine include the abundance of vegetable dishes and the use of a large number of different sauces. Unlike the peoples of the East, Europeans use spices, seasonings and seasonings much less, focusing on preserving the taste of the original products.

European cuisine originates in Greece. Later, together with chefs, the culinary art migrated to Ancient Rome. This is why modern Italian and Greek cuisine have so many similarities. Common features are also inherent in the cuisines of Italy, Spain, Portugal and France. First of all, this is the use of ginger, all types of pepper, thyme, fennel, sage, cinnamon, tarragon and vanilla. The menu always includes vegetables and fruits: tomatoes, sweet peppers, cucumbers, grapes, figs and oranges. Many fish and seafood dishes, as well as poultry, lamb, pork or beef.

However, southern European states are also rightfully considered the legislators of European cuisine. So, for example, Europeans learned about coffee from Austria, the Germans, Belgians and Czechs gave them a love of beer, and the British taught Europeans how to drink real tea.

Eastern cuisine

Oriental cuisine combines gastronomic customs and traditions of Arab and Muslim countries, Asian countries, Turkish, as well as some Caucasian and Balkan countries. Just as in the case of the concept of “European cuisine,” the concept of “Oriental cuisine” is also very broad and relative, since it covers the culinary traditions of a wide variety of countries, sometimes completely opposite in customs and preferences. For example, in most countries of the Muslim world they prefer lamb, while in China and Japan they prefer fish and seafood.

The main products that are used to prepare oriental dishes are rice, lamb, fermented milk products, beans, vegetables and fruits, and flour products. With rare exceptions, fish and seafood, cheese, beef and eggs are consumed to a lesser extent. Oriental dishes are distinguished by their sharpness and spicy taste.

Another feature of oriental cuisine is the lack of soups in the European understanding. Many oriental cuisines offer characteristic soups such as “shurpa” - a fairly thick and fatty soup. In different countries it may be called differently (sorpo, shorpo, shorpa, chorpo), and consist of different ingredients. Mostly common foods are vegetables and fried meats. Cooking shurpa is a rather specific process, since its consistency is more like porridge. Local cereals, a lot of onions and vegetables are used for soups. The increased fat content of shurpa is associated with the use of ghee or fat tail fat during preparation.

In addition, dishes typical of oriental cuisine are pilaf, dolma, shish kebab and shawarma. Lavash, flatbreads and pita are baked as bread.

Oriental sweets made from nuts and dried fruits, baklava, Turkish delight, sherbet and halva are famous throughout the world. As drinks, residents of these countries prefer oriental coffee and ayran, while the Chinese, Japanese, people of Central Asia and Indians prefer tea.

American cuisine

American cuisine is a bizarre mixture of a wide variety of national dishes. The traditions of the indigenous peoples and tribes of America are closely intertwined with the traditions of the Spaniards, English, Italians, French and Portuguese who came to these lands. That is why America was denied recognition of its national cuisine.

American cuisine is made up of the cuisine of many countries. The continent itself has a long history, and many peoples settled on its territory - all this had a direct impact on both the characteristics of food preparation and the national cuisine in general.

Despite its diversity, North American cuisine is quite simple. Most of it is made up of cuisine from Mexico and the USA. Mexicans enjoy fiery and savory dishes based on the traditions of the Aztecs and Spaniards. And the United States is not averse to boasting of many dishes brought here from Europe and Asia.

Among the cuisines of South America, Brazilian cuisine occupies a leading position. The cuisine of Brazil is so diverse and interesting that even dishes from neighboring regions can be exotic to each other.

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More than 120 nationalities live in our country; if we multiply this number by the average number of dishes that is typical for the cuisine of one nationality, the figure will be impressive - 36,000 dishes. It will take about 50 years to try all this quantity, provided that the diet is updated daily with two new dishes. This is gastronomic arithmetic.

Let's start with a gastronomic excursion.

No. 1. Pozharskaya cutlet


It got its name from the surname of the owner of the hotel, which was located in the city of Torzhok, Evdokim Pozharsky. The dish gained wide popularity during the years when Daria Pozharskaya, Evdokim’s daughter, owned the hotel. As usual, the recipe for such dishes appears under the most ordinary conditions: It had to be quick and tasty, we made it from what we had.

Initially, cutlets were prepared from veal, later from wild poultry with the addition of warm cream and fried in breadcrumbs. The cutlets turned out to be good and were liked by many of the guests of the businesswoman’s guest house. Let us believe the true gourmet, the genius of Russian literature, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, who wrote to his friend, bibliographer Sergei Sobolevsky, about the very first recipe for the dish:

"Dine at your leisure
At Pozharsky's in Torzhok,
Try the fried cutlets
And go light."

No. 2. Lipetsk pancakes

Personally, I strongly associate Lipetsk with linden honey, if we talk about its gastronomic history. However, as an element of this very gastronomy, one can safely call a pancake. Yes, yes, the simplest Russian pancake, but with a significant “zest”, the role of which is played by the egg.

Lipetsk pancake is a pancake baked in the shape of a square with an egg inside. The trick to preparing such a dish, and at the same time its success, is to ensure that the white is fried and the yolk remains runny.

You should eat it like this: the pancake is cut exactly in the middle, the yolk flows out and acts as a sauce in which the pancake itself is dipped.

The history of such a pancake goes back to Soviet times and goes back about 50 years, but today we can say that this dish is the calling card of the city of Lipetsk. I recommend!

No. 3. Perepechi from Udmurtia

What is this anyway? Udmurtia is famous for dumplings; the etymology of the word “dumpling”, according to one version, has Udmurt roots. That's right! Here the palm is unconditional. But we will talk about perepechas, the name alone is worth it. These are open cheesecakes made from unleavened dough on rye flour with various fillings: cheese, mushrooms, cabbage, ham. They are prepared in real ovens, which is why they have a special taste.

Perepechas, as for me, should take their rightful place on restaurant menus, and if street stalls with such food appear, it will be an unconditional victory for our cuisine over the already boring rolls, sandwiches, pastas and the like.

By the way, in 2005, the “Perepechi Against Pizza” campaign took place in Izhevsk, but the dish gained wide popularity after the Buranovsky Babushki’s performance at the Eurovision Song Contest 2012. I advise everyone to watch the video with the famous Udmurt oven, which has received from 1 to 13 million views on the Internet in different versions, and there are delicious baked goods with cheese!

No. 4. Veal tenderloin “Bulgar style”

The homeland of this dish is Tatarstan, the history is the nomadic life of the people. In general, I never cease to be amazed at how wise our people were and remain. For example, nomads poured a pre-prepared vegetable mixture into a hole in the bread. We took such a bun with us on the road, at the right time we just filled it with boiled hot water, and received soup with an edible plate. The same applies to meat; it was dried so that it would not spoil on the road and at the same time retain its taste. You can taste veal stewed for 10 hours, along with a delicious side dish of pea puree and boiled carrots, today in ex-Bulgaria - in the Republic of Tatarstan.

No. 5. Suritsa


This is nutritious honey, having two degrees of strength, with a sweetish taste, something between kvass and lemonade. The slight carbonation of the drink leaves a subtle aftertaste and can absolutely be an excellent end to any dinner, or, on the contrary, an aperitif.

The etymology of the word is interesting:

Surya, Suritsa in Slavic mythology - the solar Goddess of joy, light and fun; Khmel's wife. The goddess symbolizes life and protects it. It is not just a symbol of life, but also helps to prolong it. No wonder Suritsa offers her children the divine drink of life - surya. The goddess is dressed in white Slavic clothing and wears a wreath of wild flowers on her head. Her simple and modest beauty clearly demonstrates purity and innocence.

  • Vegetables are not cut into a plate. They are eaten the way they were served.
  • Bread, without hesitation, is placed directly on the table (not on a plate).
  • European and South American Catholics consider eating food quickly to be bad manners.

In Italy, eating spaghetti with a spoon is considered an insult to those present. It is considered disgusting to ask an Italian cook to add cheese to a dish (the local cooks cannot make a mistake with the dosage). Before and after eating they praise God, and in between they chat a lot. Lunch or dinner can last two hours.

Spaniards eat at home less often, meeting even with relatives in cafes. They like to visit several bistros or restaurants in a day (depending on their financial status).

In Portugal it is considered an insult to ask for a salt or pepper shaker. Here they consider that the cook has already provided everything necessary.

When eating national spicy dishes, Mexicans often compete with the amount of chili pepper they eat.

Brazilians have no time for competitions. During dinner, they like to watch TV series (sometimes gathering in a huge crowd around a small TV).

Traditions of eating in the British Isles

Specifically in England, they are used to eating strictly according to a schedule - at 8 o'clock (breakfast), at 11.00 (lunch), at 14.00 (lunch), at 17.00 ("fife o'clock") and at 20.00 ("before bed").

Breakfast consists of eating oatmeal or toast with jam, lunch consists of eating sandwiches (there are a dozen types of them), at lunch the prim residents of Albion respect soup and bacon with scrambled eggs, and for dinner - everything else (plus the obligatory strong drink). "Fife o'clock" means drinking tea with milk, which in England they like to drink cold.

If an Englishman sits alone at a bar (rather than standing at the counter), then he either wants to eat and drink alone, or is waiting for a person. You cannot get acquainted with him (the named nation is different from the rest of the peoples of the United Kingdom).

Fife o clok means drinking tea with milk.

The Scots are simpler. Moreover, they are not committed to such strictness - they eat less often, but more satisfyingly (which is only worth a lamb stomach, in which everything is baked). Among a Scottish family, discussion of political articles or football matches is encouraged (if they eat in front of the TV). When meeting with business partners or strangers, this tradition, on the contrary, is prohibited.

Ireland is a different story. Yes, exactly the song - people here like to sing or play something, especially “under this matter.” And frivolous citizens who are late for the party are not welcome at all in the country of the green elves.

Breakfast consists of oatmeal or toast with jam.

Eating traditions in Scandinavia

“Feeding” in Northern Europe compares favorably with meals abroad in its relative simplicity. I'm late, so late. If you wanted, you prayed, if you wanted, you didn’t. Kissing your “colleagues for your daily bread” is also not necessary. It is recommended to get down to business immediately, but only after the owner of the house has made a toast. This refers to a person who sits in the place of honor and sends out invitations to friends and relatives three weeks in advance (if we are talking about holidays or a wedding). Only by nodding in response can you direct your gaze to the plate. After completing the procedure, which is pleasant to the stomach, the hostess awaits respect - those who came warmly thank her. Particular fanaticism is even welcome.

  • As for the former Viking countries (Denmark, Sweden and Norway), only vulgar people clink glasses in them.
  • During a toast, the beer mug (or wine glass) is only raised. The Scandinavians are keeping a low profile, dispelling myths about the influence of sea robber genes.
  • People dressing up extravagantly for a joint breakfast or wanting to get smart bring a smile here.
  • The inhabitants of the fjords speak little and to the point.
  • Dinner in Scandinavia is strictly at 18.00.
  • The Danes generally don’t like to invite someone over – why listen to someone’s chatter when there is a TV.
  • Speaking about entertaining catering, it is worth mentioning that on certain days Finnish girls themselves must choose men to meet. This is very decent. But men should not give up. And they should be visible during meals.
  • In Suomi it is customary to praise, first of all, the hostess, and not the owner.
  • Talking and smiling are not necessary.
  • When eating, the mouth is used exclusively for tasty treats.

Eating traditions in Germany, Switzerland and Austria

  • The Germans are very punctual when it comes to the start of dinner or a holiday.
  • In the land of Goethe and Bismarck, boiled potatoes are eaten as tubers - without resorting to a knife.
  • In Austria, when raising glasses (in Mozart’s homeland they drink white wine), they look into the eyes of the speaker and everyone with whom they are clinking glasses.
  • In both countries, invitees curry favor with the hostess - usually they present a bouquet.
  • They do not take any food with their hands except bread. A fork and knife go with the cake.
  • In Switzerland there is a custom to decorate dining furniture with flowers.
  • In German-speaking cantons, they shake “crab” before a culinary meeting.
  • Dishes with cheese (national pride) are served in huge portions. Otherwise, the guests will think that the owner is poor.

Traditions of eating in Slavic countries

  • In Russia they never eat with a knife, and empty bottles are placed on the floor.
  • In Ukraine, not finishing a glass of vodka means insulting those present.
  • In Belarus, almost all alcohol is infused with honey and herbs. The owner will consider it an honor if, before drinking the drink, the visitor sniffs the “masterpiece” and gives a compliment.
  • Any feast in Poland begins with soups.
  • Czechs do not like to talk while eating, but they gesticulate wildly (especially after the third liter of beer).
  • Residents of Slovakia, being somewhat irritable, hate those who are late to the table and make up jokes about such poor fellows right on the spot.
  • Croats, when socializing with foreigners at table, praise only their fatherland, devoting all their toasts to it.

  • Among the natives of Slovenia, kisses and hugs are unacceptable (even among loved ones).
  • In a Slovenian home, shoes are disposed of in the hallway.
  • Not a single Bulgarian will come to a delicious meeting with a bouquet of yellow roses (this is a symbol of hatred).
  • In Serbia, before eating, people mutually wish bon appetit, and men greet each other with a handshake, regardless of religion. It is customary to invite only relatives or close friends home.
  • Singing songs near a Serbian or Montenegrin hearth is the norm of hospitality.
  • In Montenegro, only women serve at table, but guests are obliged to praise the host.
  • Macedonian men have no shame in showing off to each other. Women don't engage in conversation.
  • Any food in a Macedonian home can be taken any way you like.
  • France. Here it is considered rude to cut lettuce in a salad. In many European countries, salad must be folded and eaten with a fork.
  • Mexico. People in Mexico are usually fine with being late. It's not scary to be late even half an hour, since the hosts will almost certainly be finishing preparations.
  • Bulgaria. It is strictly forbidden to bring yellow flowers. In Bulgaria it is a symbol of hatred.
  • Tanzania. It is rude and vulgar to drink beer from a bottle. It is considered impolite to show your soles if you sit on a mat or carpet while eating.
  • Egypt. You can't salt food. The person who prepared the dish will be offended by such a gesture from the guest. After all, he wanted the food not to change its taste. Here they can pour tea into a cup until it overflows.

Cuisines of the world- this phrase awakens the appetite and desire of real gourmets to try something like that. After all, national dishes are so colorful, sometimes exotic, and their variety is so great that a lifetime would not be enough to try everything. So, let's go on a culinary journey?

National traditions in world cuisines

Each nation has its own national cuisine, culinary traditions have developed over centuries, and the people kept the best recipes and passed them on to their descendants.

National dishes were prepared from products characteristic of a particular area. Could the inhabitants of India, for example, not use a rich variety of herbs and spices in their cuisine, and the inhabitants of the Scandinavian countries - an abundance of fish?

And although over time many cuisines of the world become accessible and popular throughout the world, the soul of the people still lives in the cuisine of each country. Well, they won’t be able to cook real pie better than in Russia, and foie gras will have a true taste only if this culinary masterpiece was created by a French chef, and from local products.

Features of European cuisine

Skeptics may object - is it really possible to talk about European cuisine, as such, since dishes from Mediterranean countries cannot be compared with the usual menu of Germans or Scandinavians.

We agree - the national cuisine of each European country has its own flavor. European cuisine is as diverse as the climate, geographical and cultural traditions of each country.

Ukrainian dumplings, Hungarian goulash, Spanish paella, German sausages and frankfurters, Swiss cheese fondue... Completely different dishes, but so appetizing and tasty!

Food from different European countries can be found on the menu of many restaurants: in one establishment they cook Scandinavian-style fish, Czech dumplings, Greek moussaka, and Austrian strudel.

Without the opportunity to travel around the world, you can take a gastronomic tour and better understand the culinary culture of different countries.

And yet there are also common features that distinguish European cuisine in general from, say, Asian:

  1. A much larger number of meat dishes: entrecote, steak, languette, roast, meatballs, roast beef, schnitzel, escalope... The list could go on for a very long time.
  2. European cooking does not use as many spices and seasonings as, say, Asian cooking. (Again, Southern Europeans still use all sorts of aromatic additives more than Finns and Swedes). But in general, the cuisine of European countries is more focused on the natural taste of products.
  3. Many dishes are prepared from wheat flour - the baked goods are so tasty and varied that you will simply lick your fingers. And pasta is available in abundance.
  4. European cooking, like no other cuisine in the world, actively uses eggs - boiled, fried, in flour dishes, even in drinks, for example, in milkshakes.

Assorted European dishes

To describe the diversity of culinary traditions of the Old World, entire volumes of gastronomic publications would be required. And yet the most popular dishes and cooking traditions - contributions to the cuisines of the world - are worth remembering.

A cup of coffee in the morning as a mandatory attribute to start the day - is this about you? It is worth thanking the Austrians; the first coffee shops were opened in their country, which have now become an indispensable part of every European city and town.

Sauces, which change the taste of dishes in such a way, are already a French invention, which chefs from other countries willingly adopted. And also, following the French, cuisines from around the world began to use alcoholic drinks in the cooking process: cognac, liqueurs, wines.

What about vegetable soups: Spanish gazpacho or Italian minestrone? If you haven’t tried it, come on, be sure to prepare these popular and healthy dishes.

Well, as for cheeses, you can argue which is tastier - French Roquefort and Camembert, Swiss Emmental or Italian mozzarella and Parmesan.

Delicate, airy pudding is the English contribution to European cuisine. The British also instilled the tradition of tea drinking in Europeans.

Englishmen of all classes are convinced that tea has miraculous properties. Whatever your mental or physical state, all you need is "a good cup of tea

And Czech roll goes great with tea. How to cook it - recipe in this video:

Cuisines of the world - oriental flavor

World cuisine is unthinkable without the culinary traditions of the East. Once again we are amazed at the variety and often absolute dissimilarity of the dishes. After all, under the concept of oriental cuisine, it is customary to unite completely different gastronomic customs of the peoples of the world.

The foods of the Caucasus, steppe Asia, Arab countries and distant Korea, Vietnam and Japan are also different, as is their culture. In Muslim countries, many dishes are prepared from lamb, while the Japanese prefer fish and seafood.

What national dishes come to mind when we say “oriental cuisine”?

Shawarma from the Middle East, Central Asian shurpa, dolma, popular in Turkey and the Caucasus, Uzbek pilaf (however, it is excellently prepared in many eastern countries) - these dishes have long been included in our diet and we really love them.

Middle East - national characteristics

What is the contribution of the peoples of the Middle East region to the cuisines of the world?

This is a variety of dishes made from lamb and poultry (they practically don’t eat pork there, and beef is not particularly popular), especially stuffed with rice, vegetables, and spices.

Legumes are often used in various dishes; vegetables and fruits are traditionally widely used.

And seasonings, roots and herbs are a separate matter; they add a unique aroma and piquancy to food. As is the abundance of onions and garlic in various dishes.

Vegetable caviar and salads, nut butter, small pies with various fillings - all this is the so-called “meze” - a whole arsenal of all kinds of snacks, without which it is difficult to imagine the cuisine of the Middle East.

Among bread products, we note pita, lavash and various flatbreads.

And oriental sweets are just a gourmet's dream. Puddings with pistachios, baklava, halva, sherbet and Turkish delight... a delight for those with a sweet tooth.

Farther to the East

A separate point of our culinary journey around the world is Asian cuisine, known for its passion for rice. It is not only actively grown there, but also regularly eaten - as a side dish, as a raw material for flour, and as the basis for desserts and sweets. Rice noodles are very popular and have been eaten for many centuries in different countries of the Asian world.

Although, according to culinary experts, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Thai, Vietnamese, and Philippine cuisines are not so similar to each other, what they have in common is their strong difference from European cuisine.

In addition to rice, there is widespread use of soybeans and vegetables, which, on average, make up a third of the Asian diet. The Chinese and Koreans hold vegetable dishes in high esteem, prepared by pickling, pickling, as well as pickled and dried.

Well, the notorious spiciness of dishes - the stomachs of Europeans are not very suitable for eating, for example, kimchi (spicy Korean cabbage) or salmon hee.

Asian cuisine is strong in the preparation of fish dishes: Chinese soup with shrimp, carp in sweet and sour sauce or Korean squid have excellent taste. How to cook a Thai dish - fried rice with shrimp - watch in this video:

But perhaps Japan is most famous for its fish dishes. Seafood recipes from Japanese cuisine have become famous throughout the world.

It’s unlikely that anyone has never tried sushi and rolls made from special types of fish (tuna, salmon, salmon). Many of us already prefer to feast on these delicacies not in special establishments, but to prepare sushi at home.

Asian sweets have already entered the cuisines of different countries of the world - rice cakes, sweet futomaki, Chinese mooncake, Korean desserts made from fruits filled with creams and nuts.

And, of course, the national cuisines of Asian countries are unthinkable without tea.

Entire tea ceremonies are not just to quench thirst, but the cultural traditions of these peoples.

African culinary traditions

The inhabitants of the vast Black Continent also made their contribution to the cuisines of the world. The culinary preferences of the inhabitants of Africa were largely influenced by historical features - long years of colonization.

The menu of residents of coastal countries traditionally includes fish and seafood dishes. Among the meat delicacies, it is worth noting the consumption of pigeon, turtle, and camel meat.

Traditionally, the daily diet of the inhabitants of many African countries includes bread, beans, olives, nuts, fruits, cereals and vegetables. Coconuts and bananas are an integral component of many dishes, including soups, salads, porridges and omelettes.

The most famous dish of North African cuisine is couscous. In the Maghreb countries (Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco) it is prepared with vegetables, meat, beans, and sweets. Mainly based on semolina, which is also popular in other African countries.

National cuisine Africa is colorful and aromatic. It is customary to use a variety of spices and seasonings, for example, on the west coast, pepper fish soup with chili pepper and thick foo-fu soup, also generously flavored with hot seasonings, are popular.

In eastern Africa, people like to prepare national dishes from meat - beef, goat, and game. And as a side dish they serve dishes made from rice, cassava and tapioca.

Let’s not forget that African Ethiopia is considered the birthplace of coffee, which is popular today all over the world. And South Africa is famous for its wines far beyond the borders of the Dark Continent.

Watch in this video how the South African dish bobotie is prepared:

American cuisine

And this is a real mix of culinary traditions of the peoples who originally inhabited vast territories from Alaska to Patagonia, and the gastronomic preferences of the Europeans who flooded these lands. After all, America was settled by the Spaniards, Portuguese, French, and English.

Although both Mexicans, Peruvians and Bolivians retain their centuries-old recipes for national dishes. The cuisine of different regions of Brazil is also very diverse, and Argentina is familiar to us as a real meat paradise.

But the United States is already strongly associated with fast food. And I must say, he has found his niche in the cuisine of the world.
As an illustration to a short story about American cuisine, there is a recipe for pancakes in this video:

National cuisine can tell a lot about its people. Cult dishes of a particular country are often known throughout the world and are even included in the daily diet of many families. Other dishes are no less tasty and original, but for some reason they have not become so popular abroad. So, without further ado, we present to you the best traditional dishes from around the world.

Bigos, Poland

This is a stew with sauerkraut. There are many options for bigos, and both cabbage and meat (pork or game, smoked sausage, etc.) can be different.

Colcannon, Ireland

This is mashed potatoes and cabbage. Usually served as a side dish with boiled ham, fried brisket or sausages.

Fried mussels with French fries, Belgium

You can try “moules frites” in almost any Belgian restaurant, but be careful: one serving weighs one and a half kilograms! Locals joke that French fries are universal, but “mussels from Brussels”, that is, “mussels are only in Brussels”.

Ful medames, Egypt

This is a puree of cooked beans with garlic, lemon juice and olive oil. Due to the cheapness and nutritional value of this dish, ful has been an important part of the diet of the common population since ancient times. Since ful is a difficult dish to digest, it is eaten for breakfast or, in extreme cases, for lunch.

Fasolada, Greece

This is a soup with white beans, vegetables (usually tomatoes and peppers) and olive oil. It is believed that the simple and satisfying dish was popular back in Ancient Greece.

Meatballs, Denmark

Meat balls made from ground veal, beef and pork are not like those floating in our favorite soup. Danish “frikadellers” are cutlets that, in the best traditions, are served with boiled potatoes and sauce.

Adobo, Philippines

Adobo is a popular Filipino dish made from meat, seafood and vegetables marinated in vinegar, soy sauce and garlic. Although the name of the dish is Spanish (“adobar” means “marinade”), the preparation method is specifically Filipino.

Chilis en Nogada, Mexico

The name of the dish translates as “chili in walnut sauce.” That is, these are peppers stuffed with rice and meat and topped with walnut sauce. The colors of the dish represent the colors of the Mexican flag: green chiles, white peanut sauce and red pomegranate seeds. Very patriotic!

Ajaico, Colombia

This is a potato soup with pieces of chicken, corn and "guasco", an aromatic plant that gives the soup its characteristic taste. A thick, homogeneous cream soup is most often served with sour cream, capers and avocado.

Bulgogi, South Korea

Bulgogi (or bulgogi) is marinated pieces of grilled beef or veal. Prepared with heads of garlic, peppers and onions, served with leafy vegetables such as cabbage.

Crepes, France

This is a type of pancake that is prepared with milk without yeast. Crepes can be baked on one side (when served with filling), and they are also often used to make pies and cakes.

Peking duck, China

One of the most popular and ancient dishes in the country, “Beijing Kaoya,” is prepared as follows: the duck carcass is rubbed with honey and baked in a special oven, and when served, it is cut into thin slices. A prerequisite: the duck skin should be crispy, thin and non-greasy. The duck is served with tangerine flatbread, onions and sweet burdock sauce.

Fish and chips, UK

This is deep-fried fish (traditionally cod, but can be anything with white meat, such as haddock or flounder) with large slices of French fries. Simple and very tasty!

Feijoada, Brazil

It is a stew-like dish made from beans, meat products and farofa (cassava flour). The hearty dish is served in a clay pot with cabbage, a slice of orange, and, if desired, rice. According to a common version, feijoada was invented 300 years ago by slaves brought to Brazil from Africa.

Pad Thai, Thailand

A local favorite is stir-fried rice noodles with shrimp and/or meat, tofu, fish sauce, shallots, bean sprouts and pickled radishes.

Ramen, Japan

A broth with wheat noodles and sometimes meat, pickles, eggs, nori and other ingredients is the most popular Japanese fast food.

Currywurst, Germany

These are regular sausages with a ketchup-based sauce and curry powder, of which 800,000,000 portions are eaten annually in Germany.

Arepa, Venezuela

Fluffy, stuffed cornmeal pancakes make a great breakfast. It can be filled with cheese, avocado or both, which is very popular in this country.

Pho, Vietnam

This is a noodle soup with pieces of beef or chicken, or fried fish. The soup is garnished with the Asian variety of basil, mint, lime and bean sprouts.

Pasta, Italy

One dish that has spread all over the world is pasta. There are thousands of pasta options - both in the form of pasta and as additions to a hot dish.

Putin, Canada

So, calm down! The French name is poutine, and the stress is on the last syllable. The national Quebec dish consists of French fries with slices of cheese topped with sweetened gravy. The dish was first prepared in the 1950s, but today it can be found not only in regular restaurants, but also in the Canadian branches of the McDonald's, Burger King and KFC chains.