What is in the pyramids? Egyptian pyramids: interesting facts. Secrets of the Egyptian pyramids

They are looking for Atlantean treasures in the Cheops pyramid. The robot penetrated the closed door in the tunnel of the Cheops pyramid

With the help of a robot, we were able to see what is in the “secret chamber” of the Great Pyramid
Strange red hieroglyphs were found on the walls of the sealed room..

Recently, a robot named Djedi - after the magician who served Pharaoh Cheops - entered the strange southern tunnel leading from the queen's burial chamber to one of the faces of the pyramid. He looked behind the “mysterious door” - into the so-called “secret chamber” and showed what was there.

Of course, the idea that this was a tomb for a pharaoh seems to be consistent with Egyptian practice. For many centuries before and after the construction of the Great Pyramid, the Egyptians interned their dead pharaoh kings, whom they considered living gods, in elaborate tombs. Some were above-ground structures, such as a pyramid, others were cut into underground rock. All dead leaders were supplied with many things they were thought to need afterlife. Many were buried with untold treasures.

Thus, the creators of the robot - a group of French, Canadian and British scientists - helped the dream of Zahi Hawass, head of Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities, come true. For 9 years he longed to look into this "secret chamber" , believing that she is keeping some secrets.

“We have a real chance to really learn something,” he said, encouraging the researchers.
And it was not in vain that Hawass dreamed. Mysterious red hieroglyphs, left there 4,500 years ago, were discovered in the “secret chamber.”

If we had visited the site of the great pyramid when it was just completed, it would have looked very different from what we see today. The pyramid was originally encased in highly polished white limestone with a smooth surface that has now disappeared. At the very top of the structure there would have been a stone, which is also missing. Some sources suggest that the stone may have been plated with gold. Between the white limestone and the golden cap, the pyramid would have made the bright Egyptian sun a spectacular sight.

Around the base of the great pyramid were four smaller pyramids, three of which are still standing. On the eastern side of the pyramid stood a missing mortuary temple. Running down the hill into the valley was a stone causeway that linked the mortuary temple to the temple in the valley. Around the pyramid were six boat holes, which may have contained the hulls of ships belonging to the pharaoh. Parts of one of them were found and reconstructed into a 147-foot-long boat, which is today locked next to the pyramid in its own museum.

In search of treasures of Atlanteans and aliens

The northern and southern tunnels, stretching at right angles from the queen’s burial chamber, were discovered back in 1872. They were found by British engineer Wainman Dixon.
In 1993, German engineer Rudolf Gantenbrink sent a robot through tunnels for the first time. The robot was unable to pass the northern tunnel - it came across a sharp turn that it could not fit into. On the southern one he advanced 63 meters. And he ran into a “mysterious door” with brass handles.
Nobody knew what was behind the door. But lovers of the anomalous were very worried. It was believed that behind it there was some kind of storage: a “secret chamber”. And in the chamber there are, for example, books brought from the lost Atlantis, treasures. Or artifacts from there. Or even alien objects demonstrating the connection between the ancient Egyptians and aliens.

Two others great pyramids at Giza, the Pyramid of Khafre and the Pyramid of Menkaure had not yet been built, so Khufu's pyramid and associated structures stood alone, although surrounded by the homes and tombs of many of those who helped build it. Even in ancient times, thieves breaking into sacred burial sites was a serious problem, and Egyptian architects became adept at developing solutions to this problem. They built passages that could be blocked by impassable granite blocks; created secret, hidden rooms and made decoys.

By the way, the brass handles themselves were intriguing. After all, no one had ever found anything metal in the pyramids before. And hypotheses arose that they - pens - appeared in the tunnel for a reason. They say they are parts of some electrical system left, naturally, by aliens. Maybe the “ends” are “plus” and “minus”.

Third try

However, no matter how smart the designers were, the robbers seemed even smarter and, almost without exception, every one of the great tombs of the Egyptian kings was plundered. The Arab Caliph Abdullah Al Manum decided to make his own search for Khufu's treasure. He gathered a gang of workers and, unable to find the location of the famous secret door, began burrowing towards the monument. After hundreds of feet of hard movement, they were about to give up when they heard a heavy impact echo through the inside of the pyramid.

Digging in the direction of the sound, they soon came across a passage that descended into the heart of the structure. There was a large block on the floor that had fallen from the ceiling, which apparently caused the noise they heard. At the very beginning of the corridor, they discovered a secret hinged door that they had missed. Making their way along the corridor, they soon found themselves deep in the natural rock beneath the pyramid. The corridor stopped and went horizontally for about 50 feet, then ended in an empty wall. The hole extended down 30 feet from there, but it was empty.

In 2002, a caterpillar, remote-controlled robot, Pyramid Rover, created by specialists from the Boston company iRobot and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, arrived at the “mysterious door.” He drilled a hole in it. Returned. Then he drove up again - this time with a television camera, which he stuck into the hole.
“I just need to know what’s there,” Hawass said the day before this historic moment. - if it’s empty, I won’t be upset.

When workers examined the fallen block, they noticed a large granite plug above it. Cutting through the softer stone around it, they found another passage that extended into the heart of the pyramid. As they walked up this corridor, they discovered several more granite blocks blocking the tunnel. In each case they cut them, breaking through the softer limestone of the walls. Finally they found themselves in a low horizontal passage that led to a small, square, empty room. This became known as the "Queen's Chamber", although it seems unlikely that it ever served this function.

The “dreamers” who dreamed of Atlanteans and aliens were upset, because “there” was really empty. A room with another, second “mysterious door” in the distance opened up to the observers’ eyes.
And now, 9 years later, another attempt was made. For some reason, scientists again sent a robot to the first “mysterious door”. This time it was developed by engineer Rob Richardson from the University of Leeds.
Maybe even then - in 2002 - scientists still considered something suspicious? But they didn’t advertise their discovery?
The new robot Jedi essentially repeated the actions of its predecessor. But he inserted a modernized camera on a flexible, controlled rod into the hole - something like an endoscope. With its help, we were able to examine the “secret chamber” in more detail.

Returning to the intersection of the ascending and descending passages, the workers noticed an open space in the ceiling. Rising up, they found themselves in a tall, ascending passage. This became known as the "Grand Gallery". At the top of the gallery there was a low horizontal passage that led to big room, about 34 feet long, 17 feet wide and 19 feet high. It became known as the "King's Chamber". In the center was a huge granite sarcophagus without a lid, otherwise the room was completely empty.

The Arabs, as if in retaliation for the lost treasure, stripped the pyramids of their beautiful white limestone and used it for construction in Cairo. They even attempted to dismantle the great pyramid, but after removing the top 30 feet of stone, they abandoned this impossible task.

Researchers took a first look at the “mysterious door” from the other side. Its surface was carefully processed - polished. Brass rods pierced the “door” right through. And they ended in small graceful loops. Which clearly reduced the likelihood that they were part of an electrical alien system. More likely, it's just pens.
The filming confirmed that the “secret chamber” on the other side is closed by another “mysterious door.” Or a whole block. Further, according to Hawass, there may be some kind of room. Hawass does not rule out that somewhere inside the pyramid the real burial chamber of Pharaoh Cheops is hidden - with his sarcophagus and mummy. And that empty one, which is known to everyone today, was made to divert attention.
For now, the most important find is the red hieroglyphs that cover the floor of the “secret chamber.”
“By deciphering these hieroglyphs, Egyptologists may understand why these strange tunnels were built,” suggests Rob Richardson.

So what happened to King Khufu's treasure? Conventional wisdom has it that, like many other royal tombs, the pyramid was the victim of bandits in ancient times. How did the thieves get in and out? He discovered a narrow shaft hidden in the wall that connected the Great Gallery to the descending passage. Both ends were sealed tightly and the bottom was blocked by debris. Some archaeologists have suggested that this route was used by the last of the pharaoh's men to exit the tomb after granite plugs were inserted and thieves forced their way inside.

In the meantime, scientists are perplexed. Perhaps the tunnels are built for ventilation. But why the door then? And carefully crafted too. The size of the tunnels is 20 by 20 centimeters. You can't climb through them. What are the handles made for then? Who will grab them and how?

The southern tunnel is precisely oriented towards the star Sirius and the constellation Orion. For what?
Some researchers believe that, according to the ancient Egyptians, the souls of the pharaoh and queen were supposed to fly out through the tunnels. And travel the Universe. But, again, there is a stub... It clearly interferes with this.

Given the small size of the passage and the amount of debris, however, it is unlikely that great amount treasures, including the huge sarcophagus lid, could have been removed in this way. Scientists have long debated how this massive structure was built, but the most likely theory seems to be that the Egyptians built a huge ramp that allowed them to drag blocks into position. Alternatively, the Egyptians may have combined a straight ramp that ran part way up the pyramid with a spiral ramp to the uppermost levels.

Scientists continue to work. They promise to provide a full report by early 2012.
It will be sad if Peter Der Manuelian, an Egyptologist from Harvard University, turns out to be right. He does not rule out that the red hieroglyphs left 4,500 years ago may just be technological marks of the builders.

However, Hawass hopes to discover something more exciting behind the second door. But the northern tunnel has not yet been examined at all...

The blocks were probably pulled up the ramp by a group of men and brought into their final position using levers. French architect Jean-Pierre Houdin theorized that a spiral ramp was used inside the pyramid to move stone blocks. According to Goodin, a straight exterior ramp was used to receive materials at the 140-foot level. From there, workers hauled stones through a series of gently rising tunnels just inside the outer walls. The final tunnel will emerge at the top of the monument.

The project management team studying the problem of building the Great Pyramid estimated that the project, using materials and methods available at the time, would probably have required less than ten years: two or three years of preparation, five years of actual construction, and two years to remove the ramps and put on the finishing touches.

The Cheops Pyramid and the location of the robot that explored the “secret chamber” in 2011

It always seemed to me that the pyramids of Egypt were hollow inside, but this turned out not to be the case. There are several corridors inside the pyramid, but for the most part they are not horizontal, but rather diagonal. A very strange decision. I, however, am inclined to think that, firstly, it was not the Egyptians who built it, and secondly, the pyramids were not for the pharaohs, that is, they were not originally tombs.

Egyptian records indicate that the workers, while forced against their will, were in fact well cared for by ancient standards. Rules were found covering the maximum amount of work allowed per day, wages received, and holidays to which each worker was entitled. In addition, planning most of the work that had to be done during the annual flood periods, the pharaoh could have done a lot without affecting the normal Egyptian economy.

Some have suggested that the pyramid was never meant as a tomb, but as astronomical observatory. The Roman author Proclus, in fact, argues that before the pyramid was completed, it served this function. Richard Proctor, an astronomer, noted that the descending passage could be used to observe the transitions of certain stars. He also suggested that the majestic gallery opened at the top during construction could be used to map the sky.

Why are pyramids so amazing to humanity? I will try to talk about one of them, the most famous - the Cheops pyramid. In 2575-2551 BC Egypt was ruled by Pharaoh Snefru. He had a son, Cheops, who, unlike his father, had a very despotic character; many believe that he was a tyrant. It’s not in vain that I talk about these qualities of his, because apparently it was they who helped him realize his plans and build the well-known pyramid of Cheops. They say that inside this pyramid one could place 5 cathedrals such as St. Paul's Cathedral in London. And its height is 54.2 m. taller than the Statue of Liberty. At the very heart of the pyramid is the burial chamber, although it was originally planned under the base of the pyramid. When our contemporaries first decided to enter the pyramid in 1989. they made an entrance that leads along an inclined path to the chamber. This chamber turned out to be carved out of solid rock, the workers decided to try in another place and made another hole, about 18m away. from the entrance, towards the top. So they moved forward, dismantling the stonework and then cut out another burial chamber. They also failed to finish it. And finally, they reached the pharaoh's chamber, decorated with red granite, which was brought here hundreds of kilometers away. There, near one of the walls, stood a sarcophagus with the body of the pharaoh. True, then it disappeared and the sarcophagus is now empty. Here's what I know about the inside of the pyramid. Every schoolchild now knows that since ancient times it has been considered one of the wonders of the World.

Over the years, many strange theories have arisen to explain the pyramid and its passages. Most archaeologists, however, agree with the theory that the great pyramid was the largest of the tomb traditions used for the pharaohs of Egypt. So, what happened to Khufu's mummy and treasure? Extensive exploration has not found any other chambers or passages. However, it is worth considering whether perhaps in this case the king and his architects have outsmarted both ancient thieves and modern archaeologists and that somewhere in, or below, the last wonder of the ancient world is conquering Khufu and his sacred gold.

Egyptian pyramids: what do they hide inside?

Despite this, the question of what we know about the internal structure of the pyramids remains open. Take, for example, the Great Pyramid of Giza, also known as the Pyramid of Cheops. Built more than 3 thousand years ago from more than 2 million stone blocks, it is the most... ancient pyramid in the world.

As one of the most iconic yet mysterious wonders of the world, the Pyramids of Giza are for yourself. But how much do you really know about this world famous site? Take a look at these ten most interesting facts - some you may already know, some you may not - although this really only scratches the surface!

The famous pyramids of Giza - Cheops, Khafre and Mikerin. While the three pyramids of the Giza Plateau, known as Cheops, Khafre and Mykerinus, are the most famous in Egypt, more than 130 other pyramids have been discovered scattered throughout the area of ​​Ancient Egypt.

Today its height reaches 139 meters, which is several meters lower than at the time of completion. Even by modern standards, it is truly a huge structure, and even now scientists only have access to a few rooms inside: the Great Gallery, as well as the burial chambers of the pharaoh and his wife.

Simple and complex devices of the Egyptian pyramids

How much has already been said and continues to be said about the secrets of the Egyptian pyramids! These ancient amazing architectural creations simply cannot help but attract the interest of scientists, archaeologists, chemists, physicists, historians, psychics and ufologists. Yes, it was the latter who put forward the hypothesis that the pyramids were brought into our lives from another planet, and the “double” of the Egyptian Sphinx as an alien creature is even present on Mars.

The Pyramids of Giza are the oldest and only remaining intact wonder of the Seven Wonders Ancient world. This list also included the Lighthouse of Alexandria, the Colossus of Rhodes and the Statue of Zeus at Olympia, which no longer exists today, as well as the scattered remains of the Temple of Artemis in Turkey.

The Great Pyramid is believed to be built from more than two million stone blocks that range from two to over fifty tons, although it remains a mystery as to how they were transported. All pyramids in Egypt, including those built on the Giza plateau, are located on west bank River Nile, because that's where the sun sets every evening, symbolizing the kingdom of the dead.

Today we’ll talk about another extraordinary theory about this wonder of the world. Thus, a version has recently emerged that the pyramids are energy amplifiers. Which one? Not electric, really. Let's abstract for now from the versions of authoritative historians and look at the devices of the pyramids consciously. By official version, most of the “tunnels” in them were dug either by archaeologists, or by tomb robbers led by Lara Croft, or by their joint efforts.

The Pyramids of Giza were once covered with a white shell of shimmering limestone that was so polished that it reflected the sun's rays. Unfortunately, the overtime shells gradually disappeared after the earthquakes subsided and crumbled to rubble or were cut out and taken to build other structures.

Although Egypt and the pyramids are synonymous with hieroglyphs, it is surprising that no writing or hieroglyphs of any kind were found in the Great Pyramid of Giza. Inside the main chamber of the Great Pyramid lies a granite coffee pot that seems perfectly normal until you realize it's made from one solid piece of granite that's too big to fit down the passage you just squeezed through. This realization has led historians and archaeologists to believe that Great Pyramid was built around the chest, not inside.

But look at the unusual shape of these tunnels, which are either trays that look like water trays, or something resembling waveguides with walls polished to perfect smoothness. And were archaeologists really too lazy to do such routine, difficult and completely unnecessary work?

So, let's move on. If scientists needed loopholes to study the pyramids, then why didn't they just dig them in? the right places? Why was it necessary to create such an intricate network? And if you remember the version with the tombs for the pharaohs, then it becomes completely unclear why it would be difficult for the deceased to build their final resting place.

All of the above involuntarily leads to the conclusion that all these numerous channels inside the pyramids were necessary for the circulation through them of some kind of energy unknown to us or a special liquid with unknown properties.

And if you try to look at the picture of the tunnels and the very location of the pyramids together, you can see that this is all very reminiscent of the design of amplifiers. And if we add here the observation that most of the plateaus near these buildings are very similar to places that are well suited for landing and launching spaceships, then there will be no doubt about the purposes for which these “amplifiers” were used.

Whether you believe in this version or not is up to you, but in the end I would like to say only one thing. The very fact that we are still puzzled about the purpose for which the Egyptian pyramids were built suggests that ancient civilization was much more highly developed than we think. Perhaps even more highly developed than ours.

The internal structure of the pyramids implied the obligatory presence of a chamber where the sarcophagus with a mummy was located, and cut passages to this chamber. Sometimes religious texts were placed there. So, interior spaces pyramids in Saqqara, an Egyptian village 30 km from Cairo, contained the oldest works of funerary literature that have come down to us.

Unknown planet: The mystery of the Egyptian pyramids with V. Sundakov

The methods and technology for creating the grandiose Egyptian pyramids are no longer a mystery. The expedition of the Unknown Planet project brings to your attention a film about how the pyramids were built using geopolymer concrete. You will finally be convinced that the construction of the Egyptian pyramids did not require tens of thousands of slaves, alien intervention or complex technical devices. The film reveals the technology of constructing giant temples, tombs and obelisks. It will change your understanding of the abilities and talents of our ancestors, who were not at all backward, but in many respects superior to modern specialists. Various hypotheses described in books, textbooks and encyclopedias turn out to be completely untenable. The famous researcher of lullaby civilizations and brilliant storyteller Vitaly Sundakov will take you inside the pyramids - to those places that are closed to tourists.

Sources: www.bolshoyvopros.ru, www.qwrt.ru, psifactor.info, 900igr.net, www.fast-torrent.ru