Cabin layout and best seats on board Aeroflot A330. Turkish Airlines. Description, air fleet Airbus a330 300 i fly

The first commercial launch of the Airbus A330-200 airliner took place in nineteen ninety-seven. This modification of the aircraft ranks second in the list of the most popular models of the European concern. This airliner is used on flights of Italian, French and American airlines, as well as by carriers such as North Wind and Aeroflot. Tourists who have had the opportunity to fly on board this aircraft note a high level of comfort even in the economy cabin. Despite this, it is important for travelers to choose their seat wisely to create the best conditions for a long flight. In our article, we propose to discuss the location of seats on an Airbus A330-200 aircraft.

The smallest airliner in the A330 family, the Airbus A330-200, has several different standard configurations

Features of the airliner

The aircraft model in question is used to service long-distance flights. Specialists of the European aircraft manufacturing concern were able to create an airliner capable of overcoming the mark of thirteen and a half thousand kilometers. Such aircraft can be used on those flights that involve flying across the Atlantic Ocean. Domestic carriers use this modification of the Airbus to service the Moscow - Vladivostok route.

Quite interesting is the fact that the model in question was created on the basis of the three hundredth modification of this vessel. The changes made could significantly improve the vehicle. The design of the airliner itself received several important innovations. Engineers reduced the length of the ship's fuselage to fifty-eight meters and eighty-two centimeters. Today, the two hundredth modification of the Airbus A-330 is considered to be the aircraft with the shortest fuselage among similar models. Another innovation is the change in the size of the keel.

The design itself is equipped with additional tanks where fuel is stored. They hold about one hundred and forty liters of combustible mixture, which is forty thousand more compared to other models. The only thing that has not changed in this vessel is the design of the wings and the cockpit. It has the same technology as other models. The airliner itself is equipped with two motors located under the wings. As a rule, the European concern uses engines produced by such well-known companies as General Electric and Rolls-Royce.

Interior arrangement

A company engaged in the construction of Airbuses offers its customers two types of airliners, differing in the design of their cabins. Major airlines prefer to use aircraft divided into two classes. The single-cabin option is chosen by companies servicing charter flights. The absence of such separation allows us to equip four hundred and five seats for passengers.

On airplanes that use nine lines of seats, the width of each line is forty-two centimeters. If a division into eight rows is used, the width of each line increases to forty-five and a half centimeters. Among the advantages of this aircraft, we should highlight the multimedia system built into the back of most seats. Passengers can use this system to watch movies to pass the time.

Airbus A330-200 is a wide-body long-haul passenger aircraft manufactured by the European concern Airbus SE

Salon divided into two classes

As mentioned above, similar equipment is used by air carriers serving regular flights. The cabin of such aircraft is divided into business class and economy zone. There are several different types of this airliner, differing in the way the seats are installed. On the official website of each carrier, a diagram of the A330-200 aircraft used by a specific transport service is published. Below we offer a brief overview of the main differences between the aircraft used by popular airlines:

  1. IFly. The ships used by this transport company can accommodate two hundred and sixty-nine people. Eighteen seats are provided to accommodate passengers who have purchased business class tickets. For business class, there are three lines of seats located between the cockpit and service blocks. Between the business class and the economy part of the cabin there are sanitary facilities and a kitchen. There are two hundred and fifty-one seats in the economy part of the cabin.
  2. Aeroflot. The aircraft used as the flagship of domestic aviation are designed for two hundred and twenty-nine passengers. Business class has five rows of six seats. Classes of service are separated by a partition. Sanitary blocks and a kitchen are located at the rear of the liner and a small area that divides the economy block into two parts. In the economy compartment, the seats are installed in a “two-four-two” pattern.
  3. "Turkish Airlines". This airline operates three different models of the aircraft in question, accommodating two hundred twenty, two hundred fifty or two hundred eighty one passengers. The main modification used by this carrier is a divided cabin into two comfort classes. In the “business” area there are twenty-two chairs installed in a “two-three-two” pattern. Business class is equipped between a bar and a kitchen block. Exits from the vessel are equipped at the tail and bow of the liner. Escape hatches are located between the twentieth and twenty-first rows.
  4. "North wind". This carrier operates an aircraft that can accommodate two hundred and eighty-three passengers. Twenty-four seats are allocated for business class. In the economical block, the seats are installed in a “two-four-two” pattern. Sanitary and other technical units are located at the bow and tail of the ship, as well as between classes.

Attention should be paid to the fact that the same airline may operate aircraft with seating arrangements that differ from the standards described above.

In order to gain access to the diagram of a specific aircraft, you must indicate its tail number on the corresponding page on the carrier’s website. Information about the vessel's tail number can be found in travel documents.

In the process of creating the Airbus A330-200, all the achievements and new technologies of Airbus were used

Liners with one comfort class

As a rule, such airliners are used by organizations servicing charter flights. Among domestic airlines using the Airbus A330-200, it is necessary to highlight IFly. This carrier is the only transport service using the modification in question. The liner in question can accommodate three hundred and twenty-five passengers.

The first block has sixty-six seats, considered places of increased comfort. The second block has one hundred and fifty-five seats. The third block is designed for one hundred and four passengers. Tourists using the services of this carrier should take into account that the front rows have narrow seats. As a rule, seats are installed in a “three-three-three” pattern. Sanitary blocks and utility rooms are located at the bow and tail of the vessel. The exits from the liner are also located here.

Best Seating

The layout of the Airbus A330-200 cabin indicates that the most convenient and comfortable seats are installed in business class. However, even in this zone there are places that have disadvantages. Experienced tourists do not recommend choosing chairs from the last line, as they are located close to the sanitary blocks and kitchen. Smells, noise and the constant movement of passengers can interfere with proper rest. The seats located in this part of the cabin have a fully reclining backrest, which allows you to turn the chair into a full-fledged berth. Passengers can stretch their legs without fear of causing discomfort to others.

Business class seats are quite expensive. Travelers who want to save money on flights and get the most comfortable conditions for a long voyage are recommended to pay increased attention to the issue of choosing a seat. Aeroflot customers are recommended to choose seats located in the following rows:

  1. 11 line. This row of seats is located behind the partition that separates economy from business class. In this row, the seats are installed in a “two-three-two” pattern. Travelers flying in this area can stretch their legs without fear of inconveniencing other passengers. Please note that seats in this sector are provided for passengers with children, as there is a special mount for installing a cradle. Being with a restless child can affect your flight experience.
  2. Twenty-third line. This row is behind another partition that divides the economy cabin into two parts. There is enough space to move freely. Among the disadvantages of this place, the proximity to sanitary blocks should be highlighted.

Among the places that have pronounced shortcomings, it is necessary to note the entire twenty-second line, as well as those seats that are installed from the thirty-third to thirty-sixth row. The first zone is located in front of the evacuation hatches, which prevents the seat back from changing its position. The disadvantage of the second zone is the narrowing of the fuselage, as well as the presence of various equipment installed under the seats.

The remaining seats on this aircraft do not have pronounced advantages and disadvantages. Those travelers who are concerned about choosing a seat are advised to carefully study the aircraft layout. In addition, you can ask the airline employees who check in for the flight for help in choosing a seat. Travelers wishing to be closer to the sanitary blocks are advised to choose seats near the aisle. Those tourists planning to relax during a long flight are advised to reserve window seats.

When traveling long distances, it is recommended to avoid seats located in the rear section, in front of bulkheads and evacuation hatches. It should be remembered that these chairs do not recline. Passengers who choose these seats are forced to spend the entire flight in one position. Tall tourists are advised to choose seats near the aisle. This choice allows you to stand up for a short time to stretch your stiff limbs.

In Russia, the largest number of Airbus A330-200 aircraft are operated by Aeroflot airline


In this article, we examined the question of what the Airbus A330-200 looks like, the layout of the Aeroflot cabin, the best seats and different areas of this aircraft. Experts in the field of air travel say that all the seats on this aircraft are quite comfortable for long-distance flights. However, when choosing a seat, it is recommended to avoid places where the seat backs do not recline. Only a vessel with one comfort class has pronounced disadvantages. The proximity of the seats to each other affects the comfort of travel.

The Airbus A330 is a spacious aircraft that belongs to the group of wide-body airliners with two engines. The largest representative of this type is the Airbus A330-300 aircraft. Depending on the class of the cabin, the aircraft has different capacity. The airbus is used by various airlines: Tirkish Airlines, Ural Airlines, Aeroflot. The huge airliner is capable of transporting two hundred and ninety-five passengers in a three-class cabin, three hundred and thirty-five in a two-class cabin, and about four hundred in a single-class cabin.

Considering such modifications, it should be remembered that the configuration of the seating arrangement and the number of seats may vary in each different model. Each airline uses different seat configurations, but in principle they are similar and by looking at one of the models you can get an idea of ​​the whole picture. The only thing that may differ is the number of seats in business class. Having analyzed the features of the location of seats on a given aircraft, we will be able to understand which seats can be taken only in extreme cases, and which are the best seats for the flight.

Business class seats on Airbus A330-300

From the first to the sixth row on the plane there are business class seats .

If we analyze these series, we can highlight the following advantages:

  • These are very comfortable chairs that recline almost to a horizontal position.
  • There is plenty of legroom, the rows are not very close to each other and even a tall person with long legs can sit comfortably in these rows.

But not all places are equally comfortable. There are also negative aspects to some series:

  • The first row is located as close as possible to the kitchen, toilet and wardrobe, this can cause not always pleasant odors and some anxiety if passengers walk
  • The last sixth row is close to the economy class and for this reason noise from the economy class cabin reaches here.

Standard Economy Class Seats

From the eleventh to the twenty-ninth row there are standard economy class seats. If you are flying with a small child, you must book seats that are suitable for child transportation. There are such devices in the eleventh and twenty-ninth rows.

The eleventh row starts Economy class, is its first row. For this reason, there are a number of advantages when purchasing tickets in this row:

  • you are deprived of a neighbor in front, and no one will recline the chair without taking into account your interests;
  • enough space to stretch your legs;
  • there will be a minimum of movement around you.

Do not buy seats in the fifteenth row if you prefer to contemplate the sky during the flight; there are no windows here.

The remaining seats, up to the twenty-ninth row, are completely identical and do not have any pronounced pros or cons. As for the twenty-ninth row, there are different opinions regarding the flight in the seats of this row.

The advantages of planting in this row are the following:

  • wide space in front, which allows you not to sit with your legs bent, but to sit comfortably;
  • You can leave your place or return to it without disturbing your neighbors, the passage here is so wide.

The disadvantages of sitting here during long flights are the following:

  • large information boards that are lit both day and night can interfere with rest or tire your eyes;
  • the toilets located nearby will not allow you to doze off peacefully from the endless walking of passengers and slamming doors;
  • unpleasant odors become travel companions.

Given that the flight lasts several hours, this is a very unpleasant moment that poisons the trip.

The most uncomfortable places to fly on an Airbus A330-300 aircraft

The most uncomfortable places are those with the following features:

  • fixed seats that cannot be reclined;
  • places in front of the walls, since in this case there is not enough space for a comfortable position of the legs;
  • places near the toilet.

On the Airbus A330-300, the most uncomfortable seats are the seats in the twenty-seventh, twenty-eighth, forty-fourth and forty-fifth rows. Some seats are permanently installed and it is impossible to change the position of the seat; some seats are located close to the toilets.

It is not advisable to book such seats if you want to fly in comfort and in a relaxed atmosphere.

Features of the seating arrangement

We talked about the comfort of each row, discussed the positive and negative aspects. Now consider the arrangement in a row. The location may be:

  • near the porthole;
  • near the aisle;
  • near the emergency exit;
  • in the middle of the row.

Everyone prefers one or another position of the chair. If you prefer to watch the clouds float by and do not have the habit of frequently changing your position, choose a seat near the window. If you often go to the toilet or are shy by nature and you find it difficult to disturb a neighbor, sit near the aisle and you will be able to move around without bothering anyone. Seats near the emergency passage are preferable for large and tall passengers who find it very uncomfortable to sit in regular seats.

Choosing a place is a very important step, since your mood, well-being and the journey itself depend on it. Don't be lazy to book your place in advance if possible. Choose a location based on these tips and personal preferences.

Happy and easy flights!

On July 14, 2017, at Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport, a presentation of a new type of aircraft - the Airbus A330 of Nordwind Airlines - took place. Nordwind Airlines is one of the 10 largest airlines in the Russian Federation in terms of passenger turnover.

Nordwind Airlines is one of the leading airlines in the Russian aviation market, operating flights to 52 cities in 11 countries.

In 2008, when Nordwind Airlines began operations, we had three aircraft and offered our customers flights to six destinations. By 2009, the company acquired 4 aircraft and opened several new destinations. In 2012, we added eighteen more aircraft to our fleet. By 2014, the aircraft fleet had grown to 20 units and 4.4 million passengers were transported.

As part of the program to expand the regular route network and increase its own fleet of aircraft, Nordwind Airlines received a new type of wide-body airliner, the Airbus A330.

All of the airline's new aircraft receive a new signature red and white livery, with the letter N on the fuselage and tail.

Airbus A330 nose landing gear

NordWind Airlines has become the fourth Russian operator of the Airbus A330 after Aeroflot, IFly and VIM-avia.

The Airbus A330 is powered by Rolls-Royce engines

The Airbus A330 is a wide-body passenger aircraft from Airbus, designed for medium and long distances, equipped with two turbofan engines.

Chassis mechanization

Welcome aboard the Airbus A330

The first place we get to is the business class of the plane.

The business class cabin is equipped with Weber Aircraft seats for 24 seats.

There is a lot of legroom, as the seats can be transformed and moved apart.

There are huge monitors in the backs of the chairs

Flight in business class will be as comfortable as possible

Let's move to economy class

The cabin is designed to comfortably carry 279 passengers.

Interior layout 2-4-2

There is plenty of space between the seats and the seat in front won’t bother you.

With a height of 185 cm there is still room for legs

Each chair is equipped with headrests

A row of seats near the emergency exit. It has its advantages - a lot of legroom, but there are also disadvantages - there is no folding table (they bring a special table) and there is no multimedia system in the back of the chair

Monitors are built into the back of each chair, except for the chairs at the emergency exit.

The multimedia system has a large selection of languages

On the screen you can see where you are flying and how much time is left before landing, as well as various films and music videos

The luggage racks are simply gigantic.

There are several toilets in the salon

During the flight you will be offered various snacks

and soft drinks

Window view of an A330 wing

Now let's go to the cockpit

The plane is controlled by two pilots

The A330 is unified with the A320 family (almost identical cockpits and control procedures, a distinctive feature of Airbus aircraft), which will allow Nordwind Airlines to reduce the cost of retraining flight technical personnel.

The A330 has one of the highest operational reliability ratings in its class (99.4%).

Terminal F of Sheremetyevo Airport from the co-pilot's seat of an Airbus A330

The handover of the aircraft number VP-BYV was carried out in a solemn ceremony by the head of the Airbus representative office in Russia, Mr. Julien Franyatt

NordWind flight attendants with a model of an Airbus A330 aircraft

Wonderful flight attendants of NordWind Airlines

According to the Federal Air Transport Agency, NordWind Airlines has 10 aircraft in its fleet: 3 Boeing 777-200, 3 Boeing 737-800, 4 Airbus A321 and now 2 Airbus A330

Immediately 2 aircraft in a new branded livery arrived at the airline’s flight base at Sheremetyevo International Airport

Airplane A330 number VP-BYU

Landing A330

The aircraft will operate regular flights on the route Moscow - Irkutsk and Moscow - Khabarovsk immediately after receiving the decision of the commission of the Russian aviation authorities on the admission of the new type to commercial operation by the airline.
The appearance of comfortable A330 aircraft in the Nordwind airline fleet will contribute to the development of transport accessibility for residents of Eastern Siberia and will have an impact on the implementation of the federal program for the socio-economic development of the Far East.

Nordwind is the title of “Best Charter Carrier 2013” ​​according to the jury of the “Wings of Russia” competition, 221st place in the Top 500 Russian business leaders according to RBC, international standards, updated airliners and much more - all for your comfort in flight.

Nordwind Airlines plans to further increase the number of wide-body aircraft, which will allow it to open new long-haul destinations.

We wish further development and stability of NordWind Airlines

See you again on board NordWind!

Airbus A330 aircraft, designed for long-distance flights, began to be developed in the early 1980s. The goal of the program was the opportunity to compete in this sector of the market with Boeing, whose airliners held a dominant position there.

Versions 200 and 300 at first were practically no different from each other. They had the same wings and fuselage controls. The only difference was the number of seats. The Airbus A-300 body, which had a large length, was taken as the basis.

The airliner was first introduced in October 1992. Already in November, the A330 (variant 300) performed its first flight. Less than a year later, in August 1993, the A330 underwent a serious test. For 6 hours he flew over the Atlantic Ocean on one engine.

A shortened version of the aircraft (modification 200) made its first flight in August 1997. The first such machine was delivered to the customer in April 1998.

This model was developed as a replacement for the A300-600R. Its use in passenger transportation was supposed to create competition for the Boeing 767-300ER. The airliner was built on the basis of the A330-300. At the same time, its fuselage was shortened by 6 meters. This aircraft is capable of carrying 253 passengers in a three-class configuration.

The Airbus A330-200 is operated by a significant number of airlines. In Russia, such airliners are available in significant quantities from the Aeroflot company. They are used both on domestic flights and on flights abroad. In particular, the 200s fly to Thailand, Turkey, China, the USA, and Cuba.

The A-330-200 is operated by the Russian charter company “I Fly”. Vladivostok Air was also previously involved in the operation of these aircraft.

Interior layout and best seats

The Airbus A330-200 is the smallest of the A-330 list. Its cabin has 3 classes: first, business and economy class. At the same time, the liner can take 253 passengers on board. There is also a two-class interior layout. In this case, the liner carries up to 300 passengers.

Business class is the first 5 rows. The chairs here are particularly comfortable. They extend 180 degrees. But even here there are some details that fall into the category of minuses. So, in the immediate vicinity of rows one to four, there are kitchen premises. The next row, the fifth, is behind the toilet, literally next to it. This is also a disadvantage.

Economy class starts from the sixth row. The eleventh row is special. There are mounts for baby bassinets. Since passengers with small children usually travel here, this proximity is considered inconvenient for some passengers in nearby rows. The noise made by a child who simply cannot sleep constantly while in the cradle will not give impressionable passengers the opportunity to rest.

Airbus A330-200 interior

In the named eleventh row, as well as in the 24th, there are other features. The seats are located opposite the partitions. They have monitors. Since they do not turn off even at night, some passengers cannot sleep.
Seats in row 23 are standard for economy class. True, they are located close to the toilets, which causes inconvenience. Here, queues of passengers accumulate in the aisles. You may also smell it.

Seats A, C, H and K in the 24th row have both pros and cons. The advantages here include the proximity of escape hatches. They are located in front of this row. Thanks to this arrangement, passengers sitting in marked seats have plenty of legroom. The disadvantage is that the toilets are close to each other. For this reason, passengers often move here, and the sound made by the closing door and the toilet barrel descending can be heard. There may be an odor present.

In addition, passengers with children, pregnant women, children, the elderly, passengers with animals, and foreigners who do not know English or Russian cannot sit in seats located in front of the emergency exit. Preference, as usual, in such cases is given to men whose appearance inspires confidence. In the event of an emergency, such passengers will not panic, but will help the flight attendant open the emergency hatch. And in such cases they are capable of helping the crew in evacuating passengers.

The next row, 25, is mainly represented by standard seats. However, opposite seats D, E, F, G, there are baby bassinets on special brackets. If there are passengers with small children there, the flight will not be calm.

Another detail that reduces comfort. In front of the passengers sitting here there are monitors that do not turn off even at night.

Passengers sitting in seats from the 33rd row and further towards the rear of the cabin may experience inconvenience due to the fact that the fuselage of the aircraft begins to narrow from this level. At the same time, the seats in the 34th row, designated seats D and G, are slightly extended into the aisle. The inconvenience is that they are sometimes hit by flight attendants with a food cart.

In the 36th and 37th rows, the outer seats have the same inconvenience as in the 23rd row. This is also due to the proximity of the toilet.
Most of the seats in the economy class cabin have standard comfort. However, there are both pros and cons here. Those sitting near the aisle need to stand up to let a neighbor who wants to leave pass. But in turn, these passengers can get up when they need to, without having to make requests to anyone.

Those who sit at the windows are in a better position. During the flight, they can admire the views opening before them. They are not disturbed by passengers moving along the aisle or flight attendants with carts. But it’s not always possible to admire the pictures that open through the porthole. The plane flies at high altitude. It is not possible to consider anything in detail. If the flight takes place in the dark, or there are continuous clouds below, then this advantage disappears altogether.

Some modifications of the A330-200

In 2001, the A330-200F version was offered to replace the A300-600F and A310F, cargo variants of the 200, for which demand began to decline. This aircraft, being long-range and medium-sized, can transport 65 tons of cargo over 7,400 kilometers. If we are talking about a shorter distance, 5950 kilometers, then the carrying capacity of the liner is 70 tons.

Not much time passed, and in 2008 the A-330-200 version was proposed. The new modification has an increased maximum weight, which makes it possible to successfully compete with cargo Boeing. Airlines purchasing the A330-200HGW version can either increase the payload by 3.4 tons or increase the flight range by 560 kilometers.

The A330-200 aircraft has several modifications. But still, the passenger version of the aircraft is in greatest demand.

Aircraft characteristics

Length: 58.82 m.
Height: 17.39 m.
Wingspan: 60.3 m.
Wing area: 361.6 sq.m
Fuselage width: 5.98 m.
Cruising speed: 875 km/h.
Maximum speed: 920 km/h.
Flight range: 12500 km.
Number of passenger seats: 253 in 3 classes.
Crew: 2 hours


The Airbus A330-200, which was created, among other things, as a competitor to the Boeing 747, turned out to be quite a successful airliner. It gained popularity already in the first years after the start of operation. The aircraft confidently holds its share of the passenger transportation market, primarily over long distances. This is ensured by the comfort that the developers have created for passengers in any cabin layout.

Flight performance, efficiency, and ease of maintenance have become what have made the aircraft in demand for a long time. Its production continues to this day.

Taxi cost calculation to the airport

Aeroflot's Airbus A330-200, cabin layout and the best seats on the plane - that's what we'll talk about in this article.

Those who travel frequently know that it is very important to choose a suitable seat in the cabin. After all, if a flight of 2-3 hours is still easy to reschedule, then longer ones - those that last up to 12 hours - are desirable to spend in a comfortable position.

As can be seen in the photo, the Airbus A330-200 - wide-body airliner with two engines. He runs routes near and far.

In the entire A330 family it has the most short fuselage. He is able to fly over distances up to 12,500 km at maximum load. As for the ferry range, it reaches 13,000 km.

Airbus A330-200 Aeroflot.

Development of this model began in 1995, in order to create a more advanced type as opposed to the Boeing 767-300ER and in order to replace model A300-600R.

It was created based on the type - A330-300. That is why both the wings and the cockpit of these two aircraft are the same. But The A330-200's keel was enlarged and additional fuel tanks were installed.

In general, reviews of this aircraft are positive.

Seating location

Aeroflot has the following cabin layout for this aircraft: Economy/Business/First Class. It is calculated for 253 seats.

Airplane cabin diagram.

From 1 to 6 row located Business. Usually, these are the most comfortable seats in the cabin, but they also have their own nuances.

The kitchen is almost adjacent to the 1st and 4th rows, which means different smells will disturb you.

In front of the 5th row there is a toilet, therefore, for obvious reasons, it may not be very comfortable to sit there either.

Business class cabin.

And behind the 6th row there is Economy. In the row that follows him there is mounts for baby bassinets. For this reason, mothers with children will choose places there. Transferring an entire flight while children scream is not very comfortable.

Seats in the 11th and 24th rows quite standard, but with small details. For example, monitors built into the armrests, A large monitors are located on the walls. They are not turned off at night, so you won’t have a good night’s sleep. But there enough legroom.

Row 23 is located next to the toilets. You understand that disturbance there cannot be avoided, both from smells and from noise. Otherwise these are pretty standard places.

Row 24 has only one advantage facing numerous disadvantages. It's right next to the emergency exits, so you can rest your feet in peace, because it is convenient for you. As for the minuses, there are a whole bunch of them. Beginning from proximity to toilets to attachments for bassinets. Moreover, large monitors located directly in front of them will work throughout the flight.

Economy class cabin.

From the 33rd row the narrowing of the fuselage begins, which may cause inconvenience to passengers in rows 33-35. There are also salon configurations where under the chairs there are metal boxes with equipment, which means there is no room for legs at all.

Seats G and D in row 34 protrude slightly, so they can be hurt by flight attendants and passengers. G, F and D in 35th - the distance to the front row is a little less.

Last rows due to proximity to toilets, also not entirely comfortable.

Now you know the best seats on the Airbus A330-200, the layout of the Aeroflot cabin.

Be sure to find the cabin diagram of this aircraft to familiarize yourself with the seating arrangement on the aircraft.

If you have diseases related to joints or legs, then choose places where there is enough legroom.

Passengers suffering from an upset stomach should sit closer to the toilets or in seats near the aisle.