The most popular group of death. Social network: Notes on the wall

Death groups: how children are killed and why there is still a demand for suicidal play among them

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  • In 2015-2016, a wave of strange teenage suicides swept through different cities of the post-Soviet space . Consequenceturned attention to the presence of a number of common features in them and came to the conclusion that they are all interconnected. Then the pages of the dead children on social networks were studied, and the findings literally excited everyone: the administration of social networks, parents, and law enforcement officers. It turned out that all the suicides were members of the same communities, published the same hashtags, uploaded drawings of whales and butterflies, as well as symbols that were incomprehensible to a wide range of people.

    This is how information appeared about a new trend among teenagers - death groups . This is the name given to communities on social networks dedicated to a game called « Blue whale» , the ending of which is the suicide of the participants. Total estimated « Novaya Gazeta» There were about 130 teenagers who committed suicide due to death groups.

    Today, many death groups are blocked, social networks have learned to track and delete suicidal content, and the administrator of the ill-fated groups, Philip Budeikin (pseudonym Philip Lis), has been detained and is awaiting trial.

    However, not everything is as rosy as it seems at first glance. The detainee turned out to have many followers of his dirty deed, the death groups were resurrected and began to skillfully disguise themselves and use new methods of influencing victims.

    The information space was filled with news about"resurrected" death groups. Budeykin can’t continue from behind bars your activities? Therefore, there must be more such Budeykins.

    About a month ago became known that two teenagers from Moldova committed suicide. On their social media pages, investigators discovered strange symbols associated with death groups.

    The dead were a 15-year-old boy and a 16-year-old girl who jumped from the roof of an 18-story building. They were tied with ribbon, and there was a note in the young man's pocket.« We love each other, bury us together» .

    16 year old Braziliancommitted suicide , and during the investigation, the police discovered the rules of this game from her. Someone pointed out to the girl that she must hug her parents and ask for their forgiveness, and then commit suicide.

    As you can see, if the curator has started the game, he hooks the victim and tries to bring the matter to a victorious end. Moreover, he uses the dirtiest psychological methods to influence children, threatening to kill his relatives.

    How to identify a participant in the game

    Firstly, there is a lot of suicidal and depressive content on the participants’ pages on social networks: photographs from rooftops, from cemeteries. Typically black and white. All this is accompanied by pessimistic statements a la"Life is pain" or " Nobody needs you» .

    And secondly, and this is the most important and sure sign, the presence of closed groups with strange names like"ARG", ARG, " We are children of a dead generation» , « We are children of an unnecessary generation" , " Blue whale " , " Wake me up at 4:20» , as well as the presence of equally strange hashtags:“#Iwantvigra”, “#bluekit”, “#F57”, “#F58”, “#rinapalenkova”, “#bye-bye”, “#wakemeupat4:20”, “#quiethome”.

    Let's look at what these hashtags mean.

    Hashtag "#bluewhale" means the name of the ill-fated game. The name is due mysterious fact when whales wash ashore. Thus, the creators of the game present this process as suicide.

    Hashtags "#F57" and "#F58" have different explanations, but the creators of the death groups most likely invented them in order to intrigue children. To create an atmosphere of mystery and mysticism.

    Hashtags “#rinapalenkova” and “#nyapok” appeared after the suicide of a girl from Ussuriysk, Rina Palenkova. A 16-year-old girl from the Far Eastern Ussuriysk laid her head on the rails in November 2015. Before this, the girl posted her photo on a social network with the caption“Nya. Bye " .

    She got real fame. In death groups, her act was elevated to a cult and began to be perceived as an example courage and determination. After Rina’s suicide, her page, unlike some death groups, was neither blocked nor deleted. She remained hanging on the social network and in the time after the suicide she gained more than 80 thousand subscribers, and the posts left by the girl gain tens and hundreds of thousands of likes and reposts. It is possible that the girl didn't accept participation in suicidal games, and death groups decided to promote themselves against its background.

    Not even two weeks have passed since Rina’s death, as in social networks started ominous posts appeared on her behalf with the tag #F57, which listed randomly selected VKontakte users with the postscript “you are next.”

    Later, in a group with the same name - F57, a certain riddle appeared, after solving it you could go to the website, enter the answer there and get a new one. The group itself was filled with depressing pictures and quotes in order to create an atmosphere of mysticism and hopelessness. It was never possible to find out what the person who guessed all the riddles to the end received.

    Hashtag #quiethome. A quiet house, according to the sick fantasy of the curators, is a place where children end up after committing suicide, which is a kind of symbiosis of reality, the Internet and sleep. This is a place where a person loses absolutely all feelings, but can control the Internet.

    In fact, “Silent House” is just a philosophical concept of a bunch of online stalkers who attracts children with its mystery and the opportunity to gain superpowers without leaving their room. A sort of way to become Indiana Jones and touch the greatness without getting out of your pajamas and with a cup of cocoa in your hands.

    And finally, “#wake me up at 4:20” . This hashtag means the morning time when game participants must go online in order to complete the tasks of the curators. It is also necessary to take into account that children wake up every morning at exactly this time, earning themselves a chronic lack of sleep, which dulls their vigilance and critical attitude to what is happening.

    We were surprised, but even today there are a lot of people leaving such hashtags. And new groups replaced the blocked ones.

    Death groups today

    After operatives uncovered the activities of death groups last year, about 50 communities were blocked. But administrators of such communities have learned to bypass blocking using encrypted names and new hashtags.

    For example, here is a group of death that encrypts its name so that it will not be found in a search, but everything is very clear:

    Or more:

    It is curious that these closed communities consist of almost the same people, and their number is around 30-40 people. A couple of days before the arrest, the suspect claimed that about 30 people are still ready to commit suicide.

    Data participants communities have some similar features: drawings of whales on the pages, as well as images in the style of the Japanese cartoon anime genre.

    Some openly admit to playing the game" Blue whale " and even share their level:

    There are also open communities on the Internet that are located in"topic":

    A self-explanatory post, as well as posts with exculpatory texts about the game in question:

    Administrators want to whitewash dangerous suicidal games for teenagers, thereby absolving them of responsibility for inducing suicide.

    But here is direct evidence that this, we repeat once again,openThe group plays suicide games:

    Some communities and users appear to be paranoid about encrypting and afraid of getting caught, but they appear to be quickly blocked. But recruiting new"players" continues among children this moment, and it is unknown how long it will last:

    In addition, the comments under the group’s posts are truly terrifying.« Blue whale, we are against the game» . Social network users leave hashtags and posts that curators use to search for victims:

    Curiously, there are a number of open groups on the Internet that support Philip Fox. In particular, the participants argue that the guy is not to blame for anything, unlike the parents who did not give their children and their aspirations due attention. Moreover, it is curious that supporters of Lis’s release post photos in support of him with either bloody or painted knives:

    There are also opposing groups today, for example,"Anti-Blue Whale" . The guys regularly search the Internet for teenagers playing a dangerous game and dissuade them from participating in it. Links from those caught in the Blue Whale network constantly appear on the wall of this community:

    Have lions taken the place of whales?

    On February 1 of this year, a girl fell to her death in Penza, Russia, after jumping from the 10th floor. Suspicious activity was noticed on her page on the most popular Russian social network.

    Some comments, as expected in such a case, are mournful in nature, but it was striking that the other part of the inscriptions is very cynical and sarcastic. Moreover, they were received from fake users, usually with depressive pages and availability of popular"whales" pictures in the anime genre:

    Or more:

    These strange comments belong to users who are not friends with the deceased, and therefore may not have personal acquaintance with her. One gets the impression that they encourage the girl’s action and have something in common with the deceased.

    Some users are right there assumed that the girl was pushed to suicide in the “death group.” The assumption is supported by the fact that among Alina’s (that’s the name of the deceased) posts on the wall there was a repost from the page of a certain new game about"Lvov".

    And the description of a new game for children and teenagers about lions looks very strange. Virtually identical to"Blue Whale" . Also a quest with tasks, and at the end of the game there are lions, unlike“whales”, end up not in a “quiet house”, but in a “ pride, where everyone supports and loves each other» .

    Description of the game with lions. Screen taken:

    Death groups for women

    Believe it or not, children are far from the only category of the population that they are trying to destroy on social networks. They are also trying to create suicidal feelings in adults, in particular in women and mothers.

    On the social network “VKontakte” New communities with suicidal content for adults have been developing for a long time. ThereThey don’t play games or draw whales, but they invite everyone who wants to speak out about painful issues through anonymous transmission of their own life stories and experiences to the administrators.

    « Are you hurt? Are you sad? Have you been betrayed? Tell us. We will understand» — community administrators appeal to women« #happiness being a wife» . The group is still open, it consists of more than 12 thousand people, 99.9% of whom are young girls and adult women. The group's avatar has broken pink glasses, as a hint« illusion of happiness and high expectations from life» , and on the wall there were hundreds of depressing posts about suicidal thoughts because of my husband, about postpartum depression, etc. They are left by supposedly group visitors, ordinary anonymous women. Each story is immediately attacked by several commentators who only support the author’s depressed state:“Poor thing,” “What a pity,” “Leave your husband.”

    All this is reminiscent of group psychotherapy sessions, when, under the supervision of a doctor, people with similar life problems gather and share them with each other. But even if this is so, the question arises: is it really impossible to make these communities closed, so as not to expose the psychotherapeutic process to a wide audience without age restrictions? No, on the contrary, they advertise this community in every possible way, trying to lure as many people as possible.

    Over the past six months, 130 child suicides have been committed in Russia; all of these teenagers were subscribers to certain groups.

    Death groups (18+)

    They work with children on social networks systematically and systematically, step by step pushing them to the last line. We counted 130 (!) child suicides that occurred in Russia from November 2015 to April 2016 - almost all of them were members of the same groups on the Internet, living in prosperous and loving families. New deaths were announced there. How can parents recognize impending trouble?

    People somehow learned to cope with giant radioactive waste dumps, but, having moved partly to the Internet, they brought them here too. Adults most often come here without receiving radiation, work, socialize and leave. The children followed the adults and mistook the swamp lights for light and lost their way. They breathe in these landfills. And then they pass away.

    This dump is a huge community numerous groups on the social network VKontakte, both closed and open, pushing children towards suicide. As in any “professional” communities, there are squabbles and intrigues between them, they call each other charlatans, probably believing that they themselves are professionals. Only, considering the number of children who attended these groups and ultimately passed away, no matter how blasphemous it sounds, there really are professionals in this area. But who are these people: spiritual monsters, maniacs, sectarians, fascists?

    This is the first question that immediately arises. And second: for what?

    There are many versions. We don't know which one is true. All we now know absolutely for sure is that adults work with children - systematically, systematically and clearly, step by step pushing them to the last line. Work with knowledge of their passions and hobbies, using the vocabulary and culture they love. They work with knowledge of psychology, instilling in girls that they are “fat” and in boys that they are “losers” for this world. Because there is another world, and there they are - the “chosen ones”.

    Here the most “harmless slogans” are these: “The best things in life with the letter “c” - Family Saturday sex suicide.” Songs like: “...we have gone into outer space, there is nothing more to catch in this world.” Questions: “How many dull everyday life are you willing to live like this?” Pictures: rails, an approaching train with the inscription “this world is not for us.” Photo: children on the roofs with the inscription “we are the children of a dead generation”... And most importantly: the parents of the dead children simply did not notice any changes. And we are publishing this text so that parents who are still alive can recognize the signs that indicate possible trouble.

    ...One of the residential areas of the city in the center of Russia. Gloomy, the color of light dirt, a single-entrance high-rise building - a residential building. To see its roof from the ground, you have to try very hard - move away and tilt your head back so that the back of your head touches your neck. We enter the elevator, go up to the 15th floor, and go out onto a common closed balcony. Let's look down. With our peripheral vision, we try not to let Irina out of our field of vision. She herself volunteered to be a guide, she behaves in an active and businesslike manner, but at some point she turned very pale and leaned against the wall so as not to fall. She doesn't like our restless attention, she endlessly repeats that she is fine and reads the graffiti on the walls out loud. Irina is a mother.

    We have already photographed everything we can, but she finds something we didn’t pay attention to and says:

    Well, the same thing happened on their pages in these closed VKontakte groups, look, it looks like a call, write it down - and reads out loud: “There are such stars in this sky, I suggest not to wait for the morning. We, the fucking ones, are on our way to space, you stay, but it’s time for us to go...”

    Later we find out that these are lines from a song by a popular youth music group, but it is here that they really read ominously and with a special meaning.

    We barely manage to get Irina out of here, we approach the elevator.

    Here,” she tells us, “one of the residents of this house saw her on that very day; there is his testimony in the criminal case. He described that there was a girl with a backpack, when the elevator doors opened, he asked: was she coming? She refused, citing the fact that she was waiting for a friend.

    Irina’s daughter, Eli, never had girlfriends in this house (all the names of the children and their loved ones have been changed, the original ones are in the editorial office. - G.M.).

    We went down from the 15th floor - there, on the covered common balcony, the windows were arranged in such a way that only the vents could be opened. Now we are on the 14th, there are wide and high windows. They are easy to open.

    12-year-old Elya fell from here last December. Her jacket was found here.

    She studied in the seventh grade of the school, which is clearly visible from this top.

    Irina continues to carefully study the inscriptions on the walls here, only now in silence. How, in fact, should she say this if it is written: “Your step will be the last.” She only has enough strength to, after reading, quietly remark: “No, this is not her handwriting!” And, after a pause, having examined among the incompatible, but somehow coexistent fascist signs and hearts - all nearby - some more words, sadly repeat: “This is not hers either.”

    The girl did not leave a suicide note anywhere, neither in the papers nor on her virtual wall on the social network. Mom may be looking for her words now on the stone walls.

    "Your child is dead!"

    Eli's room: a sofa bed, on a red bedspread a friendly company of plush cats, bears, dogs and two large dolls. A little further away is a sad white bear, also teddy, but lonely. Above the desk, the entire wall is covered with certificates of honor and diplomas - the girl played the harp and sang beautifully. Together with the school ensemble of folk instruments, she traveled to several countries. Also on the wall are heart-shaped clocks and many children’s photographs: little Elya laughs, clinging to her dad. There are more recent photographs taken last summer: full face, special portrait photo, she tries to look serious. But cheerfulness still penetrates, like the bright sun shining through the cracks of the curtains - a healthy, broad-faced, prosperous girl, clearly very beloved in the family. Everything is there - dad, mom, grandma. Four years ago, a younger sister appeared.

    Now the baby is capricious - it’s late in the evening, she wants to see her mother, she hasn’t seen her all day, but her mother says: “Play with daddy.” Dad is a former riot policeman, he is 40 years old and retired. She is with him all the time. Mom is 37, she works as a psychologist-speech therapist in one of the children's centers. The baby captures the moments when she is at home. But even now my mother “plays” not with her, but with some strange adults - with us (together with me is one of the employees. - G.M.).

    Mom sits at Eli's desk, turned on her computer, and keeps crying as she talks.

    And Irina says that on that day, as usual, she went to wake up her eldest daughter for school. Elya asked: “Mom, can I sleep for another 10 minutes?” Allowed. Then, when the girl got up, they agreed that they would leave the house together, take the youngest to the kindergarten and go to school, because Irina was just getting ready to meet with the class teacher. The end of the quarter and the year, and Eli, who had previously always studied perfectly, got C grades. And even a deuce.

    But she fixed it! - Irina tells us, as if this is important now. “She corrected it, I just thought at the time that the class teacher might not have known about it.” And I was going to tell her that we are working together, we will tighten everything up, we will fix everything.

    She was already putting on her youngest boots when Elya rushed out of the house like a bullet, getting dressed as she went.

    Mom, Nastya called me.

    So we agreed together...

    No, I can’t, Nastya is waiting for me.

    Nastya is Eli’s best friend, and they often went to school together, so her mother was not particularly surprised. (But remember this detail - the phone call.)

    I took the youngest one to kindergarten, came to school, and went into the older one’s class. She saw Nastya and asked: “Where is Elya?” She looked at her with eyes full of horror, shook all over and endlessly repeated: “I don’t know!” Her horror was transmitted to her mother.

    How do you not know, you walked together?

    No, I don’t know, I haven’t seen her today.

    Irina began asking other classmates - no one had seen Elya. She started calling her daughter, but there was no answer. The class teacher came in and started the conversation with a strange phrase:

    Do you understand that we are losing her?

    At that moment, the phone in the mother’s hands rang - it began to sing a baby mammoth’s song, which meant that it was Elya who was calling, she herself had once set this ringtone for her in her name. My heart was relieved: finally.

    Daughter, where are you?

    This is not your daughter, this is an emergency doctor, your child is dead.

    This is exactly what the doctor immediately said, as if someone had given her a command - to shoot with words only to kill.

    We are silent, trying to comprehend this, and probably two minutes pass before we manage to bring Irina back to the conversation. We ask: what preceded all this? Did Irina notice changes in her daughter? What was happening to her? Why did the class teacher say such a terrible phrase: “We are losing her!” - just at the very moment when Elya died? Could she have known something? Or is this a fatal coincidence?

    Wake me up

    There were changes, but they seemed like ordinary teenage problems - she fell in love with a classmate, with whom, like her, three other close friends also fell in love. But he dated her, and then they had a big fight. Elya seemed overweight and ate almost nothing except salads. Just on that very day, December 25, dad, suspecting nothing, bought her favorite oblong tomatoes early in the morning...

    In recent months, the girl wanted to sleep all the time, although she went to bed on time. Irina checked, came into her room after an hour, and then after two - the child was sleeping. Then she came to wake me up in the morning - she didn’t wake up. I had to skip school more and more often because of this.

    Now Irina understands what was really happening: on VKontakte there is (now no longer) a group called “WAKE ME UP AT 4:20”. (The name itself has its own story, but it has nothing to do with this topic.) The group has 239,862 subscribers.

    I don’t know how the children were woken up, but the fact is that almost all of her stays in chat groups of groups calling for suicide began at 4.20 and ended at six in the morning,” says Irina.

    We are part of this group, we see harmless pictures of husky dogs, tips on how to make wings on the eyes, how to easily remove nail polish. And only then - an invitation: “Are you a girl? Have your friends betrayed you? Did the guy leave? Do you often listen to sad music? Then subscribe to “whales are swimming up.” Everything is so cute and seemingly harmless.

    That’s what I thought when, two months before this terrible day, I noticed that Elya began to often draw butterflies and whales,” Irina recalls. “I was touched by how beautifully she does it.” I thought: how much talent my daughter has. Not for a second did anything alarming come to mind. How could I have guessed that this is their symbolism today: butterflies live only a day, whales wash ashore and commit suicide?

    VK group page “Dead Whale”

    There are a great many groups on VKontakte whose names contain the word “whale”. In addition to the already named “Whales Swim Up” there is “Space Whale”, “White Whale”, “Whale Journal”, “Sea of ​​Whale”, “Ocean of Whale”, “Flying Whale” and so on. Here is a fragment of an entry in one of them, it was made two days before Eli’s death: “You will never understand what it is like to live, being so huge, so majestic. Whales will never think about what they look like. Whales are wiser than people. They are beautiful. I saw whales fly. This is incredible...Do you know why whales wash ashore? Out of despair."

    Irina continues to recall the changes that have occurred in her daughter’s behavior in recent months. She says that a knife disappeared from the kitchen, my grandmother searched for it for three days, and then found it in Eli’s room, right here, on the sofa. For what?!

    Granny, well, this is fashion, and Nastya carries it with her, and the whole class,” the girl explained.

    We enter Eli’s VKontakte page, here the main slogan is: “Where is my knife?”

    Mom has now managed to enter all her correspondence, she shows: Elya is chatting with Nastya two months before the tragedy, asking: “If I die, will you remove me from your friends?”

    Nastya: “Well, first of all, you won’t die.”

    Elya: “Yeah, yeah.”

    Nastya: “Secondly, no.”

    Elya: “Why don’t you delete it?”

    Nastya: “Well, don’t ask stupid questions, it’s too bad anyway.”

    And he sends Elya a photo of his hand with cuts. It is unclear whether this is her hand or whether the photo was downloaded from the Internet.

    Elya writes: “Zach” (why. - G.M.).

    Nastya: “Simple.”

    Elya: “It’s kind of stupid, just for no reason.”

    Nastya: “And what’s bad, why not get scratched.”

    Elya: “Because it’s stupid, the very word is scratched.”

    Nastya: “Cut yourself.”

    Elya: “It would be so bad, it would open up... But what you and Olka are doing is somehow pointless, no?”

    And she herself sends her a photo of her badly cut hands. “This is paint,” the friend immediately guesses. “Seriously, you didn’t notice the torn skin in the places of the cuts, you immediately set it on fire,” Elya answers her.

    Elya always reasoned like this, you see, she is ironic, there is no torn skin in her photograph, this is a drawing,” says Irina. - If you look at the arms and legs of schoolchildren, many of them today are covered with scars - this is the fashion. That’s what it seemed to me, and that’s what all the parents thought too... The school director later tells me that Elya has long wanted to die, and in the camp she was already poisoned and cut her hands. But Elya was not in the camp! And if she really cut her hands, how could we not notice it? There was nothing like that. I explain this to her, and she says to me: “I’ll still say so in the education department.” She needs to cover herself, but why talk about the child?

    In February, journalists from Moscow came to the city to film a story, and with them Irina came to the class teacher. I asked her directly in front of the camera: “Tell me, why did you call me and say that we are losing the child?” Her answer was cut out in the program: “I won’t give you any information,” they only showed how indignant she was that she was not warned about the shooting, that she was “in semi-home clothes.”

    Can you imagine what her thoughts were when a child died in the class she leads?! The children from Eli’s class almost all “hung” in these scary VKontakte groups and had conversations in chats at night when their parents were sleeping, says Irina.

    “You all walk and walk, but you can’t help,” someone said at that moment from somewhere behind our backs.

    We looked back, it was Eli's grandmother. It is unknown how long she stood in the doorway and listened. We nodded at her helplessly, and Irina continued:

    Many in the class knew that Elya was going to do something to herself. And the class teacher must have known, one of the girls must have said something to her, and she might have wanted to convey this to me: “We are losing her!” And I didn’t finish...

    We listen to Irina very carefully, but then we painfully try to understand what she means. And now she’s talking about Elya’s characterization, which the class teacher could have ruined, “despite the fact that Elya even wrote a poem for the city’s anniversary. She was awesome and couldn’t help it - she finally gave a good reference and wrote that the girl was an A student…”

    Where is the description? - we are perplexed.

    To the investigative department,” explains Irina.

    Posthumous? Having realized that everything was exactly like this, that my mother was already worried about this too, we sat completely depressed - we had lost the thread of the conversation. In the silence that followed, the grandmother spoke again:

    Here you are sitting, it’s hard for you, right? How hard is it for us? We just cry every day, cry and cry.

    Having said this, the grandmother stood in the doorway and slowly, slowly began to leave. A terrible day bent her, hit her legs, she almost stopped feeling them. It takes almost a quarter of an hour to move from room to room. But while we are sitting here, she will come several more times. She, just like the baby, is drawn to both Irina and Eli’s room. Even if there is no girl, at least something is happening here related to her. Dad intercepts the baby, cheers her up, engages her in play, and literally within a minute her cheerful laughter can be heard. Grandma, meanwhile, is still wandering into her room, silently...


    “Minus one, you’re next” - this was the personal message on VKontakte that came on the day of Eli’s funeral to her peer and neighbor Natasha. It’s difficult to perceive such words on such a day as humor, even dark ones. The frightened girl showed this to her mother. Mom, Irina’s close friend and quite an advanced computer user, immediately began to investigate who sent it. I found out within a couple of hours - a senior student at the same school where Natasha studies. The “joke” was a success; thanks to it, the girl’s mother has practically never left the huge number of VKontakte groups since that day, which in one way or another encourage children to commit suicide. There are at least one and a half thousand of them.

    She called for help another friend she shared with Irina, also the mother of a schoolboy. They sat down together and tried to tell Irina about what they had already managed to find out. But Irina at that time was not yet able to perceive any information. I didn't see or hear anything. Consciousness was impenetrable.

    I heard my friends under New Year, 31th of December. The first thing I heard was the name - Rina. It penetrated her consciousness immediately - she heard this name from Eli. This started in early December and repeated several times:

    Mom, when I have a daughter, I want to name her Rina, isn’t it a beautiful name?

    Well, good, yes. Why exactly? - Mom smiled.

    Just like…

    ...On November 23, 2015, in one of the Siberian cities, 16-year-old Rina (her name is known on the Internet, the real name is in the editorial office - G.M.) lay down on the railway track. She did this literally a few meters from a freight train moving in her direction. The driver applied emergency braking, but was unable to stop the train.

    A photo of the girl’s mangled body was posted on the Internet almost instantly. Social networks exploded, schoolchildren from groups “with whales” completely stopped sleeping at night. Thousands of children came to her VKontakte page. Entries: “Rina, you are the best! What a pity that I didn’t know you, you are my hero, I love you, you have such eyes, it’s like you came down to us from an anime” - they multiplied and multiplied. A photograph of Rina - a mischievous girl in a crimson hat, a scarf covering half of her face, mouth and even half of her nose - has turned into an “icon” for children. And she herself and her farewell message: “Nya.Bye”, published on a page on the Internet (according to another version, sent via SMS to her beloved boy. - G.M.), became an unconditional meme.

    "Nya" in Japan sounds like the Russian "meow" and is often used in anime for characters with a "cat-like" playful behavior. Children love anime and sad songs, for example, like this: “Nya.Bye. My head is flying from my love... Perhaps you will find out how I die.” Since November, children have loved Rina - they listen and post on their pages the songs that she listened to. They draw Rina with whales. They write her name and her words in school notebooks and on the walls of houses. We saw this on the walls of the very high-rise building from which Elya passed away. And in her school notebooks.

    There were suicides of minors even before the tragedy with Rina happened. Why did she become a symbol? If you devote a lot of time to the topic, you can see how carefully the “promotion” of Rina’s death was planned. They paid for reposts about her; on numerous clones of her pages on the Internet, administrators network groups invited: “If you want to buy, register.” And everything was offered and demanded: video and photos from the grave, pieces of a scarf with blood, screenshots of her correspondence.

    I managed to find Rina’s mother’s phone number and called her. It was as if she had been waiting for this, and spoke without ceasing, crying, in a continuous monologue:

    Of course, what happened is unbearable. And what they made of it on the Internet is simply killing. Rina is an ordinary girl, she did not have any such fame. Someone is making her death popular, turning our grief into some kind of show. They put up a photo of her with a train instead of her head, they shout something, they shoot a video on her grave! I don’t understand anything... Even now they write a lot and say that the story is made up, that Rina is alive. Oh, if that were so, I wouldn’t be leaving a psychiatric hospital now after a drip... I wouldn’t be living on antidepressants alone. Rina died. And the investigator posted a photograph of her body separately and her head on the rails to the side. Immediately, as soon as everything happened. Even I didn’t yet know what was wrong with my daughter, but everyone was already discussing it on the networks... The investigator photographing my tortured girl from the car was filmed on an iPhone by other people. I consider what he did a crime, and I want to sue him (a photograph of an investigator removing parts of Rina’s body from a car is available in the editorial office. - G.M.).

    Rina’s mother also said that her son, who is much older than her daughter, has been living in another city for many years, so the girl was raised as an only child. The mother worked two jobs - she insured cars in one place, and “made dumplings” in another, just so that Rina had everything - an iPhone, a tablet, and fashionable clothes. The girl was smiling and bright. She danced and sang beautifully and was part of a school club on tour in Korea and Thailand.

    The problems started a year ago - I fell in love with a guy who, as my mother says, did nothing but extort money from her and treated her very rudely. Rina stopped eating normally, deciding that she was fat, pierced her nose and lip, did not sleep at night - she had headphones in her ears, a tablet in her hands. If you walk into the room, you won’t take a dose, you’ll see and immediately: “Mom, don’t bother me! I'm in the game!"

    On the eve of the tragedy, she corresponded with her friends half the night. The mother is sure that they could not have been unaware of what could happen:

    A taxi around the city costs only 100 rubles. They would have come, dissuaded me, and would have given me a hint to save me... No one helped, only everyone is promoting herself in her name. They told me that someone had set the day of her death. I don’t know who or what this is all about. I remember the last day, we sat down together and ate. She left the house, as usual, talking to someone on the phone. And there she took off her jacket, folded it neatly and...

    ...There are many similarities with Eli's story. If only with her. We, of course, could not carefully study all 130 cases of child suicide over the past six months - from November 2015 to April 2016. But we are ready to name a dozen cases when schoolchildren, for example, took off their jackets before taking their last step.

    Irina, the mother of Ryazan schoolgirl Eli, is convinced:

    The children followed the instructions of closed VKontakte groups. It is written in black and white: in order to jump, you must take off your jacket (we will not give any motivation, which, of course, is in these groups. - G.M.) ... and so on.

    This is far from the only instruction for children who are being prepared for “cutting out.” So, in some strange slang inherent in this particular content, they talk about suicide. For example, in the closed group F57 Eva Reich writes: “People. Go (go - move, to go - go. - G.M.) cut out. 38 days left out of 50. I’m waiting in PM (PM - personal message. This entry, like many others, has already been erased, but the editor has a screenshot. - G.M.).”

    Don’t try to remember the name, Eva Reich, - there are countless “Reichs” in these countless groups - Vitaly Reich, Alexander Reich, etc. On top of everything else, Eva Reich easily moves into the “body” of Miron, who often changes his last name. So if you pay attention to anything here other than the call itself - “Go cut yourself out” - it’s the numbers. Why were there exactly 50 days and only 38 left?

    Mom is leading the investigation

    On the 15th day after Eli’s death, on one of the last days of school New Year holidays, 16-year-old Anya fell from the roof of another high-rise building in the same city. The girl died in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. Later, her father found the book “50 Days Before My Suicide” in her cell phone file. Author Stace Kramer says in the foreword that he does not encourage anyone to commit suicide. It’s just that when a person feels bad, such a thought cannot help but visit him. At such moments, you need to give yourself 50 days to decide exactly what you want: to live or die? In fact, this is true, the book does not exude any ominous incitement at all, it is rather the confession of a teenager in a crisis situation. That is, the book, in itself, is not dangerous. But just as in the situation with Rina, the book is being promoted by special websites and closed VKontakte groups. They focus not on the essence, but on the number in the title, and they do it something like this: “Are you feeling bad? Do you want to die? Take your 50 days, time has passed.” If you look at things from a psychotherapeutic point of view, this is even good advice. In 50 days, not only for teenagers, but even for adults, everything can change. But from this moment, when “the time has passed!”, the teenager in closed groups is simply not released anymore. How does this happen?

    Let's remember that the mother of the deceased girl Eli joined the investigation on December 31st. She says:

    At first, my friends and I poked around in these groups like blind kittens, running back and forth through the links and not understanding anything. They started new pages, introducing themselves as schoolgirls, but we were not accepted anywhere. But then we found one fake page of the deceased girl - many children, having one of their own, create additional ones under other names, which few people know about. We found a password and started writing from this page; it inspired trust because it had been on the Internet for a long time. I, a “schoolgirl,” was immediately invited to closed groups and bombarded with personal messages. I remember the very first thing by heart: “Hello my dear, keep my sincere heart! I will love you all winter. And winter will be eternal." It was the “Unlimited Traffic” site, it is already closed. But I saved the correspondence.

    Then Eva-Miron writes to me: “hey, kitty, what happened?” In response, I deliberately write in slang and with mistakes, like schoolchildren. I name the medicine that they, as it turns out, recommend to girls for weight loss, and write that I swallowed it to die. And I get the answer: “why are all suicidal people so stupid? From the heights of Sigani.” And someone else writes: “I would jump, but there are still 28 days... there were 50 of them.” I ask you to tell me what the meaning is. Answer: “We are all broken, only some have a small crack, while others have turned into dust of fragments.”

    ...They all - the organizers and administrators of these pages - write in a pompous, meaningful, tongue-tied manner. The address to schoolchildren is also always something like this: “Hey, kitty!” Or even more mockingly: “Listen here, shkolota!”, “What other questions do you have, kids?” This is the vocabulary.

    Meanwhile, the investigation began. Irina began to register on all sites where Rina, Elya and fellow countrywoman Anya were.

    Elya and Anya have never met, we live in different ends cities, but they visited the same groups,” continues Irina. - On Anya’s personal VKontakte page, she has the same photos of cuts on her hands and similar pictures. For example, a girl on the roof with her hand raised and signed: “Jump from the roofs, Zay, it’s fun.”

    "Notes of Madmen"

    Did your boyfriend leave you?
    Tired of studying?
    Do you often use VK?
    Nobody writes?
    Take a look at The Dark Side of Me, there's something for you there."

    Then you click on the “Dark Side”, read a couple of “dark” posts and again - an invitation, only now you need to look into a group called “In Dead Nikes”. And so on and on until you receive an invitation to a closed group. There is a “minor formality” here, it is described in the advertisement: “ATTENTION! If you want to join the group, you must indicate your age as 18 years or older, or not indicate it at all.” And then follow the names of the groups with the following rules: “#f57 #f58 #quiet home #rina #nyapok #whales #morekits.”

    Children know how to hear the main thing: if you are 12, as Elya was, or 16, like Rina and Anya, you don’t have to indicate your age “AT ALL.” They didn’t indicate - everything is fair. “Schoolgirl Irina” also did not indicate. And she was invited to an interactive game. The mother followed the trail of her dead daughter and immediately realized that her child could not help but fall for such a treasure trove of something encrypted, mysterious and romantic. A bunch of symbols and numbers, pictures with incomprehensible graphics, but clearly containing some kind of coded meaning.

    All children who come here are taken care of. But it's not that simple. They still need to hold on to their seats.

    First, send your drawings or stories with the signature “Nya.Bye.” At level two, send a photo to the album called “your cuts/scars.” There are also poems for this; they are scattered throughout these groups so that it is impossible not to stumble upon them. For example: “close your ears, don’t listen to anyone. cut yourself, come on. Nobody needs you." Or just calls, without rhyme, for example, the group writes: “whales are swimming up. Do you love everything forbidden? Cuts and blood? Press the knife."

    ...We went through many, many personal pages on VKontakte of children, in connection with whose death criminal cases have been initiated under Article 110 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Incitement to suicide” (this is always done when the case looks like suicide, if we are talking about minors. - G.M.). There are homework assignments that are far from school done everywhere - photos of cut up hands and creativity dedicated to Rina.

    When I got to this point, I jumped up in my chair,” says Irina. - Do you remember Eli’s correspondence with her friend Nastya? This, it turns out, is where it all came from. They were on a mission! And only if they completed it, they were taken to the third, most abstruse level. And they took me, I sat at night, solved all the symbols, then, together with the programmers, I understood a lot.

    Irina shows us what she managed to decipher; all these sentences seemed to us pretentious gobbledygook (we will not give this decoding here, it is available in the editors. - G. M.). Much more important is the multi-colored map, which was also decrypted with the help of a programmer.

    Participants in closed “whale” groups in these cities were assigned “cutting” dates. Click to enlarge

    Look, Irina tells us, our city is only a thin line or arrow here. Chelyabinsk, Ussuriysk, Moscow, Krasnodar and Tula are highlighted with bold dots. I found this in January, and already in February, child suicides began in these cities.

    Irina went with this information to the investigator - in connection with Eli’s death, of course, a criminal case was also opened for incitement to suicide. The investigator took the information into account and agreed with Irina that something terrible was happening. But it seems to Irina that the investigator could only work actively on this case for the first week, and then the person was overwhelmed with new cases.

    Irina is not overwhelmed by anything: she continues to follow the trail of her daughter and tries to protect schoolchildren across the country from the last steps. Three mothers (Irina continues to be helped by her friends, whose children are in school) came to the bottom of many conclusions. For example, they learned how this diabolical mechanism works, calling children to suicide already at the third level of the “game.”

    It was written everywhere that “We must prepare, we only have 6 days left.” First they asked me: “Are you sure you’re going to die?” I didn't answer right away. They started writing to me: “Well, don’t die or are you really?” - says Irina.

    Further, as soon as the “schoolgirl” answered: “of course, but I’m not quite ready yet,” different people began to be added to her as friends almost instantly. Everyone started corresponding with her, she didn’t sleep for two nights in a row, she answered. She shared her guesses: “I deciphered these numbers, but not these ones yet.” Everyone around did exactly the same. But some, ridiculing the situation, were immediately deleted, and every now and then the inscription “minus one” appeared. Those who continued to solve the tasks seriously were all accepted into a closed group. It was 49, they took 34.

    Six days six nights, or Whale No. 34

    Irina continues her story:

    And so we were all invited to a “conf” by someone (“conf” - a conference - they call on VKontakte the simultaneous communication of several group members at once. - G.M.), whose nickname had the following sign:

    (This sign can be found in all closed, and in many open groups, devoting a lot of space to the topic of suicide. We saw the same sign on the walls of the high-rise building from which Elya fell. If you look closely, you can read the word “it” horizontally. - G.M.)

    And it was said to us: “Well, hello, my close but distant brothers!”

    We are looking at a screenshot of the page “F 57 We see everything.” We read: “Welcome. For any unnecessary action, you will no longer be here. You only have 6 days. You need to find the key to last day. The first day. After 144 hours, it will all be over for you and everyone else. The moon is full. There are a few days left. Heaven will come down to earth. A-n-t-a-n-u-m...” Then there is a picture with some cut animal bleeding, and the continuation of the text: “Suicide is just the beginning. We needed her body as a container for one of us. After 6 days, when the moon rises, this will cover everything. No. Your suicide will only provoke the replenishment of our ranks..."

    ...At some moments we forget ourselves, and we want to slam all these pages with the words: “Fuck them all!” In fact, this escalation of something terrible, this endless tongue-tiedness and obvious stagecraft look like a very stupid joke. The stupidest farce. If it were not for the place where they show us all this.

    And we are still in Eli's room. And we remember what happened to Rina and Anya. We also know about 130 children who died in just six months. Of which at least 80 played all these games. Perhaps others also passed through, but this needs to be checked.

    And we continue to read the one who “sees everything.” And he gives a clue to his encrypted nonsense - a long line of solid zeros and ones. Then again the same sign from which “IT” appeared, and the explanation: “This is not just a picture. This is rarzpeg. You don't have much time." And again - ciphers. And again the hint: “Iterate through everything possible options. At this stage everything is elementary. Don't go in one direction - it will lead you to a dead end..."

    And all the children are poking around, thinking, trying to understand on the English keyboard what kind of letters we are given,” says Irina. - And then one of the girls in the “conference” writes: “I have 4 days left. And I write: “hi, what’s the best way to do this?”

    Then the same Eva Reich, who had been communicating with the deceased Elya, entered the conversation: she now advised Irina to throw herself under the wheels of the train. Another girl has to breathe one of the chemicals used in everyday life. It’s as if I also chose an option for myself - to “cut myself out” with the help of a harmless drink that many of us drink every day. Posted it right there detailed instructions how to turn this drink into poison.

    “No one will die a natural death,” Eve further stated. “Are all 37 people going to die?” - one of the group members asked her. No, as it turned out, they are looking for the most “worthy”.

    The tension in communication is growing, someone even writes the lines “Our Father,” and someone finally asks the question that has been asking for a long time: “WHY DO YOU DO THIS?” And he instantly flies out of the group, and again the entry is “minus one”. Why? Because “don’t get involved in a conversation if you don’t understand the meaning,” explains the furious Eva, who is now Miron. And then the “high priest” appears again, who is “IT”, and writes: “RINKA HAS ENTERED...”

    That is, there is a gross manipulation of meanings and invented symbols, turned by secret “puppeteers” into a meme - nonsense in general. But children, who sleep only half the night and for whom Rina is an idol, take everything at face value. It is important to add here that in addition to the “it” sign, there are many other strange signs around. And there are also entries in Hebrew, numbers that refer to the Koran, the Bible and the Torah and all sorts of destructive religious cults. All references are connected, in one way or another, with quotes about death. In addition, among the children there are people with nicknames of the endless Reichs, Wolfs, with fascist and satanic symbols. All this to a mournful monotonous melody at very low frequencies and bloody videos. A Sabbath that spreads horror and fear. It’s like an endlessly lasting terrorist attack, which, in essence, is translated as horror and fear

    The children are scared and interested, the parents are sleeping, it’s night. They were woken up at 4.20. They are now "whales". They will have numbers coming soon. But only those who are invited: “Go to Skype” will receive them.

    Irina was also invited, but there was nothing she could do - she didn’t have a child’s face. From her fake VKontakte page, she could only continue to communicate with those children who were in the “conference” with her. A 13-year-old boy mentioned his “whale” number in a dialogue with her. She began to ask questions, and he said that everyone would have a Judgment Day and everyone would be assigned a date, time and method of death. She tried to continue the questions, but the boy was immediately removed from everywhere. He has gone.

    But if you dig through the links, the topic about “whale numbers” is easy to find. Here, for example, is the following correspondence (the screen is available in the editorial office. - G.M.): a girl says that she was given number 14. They ask her: “Did he tell you to kill yourself?” She answers: she was told to “follow Rina,” clarified: “In the same way?” Answer: “jump!” The girl explains that she “had to jump from the building” and really wanted to do it, although she had never thought about suicide before. But then she told the guy about everything, and he “yelled and said to delete everything...”.

    Why did you suddenly want it? The girl explains: it started after the videos and songs that were sent to her from the group.

    We breathe a sigh of relief. The girl is alive. But here’s another confession (the screenshot is also available in the editorial office; we don’t specifically correct grammatical errors here, this is important). Philip F57 writes: “I’m a biowaste... I’m number 34, thank you for everything, goodbye... they gave it to me in the group... they said it would be better this way. They said, you are number 34, you must immediately leave this whale world. We are waiting for you there. The sea of ​​whales is asking for a link to you"

    This is written by Philip Lis, administrator of the “Sea of ​​Whale” group and an active assistant in the promotion of many other malignant VKontakte groups. There is a version circulating online that for him all this is black PR, that he wants to promote his tracks in this way - then any psychiatrist will explain to you that the diagnosis is “emotional defectiveness”. It is only obvious that this is clearly not the only issue. Because he advertises his tracks with less activity than he promotes suicide. Here is one of his old entries: “the fact is that with f57 you know the meaning of life quickly, without f 57 you know the meaning of life all your life.” It is so illiterate that it is difficult to get through not only to the “meaning of life”, but also to the meaning of what was said. But there are characteristic mistakes; he writes the word “you will know” separately: “by you know,” just like the word “immediately” - in the call to leave the world “not slowly.” By hiding, he, in fact, gives away the whole mechanism of what happens to the children after they are called “Go to Skype.”

    But what is all this? There is an explanation in another closed group, which, if viewed from a functional point of view, is the most fundamental in the topic of suicide. This is “The Quiet House”, it says: “The Quiet House | א’ן הרבה. 27 Dec 2015. f56,57,58 are not just numbers, these are dates of deaths in the Bible, a quiet house is hell, and the place where all knowledge is stored, and a sea of ​​whales is a sea of ​​corpses.”

    Please note the recording date: December 27, 2015. Let's remember that Elya died at the end of December. And here is another entry, it was made two days before the girl’s death: “F57# 10 Chosen are ready.” In the comments, someone puts a question mark, someone swears, but there are seven identical answers, and they look like this: “Ivan Vasiliev - f57 DyshiT.” Then only the names change, to which this is also added - “f57 DyshiT”.

    It looks like a rehearsal - Irina remembers how in the “conferencing” in which she participated, instructions were given on how to behave before the last step: “One step, breathe, two steps, don’t breathe...Feed the dead with your breath.”

    But there are also non-rehearsals that coincide with the dates of the announced death.

    Fox holes and eternal children

    Why isn't anyone fighting this? Roskomnadzor is fighting. The organization closes groups calling for suicide by the thousands. But this is such a sieve: in place of one closed one, others immediately, instantly appear. The mechanism is refined, called “Invite”. In each of these groups, as soon as they open, an advertisement is posted, for example. is: “Invite to Madness. 100 rub. Lifetime invite to a private group. Screen your transfers or take photos of receipts. In the event of a possible group ban, you will be reinstated upon presentation...”

    That is, children immediately become familiar with how not to fall out of the group when it is closed. 100 rubles - and continue playing death.

    In April, a petition “Anti #f57 #f58 #morekitov #quiethome” appeared on “”, in which people complain, in particular, about very strange groups with videos, photos and recordings with shocking content. There are seven links to these groups, and not one of them works anymore; all pages are closed by Roskomnadzor. But there is no “scoundrels intermission.”

    Here Miron Seth (the same Eve) writes. And Seth in ancient Egyptian mythology is the god of rage, sandstorms, destruction, chaos, war and death): “We are not far apart, guys, the reserve will soon start working, we will restore the video recordings that have already been made. Add me in friends. All news will be on the wall of my page. Reserve link: (link).

    The reserve is already working, all posts of the government-closed group “#f57 Suicide” are perfectly accessible, all old audio files have been restored and all videos have been re-uploaded. Including the scene of the suicide of that very “unfortunate whale No. 34”, who is well known on the Internet as the living and well Philip Fox. The video of this “soul-chilling” staging, where a young man of about thirty says goodbye to everyone in a tragic voice, asks for forgiveness, and then climbs into a noose and jerks, very rhythmically depicting convulsions to the beat of the music playing here, was watched by thousands on VKontakte. This action was preceded by the announcement of the “cut out”, which appeared the day before the video, here’s what it looked like:

    Philip Lys
    March 17, 2016 at 08:01 pm

    “Guys, hello everyone. My name is Philip Lis. I want to say that no one is to blame for my death......I wish you all not to repeat my mistakes, good luck to you, I partially thought about death, recently I tried to hang myself unsuccessfully, but I liked it. The feeling when you fall asleep and fly upward is the feeling when you realize that you can’t live without it, you want to feel it all the time. In my case, death is the way out of all my problems. Take care of yourself. I'm not the first to leave..."

    Then he gives a link to the page of the one who is whale “Number 2”, but this is also an active promoter of suicide among children, like Philip himself. And he, like the Fox, had already died and been resurrected several times. In the same “farewell letter” the Fox says: “besides us, 4 people will leave, remember.”

    I would like to believe that they are all eternally alive, just people with a sick mind. But…

    But let's remember once again the date of real death, the death of a child, a seventh grade student, Irina's twelve-year-old daughter, Eli. So, it was on that day that exactly four schoolchildren died in the country.

    Elya herself.

    A 10th grade student, let's call her Alla, from another region Central Russia, jumped from the roof of a high-rise building. Her jacket was found on the roof. We looked at her VKontakte page: a photo of a knife like Eli’s, and a web of the same groups with whales.

    A 16-year-old schoolgirl in one of the Ural cities fell out of an entrance window on the 14th floor. Her jacket was found here. Everything is like Eli's.

    In another - this time Siberian - city, a ninth-grader fell from a 9th floor window. Died. I attended the same Contact groups as Elya.

    Unexplained Oddities

    Elya was fourth that day. Her parents don't believe it was a deliberate suicide. The father talks about the backpack - it is too heavy, a 12-year-old child could not throw it from a height with such force that it would end up on the canopy of the store, which is far from the place where the girl fell. The place where the daughter lay also inspires great suspicion in the father. Together with his former colleagues, when he came to his senses a little, he measured everything: even if Elya had run up before the jump, although there’s not much room to run up there on the access balcony, she still wouldn’t have fallen like that. The father is sure that someone pushed her. Does the investigation listen to him? No. But the girl’s mother, Irina, hears him and continues to list the oddities:

    Elechka didn't like school uniform, obligatory this vest, but that day she dressed exactly like that. Her backpack contained all the textbooks and notebooks that were needed according to the lesson schedule. And do you remember, she was going to go with me and my sister, but her friend called her - and she ran? Maybe they were waiting for her, some kind of demonstrative self-execution was about to take place? Maybe they were going to film it, but these closed groups are full of videos of children flying from roofs and windows. And we didn’t have time. But in these groups a photograph appeared of her with a scarf stretched over half her face, like Rina’s... They tell me that at that moment no one was seen in the entrance except Eli. But only one tenant saw Elya - by accident. Those who were with her, perhaps classmates, they were all sitting in these groups, could well have jumped out of the entrance immediately after everything happened. This can explain how Nastya was scared to death when I came to school and started questioning her. As a mother, I am convinced: there was another adult with them, someone who called, who called - and the children learned that the “day of judgment” had arrived, a place and a way had been appointed for Eli. Maybe it was a simultaneous session on Skype, when everyone was together, that is, those girls from other cities who also died on the same day.

    Irina has one more argument for what has already been said: they live on the fifth floor, there is access to the roof. Elya, as has now been reliably revealed, based on printouts from her phone and computer, did not sleep that day from 4 to 6 in the morning. I posted photos of Rina, poems about suicide, videos of people jumping out of high places- from the bridge, from the windows, from the roofs. At night all the flies turn into elephants - why didn’t she go to the roof of her house? She slept, got up when her mother had already come in twice, got ready for her lessons and found herself in the house that became fatal for her? Why did the closed VKontakte groups report the death of four children on That December day earlier than the regional media? For example, the Dead News website reported.

    Having already returned from Ryazan to Moscow, I go to new group, which was a backup for the group “#f57 Suicide”. Again, all the videos have been re-uploaded, I watch one after another: a teenage girl throws herself in front of an electric train, but before this happens, the camera is targeting the place where she will approach in seconds. That is: here are people waiting for transport, nothing interesting, but the camera is filming them, the operator is clearly waiting. Here is a girl, here is her fatal step - she is under the train! Someone, noticing this, runs up and calls for help.

    Perhaps this video is staged, but who needs it - to shoot so many staged videos of children committing suicide?

    And who are these “geniuses”, who play eyewitnesses, if among them, in another video, there are people with small children? And why does the same watermark appear at the beginning, and sometimes in the middle, and at the end of each video with the image of a loving couple with a whale looming over them?

    There are many questions. But the most serious one concerns the video made in February 2016. A boy of 15-16 years old approaches the barrier of a high bridge. He looks down, hesitating... Immediately two young men appear on both sides. One of them slightly lifts the teenager and literally pushes him - the boy flies down. The young people quickly leave. At first they go very quickly. Then they run.

    I watched this video exactly ten times. That’s exactly how everything happens there, I didn’t think so. There is also a song with a mournful melody and with these words in the chorus: “remember me, at least in pieces, we put an end to it...” In the comments to this video, someone writes: “he pushed.” And then in response, under different guises, the organizers clearly write: “no, they tried to save it unsuccessfully.”

    I repeat, I watched this video 10 times and I declare with all responsibility: they pushed me.

    In all other videos, “assisted suicide” was not obvious. But only until May.

    I started working on this topic in April and talked about 130 children who died within six months. But already in May there were new messages. For example, earlier this month, two teenagers in Siberia, a 15-year-old girl and a 16-year-old boy, jumped from the roof of a six-story building holding hands. Several sources in different media reported an eyewitness. He saw the moment of the fall and assumed “that one of the dead young people was trying to save the second, and that there were not two, but four people on the roof...” He saw them, then got distracted and saw two already flying down. He clarifies that he cannot name the reason for the fall of the first child - “it was an accident, a deliberate action or a push.” The police, according to the narrator, did not question him.

    According to the latest scientific data, even in a state of hypnosis, a person will not do something that he has an internal prohibition on. It may be through hysteria, but he will break into consciousness and stop at the last moment. What if all these Foxes, Mirons, Reichs know this, and an “assistant” was sent to the children?

    After the “conf,” in which I participated under the guise of a schoolgirl, but, for obvious reasons, I didn’t go on Skype with them, these groups began to ignore me, says Irina. “But some of the old connections remain, and from indirect signs that are already clear to me, I understand what is happening. Already on May 5, I saw a new “cut out” attitude, and then a double suicide of children. I reported everywhere, but, as always, no one heard me. Do you remember the map of future suicides that we deciphered back in January? Everything continues to happen according to her!

    Irina wrote to Astakhov, called the Commissioner for Children’s Rights different cities Russia. She wanted to prevent what she couldn't do with her own child. She told the investigator leading Eli’s case: “They prepare children there and lead them to suicide! Here’s a boy writing to me: “Will you cut hair with me in May?” Is it possible to contact the parents of these children?”

    They kept promising her that they would sort it out. The first case she warned about ended in death: in January, a 6th grade student fell from a high-rise building. (Before this, the city in which all this would happen was known, and the girl could be identified.) Irina also reported everywhere about another “doomsday”: “Look, the girl is getting ready in Volgograd!” I was worried because on February 10 the “chosen ones” were “ready.” She was waiting for something to be done, but on February 11, a high school student asks her grandmother and younger sister on the way to school to let her go for a minute and a few minutes later falls from a high-rise building. The jacket was found at the scene - just like in Eli's case.

    I also notice strange patterns. So the boy came to school, the lesson began, he laid out his textbook and notebook, received an SMS, and jumped out without explaining anything. A couple of hours later it turns out that he died “by jumping from the height of a building.” Here is another case: the brother of the deceased girl says that she was getting ready for bed and went to the bathroom in her night pajamas. Someone called, and she, very quickly changing clothes, jumped out of the house like a bullet. The body was found on the ground near the high-rise...

    They were ready for doomsday? To the challenge? Were they there waiting?

    Eli had many groups on VKontakte. But look: the first group related to suicide appears on her page in November,” Irina told us. - That is, it turns out to be a very short period. 50 days...

    Those same 50 days.

    Death in real time

    When you describe a story, even one of the most incredibly terrible and difficult, it is difficult. But today we are not only talking about stories that have already happened, they continue in real time. There is a roll call again, the question appears: “Who today will plunge into a new world without the falsehood of rot, suffering, pain, who will be in a peaceful world, we put +.” The advantages appear quickly, one after another.

    And again, new instructions, here is one of the most recent: On May 10, a video appeared on the Dead News website, where, accompanied by music, they show in detail how to get poisoned with a certain substance. Step by step.

    Who does all this? We see only the edge of the surface of the iceberg, small demons serving some monstrous system, and we do not know who Woland is.

    Meanwhile, all over the country, parents of dead children have begun to unite into initiative groups who want them to finally come for those who conceived and are carrying out all this. Parents find facts, exchange information, write letters.

    In the city where Elya died, her mother Irina and her friends were joined by Sergei, the father of Anya, who died a few days after Elya. He sent me seven letters in which he strictly structured everything that was happening in closed VKontakte groups calling for suicide. He discovered the counters that were enabled on these sites and took screenshots. And then he compared: it was shown that there was 20-22 hours left. And he checked it with information about another child’s suicide. The child died exactly at the specified time. There, periodically “resetting” occurs, and then the time is set again. He can explain everything: passwords, codes, how to search for hidden content, and how to manage content.

    Just who needs it...


    We agreed with the mother of Eli’s close friend, Nastya, that she would allow us to ask the girl a few questions. Nastya did not make contact, she looked with such frightened eyes, as if everything that happened to her friend was happening right now. She answered all questions in monosyllables. If she said anything, it was only in a whisper. There was an absolutely clear feeling that the girl had an altered consciousness. She is being treated and specialists are working with her. But, according to my mother, it’s not getting any easier for her. She doesn't say anything to anyone.

    IN English language There is such a concept: “survivor” - “survivor, survivor.” This applies to the immediate environment of those who have committed suicide - a whole phenomenon in psychology and psychiatry. In Russia, practically no one is working in this area yet. We are talking about family and friends who experience severe post-traumatic disorders after the suicide of loved ones. They are survivors, but they find it difficult to survive. In addition, they are the ones who are at risk of so-called “cluster attempts.” But instead of help, they most often receive bullying. They look at them suspiciously - condemningly. In church, even if the priest allowed the funeral service, they recoil from them like lepers. Grandmother Eli, who with her broken legs had difficulty getting there, was told by some women that her granddaughter had died for God, she herself had chosen hell...

    It’s as if there are the same people there as in the closed VKontakte groups, who endlessly repeat: “The more suicides, the fewer suicides and their loved ones.” Or here’s another: “The more unstable people are eliminated from teenage suicide, the easier it will be to live.”

    This is clearly a fascist matrix, but the topic of teenage suicide, of course, has always been a pressing issue. For teenagers, “what was waist-deep yesterday is suddenly up to the stars!” They have a thousand problems of their own, they don’t like themselves, and anything can provoke suicide, even an ordinary quarrel with their parents or teacher. Not to mention personal dramas, unrequited love, lack of recognition from peers. But if there is emotional contact with at least one significant adult at home, everything will be survived; the teenage crisis will only ultimately strengthen the personality. I myself once wrote and published all this, but today it’s not that I refuse these words.

    But I say: with that huge and powerful system of closed groups on VKontakte, which operates so systematically and rigidly, all this may not work.

    Psychologists who call to simply love a child and do nothing else cannot even imagine how behind the times they are.

    You may be a very accepting and understanding parent, but your child receives his dose of intoxication every day from these Internet dumps. He has a gadget in his hands, headphones in his ears. Now he will not tell about what is happening: he was strictly forbidden to do so - this is also one of the conditions for admission to the third level of interactive games in closed groups. They were also forbidden not to report to the group for 48 hours - under pain of expulsion. Do you know why? After 48 hours, what was systematically and thoughtfully shoved into a person can wear off like anesthesia. The person will become receptive to other information, his critical mind may turn on. These are the methods of sects.

    There are many tips for parents in this post. Please read carefully. Do you remember how happy Irina was that her daughter painted whales so beautifully, and she was good-naturedly surprised that her daughter liked the name “Rina”... Be careful. Check if they are asleep at 4.20? What do they draw on their hands? Are all the knives at home? Maybe some advice sounds stupid now, but it’s like a quarantine. Follow the VKontakte pages that your children visit, watch with them the videos and videos that they watch. Ask them to let you listen to the songs that are currently playing in their headphones.

    Increasingly, there are reports in the media about so-called “death groups” - online communities for teenagers in which teenagers are pushed to commit suicide. The places where such resources are “dislocated” are social networks. After the state was forced to urgently intervene in the situation, and Roskomnadzor began to actively block dangerous content, the creators of suicidal groups “encrypted” on the World Wide Web even more than ever.

    To study the topic, I had to spend more than a dozen gigabytes of traffic, visit great amount Internet resources. But he failed to join the “death group” under the guise of a schoolboy. Not because he hasn’t aged well. Today this is not easy to do, since suicidal communities on the Russian Internet are blocked at lightning speed. But loopholes, or rather paths to them, remain to this day. “Lords of children's destinies” took a different path: now it is not the child who chooses these groups, but they choose him. However, first things first. The media first sounded the alarm about this in the spring of last year. One of the federal publications published the results of an investigation conducted by the mother of a 12-year-old Ryazan schoolgirl Eli (name changed), who committed suicide in December 2015.

    The unfortunate woman came to the conclusion that her daughter was persuaded to commit suicide by unknown persons operating through specialized communities on the social network VKontakte (groups such as “Wake me up at 4:20”, “Sea of ​​Whale”, “f57”, “Quiet” are mentioned). house" and many others).

    According to the results of the investigation, the administrators of these groups are involved in the suicides (Article 110 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Incitement to suicide”) of at least 130 schoolchildren in different cities of the country.

    Incitement to suicide was carried out in the form of a quest. Those “recruited” into the game were assigned individual numbers. The teenagers were given a certain number of days to make a decision, after which they had to commit “self-cutting,” that is, translated into Russian, to commit suicide. Children unconditionally worshiped the elements of the cult - images of whales and butterflies flying in the sky appear everywhere (whales supposedly wash up on the shore, thus escaping troubles; butterflies live only one day). In fact, scary things were wrapped in an elegant candy wrapper, giving the creepy theme a certain romantic look.

    It was suggested that children are under surveillance by “overseers” who sometimes help those who are hesitant to take that fatal step and record the act of suicide on camera in order to post these videos in suicide groups.

    To prevent such tragedies, parents need to more carefully monitor their children’s VKontakte correspondence.

    * * *

    The beginning of child suicides throughout the country was marked by the death of a teenage girl who took the pseudonym Rina Polenkova. In November 2015, she laid her head on the tracks in front of a passing train. 16-year-old Rina uploaded her dying selfie to her own page on the social network a moment before her suicide with the short caption “Nya.Bye.” This terrible act of a teenager from Ussuriysk was reported on federal news channels, and the Internet began to boil with speculation. Users began their own investigation. During the investigation, it was suggested that the cause of death could have been psychedelic videos from the group “f57”, to which she was subscribed (as it became known, Rina was fond of, among other things, psychedelics and often watched videos of… ISIS executions (an organization banned in Russia).

    By the way, almost immediately after the incident, administrators in the “communities of death” where Rina was listed were changed...

    At the end of the same 2015 - beginning of 2016, a number of organizations (for example, the “Safe Internet League”) officially issued a warning about the growth of suicidal groups on the Internet. Soon, in the Moscow region, ICR investigators, with operational support from employees of the central apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the FSB of Russia, detained the administrator of one of the “death groups,” 21-year-old Philip Budeykin, registered online under the pseudonym Philip Lis and living in the city of Solnechnogorsk, Moscow region. He was taken to St. Petersburg and taken into custody. He is suspected of driving 15 minors to suicide. However, the investigation has reason to believe that in reality there are many more tragic incidents. The suspect is now undergoing psychiatric examinations, the results of which will determine whether he was aware of his actions.

    It is worth mentioning his statement to journalists, published on the Internet. Uncut: “There are people, and there is bio-waste. These are those who do not represent any value to society and bring or will only cause harm to society. I cleansed our society of such people. Started in 2013. Then I created a group called "f57". I just created it to see what happens. I uploaded shocking content there, and it began to attract people. In 2014 she was banned. I laughed for a long time when I saw how everyone was trying to understand what “f57” means. It's simple: f - Philip, my name, 57 - the last digits of my then number. I've been thinking about the idea for five years. You could say he was preparing. I thought through the concept of the project, specific levels and stages. It was necessary to separate the normal ones from the biotrash!”

    We have already heard something similar from the “cleaners” of society, such as Hitler. However, let's return to our topic.
    Many experts argue that social networks are made professionally, taking into account the peculiarities of the psychology of young people, and may well be one of the stages of psychological warfare against our children. Psychologists say that how the minds of the younger generation are influenced through the Internet is a matter of national security for the country, and this attack cannot be underestimated.

    * * *

    At the same time, experts are confident that Lis acted very professionally, taking into account the peculiarities of teenage psychology - a 21-year-old guy without special education would hardly be able to work like that.

    Psychiatrist, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Head of the crisis department of the Center for Restorative Treatment for Children and Adolescents “Child Psychiatry named after. S.S. Mnukhina” Valentina Yakovenko explained literally the following in one of her interviews:

    I have no doubt that there were well-trained specialists there. And I don't think this Philip Lys was alone. It is impossible for one young man to come up with this kind of activity, to organize his work in a special way. Maybe somewhere there are super-talented people to whom knowledge of the psychology of teenagers is given from somewhere above. But we have been studying what was done in textbooks for years. What is used in these groups is based solely on all the psychophysiological characteristics and needs of the child. This grouping is necessarily a secret, the need to be in a special group, separate from adults, the need to stand out in this group, to be like the main character. The need to leave gracefully, that is, to commit this terrible, and from the point of view of adolescents, heroic act.

    Be that as it may, the adult professional hand in driving children to suicide is obviously visible.
    The investigation will dot all the i’s. But, it should be noted, this suicidal “ninth wave” is rising not only in Russia. Some CIS member countries also noted a sharp surge in the activity of “death groups” in their national Internet segment. For example, in Kazakhstan, local media broadcast terrible news about teenage suicides almost every day.

    * * *

    In search of real “death groups,” the author of this article scoured the entire Internet. There are no such communities on major social networks anymore - all have been deleted or blocked. At least, with a clear bias toward suicide, you won’t find one. There was information that the groups migrated to Instagram. I tried it there. I found users like me who were looking for a scary game. And this is what we managed to find out on this resource. Someone with the meaningful nickname _suicidess_ writes that he is looking for a curator. And this is already a new trend. Now, in order to become a member of a closed “death group”, you must wait for a special invitation from its “leader”. Having logged into Instagram using special hashtags, I came across online correspondence from participants in a mini-forum. I insert myself into the conversation and ask: “Who will answer how everything is happening?” And then I receive a message - a kind of introductory course to the game, all from the same _suicidess_: “You post hashtags on VK\Instagram, wait for the curator to write, complete the task for 50 days, die.” It's that simple.

    I ask an Instagram stranger: “Should you die beautifully or the way... whichever you have to?” And then I send another question-message: “Does the game mean “winning” or “losing”? Apparently I screwed up. My online opponent fell silent. And then he disappeared completely, simply deleting his account. The entire mini-forum disappeared from the Internet, but I managed to take a screenshot of it!

    I go to Rina Polenkova’s page on one of the famous social networks. The first thing that caught my eye was that the dying photo was dated to a different time than when it was first uploaded to the Internet on this page at the moment before the suicide. It’s as if someone “revived” the girl for some reason a month after the tragedy. But something else struck me: I saw how a pre-suicidal selfie on the wall of a person who had passed on to another world in real time was still gaining “likes.” By “liking” I get to their pages and openly write, introducing myself as a journalist, literally the following: “You put your “like” on a photo of a girl who will throw herself under a train in a moment. Could you explain why you did this? For what? Do you like what she did?” The answer from one of the girls, apparently Rina’s peer, struck me to the core: “I just kind of gave it a like.” Because I liked how she said goodbye to her friends, and indeed to her subscribers in general. And just with people who visited her page. In general, of course, she acted, I would say, well, not very well - she entered this “death group”. But it's not her fault. Because she was hypnotized. Well... they basically brought it to this state.”

    Give a “like” for “saying a beautiful goodbye” to your subscribers before committing suicide?! Others simply said that they “tagged the photo for fun.” In a word, no comments!

    * * *

    Another schoolgirl, who visited the deceased’s page and gave her a “like,” admitted to me on the social network that until recently she herself was a member of one of the “death groups,” until “they were dispersed.” She explained that 50 days are given to all participants before committing suicide. Every 24 hours - a new task. In total - fifty instructions that must be followed at all costs. I took out this list of tasks. As the numbers grew, the “curator’s” order itself became more complicated. First, let’s say, a participant needs to climb a tree and take a selfie - to report their readiness to move to another level of the “game.” Then the same thing, but on the bridge... A kind of “accustoming” to death, to the adrenaline feeling.

    But the most interesting thing is that if at any stage a participant tried to leave the game, curses and threats were thrown at him. They also threatened to kill their loved ones.

    At first, they supposedly sent a link to a video and asked the doubter to “follow” it. But there was no video, or rather, the link did not open... Thus, with the help of simple technical knowledge, the “death distributors” easily found out the address of the place of residence of their “ward” and announced that they would show up at his home for an act of retaliation... In general, they intimidated as best they could. Naturally, the teenager’s immature psyche was not ready for such a turn of events. In a word, the line between the game and reality became thinner every day. And for many who joined such groups, it was initially already erased in their consciousness.

    By the way, immediately after Rina’s death, the teenagers decided to organize a flash mob - “mass suicide.” On December 8, 2015, the teenagers who participated in it wrote a message with the hashtag “nyapok” and disappeared from their personal accounts for a month in order to... scare their online friends. Almost everyone who posted a similar entry on their page that day is now online, alive and well. And the existence of new counters suggests that such games with death continue to this day. But which ones are just children's entertainment, and which ones can really push a child to the last step? The question remains open. Alas!

    * * *

    And finally, the most important question is what should adults do against such “games” in order to protect their children?

    It is gratifying that in the Russian segment of the Internet there are more and more communities dedicated to counter-propaganda of “death groups”. “Antikytes” and other “anti” inspire the idea that society is not indifferent to the future of the younger generation. And people often joined the communities of suicide fans in order to dissuade lost souls from taking rash steps. In some regions of the country, voluntary cyber squads have even begun to be created. For example, in Kuzbass, participants in such volunteer movements plan to report suspicious posts by children to law enforcement agencies, parents and teachers. According to the Commissioner for Children's Rights in Kemerovo region Dmitry Kislitsyn, today there is no government body that would deal with such issues on the Internet. And you can’t argue with that.

    Children's cybersecurity issues have also begun to receive attention in schools. I know this from personal experience. Recently my wife returned from parent meeting(daughter is 11, son is 12 years old). Teachers sound the alarm. They tell parents about the dangers that await children on the World Wide Web. Explain the essence and principles dangerous games with the “bony one” registered on the Internet. They warn that any teenager can become a victim of “death psychologists”. Many children who voluntarily left for another world were from quite prosperous families, studied well, were well brought up, led an active social life not only on the Internet, but also in reality: they sang in children’s choirs, enthusiastically went to sports sections, interests.

    Psychologists unanimously say that everything depends primarily on the basic relationships within the family. It depends on whether there is mutual understanding and trust between parents and their children. The problem of “fathers and sons” has acquired a special color in our time. To be honest, we, adults, often do not have enough time to be alone with our offspring and sincerely, headlong, plunge into their problems, even if they seem insignificant to us.

    Most parents are inclined to one method, the simplest one - “prohibitive”. At the same time, forgetting that they themselves were children, because the forbidden fruit is sweet! Scientists have not yet invented an effective vaccine against thoughts of suicide. But every parent is obliged to find it or make it in their “family medicine cabinet.”

    In pursuit of “likes,” the younger generation is going crazy. In the literal sense of the word, they live themselves in the light. With my own hands! Before my eyes, in just a few hours, the “page” of Rina, who died more than a year ago, received several hundred more clicks on the virtual “like” button.

    Paradox! At the moment when I am writing these lines, the “non-living” person has 1841 subscribers. More than it was during her lifetime... And the worst thing is: while you are reading these lines, the number of “likes” is growing. Has the goal been achieved?

    * * *

    State Duma Deputy Speaker Irina Yarovaya said that in 2016, 720 minors committed suicide. Of these, the lion's share fell on children who were active participants in “death groups.” She noted that society and Russian legislation were unprepared for the fact that inducement to suicide would be carried out via the Internet. "Step by step there arises new system coordinates, in which what seemed impossible became reality,” summed up the Vice Speaker of the State Duma.

    And the head of Roskomnadzor, Alexander Zharov, in one of his interviews, generally suggested that those who “play with children in death” should be equated with terrorists.

    “In the fight against such a “game,” Roskomnadzor is always a little behind, since the agency reacts to information that becomes available. But social networks meet halfway and block such groups,” he emphasized.

    • The teenager does not get enough sleep, even if he goes to bed early. Check to see if your baby is sleeping in the early morning hours;

    • Draws whales, butterflies, unicorns;

    • Consists of groups containing the following in the name: “Whales are swimming up”, “Wake me up at 4.20”, “f57”, “f58”, “Quiet”, “Rina”, “Nyapoka”, “Sea of ​​Whale”, “50 days” before my...";

    • In correspondence with friends (on my personal wall) there are phrases “wake me up at 4.20”, “I’m in the game”, “looking for a curator”. It is dangerous if numbers appear on the wall, starting from 50 and less;

    • Corresponds on Viber (and other instant messengers) with strangers who give strange orders;

    • Suspicious hashtags: “f53”, “f57”, “f58”, “d28”, “morekitov”, “quiet house”, “I want a vigru”, “milky way”, “ischukuratora”.