Summary by modeling in the middle group. A summary of the clamping on the topic "Tea set" in the middle group. An abstract of open classes in the middle group "Hedgehog"

Lajk with children 4-5 years. Abstract classes

Fine activities (drawing, modeling and appliqué) is one of the most important means of knowledge of the world and the development of aesthetic perception, it is also associated with the independent practical and creative activities of the child. In the process of visual activity in preschoolers, observation is improved, aesthetic perception and emotion, artistic taste, creative abilities are developing. Training of visual activities in preschool age implies a solution to two main tasks:

An abstract of open classes in the middle group "Hedgehog"

You find that you refuse to scaffolding, because you think you need to work more? We must give our disciples tools to know what to do and how to write this essay. Forests are one of the first things that you do with students. It gives students a tool for better understanding. If you start a new chapter, you can read the keywords of the vocabulary, view the chapter or read several pieces of the first chapter together as a class. The forests are confident that students have a clear understanding of the information they are going to study by providing them with the tools for success.

Awaken in children a positive emotional responsiveness to the world around the world, to the native nature, to the events of life.

To form pictorial skills and skills from preschoolers.

In this book, we give the abstracts of exciting classes from clay, dough and plasticine using natural and additional material for children 4-5 years. Classes are compiled on the thematic principle: the same topic permeates all the activities of the week (according to the world around the world, on the development of speech, on the modeling, according to appliqués, according to drawing). Thus, children during the week study one topic in all classes. By laying in four-year-old children, one occupation is held per week, duration of 15-20 minutes. In this book there are 36 abstracts comprehensive occupationsdesigned for academic year (from September to May).

Here are 5 scaffolding that you can try in your class today. Give them to try and let us know what you think. Remember when you were a child in the class of kindergarten, and would you show and tell? I bet, you can still remember some things that your classmates participated. For many of us, the vision of something helps us remember it better than just hear about it. When scaffolding, modeling and demonstration of what you want students to do are one of the most important components.

Before the class carefully read the abstract and, if something is not suitable for you, make changes. Prepare the desired material and equipment. The preliminary work carried out before the classes (reading a artistic work, familiarization with the surrounding phenomena or the viewing of crafts and paintings).

Lrack classes are built according to the following approximate plan:

Here are some tips on how to model. Try to attract students using a student aquarium, where a group of students, circling in the middle, demonstrates an external group. Before any activity or project, be sure to simulate what you want, and how it will look when they completed the task. You can even give them a rubric to follow them so that they know what to expect. This shows students how good readers use context prompts to understand what they read.

  • Model the strategy "Think loud."
  • Here you say everything you think when you read.
Touch the knowledge of your students, prompting them to relate to their personal life and connect to it.

1. Creating a gaming situation to attract attention and develop emotional responsiveness (surprise moments, riddles, poems, songs, functions, a fairy-tale character, in need of help, game-dramatization, exercises for the development of memory, attention and thinking; mobile games).

2. The modeling of the product (acquaintance with the subject, sequence of actions and receptions of the image (sometimes it is desirable to give the child to think it is better to make a crawler)). It is not necessary to make a sample of the product in advance. You can consider and feel a real object or create an image from memory. When improving the product, additional material should be paid to the attention of children to expressive means (correctly selected colors and interesting details).

Include joint training

Ask students to share their experiences and ideas. If you have noticed that it is difficult for them to tie content, give them some tips to start their work. Use this scaffolding technique every time you start a new task. Try to include in your lesson a quick learning method. Try to think about a pair, numbered your heads or turn the conversation so that students are able to verbally formulate what they learn, with their peers. These structured student discussions allow the student to handle what they learn and share and hear other ideas on this issue.

3. Consider the work received (only positive assessment). The child must be rejected by the result and learn to evaluate his craft and work of other children, notice new and interesting decisions, see similarity with nature.

In class, children 4-5 years old are using the following methods of modeling:

Constructive - the modeling of the object from individual parts.

This is a great way out for children and helps students who are trying to understand what they learn. Pictures, diagrams and everything else that you can visually portray, - a great tool for creating forests. Pictures and graphs are an excellent visual presentation of what you want students to study, so a graphic organizer can help students visually organize their thoughts on paper organized way. They serve as a leadership to help students think about what they want to write, and especially useful with complex information or complex texts.

Plastic - items details are pulled out of a whole piece.

Combined - combination in one product of different methods of modeling.

Children of the four years consciously fit the process of modeling and strive to achieve the desired result. Children develop the ability to sculpt the subject in parts, starting with the largest and ending with small, transmit their structure, magnitude and shape. In the modeling, rolling skills are produced between palms, changes in the movement of hands to obtain a bowl, oval, cone, cylinder; The ability to control the movements of the fingers, pressure force, compressing, pulling, indulgence.

Provide time for students to think while you check understanding. For this strategy, you start with a discussion of a new concept or idea, and then a pause for a moment so that it is immersed, then you ask the strategic question and stop the next moment. Open questions are best used here because they allow students to use their critical thinking skills to come up with an answer. Be sure to give students a sufficient amount of time to think about the answer, and after one of the students replied, keep the rest in attracting more students to repeat what the first student said.

For clay and clay and plasticine classes in advance natural material (Halves of Walnut Shell, Pistachios Shell, Chestnut, Justice, Branches, Ash Seeds, Maple Wolfings, Covers, Shells, Beans, Peas, Figure) and Additional Material (Buttons, Matches, Covers from Bubbles and Plastic Bottles, Kinder Capsules -Surprises).

If you really see that students are difficult to answer your question, use this question for your joint training groups that students can get the opportunity to discuss it with their classmates. There are many forest methods that you can use in your class. Be sure to experiment and choose those that work well for you and your audience. Although it may seem that the lesson can take more time, just remember that all this will cost at the end.

Biomedical Engineering and Bioinformatics

What strategies do you use in your class? Do you have such work, especially good for you? We would like to hear your ideas. Gianel has a master's degree in education in the State University of New York College in Buffalo. Some portal functions will not work. . The undergraduate program includes a 4-week professional student experience. Practice can be practiced in medical institutions, institutions, enterprises and clinics, production, research and trade in biomedical engineering and bioinformatics both within the country and abroad.

For neat work with plasticine and clay, each child should have a molding board and a cloth to wipe hands, as well as a small cardboard stand for the finished product.

You can use homemade soft and plastic dough (for the manufacture of the test you need to mix the salts, half a cup of flour, a half-table of water and one teaspoon of sunflower oil). The finished product must be dried on both sides, and then paint the gouache.

Practice is organized by the student himself and should be carried out outside the period of regular training from the beginning and to the end of the undergraduate. A rich set of tools and modern decisions in the field of design, modeling, optimization and production increase the quality of design services and increase product value. Used to model parts. More advanced readers can detect that they can be constructed directly in this window. So, click "Start" in the top menu and select "Mechanical Design" and "Design Details".

After these procedures, a dialog box similar to the following appears. Figure 3 After this brief introduction time has come. Run the program by double-clicking the icon below. The tree is visible in the upper left corner of the window. The following tree branches contain additional work planes based on the Cartesian coordinate system.

Secrets of work with clay

Many educators do not like to work with clay, as they do not understand all subtleties, and often replace classes on clay clay on a laying of plasticine. To understand the secrets of the modeling of clay, carefully read the following tips:

A day before the classes, remove clay from plastic packaging, wrap in a wet cloth and put in the package.

You can briefly say that this is part of our model. Figure 5 Another remarkable feature is a rose screen center. Figure 6 This is a graphic representation of the planes that allows you to easily choose and make changes in them, such as moving the plane parallel to this plane. The following interesting thing is the so-called compass located in the upper right corner of the screen.

This is all the more reasonable that the following modules will have different sets of icons. We will start with the simultaneous pressing of the middle and left mouse buttons, this combination allows you to rotate the workspace. Figure 12 Figure 10 Pressing the mouse center moves the workspace. The above-mentioned actions are also applicable to the tree - just double-click it with the left mouse button, and then move it anywhere on the screen or increase or decrease the scale. To return to edit mode, double-click on the tree.

Before doing all the clay, it is necessary to carefully smoke, then divide into pieces and distribute to children.

Children bring clay until complete readiness - continue to knead her. If the clay is too wet - it will stick to the hands. It should be kneaded longer until it becomes plastic and it will be easy to slow down and roll out into the sausage. If the clay cracks - it is too dry - moisten it with a small amount of water and continue to knead until complete readiness. If this is not done, then when dried, the craft is cracking. Only plastic, easily dropped from hand and not giving clay clay is suitable for modeling.

Figure 11 Simultaneous pressing of the left and middle mouse buttons and releasing the left button allows you to dynamically increase and reduce the image from the canvas, moving the mouse up and down. Lesson 2 - How to start a sketch, discuss the rules of the sketch. It seems simple, but in practice this process is much more complicated - there are several intermediate steps between the sketch and the model.

They are devoted to today's lesson. Figure 2 We begin to create the first sketch. First, we choose the plane in which the sketch will be laid. Figure 1 The screen will appear during the first lesson. Figure 4 Indicating the corresponding plane directly on the rose of the planes. Move the cursor to the selected plane and click - the plane is selected. When you choose a plane, you can, of course, cancel the selection by clicking anywhere on the screen.

Prepare a bowl with water to wet your hands.

An intended object should be sculpt on a wooden table. This is important because it will be too stuck to the plastic clay and crack.

We necessarily wipe the clay connectivity location, otherwise, when drying the aircraft can fall apart.

Wet fingers smooth all irregularities on the hand.

Now we can choose the plane on which we want to draw our first sketch. When he is selected, we can go to this mode. To enable the sketch mode, click on the icon below. Support tools are located on the toolbar "Tools".

Figure 11. Holding the mouse pointer over this triangle displays the tool icons in the group represented by the icon. This solution saves a lot of space on the screen and simplifies ordering on the desktop. Figure 6 Toolbar available in this module will also be changed. We will be interested in four tool panels separated by the corresponding subgroups. The first "Profiles" toolbar provides a number of tools for drawing contour sketches. The circle is drawn as follows.

If you did not have time to make a subject for one lesson, carefully wrap the unfinished work in a wet cloth and remove into a plastic bag.

Wall out of clay products dry in air for 3-4 days.

Then you can burn the craft in the muffle furnace at a temperature of 800 degrees. After burning, the clay will become red-brown.

Figure 8 We have already discussed all the tools necessary to create the first sketch. It is worth noting that the tools available on the operation panel allow them to change the created sketch. After drawing the first sketch, skip the sketch module. Figure 15 As you can see, the sketch is placed on the previously selected plane.

During the last lesson, we studied the basics of working with the album. I will start with the discussion of individual sketch tool groups from one of the most frequently used tools - profiles. It allows you to draw lines and arcs with almost no knob.

The finished product can be painted with tempera, gouache or watercolor and covered with varnish.

Removing the mass after the modeling mass in a rag and put in a plastic bag. If when stored is a wet rag starts to mold, replace it with a new one, and do the clay.

After work, wash your hands under the crane and give a workplace in order using a sponge for this.

We turn to the sketch module and click on the icon below. However, the question of why a tool that is very difficult to master in terms of measurement is so useful when designing such parts of aircraft? The "Profile" tool, like other tools presented in these lessons, at this stage of design does not have to be predictable, because each sketch will receive the necessary limitations and dimensions at the end of the sketch process. This solution does not limit the work of the designer and allows the designer to fully develop the concept of the element.

Estimated child skills and skills by 5 years:

Able to break away from a large piece of clay (clay) small pieces.

Knowing the pieces of plasticine with circular motions of hands in the balls.

Able to roll the pieces of plasticine with straight movements of hands in the columns, sausages.

Able to pressed on plasticine balls with a finger on top.

Let's draw an element with this tool similar to the next one. Figure 1 Now we can start a sketch using this tool. Figure 2 However, if you do not press the left mouse button one by one, but you click on it and move the cursor in any direction, the "Profile" tool will begin to draw an arc. Figure 5 The toolbar available in the Predefined Profile group is as follows.

First, we will deal with a rectangle - this is a profile representing a group, so we have access to it directly from the toolbar. So, we press the rectangle icon. Figure 3 As you can see, this tool is ideal for a complex sketch.

Knows how to smear the plasticine balls in the cardboard.

Able to pour with a slight pulling edge of the plasticine craft.

Able to pinch minor details.

Able to flatten plasticine balls between your fingers or palms.

It can smooth out the surface of a winged figure, the location of the parts.

Able to apply plasticine within the boundaries of the desired circuit to create a flat plasticine picture on cardboard.

Able to pull individual parts from a whole piece of plasticine.

Owns in the means of indulgence of the middle of the plasticine ball, the cylinder with the help of fingers.

Familiar with the use of stacks.

Can decorate the array with patterns using stacks.

Able to decorate the product with a plasticine bas-relief.

Abstract classes

Lesson 1. Clown's face

Software content. Learn children to ride from plasticine balls and attach them to a given basis to fix the ability of children to navigate in parts of the face. Develop fine motor skills and attention.

Demonstration material. A landscape sheet with two drawn clowns having five noticeable differences (costumes of different colors; different in the shape of a hat, shoes; in their hands hold different items; one clown is sad, another cheerful).

Handout. Capsules from kinder-surprises of white color by the number of children, plasticine, buttons with an eye, two small pieces of fur, cardboard stands, boards for modeling.

Structure occupation

Show children drawn clowns and ask to find differences.

Tell the children that clowns have a lot of paint on the face. They specifically paint themselves a bustard - red nose, cheeks, huge eyes to be funny.

Offer children to make funny clowns themselves. Each child needs to cut out of plasticine eyes, nose and mouth and attach to Kinder-surprise. Button's hat and fur hair must be fastened with plasticine (hat can be cut out of plasticine).

Show how to attach the cradle on the cardboard stand and ask children what clown they turned out (funny, cheerful, mischievous).

Lesson 2. Vegetables

(Clay crafting)

Software content. Learn to sculpt from clay oval and round items. Develop fine motor skills and memory.

Demonstration material. Moilazzi or real vegetables by the number of children, bag.

Structure occupation

Distribute to children with vegetables. Children in turn call a vegetable that they got. Collect vegetables in a bag. Then the children take one vegetable from the bag and remember who had this vegetable (the previous owner of the vegetable must be silent).

Show your clay children. Offer to cut out two any vegetable from it. To do this, break out a small piece of clay, roll it between the palms in the ball and give the shape of the desired vegetable. From another ball, the direct movements of the hands can roll the oval and give the shape of another vegetable. Vegetables are smoothed slightly moistened in the water.

When vegetables get dry, you can paint them with gouache.

Theme of the week "Fruits"

Lesson 3. Fruit

(Clay crafting)

Software content. Continue to learn to sculpt from clay oval and round items. Develop fine motility fingers and speech.

Demonstration material. Ball.

Handout. Clay, boards for modeling, bowls with water.

Structure occupation

Children stand in a circle, pass each other ball and say what kind of fruit they would treat their friends ("I will treat you with a yellow banana" or "I will treat you with green pear", etc.).

Then offhold your favorite fruits from clay. To do this, break out a small piece of clay, roll it between the palms in the ball and give the shape of the desired fruit. From another ball, the direct movements of the hands can roll the oval and give the shape of another fruit.

When fruit fruits, they can be painted with gouache.

Theme of the week "Berries"

Lesson 4. Basket with lingonberry

(Laying from plasticine)

Software content. Learning to sculpt a hollow object with a handle. Continue to learn to ride small plasticine balls between the palms. Fasten the ability to accompany the poem with the corresponding text of the movement. Develop accuracy and coordination of movements.

Demonstration material. Real or drawn basket.

Structure occupation

Perform along with the children of movements corresponding to the poem:

I'll go through the forest, I will find a lingonberry

If there is no Lukushka - I will collect in my palm

Jump through the pozhitsa - the head will be spinning.

And in the grass of a lounge, here I find it!

Ask children:

- What were we collected in the forest? (Lingonberry.)

- Where are the berries? (In Lukoshko or in palm.)

Show children a basket and explain that Lukoshko is the same as the basket, only with a round bottom.

Offer, too, go to the forest and dial the Bar Barberry. But first explain to children how to make a basket of plasticine: roll a big ball with a circular movement, then put on a thumb on one side to push the hole. To the fingers expand and deepen it, align the edges. Roll out the sausage and press it on top of a basket, losing your fingers to get a handle.

It remains to fill the basket with berries. Let every child roller small red balls between the palms and puts into the basket.

Theme of the week "In the forest"

Lesson 5. Mushroom

(Clay crafting)

Software content. Learn to ride the column clay and connect it with a flattened ball. Develop the ability to portray the words of poem with actions.

Handout. Clay, stacks, boards for modeling, standing stands, bowls with water.

Structure occupation

Perform along with the children of the movement corresponding to the poem of Boyko:

Across the bridge

We must, guys.

In the distant forest we will go,

There are oil mushrooms.

On the first two lines in front of the breasts from the palms, we make a bridge, on the third - marching, on the fourth - we collect mushrooms.

Ask children:

- What parts is the mushroom? (From legs and hats.)

- What color are hats and legs?

Offer children to make the mushrooms that they scored in a basket. Show children, how to roll ball from clay, and then roll it into the column - it will be a leg. From another piece of clay, you should roll the ball, flatten it and make your fingers to make a deepening to get a hat. Then combine the leg with the cap, slightly mixes the place of connection with water.

When the mushroom serves, you can paint it with a gouache.

Lesson 6. Sparrow

Software content. Learning to sculpt from plasticine a bird using a walnut as a basis. Continue learning to understand the content of the poem. Develop fine motility fingers and speech.

Demonstration material. Picture depicting Sparrow.

Handout. Plasticine, walnuts by the number of children, stacks, boards for modeling.

Structure occupation

Read the children poem A. Barto:

Sparrow on the puddle

Jumps and spinning.

Pries hung away

The tail flipped.

The weather is nice!


Ask children:

- Who is this poem? (About Sparrow.)

Consider a sparrow image with children. Offer to blind sparrow.

Show how from plasticine circular motions between the palms roll the ball - it turns out a head, attach it to the walnut nut (torso), make a tail from the rolled and slightly flapful plasticine column. Instead of the legs, you can attach a stand (roll the ball and pull it into a cone slightly). Food oval flames from plasticine, and to the head - eyes and beak.

Lesson 7. Duckling

(Clay crafting)

Software content. Learning to sculpt the bird in a constructive way, observing the location and ratio of body parts, connect the parts by pressing them to each other. Continue to learn to use the stack. Develop a shallow finger motorcy and attention.

Demonstration material. Cards with drawn beasts and birds, toy duckling.

Structure occupation

Show children pictures with an image of animals. Ask to call everyone. If a bird is depicted in the picture, children need to wave with their hands like wings.

Then suggest to make a duckling clay. Together, consider the toy duckling, determine which parts it consists (torso, head, paws). From a piece of clay you need to separate the large (for the body) and two small pieces for the head and paws. You need to trace that these pieces for each child have a corresponding size.

Show how from a small piece between the palms roll a ball (head), from the big - oval (torso), attach my head to the body, pre-lubricating the place of connection with water. The remaining little piece must be divided in half. Start from the obtained parts of the ovals, some flashes them. It turns out the paws. Paws are attached from below to the body.

The beak and the tail must be pulled out with two fingers. Eyes draw a stack or match. On the sides of the body, the matches can draw wings.

When clay is dry, offer children to color duckling gouache.

Theme of the week "Autumn"

Lesson 8. Sun in clouds

(Flood plasticine)

Software content. Continue to learn to ride small plasticine balls, flatten their fingers on cardboard, creating the desired form of the item. Develop the ability to guess riddles.

Handout. Halves of sheets of blue cardboard in the number of children, simple pencils, plasticine yellow and gray (white) color.

Structure occupation

Fight children riddles:

Shines, sparkles,

All warms.

(The sun)

Fluffy wat

Flowing somewhere.

Than wool below

That rain closer.


Ask children:

- What time of year is a lot of clouds closing the sun? (Autumn.)

Offer on a blue cardboard a large cloud, partially closing the sun, and then decorate the sun and clouds with small balls from yellow and gray plasticine. Show how, taking off the small pieces of plasticine, rull them between the palms in the balls and attach to the cardboard inside the corresponding circuit.

Theme of the Week "Dishes"

Session 9. Cup and saucer

(Clay crafting)

Software content. Continue to learn to sculpt the ball, put a thumb into it and get a hole, align the edges with your fingers. Roll off the plasticine in the column and attach it to another detail. Learn to scream ball and flatten it into a disk, pressing the middle. Fasten the ability to use the stack. Relieve responsiveness and kindness.

Handout. Clay, stacks, boards for modeling, bowls with water.

Structure occupation

In advance, introduce children with the work of K. Chukovsky "Fedorino Mount".

At the lesson, read the guys passage from this poem:

Past Chicken Bezhala

And saw the dishes:

"Kud-where! Kud-where!

Where are you from and where? "

And answered dishes:

It was for us to the wonder,

She didn't love us

Bila, she beat us,

Drank, squeezed,

She ruined us! "

Ask children:

- What was Fedor at the end of the fairy tales? (Neat, tidy.)

Offer to return to her who fled the cups and saucers.

To do this, it is necessary to divide the piece of clay into three parts - two large and one small. From a large part, roll the ball with the circular movements of the hands, with a thumb to press on one side to get a hole, increase your fingers recess and level the edges. From a small piece of clay rolling out the sausage and attach it to the side of the cup in the form of a handle. Connection locations must be mixed with water. From the second large piece, roll the ball and, flattening it between the palms in the disk, press the middle, to pull out and fill the edges to the edges - it turns out a saucer.

Now cups and saucers can return to Fedore.

Lesson 10. Pie.

(Lajk from the test)

Software content. Continue learning to sculpt rounded items, flattening the dough between palms, decorate the products. Develop the ability to understand and analyze the content of the poem.

Handout. Dough, cardboard stands, boards for modeling.

Structure occupation

Read the poem of D. Harms "very, very tasty pie", asking children to talk missing words.

I wanted to make a ball,

And I am guests ...

Bought flour, bought cottage cheese,

Baked crumbly ...

Pie, knives and forks here -

But something guests ...

I waited until the strength had enough

Then a piece ...

Then he moved chair and villages

And the whole cake per minute ...

When guests come up,

Then even crumbs ...

Tell me: "Probably, guests are very upset! Let's bake a new cake. "

To do this, roll the ball with a circular movement, flatten it between the palms and decorate with long sausages. The sausages should roll the straight movements of hands from small balls.

Theme of the Week "Furniture"

Lesson 11. Table and Chair

(Floating from plasticine)

Software content. Learning to cut the elongated plasticine columns on the parts using the stack and attach them to the cardboard, portraying furniture objects in the form of a bas-relief (the image performs above the background plane). Develop fine motility fingers.

Demonstration material. Subject pictures with the image of the chair and the table.

Handout. Plasticine, stacks, cardboard, glassboard.

Structure occupation

In advance, introduce children with a fairy tale S. Marshak "Koshkin House".

Read the children excerpt from the poem, showing the object pictures:

That's the table -

He is eating.

This is a chair -

It is sitting on it.

Ask children:

- Who tells these words? (Cat.)

- What happened in this fairy tale? (The cat burned down and all the furniture.)

- How does the fairy tale ends? (Cat, her nephews and a former watchman built a new home.)

But the furniture is not yet in this house. Offer to make a table and a chair for a cat with kittens. To do this, a pencil on cardboard with direct lines to children needs to be schematically portrayed the table and chair (side view) - first show the children a real chair on the side, then draw a sample. Each child must roll out long sausages from plasticine, apply them to drawn lines and stack to trim unnecessary parts.

Cat furniture is ready.

Theme of the Week "Clothing"

Lesson 12. Girl in a dress

(Laying from plasticine using natural material)

Demonstration material. Skinny pictures of clothing, shoes, furniture, products.

Handout. Plasticine, bumps (spruce or pine), boards for modeling, cardboard stands.

Structure occupation

Spread pictures in front of children, which depict the objects of clothing, shoes, furniture, food. Offer children to play the store. Select the seller. The rest of the guys take turns will come to the store and buy clothes.

Take the girl in the dress. From white plasticine you need to roll the ball - this is a head. By placing a bump with a vertically sharp ending down, put the sausage from top to top so that its ends hang in different sides in the form of sleeves. In the middle of the sausages attach the ball (head). Ask children to repeat your actions and finish the girl Attaching plasticine hair, eyes, nose, mouth. From flattened small balls you can make hands. If necessary, you can make a cylinder stand.

Theme of the Week "Transport"

Lesson 13. Boat with oars

(Laying from plasticine)

Software content. To continue to learn to roll out of the ball oval, flatten it and put it with the middle of your fingers, pulling and ending the edges. Roll off sausages, shine with your fingers from one edge and attach to a flattened product. Develop a shallow finger motorcy and attention.

Demonstration material. Pictures of the aircraft, cars, trains and boats.

Handout. Plasticine, blue-color cards, boards for modeling.

Structure occupation

Spread the pictures of the aircraft, cars, trains and boats before children. Describe every subject, and let the guys guess what toy are we talking about:

- She has four wheels. She droves on the roads and carries people. (A car.)

- He is very long and drives along the rails. (A train.)

- He flies in the sky. Made of iron. There are two wings. (Plane.)

- You can swim on it. She is made of wood. (A boat.)

Play the game "What happened?". Children cover their eyes, and you remove one of the four pictures.

Offer to cut out a boat from plasticine. To do this, you need to roll a big ball, roll it between the palms in the movement movements back and forth, flatten and press the middle of your fingers, pull and attach the edges to get a neat boat. Make the oars - roll out the sausages, felt with your fingers from one edge and attach to the side edges of the boat. Put a stand on the cardboard.

Theme of the Week "Winter"

Lesson 14. Snezhinka

(Floating from plasticine)

Software content. Continue to teach scrolls and design from them a conceived object in the form of a bas-relief (the image performs above the background plane). Improve the ability to understand and analyze the content of the poem. Develop a fine motility of fingers, eye meter and imagination.

Handout. Circles from blue cardboard with a diameter of about 12-15 cm by the number of children, white plasticine, stacks.

Structure occupation

Read the children excerpt from poem K. Balmont:

Light fluffy

White snowflake.

What a clean,

What a bold!

Ask children:

- What is the snowflake in the poem? (Bold, clean, white.)

- How else can you describe the snowflake? (Cold, barbed, shiny, etc.)

Offer to portray snowflakes. You need to roll several balls of the same size and roll them into thin sausages. Show children, as on a round cardboard, make snowflake from intersecting in the center and decorate with short sausages or in another way.

Theme of the Week "Winter Fun"

Lesson 15. Skier.

(Laying from plasticine using natural material)

Software content. Learn to sculpt complex objects, combining natural material with plasticine. Exercise in the ability to connect parts by pressing them to each other. Secure the presentation of children about clothes, names of clothing.

Demonstration material. Sample of finished crafts.

Handout. Pine bump, plasticine, 2 wands for ice cream, 2 wooden toothpicks or tubules from juice, computer disc as stand, boards for modeling.

Structure occupation

Ask children:

- What time of year is it?

- What can you do in winter in the street? (Ride on sledding, skiing; sculpt snowballs, fortresses, snowmen.)

Show children a sample of finished crafts and offer to blind the same skier. Children have a bump vertically, sharp end, on top attach a round head, on the sides - hands (columns), from below - legs (slightly flattened thick short columns).

Further, children independently draw up a crawl, attaching plasticine eyes, nose, mouth and cap. The leg legs are attached to two wooden wands from ice cream - skiing, in the hands are given ski sticks - toothpicks (or matches). Be careful with the toothpicks! You can use pipes from juice or plasticized sticks. The finished skier is fixed on the snow (disk) with plasticine. The disc can be issued with snowy snowdrifts.

Lesson 16. Green Christmas tree

(Laying from plasticine)

Software content. Learning to transfer the structure of the Christmas tree, connecting the columns from plasticine of different lengths in a certain sequence. Exercise in the use of stacks. Develop the ability to switch attention.

Demonstration material. Snack Christmas tree.

Handout. Plasticine, standing cards, boards for modeling.

Structure occupation

Read the children poem V. Bardada:

Green Christmas tree,

Fir tree shaggy

Play-ka, Christmas tree,

With our guys.

Children stand in a circle, hold hands. Ask them to show which Christmas trees grow in the forest:

- Wide, - Children make a few steps back, expanding the circle.

- Thin, - the children approach the center of the circle, narrowing the circle.

- High, - all together raise hands up.

- Low, - squatted, hands lowered. Consider the subject of the Christmas tree and determine that

she has a barrel and branches with needles. Offer to blind christmas tree. For the manufacture of a brown plasticine, you need to roll the ball, roll it into the cylinder, causing one side by rolling with pressure between the palms. From small green balls should roll sausages, cut them with a stack for short, medium and long parts. Explain that short sausages must be attached to the tip of the trunk from several sides, just below - the middle of the length of the sausage, and at the very bottom - long. The resulting Christmas tree can be fastened on the stand cardboard, pre-decorating a white plasticine stand (snow).

Theme of the week "Poultry"

Lesson 17. Chick

(Laying from plasticine using additional material)

Software content. Learning to create the desired image from the Kinder Surprise capsule and plasticine. Exercise in the ability to connect parts by pressing them to each other. Continue to encourage children to depict the text of the poem with the help of movements. Develop accuracy and coordination of movements.

Structure occupation

Read together with the children's poem V. Bereshtov "Chickens", depicting called actions:

Tsypa-Tsypa! ATA BATH!

We are chickens! We are chickens!

We are keeper, keys

All we will meet on the way.

And sing, sing, sing:

Piti Piti Pi-Ti!

Offer to make such chickens. Show how to attach the eyes and beak from the brown plastic to the Kinder-surprise capsule, on top to attach a red scallop of three shovels of small balls, and on the sides - yellow wings (flattened balls).

Ask children:

- What chickens did they get? (Funny, small, yellow, funny, friendly, etc.)

Lesson 18. Piggyman

(Laying from plasticine using additional material)

Software content. Learning to create the desired image from the Kinder Surprise capsule and plasticine. Exercise in the ability to connect parts by pressing them to each other. Protect children to relate words and movements of hands, fingers.

Demonstration material. Picture with pigs with piglets.

Handout. Kinder surprises in the number of children, plasticine, stacks, standing stands, boards for modeling.

Structure occupation

Offer children with fingers to portrait piglets (fingers are spread, alternately "go" on the table by each of the fingers):

This thick piglet

All day the tail wieled. (Misintsy goes.)

This thick piglet

The back of the fence is smaller. (Unnamed fingers.)

La-la-la-la, Liu-Liu,

I love pigs.

La-la-la-la, Liu-Liu,

I love pigs. ("Lanterns".)

This thick piglet

The nose of the ground was picking. (Medium fingers.)

This thick piglet

Something there painted. (Index.)

La-la-la-la, Liu-Liu,

I love pigs. (Compress and sprinkle cams.)

This thick piglet -

Lekebeau and fuck, (thumbs.)

Wanted to sleep in the middle

And all the brothers plotted. (Squeeze your hand into the fist, thumb inside.)

Consider images of pigs and piglets. Determine their external features - pointy ears, nose patch, short tail Crochet. Offer each child to cut out of plasticine nose, eyes, ears, tail and legs for a pig and attach to the Kinder Surprise capsule.

Lesson 19. Kottenok

(Plasticine applying)

Software content. Continue to teach waving plasticine inside the specified circuit. Cross the children to portray the words of poem with movements. Develop accuracy and coordination of movements.

Handout. Cardboard with drawn kitten, plasticine, boards for modeling.

Structure occupation

Read the poem with the children, portraying the actions:

All kittens

Soaps Paws:

Like this! Like this!

Soapy ears

Pussy soap:

Like this! Like this!

And then they


Like this! Like this!


Fell asleep:

Like this! Like this!

Distribute the guys cardboard with drawn kittens, ask to decide on the color of the kitten.

Remind how to tear off the piece of plasticine small pieces and smear them inside the outlined circuit. Then make a picture, rolling out of plasticine small balls and make your eyes, nose, mouth, and from thin sausages - mustache. It turned out a funny kitty!

Theme of the Week "Wild Animals"

Lesson 20. Bunny

(Laying from plasticine using natural material)

Software content. Learning to combine natural material and laying from plasticine. Exercise in the ability to connect parts by pressing them to each other. Cross the children to portray the words of poem with movements. Develop accuracy and coordination of movements.

Handout. Acorns, ash seeds, plasticine, standing stands, boards for modeling.

Structure occupation

Stop together with the children a poem V. Horol "Bunny":

There was a bunny,

Long ears.

Restored bunny

Nose on the edge.

Spore spam

Restressed the tail

And I went to warm up

To guests to visit.

There warmly and nice,

Wolf no.

And give carrots for lunch.

Inconsider the children to blind a hare: roll three of the same in the size of the ball, two balls give an oval shape - the paws will turn off, to attach the ball (head) horizontally located, and below two paws.

Then you need to attach eyes and nose from plasticine and ears from the ash seed, do not forget to make a round tail.

Lesson 21. Teremok.

(Floating from plasticine)

Software content. Learning to sculpt the columns and lay out the desired image in the form of a bas-relief of them (the image protrudes over the background plane). Fasten the skill to work with a stack, cut off the extra pieces of columns. Relieve responsiveness and kindness.

Handout. Cut from cardboard Silhouettes of teremkov, plasticine, stacks, modeling boards.

Structure occupation

Ask children to remember the name of the fairy tales:

The house has found a house,

The soot was:

In the house volume in the end

Many residents have become.


Ask children:

- Who settled in Tereme? (Mouse, frog, hare, fox, wolf.)

- What happened to him then? (The bear ruined the house.)

Tell me: "Let's help it forest beasts - Build new turns. "

To do this, it is necessary to roll out several balls in the columns and, starting below, to attach them to a terermatic carved from cardboard. The columns must be located in the form of logs and fit tightly to each other. End, protruding the edges of the gram of the ends, must be trimmed with a stack, especially on the roof. A window is attached to the wall of the terchem. So that we stand, from cardboard or plasticine you can make a stand.

Ask children for whom of the heroes of the tales "Teremok" they did houses. Now the beasts can live in their terme.

Lesson 22. Railway

(Lajk from plasticine. Collective work)

Software content. Continue to pull out from the balls of the columns and make up of them a conceived subject. Fasten the skill to connect parts, pressing them to each other, cut the stack of extra pieces of columns. Develop fine motility fingers.

Handout. Cardboard 8 × 15 cm, a few houses from the designer or teremki, which were done on the past occupation, plasticine, stacks, lining table.

Structure occupation

Start a student with finger gymnastics:

Rails, rails,

Sleepers, sleepers, (on the left palm with the index finger of the right hand draw rails and sleepers.)

Train traded train. (In the index finger on the left hand we carry out a wavy line.)

From the last car,

Suddenly grain fell. (I hit the index finger on the left palm.)

Course came - bored, (we fold the fingers with a keyboard and knock on the left palm.)

Came geese - pinch, (with the fingers with a slightly pinlen left palm.)

Elephant came - Skoptal. (Knocking right fist on the left palm.)

The janitor came - everything was drunk. (Fingers right hand stroke left palm.)

Ask children:

- Why do people train? (Trains carry people from the city to the city.)

- What is needed in order for the train to get to another city? (Railway.)

Build two cities with children from the designer and offer the railway between them. Distribute to children harvested rectangles from cardboard. Ask you to roll two long plasticine columns and secure them on cardboard. Then roll the sleepers and put them across the rails, cutting the extra parts.

Then all the cards are laid out for each other and it turns out a long railwayleading from one city to another.

Lesson 23. Airplanes

(Laying from plasticine)

Software content. Continue to learn to roll off the columns on the cardboard movements back and forth and connect them. Exercise in the use of stacks. Check the ability of children to navigate in parts of the body and face. Develop a shallow finger motorcy and attention.

Demonstration material. An image of an airplane.

Handout. Little airplanes (origami), plasticine, stacks, cardboard stands, boards for modeling.

Structure occupation

Distribute to children on paper airplane. Tell me "fleece fleets, on the nose sat down" (the children omit their plane on the nose). Then on the ear, on the head, on hand, on the stomach, etc.

Offer to make planes. Consider the picture together. Show children how to make an aircraft: pinch a piece of clay, roll out of it between the palms of the ball, and then roll out the column on the cardboard. In the same way, make a second column and flatten it a bit - it will be wings. Attach the flattened column to the first column perpendicularly (cross-crosswise). Hoall up the tail, independently make stand-wheels, you can cut up the portholes or draw their tip stacks. The resulting aircraft children must be located on small cards.

Occupation 24. Cook

(Lajk from the test)

Software content. Launch to sculpt from the test according to his own design. Continue to meet the cook with the profession. Develop a fine motility of fingers and thinking.

Demonstration material. Pan, pan, ball, spoon, salt, toy dog, cabbage, dough.

Handout. Dough, boards for modeling.

Structure occupation

Put in front of the saucepan, pan, ball, spoon, salt, toy dog, cabbage, dough.

Ask guys, which of these items will need a cook in the kitchen.

Show the dog and tell me that it is very hungry. Invite the guys to try yourself in the role of a cook and cook for her from the dough differentty (dumplings, pies, cookies, bread baters, etc.). Children need to come up with themselves that they will sculpt. When the treats are ready, feed the toy dog.

After the test products are frozen, you can paint them with gouache.

Theme of the Week "My Family"

Lesson 25. Matryoshek family

(Laying from plasticine)

Software content. Learn to sculpt the object of oval form by plastic way, to finish from the bottom to the craft for its stability. Continue to acquaint smoothing with techniques. Fasten the ability to decorate the product with bas-relief and with stacks.

Demonstration material. Matryoshki different sizes.

Handout. Plasticine, stacks, boards for modeling.

Structure occupation

Read the children's story Ya. Thai "How much?":

Dad brought Masha Matryoshka and said:

- Here are three toys.

- Why are three? - asked Masha. - One matryoshka.

- one!

Dad opened a matryoshka, there is another, smaller.

- Two?

- Two!

Dad opened the second, and there is another one, the smallest.

- Three?

"Three," Masha laughed.

"Something," said Dad.

Here they are all standing!

Consider with the children of dolls and offer to cut them out of plasticine. Someone will sculpt a big doll, someone smaller, etc.

First you need to cut out the elongated oval, stretch your head with my fingers, smooth out irregularities. In order for the lower part of the nesting lots to be stable, slightly knock it on the laying board. Roll the columns (hands) and attach the sides of the matryoshki.

Decorate the sarafan with bas-relief matryoshki - roll a few small balls, stick between your fingers and attach in the form of flower petals (roses). Make out of plasticine hair, handkerchief. The stack can draw eyes, mouth, nose, flowers on sundress.

The finished mats can be arranged by the growth and play the game "Family".

Theme of the week "Holiday Mom"

Lesson 26. Pendant for Mom

(Clay crafting)

Software content. Fasten the ability to sculpt the ball and flatten it between the palms. Learn to decorate the product using a touch-branch imprint and with stacks. Educating love for mom.

Demonstration material. Cut sample.

Handout. Clay, small twigs of the Christmas tree, ribbons (ropes), stacks, gouache, lining skid.

Structure occupation

Read the children poem V. Russu "My Mom":

Many mothers on white light

Children love them all the soul!

Only mom is alone

Everything is more expensive to me.

Who is she? I will answer:

This is my mom.

Ask children:

- Do you love your mom?

Offer to make gifts for mothers - pendants (show the sample). To do this, roll the ball from clay, flatten it between the palms. While the clay did not dry, press the coniferous twig in the resulting circle, and then take out the imprint.

After that, the pencil should pierce the hole in the ball in order to insert a ribbon into it. At the edges of the cabin, the stack can make small cuts. When the pendant dries, you can paint it in one-year gouache paint and covered with varnish.

Occupation 27. Flower-seven flowers

(Plasticine applying)

Software content. Fasten the ability to apply plasticine on the cardboard with a thin layer. Develop fine motor skills and accuracy.

Demonstration material. Drawn flower-seven-flower.

Handout. Contour images of flowers-seven specials on cardboard (large), plasticine, boards for modeling.

Structure occupation

In advance, introduce children with the fairy tale V. Kataeva "Flower-seven-degree".

Start a lesson with finger gymnastics: "Tight-cool-cool hands." (Rotation of the hands.) Then fingers and palms, depicting some kind of flower, freeze.

Ask children:

- What flower turned out? (Someone has a rose, someone has a tulip, cactus, etc.)

- What fairy tale did we meet with an unusual magic flower? (In a fairy tale about seven-family flowers.)

Remember with children this work and ask who would like to have such a seven-family flowers. What desire would be made by the guys.

Offer everyone to make flowers-seven specials. Consider a pattern of a flower. Please note that every petal of its color (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple). Inconsider children to "paint" every petal, causing a thin layer plasticine.

Theme of the Week "Live Corner"

Lesson 28. Aquarium with fish

(Laper from plasticine using natural material. Collective work)

Software content. Learn to combine natural material (seashells) with plasticine and make up the product according to your own design. Develop the ability of children to guess riddles. Relieve a sense of partnership.

Demonstration material. Image of aquarium. For each subgroup of 4-6 people: the lid from the box (from under shoes), decorated with colored paper under the aquarium (the lower half of the inner part of the box can be placed yellow paper, and the top of the blue)

Handout. Plasticine, seashells, ash ash, pebbles.

Structure occupation

Fight children riddle about aquarium:

Look - the house is worth

To the edges of water is poured,

Without windows, but not gloomy,

Four sides are transparent.

In this house, tenants

All skillful swimmers.

Show the image of the aquarium and ask who can live in aquarium. Offer children to fill the aquarium fish. Break children to the subgroups of 4-6 people. Part of the children will make fish: the shell fill the plasticine, rear will join the seashell of the Claycut in the form of a tail, front-plasticine eyes, from the sides - fins, then fasten their fish in the aquarium with plasticine. The rest of the children at this time can make the decoration of the aquarium: at the bottom lay out the stones, fixing them with plasticine or glue, and from the plasticine sausages to make the algae or twisted coils. Perhaps children will come up with their own options for decorating aquarium.

It turned out a beautiful aquarium.

Theme of the week "Zoo"

Lesson 29. Break

(Laying from plasticine)

Software content. Fasten the skill to roll out of plasticine long sausage, a narrowed down book. Continue learning to decorate the product with bas-relief.

Demonstration material. The image of the beak or the book of Oster "38 Parrots" with illustrations.

Handout. Plasticine, standing cards, boards for modeling.

Structure occupation

In advance, introduce children with a fairy tale or cartoon city of Oster "38 Parrots". At the lesson, read the children's poem by D. Rosalieva "Break":

Udak is big height

Because a long tail.

Consider with children an image of a boa. Determine that he has a slightly distinguished head, a long torso and the tail of the end. Invite yourself to make such a boil from plasticine. Remind children how to make bas-relief flowers: roll a lot of small balls, flatten them (it turns out the petals and the core of the colors). It is necessary to make flowers from petals (petals can slightly find each other) and sequentially glue them along the entire length of the boob.

Theme of the Week "Cosmos"

Occupation 30. Starry sky

(Plasticine stretching)

Software content. Teach children slightly pressed a finger on a small plasticine ball and smear it in different directions in the cardboard. Rail a friendly attitude towards the heroes of fairy tales.

Demonstration material. Book S. Perro "Boy-C-Finger".

Handout. Cardboard of black, purple or dark blue, plasticine yellow, boards for modeling.

Structure occupation

In advance, introduce children with a fairy tale sh. Perro "Boy-C-Finger".

In the class remember this fairy tale relying on illustrations in the book. Having reached the place when the brothers got lost in the forest at night, suggest to light the stars for them, so that it could be seen where to go, and was not so scary.

It is necessary to roll small balls from plasticine, lay each ball on the cardboard and pull the plasticine finger first in one direction, then, returning to the ball, to another. You can roll the sausage and bent slightly, attach to the night sky in the form of a month or make the moon from the drop-down ball.

Now the boys will be able to find the road home.

Theme of the Week "Spring"

Lesson 31. Colored umbrellas

(Laying from plasticine using additional material)

Software content. Secure the ability of children to sculpt the ball and flatten it between the palms, to give the resulting disk the desired form. Fasten the ability of children to decorate the product with bas-relief (floating plasticine). Develop fine motility fingers.

Handout. Plasticine, thin tubes from under juice, stacks, boards for modeling.

Structure occupation

At the lesson, read the children poem P. Sinyavsky "Rain":

Circle colored umbrellas

Revealed in the rain,

Someone's boots

From raining running.

Why is the mother of Akhala?

Pours rain, well, let him!

I'm not at all sugar,

I'm not afraid to miserably.

Ask children:

- Why was mom worried about his child? (He ran in the rain without an umbrella.)

- What time of year do we most often use umbrellas? (Autumn, summer, spring.)

- Does anyone have umbrellas at home?

Since now spring and often come rain, offer children to make umbrellas for themselves. Children need from plasticine to roll the ball, flatten it between the palms, and then give the shape of the umbrella. Decorating the umbrella guys will be oblong and round details of plasticine. Then the umbrella handle (tube) is secured from the bottom with the plasticine rounding at the end.

Theme of the week "Easter"

Occupation 32. Easter egg

(Plasticine applying)

Software content. Continue to acquaint children with the Easter holiday. Improve the skill in the application of plasticine on the cardboard with a subtle layer. Exercise in the decoration of the product with stacks using stacks.

Handout. Cut from cardboard oval in the form of eggs, wax shallow, plasticine, boards for modeling.

Structure occupation

Tell your children about Easter: this holiday is devoted to the resurrection of Christ, whom God sent to Earth to save people. Bells call the bell during this bright holiday. People give each other eggs (symbol of life). Eggs are usually painted or painted. So we will try to decorate Easter eggs today, and then give your moms and dads.

At the beginning of the classes, children paint the egg pattern with wax crayons of different colors so that the egg becomes a motley. Further, the pattern is applied by a thin layer of plasticine (monophonic or multicolored; you can mix several colors in a single piece and apply the resulting plasticine with divorces). The stack is drawn on the plasticine patterns under which the template toned before the shallow appears.

Theme of the week "Toys"

Lesson 33. Pyramid

(Clay crafting)

Software content. Fasten the skill to rot from clay balls of different sizes and flatten them between the palms, have the resulting circles in a specific order. Continue to learn to connect parts by pressing them to each other.

Demonstration material. Pyramid from rings.

Handout. Clay, water bowls, standing stands, boards for modeling.

Structure occupation

Consider with children a pyramid. Discuss that there are large rings at the bottom, and upstairs are small. Give each child to take off the ring, and then ask to collect the pyramid in the right order.

Read the children poem D. Rosalieva:

I build a pyramid

Help me, friends.

Rings are different

Put them on each other.

Offer to make such a pyramid from clay: it is necessary to separate from clay 3-4 pieces of different sizes, roll balls, flatten them between palms and put on each other, starting from the largest. Connection locations need to be lubricated by a small amount of water.

When clay is dry, the pyramid rings can be painted.

Lesson 34. Free topic

(Lajk from plasticine or clay)

Software content. Learning to sculpt from plasticine. Subject according to their own design. Fix previously studied techniques of modeling (rolling, rolling, dropping, indulging, joining and adjusting). Develop a friendly attitude towards others.

Demonstration material. Doll.

Handout. Plasticine, clay, diverse additional material, standing stands, boards for modeling.

Structure occupation

You will beat the situation: Dasha doll came to visit, it is dressed very elegant. Describe with children as dressed doll. Let the guys ask why she is such an elegant.

- Today is my birthday, - answer the doll. - I invite you to visit. Come to me to celebrate your birthday.

Offer children to make a gift for doll. Give each child the opportunity to come up with himself that it will sculpt. Prepare for children additional material that they can decorate the craft. Give gifts a doll.

At the end of the lesson, you can tell the dance "like our name day."

Theme of the week "Insects"

Lesson 35. Snail

(Laying from plasticine)

Software content. Continue to learn to roll out from the ball of the column and turn it into a spiral, pull and round the ends. Exercise children in the loud and clear pronunciation of the words of the song. Develop fine motility fingers.

Handout. Plasticine, short twigs, or matches, standing cardboard, cut from green cardboard in the form of a tree leaves, boards for modeling.

Structure occupation

Let's say along with the children of the German folk song in the retelling L. Yakhtin, with the finger of one hand kids need to draw a snail on the spirals on the palm of the other hand:


Cunning house

Polish along the track

Hallery by palm

Polly, do not rush

Horn show.

Offer children to blind snail. To do this, you need to make a ball from plasticine, roll it into a long column and twist into the spiral, leaving a small piece of the column free. It will be a snail head. From the opposite side - pull the tail. On the head you need to attach two short matches (horns) and eyes from plasticine in the form of small balls.

It turned out a lot of multicolored snails!

Theme of the week "Soon Summer"

Lesson 36. Swan on the lake

(Laying from plasticine using natural material)

Software content. Fasten the ability to combine natural material and plasticine in the art. Exercise in the compound of parts. Learn to complement the arrangement of composite moments.

Handout. Cardboard oval shape, plasticine, acorns, halves of walnut shell, pine needles, modeling boards.

Structure occupation

Read the children poem by D. Rosalieva "Water Queen":

White swan floats

Need proudly she is burning.

And it looks like a bird,

And on the aqueous queen.

Ask children:

- Who is this poem? (About Swan.)

- Where is Swan floats? (On the lake)

Offer to make a swan. Half of the walnut will be a torso, and acorn - head. A long curved neck needs to be made of plasticine sausages, cut out eyes, beak and wings.

It remains to place the lake - to apply blue plasticine on the oval cardboard, consolidate coniferous needles on it (reassembly) and "send swimming" swan.





"Basket with a lingonberry"


"Clown's face"



"Cup and saucer"


"Girl in a dress"

"Table and chair"



"Green Christmas tree"

"Aquarium with fish"





"Family of Matryoshek"



"Color umbrella"

"Easter egg"

"Pendant for Mom"

"Star Sky"

Table of contents

Daria Nikolaevna Doccineal with children is 4-5 years old. Abstract classes

Secrets of work with clay

Annual thematic planning Lrack classes

Abstract classes

Theme of the week "Parts of the Body and Person"

Theme of the week "Fruits"

Theme of the week "Berries"

Theme of the week "In the forest"

Theme of the week "City Birds"

Theme of the Week "Maps and Sedded Birds"

Theme of the week "Autumn"

Theme of the Week "Dishes"

Theme of the Week "Food"

Theme of the Week "Furniture"

Theme of the Week "Clothing"

Theme of the Week "Transport"

Theme of the Week "Winter"

Theme of the Week "Winter Fun"

Theme of the week "New Year's holiday"

Theme of the week "Poultry"

Theme of the week "Pets and their young"

Theme of the Week "Wild Animals"

Theme of the week "Defender of the Fatherland Day"

Theme of the Week "My Family"

Theme of the week "Holiday Mom"

Theme of the week "Houseplants"

Theme of the Week "Live Corner"

Theme of the week "Zoo"

Theme of the Week "Cosmos"

Theme of the Week "Spring"

Theme of the week "Easter"

Theme of the week "Toys"

Theme of the week "Insects"

Theme of the week "Soon Summer"


A summary of the clamping on the topic "Tea Set" in medium group
Software content:
1. To acquaint children with a new element of modeling - edge bent; Fasten the skill to rot the ball, pull, roll the sausage and lubricate;
2. Develop in children the ability to create their own intention;
3. Visit the love of everything beautiful, beautiful.

Preliminary work:
Classes for teaching children with a bowl of a ball, scabing rolling; Reading the fairy tale "Wolf and Seven Cats"

Material and equipment:
A sample is blinded from plasticine, doll tea set (moss, saucer, sugar bowl, cream), envelope with an invitation;
In children: glue, plasticine, napkin.

Travel course:
Conversation with children
- Guys, today we ...
(Knock on the door, envelope)
What is this envelope?! It is written: "From the pedestrian goat." You do not guess from whom it is? And then some postcard.
"Dear Guys! I invite you for my birthday to my goats. Natural goat "
- From what fairy tale is a goat goat? ("The wolf and the seven Young goats")
- Right! But if we are invited for a birthday, then we need a gift?! What can we give?! (options for children)
- Yes, a gift should be big to have enough seven. I have an idea, let's give a tea service, and make it with your own hands.
Sample viewing
- What is included in the tea service? (view and call)
- What is the mug? (Beautiful, multicolored, deep with handle)
- And what kind of saucer? (Round, flat with raised edges)
- And why is it necessary for a saucer? (drinking tea and not burn)
- What is the service from? (Glass, iron, tree, etc.)
- What color can he be? (Multicolored)
Work with plasticine
Imagine that we do not have plasticine, but a special substance.
Work sequence (mirror manufacturing)
1. Take plasticine, do not forget to separate a small piece for the handle
2. Roll off the ball (round like a bun)
3. Finger in pressing, make a deepening
4. From the remaining piece, roll the sausage, make a handle.
5. We attach a handle to the circle and confuse.
(saucer manufacturing)
1. Preparing a ball
2. flatten it between palms, strongly press
3. Fill the edge, raise it (so that tea does not fall)
Analysis of work
Now we put a circle on a saucer. We will put all the "couples" to the tray. Look, we have a very beautiful service.
- What did we do before cutting out both a circle and saucer? (Shot a ball)
- What is missing for a real gift? (pack beautiful)
"We will do this in the next lesson, and now we will wash your hands."

1. M. S.Komarov Classes in the pictorial activity in kindergarten, m.; Enlightenment, 1982
2. I. B. Khalezova, N. A. Korochkin, V. Pantyukhin Laperka in kindergarten, m.; Education, 1986.