Examples of storms. What disasters can bring a sandstorm storm

Dust storm - Strong wind capable of transferring millions of tons of dust at a distance of up to several thousand kilometers.

This phenomenon is, although the meteorological, but associated with the condition of the soil cover and with the terrain. They are akin to snowstorms: For the emergence and those, and others need a strong wind and sufficiently dry material on the surface of the Earth, capable of climbing into the air and for a long time to be there in suspended state. But if for the appearance of blizzards, it is necessary lying on the surface dry, not blind, without nasta the snow and wind speed is 7-10 m / s or more, then for the occurrence of dust storms it is necessary that the soil is loose, dry, deprived of herbal or more The snow cover and wind speed amounted to at least 15 m / s.

Depending on the structure and color of soils blowable by the wind, distinguish black storm (in chernozem), peculiar to Bashkiria, Orenburg region; Brown or yellow storms (on loamy and squeeces) peculiar to Central Asia; red storms (on red-colored stained iron soils), characteristic of deserts and semi-deserts of our country, deserted locations of Iran and Afghanistan); white storms(in Solonchaki), peculiar to some areas of Turkmenistan, Volga region, Kalmykia.

The dust storm in its scale and consequences can be equal to large natural disasters. V. V. Dokuchaev describes this one of the cases of dust storms in Ukraine in 1892: "Not only was completely tedied and carried away from the fields. Thin snow cover, but also a loose soil, naked from snow and dry as ashes, tired by vortices at 18 degrees of frost. Clouds of dark earth dust filled frosty air, loose roads, enjoying gardens - places Trees were listed at a height of 1.5 meters, - lay in shawls and fights on the streets of the villages and greatly hampered the movement railways: I had to even tear the railway gear from the snowdrifts of black dust mixed with snow. "

During the dusty storms in April 1928 in the steppe and forest-steppe areas of Ukraine, the wind raised from the square 1 million km2 more than 15 million tons Chernozem. Chernozem dust was transferred to the West and asslaved on an area of \u200b\u200b6 million km2 in Parcarpathia, in Romania and in Poland. The height of the clouds of dust over Ukraine has reached 750 M.. The power of the chernozem layer in the steppe regions of Ukraine after this storm decreased by 10-15 cm.

The danger of this phenomenon is also in the terrible strength of the wind and the extraordinary impurity of it. With dust storms over Central Asia The air sometimes is saturated with dust to a height of several kilometers. Airplanes who fell into the dusty storm, threatens the risk of destruction in the air or when they hit the land; In addition, the range of visibility in the dusty bora can decrease to tens of meters. There were cases when in the afternoon the phenomenon became dark as at night, and even electrical lighting did not help. If adding that dust storms can lead to the destruction of buildings. Burmoms, not to mention the all-pervaling dust, stinging in the house, soaking the clothes of people, stagging eyes, impellent breathing, will become clear. How dangerous is this phenomenon and why it is called a natural disaster ...

The dust storms are usually for several hours, but in some cases - and a few days. Some dust storms are argued far beyond the turns of our country - in North Africa, on the Arabian Peninsula, from where the air flows enter the clouds of dust.

And here hurricanes with dust storms are not on the way.Dust-sandy storms Sahara can put a cross on the activities of tropical hurricanes in the Atlantic. One of the places where these dangerous vortices are born, is the ocean water area adjacent to western coast Black continent. But as the results of the study conducted by a group of scientists from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, just now, from the depths of the mainland, the eastern winds and put the clouds of sugar sandy dust.

Experts analyzed satellite picturesMade in 1982-2005. And they compared them with the activity of tropical storms. As a result, scientists installed back proportional communication between these phenomena: in those years, severe sandy vortices were observed in Africa, tropical storms were rarely happening, and vice versa - when the storms were almost not there, the storms developed actively.

The mechanism of antiuragan impact is simple. First, the dust-sand substance is heavier than air, and falling down, creates descending air flows that oppress the development of the hurricane. Secondly, a powerful air flow that blows from the continent creates a wind shift in the middle troposphere, which also contradicts the conditions for the formation of tropical vortices. And, thirdly, sand-weighted sand and dust particles absorb part of the hidden thermal energy released during water vapor condensation. Scientists believe that they are only at the beginning of a large research path in this area.

Dusty storm in Texas in 1935

Dust Storm, South Dakota, 1937

Dusty or - these are huge masses of shallow dust And the sand rises by a strong wind into the air, sharply deteriorating visibility. Horizontal length of districts covered dust Buryami, very different - from several hundred meters to a thousand km. The dusting of the atmosphere vertically may fluctuate from 1-2 m to 6-7 km. The main cause of education dust Storms is the turbulence due to the structure of the wind that contributes to the rise with ground surface Particles dust and sand, as well as the wind erosion of the soil.

Preserved documents telling about terrible black bore Spring 1892. She swept over the entire steppe strip and was distinguished by a special force. Busty oriental wind a few days challenged mass sand, chernozem I. dust. All this clouds rose up and merged into an impenetrable veil. Sowing sucked under the root or died out entirely. Dust, raised from the fields, was listed in Poland and Germany, in Finland and Sweden.

In November 1962, the wind raised so much dust in the Arabian desert that the airport was closed in Cairo for several days, and shipping was stopped at the Suez Channel. According to eyewitnesses, in the city there was a "pomestic darkness" - people did not see the fingers on the elongated hand.

Where they swept dry, dry and dying plants, even with a sufficient moisture in the soil, since the root system does not have time to serve a sufficient amount of water into the ground part. With sukhov, the temperature is always above 25 ° C (sometimes exceeds 35-40 ° C) and relative humidity below 30%, the wind speed from 5 m / s and can reach up to 30. Sukhheye is observed mainly in spring and summer in the steppe and forest-steppe zones of the earth Bowl. In Primorye, this phenomenon is rare and is observed mainly in April and not every season. Dry winds are formed as a result of transformation of the air masses of arctic origin or air removal from the desert areas. To combat Sukhovyami, a set of activities are carried out, most effective of which are openwork forest stripes, breaking the air flow into smaller vortices.

Sand storm - view from the plane

Dusty (sandy) storm - the atmospheric phenomenon in the form of transferring large amounts of dust (soil particles, grades) wind from the earth's surface in a layer of several meters high with a noticeable deterioration in horizontal visibility (usually at 2 m, it ranges from 1 to 9 km, but in some cases it may decrease to several hundred and even up to several tens of meters). In this case, there is a rise in dust (sand) in the air and at the same time sedimentation of dust in a large area. Depending on the color of the soil in this region, remote items acquire a grayish, yellowish or reddish tint. It usually occurs when the soil surface and wind speed is 10 m / s or more.

It often occurs in the warm season in the desert and semi-desert regions. In addition to the "actual" dust storm, in some cases, dust from the deserts and semi-desert can be held in the atmosphere for a long time and to achieve almost anywhere in the world in the form of dusty MGL.

Less often, dust storms arise in the steppe regions, very rarely - in the forest-steppe and even forests (in the last two zones, the dusty storm is more common in summer with a strong drought). In the steppe and (less often) forest-steppe regions, dust storms are of early spring, after a slight snowy winter and arid autumn, but sometimes even in winter, in combination with snowstorms.

If a certain threshold of the wind speed (depending on the mechanical composition of the soil and its moisture), the dust and sand particles are pulled off from the surface and transferred by water and suspension, causing soil erosion.

Dusty (sandy) Lotomot - dust transfer (soil particles, grades) wind from the earth's surface in a layer of 0.5 -2 m height, which does not lead to a noticeable impairment of visibility (if there are no other atmospheric phenomena, horizontal visibility at 2 m is 10 km and more ). It usually occurs with dry soil surface and wind speed 6 -9 m / s or more.

Causes of occurrence

With an increase in the stream of wind stream passing over extrained Particles, the latter begin to vibrate, and then "ride". With repeated blows about the Earth, these particles create fine dust that rises in the form of a suspension.

A recent study assumes that the initial sip of grain grain grain induces electrostatic Field. Grooming particles acquire a negative charge that frees even more particles. Such a process captures two times more particles than predicted the theories.

The particles are released mainly due to the dryness of the soil and the amplification of the wind. The winds of the winds of the wind can appear from-to cooling the air in the thunderstorm area with the rain or dry cold front. After passing the dry cold front, the convective instability of the troposphere can contribute to the development of a dust storm. In the desert regions, dust and sandy storms are most often arising due to thunderstorm downstreams and associated with them increase wind speed. Vertical sizes of storms are determined by the stability of the atmosphere and the weight of the particles. In some cases, dusty and sandy storms can be limited to a relatively thin layer due to the effect of temperature inversion.

Sand storm in Australia

Methods of struggle

To prevent and reduce the effects of dust storms, traces of forest stripes are created, snow and water complexes, as well as used agrotechnical Methods such as grassing, crop rotation and contour plowing.

Environmental consequences

Sand storms can move entire dunes and transfer huge amounts of dust, so the front of the storm may look like a dense wall of dust up to 1, 6 km. Dusty and sandy storms coming from the Sahara desert are also known as Samum, Hamsin (in Egypt and Israel) and Habub (in Sudan).

A large number of dusty storms are borne in sugar, especially in Baudele's depression and in the field of convergence of Mauritania's borders, Mali and Algeria. Over the past half a century (since the 1950s), dusty sugar storms increased by about 10 times, causing a decrease in the thickness of the top layer of the soil in Niger, Chad, North Nigeria and in Burkina -Fafaso. In the 1960s, only two dust storms took place in Mauritania, currently observed 80 storms per year.

Sugar dust is transferred through the Atlantic Ocean to the West. A strong day heating of the desert creates a unstable layer in the lower part of the troposphere in which distribute Dust particles. As the air mass transfer (advection) of the air mass to the west over the territory of the Sahara, it continues to heat up, and then, passing to oceanic spaces, passes over a colder and wet atmospheric layer. Such a temperature inversion does not allow layers to mix and allows the dust air layer to cross the ocean. The volume of dust blowing out of Sahara in the direction of the Atlantic Ocean in June 2007 is five times more than a year earlier, which can cool the water of the Atlantic and slightly reduce the activity of hurricanes.

Economic consequences

The main damage caused by dust storms is to destroy the fertile soil layer, which reduces it agricultural Productivity. In addition, the abrasive effect damages young plants. Other possible negative consequences include: a decrease in visibility affecting aircraft and vehicles; reducing the amount of sunlight reaching the surface of the Earth; The effect of thermal "bedspread"; unfavorable Impact on the respiratory system of living organisms.

Dust can also benefit in places of deposition - the Selva of Central and South America receives most of the mineral fertilizers from the Sahara, the lack of iron in the ocean is replenished, dust in Hawaii helps to grow banana cultures. In the north of China and in the west of the USA, the soils with the sediments of ancient storms, called the loss, are very fertile, but are also a source of modern dust storms, with a violation of the binding soil of vegetation.

Extraterrestrial dust storms

The strong difference in the temperature between the ice shell and warm air on the edge of the southern polar cap of Mars leads to the emergence of strong winds that raise huge clouds of red-cryotheal dust. Experts believe that dust on Mars can play the same role as the clouds on Earth - it absorbs sunlight and heats up at the expense of this atmosphere.

Famous dusty and sand storms

Dust Storm in Australia (September 2009)

  • According to Herodota testimonies, in 525. BC e. During the sandy storm in Sahara died fifty thousand The Persian Tsar Cambiza army.
  • In April 1928, in the steppe and forest-steppe areas of Ukraine, the wind raised with an area of \u200b\u200b1 million km ² more than 15 million tons of Chernozem. Chernozem dust was transferred to the West and delzyen on an area of \u200b\u200b6 million km² in Parcarpathia, in Romania and in Poland. The height of dust clouds reached 750 m, the power of the black earth layer in the affected areas of Ukraine decreased by 10 -15 cm.
  • A series of dust storms in the United States and Canada during the dusty boiler period (1930 -1936) forced to move hundreds thousand farmers.
  • In second half day 8 february 1983 of the year stronger dusty storm, appeared on the north australian state Victoria, covered city Melbourne.
  • IN periods multiform drought year 1954 56 , 1976 78 and 1987 91 on the territory North America arose intensive dust storm.
  • Strong dusty storm 24 february 2007 of the year, appeared on the territory western Texas in district cities Amarillo, covered all north part state. Strong wind causing numerous damage harves, roofs and even some buildings. Also strong suffered international the airport megapolis Dallas-FortVort, in hospital appeals people from problems for breathing.
  • IN june 2007 of the year big dusty storm occurred in Karachi and on the territory provinces Sind and Belukhistan, the following per her strong rain led to of death nearly 200 human .
  • 26 may 2008 of the year sandy storm in Mongolia led to of death 46 human.
  • 23 september 2009 of the year dusty storm in Sydney. led to interruptions in motion transportation and forced hundreds human stay at home. Over 200 human appealed per medical help ofper problems from breathing.
  • 5 july 2011 of the year huge sandy storm covered

Dust storm - Strong wind capable of transferring millions of tons of dust at a distance of up to several thousand kilometers.

This phenomenon is, although the meteorological, but associated with the condition of the soil cover and with the terrain. They are akin to snowstorms: For the emergence and those, and others need a strong wind and sufficiently dry material on the surface of the Earth, capable of climbing into the air and for a long time to be there in suspended state. But if for the appearance of blizzards, it is necessary lying on the surface dry, not blind, without nasta the snow and wind speed is 7-10 m / s or more, then for the occurrence of dust storms it is necessary that the soil is loose, dry, deprived of herbal or more The snow cover and wind speed amounted to at least 15 m / s.

Depending on the structure and color of soils blowable by the wind, distinguish black storm (in chernozem), peculiar to Bashkiria, Orenburg region; Brown or yellow storms (on loamy and squeeces) peculiar to Central Asia; red storms (on red-colored stained iron soils), characteristic of deserts and semi-deserts of our country, deserted locations of Iran and Afghanistan); white storms(in Solonchaki), peculiar to some areas of Turkmenistan, Volga region, Kalmykia.

The dust storm in its scale and consequences can be equated to major natural disasters. V. V. Dokuchaev describes this one of the cases of dust storms in Ukraine in 1892: "Not only was completely tedied and carried away from the fields. Thin snow cover, but also a loose soil, naked from snow and dry as ashes, tired by vortices at 18 degrees of frost. Clouds of dark earth dust filled frosty air, loose roads, enjoying gardens - places The trees were listed at an altitude of 1.5 meters, "trees lay and fights on the streets of the villages and greatly made it difficult to move on railways: it was necessary to even tear the railway gear from the snowdrifts of black dust mixed with snow."

During the dusty storms in April 1928 in the steppe and forest-steppe areas of Ukraine, the wind raised from the square 1 million km2 more than 15 million tons Chernozem. Chernozem dust was transferred to the West and asslaved on an area of \u200b\u200b6 million km2 in Parcarpathia, in Romania and in Poland. The height of the clouds of dust over Ukraine has reached 750 M.. The power of the chernozem layer in the steppe regions of Ukraine after this storm decreased by 10-15 cm.

The danger of this phenomenon is also in the terrible strength of the wind and the extraordinary impurity of it. With dust storms over Central Asia, the air sometimes is saturated with dust to a height of several kilometers. Airplanes who fell into the dusty storm, threatens the risk of destruction in the air or when they hit the land; In addition, the range of visibility in the dusty bora can decrease to tens of meters. There were cases when in the afternoon the phenomenon became dark as at night, and even electrical lighting did not help. If adding that dust storms can lead to the destruction of buildings. Burmoms, not to mention the all-pervaling dust, stinging in the house, soaking the clothes of people, stagging eyes, impellent breathing, will become clear. How dangerous is this phenomenon and why it is called a natural disaster ...

The dust storms are usually for several hours, but in some cases - and a few days. Some dust storms are argued far beyond the turns of our country - in North Africa, on the Arabian Peninsula, from where the air flows enter the clouds of dust.

And here hurricanes with dust storms are not on the way.Dust-sandy storms Sahara can put a cross on the activities of tropical hurricanes in the Atlantic. One of the places where these dangerous vortices originate is the ocean water area adjacent to the Western coast of the Black Continent. But as the results of the study conducted by a group of scientists from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, just now, from the depths of the mainland, the eastern winds and put the clouds of sugar sandy dust.

Experts analyzed satellite images made in 1982-2005. And they compared them with the activity of tropical storms. As a result, scientists installed back proportional communication between these phenomena: in those years, severe sandy vortices were observed in Africa, tropical storms were rarely happening, and vice versa - when the storms were almost not there, the storms developed actively.

The mechanism of antiuragan impact is simple. First, the dust-sand substance is heavier than air, and falling down, creates descending air flows that oppress the development of the hurricane. Secondly, a powerful air flow that blows from the continent creates a wind shift in the middle troposphere, which also contradicts the conditions for the formation of tropical vortices. And, thirdly, sand-weighted sand and dust particles absorb part of the hidden thermal energy released during water vapor condensation. Scientists believe that they are only at the beginning of a large research path in this area.

Dusty storm in Texas in 1935

Dust Storm, South Dakota, 1937

Dust Storm, Colorado, 1937

Dusty (sandy) gym. Transfer of dust, dry earth or sand only in the earth's surface, to a height of less than 2 m (not higher than the level of the eye of the observer). [...]

Dust storms are associated with the transfer of a large amount of dust or sand raised from the earth's surface; Particles of the upper layer of drained soil, not bonded by vegetation. The reasons for them can be both natural (drought, dry) and anthropogenic factors (intensive lace breaking, excessive grazing of livestock, desertification, etc.). Dust storms are characteristic mainly for arid areas (dry steppes, semi-deserts, desert). However, sometimes dust storms can be observed in the forest-steppe areas. In May 1990, in the forest-steppes of Southern Siberia, a strong dust storm was observed (the wind speed reached 40 m / s). Visibility has decreased to several meters, protested power supports, powerful trees were turned out, fires were pulled. In the Irkutsk region for 190 thousand hectares were damaged and landing of agricultural crops were died. [...]

Dust storms occur with very strong and long winds. Wind speed reaches 20-30 m / s or more. Most often, dust storms are observed in arid areas (dry steppes, semi-deserts, deserts). Dusty storms irretrievably carry the most fertile upper layer soil; They are capable of dispel a few hours to 500 tons of soil with 1 hectares of Pashny, negatively affect all components of the environment, the atmospheric air, water bodies, are contaminated with the human health. [...]

The dust storm is a phenomenon in which a strong wind (the speed reaches 25-32 m / s) raises a huge amount of solid particles (soil, sand), which are ingested in places that are not protected by vegetation and outlined to others. P. b. It serves as an indicator of irregular agricultural engineering, neglecting to preserve environmental equilibrium. [...]

Dust storms are one of the most dangerous meteorological phenomena. They arise under the influence of both natural and anthropogenic factors and are often associated with the forms of agriculture, which are not relevant to this climatic zone. Many regions of the steppe zone of Russia are exposed to dust storms. [...]

Dust storms are most often observed in the spring when the wind is intensified, and the fields are in the plowing state or the vegetation on them is still poorly developed. There are dust storms in the steppes and at the end of the summer, when the soil dries up, and the fields after cleaning the early springties begin to swallow. Winter dust storms - the phenomenon is relatively rare. [...]

The dust storm is the transfer of dust and sand with strong and long-lasting winds blowing the upper layers of soil. A typical phenomenon in plowing steppes, as well as in semi-deserts and deserts of the United States, China, etc. Zones. [...]

Dust storms arise mainly in the cold period of the year. This most active and dangerous form of deflation contributes to the strong differences of atmospheric pressure on relatively close to each other of extensive territories, low soil moisture, the absence of snow cover on them. [...]

The dusty (black) storm is a very strong wind at a speed of more than 25 m / s, carrying a huge amount of solid particles (dust, sand, etc.), which are ingested in non-vegetation protected places and outlined to others. The dust storm, as a rule, is a consequence of the soil impairment by incorrect agrises: information of vegetation, destruction of the structure, drainage, etc. [...]

The storm is a kind of hurricane, but has a smaller wind speed. The main causes of victims under hurricanes and stormies are the defeat of people flying fragments, falling trees and elements of buildings. Direct cause of death in many cases is asphyxia from pressure, the hardest injuries. Among the survivors there are multiple injuries of soft tissues, closed or open fractures, cranopy and brain injuries, spinal injuries. In the wounds often there are deeply penetrating foreign bodies (soil, pieces of asphalt, glass fragments), which leads to septic complications and even to gas gangrene. Dust storms are especially dangerous in the southern arid areas of Siberia and the European part of the country, as they cause erosion and weathering of the soil, the injury or backbown of crops, the debris of the roots. [...]

Dust storms high speed The wind and after a long arid period are the source of innumerable disasters for the Southeast and the South of the USSR. The most destructive storms in the territory under consideration were in 1892, 1928, 1960 [...]

Dusty storms made tremendous damage to the soil in the Farm of the region of the South of the Great Plains. They became the last warning of the Americans about the plight of the US soil cover. Therefore, in 1935, at the federal level, the soil protection was organized, which was headed by an outstanding specialist in the field of soil science X. Bennet. The survey conducted during this period showed that nationwide measures need to save soil fertility. From 25 to 75% of the upper layer of the soil was destroyed on an area of \u200b\u200b256 million hectares. [...]

DUST STORM. Transferring large quantities of dust or sand with a strong wind - a typical phenomenon of deserts and steppes. The surface of the desert free from vegetation and drained, is a particularly effective source of dusting of the atmosphere. The range of visibility at P. B. is significantly reduced. In the plowing steppes, dust storms fall asleep sowing, blow up the upper layers of the soil, often together with seeds and young plants. Dust can then fall out of air in quantities of millions of tons on large areas away (sometimes thousands of kilometers) from the dust source (see dust drops). P. B. Freds in the USA, China, Oar, in the deserts of Sahara and Gobi, in the USSR - in the deserts of the Turanian lowland, in the predfaccaze and in the south of Ukraine. [...]

Dust storms are a formidable and dangerous manifestation of wind erosion. It occurs on the extensive areas of the weakly protected surface of the Earth of PRN winds of high speed and causes huge damage to the national economy and irreparable and invaluable in money damage fertility of soil. [...]

These dust storms suspended the normal course of life in cities and on farms, interrupted classes in schools, caused new types of diseases, such as "dusty pneumonia", etc., and were an unexpected serious threat to the existence of the population. The area of \u200b\u200barable and pasture lands susceptible to wind erosion in the United States in the field of great plains exceeds 90 million hectares. So sharply affected the consequences of the capitalist use of natural wealth in this country. [...]

Under dust storms, such a meteorological phenomenon is understood, in which a strong or moderate wind from the surface of the Earth, free of vegetation or exhaust a poorly developed herbal cover, dust, sand or minor soil particles rises in the air, worsening visibility from several meters to 10 km. Dust storms occur during a dishonest dry period, often simultaneously with Sukhovyi. The distribution of the number of days with dust storms is largely depends on the relief. The greatest number of days from the dusty storm is observed in the central and eastern areas of the territory. The amount of them for the year on average is 11-19 days. On the plains of the Western Pre-Caucasus, the number of days with dust storms is reduced to 1-4 per year. In the floodplains of rivers, valleys and basins, where the soil is dotted and the wind is somewhat weakened, the number of days with dust storms is reduced. In the mountains and on Black Sea coast Caucasus south of Novorossiysk dust storms are absent. Most often, dust storms are observed in summer and spring. [...]

In 1969, dust storms were on a large square in the European part of Russia - in the North Caucasus and in the Volga region. In the Stavropol Territory M. N. Zaslavsky observed the Pashny plots, where the soil layer was 10-20 cm. During the dusty storm of 1969, winter cultures were killed on a huge area measured by the first million hectares. [... ]

With local dust storms in the conditions of Kazakhstan, BO ranges from 50 to 100 m. Consequently, 5 should be 500-1000 m. [...]

On the repeatability of dust storms, the influence of the underlying surface and the degree of protection of the territory affects the influence of the underlying surface. A prerequisite for dust storms is the presence of a dry fineness, sand or other weathering products. In such areas there is a sufficiently low amplification of the wind (up to 5-6 m / s) for the occurrence of dusty storms. Dust storms are harmful phenomena for grazing and livestock content in areas of distant animal husbandry. [...]

By the time of the dusty storming of April 20, early vegetables crops were shown on the part of this site - carrots, onions, sorrel; Sowing a smooth roller. Part of the unpersonal area was only mongowed, not told. The dusty storm from the rolled part of the site carried a layer of soil 4-5 cm along with the seeds, transferred through the adult forest belt. The non-rolled part of the site was not eroded. In the soil layer 0-5 cm before the start of the dust storm there was the following number of units (in%). [...]


In the winter of 1969, strong dust storms were observed, due to both meteorological conditions (Eastern hurricane winds) and agrotechnical factors. In certain areas of the lower don, a 2-5-centimeter layer of soil was demolished from the surface of the pashnya, and: in the Stavropol Territory - a layer of soil up to 6-8 cm and more. Powerful snow-earth shafts have been formed (up to 25 m and more width, with a height - up to 2 m) at the forest belt. Winter were damaged in Rostov region and Krasnodar Territory Accordingly, it is 646 and 600 thousand hectares. However, crops of winter and irrigation canals, protected by forest belts, especially the meridional direction, was significantly less damaged than in other spaces. It has been established that the main methods of the protection of soils in steppe areas from dusty storms are agro-celloriodation and a high level of agrotechnical work. [...]

Less lengthy are the front dust storms (up to 6-8 hours), while the dust stormy zone storms can continue more than a day. [...]

UV - the maximum wind speed (at the height of the fluger) during the dusting storms of the security 20% (see Table 9.3), m / s; Go - the parameter of the roughness of the field surface, m. [...]

The huge meaning of this phenomenon can be judged by the fact that after dusty storms in 1969. On Don and Kuban, the height of dust shafts, launched on mechanical barriers in the Krasnodar Territory, sometimes reached 5 m. Since the beginning of the formation of the barriers under consideration is often trees Both bushes, it is difficult to exaggerate a positive role (especially in the development of agriculture on large areas) Lesopolos. [...]

In 1957, the data of V. A. Francesoia with employees about the observations of dust storms on the chernozems of the ordinary Kustanai region (Francézon, 1963) were published. The authors selected a layer from 0 to 3 cm from different over the erosion state of the fields and was subjected to structural analysis. As a result, it was concluded that the wind resistance of the soil surface is provided under the content of 40% of the lumps larger than 2 mm in diameter, including the boulder is larger than 10 mm from 10 to 25% ¡. They also marked the high content in the surface layer of the eroding fields of the aggregates with a smaller 1 mm in diameter. The choice of soil-protecting lumps of size is larger than 2 mm in diameter as an indicator of the wind-resistance surface of the soil is not substantiated by any studies. According to the draft analysis, we divided the fractions into two groups - larger and smaller than 1 mm and calculated the indicators of the commerciality for fields undergoing and not subjected to erosion (Table 5). [...]

Naturally, the atmosphere is polluted during volcanic eruptions, forest fires, dust storms, etc. In this case, solid and gaseous gaseous substances fall into the atmosphere, which refer to non-permanent, variable components of atmospheric air. [...]

In Chapter 1, we discussed the role in pollution of the atmosphere of dust emissions of industrial enterprises, thermal power plants, dust storms and other sources of smallest solid particles, dust falling into the atmosphere as a result of human activity. The contribution of technogenic dusting of the atmosphere to albedo changes can be double. On the one hand, a decrease in the transparency of the atmosphere increases reflection and scattering in the solar radiation space. At the same time, the dust of the mountain glaciers and snow-covered surfaces reduces their reflectivity and accelerates melting. [...]

Foresting forest stripes - landing of wood-shrub breeds in the form of a row of bands intended for protection of farmland, gardens from Sukhovyev, dust storms, wind erosion, to improve the water of soil modes, as well as to preserve and maintain a species diversity of agrocenoses (restrains mass reproduction of pests) etc. The forest stripes play a particularly important role in the protection of grain crops during the dusty storms in the arid areas of the country. In 1994, in Russia, investigating forest strips were created on an area of \u200b\u200b7.2 thousand hectares, and pasture protection plantings - 28.4 thousand hectares. [...]

In the eolic seals from the specified parts of the field, deposited in various kinds of obstacles, contained 88.4%: the aggregates are smaller than 1 mm in diameter and only 11.6% soil-protective. A 96.9% collected for two dust storms in dust collectors consisted of erosionless fractions of the soil, and the most aggressive (less than 0.5 mm in diameter) accounted for 81.6%. [...]

The task is to place obstacles in such distances on the path of the flow, on which the content of fine-semes in the stream does not exceed the permissible value, and then the appearance of the dust storm will be excluded. [...]

Aerosols (from Greek. - Air and it. - Colloidal solution) - solid or liquid particles that are suspended in a gaseous medium (atmosphere). Their sources are like natural (volcanic eruption, dust storms, forest fires et al.) and anthropogenic factors (CHP, industrial enterprises, processing factories, agriculture, etc.). Thus, in 1990, in the world, the world was released into the atmosphere of solid particles (dust) amounted to 57 million tons. Especially many technogenic dust are formed when burning stone or brown coal at CHP, in the production of cement, mineral fertilizers, etc. based on the study of content suspended particles in the atmosphere at 100 global monitoring stations (for the period 1976-1985), it was obtained that the most polluted cities are Calcutta, Bombay, Shanghai, Chicago, Athens, etc. These artificial aerosols cause a number of negative phenomena in the atmosphere (photo chemical, Reducing the transparency of the atmosphere, etc.), which is especially harmful to the health of urban residents. [...]

The criteria for assessing green areas and in various natural-climatic regions of the country are ambiguous. For example, specific requirements (respectively, estimates) are presented in the zones of the forest-steppe and steppes - protection against dust storms and sukhovyev, fixing the soil, etc. or in the conditions of the North - the maximum preservation of existing wood-shrub arrays, which are distinguished by increased vulnerability, slow The differences in the formation of the architectural appearance of the city are not less important and so on. Of course, the differences in the formation of the city's architectural appearance are also important. [...]

Under certain conditions, all components of the general circulation of the atmosphere may be accompanied by the phenomenon of soil wind erosion, which leads to the dusting of the atmosphere. In meteorology, the phenomenon of the transfer of soil particles is a strong wind called dusty storm. The horizontal length of the dusty storm is from dozens and hundreds of meters to several thousand kilometers, and the vertical is from several meters to several kilometers. [...]

Of the characteristics of the water regime, the average annual precipitation is the most important, their oscillation, season distribution, the humidification coefficient or hydrothermal coefficient, the presence of dry periods, their duration and frequency, repeatability, depth, the time of establishing and destruction of snow cover, seasonal air humidity dynamics, availability Sukhovyev, dusty storms and other, prosthetic phenomena of nature. [...]

Quarantine weeds propagate together with the seeds of cultivated plants, which contributes to the movement of large volumes of sowing material, food and fodder. Merine inside the country and from abroad. Most often, sources of distribution of quarantine weeds are sites of non-agricultural use, roads, irrigation and drying systems, winds, dust storms, etc. [...]

Studies were carried out in pine island plantings in the Minusinsk and Schirin steppes, of which the latter is distinguished by the large severity of the climate (Fig. 1). For the Shirin steppe of Khakassia, unsustainable atmospheric moistening with fluctuations in annual precipitation from 139 to 462 mm, as well as a very uneven distribution of seasonal seasons are characterized. Permanent and pretty strong winds lead to dusty storms in the winter-spring period of time, about 30-40 days a year the wind speed reaches 15-28 m / s ("Formation and properties ...", 1967). The average annual moisture amount evaporated from the water surface (for Khakassia it is 644 mm), almost twice the annual amount of precipitation. In the year 29 days with relative humidity of about 30%. The greatest dryness of air and soil is observed in spring and early summer (Polezhaeva, Savin, 1974). [...]

Dust, rising from the surface of the Earth, consists of small particles of rocks, soil residues of vegetation and living organisms. The dimensions of dust particles, depending on their origin, are from 1 to several microns. At an altitude of 1-2 km from the surface of the Earth, the content of dust particles in the air is from 0.002 to 0.02 g / m3, in some cases this concentration may increase in tens and hundreds of times, during dust storms up to 100 g / m 'and more . [...]

Wind speed is naturally changing during the day, together with it the intensity of soil erosion processes changes. Obviously, the longer the wind, having a speed more critical, the more soil loss will be. Usually, the wind speed is increasing during the day, reaching the maximum by noon, and in the evening decrees. However, there are cases of cases where the intensity of wind erosion is weakly changing during the day. So, in the spring of 1969 in the Krasnodar Territory, the strongest dust storms continued 80-90 hours continued, and in February of the same year - up to 200-300 hours. [...]

The winds of the southern, south-west and northern directions predominate (Table 1.7). The percentage of days with valves on average is 17-19 with highs in December-March and in August. The average annual wind speed is 3.2-4.3 m / s (Table 1.8) and has a well-pronounced daily course, determined primarily by the daily movement of air temperature (Table 1.9). Daily oscillations are more pronounced in a warm period and less in winter and early spring. The maximum wind speed is celebrated in winter. The average number of days with a strong wind is 27-36 (Table 1.10), and the number of days with dust storms does not exceed 1.0 (Table 1.11). [...]

We present some examples of insulation overlaps that took place in last years Both with natural and industrial pollution. In winter, 1968-69 in the south of the European part of the Soviet Union, mass overlaps of isolation were observed. At the same time, in one power system for several days, 57 overlaps occurred only on in l 220 kV with the insulation of normal execution, as a result of which the power supply of consumers for these lines was interrupted. The cause of ceiling is the contamination of the insulators of soil dust with a large salt content during the dusty storm and the subsequent humidification of the thick fog and the drinking rain while increasing the temperature and humidity of atmospheric air. On a heat power plant, located in the northwestern part of the Soviet Union and operating on shale fuel, wasolating normal execution. With adverse meteorological conditions at this station, it was repeatedly observed overlapping isolation in a normal operational mode. In the winter of 1966, after a long frost period, a sharp warming has occurred, as a result of which there were overlaps of 220 kV disconnectors collected from the support and rod insulators of the KO-400 C. The consequences of this overlap are a large fear of electricity and a disruption of the stability of the power system. Another series of overlaps that took place in recent years near the chemical plants in various parts of the Soviet Union with adverse meteorological conditions and the torch of emissions to the insulators are in fact. For example, with a strong fog and weak wind, from a large petrochemical plant, overlapping outdoor isolation was observed at distances up to 10 km from the source of pollution. Similar floors with the effects of emergency nature were repeatedly observed abroad. [...]

The earth's atmosphere is a mechanical gas mixture, referred to as air, with solid and liquid particles weighted. For a quantitative description of the state of the atmosphere in certain points in time, a number of values \u200b\u200bare injected, which are called meteorological values: temperature, pressure, density and air humidity, wind speed, etc. In addition, the concept of atmospheric phenomenon is introduced under which the physical process is understood by a sharp (high-quality ) Changing the status of the atmosphere. Atmospheric phenomena include: precipitation, clouds, fog, thunderstorm, dust storms, etc. The physical state of the atmosphere characterized by a combination of meteorological values \u200b\u200band atmospheric phenomena is called the weather. For the analysis and rejo. geographic Maps Apply the meaning of meteorological values \u200b\u200band numbers of meteorological values, as well as special weather phenomena, determined at a single moment of time on an extensive one-time meteorological stations. Such cards are called weather cards. Statistical long-term weather mode is called climate. [...]

A variety of water is irrigation erosion. It develops as a result of violation of the rules of watering in irrigated agriculture. Welding upper soil horizons under the influence of strong winds is called wind erosion, or deflation. When the soil deflation loses the smallest particles with which the most important chemicals for fertility are made. The development of wind erosion contributes to the destruction of vegetation in the territory with insufficient atmospheric moisture, the unlimited grazing of livestock, strong winds. She is most susceptible to sandy, as well as fertile carbonate chernozem. During strong storms, the soil particles can be carried away from large areas at considerable distances. According to M. L. IACKSON (1973), on the planet annually up to 500 million tons of dust falls into the atmosphere. From history, it is known that dust storms destroyed unprotected soils of huge agricultural territories of Asia, Southern Europe, Africa, South and North America, Australia. They are currently becoming a national or regional disaster of many states. The loss of soils from wind erosion is in the most catastrophic years to 400 t / ha. In the USA in 1934, as a result of the broken storm in the area of \u200b\u200bthe prairies of the Great Plain, about 20 million hectares of Pashni were turned into romance lands, 60 million hectares sharply reduced their fertility. According to RP Beasley (1973), in the 1930s, there were more than 3 million hectares in this country (about 775 million acres) of strongly derived land, in the mid-1960s, their area decreased somewhat (738 million acres), and In the 70s, she again increased. In pursuit of profits from the sale of grain were pastures and loving slopes. And it instantly affected the stability of soils from dispelling. Harvest losses on such soils today are 50-60%. Similar phenomena are found everywhere. [...]

Since 1963, the aerodynamic installation of PAO-2 began to explore erosion processes. This device has given the opportunity to experimentally study soil eroding processes by wind. The principle of operation of the device consists in the following: above the limited area of \u200b\u200bthe soil surface (in the field or in the hospital over the artificially created platform with the specified roughness parameters), an artificial airflow is created similar to the natural wind; When the air flow moves over the soil surface section, the soil and transfer of soil material occurs, which is also like the natural eroding of soil by the wind during dusty storms; The portion of the finely portable fineness is captured by dustying tubes installed at different height above the surface of the soil, and is deposited in cyclones. In terms of the number of PAU-2 of the soil material from the surface of the site during the experiment, they are judged by the erodability of this soil (Bocharov, 1963). [...]

A typical desert aerosol consists of 75% clay minerals (35% of montmorillonite and 20% of kaolinitis and iris), 10% is calcite, and 5% - quartz, potassium nitrate and iron compounds lemonitis, hematite and magnetite with admits of certain organic matter . According to the string 1A Table. 7.1, the annual products of mineral dust varies widely (0.12-2.00 gt). With a height, the concentration decreases, so mineral dust is observed mainly in the lower half of the troposphere to the heights of 3-5 km, and over the districts of dusty storms - sometimes up to 5-7 km. In the distribution of mineral dust particles, there are usually two maxima in the ranges of large-dispersed (mostly silicate) fractions r \u003d 1 ... 10 μm, which significantly affects the transfer of thermal radiation, and the submicron fraction R [...]

As between all natural processes, there is a mutual connection between natural disasters. One catastrophe affects the other, it happens that the first catastrophe serves as a starting mechanism of subsequent. The genetic dependence of natural disasters is shown in Fig. 2.4, the arrows depicted the direction of natural processes: the arrow is thicker, the time is more clear. The most close dependence exists between earthquakes and tsunami. Tropical cyclones almost always cause floods; Earthquakes can cause landslides. Those, in turn, provoke floods. Between earthquakes and volcanic eruptions Communication Mutual: An earthquakes are known caused by volcanic eruptions, and vice versa, volcanic eruptions caused by earthquakes. Atmospheric perturbations and abundant rains can affect the fading of the slopes. Dust storms are a direct consequence of atmospheric perturbations. [...]

An admixture of chipped material is represented by field spatts, pyroxen and quartz. Field spat, pyroxes and montmorillonitis come from intrao-economic sources, and in particular the latter - as a result of underwater decomposition of basalts. The chlorine terrigenous comes from areas with the development of rocks of low metamorphism. Quartz, Illitis and at least kaolinite are taken into the ocean, as suggested by high-rise atmospheric inkjet streams; The contribution of the eolo material to the pelagic clay is probably from 10 to 30%. A well-studied supplier of a clay substance in deep-water basins of the Atlantic is the sugar desert - the material of the dusty boots of Africa can be traced until the Caribbean. The eolic clays of the Indian and Northern part of the Pacific Ocean are probably due to the removal of dust from the mainland of Asia; The source of eolo material in the southern part of the Pacific Ocean is Australia. [...]

Another factor violating the soil cover is soil erosion. This is the process of destruction and demolition of soils and loose breeds of water flows and wind (water and wind erosion). Human activity accelerates this process compared to natural phenomena at 100-1000 times. Over the last century, more than 2 billion hectares of fertile agricultural land are lost, or 27% of agricultural land. Erosion takes together with water and soil biogenic elements (P, K, 14, CA, MGI) in quantities of much greater than entered with fertilizers. The structure of the soil is destroyed, and its productivity is reduced by 35-70%. The main reason for erosion in the improper treatment of lands (during a decay, crops, weeding, harvesting, etc.), leading to breaking and grinding the soil layer. Water erosion prevails in places intensive rains and when using springs in places of fields of surfaces of fields, Sadlovin. Wind erosion is characteristic of areas with elevated temperatures, insufficient moisture in combination with strong winds. So, dust storms carry up to 20 cm of the soil layer along with crops.