The island state of Samoa. Photo of Samoa. School encyclopedia Samoa form of government

Where is Samoa located on the world map. Detailed map Samoa in Russian online. Satellite map Samoa with cities and resorts. Samoa on the world map is a state located in the Pacific Ocean, in its southwestern part on the archipelago of the same name between New Zealand and the Hawaiian Islands.

The country is characterized by exotic virgin nature, beautiful landscapes and lush vegetation. The capital is the city of Apia. The official languages ​​are English and Samoan.

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Population of Samoa- 190,372 people (2013)
Capital of Samoa- Apia
Samoa dialing code - 685
Internet domains Samoa- .ws
Languages ​​used in Samoa- Samoan language, English language

Climate in a country depends on the region. Thus, in western Samoa, a tropical humid climate zone prevails, where on average the air temperature remains within +25...+27 C. In other regions, it is at most a little cooler, due to more precipitation and strong winds. There are two seasons - wet (rainy season) and hot dry.

Although Samoa– is considered an exotic country and more suitable for relaxation; there is something to see here. First of all, tourists will be interested in the island of Upolu, where the center of Polynesian art is located, Paradise Beach, the Stevenson Museum and the Samoan Village Museum, where you can get acquainted with the national culture of the Samoans, as well as the Papasea rock, which is a five-meter descent, leading to the forest lake. There are also many other interesting structures in Samoa. For example, churches that are located near the capital. The largest of the churches is Catholic, located on the coast.

Tourism in Samoa is actively developing. Samoa Islands considered one of the best places for diving and beach holiday. Best beaches and the resort are located on the southern shore of Upolu: Aganoa, Matareva, Salamuma and others. Diving enthusiasts also come here, as there are beautiful coral reefs on the southern shores. The western coast of the state is perfect place For active rest. Tourists have the opportunity to go boating or canoeing, cycling and much more.

Who hasn’t dreamed of going to exotic islands lost in the ocean in order to take a break from all its benefits, far from civilization? Incredibly beautiful sandy beaches, the hot sun, giving the body a chocolate tint, picturesque landscapes surprise even the most experienced travelers. Due to their remoteness from the whole world, tropical paradises are extremely attractive for world tourism. The leaders of relaxing holidays - the islands of Hawaii, Galapagos, Samoa - are of volcanic origin. It is all the more interesting to visit fantastically beautiful lands created without any human intervention.

Samoa Islands - where is it?

In the Pacific paradise there are islands that became independent more than fifty years ago. Untouched by civilization, they are a real find for all those who like to travel and sunbathe, while enjoying underwater views and local landscapes. The country includes 10 of them that accept travelers, while the rest are either small or uninhabited.

Excursion into history

The volcanic archipelago, according to researchers, was inhabited in the 5th century AD, and later it became a developing center of Polynesian culture. A navigator from the Netherlands discovered the Samoan Islands in Pacific Ocean for Europeans at the beginning of the 18th century. The French explorer Bougainville visits the archipelago a few years later during his expedition around the world. Until the end of the 19th century, no one was interested in the fate of the archipelago, until the rivalry between America, Germany and Great Britain began for the right to own it. According to the Treaty of Berlin, the islands were divided: Western Samoa, which gained independence sixty-three years later, went to Germany, and the eastern part was taken over by the United States.

American (Eastern) Samoa

The small part of the archipelago that went to America consists of seven small islands. Residents living here do not participate in presidential elections and are not US citizens, but are under their protection. The surface of the earth here forms high Mountain peaks, and most villages are located in coastal areas.

Sights of American Samoa

Tourists dreaming of a secluded holiday visit the deserted island of Aunnu. The picturesque landscape will help you take a break from the hustle and bustle of city life, and silence will be a real gift for dreamy lovers. It is very dangerous to approach the quicksand for which the island is famous, so it is better to admire their continuous play from afar.

American Samoa is also famous for the fantastically beautiful Maamaa Bay with huge stones of the most bizarre shapes, on which rolling waves break into tiny particles of water. A small section of the deserted coast attracts with its unearthly beauty. You can’t leave without taking a photo against the backdrop of the billowing, as if boiling, water in the bay.

The capital of Pago Pago is considered authentic. Poor wooden huts are combined with beautiful buildings in an exotic style. The small town is extremely popular with tourists who are in a hurry to stroll through the small streets with expensive restaurants and fashionable hotels. The parking lot of expensive liners and the Haydon Museum, which visually represents the art of the islanders, leave a lasting memory unforgettable experience. True, tourists note the specific smell of the capital due to the close location of fish factories, which you need to get used to.

Western part of the Samoan archipelago

The independent islands of Samoa are located in the very center of Polynesia and consist of two relatively large ones (Upolu and Savaii), but occupying ninety-six percent of the total area of ​​the country, on which almost the entire population lives, and another eight small and uninhabited ones. Mountainous terrain The island is associated with high tectonic activity. The capital of the state is the small town of Apia, built up with European-style houses, but at the same time preserving

The island of Upolu (Samoa) is extremely attractive for vacationers. The most popular beaches are located there, and one stands out with its exotic black sand. Lake Lanotoo, not very well known to tourists, with cool water of a dark emerald color, is simply teeming with small golden-colored fish that are not afraid to swim up to the hands of people. And ancient legends say that no one knows its exact depth, although many tried to reach the bottom, but did not succeed.

The island in the Samoan archipelago is home to the main attraction - a pool formed by nature itself inside the crater of a long-extinct volcano. Locals They have long ago equipped a deep pond for swimming, constructing a staircase and a makeshift pier, and hundreds of travelers admire the crystal clear water.

The original islands of Samoa. How do they live there?

All tourists note the very friendly attitude of the indigenous people, whose culture is traditionally supported by the principles of respect for each other. The bulk of the island's population are Christians, but there are friendly co-existing representatives of other religions. The aborigines live in single communities, which are the main unit of society of the archipelago and consist of several generations of relatives. The highest status is held by the chief, who heads Samoan society and is responsible for all areas of family affairs.

Residents honor ancient culture, combining religious beliefs with local traditions, observing all international and local holidays. Being a Christian Samoa holds various festivals to observe religious rituals. In addition, the islands are famous for their colorful dance and song festivals, in which the entire local population takes part, and visitors are amazed at the rich life of the aborigines.

Picturesque landscapes

Vacationers appreciate unusual nature, the mountainous terrain of which represents the tops of volcanoes, whose active activity ended more than a hundred years ago. Once upon a time, erupting lava flowed along the mountain ranges of rocks, but now the erupting lava has frozen. The awe-inspiring islands of Samoa are covered with tropical thickets of ferns, bamboo, and mangrove forests growing in clear water. Especially rich West Side valuable wood, which is used by the local population to build houses. But they are deprived of fertility, with the exception of cultivated coastal areas.

Stevenson's last refuge

Samoa Islands became last refuge author of an adventure book about pirates. Stevenson, who bought land on the island, fiercely defended the rights of the local population during the period of division of the country between large states, after which he gained fame as a hero. They buried him on the top of the mountain, hewing the rock like a sarcophagus and strictly prohibiting the use of firearms, so that no noise would disturb the writer’s spirit, and only the birds would sing their songs at his grave. For all tourists who dare to climb to heights, two interesting routes. Without knowing it, Stevenson turned a visit to his resting place into a little adventure. It must be said that the natives remember him to this day: hotels, streets and cafes are named after the author of “Treasure Island”, and tourists are invited to visit the writer’s museum located on Upolu.

An unforgettable holiday on the islands

To visit the island, it is best to plan your vacation from the beginning of May to the end of October. Clear weather without rain or strong hurricanes will leave many pleasant impressions. The tropical climate attracts numerous tourists who do not like the sweltering heat, because all year round the average temperature on the island is twenty-six degrees.

What do travelers to Samoa need to know? The ocean and snow-white sand, which is so pleasant to lie on, are the key moments of relaxation for all visitors. Entrance to the beach costs money, this small but mandatory fee goes towards community expenses. Additional payment is also taken from fishermen, whose catch is perceived as some kind of threat to the country, which lives on the gifts of the ocean. All divers on the planet dream of visiting American Samoa, which provides diving services in areas of sunken ships and coral reefs, but it is worth mentioning that it is impossible to get there without a US tourist visa.

Safety regulations

Before setting foot on islands remote from civilization, you should take care of your health. To do this, vaccinations against hepatitis, cholera, polio, yellow fever are given in advance, and on the island it is necessary to use special means against mosquito carriers various diseases. The water in the country is chlorinated, but for visitors it is best to use boiled water. All tourists must follow the rules and remember that it is prohibited to drink alcohol on the street and the beach, and on Sunday alcohol is sold only in local hotels and only to guests of the country.

The tropical islands of Samoa seem to be created by nature for unforgettable holiday. It’s probably still worth going a long way to fully enjoy unique nature and unique views that amaze the imagination.

Upolu is located 13 km southeast of the island of Savai'i, on the other side of the Apolima Strait and is the most populated island of the Samoan archipelago. Exploring the island is easy. Located in the west of the island international Airport Faleolo, in the north is the capital of Samoa - Apia. Along its entire coastline there is good road, which goes into the center, connecting Apia with the southern coast.

The island is mountainous; the Upolu ridge stretches along its entire length, formed from numerous extinct volcanoes. For tourists who love a secluded holiday, their favorite place is the southeastern coast of the island of Upolu. There are many inconspicuous beaches hidden among mountains, and near the coast there are four uninhabited islands Aleipata, famous for its rich underwater world and nesting sites for many seabirds.

The northern and eastern parts of the island are elevated and dotted with numerous mountain ridges and gorges, while wide plains extend to the northwest. Here you can visit the Stevenson Museum, numerous centers of traditional Polynesian art and the Samoan Village Museum, relax on the famous "Paradise Beach", scuba dive, go ocean fishing or get to know the nature of the island's interior.

The southern part of the island is rich in coastlines dotted with palm groves. This area allows you to enjoy relaxation in the lap of nature, magnificent coral reefs and sapphire blue lagoons.

Apolima Island

Apolima, along with Manono, Upolu and Savaii, is included in the list inhabited islands Samoa. It is not only the smallest at about 1 km2, but also the most isolated and sparsely populated island, with a total of no more than 150 people living on it. Apolima is one of the least untouched places in the region and lies away from popular tourist routes.

To rest here, you will need to receive an invitation from one of its villagers. Moreover, it is not so easy to get to the island; planes and ships do not fly here - the only way to get to it is an agreement with the aborigines, who, for a very small monetary reward, deliver everyone to their destination. The island is almost entirely composed of fossilized ancient lava flows, looking like a destroyed volcanic crater with steep cliffs on the outer ring.

If you still dare to hit the road, your efforts will be completely justified, since everyone who has visited such an unexplored island claims that they have never experienced a greater feeling of solitude with nature and isolation from the whole world in their lives. Therefore, we can confidently say that virgin and amazing place, which, combined with beautiful nature, clean coastal waters, a tropical climate and a good-natured population, is a real paradise for a modern person who is tired of the benefits of civilization and wants to retire in the lap of nature.

Manono Island

Manono is one of the four inhabited islands of Western Samoa, located in the Apolima Strait and has an area of ​​only 3 km². The population is only 889 people and is almost evenly distributed between four villages: Apai, Faleu, Lepuia and Salua. The small volcanic island of Manono is practically unknown outside the country itself. Despite this, it is fraught with many riches and interesting recreational opportunities.

There are a lot of little ones on Manono cozy beaches, which are surrounded by palm groves and even equipped with “fales” for overnight stays. On West Bank, which is cut by lagoons and bays with clear blue water, you can always swim, sunbathe or snorkel - exotic species of fish live here. To get a deeper feel for the atmosphere of the island, you can completely immerse yourself in local life. Taste local cuisine from an umu earthen stove, go fishing with the villagers, stay overnight in an open-air “fala” and chat with the islanders, who will be happy to show you how they weave, cook, pick fruit and spend free time. In addition to natural beauties, the island has historical monuments, the most famous of which are the “Mound of the Star” on the top of Mount Tulimanuiva and the “Tomb of 99 Stones”, which were created in the 9th–11th centuries AD. e.

Savai'i Island

Among the Samoan islands, Savai'i is the largest. It is located west of the island of Upolu. The main difference of Savaii is considered to be the perfectly preserved natural world, as if no human had ever set foot here. Although if you look closely you can find several very ancient Polynesian villages. In the depths of the island of Savaii there are uniquely beautiful caves, some of which are more than hundreds of meters deep. Most of them appeared after the eruption of a huge volcano.

The island of Savaii is loved by extreme tourists traveling light. This is one of the secluded places where you feel far from the bustle, cities and all the benefits of civilization.

The relief of the island is very diverse: South coast covered with rocks and cliffs, and north coast more flat and gentle. On the northern shore there is a large natural bay called Mataatu, which is famous for its beauty and picturesqueness. In the center of the island is the Tafua volcano, which last erupted in 1911. The climate is tropical, so the weather is always warm and humid.