The meteorite will fly by on October 12. “Second Chelyabinsk”: an asteroid the size of a house will fly past the Earth

For a long time there have been frightening rumors about the approaching end of the world. It should come as a result of the Earth colliding with a certain invisible planet Nibiru, which wanders around solar system.

Some scientists claim that mysterious planet was mentioned in ancient Sumerian manuscripts. Its symbol is a winged disk, which can be found in the myths of the Ancient Eastern peoples.

The latest news about the approaching end of the world came from the famous numerologist David Mead. According to him, the appearance of Nibiru was expected back in September. But this never happened. Experts are also confident that the end of the world will still happen, but it will happen after one and a half million years.

At first, Mead said that flying Nibiru would become noticeable during solar eclipse, August 21, 2017. But there is no information from astronomers that anyone has seen something similar.

The next statement from David Mead stated that Nibiru should be expected from September 20 to 23. At this time, the prophecy of Isaiah described in the Bible should come true: “Behold, the day of the Lord is coming, fierce, with wrath and burning fury, to make the earth desolate and to destroy its sinners from it. The heavenly stars and luminaries do not give light from themselves; the sun darkens when it rises, and the moon does not shine with its light.”

None of the numerologist’s prophecies have yet come true, but Mead continues to confidently insist that Nibiru will arrive.

Serious scientists also believe that the biblical prophecy can come true and “the Earth will move from its place.” But this will not happen as soon as Mead believes.

A star from the constellation Serpens, called Gliese 710, can really cause great harm to the Earth. It is approaching the Solar system at a speed of several tens of kilometers per second. Russian scientist Vadim Bobylev warned about its possible arrival.

The distance between Earth and Gliese 710 is currently 63 light years, but it is getting smaller every day. It is unlikely that it will collide with the Sun or another planet. Another danger is more real. If the star gets close enough, its gravitational field can cause cometary bombardment. The force of impact of even the largest of the comets on Earth will lead to an inevitable apocalypse.

The first information about Nibiru was received from Zecharia Sitchin, an American writer, supporter and popularizer of the theory of paleocontacts and the alien origin of man. Sitchin dedicated his book “The 12th Planet” to Nibiru, the content of which was based on ancient legends. He claimed to be the only person who had succeeded in deciphering Sumerian writings on clay tablets.

In The 12th Planet, Sitchin wrote an entertaining story, including fiction, distorted quotes and incorrect translations. He considered himself an interpreter of the Bible and an expert in ancient languages. However, his only skill was to combine his translation of the Bible with his own explanation of the Sumerian texts.

The opinions of modern scientists about the real existence of Nibiru differ.

Another asteroid is flying towards Earth, this time twice the size of its famous “Chelyabinsk” predecessor. The celestial body, called TC4, will fly approximately 44.88 thousand kilometers from Earth. According to scientists, this is a very short distance, writes Komsomolskaya Pravda.

“The asteroid will fly past our planet on October 12. According to our calculations, at 7:42 Ural time (5:42 Moscow time),” said the Department of Astronomy, Geodesy and Environmental Monitoring of the Ural Federal University.

Astronomers reported that it is about 40 meters in diameter and its speed reaches 27.5 kilometers per second.

Probably, the expected asteroid is really not an ordinary phenomenon, since scientists in Europe have also become interested. The fact that on October 12 a large one will fly past the Earth heavenly body, experts from the European Space Agency previously reported. According to agency director Rolf Densing, it will fly to Earth - only 44 thousand kilometers.

Interest in astronomical phenomena is regularly fueled by reports of the appearance of another celestial body near the Earth. For example, on the night of September 12 this year, a fireball flew over St. Petersburg and exploded. Scientists at the Pulkovo Observatory said that the phenomenon raised a lot of questions for them.

According to observatory representative Sergei Smirnov, the scientific community learned about the appearance of a celestial body only from social networks. Astronomers could not observe the flight themselves, and the video recordings do not match the time the event was recorded. So, it is difficult to determine whether it burned up in the atmosphere or managed to reach the Earth. This is where the main difficulty lies. However, Smirnov noted that such phenomena are not uncommon. The latest incident caused a stir only because it flew over a populated area and many residents.

Three days earlier, residents observed a similar phenomenon Krasnodar region, where an unknown fireball fell. Witnesses to the incident described how a bright “fireball” flew quickly from south side sky to the north. Then the celestial body split into several parts, less bright than the core, and.

“Now I’m next to the “Bridge of Kisses” in Krasnodar, a huge fireball flew towards the Turgenevsky Bridge. The ball fell slowly and then disappeared,” one of the eyewitnesses said then.

In July, scientists reported that a giant comet had appeared in the Milky Way, approaching Earth at tremendous speed. At the same time, astronomers noticed that the celestial body was flying towards the Earth. The critically short distance may be reached in 2022.

Scientists approached the study of the new astronomical favorite on a grand scale and gave the comet the name “mother Tunguska meteorite" In addition, astronomers intend to form an international expert commission. Together, scientists are going to protect earthlings from a possible catastrophe.

Another case was recorded in March, when at a distance of 17 thousand kilometers. By the way, it exceeded the diameter by ten meters " Chelyabinsk meteorite", NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory reported.

Meteorite measuring 18-20 meters above Chelyabinsk region February 15, 2013. Many residents witnessed with their own eyes how it exploded at an altitude of 23 kilometers above the city, and a shock wave passed along the ground. There was no time for jokes then: destruction was recorded in dozens settlements areas.

There is still no exact data on how many people were injured then. We are talking about 1–1.2 thousand people. Mainly from broken glass fragments.

Then, on the same day, an earthquake of magnitude 4 occurred a few kilometers from the center of Chelyabinsk. Locals, according to them, as if they felt a nearby explosion. The shock wave spread 130 kilometers in length and 50 in width. The phenomenon aroused keen interest not only among network users who watched the video of the fall dozens of times, but also among respected scientists. It is currently known that the meteorite once broke off from an even larger asteroid.

The Chelyabinsk meteorite was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the most dangerous. The authorities estimated the damage from his invasion at approximately one billion rubles.

After this, in the Russian scientific world, experts started talking about creating a program to counter space threats. In the year of the meteorite fall, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and Roscosmos even gathered to create and develop technologies that would repel meteorite attacks. However, scientists note that over the past four years it has not been possible to achieve noticeable success in this direction.

Science news today: “predictor” David Mead announced new data regarding the coming end of the world. Nibiru began to act, nervously dragging us into the coming Apocalypse.

The scientist still does not give up his words, calling September a landmark month, and October the beginning of the Apocalypse. David Mead in his last interview justified himself regarding the unreliable date of the end of the world and announced that the Apocalypse had already arrived, just not in the way everyone expected.

Will the world end on October 12, 2017: facts

The numerologist says that September is the “sign month” and October is the “action” month and that he still does not give up his calculations and believes in the prophecy. Mead bases his predictions on a comparison of biblical verses with the real movements of stars, the website reports. According to his calculations, the lines in Revelation indicate that the apocalypse will begin when Jupiter, the Moon and the constellation Virgo line up. Despite the fact that this event occurred on September 23, and Planet X never appeared, the numerologist said that the culprit was the unclear timeline indicated in the source.

"The Book of Revelation is written in a non-linear sequence," Mead says. "You can't pinpoint an exact week or even month for an event. However, you can pinpoint a yearly range. You can even pinpoint a season—this fall, for example—as the starting point."

“I have definitely identified October as the beginning,” continues the pseudo-scientist-prognosticator. “I said that October will contain serious events.”

"That means even if I'm off by four weeks or six weeks, don't worry about it because it all starts this fall."

Among other things, Mead assured believers that the Rapture - when righteous Christians will be taken into heaven to escape the Tribulation - will also occur in October.

Will the world end on October 12, 2017: predictions, true or false

Back in September, the end of the world was expected according to the forecasts of David Mead, who predicted a collision with Nibiru. Later, information appeared in the press that this did not happen due to the influence of mystical forces. And now for the next seven years, disasters will occur on Earth. The end of the world is associated with solar flares, due to which humanity simply will not be able to live on the planet soon. But it is worth noting that flares often occur on the Sun.

Definitely, no one can answer the question of whether there will be an End of the World or not. So we can only hope that earthlings will again survive the information surge about the End of the World and our Earth will remain unharmed.

Three ends of the world for the next ten years. Don't forget to mark it on your calendar

You and I have experienced so many ends of the world, including the very last, loudest one, which marks exactly five years this December. Well, for those who in 2012 breathed a sigh of relief, deciding that the good old Mayan Indians had made a mistake after all, and a custom-built bunker with a ten-year supply of stewed meat and canned fish could be safely sold or converted into a cellar, we have there is great news.

Don't be discouraged, if you're lucky, your investment in drinking water, matches and three hundred kilograms of sugar can still pay off, because in the next ten years we will have a couple more significant dates. So, we present to you the top three closest dates for the end of the world, which every lover of dubious prophecies simply must mark on their wall calendar.

Blue Death Star from the Hopi Indians – 2018

The Hopi Indians, who live in Arizona, are one of the largest tribes in America, which, of course, also could not do without their own version of the end of the world. By the way, a party is expected literally next year. Such a close end was promised to the world by a certain leader White Feather in 1958, based on nine ancient Indian prophecies (not to be confused with the Ancient Scrolls from the game of the same name, everything is serious here).

The first two prophecies about white-skinned people and wagons filled with voices are attributed by the Indians to the first arrival of Europeans in America. The next prophecy about “an unprecedented beast in the form of a bull that will sweep through the world” allegedly came true when the meat industry began to actively develop in the state. Three more prophecies about iron snakes, a giant web and stone rivers (railways, telecommunications and highways), according to White Feather, have also already arrived. As for the last three predictions of the shaman, there is still room for imagination. "A blackened sea that will bring death to all its inhabitants" is associated with an oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010. “The coming of long-haired boys and girls who will glorify ancient traditions” is compared with the hippie movement.

Finally, the last prophecy, which supposedly should come true in 2018, is a huge “blue star that will strike the earth and leave nothing living on it.” In general, if you believe the Indians, then we have only two options left: either young ladies will never be able to lose weight by the summer of 2018, or the old shaman was mistaken by a couple of years and simply predicted the phenomenon of Conchita Wurst for us.

The second coming from the author of the horoscope for dogs – 2020

The famous medium and psychic Jean Dixon became a fairly well-known figure of the 20th century and became famous not only for whispering the future into the ears of Nixon and Reagan, but also as the author of the world's first horoscope for dogs (yes, finally someone gave us that , what we dreamed about). It goes without saying that such a famous madam also did not deny herself the pleasure of prophesying the date of the end of this mortal world.

If you believe Dixon's prophecy, the mess will begin in 2020, when a loud voice proclaims the epic phrase “This is the end!” to the whole world. This will serve as a signal for the Second Coming of Christ, who will fight Satan for seventeen years, after which all this disgrace will ultimately end with the end of the world in 2037.

A hodgepodge of the Messiah, Vishnu and British scientists - 2026

In June, the inhabitants of the Earth will be able to observe a comet, the diameter of whose “head” is larger than Jupiter, and the length of the tail is a million kilometers

Comet C/2009 P1 was discovered in 2009 by Australian astronomer Robert McNaught. It will reach its minimum distance with our planet on June 15. On this day, the distance from it to our planet will be about 170 million kilometers (1.135 astronomical units). On July 2, the comet will approach the minimum distance to the Sun - 60.5 million kilometers (0.405 astronomical units). With its brightness, it can outshine its predecessor, the Great Comet of 2007, also discovered by McNaught and named C/2006 P1.

In mid-June, residents Northern Hemisphere will be able to see this celestial body with the naked eye (in August it will move to the sky of the Southern Hemisphere). It is now visible through binoculars before dawn in the northeastern part of the sky, in the constellation Perseus.

By now, the comet has reached an impressive size. The diameter of the comet's "head", or coma - a cloud of gas around its core - exceeded the diameter of Jupiter, and the length of the tail is a million kilometers.

Comet McNaught's gas cloud has a beautiful greenish tint. As the portal Weekjournal.Ru writes, this is explained by the fact that the radiation of the Sun “highlights” two gases: cyanogen and diatomic carbon.

According to astronomer Leonid Elenin from the Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, this comet can also be seen from Russia.

“It will be visible in the morning, it will be a good object for observation, although it is unlikely that its beautiful tail will be visible visually,” the scientist said. His words are quoted by RIA Novosti.

“You can expect anything from it: comets can unexpectedly increase their brightness. Various models predict that its brightness can reach the third or even first magnitude,” the astronomer noted.

The length of the comet's tail at the time it becomes visible to the naked eye can range from 1.5 to 4 degrees. This is three to eight times the apparent diameter of the Moon, which is 0.5 degrees.

Comet McNaught has already given astronomers one mystery. Within the comet's tail, limited from the undisturbed interplanetary medium by shock waves, the speed of the solar wind dropped by almost half - from 798 km/s to 461 km/s.

In addition, as evidenced by the readings of the solar wind ion spectrometer of the Ulysses probe, ions were found in the comet's tail that should not have been there. The reason for such a dramatic change in the characteristics of the solar wind is unclear.

It took the Ulysses probe 2.5 days to overcome the comet's shock wave front. The probe crossed the tail region itself in 18 days. This, according to a laboratory employee space research Mullard University of London UCL Dr. Geraint Jones, indicates that the comet is a powerful factor that can significantly influence the characteristics of the solar wind throughout the solar system.

Robert McNaught discovered more than 50 comets and 410 asteroids. Previously opened to Australian comet scientists were inaccessible to amateur telescopes.