How much does the heaviest aircraft in the world lift? The largest cargo planes in the world What a cargo plane looks like

The An-225 Mriya is a unique transport aircraft characterized by its ultra-high payload capacity. It was developed by the OKB im. Antonova. The project was led by Viktor Ilyich Tolmachev.

From 1984 to 1988, this unique aircraft was competently designed and created at the Kiev Mechanical Plant. It made its first flight on December 21, 1988. At the beginning of the development of the project, 2 aircraft were laid down, and now one Mriya is used by Antonov Airlines. As for the second car, its readiness is estimated at only 70%.

Technical characteristics of An-225

This aircraft model has a six-engine turbojet high-wing aircraft with a swept wing and two-tail tail, as well as 6 D-18T aircraft engines. They were developed by ZMKB "Progress" named after. A. G. Ivanchenko.

The An-225 Mriya is a jet transport aircraft with a huge payload capacity, which received the name Cossack according to NATO coding. It was designed back in the days of the Soviet Union by chief designer V.I. Tolmachev. at OKB im. Antonov. First flew on December 21, 1988. Nowadays, only one copy of the Mriya is in working flight condition, another is 70% ready, but due to a lack of funding (about $100 million is required), work is not being carried out. The operator of the one-of-a-kind giant aircraft is the Ukrainian airline AntonovAirlines.

History of creation

The need to construct a transport jet aircraft of enormous scale arose in connection with the maintenance of the Buran spacecraft. The functions of such an aircraft included transporting individual heavy elements of the spacecraft and launch vehicle from the place of its assembly to the launch site. The fact is that rockets and spaceships are launched mainly in the equator region, where the value of the Earth’s magnetic field is minimal, and, accordingly, the risks of accidents during takeoff are reduced.

Also, the An-225 was tasked with carrying out the first stage of the air launch of a spacecraft, and for this its payload must be at least 250 tons.

Since the dimensions of the Buran and the launch vehicle exceeded the dimensions of the Mriya’s cargo compartment, transport plane adapted external fastenings for transporting goods outside. This specificity led to a change in its tail unit. It was necessary to replace the tail of the aircraft with a double fin to avoid the heavy impact of aerodynamic currents.

All this suggests that the An-225 was designed as a highly specialized heavy transport aircraft, but some features that were taken from the An-124 made it universal in its qualities.

Many sources mistakenly call P.V. Balabuev the chief designer of the An-225, but this is not so. Balabuev was the chief designer of the entire Antonov Design Bureau in 1984-2005, but V.I. Tolmachev was appointed head of the An-225 project.

Cooperation ties during the creation of Mriya

Since 1985, the leadership of the CPSU Central Committee has outlined a short time frame for the development of the An-225. Therefore, during the design and creation of the transport heavyweight, hundreds of thousands of designers, scientists, engineers, technologists, pilots, military personnel and workers from all republics of the former USSR were involved.

Let's consider the work of individual enterprises to create the An-225

  • "OKB im. Antonov" (Kyiv) – main project work. Production of most of the components, fuselage parts, fairings and fairings, nose section, etc. Assembly: fuselage and overall assembly of the aircraft.
  • “Tashkent Aircraft Production Association named after. Chkalov" – production of central and end parts of wings based on the An-124.
  • "Ulyanovsk Aviation Industrial Complex" - production of large-sized milled power frames, fuselage brackets, some serial components and aircraft parts.
  • "Kiev Aircraft Production Association" - production of the nose of the fuselage, nose and horizontal tail, front landing gear, ball screw mechanisms for the fuselage struts.
  • "Moscow Institute of Automation and Electromechanics" - design and production of the A-825M aircraft control complex.
  • "Zaporozhye Engine Plant" - production of serial D-18 engines.
  • "Gidromash" ( Nizhny Novgorod) – production of new chassis.
  • "Voronezh Aviation Plant". Specialists were painting the aircraft in Kyiv.

Capabilities of the An-225 aircraft

  • Transportation of general purpose cargo (heavy, large, long) with a total weight of up to 250 tons.
  • Inland non-stop transportation of cargo with a total weight of 180-200 tons.
  • Intercontinental transportation of goods up to 150 tons.
  • Transportation of external monocargoes attached to the fuselage with a weight of up to 200 tons.
  • "Mriya" is a promising base for the design of aviation space systems.

Let's look at the volume of the fuselage cargo compartment using examples.

  • Passenger cars (50 pcs.).
  • Universal aviation containers UAK-10 (16 pcs.).
  • Large monocargoes with a total weight of up to 200 tons (generators, turbines, dump trucks, etc.)


The first flight of the Mriya dates back to December 21, 1988.

The aircraft was created to transport the Buran spacecraft and Energia launch vehicles. However, before the completion of work on its release, the launch vehicles had already been transported by the Atlant aircraft, and the An-225 was only involved in moving the Buran itself. In May 1989 it was presented at the Paris Air Show and conducted several demonstration flights over Baikonur in April 1991.

After the collapse of the USSR, in 1994, the only unit of the Mriya stopped flying. The engines and some other pieces of equipment were removed from it and installed on the Ruslan. But by the beginning of the 2000s, it became clear that the need for a working An-225 was very great, so they tried to restore it at Ukrainian enterprises. In order to adjust the aircraft to modern certificates civil aviation, also required minor modifications.

On May 23, 2001, the An-225 Mriya received certificates from the International Aviation Committee and the State Department of Aviation Transport of Ukraine. They made it possible to carry out commercial activities involving the transportation of goods.

Currently, the owner of the only copy of the An-225 is Antonov Airlines, which carries out commercial cargo transportation as part of a subsidiary of ANTK named after. Antonov.

On the basis of the aircraft, a flying complex is being designed for the launch of various aviation and space systems. One of the promising projects in this direction is MAKS (Ukrainian-Russian multi-purpose aerospace system).


During its short existence, the An-225 set hundreds of aviation records.

The An-225 Mriya is the heaviest lifting aircraft that has ever taken to the air. The wingspan is second only to the HuglesH-Herkules, which made only one flight in 1974.

The An-225 set especially many records in terms of carrying capacity. Thus, on March 22, 1989, lifting a cargo with a total weight of 156.3 tons into the sky, he broke 110 world aviation records. But this is not the limit of his capabilities. August 2004 - the Mriya aircraft transports cargo consisting of Zeromax equipment in the direction Prague - Tashkent with refueling in Samara, with a total weight of 250 tons.

Five years later, in August 2009, the name of the Ukrainian aircraft once again entered the Guinness Book of Records, this time for transporting the heaviest monocargo in the cargo compartment. It turned out to be a generator that weighed 187.6 tons together with the auxiliary unit. The cargo was sent from German city Frankfurt to Yerevan at the request of one of the Armenian power plants.

The absolute record for carrying capacity of 253.8 tons belongs to the An-225 Mriya.

10.06. In 2010, this aircraft transported the longest aircraft in history air transport the load is two blades of a screw windmill, each 42.1 m in length.

If we sum up all the Mriya’s world records, there are over 250 of them.

Second copy of "Mriya"

The second An-225 is currently only 70% complete. Its assembly began during the Soviet Union at the aircraft plant named after. Antonov. According to the plant management, when a customer appears, it will be able to be brought to operational flight readiness.

Based on the statement of the general director of the Kyiv Aviant Oleg Shevchenko, about $90-100 million of investment is now required to lift the second copy of the An-225 into the air. And if we also take into account the amount required for flight testing, the total cost could rise to $120 million.

As you know, the development of this aircraft is based on the An-124 Ruslan. The main differences between the AN-225 and the An-124 aircraft are as follows:

    two additional engines,

    increase in fuselage length as a result of inserts,

    new center section,

    replacement of the tail unit,

    no tail cargo hatch,

    external cargo fastening and pressurization system,

    increasing the number of main landing gear struts.

As for other characteristics, the An-225 Mriya almost completely corresponds to the An-124, which significantly facilitated and reduced the cost of developing a new model and its use.

Purpose of An-225 "Mriya"

The reason for the development and creation of the An-225 was the need for an aviation transport platform designed for the Buran spacecraft. As is known, the main purpose of the aircraft within the project was to transport the space shuttle and its components from the production site to the launch site. In addition, the task was set to return the Buran spacecraft to the cosmodrome if it was suddenly forced to land at alternate airfields.

The An-225 aircraft was also supposed to be used as the first stage of the space shuttle air launch system. That is why the aircraft had to withstand a load capacity of more than 250 tons. Since the Energia carrier blocks and the Buran spacecraft itself had dimensions that were somewhat larger than the dimensions of the aircraft’s cargo compartment, external cargo fastening was provided on it. This, in turn, required the replacement of the aircraft's basic tail unit with a two-fin one, which avoided aerodynamic shading.

As you can see, the aircraft was created to perform a few specialized transport tasks that were very responsible. However, its construction on the basis of the An-124 Ruslan endowed the new aircraft with many of the qualities of a transport aircraft.

An-225 has the ability to:

    transportation of general purpose cargo (large, long, heavy), the total weight of which is up to 250 tons;

    intracontinental transportation of cargo weighing 180-200 tons without landing;

    intercontinental transportation of goods, the total weight of which is up to 150 tons;

    transportation of heavy monocargoes with a total weight of up to 200 tons and large dimensions.

The An-225 is the first step in the creation of an aerospace project.

The model features a spacious and roomy cargo compartment, making it possible to transport a wide variety of cargo.

For example, it can be translated:

    fifty cars;

    monocargoes with a total weight of up to 200 tons (dump trucks, turbines, generators);

    sixteen ten-ton UAK-10, which are universal aviation containers.

Cargo compartment parameters: 6.4 m – width, 43 m – length, 4.4 m – height. The cargo compartment of the An-225 is sealed, which expands its capabilities. Above the cargo compartment there is a room intended for a replacement crew of 6 people and for 88 people who can accompany the transported cargo. Moreover, all control systems have quadruple redundancy. The design of the front cargo hatch and on-board equipment allow loading/unloading cargo as conveniently and quickly as possible. The aircraft can carry large cargo on the fuselage. The dimensions of these cargoes do not allow them to be transported using other land or air vehicles. A special fastening system ensures that these cargoes are securely located on the fuselage.

Flight characteristics of An-225

    800-850 km/h - cruising speed

    1500 km - flight distance with maximum fuel reserve

    4500 km - flight range with a load of 200 tons

    7000 km - flight range with a load of 150 tons

    3-3.5 thousand m - required runway length


    88.4 m - wingspan

    84 m - aircraft length

    18.1 m - height

    905 sq. m - wing area

Today, the An-225 Mriya is the largest aircraft in the world, as well as the most load-bearing. Moreover, the giant set a large number of world records, many of them in terms of carrying capacity, take-off weight, length of cargo, etc.

Possible competition

The president of Antonov Airlines claims that launching satellite satellites from the An-225 will cost much less than using the cosmodrome infrastructure. Moreover, the aircraft will not compete with the Polet project, which involves launching from Ruslan. All this is because the “Flight” project has planned the launch of so-called light satellites, weighing up to 3.5 tons. But with the An-225 it is possible to produce medium-type structures weighing up to 5.5 tons.

Well, as for the updated projects of the West, we are talking about the Airbus A3XX-100F aircraft and the Boeing 747-X aircraft model, their carrying capacity is no more than 150 tons, and they are beginning to compete with the An-225. Moreover, they have quite a lot of chances to win.

The last modernization of the An-225 aircraft took place in 2000, as a result of which it received navigation equipment that meets international standards.

People are always attracted by some kind of record - record-breaking aircraft always receive great attention

3rd place: Airbus A380

The Airbus A380 is a wide-body, double-deck jet passenger aircraft created by Airbus S.A.S. (formerly Airbus Industrie) is the largest production airliner in the world.

The height of the aircraft is 24.08 meters, length is 72.75 (80.65) meters, wingspan is 79.75 meters. The A380 can fly non-stop over distances of up to 15,400 km. Capacity - 525 passengers in three classes; 853 passengers in single-class configuration. There is also a cargo modification of the A380F with the ability to transport cargo up to 150 tons over a distance of up to 10,370 km.

The development of the Airbus A380 took about 10 years, the cost of the entire program was about 12 billion euros. Airbus says it needs to sell 420 planes to recoup costs, although some analysts estimate the figure could be much higher.
According to the developers, the most difficult part in creating the A380 was the problem of reducing its weight. It was solved through the widespread use of composite materials both in structural structural elements and in auxiliary units, interiors, etc.

To reduce the weight of the aircraft, advanced technologies and improved aluminum alloys were also used. Thus, the 11-ton center section consists of 40% of its mass from carbon fiber reinforced plastic. The fuselage top and side panels are made from Glare hybrid material. Laser welding of stringers and skin was used on the lower fuselage panels, which significantly reduced the number of fasteners.
According to Airbus, the Airbus A380 burns 17% less fuel per passenger than “the current largest aircraft” (apparently referring to the Boeing 747). The less fuel is burned, the lower the carbon dioxide emissions. For an airplane, CO2 emissions per passenger are only 75 grams per kilometer traveled. This is almost half the carbon dioxide emissions limit set by the European Union for cars produced in 2008.

The first A320 aircraft sold was delivered to the customer on October 15, 2007 after a long acceptance testing phase and entered service on October 25, 2007, making a commercial flight between Singapore and Sydney. Two months later, the company's president Singapore Airlines Chew Chong Seng said the Airbus A380 performed better than expected and consumed 20% less fuel per passenger than the company's existing Boeing 747-400.

The aircraft's upper and lower decks are connected by two staircases at the bow and tail, wide enough to accommodate two passengers shoulder to shoulder. In the 555-passenger configuration, the A380 has 33% more passenger seats than the Boeing 747–400 in its standard three-class configuration, but the cabin has 50% more space and volume, resulting in more space per passenger.

The maximum certified capacity of the aircraft is 853 passengers when configured with a single economy class. The announced configurations have a number of passenger seats from 450 (for Qantas Airways) to 644 (for Emirates Airline, with two comfort classes).

2nd place: Hughes H-4 Hercules

Hughes H-4 Hercules (eng. Hughes H-4 Hercules) is a transport wooden flying boat developed by the American company Hughes Aircraft under the leadership of Howard Hughes. This 136-ton aircraft, originally designated the NK-1 and informally nicknamed the Spruce Goose, was the largest flying boat ever built, and its wingspan remains a record to this day. - 98 meters. It was designed to transport 750 soldiers when fully equipped.

At the beginning of World War II, the US government allocated $13 million to Hughes to build a prototype flying ship, but by the end of hostilities aircraft was not ready, which was explained by the shortage of aluminum, as well as the stubbornness of Hughes, who strove to create an impeccable car.


Crew: 3 people
Length: 66.45 m
Wingspan: 97.54 m
Height: 24.08 m
Fuselage height: 9.1 m
Wing area: 1061.88 m?
Maximum take-off weight: 180 tons
Payload weight: up to 59,000 kg
Fuel capacity: 52,996 l
Engines: 8? air cooling Pratt&Whitney R-4360-4A 3000 l. With. (2240 ​​kW) each
Propellers: 8? four-blade Hamilton Standard, diameter 5.23 m

Flight characteristics

Top speed: 351 mph (565.11 km/h)
Cruising speed: 250 mph (407.98 km/h)
Flight range: 5634 km
Service ceiling: 7165 m.

Despite its nickname, the plane is built almost entirely from birch, or more precisely from birch plywood glued to a template.

The Hercules aircraft, piloted by Howard Hughes himself, made its first and only flight on November 2, 1947, when it rose to a height of 21 meters and covered approximately two kilometers in a straight line over Los Angeles Harbor.

After a long period of storage (Hughes maintained the aircraft in operational condition until his death in 1976, spending up to $1 million a year on this), the aircraft was sent to a museum in Long Beach, California.

The plane is visited by about 300,000 tourists annually. The biography of the aircraft's creator, Howard Hughes, and the aircraft's testing are shown in Martin Scorsese's film "The Aviator."

It is currently on display at the Evergreen International Aviation Museum in McMinnville, Oregon, where it was moved in 1993.

1st place: AN-225 What a plane! Of course, he's Russian!

This machine was designed and built in a very short time: the first drawings began to be created in 1985, and in 1988 the transport aircraft was already built. The reason for such a short deadline can be quite easily explained: the fact is that the Mriya was created on the basis of well-developed components and assemblies of the An-124 Ruslan. For example, the fuselage of the Mriya has the same transverse dimensions as the An-124, but is longer; the span and area of ​​the wings have increased. The wing has the same structure as the Ruslan, but additional sections have been added to it. The An-225 now has two additional engines. The aircraft's landing gear is similar to that of the Ruslan, but it has seven instead of five struts. The cargo compartment has been changed quite seriously. Initially, two aircraft were laid down, but only one An-225 was completed. The second copy of the unique aircraft is approximately 70% complete and can be completed at any time, subject to proper funding. To complete its construction, an amount of 100-120 million dollars is needed.

On February 1, 1989, the aircraft was shown to the general public, and in May of the same year, the An-225 made a non-stop flight from Baikonur to Kyiv, carrying a Buran weighing sixty tons on its back. That same month, the An-225 delivered the Buran spacecraft to the Paris Air Show and created a real sensation there. In total, the aircraft holds 240 world records, including the transportation of the heaviest cargo (253 tons), the heaviest monolithic cargo (188 tons) and the longest cargo.

The An-225 Mriya aircraft was originally created for the needs of the Soviet space industry. In those years, the Soviet Union was building Buran, its first reusable spacecraft, an analogue of the American shuttle. To implement this project, a transport system was needed that could be used to transport large loads. It was for these purposes that “Mriya” was conceived. In addition to the components and assemblies of the spacecraft itself, it was necessary to deliver parts of the Energia rocket, which were also colossal in size. All this was delivered from the production site to the final assembly points. The units and components of Energia and Buran were manufactured in the central regions of the USSR, and final assembly took place in Kazakhstan, at the Baikonur Cosmodrome. In addition, the An-225 was initially designed so that in the future it could transport the finished Buran spacecraft. The An-225 could also transport large cargo for the needs of the national economy, for example, equipment for the mining, oil and gas industries.

In addition to participating in the Soviet space program, the aircraft was to be used to transport oversized cargo over long distances. The An-225 Mriya will carry out this work today.

The general functions and tasks of the machine can be described as follows:

transportation of general purpose cargo (large, heavy) with a total weight of up to 250 tons;
intracontinental non-stop transportation of cargo weighing 180–200 tons;
intercontinental transportation of goods weighing up to 150 tons;
transportation of heavy bulky cargo on an external sling with a total weight of up to 200 tons;
use of aircraft for air launch of spacecraft.

The unique aircraft was given other, even more ambitious tasks, and they were also related to space. The An-225 Mriya aircraft was supposed to become a kind of flying cosmodrome, a platform from which spaceships and rockets would be launched into orbit. "Mriya", according to the designers, was supposed to be the first stage for the launch of reusable spacecraft of the "Buran" type. Therefore, initially the designers were faced with the task of making an aircraft with a payload capacity of at least 250 tons.

The Soviet shuttle was supposed to launch from the “back” of the plane. This method of launching vehicles into low-Earth orbit has many serious advantages. Firstly, there is no need to build very expensive ground-based launch complexes, and secondly, launching a rocket or ship from an airplane seriously saves fuel and allows you to increase the payload spacecraft. In some cases, this may make it possible to completely abandon the first stage of the rocket.

Various air launch options are currently being developed. They are working especially actively in this direction in the United States, and there are also Russian developments.

Alas, with the collapse of the Soviet Union, the “air launch” project with the participation of the An-225 was practically buried. This aircraft was an active participant in the Energia-Buran program. The An-225 completed fourteen flights with Buran on the top of the fuselage, and hundreds of tons of various cargo were transported as part of this program.

After 1991, funding for the Energia-Buran program ceased, and the An-225 was left without work. Only in 2000 did the modernization of the machine begin for use for commercial purposes. The An-225 Mriya aircraft has unique technical characteristics, enormous payload capacity and can transport large cargo on its fuselage - all this makes the aircraft very popular for commercial transportation.

Since that time, the An-225 has performed many flights and transported hundreds of tons of various cargo. Some transport operations can be safely called unique and have no analogues in the history of aviation. The aircraft took part in humanitarian operations several times. After the devastating tsunami, he delivered power generators to Samoa, transported construction equipment to earthquake-ravaged Haiti, and helped eliminate the consequences of the earthquake in Japan.

In 2009, the An-225 aircraft was modernized and its service life was extended.

The An-225 Mriya aircraft is designed according to the classical design, with high-raised, slightly swept wings. The cabin is located in the front of the aircraft, the cargo hatch is also located in the bow of the vehicle. The aircraft is made according to a two-fin design. This decision is related to the need to transport cargo on the fuselage of the aircraft. The airframe of the An-225 aircraft has very high aerodynamic properties, the aerodynamic quality of this machine is 19, which is an excellent indicator not only for transport, but also for passenger aircraft. This, in turn, significantly improved the aircraft's performance and reduced fuel consumption.

Almost the entire internal space of the fuselage is occupied by the cargo compartment. Compared to the An-124, it has become 10% larger (by seven meters). At the same time, the wing span increased by only 20%, two more engines were added, and the aircraft’s carrying capacity increased by one and a half times. During the construction of the An-225, drawings, components and assemblies of the An-124 were actively used, thanks to which the aircraft was able to be created in such a short term. Here are the main differences between the An-225 and the An-124 “Ruslan”:

New center section;
fuselage length increased;
the single-fin tail was replaced with a double-fin;
lack of a tail cargo hatch;
the number of main landing gear struts has been increased from five to seven;
external cargo fastening and pressurization system;
two additional D-18T engines were installed.

Unlike the Ruslan, the Mriya has only one cargo hatch, which is located in the bow of the aircraft. Like its predecessor, Mriya can change the ground clearance and angle of the fuselage, which is extremely convenient during loading and unloading operations. The chassis has three supports: a front two-post and two main ones, each of which consists of seven posts. Moreover, all racks are independent of each other and are produced separately.

To take off without cargo, an aircraft needs a runway 2,400 meters long, and with cargo - 3,500 meters.

The An-225 has six D-18T engines suspended under the wings, as well as two auxiliary power units located inside the fuselage.

The cargo compartment is sealed and equipped with all the necessary equipment for loading operations. Inside the fuselage, the An-225 can transport up to sixteen standard aviation containers (each weighing ten tons), fifty passenger cars, or any cargo weighing up to two hundred tons (turbines, special cargo vehicles) large sizes, generators). On top of the fuselage there are special fastenings for transporting large cargo.D

Technical characteristics of An-225 "Mriya"

Wingspan, m 88.4
Length, m 84.0
Height, m ​​18.2
Weight, kg

Empty 250000
Maximum takeoff 600000
Fuel weight 300000
Engine 6*TRDD D-18T
Specific fuel consumption, kg/kgf·h 0.57-0.63
Cruising speed, km/h 850
Practical range, km 15600
Range, km 4500
Practical ceiling, m 11000
Crew of six people
Payload, kg 250000-450000.

An-225 is a Soviet super-heavy-lift transport jet aircraft developed by the Design Bureau named after. O.K. Antonov, is the largest aircraft in the world.

Brief characteristics of transport aircraft

Airplane AN 12- a cargo aircraft, which is an all-metal, cantilever high-wing aircraft with a straight wing. The aircraft's landing gear has high maneuverability, thanks to which the AN 12 can take off from unpaved airfields without any problems. Loading is carried out through a cargo hatch with a ramp, located at the rear of the fuselage and freely allowing large equipment to pass through. Unloading is possible in the same way or by dropping cargo by parachute. The process of loading and unloading and mooring is greatly facilitated by an onboard loading device capable of lifting objects weighing up to 2.5 tons, and a winch that pulls non-propelled loads into the cabin. Delivery of goods from China, Japan, Korea, European, Northern and South America with the help of the AN 12 aircraft, it is possible to transport goods with a total weight of up to 18,000 kg in one voyage.
Characteristics of the AN 12 aircraft
Maximum load - 18000 kg
Maximum volume - 90 m3
Cargo compartment size (length x width x height) - 13.5 x 3.0 x 2.4 m
Cargo hatch size (width x height) - 3.0 x 2.4 m

Aircraft AN 22 "Antey" made according to the high-wing design. The design provides for a cargo hatch of impressive dimensions - 4.4 × 16 m. In addition, the aircraft is equipped with an inclined ramp, which can be installed at different levels, and four hoists, each with a carrying capacity of 2.5 tons. The gangway ramp and hoists make the AN 22 independent of the presence of loading and unloading devices at airfields. It is also possible to transport large cargo on an external sling: on the fuselage or under the wing. The multi-post 12-wheel chassis, characterized by increased cross-country ability, allows you not only to land on and take off from unpaved surfaces, but also to land even if one or two struts are not released or the pneumatic shock absorbers and struts are destroyed. Thanks to these characteristics, delivery of goods from China, North America and other major economic centers of the world becomes not only fast, but also as safe as possible, and the unique carrying capacity of this aircraft (up to 50,000 kg) allows you to save money and transport all the cargo in one flight.
Characteristics of the AN 22 aircraft
Maximum load - 50000 kg
Maximum volume - 650 m3
Cargo compartment size (length x width x height) - 26.4 * 4.3 * 4.1 m
Cargo hatch size (width x height) - 4.3x4.1

Transport aircraft AN 26 traditionally used for transporting cargo and small equipment over distances of up to 2000 km. This vessel is characterized by amazing stability and ease of control, thanks to which the aircraft can be controlled by moderately qualified pilots. And the unique take-off and landing qualities, coupled with the high-pass landing gear, make it unpretentious to the type of runway and make it possible to operate in almost any weather conditions on pebble, dirt, sand, “soaked” and snow-covered airfields of very modest size. The monoplane design and the wide opening of the cargo hatch allow the installation of a special ladder flap, which facilitates and speeds up the process of unloading and loading from the ground or the vehicle body. The speed of unloading and loading operations is also beneficially affected by the overhead crane built into the aircraft, which is capable of lifting weights of up to 1,500 kg. Our company’s specialists will be happy to organize the delivery of goods for you by AN 26 aircraft, as well as provide customs services, resolve paperwork issues and monitor each stage of transportation.
Characteristics of the AN 26 aircraft

Maximum volume - 45 m3
Cargo compartment size (length x width x height) - 11.1x2.2x1.6 m
Cargo hatch size (width x height) - 2.2x1.6

AN 74 - a unique aircraft, which was created for the purpose of transporting cargo and equipment at any latitudes at any climatic conditions. It works smoothly with temperature conditions within the range from -60 to +45 °C, in the mountains and plains, at the equator and poles. Typically used on medium and short distance routes. AN 74 is suitable for operation on both equipped and unequipped airfield sites with concrete, pebble, dirt or snow surfaces. Capable of taking off and landing at any time of the day. The cargo compartment is optimized for the dimensions of the most typical cargo and allows for the transportation of cargo in containers, rigid pallets, non-standard containers (barrels, bales), as well as wheeled vehicles. The opening of the loading compartment is closed by a ramp, which the OptiLog VED company recommends using as a ladder. The aircraft is also equipped with an on-board loading device with a lifting capacity of up to 2500 kg.
Characteristics of the AN 74 aircraft
Maximum load - 8000 kg
Maximum volume - 45 m3
Cargo compartment size (length x width x height) - 10.0x2.15x2.1 m
Cargo hatch size (width×height) - 2.1x2.1

AN 124 (Ruslan) belongs to the class of heavy transport aircraft and is designed to transport large cargo around the world. Excellent aerodynamic characteristics and, as a result, a long flight range are ensured thanks to the wing of a thick swept profile and a carefully thought-out shape of the fuselage. The multi-post 24-wheel chassis allows the AN 124 to be used on unpaved runways of airfields, as well as to change the angle of the fuselage and the parking clearance, which greatly facilitates the process of loading and unloading operations. The special design of the fuselage requires the presence of two cargo hatches, one of which is located in the forward part of the fuselage, the other in the tail. The aircraft is also equipped with on-board mobile cranes and other loading and unloading equipment with a total lifting capacity of 20 tons and mooring equipment, making loading and delivery of cargo from China and other countries much faster. The AN 225 (Maria) aircraft is very similar in design and characteristics to the AN 124 and allows the transport of heavy bulky cargo weighing up to 200 tons.
Characteristics of AN 124 aircraft
Maximum load - 120000 kg
Maximum volume - 800 m3
Cargo compartment size (length x width x height) - 36.5x6.2x4.2 m

Characteristics of AN 225 aircraft
Maximum load - 200000 kg
Maximum volume - 1100 m3
Cargo compartment size (length x width x height) - 43.0x6.2x4.2 m

Cargo hatch size (width x height) - 6.2x4.1 m

Airbus 300 B4 was specially designed for transporting large structures, equipment and instruments over medium and short distances (up to 2700 km). It features a larger fuselage, an upward-opening nose cone and a reinforced floor. In front of the wing on the left side of the fuselage there is a cargo door measuring 3.58 x 2.56 m. The cabin can simultaneously transport up to 20 cargo pallets and another 20 LD3 type cargo containers in the lower cargo compartments. The aircraft is equipped with an impressive complex of loading and unloading equipment.
Characteristic Airbus aircraft 300 B4
Maximum load - 43500 kg
Maximum volume - 280 m3
Cargo compartment size (length x width x height) - 39.0 x 4.77 x 2.23 m

Cargo hatch size (width x height) - 3.58 x 2.56 m

Boeing 737 belongs to the class of short-range transport aircraft. More than a quarter of a century ago, it became the leader on short-haul airlines on most continents. The aircraft's high lifting power, excellent performance at low speeds, providing opportunities for short landings and takeoffs, as well as efficiency at high speeds and low altitudes allow it to remain competitive to this day.
Characteristics of the Boeing 737 aircraft
Maximum load - 16000 kg
Maximum volume - 105 m3
Cargo compartment size (length x width x height) - 21.0 x 3.1 x 2.2 m
Cargo hatch size (width x height) - 3.4x2.15 m

Boeing 747 is one of the most load-carrying aircraft. At the same time, it has low fuel costs per ton-mile, and the flight range can reach 8,000 km. That is why this aircraft is ideal for organizing economical and most cost-effective delivery of goods from China and other remote countries. The Boeing 747 freighter has a reinforced cabin floor, an impressively sized side cargo door, and a standard set of loading and unloading equipment.
Characteristics of the Boeing 747 aircraft
Maximum load - 110000 kg
Maximum volume - 750 m3
Cargo compartment size (length x width x height) - 49.0 x 4.8 x 3.04 m
Cargo hatch size (width x height) - 3.25x3.1 m

Boeing 757 designed to transport cargo weighing up to 39 tons. The aircraft cabin can simultaneously accommodate 15 standard pallets. The cargo hatch, through which loading and unloading is carried out using winches and an on-board loading device, is located on the left side of the fuselage. Without refueling, the aircraft is capable of covering a distance of 4,670 km.
Characteristics of the Boeing 757 aircraft
Maximum load - 39000 kg
Maximum volume - 185 m3
Cargo compartment size (length x width x height) - 33.2 x 3.53 x 2.18 m
Cargo hatch size (width x height) - 3.4 x 2.18 m

DC 8 - long-range cargo aircraft, created by the efforts of American specialists from the Douglas company. With its help, the delivery of goods from France, Italy and other countries in Europe and the world becomes as accessible as possible. The maximum flight range of this vehicle- 8950 km. The aircraft is equipped with all the necessary equipment for quick and convenient unloading and loading.
Characteristics of the DC 8 aircraft
Maximum load - 45000 kg
Maximum volume - 200 m3
Cargo compartment size (length x width x height) - 34.0 x 3.17 x 2.03 m
Cargo hatch size (width x height) - 3.55x2.0 m

DC 10 can be classified as a wide-body long-range aircraft. Some modifications are capable of flying over distances of up to 11,000 km, so the OptiLog VED company recommends this vessel to its clients when there is a need to deliver large cargo from remote corners of the planet. Loading into the DC 10 is done through the side door. The cargo compartment can freely accommodate up to 30 LD3 containers. A standard set of loading and unloading equipment is installed on board.
Characteristics of the DC 10 aircraft
Maximum load - 65000 kg
Maximum volume - 450 m3
Cargo compartment size (length x width x height) - 37.25 x 3.56 x 2.34 m
The size of the cargo hatch (width x height) is 3.5 x 2.54 m. The Fokker 27 cargo aircraft is traditionally used on local airlines, i.e. for domestic transportation. At the rear of the fuselage of this aircraft there is a large cargo hatch equipped with pneumatic doors. Loads weighing up to 6 tons are delivered to the cabin using a specially designed winch. The underside of the aircraft is characterized by an excess strength factor, thanks to which well-packed cargo remains safe even in the event of an emergency landing with the landing gear retracted.
Characteristics of the Fokker 27 aircraft
Maximum load - 6000 kg
Maximum volume - 58 m3
Cargo compartment size (length x width x height) - 13.36 x 2.1 x 1.9 m
Cargo hatch size (width x height) - 2.28 x 1.75 m

Airplane IL 76- an ideal option for the prompt delivery of large-sized cargo, machinery and equipment along medium-length air routes located in different geographic latitudes. The IL 76 is suitable for almost any deployment conditions. A chassis with increased cross-country ability, powerful wing mechanization and impressive power supply ensure take-off from unprepared unpaved airfield strips and landing on them. At the same time, takeoff and landing distances are quite insignificant for an aircraft of this size. Delivery of goods from China to Russia, as well as transportation of goods from other countries, is possible in air or automobile containers of any type, pallets and other containers used for international transport. This versatility is achieved thanks to the special design of the cargo compartment, equipped with various on-board facilities and devices for loading and unloading, and its dimensions.
Characteristics of the IL 76 aircraft
Maximum load - 47000 kg
Maximum volume - 175 m3
Cargo compartment size (length x width x height) - 18.5 x 3.3 x 3.25 m
Cargo hatch size (width x height) - 3.3x3.25 m

L 100-30 - medium-lift transport aircraft, manufactured by Lockheed. The flight range at maximum load is 3790 km, thanks to which cargo delivery from France and other countries can be organized European countries with a total weight of up to 21 tons. The main cargo hatch is located in the rear of the cabin. Loading and unloading operations are accelerated thanks to a special hydraulically driven ramp. It is worth noting that these aircraft often take part in operations to organize and provide humanitarian assistance.
Characteristics of the L 100-30 aircraft
Maximum load - 21000 kg
Maximum volume - 140 m3
Cargo compartment size (length x width x height) - 17.0 x 3.02 x 2.74 m
Cargo hatch size (width x height) - 3.02 x 2.74 m

MD 11 - wide-body long-range aircraft, which is capable of transporting cargo over a distance of up to 7500 km. It allows you to place up to 6 standard containers on the main deck, the rest of the cargo is located in the lower compartments. Loading is done through an upward opening door measuring 3.55x2.55.
Characteristics of the MD 11 aircraft
Maximum load - 80000 kg
Maximum volume - 640 m3
Cargo compartment size (length x width x height) - 48.0 x 3.5 x 2.45 m
Cargo hatch size (width x height) - 3.55x2.55 m

The Saab 340 aircraft can be called a cantilever low-wing aircraft. It is used on short lines. The latest modifications have the capability of short takeoff and landing, which allows this aircraft to be used even at small airfields. The relatively small payload coupled with impressive maneuverability makes the Saab 340 an ideal option for transportation in remote corners of the country.
Characteristics of the Saab 340 aircraft
Maximum load - 3800 kg
Maximum volume - 35 m3
Cargo compartment size (length x width x height) - 11.2 x 1.62 x 1.7 m
Cargo hatch size (width x height) - 1.3 x 1.28 m

Airplane TU 204 ideal for medium-haul airlines. The flight range at maximum load is about 4,700 km. With the help of this aircraft, cargo delivery from France, Germany, Spain and other European countries to Russia can be organized. The fuselage of the vessel has a side cargo door measuring 3.4x2.0. The cargo compartment can accommodate up to 14 standard pallets, while the lower cargo compartments can freely accommodate 12 containers of the 2AK-0.7 type. For the convenience of loading and unloading operations, the floor of the cargo compartment is equipped with roller tracks, ball panels and other equipment.
Characteristics of the TU 204 aircraft
Maximum load - 28500 kg
Maximum volume - 178 m3
Cargo compartment size (length x width x height) - 29.5x3.25x2.8 m
Cargo hatch size (width x height) - 3.4 x 2.0 m

The An-225 Mriya (translated from Ukrainian as “dream”) is the heaviest cargo-lifting aircraft ever taken into the air. The maximum take-off weight of the aircraft is 640 tons. The reason for the construction of the An-225 was the need to create an aviation transport system for the Soviet Buran reusable spacecraft project. The plane exists in a single copy.

The aircraft was designed in the USSR and built in 1988 at the Kiev Mechanical Plant.

"Mriya" set a world record for take-off weight and carrying capacity. On March 22, 1989, the An-225 flew with a load of 156.3 tons, thereby simultaneously breaking 110 world aviation records, which is a record in itself.

Since the start of operation, the aircraft has flown 3,740 hours. If we assume that the average flight speed (taking into account take-off, climb, cruising, descent, approach) is about 500 km/h, then we can calculate the approximate value of the kilometers traveled: 500 x 3740 = 1,870,000 km (more than 46 revolutions around the Earth along the equator).

The scale of the An-225 is amazing: the length of the aircraft is 84 meters, the height is 18 meters (like a 6-story 4-entrance house)

A visual comparison of the Mriya and the passenger Boeing 747.

If we take the largest of the Boeing 747-800 as a basis, then the length of the An-225 will be 8 meters longer, and the wingspan will be 20 meters longer.
Compared to the Airbus A380, the Mriya is 11 meters longer, and its wingspan is almost 9 meters longer.

It happens that the airport does not have adequate parking for such big plane, and it is placed directly on the runway.
Of course, we are talking about an alternate runway, if the airport has one.

The wingspan is 88.4 meters and the area is 905 m²

The only aircraft superior to the An-225 in terms of wingspan is the Hughes H-4 Hercules, which belongs to the class of flying boats. The ship took off only once, in 1947. The history of this aircraft was reflected in the film "The Aviator"

Since the Buran spacecraft itself and the blocks of the Energia launch vehicle had dimensions exceeding the dimensions of the Mriya’s cargo compartment, the new aircraft provided for securing cargo from the outside. In addition, it was planned that the aircraft would be used as the first stage for the launch of a spacecraft.

The formation of a wake from a large cargo attached to the top of the aircraft required the installation of a double-finned tail unit to avoid aerodynamic shading.

The aircraft is equipped with 6 D-18T engines.
At takeoff mode, each engine develops a thrust of 23.4 tons (or 230 kN), i.e. the total thrust of all 6 engines is 140.5 tons (1380 kN)

It can be assumed that each engine develops about 12,500 horsepower at takeoff!

The D-18T engines of the An-225 aircraft are the same as those on the An-124 Ruslan.
The height of such an engine is 3 m, width 2.8 m, and weight more than 4 tons.

The starting system is air, with electrical automatic control. The auxiliary power unit, consisting of two TA-12 turbo units installed in the left and right fairings of the chassis, provides autonomous power to all systems and engine starting.

The mass of fuel in the tanks is 365 tons, it is placed in 13 wing caisson tanks.
The aircraft can remain in the air for 18 hours and cover a distance of over 15,000 km.

The refueling time for such a vehicle ranges from half an hour to a day and a half, and the number of tankers depends on their capacity (from 5 to 50 tons), i.e. from 7 to 70 tankers.

The aircraft's fuel consumption is 15.9 tons/h (in cruising mode)
When fully loaded, the aircraft can remain in the sky without refueling for no more than 2 hours.

The chassis includes a two-post nose and 14-post main (7 posts on each side) supports.
Each stand has two wheels. Total 32 wheels.

Wheels require replacement every 90 landings.
Tires for Mriya are produced at the Yaroslavl Tire Plant. The price of one tire is about $1000.

On the bow strut there are wheels measuring 1120 x 450 mm, and on the main strut there are wheels measuring 1270 x 510 mm.
The pressure inside is 12 atmospheres.

Since 2001, the An-225 has been performing commercial cargo transportation as part of Antonov Airlines.

Dimensions of the cargo compartment: length - 43 m, width - 6.4 m, height - 4.4 m.
The cargo cabin of the aircraft is sealed, which allows for the transportation of goods various types. Inside the cabin you can place 16 standard containers, up to 80 cars and even heavy-duty BelAZ dump trucks. There is enough space here to fit the entire body of a Boeing 737.

Access to the cargo compartment is through the nose of the aircraft, which folds up.

The process of opening/closing the cargo compartment ramp takes no more than 10 minutes.

To unfold the ramp, the aircraft performs the so-called “elephant bow.”
The nose landing gear tilts forward, and the weight of the aircraft is transferred to auxiliary supports, which are installed under the front threshold of the cargo compartment.

Auxiliary support.

Control panel for the aircraft's "squat" system.

This loading method has a number of advantages compared to the Boeing 747 (which is loaded through a compartment in the side of the fuselage.

"Mriya" is a record holder for the weight of cargo transported: commercial - 247 tons (which is four times the maximum payload of a Boeing 747), commercial monocargo - 187.6 tons, and an absolute record for carrying capacity - 253.8 tons. On June 10, 2010, the longest cargo in the history of air transportation was transported - two windmill blades, each 42.1 m long.

To ensure a safe flight, the center of gravity of an aircraft with cargo must be within certain limits along its length. The loadmaster performs loading in strict accordance with the instructions, after which the co-pilot checks the correct placement of the cargo and reports this to the crew commander, who makes a decision on the possibility of carrying out the flight and is responsible for this.

The aircraft is equipped with an on-board loading complex consisting of four lifting mechanisms, each with a lifting capacity of 5 tons.
In addition, two floor winches are provided for loading non-self-propelled wheeled vehicles and cargo on the loading ramp.

This time, the An-225 was chartered by the French engineering company Alstom to transport 170 tons of cargo from Zurich, Switzerland to Bahrain with refueling in Athens and Cairo.

This is a turbine rotor, a turbogenerator for producing electricity and components.

Flight manager Vadim Nikolaevich Deniskov.

To tow the An-225 aircraft, it is impossible to use the carrier of aircraft from other companies, so the carrier is transported on board the aircraft.

And since the aircraft is not equipped with a rear cargo hatch and the towing carrier is unloaded and loaded through the front cargo hatch, which requires a full cycle of squatting of the aircraft onto the front support, as a result, at least 30 minutes are lost and the resource of the aircraft structure and squatting system is unjustifiably consumed.

Technician-foreman for aircraft maintenance.

To ensure turns when the aircraft moves on the ground, the last four rows of the main support struts are made orientable.

Aircraft maintenance technician: specialization: hydraulic system and landing gear.

The heavy weight of the aircraft causes the landing gear to leave marks on the asphalt.

Ladder and hatch to the cockpit.

The passenger compartment is divided into 2 parts: in the front there is the aircraft crew, and in the rear there are accompanying and maintenance personnel.
The cabins are sealed separately - they are separated by a wing.

The rear part of the accompanying cabin is intended for eating, working with technical documentation and holding conferences.
The aircraft has 18 seats for rest of crew members and members of the engineering and technical team - 6 seats in the front cabin and 12 in the rear.

Staircase and hatch to the attendant cabin at the rear of the aircraft.

Technical compartment located at the rear of the cockpit.

On the shelves you can see the blocks that ensure the operation of various aircraft systems, and the pipelines of the pressurization and air conditioning system and the anti-icing system. All aircraft systems are highly automated and require minimal crew intervention during operation. Their work is supported by 34 on-board computers.

Wall of the front center section spar. It is installed (from top to bottom): the slats transmission and air bleed pipelines from the engines.
In front of it are stationary cylinders of the fire protection system with the fire extinguishing agent "Freon".

Stickers are souvenirs from numerous visitors on the panel on the plane's emergency exit hatch flap.

Farthest point from base airport, which the plane managed to visit, is the island of Tahiti, part of French Polynesia.
The distance along the shortest arc of the globe is about 16,400 km.

Rynda An-225
Vladimir Vladimirovich Mason mentioned in the engraving is an aircraft operation engineer who worked at Mriya for many years.

The aircraft commander (PIC) is Vladimir Yurievich Mosin.

To become an An-225 commander, you must have at least 5 years of experience flying an An-124 aircraft as a commander.

Weight and alignment control is simplified by installing a load-measuring system on the chassis.

The aircraft crew consists of 6 people:
aircraft commander, co-pilot, navigator, senior flight engineer, aviation equipment flight engineer, flight radio operator.

To reduce efforts on the throttles and increase the accuracy of setting engine operating modes, a remote engine control system is provided. In this case, the pilot makes a relatively small effort to use cables to move the lever of an electromechanical device mounted on the engine, which reproduces this movement on the fuel regulator lever with the necessary force and accuracy. For the convenience of joint control during takeoff and landing, the throttle levers of the outermost engines (RUD1 and RUD6) are linked, respectively, with RUD2 and RUD5.

The helm of the largest aircraft in the world.

Aircraft control is booster i.e. The control surfaces are deflected solely with the help of hydraulic steering actuators, if they fail, it is impossible to control the aircraft manually (with an increase in the required effort). Therefore, quadruple redundancy was applied. The mechanical part of the control system (from the steering wheel and pedals to hydraulic steering actuators) consists of rigid rods and cables.
The total length of these cables is: the aileron control system in the fuselage - about 30 meters, in each console (left, right) of the wing - approximately 35 meters; elevator and rudder control systems - about 65 meters each.

When the plane is empty, 2400 m of runway is enough for takeoff and landing.
Takeoff with maximum weight - 3500 m, landing with maximum weight - 3300 m.

At the executive start, the engines begin to warm up, which takes about 10 minutes.

This prevents engine surge during takeoff and ensures maximum takeoff thrust. Of course, this requirement leads to the fact that: takeoff is carried out during a period of minimal airport congestion, or the plane waits a long time for its turn to take off, missing scheduled flights.

The takeoff and landing speed depends on the takeoff and landing weight of the aircraft and ranges from 240 km/h to 280 km/h.

The climb is carried out at a speed of 560 km/h, with a vertical speed of 8 m/s.

At an altitude of 7100 meters, the speed increases to 675 km/h with further continuation of the climb to the flight level.

Cruising speed of An-225 - 850 km/h
When calculating cruising speed, the weight of the aircraft and the flight range that the aircraft must cover are taken into account.

Dmitry Viktorovich Antonov - senior captain.

The middle panel of the pilots' instrument panel.

Backup instruments: attitude indicator and altitude indicator. Fuel lever position indicator (FLU), engine thrust indicator (ET). Indicators of deviation of control surfaces and take-off and landing devices (slats, flaps, spoilers).

The senior flight engineer's instrument panel.

In the lower left corner there is a side panel with controls for the hydraulic complex and a chassis position alarm. Top left panel of the aircraft fire protection system. At the top right is a panel with controls and control devices: starting the APU, the supercharging and air conditioning system, the anti-icing system and the signal panel block. At the bottom is a panel with controls and controls for the fuel supply system, engine operation control and on-board automated system control (BASK) of all aircraft parameters.

Senior onboard engineer - Polishchuk Alexander Nikolaevich.

Engine control instrument panel.

On the left, at the top is a vertical indicator of the position of the fuel levers. Large round instruments are speed indicators for the high-pressure compressor and engine fan. Small round instruments are indicators of oil temperature at the engine inlet. The block of vertical instruments at the bottom - indicators of the amount of oil in the engine oil tanks.

Aeronautical engineer's dashboard.
Controls and monitoring devices for the aircraft's power supply system and oxygen system are located here.

Navigator - Anatoly Binyatovich Abdullaev.

Flight over the territory of Greece.

Navigator-instructor - Yaroslav Ivanovich Koshitsky.

Flight operator - Gennady Yurievich Antipov.
The ICAO call sign for the An-225 on the flight from Zurich to Athens was ADB-3038.

On-board engineer - Yuri Anatolyevich Mindar.

Athens airport runway.

Landing at night on Mriya is carried out instrumentally, i.e. using instruments, from the leveling height and before touching down - visually. According to the crew, one of the most difficult landings is in Kabul, which is associated with high altitude and many obstacles. The approach begins at a speed of 340 km/h to an altitude of 200 meters, then the speed is gradually reduced.

Landing is carried out at a speed of 295 km/h with fully extended mechanization. It is allowed to touch the runway at a vertical speed of 6 m/s. After touching the runway, reverse thrust is immediately switched to engines 2 to 5, while engines 1 and 6 are left at idle. The landing gear is braked at a speed of 140-150 km/h until the aircraft comes to a complete stop.

The aircraft's service life is 8,000 flight hours, 2,000 takeoffs and landings, 25 calendar years.

The aircraft can still fly until December 21, 2013 (25 years since the start of its operation), after which a thorough study of its technical condition will be carried out and the necessary work will be carried out to ensure an extension of the calendar service life to 45 years.

Due to the high cost of transportation on the An-225, orders appear only for very long and very heavy cargo, when transportation by land is not possible. Flights are random: from 2-3 per month to 1-2 per year. From time to time there is talk about building a second copy of the An-225 aircraft, but this requires an appropriate order and appropriate funding. To complete the construction, an amount of approximately $90 million is required, and taking into account testing, it increases to $120 million.

This is perhaps one of the most beautiful and impressive aircraft in the world.

Thanks to Antonov Airlines for their help in organizing the photography!
Special thanks to Vadim Nikolaevich Deniskov for his help in writing the text for the post!

The An-225 Mriya airliner, the photo of which is located below, is the heaviest aircraft in terms of payload capacity that has ever taken off. Its maximum take-off weight is 640 tons. The creation of the model was associated with the need to build an air transport system for the needs of the reusable Soviet spacecraft Buran project. It should be noted that at the moment this exists in only one copy. All this will be discussed in more detail below.

Design order

In mid-1988, the government of the Soviet Union instructed the Antonov Design Bureau to develop a project and build a new aircraft. The main requirement put forward to it was the ability to transport the Buran spacecraft. In addition, the aircraft was planned to be used in such a field of activity as transport aviation, where it would transport large-sized equipment for the oil, construction and


In addition to all other requirements, the designers were faced with the task of reducing the cost of the new airliner as much as possible. In addition, it was necessary to reduce the construction time as much as possible. In this regard, they decided to take as a basis the design, as well as the main units and components, from another large model - the AN-124 "Ruslan". It should be noted that at that time she confidently topped the rating “ The best planes Ukraine" (photo of the vessel is given below).

He made his first flight at the end of 1982. Its transport characteristics were among the best on the planet. A clear proof of this was the fact that after the appearance of Ruslan, some global space companies began to actively refine their aircraft. This also applies to the Americans, who urgently began to improve their Lockheed project - the S-5A Galaxy.

Preliminary studies showed that this heavy transport aircraft, in terms of payload capacity, was capable of transporting the components of not only the Buran system, but even the oxygen and hydrogen tanks of the Energia rocket in docked form. On the other hand, due to its single-fin tail, external transportation of long cargo became impossible.

Key changes

The designers changed the design of the wings for the Mriya. Due to the addition of additional sections in the center, their scope has increased. The design of the wing mounts on the pylons remains the same, but their number has increased to six. If the cross-sectional size of the fuselage, compared to the previous modification, remained the same, then the overall length of the body has increased. In order to reduce weight, it was decided to eliminate the cargo rear hatch with all the devices intended for loading and unloading. To access the cargo compartment, the bow of the aircraft rises. In total, it takes about ten minutes to open or close the ramp. On the Ruslan model, five separate struts with paired wheels were installed, which were the main support for the landing gear; in the An-225, their number increased to seven. The tail unit was made with two fins to allow transportation of cargo outside the body.


The An-225 Mriya aircraft was presented to the Soviet public by the general designer of the Antonov Bureau, P. V. Balabuev, on November 30, 1988. At the same time, engineers rolled out the airliner from the assembly shop for the first time. A few days later, the car performed its first maneuvers at the plant’s airfield, namely runs at speeds of up to 200 km/h, turns and landing gear lifts. On February 1, 1989, at the Boryspil airport, it was first shown to foreign experts and journalists.

First takeoff

Initially, the designers planned to make its debut takeoff on December 20, 1988. However, due to bad weather conditions(strong winds and low clouds) this event has been postponed. The situation was similar the next day. Despite this, after a run of 950 meters, the ship easily took off from the ground and began to gain altitude. The first flight of the airliner lasted 1 hour and 14 minutes. The main thing that the designers of the An-225 “Mriya” wanted to determine during it was the characteristics of the ship’s control system, as well as the correctness and reliability of the functioning of the on-board equipment. In addition, engineers needed to clarify the aerodynamic corrections of the car. Based on the results of the flight, they came to the conclusion that all systems and components operate in full accordance with the calculated data. On December 28, 1988, the airliner performed another check flight.


A very unusual flight of the Mriya aircraft (An-225) was scheduled for March 22, 1989. The liner provided all the prerequisites for breaking several world records. Many specialists - testers, designers, technicians, engineers and pilots - took an active part in the preparation for this event. After commission weighing of the cargo, whose mass was 156.3 tons, the filler necks of the fuel tanks were sealed. Then the ship took off without any problems, and 45 minutes later it successfully landed. During this short period of time, the An-225 Mriya broke 110 world records. The previous achievement of the American Boeing 747-400 in such an indicator as maximum take-off weight was exceeded by as much as 104 tons. Feedback from experts indicated that the An-225 has a great and bright future.

Fulfillment of the main goal

Be that as it may, setting world records was far from the main goal during the construction of the new product. As noted above, the aircraft was given the goal of external transportation of the Buran space complex. The airliner made its first flight with such a cargo on its back on May 13, 1989, when it delivered it to the Baikonur cosmodrome. The crew, headed by A. Galunenko, managed to test the controllability of the ship with the Buran on board, as well as measure fuel consumption and flight speed in various conditions. Ten days after this, the plane made a direct flight along the Baikonur-Kyiv route. In this case, a distance of 2,700 kilometers was covered in 4 hours and 25 minutes. A photo of the largest aircraft on the planet with Buran on board is shown below.

First commercial flight

The An-225 made its debut commercial flight in May 1990. Then the airliner transported a special T-800 tractor (its weight was more than 100 tons) from Chelyabinsk to Yakutia. After he landed at the airfield, he was immediately surrounded by an enthusiastic crowd. It should be noted that this expedition was far from accidental. It was of great importance not so much for the national economy of the country, but rather carried the goal of testing the transport capabilities of the aircraft in such difficult conditions as in the Arctic. Based on the results, the designers conducted a number of useful studies and made valuable conclusions.

Main characteristics

One of the main advantages of the Mriya aircraft (An-225) is specifications and flight data. The airliner is equipped with six, called D-18T. The weight of each of them exceeds four tons. Their total thrust is 1377 kN, which is an unprecedented value. During takeoff, each of them develops a power of 12,500 horsepower. The wingspan of this aircraft is 88.4 meters, while the area is 905 square meters. As for the dimensions, its length and height are 84 and 18.1 meters, respectively.

The cruising speed of the An-225 is set at 850 km/h. Provided the fuel tanks are fully filled, the vessel is capable of traveling 15 thousand kilometers when empty and 4.5 thousand kilometers with a maximum load. The airliner's payload is 250 tons. At the same time, it is capable of flying at altitudes of up to 11 thousand meters. As for the requirements for the runway, its minimum length must be 3 kilometers. The vehicle's fuel consumption is almost 16 tons per hour (assuming operation at cruising speed and with a full load).


The aircraft is capable of non-stop intracontinental transportation of cargo weighing up to 200 tons, as well as intercontinental transportation of cargo weighing up to 150 tons. Outside on the fuselage, the aircraft can transport large-sized elements that weigh up to 200 tons. The cargo compartment of the An-225 is quite roomy. In particular, 16 universal aviation containers UAK-10 (10 tons each), 50 passenger cars or monocargoes weighing up to 200 tons (dump trucks, generators, turbines, etc.) can easily be accommodated inside the fuselage. To carry out loading and unloading, the model is equipped with a whole complex, which includes four lifting mechanisms with a lifting capacity of five tons. In addition, the ship's designers provided two winches.


The An-225 Mriya aircraft is controlled by a crew of six people. In order to facilitate access to the cockpit, the seats of the first and second pilots are equipped with a whole system of adjustments and are capable of rotating. Behind them is the workstation of a navigation and communications specialist. On the right side of the cockpit are the seats for the on-board engineers. It should be noted that there is room inside the airliner for a reserve crew. The main cabin has a total of six seats, and the auxiliary cabin has twelve seats. In order to become the crew commander of this aircraft, the pilot must have at least five years of experience in driving the An-124 “Ruslan” model.


The avionics of the An-225 Mriya model includes an automatic flight performance control system, as well as a display with a dynamic map. At the same time, electronic monitors, which are designed for electronic control, are absent here. The nose compartment is divided into two dielectric zones. They are designed to provide protection to the ground navigation radar as well as the forward looking radar system. The altitude indicator and attitude indicator act as backup instruments here. In addition, the cockpit has a fuel lever position indicator, power plant thrust indicators, and deviation sensors for takeoff and landing devices and control surfaces.


After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the world's largest aircraft turned out to be of no use to anyone. In 1994, its flights were stopped. Moreover, the engines and other equipment were completely removed from it for the purpose of further use in the Ruslans. Be that as it may, every year the need to resuscitate the project called “Mriya” was felt more and more: large planes from other leading world manufacturers were unable to cope with the tasks that only the An-225 model could do. As a result, the designers modified the aircraft to ensure it complies with existing standards in civil aviation.

May 7, 2001 is considered the second birthday of “Mriya”. It was then, after a series of runs, turns and tests, that the plane took off again. On board it was marked UR-82060, and the crew was headed by pilot A.V. Galunenko. The car spent about fifteen minutes in the air, after which it landed safely. On May 23, 2011, the ship received all the necessary certificates, including international ones. This allows it to be used for commercial transportation of goods.

Second copy

From the very beginning of the construction of the An-225 Mriya aircraft, it was planned to create two copies of it. Despite this, the second car was never completed. The reason for this was the lack of proper funding for the project. Currently it is located on the territory of the Antonov plant. Experts estimate the overall degree of its readiness at 70 percent. More specifically, the fuselage, one wing and the center section have remained from Soviet times. According to the designers, it is quite possible to complete this machine, but this requires a sum of money amounting to about 150 million US dollars. This is only possible when a customer or sponsor appears.

Some features of the Mriya aircraft

In order to ensure safety during flight, the center of gravity of this loaded airliner must be placed along its length within certain limits. In this regard, loading is carried out in accordance with the instructions. It is the responsibility of the co-pilot to ensure that this process is correct. It is impossible to use a carrier from other manufacturers to transport this vessel, so your own copy of this device is transported on board. This is a heavy transport aircraft; due to the enormous weight of the vehicle, marks from the landing gear always remain on the asphalt. Moreover, the cost of one of their tires starts at one thousand US dollars.