What is prohibited to pass through the introscope. Is using an introscope at an airport harmful? Basic geometry of X-ray radiation during fluorography

I think everyone has already gotten used to the fact that airports are guarded by state-of-the-art body scanners that can see everything that is under your clothes. However, in 2012, American John Corbett, author of the blog “Get the Transportation Security Administration Out of Our Pants,” simply blew up the Internet with his video. In it, he carries a metal box in his pocket through such a scanner, which could easily fit drugs, weapons or, for example, smuggled Polish jewelry!

So modern technologies can still be fooled. But I wonder how this can be done? Let us say right away that these observations are based only on the operating principle of the equipment, have never been tested in practice and are purely speculative.

So, there are scanners for luggage and body.

Let's discuss the first ones first.

Baggage scanners

Such devices are called introscopes. They use x-rays, which are the same electromagnetic waves as light, only thousands of times smaller, and therefore angrier, more aggressive and more energetic. Some materials transmit this radiation almost unhindered, while others slightly delay it. This way we can see the contours of objects of different densities.

It must be said right away: do not try to deceive such a scanner by giving harmless outlines to illegal cargo. The fact is that the attenuation of radiation occurs when it interacts with electrons in atoms. And their number varies depending on the element, so introscopes can determine not only the contours and density of the material, but also its approximate chemical composition. Different elements are tinted in different colors, so organic matter, explosives, drugs, plastic, and metal are clearly visible in the image. So if you are carrying a plastic pistol, then no one will stop you. But if you try to disguise, for example, a plastid as a chocolate bar, they will immediately notice it.

The weak point of introscopes is the geometric features of scanning. It occurs in one plane when luggage moves along the belt. So objects parallel to this plane will be difficult to recognize. But in the latest models, scanning is carried out in several planes, and this focus now hardly applies anywhere. So, if you decide to do this, cut everything into small pieces, in the hope that the operator will not notice them.

Metal detectors

With state-of-the-art human body scanners, you have to walk through a metal detector before you can get to them. And it’s not so easy to deceive him. Or?..

Within such a framework, an alternating magnetic field is created, and because of it, weak electric currents arise in absolutely all metals. Therefore, objects themselves become sources of a magnetic field, which the detector picks up. The magnetic field cannot be shielded by anything; it penetrates through any substances except superconductors. They have zero resistance and are not penetrated by the field, so metal wrapped in a superconductor will be invisible to a metal detector. The only problem is that this state is achieved at very low temperatures, no higher than –140°C. So, if you want to fool the metal detector, please take a bottle of liquid nitrogen with you for cooling.

Backscatter scanners

And finally, about scanners for humans. There are two types. The first is based on the back reflection of X-ray radiation.

Yes Yes exactly. Still, you can get a dose of radiation at the airport. However, don't worry, the power of this X-ray is very, very weak. In a further flight at an altitude of 10,000 meters, you will receive a dose hundreds of times greater.

These scanners are based on the fact that X-ray radiation can not only penetrate through bodies, but also be reflected. This effect is called Compton scattering, and it occurs on free electrons. But are they free in our body?

The fact is that in the light atoms of our skin, electrons are weakly attracted to the nucleus, so they can partly be called free; X-rays are reflected from them. But the reflection from metals is weak, since the nuclei attract electrons more strongly. If you register reflected radiation, the skin will look light, and the metal and the rest of the space will be black, because reflected radiation does not come from there. Therefore, all metal objects located in the side pockets will blend into the background and cannot be detected. So, unless you are asked to turn sideways towards the scanner, you have a good chance of sneaking something metal through undetected. That's exactly what John Corbett did.

Microwave scanners

The second type of scanners is microwave. They are two frames that rotate around you. They contain emitters of millimeter waves, like radio waves from mobile phones, wi-fi. The frequency of these waves is selected so that they pass unhindered through clothing, but are reflected from the surface of the skin and metal objects.

The scanner forms a three-dimensional image of the surface of the human body. However, you need to understand that it is one color. Such a scanner does not see any special differences between metal, non-metal, skin and other organics. So it’s probably not difficult to disguise some prohibited object. If only the disguise was in the shape of the human body and reflected millimeter waves well.

Ethical considerations

After the introduction of such scanners, many were surprised, to put it mildly. Indeed, this is a godsend for perverts, because the person is actually visible naked in the images. So in modern scanner models, the real image is processed by software, and the operator sees only a drawing of a man. If the program detects a threat, it highlights it in the appropriate place in the picture.

In conclusion, we will say that, although some types of scanners can be fooled, security at the airport is ensured by a whole range of measures - video cameras, dog handlers, psychologists who observe the behavior of passengers. So it’s not just the scanner that you have to fool.

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In connection with the widespread use of X-ray scanning devices for screening people, it warns that their frequent use can lead to radiation and cancer diseases of the Russian population, the department said in a document published on the website on Saturday.

X-ray scanning machines are installed at many airports around the world, in particular the UK and the USA. At Moscow Domodedovo Airport, modern technical means are used during the inspection of baggage and hand luggage, including X-ray television introscopes, gas analyzers, and X-ray scanners.

At the end of January of this year, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev inspected an experimental complex for screening passengers at the Okhotny Ryad Moscow metro station, which includes a public warning system, an individual monitoring unit for suspicious citizens, a radiation monitoring and explosives detection system. The President called for speeding up the introduction of a complex for screening passengers and luggage in the metro. Medvedev signed a decree on the creation of a comprehensive transport security system after the terrorist attacks on the Moscow metro in March 2010, when 40 people were killed and 160 were injured.

“The Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare, taking into account the proliferation of radiation installations for personal searches of people, considers it necessary to strengthen supervision over their use in terms of ensuring radiation safety of the population,” the document says.

Rospotrebnadzor reminds that if a person receives 0.3-0.4 μSv in one test, then for each individual person there should be no more than 20 such studies per year. At the same time, dose control and citizen identification during repeated scans should be ensured, according to the Rospotrebnadzor document, by special programs that are equipped with devices scanning people.

In addition to the “dose” criterion, according to the law “On Radiation Safety of the Population”, when operating a scanner, the “principle of justification” must be ensured, that is, the benefit for the person exposed to radiation or for society must be guaranteed to exceed the risk of possible harm associated with radiation.

“The above conditions cannot be met when scanning passenger flows, including millions of metro passengers,” the department’s specialists believe.

In addition, the head of the sanitary department, Gennady Onishchenko, believes that hidden from a person (that is, not voluntary) X-ray scanning is unacceptable, since this does not ensure the radiation safety of people around him, including children and pregnant women.

“Such scanning of people will lead to a significant increase in the collective dose of man-made radiation to the population of the Russian Federation and will several times increase the risk of stochastic effects - harmful biological effects, primarily, cancer caused by ionizing radiation,” the department’s document says.

Rospotrebnadzor specialists emphasize that the tested beam scanners, which are intended for pre-flight inspection of air passengers, “are quite powerful man-made sources of X-ray radiation that pose a potential danger to human health.”

“Before conducting research, it is necessary to provide a person with information about the radiation dose, the consequences of radiation on health, and obtain his consent to conduct the research,” says the Rospotrebnadzor document.

The press service of Domodedovo Airport clarified that the airport's aviation security service uses radio wave scanners for pre-flight inspection of passengers.

“Such an inspection does not have any medical restrictions on its use, since the scanning uses an active radar method, similar to the procedure in an ultrasound room. The power of the radio signal of the scanner is 10 thousand times lower than the power of the emitted signal of a mobile phone. Therefore, the number of passes through the device is not limited in any way,” - says the press service.

In connection with the widespread introduction of inspection systems, many are asking this question. In this post, the author wants to begin a series of articles about various inspection systems, the principles used for detecting dangerous objects and the design of inspection equipment down to the hardware.

First, let's look at X-ray inspection systems

Most often, in X-ray inspection systems, or from the memory of television systems, such as “Search” - RTU (X-ray television installation), an X-ray tube is used. Yes, the same one that was invented by Kondrad Roentgen and most often without a rotation-cooled anode.

The scheme for obtaining an image was initially simple - by projection onto a plate luminescent under X-rays.

How are explosives found using X-ray inspection systems?

History of the development of inspection systems for baggage scanning.

Let us tell you the history of the development of X-ray inspection systems.
First, a few explanatory drawings.

Basic geometry of X-ray radiation during fluorography

This image shows how a stream of X-rays is projected onto a fluorescent screen. Initially, X-ray inspection systems did not differ much from fluorography equipment. The principle of operation was simple.

X-ray radiation from the source passes through the controlled (translucent) object, is converted on a special fluorescent screen into a light relief corresponding to the X-ray image of the object (the so-called “shadow image”) and is visually perceived by the operator through the protective glass.

Direct Imaging Fluoroscopy:

Later, to protect against radiation, they came up with the idea of ​​sealing the radiation in a leaded box, observing the resulting image through mirrors and optical systems with the ability to magnify.

Image enhancement with TV camera

Further development followed the path of enhancing the resulting image using photoelectronic amplifiers and converting it into a television signal viewed on a monitor.

But soon the “digital revolution” arrived, radically changing the principles of scanning.

Modern X-ray inspection systems often use other principles that have reduced side effects and greatly improved:

  1. Image quality
  2. Distinction of materials

Image quality has improved thanks to the use of highly sensitive semiconductor detectors (photodiodes), coated with a layer of luminescent substance (usually cesium iodide), as well as digital processing on a computer.

The X-ray beam is projected in the form of a strip, precisely onto a line of detectors, past which the scanned object (luggage) moves along a conveyor belt. The windows of the tunnel in which scanning takes place are closed at the entrance and exit with leaded curtains. This is done to protect against scattered radiation.

Next, the received signal is read and converted by an analog-to-digital converter - ADC, aligned and transmitted to a computer for processing and adding “successive slices” of the object into a single image.

Slit collimation scheme

Microdose digital x-ray scanning

Soon, to reduce the size of the X-ray inspection installation, an L-shaped arrangement of detectors was invented, as can be seen in the figure.

Advantages of an L-shaped detector array.

Modern X-ray inspection systems distinguish between materials using the Compton effect and determine two energies of X-rays - high and low.

In 1923 A. Compton, studying the scattering of X-rays (high-energy photons) by various substances (mainly light: graphite, paraffin, etc.) containing free or weakly bound electrons, discovered that the scattered rays, along with radiation of the original wavelength l, contain also rays with a wavelength l¢ greater than l (l¢>l). Moreover, the difference Dl=l¢-l turned out to be independent of l and the nature of the scattering substance, and was entirely determined by the scattering angle. The following pattern was experimentally established:

where q is the angle formed by the direction of the scattered radiation with the direction of the primary beam; l0 is a constant value for all substances, equal to l0=0.0242 =2.42×10-12m.

DEFINITION: scattering of electromagnetic radiation by free or weakly bound electrons, in which an individual photon, as a result of an elastic collision with an electron, transfers to it part of its momentum (part of the energy), is called the Compton effect or phenomenon.

In simple terms, this is what happens:

When an X-ray quantum collides, energy is transferred to the electron. The excited electron releases the energy received from the quantum in the form of an x-ray photon, a lower energy.

It is important to understand:

When radiation is scattered by substances with low atomic numbers, almost all of the scattered radiation has a shifted wavelength. Thus, two energies appear in the X-ray spectrum: low and the original high.

The initial X-ray spectrum is high energy.

X-ray spectrum, after originating through organic matter.

X-ray inspection systems are produced by different companies. In Russia, there is mainly equipment from Nuctech, Smits Detection, Rapiscan, L3 Communication, Astrophysics, Medrentech, Berg and many others. These companies are from different countries: Russia, China, America, Great Britain, Germany.

Let's look at a typical X-ray inspection system design for hand baggage inspection.

Diagram of the X-ray inspection system.

The figure clearly shows an X-ray generator (X-ray Source), an L-shaped matrix of Folded Detector Array detectors and a computer.

Operating principles of the X-ray inspection system:

When an inspected object enters the tunnel and blocks the photoelectric sensor, the signal from the sensor is sent to the control unit, which triggers the X-ray generator.
X-ray radiation exits the collimator, penetrates the object being inspected and hits the detector.

The system uses detectors of two energies. The number of detector modules is twice as large as in one energy system. Two detector units with sensitivity to low and high energy X-rays respectively are placed together to receive X-rays.

Depending on the signals received from both detectors, the image processing system can recognize the types of materials (mainly organic, inorganic and mixtures) of the object being inspected.
The system's detector modules are assembled in protected panels arranged in an L shape and installed diagonally from the X-ray generator to scan the entire section of the tunnel with X-rays.

In this arrangement, “blind” zones are excluded and inspection of any part of objects passing through the tunnel is allowed.

Additional image of the X-ray inspection system

The highly efficient detector converts X-rays into weak current signals, which are amplified and sent to an ADC.

These analog signals are converted into 16-bit digital signals, which are sent to the computer.

The computer first corrects the mismatch and offset of the digital signal from each pixel, then classifies organic and inorganic materials from the corrected high and low energy signals, and performs basic image processing functions such as image edge enhancement and 16-bit high and low energy signal correction.

The signal from each x-ray section of the object is converted into an image “line” on the display screen.

The gray level of the image indicates the degree of X-ray absorption in the object being inspected.

Since the object is transported through the tunnel by a conveyor at a constant speed, the system scans it in successive "X-ray slices". The processed X-ray images of the object are sequentially displayed on the display for viewing.

All x-ray image sections of the inspected object are combined to form a complete x-ray image.

To help inspectors better understand image details and make better decisions, the system provides them with a number of functions to analyze and evaluate the image.

Using these functions does not change the image data itself. Disabling such functions restores the original image.

The test baggage scanned by the X-ray inspection unit looks like this:

This case contains the entire gentleman's kit of a terrorist - a revolver, a grenade, a bomb with a timer, a set of Boeing aircraft keys, a cell phone and a Samsung Galaxy Note 7.
The resulting image is colored in different colors.

Different materials correspond to different object colors in accordance with the table:

Effective atomic number Zeff

Typical material

Organic matter

Compounds of light elements, such as hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen and oxygen, including most explosives (eg nitroglycerin), plastics (eg polypropylene), paper, cloth, food, wood and water

Mixed material

Between 10 and 18

Medium weight metal elements (eg aluminum) and salts.

Inorganic substances

Heavy metal elements (such as titanium, chromium, silver, nickel, iron, copper, zinc and lead).

Zeff is the atomic weight of materials that are illuminated in a given image area. This parameter is determined by the Compton effect and low- and high-energy X-ray detectors.

There are different functions for processing the image of the inspected object. A favorite among inspectors, black and white mode is used to detect thin, metallic objects.

For example: wires, knives in vertical projection or explosives with wires and a fuse.

Black and white (B/W) image

The organic material elimination mode is used to detect metal objects. As a result, metal objects are marked in blue in the image. Looking ahead a little, I can tell you that light metals are colored green - for example, aluminum or metal salts.

Organic Removal

To determine TNT or other plastic explosives, as well as drugs, a mode of exclusion of inorganic materials - metals and salts - is used. As a result, organic materials such as fruits and vegetables, plastics, including plastic explosives and narcotics are visible.

Display only organic substances while excluding inorganic materials

Also during inspection, the ability to determine materials by atomic numbers is used - Z eff.

The effective atomic numbers (Zeff) of explosives and drugs lie in the range as shown in the Table.

Table of Effective Atomic Numbers of Explosives and Drugs

The Z7/Z8/Z9 function is used to highlight materials with a Zeff of 7, 8, or 9 in the image. Using this function, you can view organic materials with a Zeff of 7, 8, or 9, respectively. Regions of the image with organic materials with the indicated Zeff are shown in red, and the remaining regions are shown in gray. In this way, explosives or drugs can be easily isolated.

Using the Z9 function

The picture clearly shows the amphetamine grains in the bag, shown using the Z9 function.

The “auto” mode is also used - automatic detection. In this mode, hazardous substances are outlined with colored, rectangular outlines.

Real image of luggage on the monitor of an X-ray inspection and screening unit.

Objects that look like explosives are outlined in yellow frames. Pink frames – surround objects similar to drugs. Red frames are a warning about objects that cannot be x-rayed.

Consequently, there may be something behind this object that is not visible to the inspector. And if a significant part of the luggage is hidden, then the inspector is obliged to inspect it.

It is important to understand that these frames are a warning to the inspector. It's not often that frames indicate a real threat.

The next article will discuss operator training techniques, software capabilities and functions, and the design of x-ray inspection systems.

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This publication briefly, simply and clearly answers the question “What is an introscope?”, provides examples from our practice, and talks about the main types of this equipment, technologies and design solutions.

Security systems for transport infrastructure facilities, life support facilities, and places of public events, such as the Olympics in Sochi, the Universiade in Kazan, FIFA, today cannot be imagined without the use of such technical security equipment as metal detectors, gas analyzers, detectors of explosives and narcotic substances and, of course, introscopes.

1. What is an “introscope”?

Introscopy is a non-destructive study of the internal structure of an opaque object and the processes occurring in it using sound waves, electromagnetic radiation, constant and alternating electromagnetic fields or flows of elementary particles. The range of technologies for implementing introscopy is quite wide; we will focus on such an inspection tool as an X-ray television unit (X-ray television installation), also called an X-ray television introscope, which uses X-ray radiation and is used everywhere for the inspection of baggage, hand luggage and cargo.

Below is one of the most common X-ray television introscopes today. These are from Smiths Heimann with the top and side covers removed. You can see the blue cylinder at the bottom right - this is the heart of the installation - the X-ray generator, which emits a beam of X-ray radiation, directed by a collimator through the inspection tunnel to a line of detectors, usually L-shaped.

2. What is the operating principle of an introscope (X-ray television unit, RTU)?

An object placed inside the tunnel is irradiated from a certain angle. Depending on its thickness and material, some of the radiation energy is lost. The residual energy is recorded by special detectors and converted into electrical signals processed in the processing unit. As a result, a shadow X-ray television image (projection) of the inspected object is generated, demonstrating its internal structure, in our case, the contents of luggage, hand luggage, etc.

Analysis of the attenuation of X-ray radiation at different energy levels allows the introscope to determine the materials of inspected objects by effective atomic number, dividing them into three groups: organic (shaded orange in the X-ray television image), inorganic (shaded blue) and an intermediate group of materials (shaded green).

Below is an X-ray television image of a typical piece of luggage: the color of the objects determines their belonging to the group of materials, the brightness depends on their thickness (the thicker the object, the darker it is in the image).

With the development of technology, the size of detectors is decreasing. This allows you to increase their number on the detector line and improve the quality of the resulting image.

3. What are the main schemes of introscopes?

Optimizing the relative position of the generator, conveyor belt and detector line also significantly affects image quality. The following figure shows a schematic diagram of an X-ray television introscope: the X-ray generator is located below the conveyor belt, and the X-ray radiation is directed upward. With this configuration, the closer the conveyor belt is to the generator, the more detectors are involved in image formation and the smaller objects are visible on the operator’s screen. The advantage of this design is the small footprint.

On the other hand, in order to place the generator under the conveyor belt, it is necessary to raise it accordingly from the floor level. This can make it difficult to inspect heavy items of luggage and hand luggage, so introscopes of this design are used to inspect relatively light items of luggage and hand luggage at the entrance area of ​​airports, other transport infrastructure facilities, and at the entrance to life support facilities.

Another design option for placing the generator is implemented in the Hi-Scan 100100T introscope - from above with the direction down to the detector line as shown below. In this case, the conveyor belt is placed low above the floor level, which makes it possible to inspect already quite heavy loads.

The third option is implemented in the Hi-Scan 5180si introscope - a side-mounted generator, which allows you to place the conveyor belt low above the floor and also inspect heavy objects. Placing the object being inspected closer to the generator allows finer details to be displayed. Compensating for the design shortcomings of the two previous schemes, this design at the same time requires an increased area for placement.

The choice of design scheme for an X-ray television installation is determined by the tasks facing the forces and means of ensuring safety.

4. Introscopes with automatic detection of explosives

Today, there are multi-projection introscopes that simultaneously generate images of several projections of the object under study, significantly increasing the efficiency of inspection and examination. Such introscopes include, for example, the Hi-Scan 6040i (with TIM and Optoscreener options) or the Smiths Heimann Hi-Scan 6040-2is, pictured below:

This X-ray television installation generates two projections of the inspected object:

Two projections make it easier to identify flat objects, such as knives, that are clearly visible on the screen.

At the same time, two or more projections provide more information for content analysis. Hi-Scan 6040-2is is a new development; modern software algorithms allow, in addition to atomic mass, to accurately calculate the density of each individual piece of luggage. This enables the Hi-Scan 6040-2is to reliably detect liquid and solid explosives.

5. How can introscopes be used (X-ray television installations, RTU, RTI)?

Any X-ray television introscope can be used as an isolated tool or as an integral part of the modern concept of an inspection point, checkpoint, where it is used as part of complementary technologies, the systemic use of which guarantees the required level of alarm detection.

Modern software and built-in interface of an introscope such as HI-SCAN 10080 EDTS Smiths Heimann companies allow it to be integrated into Integrated Security Systems (ICS). The most famous example is the implementation in the field of transport security, airports - the creation of multi-level airport security systems.

In such applications, introscopes are built into conveyor systems, included in a single information space of a transport infrastructure facility, integrated into networks, and to improve operational efficiency, they effectively complement and interact with other inspection technologies (explosive trace detectors, gas analyzers, personal inspection equipment, etc.). At the same time, the necessary routing of information packages and X-ray television images is implemented to simultaneously solve the problems of the Aviation Security Service (ASS), the Federal Customs Service (FCS), as well as the forces and means of ensuring the security of the transport infrastructure facility.

Thanks to its high performance and automatic detection of explosives, such an X-ray television introscope as HI-SCAN 10080 EDTS is installed at Level 1 of inspection and automatically inspects 100% of incoming luggage items. At the same time, those of them where dangerous and prohibited contents are detected are moved to the next inspection levels for inspection using complementary technologies, while the remaining objects are sent to the destination point.

Thus, the usual configuration of a multi-level inspection system is that items with dangerous and prohibited contents detected at Level 1 are automatically sent to Level 2 for further examination of X-ray images by an operator. If necessary, the images and item are sent to Level 3 and so on. As the level of security increases, the time spent on analyzing an item and its contents increases.

A similar system has been implemented, for example, in the new terminal of Pulkovo Airport (St. Petersburg).

6.1 Naming rules for Hi-Scan introscopes.

The name of Smiths Heimann Hi-Scan introscopes reflects the features of their design:

  • The dimensions of the inspection tunnel are encrypted with numbers in the name, so the tunnel has a cross-section of about 600x400 mm (WxH).
  • Additional symbols indicated after these numbers define other details of the RTU design (see, for example, Hi-Scan introscope naming rules)

6.2 Selecting a RTU supplier.

When ordering such complex equipment as an X-ray television unit (X-ray television unit, introscope), it is important to work with professional companies in the security equipment market. The official dealer provides a manufacturer's warranty; its personnel have extensive experience, including in the Russian market, and are authorized by the manufacturer to carry out repairs and service.

Such a company supplies customers with the best world-class solutions on a turnkey basis, starting with the selection of equipment according to the assigned tasks, development of a placement project, delivery, commissioning, and ending with operator training and supply of spare parts. This company is often a member of an expert community or association that brings together leading professionals in the field of security and inspection equipment.

X-ray television introscope Rapiscan (warehouse in Moscow, X-ray equipment available).

The term introscope comes from the Latin word intro, meaning “into”, “within”. In a general sense, an introscope is a device with which you can observe processes occurring inside opaque objects.
Research methods may be different. They depend on the objects about which information needs to be obtained. For example, various penetrating radiations and fields. These can be elastic vibrations at frequencies from 10 Hz to 1000 MHz. Electromagnetic waves may be used. Infrared and X-ray radiation, electric and gravitational fields, as well as flows of elementary particles can be used.

Introscope for luggage inspection.

To inspect luggage and cargo, an X-ray television introscope is usually used - a device that has one or more sources of X-ray radiation.
The X-ray television introscope is used not only at airports for baggage inspection and customs terminals for cargo inspection. In recent years, due to terrorist threats, Rapiscan X-ray introscopes are actively used in subways, railway and bus stations, business centers, sports facilities, and post offices. The main purpose is to inspect luggage and cargo in order to identify items and substances prohibited for transportation (weapons, explosives, narcotic substances, etc.). Baggage inspection is carried out using the most modern equipment, the introduction of innovative methods is the main task of Rapiscan Systems. In some cases, an introscope is used in industrial production to control packaged raw materials entering production lines. The Rapiscan introscope is manufactured for a wide range of applications in various fields and conditions, each equipment is highly reliable.

Rapiscan introscope and operating principles.

The operating principle of the introscope can be found in detail in the operating instructions that accompany each device. In general, an X-ray introscope consists of a metal case in which an X-ray radiation generator is located, a line of detectors and a conveyor along which the object under study moves. There is a tunnel with special curtains. The introscope control panel and information display monitor are also included in the kit.
The scanning procedure is carried out as follows: for example, an object or luggage is placed in an introscope (in our case it is a Rapiscan introscope) on a conveyor and moves along the conveyor between a working X-ray tube and radiation detectors. Depending on the density of the object (and its components), part of the radiation energy is lost. The residual energy is converted by detectors into electrical signals processed by the processing unit. As a result, a projection (shadow X-ray television image) of the object is generated, on which its internal structure can be seen. In the case of scanning luggage - the contents of the luggage. That is, the denser the object, the less radiation hits the detectors. The signal from the detectors enters the computer, which displays the image on the monitor. The Rapiscan introscope has received the latest developments in the field of image formation, as a result you get a high-quality image of the inspected object.
The introscope for inspection of luggage and cargo is completely safe for humans. The energy generated by X-ray tubes is low enough to harm inanimate objects, as well as food. Almost all X-ray radiation is limited to the housing, and the entrances and exits to the tunnel are equipped with curtains made of a special polymer with the addition of heavy metals (for example, lead). They effectively shield radiation. The Rapiscan introscope implements only the latest technologies, both in scanning objects and in safety for humans. The equipment in the Aspect Security company has all the necessary functions for high-quality and reliable operation. Each catalog item undergoes all necessary tests so that we can give you a guarantee of reliability and harmlessness. By starting cooperation with us, you get a highly reliable introscope. We provide installation, maintenance and repair services.


Depending on the tasks that introscopes must perform for inspection, they are classified. Firstly, the size of the tunnel. For letters and small parcels, small introscopes with a tunnel size of 50x30 cm are used. For large luggage, the tunnel dimensions can be 180x180 cm. Secondly, the introscope is classified according to the penetrating ability of the radiation. As a rule, in modern introscopes, X-ray tubes with an energy of 100 to 160 keV are used as a source. With current from 0.1 to 3 mA. The top or bottom loading of the introcop conveyor for inspection of baggage and cargo is also taken into account. Heavy luggage or cargo is scanned on introscopes with a low conveyor position. In our company you will find the best introscope, a world-famous brand, Rapiscan Systems.

Manufacturers of introscopes

The price of an introscope also matters when choosing equipment. Traditionally, the cheapest introscopes are produced in China, the most expensive introscopes are produced in the USA and Germany. The price of Russian-made introscopes is in the average range. LLC "GK "Aspect of Security" is a distributor of the world-famous manufacturer of introscopes Rapiscan Systems (USA). The quality and reliability of this equipment is appreciated by almost all international airports in the world.

Introscope for inspection of luggage and cargo

You can buy a Rapiscan introscope from our company by making a request online, by sending an official email, or by calling the office. Our specialists will select the necessary introscope for your needs, based on the technical specifications, for inspection of cargo, large and small, for inspection of luggage, and inspection of parcels. The company's specialists carry out delivery to the transport company, installation, commissioning and repair of Rapiscan equipment. In 2019, our company is holding promotions for the Rapiscan introscope. The expanded model range includes Rapiscan introscopes for checking oversized luggage and cargo. The newest introscope will fit perfectly into any architecture, the ideal image quality of the object being tested allows you to expand the functionality of the equipment. To buy an introscope at a favorable price, you need to call the sales department and find out the conditions for receiving a discount on equipment.

Rapiscan Systems Introscope and Safety Aspect.

Rapiscan Systems is a leader in the production of X-ray television infrascopes. Every year new models are produced and existing ones in the catalog are modernized. In 2019, the introscope in the Security Aspect is represented by new models, which differ from most in their high reliability, performance characteristics, ease of use; such introscopes do not require additional personnel training. Our company is holding promotions and discounts on X-ray introscopes in connection with the fifteenth anniversary of the company. To buy an introscope at a favorable price, you should call or write to the company’s sales department and find out about the conditions of the promotion. As a result, the price of the introscope will be lower than the market price. Our specialists are ready to answer all your questions about X-ray television installations and select the necessary equipment at any time.

The Aspect Security company holds promotions for inspection, security and anti-terrorism equipment. For each visitor we have prepared the opportunity to receive personal discounts. You can find out about the amount of discounts and how to receive them from our company by calling the sales department, or send a request to the company’s corporate email. Our specialists are ready to select the necessary equipment for you, if you have any questions during the search process, tell you about personal discounts and complete the transaction in the shortest possible time. Company discounts apply not only to equipment, but also to company services. Services of the company GC Aspect of Security: design of integrated security systems, delivery, installation, commissioning, repair of security and inspection equipment, service.
Our company is the official distributor of Rapiscan Systems. This fall we are offering the best conditions so that you can buy the best x-ray inspection unit, the Rapiscan introscope. Discounts apply to all models, for inspection of mail and letters, for inspection of luggage, for inspection of cargo. The Rapiscan introscope is installed at airports, train stations, government agencies, administrative buildings and other places with increased security requirements. Hurry up to buy an X-ray unit on favorable terms.