The main attractions of the Moscow Kremlin. Sights of Red Square Sights of the Kremlin and Red Square description

Address: Russia Moscow
Start of construction: 1482
Completion of construction: 1495
Number of towers: 20
Wall length: 2500 m.
Main attractions: Spasskaya Tower, Assumption Cathedral, Bell Tower of Ivan the Great, Annunciation Cathedral, Archangel Cathedral, Faceted Chamber, Terem Palace, Arsenal, Armory Chamber, Tsar Cannon, Tsar Bell
Coordinates: 55°45"03.0"N 37°36"59.3"E
Object of cultural heritage of the Russian Federation

In the very heart of Moscow, on Borovitsky Hill, the majestic Kremlin ensemble rises. It has long become a symbol not only of the capital, but of all of Russia. History itself decreed that an ordinary Krivichi village, located in the middle of the forest, eventually turned into the capital of a mighty Russian state.

The Kremlin from a bird's eye view

The Kremlin or Detinets in ancient Rus' was the name given to the central, fortified part of the city with a fortress wall, loopholes and towers. The first Moscow Kremlin, built in 1156 by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky, was a wooden fortress surrounded by a moat and rampart. During the reign of Ivan I, nicknamed Kalita (money bag), oak walls and towers were erected in Moscow and the first stone building was laid - the Cathedral of the Assumption of Our Lady.

View of the Kremlin walls from the Kremlin embankment

In 1367, Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy surrounded the Kremlin with a powerful fortress wall made of white limestone. Since then, the capital has received the nickname “White Stone Moscow”. Large-scale construction began under Ivan III, who united a significant part of the Russian lands around Moscow and built a residence worthy of the “Sovereign of All Rus'” in the Kremlin.

Ivan III invited architects from Milan to build fortifications. It was in 1485 - 1495 that the existing walls and towers of the Kremlin were built. The top of the walls is crowned with 1045 battlements in the shape of a “swallowtail” - they have the same appearance as the battlements of Italian castles. At the turn of the 15th - 16th centuries, the Moscow Kremlin turned into an impregnable massive fortress, lined with red brick.

View of the Kremlin from the Bolshoy Kamenny Bridge

In 1516, a moat was dug along the fortifications overlooking Red Square. After the Time of Troubles, the towers were decorated with tents, giving the Kremlin a modern look.

The miraculous return of the shrine of the Moscow Kremlin

The main one of the 20 towers of the Moscow Kremlin is rightfully considered Spasskaya, created by the Italian architect Pietro Antonio Solari. The Spassky Gate has long been the main entrance to the Kremlin, and the chimes placed in the tower's tent are known as the main clock of the country. The top of the tower is crowned with a luminous ruby ​​star, but after the collapse of the USSR there are increasingly calls to remove the star and erect a double-headed eagle in its place. The tower got its name from the icon of the Savior of Smolensk over the gate.

View of the Kremlin from the Bolshoi Moskvoretsky Bridge

The icon was revered by saints, so men, passing through the gate, in front of the image of the Savior had to take off their headdress. Legend has it that when Napoleon was passing through the Spassky Gate, a gust of wind tore the cocked hat off his head. But the bad omens did not end there: the French tried to steal the gilded robe that adorned the image of the Savior of Smolensk, but the ladder attached to the gate overturned, and the shrine remained unharmed.

During the years of Soviet power, the icon was removed from the tower. For more than 70 years, the shrine was considered lost, until in 2010, restorers discovered a metal mesh hiding the image of Christ under a layer of plaster. On August 28, 2010, on the feast of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary, Patriarch Kirill solemnly consecrated the newly found icon above the gates of the Spasskaya Tower.

Beklemishevskaya Tower

Legends and myths of the Kremlin

From time immemorial, the Moscow Kremlin was not only a symbol of the unlimited power of the sovereign, but also a place about which legends were written. Over the long history of the Kremlin churches and towers, so many legends have been created that would be enough for a whole book.

The most famous legends tell about secret dungeons and underground passages. It is believed that they were invented by Italian architects who designed and built the Kremlin walls and towers. Many underground rooms have been preserved under the former Chudov Monastery, which until the 1930s was located in the eastern part of the Kremlin Hill.

These are passages, interiors of temples and long galleries. Today, some of them are flooded with groundwater.

There are rumors among Muscovites that previously branched underground passages led outside from each of the Kremlin towers. The same secret passages connected all the royal palaces. When builders began digging a large foundation pit for the State Kremlin Palace in the 1960s, they discovered three underground passages dating back to the 16th century. The dungeons were so wide that you could drive a cart through them.

Underground passages were found during every major reconstruction. Most often, voids, gaps and labyrinths were walled up or simply filled with concrete for safety reasons.

Spasskaya Tower

One of the secrets of the Moscow Kremlin is also connected with its dungeons. For several centuries now, historians and archaeologists have been struggling with the mystery of the disappearance of the library of Ivan IV the Terrible, which is also called Liberia.

The Russian sovereign inherited a unique collection of ancient books and manuscripts from his grandmother Sophia Paleologus, who received these books as a dowry.

In historical documents there is an inventory of the library, consisting of 800 volumes, but the collection itself disappeared without a trace. Some researchers are convinced that it burned down in a fire or disappeared during the Time of Troubles. But many are sure that the library is intact and hidden in one of the Kremlin dungeons.

View of the Assumption, Annunciation Cathedrals and Cathedral Square

The discovery of books in storage facilities located underground was not an accident. When Sophia Paleologus arrived in the city in 1472, she saw the terrible consequences of the fire that raged in Moscow two years earlier. Realizing that the library she brought could easily perish in a fire, Sophia ordered a spacious basement, which was located under the Kremlin Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, to be equipped for storage. After this, the valuable Liberia was always kept in dungeons.

View of Cathedral Square and Ivan the Great Bell Tower

Cathedrals of the Moscow Kremlin - “altars of Russia” Today the Moscow Kremlin is both the place of work of the President of the Russian Federation and a historical and cultural museum. The historical center of the Kremlin is represented by Cathedral Square with three cathedrals

This temple can rightfully be called the “altar of Russia.” In the Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin, kings were crowned kings, the next head of the Russian church was elected, and in the tombs of the temple the relics of Moscow saints found eternal rest. The Archangel Cathedral, from 1340 until the 18th century, served as the tomb of Moscow princes and kings.

Archangel Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin

Under its arches, tombstones are placed in strict order on white stone slabs. The Annunciation Cathedral was the personal house of prayer for the Moscow princes: here they were baptized, confessed, and got married. According to legend, the grand ducal treasury was kept in the basement of this temple. The Cathedral Square is surrounded by the Ivan the Great Bell Tower, Faceted and Patriarchal Chambers. Meetings of the Boyar Duma and Zemsky Sobors were held in the Faceted Chamber, and the office of the Holy Synod was located in the Patriarchal Palace.

Sights of the Moscow Kremlin

The younger buildings of the Kremlin include the Grand Kremlin Palace, built in the mid-19th century by order of Emperor Nicholas I. Today, the ceremonial residence of the President of Russia is located within its walls.

In the very center of the capital there are witnesses to significant events of the past and places where the present is taking place - the Kremlin and Red Square. Ancient and unique, beloved and mystical – these places have long become not just business cards of Moscow, but also symbols of the country. Seeing the sights of the Moscow Kremlin and Red Square is task No. 1 for any tourist.

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One of the hallmarks of the capital, known far beyond the country’s borders, is the Grand Kremlin Palace, located along the embankment of the Moscow River. The modern palace was built under Nicholas I by a group of architects under the leadership of K. Ton on the site of once-existing structures from the times of Ivan III and Elizabeth Petrovna. The majestic structure is equal in height to a 15-story building, and the occupied area is more than 3 football fields. The complex includes the newly erected palace building, the Faceted, Tsaritsyn and Armory chambers, the Terem Palace and churches.

Behind the exquisite façade of the palace are hidden about 700 rooms, including 5 order halls, ceremonial and living quarters of the imperial family and service premises. The main attraction of the palace, which is now the residence of the president, is its luxurious interiors with unique parquet, gilding and marble.


The Moscow Kremlin is a treasury of Russian art and spirituality. A separate component of it are the unique cathedrals, of which only 8 have survived.

St. Basil's Cathedral

The most striking and unique of the existing churches is St. Basil's Cathedral. The peculiarity of the temple, built in 1561, is in its unique chapters, none of which repeats the design of the other, all 10 are completely different. The temple was not always so colorful. Initially the structure was made of white stone and brick, and in the 17th century. its domes and walls were decorated with colorful patterns. What this is connected with is not known for certain, how and who exactly built the temple. There is a version that the architect was Nikolai Postnik, nicknamed Barma, or they were 2 different people.

The cathedral consists of 10 churches built on one foundation. In the center is the Intercession Church, which gave the cathedral its second name. There are 4 large churches around it, indicating the cardinal directions, and 4 more between them. The entire ensemble is surrounded by a bypass gallery.

Ticket price: 150 ₽ for children, 500 ₽ for adults, 1000 ₽ for foreigners.

Cathedral of the Archangel

The Archangel Cathedral stands apart among the Kremlin churches. Built in the 14th century. it will not stand out for its luxurious exterior or richness of colors. The ceremonial building in the Renaissance style was originally built as a tomb and dedicated to the archangel; both the architectural features and the choice of decorative elements are subordinated to this.

The five-domed cathedral, according to the tradition of temples erected in honor of archangels and saints, is crowned with silver helmet-shaped domes and only the central dome - a gilded hemisphere. The facade, originally painted red brick and later repainted white, is decorated with intact pilasters, capitals, rosettes and arches. The interior has undergone significant changes. Unique frescoes remain only at the burial place of Ivan the Terrible. The sights of the cathedral are an icon depicting the Archangel Michael, the “Blessed Sky” and 56 burials of princes and kings.

Blagoveshchensky cathedral

Among the many Kremlin churches built by Italian masters, the Annunciation Cathedral stands out for its architecture. It became a monument of Russian architecture, combining features inherent in the Moscow and Pskov schools. Built as a house church in 1489, the cathedral was completed and decorated until the 1560s, when it acquired its modern appearance. By this time, the 3-domed cathedral, surrounded by porches, was replenished with more churches and galleries and is now crowned with 9 domes.

One of the most beloved cathedrals of princes and kings is distinguished by luxury from the floor made of jasper and agate and the most beautiful iconostasis to the golden cross that Napoleon never found, and the mechanical clock, the prototype of the Moscow chimes. The cathedral is full of mysteries. These are tsats - crescents under the crosses of the domes, and miraculous icons. One of the secrets is the images of Greek philosophers on the porch, among other works by the icon painter Edikeev, who was entrusted with painting the temple. Nowadays there are no services held in the temple; there is a museum here.

Assumption Cathedral

The Assumption Cathedral is one of the main Moscow churches and undoubtedly one of the most controversial. It is still unknown why the Pskov architects abandoned its construction, whose relics lie at the foundation of the cathedral, and much more. In 1479, on the orders of Ivan III, the Assumption Cathedral was erected on the site of the temple of I. Kalita, which was destined to become the most important temple in Moscow for 6 centuries. It was where people were crowned, enthroned, prayers were served, allegiance was sworn and acts of state were read out. In the Assumption Cathedral, the first of the Romanov family was crowned, and Count L. Tolstoy was excommunicated.

Construction was entrusted to the Italian Catholic Fiorovanti, who coped with the task by erecting a temple that attracts attention with its austere façade and golden helmet-shaped domes. Behind the apparent simplicity of the architecture are hidden innovative techniques that made the cathedral outstanding. Now it houses a museum, but holiday services are also held.

Ivan the Great belltower

The Bell Tower of Ivan the Great is an amazing complex that was built over about 3 centuries, from 1505 to 1815. It included the Assumption Belfry with Filaret's extension and the Ivan the Great Bell Tower itself. The first to appear was the bell tower, which served for 3 cathedrals located nearby. Then she was a little lower than now. Almost a century later, under Boris Godunov, the last tier was built. With a height of 81 m, the bell tower became the tallest building in Moscow, which it remained until the end of the 19th century.

In 1552, the Assumption Church was erected near the bell tower, which was rebuilt into a belfry. In 1624, Filaret’s extension appeared at the belfry. The latter were destroyed during Napoleon's retreat from Moscow, and rebuilt again much later. Now the bell tower houses museums, and when tourists go up, they find themselves on one of the best observation platforms in the city, which offers an amazing view of the Kremlin.

Price: 250 ₽, only from 14 years old.

Verkhospassky Cathedral

The Verkhnespassky Cathedral cannot be confused with any other - its roof is decorated with 11 drums with golden domes. The temple is a complex of house churches built right in the Terem Palace. The origins of the cathedral go back to the 17th century. to house churches, when in 1627 the Catherine Church was built on the women's half of the palace. A few years later, the Church of the Savior Not Made by Hands with the chapel of John the Baptist was erected on the men's side for the Tsar and the princes.

By the middle of the century, the Church of St. Eudokia appeared above Catherine's, which would later be reconsecrated in honor of the Resurrection of the Word. And above the chapel they erect the Church of the Exaltation of the Lord or the Church of the Crucifixion. Osip Startsev united all the churches during reconstruction. Domes were placed on the roof, mounted on drums painted with tiles by craftsmen from the New Yersaim Monastery. The appearance of the cathedral has changed little since then, but the interior has lost a lot.

Church of the Twelve Apostles

The Church of the Twelve Apostles is the home church of the hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church, which is adjacent to the Patriarchal Palace. It was built under Patriarch Nikon, who invited the most famous architects and painters to decorate it. Its beauty and wealth, not inferior to the Terem Palace with its temples, became the reason for the patriarch’s disgrace. The Church of the Twelve Apostles is the last of the Kremlin’s temple buildings. Its architecture repeats the elements of the cathedrals surrounding it, uniting them into a single ensemble.

After the abolition of the patriarchate, the temple gradually deteriorated. Significant damage was caused to it in 1917. Now in the only church in Moscow dedicated to this holiday, there is a museum, as well as in the palace itself. The unique paintings that decorated the walls of the temple have hardly survived, but visitors are offered a rich exhibition of icons.

Temple of the Placing of the Robe of the Mother of God in Blachernae

The modest one-domed Church of the Deposition of the Robe of the Mother of God in Vakhern is a memory of the miracle that became possible thanks to the Robe of the Mother of God. The Tatars who attacked the Kremlin, whose first attack was repelled by those besieged in the Kremlin, for some reason left, leaving behind the loot. In memory of this, a wooden temple was erected, which burned down in a fire. In 1486, Pskov craftsmen built a stone church, which became a home for Russian patriarchs and metropolitans. But with the advent of the Temple of the Twelve Apostles, its role changes, it becomes another palace church. It is being rebuilt, the open porches are being turned into covered galleries, along which the queen follows to the Assumption Cathedral.

The church was severely damaged twice: by a fire in 1737 and by artillery shelling in 1918. During the restoration, the wall paintings were restored, which, together with the iconostasis, gives the temple an intimate feel. The gallery of the restored church houses a museum of Russian sculpture.

Important: a ticket to visit the Cathedral Square ensemble, which includes 3 cathedrals, churches and chambers with museums located in them - 500 ₽. Tickets to the Ivan the Great Bell Tower and the Armory Chamber are paid separately.


In 1991, a museum-reserve of the same name was founded from several state museums of the Kremlin. It included:

  • museum-cathedrals where exhibitions are located: Arkhangelsk, Annunciation and Assumption
  • Church of the Deposition of the Robe, 12 Apostles
  • Bell tower "Ivan the Great"
  • Patriarchal and Armory Chambers


The Armory Chamber is a centuries-old legacy of Russian tsars and patriarchs. The first mention of it dates back to 1547, only then it was called the Armory Order, which included the Great Treasury, where all the jewelry was kept, the Armory Chamber with weapons, uniforms and banners, the Stable Order with crews and the Workshop Chambers. The modern Armory Chamber occupies 2 floors in the Grand Kremlin Palace. Its exhibition is located in 9 halls and presents more than 4 thousand exhibits of decorative and applied art.

Works by masters not only from Russia and Europe, but also from the East are exhibited here. Among them are a unique collection of thrones, the largest collection of state regalia, rare weapons, art objects of “pre-Mongol” Rus', etc. The most famous exhibits of the exhibition are the Monomakh cap, Faberge eggs, the throne of Ivan the Terrible, the ceremonial outfit of Peter I, etc.

Ticket price is 700 ₽, children under 16 years old are free.

Diamond fund

The Diamond Fund is a separate exhibition exhibited at the Armory Chamber, which is part of the Gokhran of the Russian Federation. The collection collected in the fund was started by Peter I, who by his decree recognized the treasures located in the royal chambers as state treasures. Coronation regalia and jewelry, if necessary, were issued and then returned to the Diamond Cabinet, and then the Armory.

After the revolution, many precious exhibits of the fund were sold. Today, the Diamond Fund's collection consists of about 70 exhibits, including historical stones, gems, diamonds, nuggets, orders and a unique collection of crowns. Visitors will be able to see the famous Orlov diamond, Colombian emerald, 9-kilogram Camel nugget, large and small imperial crowns, etc.

Ticket price: 500 ₽.

State Historical Museum

The red brick building located in the northwestern part of Red Square attracts attention due to its homogeneity with the ensemble of the Moscow Kremlin. Since 1883, the Historical Museum has been located here, the exhibitions of which will tell about the history of Rus' from ancient times to the present.

On 2 floors of the museum in 39 halls, 22 thousand exhibits are placed in chronological order, which is less than 1% of the entire museum fund. Moving from hall to hall, visitors from primitive society find themselves in the present day. Among the exhibits are a boat hollowed out of wood, mammoth tusks, a religious building made of slabs, medieval armor, orders, etc. The interiors of the museum, on which Aivazovsky, Repin, Korovin and others worked, are also valuable.

Cost – 400 ₽ for Russians, 700 ₽ for residents of other countries.


The Moscow Kremlin has the shape of a triangle, at the vertices of which there are round towers (Beklemishevskaya, Vodovzvodnaya and Corner Arsenalnaya), the remaining 17 are rectangular in shape. Despite some similarities, all towers are unique. The Trinity Tower is recognized as the highest, the size of which, together with the star, is about 80 m, which is slightly lower than the Ivan the Great bell tower. Somewhat inferior to it is the Spasskaya Tower, famous for its chimes, when passing through it you had to dismount and take off your hats.

The smallest and most unlike the others is the Tsar's Tower, the height of which does not exceed 17 m. It owes its name to Ivan the Terrible, who loved to watch what was happening on Red Square from here. Another unique structure is the Kutafya Tower - the only one of the bridgeheads, i.e. not built into the wall. Each tower is interesting in its own way: Tainitskaya was the first to appear, Corner Arsenalnaya contains a spring and a dungeon, government motorcades enter the Kremlin through Borovitskaya.


Red Square is the symbol, heart and historical center of Moscow. This popular tourist destination is a must-see destination with many attractions.

Zero kilometer

Zero Kilometer is a new landmark of Moscow, which appeared only in 1996. The sign was supposed to appear in the capital back in 1985, but they could not decide on the installation location. This bronze sign shows the starting point for distances. Usually it is located near the main post office, but in Moscow it was decided to place it in the center of tourist routes near the Iverskaya Chapel, explaining this by the fact that before the road, every Muscovite went to bow to it, asking for intercession.

The sign is a square divided into 4 parts, symbolizing parts of the world, inscribed in a circle. The bas-relief of the square depicts animals. In its center is an eight-pointed icon with an inscription. Despite its youth, the attraction is very popular. There is a sign: if you stand in the center of the sign facing the chapel on one leg and throw a coin over your left shoulder with your left hand so that it remains within the circle, then your wish will definitely come true.

Resurrection Gate

Between the building of the Historical Museum and the City Duma there are Resurrection Gates with a double passage, through which tourists enter Red Square. The gate was rebuilt in 1995 in the same place where it was located until 1931. The first gates were erected back in the 15th century. and were called the Lions, because a gift from the English king - a cage with lions - was placed in the ditch in front of them. Later they changed several more names: Epiphany in honor of the church, Neglimensky because of the bridge over the river, for the nearby courtyards of Trinity and Kuryatny, until they became Iveron because of the icon that was met here from Mount Athos.

After restoration, they depicted the resurrection of Christ and the gates began to be called Resurrection Gates. They were demolished as a royal monument, and they did not allow large vehicles to enter the square during the parade. A monument to the worker was erected at this site. Nowadays, this double-arched gate, built in red brick with white inserts, is one of the calling cards of the capital.

House of provincial government

Quite modest against the backdrop of the bright ensemble of Red Square, the building of the provincial government does not catch the eye. Erected in the 1730s and 40s. according to the project of P. Heyden, the building was part of the Kitaygoro Mint. Not all of its buildings have been preserved; new buildings, the City Duma, were built on the foundations of some. The House of the Provincial Government is a 2-story building in the Baroque style. Its façade is decorated with elegant pilasters, cornices, risalits and putti figures. In the middle there is a passage gate through which you can see the building of the Old Mint.

Inside the building, ceremonial halls were equipped for ceremonial meetings of public places; later the Moscow Duma was located here. After the revolution, the building housed communal apartments for some time. Now the premises of the house are rented to non-profit organizations, part of which is rented by a jewelry store.


GUM is a unique trading city in the historical center of Moscow. The heir to the Upper Chambers of Commerce, the department store specializes in luxury goods and occupies an entire block. Trade has always flourished on the square near the Kremlin. In order to organize the shops, counters and give the trading place a civilized appearance, the Trading Rows were first built, which in 1893 were replaced by a passage - the Upper Trading Rows. They existed until 1917, when they were closed as a relic of tsarism. In 1922, they were opened, but as GUM, which became a symbol of the new policy, which was destined to work until 1930. GUM opened again only in 1953 after the death of Stalin and Beria.

Modern GUM is a shopping and entertainment center that occupies a historical building in pseudo-Russian style with a glass roof, under which there are 3 longitudinal and 3 transverse passages. Products from more than 100 world brands, a cinema hall and restaurants are presented here.

Mausoleum of V.I. Lenin

The Mausoleum of V.I. Lenin is one of the most controversial buildings in Moscow. Created as a ritual tomb, it has long become a museum. The mausoleum, which is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, is the third in a row. The first two were wooden. The last mausoleum was built in the shape of a pyramid from marble, granite, labradorite and quartz. It is a structure 12 m high and 24 m wide.

Inside there is a Funeral Hall with a sarcophagus in which the leader’s body is kept, and a columbarium where the ashes of other political figures were supposed to be preserved. The latter is not used and is not shown to visitors. The mausoleum fits into the architecture of Red Square, but it still raises a lot of questions: from the choice of the shape of the building itself to the need for embalming.

Execution place

One of the attractions of Red Square, Lobnoye Mesto, is not striking. A small round elevation 1 m high and 13 m in diameter is surrounded by a stone parapet. The discreet architecture does not attract attention, but the building was important - from here solemn speeches were made and decrees were read, the relics of saints were enthroned and exhibited here, strikes were held and works of art were exhibited.

Although legends connect this place with public executions. In fact, no one was executed at Lobnoye Mesto; rather, the legends arose due to a false etymology. The phrase appeared when translating from Hebrew a place in the Gospel that spoke about the execution on Golgotha. And the place is called Lobny because of the proximity of Vasilyevsky Spusk, which in the Middle Ages was called “lob”. Previously, this is where tourists threw a coin in order to return again; now this mission is carried out by the Zero Kilometer.

Tsar Cannon

The largest caliber cannon in the world, the Tsar Cannon, is installed on Ivanovo Square between the Church of the 2 Apostles and the Ivan the Great Bell Tower. An outstanding work of artillery art was made at the Cannon Yard by foundryman A. Chokhov by order of the son of Tsar Ivan the Terrible - Fyodor Ivanovich in 1586. This is a working weapon, because the barrel bears the stamp of the foundryman, which was placed only after a test shot. The length of this giant is 5 m, and its weight is 40 tons; about 200 horses were required to move it.

On the bronze trunk, surrounded by ornaments, friezes and inscriptions, there is an equestrian image of the king, which gave it the name “Tsar Cannon”. In 1835, at the St. Petersburg factory, a carriage was cast for the cannon from cast iron, which only confirmed the name; it is decorated with the head of the king of animals - the lion. Researchers claim that the famous giant is not a cannon at all, but a battering bombard, because the carriage is not designed to fire it. Be that as it may, the Tsar Cannon is one of the achievements of the 16th century.

The Tsar Bell

Another monster of foundry craftsmanship, the Tsar Bell, is located on Ivanovskaya Square near the eastern part of the Ivan the Great bell tower. Cast by the Motorin family of foundry workers in 1730, by order of Tsarina Anna Ioannovna, the bell never rang, moreover, it was never raised to the bell tower. The queen wanted to leave behind the memory of her reign, following her predecessors. The Godunov bell, weighing 33 tons, served for less than 50 years and broke in a fire. The same fate befell the bell created under Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov, whose weight was 130 tons.

The Tsar Bell was cast in 1736, but it was pulled out of the pit only almost 100 years later due to its weight of 200 tons. Only then was a broken piece of 11 tons discovered. The bell, whose height reaches 6 m, and its diameter is about 6.6 m, was installed in the place where it stands now. Disputes about the need for restoration do not subside, but there have been no attempts to implement it.

Monument to Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky

The monument to Minin and Pozharsky is the first large monument in Moscow, erected on Red Square in front of St. Basil's Cathedral. Before this, temples, arches, etc. were opened in honor of important events. To mark the 200th anniversary of the Second Militia and the victory of 1612 over the interventionists in 1803, it was proposed to create a sculptural composition. She was supposed to portray the leaders of the militia - Prince Dmitry Pozharsky and headman Kuzma Minin.

It was they who organized resistance to the Polish-Lithuanian and Swedish conquerors in Nizhny Novgorod, where the monument was intended. But the monument remained in the capital. Installed in 1818 in front of the Upper Trading Rows, during the reconstruction of the square it was moved to the cathedral. The monument, the creation of which took 18 tons of copper and brass and was cast in one go, became a real decoration of the square.


Between the Nikolskaya and Trinity towers, close to the Kremlin wall, is the Tseykhgauz or Arsenal. This building, erected by decree of Peter I in 1736, was supposed to serve not only as a weapons warehouse, but also as a museum in which captured military banners, weapons and uniforms were exhibited. The two-story trapezoid-shaped building with a large courtyard took more than 30 years to build. In 1812 it was blown up. Reconstruction work was carried out until 1828. Now its façade is decorated with deep arched windows arranged in pairs and friezes.

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The Kremlin or Kremenets in Rus' has long been called a stone fortress that reliably protected against enemies from the West and East. But only the Moscow Kremlin acquired the status of a sacred symbol, personifying the power of a great country. Behind its red brick walls are government buildings and a gigantic museum complex containing hundreds of thousands of artifacts telling about the history and culture of Russia. Archaeological work does not stop even for a day, revealing new secrets of the most extraordinary place in our country.

Walls and towers of the Kremlin

At the end of the 15th century, Tsar Ivan III launched large-scale construction on Borovitsky Hill. The Italians were considered the best fortifiers of that time, so the sovereign invited Milanese craftsmen to build the fortress. And they did not disgrace the glory of their workshop, building not just a powerful defensive line, but also a complete architectural ensemble. None of the 20 towers are repeated; the walls are decorated with dovetailed Merlon battlements. Only hip roofs appeared much later.

The Moscow Kremlin is a complex of unique architectural structures, evidence of past eras, and a state historical and cultural museum-reserve.

The Assumption and Annunciation Cathedrals continue to receive parishioners, while at the same time being part of the museum exhibition. As for the Diamond Fund and the Armory, these are world treasuries that introduce visitors to works of art from various fields.

Separate exhibits were the Tsar Bell and the Tsar Cannon, which have a rich and interesting history. The palaces and chambers were restored and partially transferred to the residences of top officials and administrative buildings. To get a detailed look at the Moscow Kremlin, you need to spend more than one day here.

What to see and do on the territory of the Moscow Kremlin? The most interesting excursions!

List of the best tourist sites - museums and exhibitions, cathedrals and temples, towers and walls. Photos with names and descriptions of the main attractions.

Towers of the Moscow Kremlin

There are 20 of them in total, three have a round shape and stand on the corners, the Kutafya tower has an indeterminate shape due to the complexities of its design, and the rest are rectangular. Almost all look consistent in style. Only Nikolskaya, rebuilt in the 19th century, stands out from the composition. Chimes were installed on the Spasskaya Tower in the 15th century. They are one of the oldest in the world. The ringing of this clock accompanies the onset of the New Year in the country.


The treasury of the Russian tsars, which later became a museum. The collection began to take shape in the 14th century. The museum opened at the beginning of the 19th century. At first, only noble people had access to it. The current exhibition consists of gold and silver items, armor, weapons, carriages, icons, religious and royal attributes; works by both domestic and foreign masters are presented.

Diamond fund

The exhibition, which began its work in 1967 on the basis of the Armory Chamber. The collection had been collected since the reign of Peter I, but after the revolution it lost part of its treasures. The exhibition includes outstanding examples of jewelry art dating back to the 18th century and unique precious stones. Among them are the Orlov diamond, 189 carats, and the Shah diamond, almost 89 carats. A collection of orders and regalia for coronations also stands out.

Assumption Cathedral

Consecrated in 1479 and is the oldest surviving Moscow building. It was the site of the coronations of Russian tsars, and religious ceremonies that were especially important for the country were held here. The 17th-century iconostasis and interior paintings from the same period have been preserved. The main relics of the cathedral are the relics of the saints and the staff of Metropolitan Peter. It is included in the museum exhibition; services are held with the blessing of the patriarch.

Blagoveshchensky cathedral

The nine-domed temple was erected in 1489 on the site of its wooden predecessor. Many icons are valuable, for example those painted by Rublev. The interior paintings also belong to the brushes of famous artists of the 16th century, including Fyodor Edikeev. In the basement there is an exhibition - “Treasures of the Moscow Kremlin”, containing jewelry, weapons, and other rarities found during excavations.

Ivan the Great belltower

Built in the first years of the 16th century. In the past, royal decrees and especially important orders were read out near her. For the 500th anniversary, restoration was carried out. During the tour you can climb 137 steps to a height of 25 meters. The total number of bells is 34. Each one has a name: Uspensky, Revun, Swan, Deaf, etc. All of them were cast in different periods, from the time the bell tower was founded to the 19th century.

Faceted Chamber

It is one of the oldest civil buildings in the city. Erected by order of Ivan III. The interior decoration was changed several times. So the original frescoes under Peter I were replaced with velvet with embroidered double-headed eagles. In 1684, the chamber was rebuilt, and another 150 years later it was connected to the Vladimir Hall. Since 2012 it has been partially open for excursions. Before this, restoration, combined with excavations, took place.

Patriarchal Chambers and Church of the Twelve Apostles

The composition appears before visitors as a complex of buildings of two and three floors, combined with a five-domed cathedral. In modern times, the premises are given over to the museum of everyday life and applied art of the 17th century. The interior decoration has been partially preserved. Exhibits: Cross Chamber - dishes, utensils, watches, etc.; Refectory - sewing; Order chambers – interiors, furniture, personal belongings, etc.; church - icons.

Cathedral of the Archangel

After the founding of the first wooden temple on this site in the middle of the 13th century, it was rebuilt and modified several times. The current appearance was formed two centuries later. The iconostasis is 13 m high and has carved decor. The tsars of the Romanov dynasty and appanage princes are buried in the necropolis of the cathedral. The wall paintings contain not only religious symbols, but also portraits of princes, including Ivan Kalita and Dmitry Donskoy.

Church of the Deposition of the Robe

Construction took place in the 80s of the 15th century. During its history, it has experienced looting, fire, and re-consecration. Now services are held only on patronal holidays. The rest of the time the church is a museum. Among the exhibits: wooden carved sculptures, icons, faces of saints, crosses, etc. The main relic is the iconostasis, made by Nazariy Istomin in the first half of the 17th century.

The Tsar Bell

A work of art from the 18th century, if we talk about foundry skills. Cast in a specially prepared pit, not far from the place where it is located now. It was never installed on a church or rang. While working on the bell, various misfortunes occurred, including a fire and the death of the main foundry. The famous crack appeared due to water getting into hot metal.

Tsar Cannon

Her consciousness occurred at the end of the 16th century. It weighs just under 40 tons, and the length is almost 5.5 m. It was cast in the Kremlin weapons workshops. It was never used for its intended purpose, only once the cannon was put on alert when the Crimean Khan’s troops approached the city, but it was never fired. The kernels next to it are fake, hollow inside and are needed to complement the exposition.

"Archaeological Windows" on Ivanovskaya Square

Tourist and, in a sense, museum objects at the site of archaeological excavations. Small rarities found, such as beads or dishes, will be exhibited in an underground museum, which is still in the process of creation. In the “windows”, made of durable glass, you can see a cross-section of the era, for example, fragments of the Small Nicholas Palace, or what remains of the Chudov Monastery.

Grand Kremlin Palace

The construction, which began in 1838, was headed by the famous Russian architect Konstantin Ton. It was built as a residence for the royal family. Now it is the ceremonial residence of the president of the country. It has five separate halls, the original appearance of which was restored in the 90s of the last century. Inspection is possible by appointment and as part of a tour group.

Kremlin Palace of Congresses

Built under Khrushchev and used to hold congresses of the Communist Party. The style is Soviet modernism, but gradually adjustments were made to it. The façade is finished in white marble and golden aluminum. Currently, significant events and concerts take place here. In 2013, a major renovation was carried out, accompanied by technical modernization of the site. The Kremlin Ballet is also based here.

Arsenal of the Moscow Kremlin

It was founded by Peter I and is an architectural monument. It was originally conceived as a warehouse for weapons and war trophies. During Napoleon's retreat it was blown up and restored to its original form in subsequent years. Before that, it was repaired after a fire, and then after the revolution. Now the premises of the Arsenal are reserved for the barracks of the Kremlin regiment and for the commandant’s office.

Artillery guns

By order of Peter I, captured guns were brought to the Arsenal building. The tradition became stronger and in 1819 hundreds of cannons captured from Napoleonic troops were lined up at the façade. In 1960, those ancient cannons that stood at the Armory were added to them. To the right of the Tsar Cannon on Ivanovskaya Square, an exhibition of Russian artillery pieces of the 17th-18th centuries from the collection of the Moscow Kremlin Museums was opened in 2012.

Senate Palace

Construction was carried out during the reign of Catherine the Great. As the name implies, it was supposed to become the seat of the Senate. The building is crowned with a dome, and the classicism architectural style displays features of antiquity. After Lenin's death, his office became an important object. In the 90s of the last century it was moved to Gorki. Currently, the palace is the working residence of the country's president.

Tainitsky Garden

It got its name from the tower located nearby. Broken near the southern wall, it is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The exact date of the appearance of the park area on the territory of the Kremlin is unknown, presumably – the 14th century. Large excavations were carried out here. In 2013, a helipad was built, which damaged the historical view. There are poultry houses with birds of prey to protect the local flora from pests.

Amusing Palace

It was erected in 1651 for the father-in-law of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. The only surviving boyar mansions on the territory of the Kremlin. At one time it was one of the first residential buildings made of stone. After the death of the first owner, it became state property. Its appearance changed; the Police Order was based here during the time of Peter I. After restoration work, the palace became in many ways similar to the original. Now he has been placed under the commandant's office.

Terem Palace

Built by order of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich as ceremonial quarters. One of the first residential buildings made of stone in Moscow. During the restoration, the wall paintings and decoration of the palace were restored using later samples. In modern times, it is the residence of the president. A visit is only available in conjunction with the Grand Kremlin Palace as part of an excursion and after receiving special permission from the local commandant’s office.

Verkhospassky Cathedral

It belongs to the house churches at the Terem Palace and appeared in the first half of the 17th century. Together with other temples, it forms a series of 11 chapters, which are clearly visible from Palace Square. The cathedral was visited by members of the royal family, including Queen Evdokia. The wooden iconostasis is decorated with carvings and made in the Baroque style. Closed for inspection, services have not been held since 1918.

Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary on Senya

One of the oldest architectural monuments of the capital, dating back to 1393. The architecture of the church displays features of several schools of Russian architecture. The exterior appearance has been partially preserved, since during reconstruction and renovation the original features were lost and replaced with more modern ones. It is not an active temple, and also does not have museum exhibitions.

Monument to Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich

It was installed and consecrated in 1908 at the site of the murder of one of the sons of Alexander II. A small area was fenced off and a bronze cross with the crucified Christ was placed in the center, and a lamp was burning in front of it. Ten years later, the monument was demolished. In 2017, by order of President Putin, it was restored based on available images and returned to its original place. Patriarch Kirill consecrated the new cross.

Red Square

The main square of the capital and country. Although historically it belongs to Kitay-Gorod, it is associated primarily with the ensemble of the Moscow Kremlin. Changed several names. It was first mentioned in chronicles as Torg. Conventionally, it divided two zones, very different in terms of the social profile of the population: on the Kremlin side - the boyars and the royal family, on the Kitay-Gorod side - merchants and ordinary people. Played a role in the revolution. The first military parade took place here in 1941. In modern times, significant events, large concerts are held, the largest skating rink in Russia is being filled. Sights: Mausoleum, necropolis, Lobnoye Mesto, monument to Minin and Pozharsky.

Red Square in Moscow is one of the main symbols of the city, and the country as a whole. This is the most popular attraction among tourist groups and city visitors. This is where those who have to spend only a few hours in the capital come.

Red Square.

However, the residents of Moscow themselves do not deny themselves the pleasure of walking along the cobblestone square, looking into GUM, visiting museums, seeing the Moscow Manege or visiting temples and cathedrals located near the Kremlin walls. The historical significance and importance of many events are acutely felt here, and the mixture of eras creates a bizarre ensemble in which, with each visit, you can find something new, previously unknown.

Please note that some of the attractions are located directly on the territory of the Kremlin (we will note this in the article). You can get there either as part of an excursion group or individually, but in any case the visit will be paid. Tickets can be purchased at one of the ticket offices (the main one is located in the Alexander Garden near the Kremlin walls), but during the tourist season there may be queues. You can buy tickets online:

  1. On the official website - Federal State Budgetary Institution “State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve “Moscow Kremlin”. Tickets are usually sold no later than two days before the visit. The purchased ticket must be printed and exchanged for an entrance ticket at the box office.
  2. A more simplified option for purchasing tickets online is specialized sites for booking excursions, where you can choose the date of your visit more flexibly. There are many such sites, one of the most famous is:

Moscow Kremlin and Red Square

Ending at Vasilyevsky Spusk and beginning at the Resurrection Gate of Kitay-Gorod, Red Square is the territorial center of the capital, which, as is known, has a radial-ring layout.

Vasilyevsky Spusk: leads from Red Square to Moskvoretskaya Embankment.

Entrance to Red Square through the Resurrection Gate from the Okhotny Ryad metro station.

It is here that the streets begin, which later turn into the largest transport arteries of the big city. On the square itself there are objects sacred to Russian history.

For example, where public executions were carried out, royal decrees were announced, and other important public events were held. For the first time, Lobnoye Mesto was mentioned in the chronicles of 1549.

Execution place.

No less famous is the leaders of the people's militia during times of unrest.

Monument to Minin and Pozharsky.

It was installed in 1818, but on a historical site, in the center of the square (next to the modern GUM), it stood only until 1930, after which it was moved closer to another landmark - the Intercession Cathedral.

Lenin Mausoleum- the tomb of the first head of the USSR and a place of many years of tourist pilgrimage. In addition to the Mausoleum, tourist groups usually visit the Necropolis located here - the burial place of participants in the October Revolution of 1917, as well as state and military leaders of the country.

Lenin's Mausoleum and Spasskaya Tower of the Moscow Kremlin in the background.

But the main pearl of Red Square, of course, is Moscow Kremlin and its Spasskaya Tower, well known far beyond Russia. It is this architectural monument, erected in 1491, that the country sees during the chiming clock on New Year's Eve and the traditional congratulations of citizens by the President of the Russian Federation.

Museums and historical sights of Red Square

The building of which is located opposite the Intercession Cathedral, was erected in the second half of the 19th century. Like most of the buildings on the square, it is made of red brick, and its turrets are crowned with the heraldic symbols of imperial greatness: lions, eagles and unicorns. The museum's gigantic exhibition includes more than 4 million (!) items. It covers the history of Russia from ancient times to the beginning of the 20th century.

State Historical Museum on Red Square.

Armory Chamber and Diamond Fund They are part of the Moscow Kremlin museums and have been in operation since the times of the Russian Empire. It is here that relics of national significance are kept. In particular, the Diamond Fund contains the large and small imperial crown, the scepter with the legendary Orlov diamond and many other valuables that are a national treasure.

Palace Square on the territory of the Moscow Kremlin.

The Armory contains real historical relics from the 12th to 18th centuries, including carriages used for trips of the royal family, items of ceremonial decoration for horse-drawn carriages, samples of fabric and material, ceremonial and military weapons, accessories made of gold and silver, and much more. other. (note: The Armory Chamber and the Diamond Fund are located on the territory of the Kremlin).

The Armory Chamber on the territory of the Moscow Kremlin.

Temple complexes of Red Square

Cathedral Square of the Kremlin- a special place, which today preserves majestic shrines and at the same time masterpieces of stone architecture. Borovitsky Hill, from which the construction of the Kremlin and temple complexes began, today greets guests with the domes of the Archangel, Assumption and Annunciation Cathedrals, as well as the Church of the Deposition of the Robe and the Bell Tower of Ivan the Great. (note: Cathedral Square is located on the territory of the Kremlin).

On Red Square itself, outside the Kremlin, there is also a place for offering prayers. Kazan Cathedral is a striking example of the best traditions of stone architecture of the 17th century. A bell tower-tent and multi-tiered decorations in the form of kokoshniks crown its crown. The cathedral was completely destroyed in 1936, and now it is difficult to believe that this architectural masterpiece reappeared here only in the nineties of the 20th century, when the city authorities decided to restore the historical appearance of the square and recreated the Kazan Cathedral with detailed accuracy using historical documents and sketches.

Kazan Cathedral on Red Square.

St. Basil's Cathedral in fact, it is called Pokrovsky (in honor of the Intercession of the Virgin Mary), and only one of its churches is actually named after the saint who gave the popular name to the entire temple complex. The majestic building with nine domes is one of the most popular Russian cultural heritage sites for tourists.

Walks and entertainment on Red Square

GUM- the main department store of the capital today has turned into not just a luxurious shopping complex where you can find everything your heart desires, it is a meeting place and pleasant walks. Cultural and entertainment events regularly take place here, and in winter the area in front of the store turns into a huge, festively decorated skating rink.

GUM on Red Square.

GUM on Red Square.

GUM on Red Square.

Alexander Garden, located on the northwestern side of the Kremlin walls, is one of the most beautiful parks in Moscow. Famous fountains and alleys, the legendary Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, numerous monuments and sculptures, rare species of trees and shrubs make this place very attractive for leisurely walks.

Alexander Garden near Red Square.

Alexander Garden near Red Square.

Alexander Garden near Red Square.

Alexander Garden near Red Square.

Moscow Manege- a legendary exhibition hall, originally built in 1817, but underwent reconstruction after a fire in the early 2000s. Today, the largest festivals and exhibitions in a variety of art styles are held here. A building with a two-hundred-year history continues to attract those who sincerely love and know how to appreciate the beauty of the world around us.

The capital of Russia, Moscow, and its main symbol, Red Square, welcomes guests from all over the world all year round.

First transfer hub:

Metro stations: "Okhotny Ryad", "Teatralnaya" and "Revolution Square" are located closer to the main entrance to Red Square.

Second transfer hub:

Metro stations: “Alexandrovsky Sad”, “Lenin Library”, “Borovitskaya” and “Arbatskaya” are located closer to the Alexander Garden.