The lowest point on earth. Dead Sea. The coldest, driest and wettest place on Earth

We invite you to look at the world from the lowest points of the Earth - and there are such places on every continent, they are located much below sea level. In this collection I will tell you about seven such places.

There are many places on the planet where you are standing on dry land, while the level of the world's oceans suggests that you are actually submerged under water. Let's start with the Dead Sea in Asia. It is also called Salty sea, it is located between Palestine, Israel and Jordan. Its shores and surface are located at 422 meters below sea level. This is the lowest landmass on Earth

Next comes Lake Assal in Africa, it is located in Djibouti, Ethiopia. The lake lies 155 meters below sea level in the Afar Lowland. This is the lowest landmass in Africa and the second on Earth after the Dead Sea. The water here is one of the saltiest in the world - 34.8% salt concentration, which is higher than the concentration in the Dead Sea and ten times the salinity level in the ocean

There is a place in Antarctica called the Vestfold Hills, which is located 50 meters below sea level. For your information, the most deep place on Earth, not covered by liquid water - the Bentley Deep in Antarctica with a depth of 2555 meters below sea level. The depression is covered with a huge layer of ice. The deepest place on Earth covered with liquid water is Mariana Trench

There are similar places in North America. Death Valley is a desert located in the southwestern United States. Located within the Mojave Desert, the intermontane trench is the lowest, driest, and hottest place in the Americas. The site called Badwater in Death Valley is the lowest place in the United States, 86 meters below sea level. Surprisingly, this point is only 76 miles east of Mount Whitney, the highest point at 4,422 meters. Death Valley is also considered to be home to some of the hottest temperatures on Earth, with Furnace Creek reaching 56.7°C on July 13, 1913. Only higher is the world record of 58°, recorded in Libya on September 13, 1922

IN South America Laguna Del Carbon is located with a depth of 105 meters below sea level. Laguna del Carbon (Coal Lagoon) is salt lake and is located in Argentina. This is the most low point in the Western in the Southern Hemispheres and the seventh lowest point on Earth. Pay attention to the quality of the road surface in the Argentine desert...

The lowest point in Europe is the Caspian Sea. Its basin area is 371,000 km2, which is about 10 percent of the world's closed water basin area. The ancient inhabitants considered the Caspian Sea an ocean, probably due to its salinity and apparent immensity. The sea is a closed lake, and the water in it is salty, with an average salinity of 1.2%. This is the lowest place in Europe with a depth of 28 meters below the level

We visited each of the continents, only Australia remained. There is such a place here too - Lake Eyre is the lowest point in Australia at a depth of 15 meters below sea level in the very center of the huge Eyre Basin, the big lake Australia

It is difficult to determine from photographs, but almost everywhere the ocean was at least 20 meters higher than the point where the photographer stood... Isn’t it amazing that such places exist on Earth?

We invite you to look at the world from the lowest points of the Earth - and there are such places on every continent, they are located much below sea level. In this collection I will tell you about seven such places.

There are many places on the planet where you are standing on dry land, while the level of the world's oceans suggests that you are actually submerged under water. Let's start with the Dead Sea in Asia. It is also called the Salt Sea and is located between Palestine, Israel and Jordan. Its shores and surface are located at 422 meters below sea level. This is the lowest landmass on Earth

Next comes Lake Assal in Africa, it is located in Djibouti, Ethiopia. The lake lies 155 meters below sea level in the Afar Lowland. This is the lowest landmass in Africa and the second on Earth after the Dead Sea. The water here is one of the saltiest in the world - 34.8% salt concentration, which is higher than the concentration in the Dead Sea and ten times the salinity level in the ocean

There is a place in Antarctica called the Vestfold Hills, which is located 50 meters below sea level. For your information, the deepest place on Earth not covered by liquid water is the Bentley Deep in Antarctica with a depth of 2555 meters below sea level. The depression is covered with a huge layer of ice. The deepest place on Earth covered with liquid water is the Mariana Trench.

There are similar places in North America. Death Valley is a desert located in the southwestern United States. Located within the Mojave Desert, the intermontane trench is the lowest, driest, and hottest place in the Americas. The site called Badwater in Death Valley is the lowest place in the United States, 86 meters below sea level. Surprisingly, this point is only 76 miles east of Mount Whitney, the highest point at 4,422 meters. Death Valley is also considered to be home to some of the hottest temperatures on Earth, with Furnace Creek reaching 56.7°C on July 13, 1913. Only higher is the world record of 58°, recorded in Libya on September 13, 1922

In South America there is Laguna Del Carbon with a depth of 105 meters below sea level. Laguna del Carbon (Coal Lagoon) is a salt lake located in Argentina. It is the lowest point in the Western and Southern Hemispheres and the seventh lowest point on Earth. Pay attention to the quality of the road surface in the Argentine desert...

The lowest point in Europe is the Caspian Sea. Its basin area is 371,000 km2, which is about 10 percent of the world's closed water basin area. The ancient inhabitants considered the Caspian Sea an ocean, probably due to its salinity and apparent immensity. The sea is a closed lake, and the water in it is salty, with an average salinity of 1.2%. This is the lowest place in Europe with a depth of 28 meters below the level

We visited each of the continents, only Australia remained. There is such a place here too - Lake Eyre is the lowest point in Australia at a depth of 15 meters below sea level in the very center of the huge Eyre Basin, Australia's largest lake

It is difficult to determine from photographs, but almost everywhere the ocean was at least 20 meters higher than the point where the photographer stood... Isn’t it amazing that such places exist on Earth?

We invite you to look at the world from the lowest points of the Earth - and there are such places on every continent, they are located much below sea level. In this collection I will tell you about seven such places.

There are many places on the planet where you are standing on dry land, while the level of the world's oceans suggests that you are actually submerged under water. Let's start with the Dead Sea in Asia. It is also called the Salt Sea and is located between Palestine, Israel and Jordan. Its shores and surface are located at 422 meters below sea level. This is the lowest landmass on Earth

Next comes Lake Assal in Africa, it is located in Djibouti, Ethiopia. The lake lies 155 meters below sea level in the Afar Lowland. This is the lowest landmass in Africa and the second on Earth after the Dead Sea. The water here is one of the saltiest in the world - 34.8% salt concentration, which is higher than the concentration in the Dead Sea and ten times the salinity level in the ocean

There is a place in Antarctica called the Vestfold Hills, which is located 50 meters below sea level. For your information, the deepest place on Earth not covered by liquid water is the Bentley Deep in Antarctica with a depth of 2555 meters below sea level. The depression is covered with a huge layer of ice. The deepest place on Earth covered with liquid water is the Mariana Trench.

There are similar places in North America. Death Valley is a desert located in the southwestern United States. Located within the Mojave Desert, the intermontane trench is the lowest, driest, and hottest place in the Americas. The site called Badwater in Death Valley is the lowest place in the United States, 86 meters below sea level. Surprisingly, this point is only 76 miles east of Mount Whitney, the highest point at 4,422 meters. Death Valley is also considered to be home to some of the hottest temperatures on Earth, with Furnace Creek reaching 56.7°C on July 13, 1913. Only higher is the world record of 58°, recorded in Libya on September 13, 1922

In South America there is Laguna Del Carbon with a depth of 105 meters below sea level. Laguna del Carbon (Coal Lagoon) is a salt lake located in Argentina. It is the lowest point in the Western and Southern Hemispheres and the seventh lowest point on Earth. Pay attention to the quality of the road surface in the Argentine desert...

The lowest point in Europe is the Caspian Sea. Its basin area is 371,000 km2, which is about 10 percent of the world's closed water basin area. The ancient inhabitants considered the Caspian Sea an ocean, probably due to its salinity and apparent immensity. The sea is a closed lake, and the water in it is salty, with an average salinity of 1.2%. This is the lowest place in Europe with a depth of 28 meters below the level

We visited each of the continents, only Australia remained. There is such a place here too - Lake Eyre is the lowest point in Australia at a depth of 15 meters below sea level in the very center of the huge Eyre Basin, Australia's largest lake

It is difficult to determine from photographs, but almost everywhere the ocean was at least 20 meters higher than the point where the photographer stood... Isn’t it amazing that such places exist on Earth?

Earth's lowlands

The earth's surface, as many people know, is by no means smooth and uniform. On it there are mountains of quite a decent height, as if reaching into the sky, and other similar formations, as well as depressions and lowlands.

Scientists have long sought to systematize such places on the surface of the planet, placing them “in order of ranking.” At a certain historical moment (few people now remember, perhaps, with the exception of researchers of time periods, when exactly this happened), they decided to take the average level of the sea surface as the starting point here - when it is not subject to excessive waves. This or that section of the planet’s relief that was higher than it received a positive value for the number of meters that moved it away from sea level. If the situation was the other way around, the indicator was negative (i.e. with a minus sign).

Meter sea - -427 meters below sea level

Thus, in particular, the lowest point of land on Earth was determined. It turned out to be surprising and mysterious place- the legendary Dead Sea. It is located more than 427 meters below the average sea surface level.

This hydronym has become famous almost throughout the planet due to its amazing and unique properties, which no other similar object in the world possesses. Swimming in its waters is virtually impossible, since, by and large, there are none. Due to the excessive - over thirty percent - concentration of all kinds of mineral substances in them, it is impossible for any form of life to exist here, with the exception of a number of bacteria - this is probably why the sea is nicknamed the Dead.

The density of the water in it is so great that any adult can even lie in certain areas of it. Those who firmly intend to dive there will soon have to give up such attempts, since, having plunged even to the waist, they will immediately float up. By the way, one of the most ancient historians nicknamed this hydronym Asfaltov - probably precisely for such properties.

What is Mervoe More famous for?

The aforementioned low point of land, however, became famous not only due to such a clear demonstration of the density of its waters, but rather because of their healing properties. Mineral salts extracted from them and collected from the bottom (which, by the way, is at its widest point Dead Sea turns out to be at a depth of 377 meters from its surface) mud is considered to be extremely valuable due to its excellent therapeutic properties. These substances contain a fair amount of bromides, as well as iodine and a number of hormone-like compounds. This made it possible to turn their source into one of the most famous resorts, where thousands of residents from different parts of the planet come in the hope of finding healing from a considerable number of ailments. The same ones who come to Dead Sea There is no possibility, a great many cosmetic corporations and companies producing dietary supplements come to the rescue.

This place, among other things, is surrounded by a lot of legends and is associated with a number of biblical events. In particular, it is believed that it was on its banks that Sodom and Gomorrah, mired in sins and therefore destroyed by the Creator, were located.

There is also a legend that by the second coming of Jesus Christ to this world, the Dead Sea will become full of life. How feasible this is will become clear over time. For now this amazing source minerals give people healing.

Incredible facts

Imagine living in a place so remote that you only get mail once a year, or making it to the top of the highest place on Earth.

There are places that are unique in their kind, difficult to reach, and famous for their extreme temperatures, altitude, depth and other characteristics.

Highest point on Earth

Everest, at an altitude of 8848 m, is known as highest peak on Earth, and this is true. However, it still depends on how you look at it. Technically, Everest's rocky peak is the highest piece of land above sea level. But since the Earth is not a perfect sphere, some lower points are actually "higher" in space. Mount Everest is less close to the moon and stars than another mountain that is relatively obscure and is - Chimborazo volcano in Ecuador. Its height is 6268 m, and although it is not as tall as Everest, it is actually closer to outer space due to the uneven shape of the Earth.

The highest point that can be reached by transport

In Tibet, road Semo La, whose height is 5,565 m, will take you through incredible beautiful view and a dangerous pass. It is believed that the road Marsimic La is the highest pass in the world, but it all depends on which road can be considered accessible. Along the Semo La road you can reach vehicle. Authorities believe that there are other higher and more distant roads, but they have not yet been documented.

The most remote island on Earth

The most remote inhabited archipelago in the world is considered Tristan da Cunha, which is located in the southern part Atlantic Ocean. His main island so small that it has no runway. The island is home to about 300 people sharing only 8 surnames, which is why residents of the country suffer from hereditary diseases such as asthma and glaucoma. The island was annexed by Britain in 1800 and has a British postal code. And although residents can order goods online, delivery of goods takes a very long time. The island settlement itself is located 3,200 km from the nearest continent.

Deepest point in the ocean

Mariana Trench, southwest of Guam in Pacific Ocean, is the deepest point of the world's oceans. Its depth is 10,924 meters. If Mount Everest were placed in a trench, it would be covered by more than 1 mile of water. The pressure at the bottom of the trench is a thousand times stronger than at sea level. In 1960, the US Navy sent two naval officers to the bottom of the trench in the bathyscaphe Trieste. They were able to observe fish, shrimp and other creatures living on the ocean floor.

Lowest point on Earth

Dead Sea is the lowest piece of land that is below sea level, being 423 m. On the border of Jordan and Israel, the road around the Dead Sea is also the lowest road on Earth. Due to its extreme salinity, the Dead Sea is considered literally dead, as no creature can live there.

The coldest, driest and wettest place on Earth

Antarctica- This is a place of continuous extremes. It is not inhabited by people all year round because it is too cold here. In 1983, scientists recorded the lowest air temperature on Earth and it was 89.2 degrees below zero. Antarctica is also considered the wettest place and at the same time the driest place on Earth. It is considered the wettest not because of rain, but simply because it is 98 percent covered in ice, and is technically very wet. However, since it is the coldest place on Earth, it experiences the least amount of precipitation - less than 5 cm per year, which makes Antarctica practically a desert.

Largest net elevation difference on Earth

Mount Thor V national park Auyuittuq on Baffin Island in the province of Nunavut in Canada represents 1.2 km of net vertical elevation change. Mount Thor is the most famous peak in Canada and it is made of pure granite. It is one of the favorite peaks for thrill-seekers and climbers.

The deepest ice on Earth

Bentley's Hollow in Antarctica, this is a phenomenally thick layer of ice, whose depth is 2,555 m. This is the lowest point on Earth not covered by an ocean. The Bentley Deep is the size of Mexico and is technically covered with water (ice), which is why the Dead Sea is still considered the lowest point on Earth.

The hottest place on Earth

Death Valley known for its heat, but the hottest place that was officially recorded was the city El Azizia. In 1922, the air temperature here reached 57.7 °C. The record high temperature in Death Valley is 56.7°C.