Terrestrial planets of the solar system. Interesting facts about the terrestrial planets

Planets terrestrial group- Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars differ from the giant planets in their smaller sizes and lower mass. They move inside the belt of minor planets. Within one group, the planets are similar in physical characteristics such as density, size, chemical composition, but one group differs sharply from the other. Each planet has its own unique characteristics

There is also a hypothesis that the core of the future Jupiter is actually a carbon planet that arose in places where water ice has not yet condensed but is rich in resinous organic matter, but this cannot be confirmed or disproved.

Geology with sparkling diamond. Carbon-based planets would undoubtedly be strange, not only in their chemistry, but also in their structures, geological processes and appearance. Their cores will be made of iron with a high carbon content. The core will be surrounded by a shell composed of heavier carbides, in the upper parts we will find diamond layers, while the crust will be mainly graphite.

Mercury is the planet closest to the Sun in the Solar System. Located at a distance of 58 million km from the Sun. It completes a full revolution in the sky in 88 days. Due to its proximity to the Sun and small apparent size, Mercury has long remained a little-studied planet. Only in 1965, thanks to the use of radar, the rotation period of Mercury around its axis was measured, which turned out to be equal to 58.65 days, i.e. 2/3 of its revolution around the Sun. This rotation is dynamically stable. A solar day on Mercury lasts 176 days. Mercury's rotation axis is almost perpendicular to the plane of its orbit. As radio observations suggested, the temperature on the surface of Mercury at the point where the Sun is at its zenith reaches 620 K. The temperature of the night hemisphere is about 110 K. Using radio observations, it was possible to determine the thermal properties of the outer layer of the planet, which turned out to be close to the properties of finely crushed rocks of the lunar regolith. The reason for this state of the rocks, apparently, is the continuous impacts of meteorites, almost not weakened by the rarefied atmosphere of Mercury.

Carbides and diamonds are very difficult to melt and are mechanically extremely strong. While the Earth's cape moves due to convective flow, carbon rocks will require much higher temperatures to "agitate" them, and their mobility will still lag behind what we know from Earth. Additionally, diamond is very efficient at conducting heat and radiation, so the planet will quickly lose its original heat. Therefore, carbon-carbon planets most likely do not have plate tectonics, and their geological activity will soon cease.

The high thermal conductivity of graphite and carbides would also make it possible to create a very strong and rigid crust that would be difficult to break through ruptures or volcanoes. Plate tectonics probably wouldn't work, only for a short period of time, and volcanism would only have a chance on very young and therefore hot planets, or those receiving extra tidal heat. Volcanoes carry molten carbon from the planet, which is lighter than solid carbon rock.

Photographing the surface of Mercury by the American spacecraft Mariner 10 in 1974-1975. showed that the planet resembles the Moon in appearance. The surface is dotted with craters of different sizes, and their distribution by diameter is similar to the distribution of craters on the Moon. This suggests that they were formed as a result of intense meteorite bombardment billions of years ago during the early stages of the planet's evolution. There are craters with light rays, with and without central hills, with dark and light bottoms, with sharp outlines of shafts (young) and dilapidated (ancient). Valleys have been discovered that resemble the famous Valley of the Alps on the Moon, smooth round plains called basins. The largest of them - Caloris - has a diameter of 1300 km. The presence of dark matter in pools and lava-filled craters indicates that in the initial period of its existence the planet experienced strong heating, followed by one or more eras of intense volcanism. The atmosphere of Mercury is very thin compared to the earth's atmosphere.

The surface rocks of carbon planets will most likely be graphite, possibly also carbides and diamonds, produced by geological processes. The atmosphere is likely to be rich in carbon compounds - how different! Solid, suspended and liquid hydrocarbons and organic matter of various types may be compacted on the surface, some of which may also be clouds, rivers, lakes or the sea. In the eyes of humans, it would be a gloomy world of dark and shadowed hues, with a breathless air filled with poisons, where even the vision of diamond bearings would hardly harm any delicate human colonist.

According to data obtained from Mariner 10, its density does not exceed the density of the earth's atmosphere at an altitude of 620 km. Small amounts of hydrogen, helium and oxygen were found in the atmosphere; some inert gases, such as argon and neon, are also present. Such gases could be released as a result of the decay of radioactive substances that make up the planet's soil. A weak magnetic field has been discovered, the intensity of which is less than that of the Earth and greater than that of Mars. The interplanetary magnetic field, interacting with the core of Mercury, can create electric currents in it. These currents, as well as the movement of charges in the ionosphere, which is weaker on Mercury compared to Earth’s, can maintain the planet’s magnetic field. Interacting with the solar wind (see Radiation from the Sun), it creates a magnetosphere. The average density of Mercury is significantly higher than that of the Moon and is almost equal to the average density of the Earth. It is hypothesized that Mercury has a thick silicate shell (500 - 600 km), and the remaining 50% of the volume is occupied by a ferrous core. Life on Mercury cannot exist due to the very high daytime temperatures and lack of liquid water. Mercury has no satellites

Carbon, however, is the essential building block of life, and prebiotic chemistry is unlikely to be available on a carbon-based planet. Will she achieve her goal? Life also needs things other than carbon, especially a suitable solvent, which is water on Earth.

There will be little water ice in carbon-rich systems, and if there was any, it would be in the peripheral zones of the system, and carbon planets near the star would be difficult to reach. Even if impacted by a comet, the water would mostly be chemically broken down into carbon monoxide, hydrogen and hydrocarbons, without irrigating the planet. Indigenous life may have to make do without water.

Venus is the second planet in the solar system in terms of distance from the Sun and the closest planet to Earth. The average distance from the Sun is 108 million km. The period of revolution around it is 225 days. During inferior conjunctions it can approach the Earth up to 40 million km, i.e. closer than any other large planet in the solar system. The synodic period (from one inferior connection to another) is 584 days. Venus is the brightest luminary in the sky after the Sun and Moon. Known to people since ancient times. The diameter of Venus is 12,100 km. (95% of the Earth's diameter), mass 81.5% of the Earth's mass or 1: 408,400 of the Sun's mass, average density 5.2 g/cm, surface gravity acceleration 8.6 m/s (90% of Earth's). The rotation period of Venus could not be established for a long time due to the dense atmosphere and cloud layer enveloping this planet. Only with the help of radar did they establish that it is equal to 243.2 days, and Venus rotates in the opposite direction compared to the Earth and other planets. The inclination of the axis of rotation of Venus to the plane of its orbit is almost 90 50 0. The existence of an atmosphere of Venus was discovered in 1761 by M. V. Lomonosov while observing its passage across the disk of the Sun.

Some substitutes may be liquid alkanes. From the month of Titan Saturn we know cryogenic lakes of liquid methane and ethane. Because we expect carbon planets to be closer to their stars, they will tend to have higher temperatures, but rain will make the hydrocarbons heavier. Alkaline liquid, however, is very different from our known water. This is a non-polar solvent, which our biochemistry does not understand at all. However, theoretical and experimental work suggests that it may be compatible with exotic biochemistry.

In the 20th century, using spectral studies, carbon dioxide was found in the atmosphere of Venus, which turned out to be the main gas of its atmosphere. According to the Soviet interplanetary stations of the Venus series, carbon dioxide accounts for 97% of the total composition of the atmosphere of Venus. It also includes about 2% nitrogen and inert gases, no more than 0.1% oxygen and small amounts of carbon monoxide, hydrogen chromium and hydrogen fluoride. In addition, its atmosphere contains about 0.1% water vapor. Carbon dioxide and water vapor create a greenhouse effect in the atmosphere of Venus, leading to a strong heating of the planet. The reason for this is that both balls intensively absorb infrared (heat) rays emitted by the heated surface of Venus. Its temperature reaches about 500 C. The cloud layer of Venus, hiding its surface from us, as established by the Venus series stations, is located at an altitude of 49-68 km above the surface, and its density resembles a light fog.

Alkaline liquids can form membranes based on nitrile-forming vesicles called azotosomes, which may be a suitable basis for cellular analogues. A particular problem are molecules analogous to nucleic acids, which would be the basis of heredity. This is a problem for Alan life: charged molecules do not dissolve in hydrocarbons, uncharged ones are so characterless, they are hopelessly twisted, and the storage medium will not be useless. It has recently been discovered that seemingly negative demands can be filled by polyester group molecules which, although they have an internal dipole allowing them to hold their shape, appear non-polar in appearance.

But the large extent of the cloud layer makes it completely opaque to an earthly observer. It is assumed that the clouds consist of droplets of a hydrogen solution of sulfuric acid. Illumination on the surface during the daytime is similar to that on the ground on a cloudy day. From space, the clouds of Venus look like a system of stripes, usually located parallel to the equator of the planet, but sometimes they form details that were noticed from Earth, which made it possible to establish an approximately 4-day period of rotation of the cloud layer. This four-day rotation has been confirmed spacecraft and is explained by the presence at the cloud level of constant winds blowing in the direction of the planet’s rotation at a speed of about 100 m/s. The atmospheric pressure at the surface of Venus is about 9 MPa, and the density is 35 times higher than the density of the earth's atmosphere. The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere of Venus is 400 thousand times greater than in the earth's atmosphere. The reason for this is probably intense volcanic activity, and in addition, the absence on the planet of the two main carbon dioxide sinks of the ocean with its plankton and vegetation.

Astrobiologists have also developed a number of other alternative solvents, but they often have fundamental problems that are usually mentioned in a footnote somewhere - they are chemically unstable in the presence of water or oxygen, or they are too rare in familiar bodies to understand them to consider. Carbon planets, however, are a good opportunity to rethink some of them.

Formamide, for example, is a polar molecule, liquid in a temperature range than water, and is an excellent solvent for many terrestrial biomolecules and promotes prebiotic synthesis. Although it decomposes immediately upon contact with water, there is no such thing on carbon planets. Another interesting molecule is methanol, which is also a polar solvent with big amount liquids. Therefore, it is quite possible that polar non-aqueous solvents exist on the corresponding carbonate planets, and perhaps some exotic life forms exist on them.

The uppermost layers of Venus's atmosphere are composed entirely of hydrogen. The hydrogen atmosphere extends to an altitude of 5500 km. Radar made it possible to study the relief of Venus, invisible because of the clouds. In the near-equatorial zone, more than 10 ring structures similar to the craters of the Moon and Mercury, with a diameter of 35 to 150 km, but highly smoothed and flat, were discovered. A fracture 1500 km long and 150 km wide has been discovered in the planet's crust. and a depth of about 2 km., mountain ranges, a volcano with a base diameter of 300-400 km. and about 1 km high, a huge basin with a length of 1500 km. from north to south and 1000 km. from west to east. The interplanetary stations "Venera-9" and "Venera-10" made it possible to study the relief of 55 regions of the planet from the orbits of artificial satellites of Venus; At the same time, mountainous areas with an elevation difference of 2-3 km were discovered, as well as relatively flat areas. The surface of Venus is relatively smoother than the surface of the Moon. An analysis of the nature and surface of Venus can be of great importance for constructing a theory of the evolution of all planets in the solar system, including our Earth. Venus has no satellites

The Earth's biosphere is closely related to the geological activity of the mother planet, especially plate tectonics. In this regard, the diamond geophysics described above seems unsuitable for habitation - if we are anything to judge by something as exotic and unworthy as a carbon planet certainly is.

We don't know the carbon planet yet. On the one hand, we know little about the composition of exoplanets, and carbon planets cannot be easily identified spectrally. Its density is too low on a rocky planet, which could indicate a planet with a lot of water or carbon.

Earth is one of the planets in the solar system. Like other planets, it moves around the Sun in an elliptical orbit. The distance from the Earth to the Sun at different points in the orbit is not the same. The average distance is about 149.6 million km. As our planet moves around the Sun, the plane of the Earth's equator (inclined to the plane of the orbit at an angle of 23 27") moves parallel to itself in such a way that in some parts of the orbit the Earth is inclined to the Sun with its northern hemisphere, and in others - southern. Most The World Ocean occupies up to 71% of the Earth's surface. Average depth The world ocean is 3900 m. The existence of sedimentary rocks whose age exceeds 3.5 billion years serves as evidence of the existence of vast bodies of water on Earth already in that distant time. On modern continents, plains, mainly low-lying ones, are more common, and mountains - especially high ones - occupy a small part of the planet's surface, as well as deep-sea depressions of the oceans. The shape of the Earth, as is known, is close to spherical, but with more detailed measurements it turns out to be very complex, even if we outline it with a flat ocean surface (not distorted by tides, winds, currents) and the conditional continuation of this surface under the continents.

Hydrogen, helium and hydrogen cyanide have recently been identified in their atmosphere, but no water vapor, which is more evidence of the second option, but there is no clear evidence. The fact that both are extremely hot worlds tends to favor carbon. Carbonaceous planets may be lighter than silicates to survive closer to the star due to the high heat resistance of carbides and diamonds. Carbon could also be detected by planets orbiting pulsars, but absolutely nothing is known about their properties yet.

Perhaps the best evidence for the existence of carbon planets may be that, paradoxically, they no longer exist. White dwarfs typically have an atmosphere of pure hydrogen or helium and such high gravity that any heavy atoms fall into and out of the atmosphere very quickly. If any "dirt" is still visible, it means that it is foreign material of very recent date that is intruding into the dwarf's atmosphere from outside - debris from planets or asteroids. In the clean atmosphere of a white dwarf, this material can unexpectedly be analyzed spectrally.

The irregularities are maintained by the uneven distribution of mass in the Earth's interior. This surface is called a geoid. The geoid (with an accuracy of the order of hundreds of meters) coincides with the ellipsoid of rotation, the equatorial radius of which is 6378 km, and the polar radius is 21.38 km. less than equatorial. The difference in these radii arose due to the centrifugal force created by the daily rotation of the Earth. The daily rotation of the globe occurs at an almost constant angular velocity with a period of 23 hours 56 minutes. 4.1s. those. for one sidereal day, the number of which in a year is exactly one day more than solar days. The Earth's axis of rotation is directed at its northern end approximately to the star alpha Ursa Minor, which is therefore called the North Star. One of the features of the Earth is its magnetic field, thanks to which we can use a compass. The Earth's magnetic pole, to which the north end of the compass needle is attracted, does not coincide with the geographic North Pole. Under the influence of the solar wind (see Radiation from the Sun), the Earth's magnetic field is distorted and acquires a “trail” in the direction from the Sun, which extends for hundreds of thousands of kilometers. Our planet is surrounded by a vast atmosphere. The main gases that make up the lower layers of the atmosphere are nitrogen (about 78%), oxygen (about 21%) and argon (about 1%). There are very few other gases in the Earth's atmosphere, for example carbon dioxide is about 0.03%.

In at least some cases these are rocks corresponding to carbon planets. For another white dwarf, extreme concentrations of carbon were found in the accretion disk, that is, crushed material that is still falling onto the star. Interestingly, on such planets sand will be rare and diamonds will be quite common, you can find diamond land and mountains.

Whether they are truly common we don't know, but they certainly exist. Their exotic environment defies the imagination and is likely to be hostile to terrestrial life. But it could be home to more exotic types of life, if we want to believe in their existence.

Atmospheric pressure at the ocean surface level is approximately 0.1 MPa under normal conditions. It is believed that the earth’s atmosphere has changed greatly in the process of evolution: it has become enriched with oxygen and acquired its modern composition as a result of long-term interaction with rocks and with the participation of the biosphere, i.e. plant and animal organisms. Evidence that such changes have actually occurred is provided, for example, by coal deposits and thick layers of carbonate deposits in sedimentary rocks. they contain enormous amounts of carbon, which was previously part of the earth's atmosphere in the form of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. Scientists believe that the ancient atmosphere came from gaseous products of volcanic eruptions; its composition is judged by chemical analysis of gas samples “embedded” in the cavities of ancient rocks. The studied samples, which are approximately 3.5 billion years old, contain approximately 60% carbon dioxide, and the remaining 40% are sulfur compounds, ammonia, hydrogen chloride and hydrogen fluoride.

Cosmochemical determinism in the formation of Earth-like planets. What are small worlds made of? Star abodes and building blocks of planets. Astrophysical Journal, 804. Planetary compositions in exoplanet systems. Astrophysical Journal, 757. Diversity of extrasolar terrestrial planets.

Chemistry in an evolving protoplanetary disk: implications for composition terrestrial planet. Astrophysical Journal, 787. The ratio of carbon to oxygen in stars with planets. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, art. Atomic and molecular content of disks around very low mass stars and brown dwarfs.

A small amount of nitrogen and inert gases were found. All oxygen was chemically bound. One of the most important tasks of modern Earth science is the study of the evolution of the atmosphere, surface and outer layers of the Earth, as well as the internal structure of its interior. The internal structure of the Earth is primarily judged by the characteristics of the passage of mechanical vibrations through the various layers of the Earth that occur during earthquakes or explosions. Valuable information is also provided by measurements of the magnitude of the heat flow emerging from the depths, the results of determinations of the total mass, moment of inertia and polar compression of our planet. The mass of the Earth is found from experimental measurements of the physical constant of gravity and acceleration of gravity

Astrophysical Journal, 779. The role of carbon in extrasolar planetary geodynamics and habitats. Astrophysical Journal, 793. Membrane alternatives in an oxygen-free world: the creation of the azotosome. Solubility of polyesters in hydrocarbons at low temperatures. Model of potential genetic supports on warm titans.

Obviously, the hot issue was that this extraterrestrial race was unwilling to provide technology that could be used by the military industrial interests that dominated the Eisenhower administration, setting the tone for later alien human dialogue. This second category of aliens are primarily "human" and are more easily incorporated into human society in the manner described by Dean and others when they can be indistinguishable from the rest of humanity. These species are Lyra, Vega, Pleiades, Sirius, Procyon, Tau Ceti, Ummo, Andromeda and Arctus, which provided some of the genetic material for the settlement of humans on Earth.

The solid shell of the Earth is called the lithosphere. It can be compared to a shell covering the entire surface of the Earth. But this “shell” seems to have cracked into pieces and consists of several large lithospheric plates, slowly moving one relative to the other. The overwhelming number of earthquakes is concentrated along their boundaries. Upper layer lithosphere is the earth's crust, the minerals of which consist mainly of silicon and aluminum oxides, iron oxides and alkali metals. The earth's crust has an uneven thickness: 35-65 km. on continents and 6-8 km. under the ocean floor. Upper layer earth's crust consists of sedimentary rocks, the lower one is made of basalts. Between them there is a layer of granites, characteristic only of the continental crust. Under the crust is the so-called mantle, which has a different chemical composition and greater density. The boundary between the crust and mantle is called the Mohorovicic surface. In it, the speed of propagation of seismic waves increases abruptly. At a depth of 120-250 km under the continents and 60-400 km. Beneath the oceans lies a layer of mantle called the asthenosphere. Here the substance is in a state close to melting, its viscosity is greatly reduced. All lithospheric plates seem to float in the semi-liquid asthenosphere, like ice floes in water.

According to Alex Collier, a total of 22 extraterrestrial races contributed genetic material to the "human experiment." Do this, and also include Reptile, Gray and the Anunnaki, who later reported in the race of the second group Collier says they are "friendly". By the fact that we, as a product of extraterrestrial galactic processing, are the owners of a wide genetic community consisting of many different racial memory banks, we are also composed of no less than 22 different races. Because of our genetic heritage and because we have a spirit, we are seen as a royal line by our friendly alien races.

Kreneva Evgenia

The work describes the planets belonging to the Terrestrial group. The conditions on these planets, their common features, as well as the characteristics of each planet are considered.



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The essential interests of a race in this category are to ensure that global humanity develops responsibly without endangering both itself and the wider community of galaxies of which it is a part. There are two parts to the alien group. First, they are "outside the world" who settled in the earth's underground dwellings in history and are described as the remains of ancient civilizations of mankind, which had different development paths to reach the surface of mankind. In the second group there are aliens who are of "extraterrestrial" origin but have human characters to such an extent that some of them can easily integrate with the rest of humanity without being easily identified.

Slide captions:

TERRESTRIAL PLANETS Presentation on astronomy Prepared by 11th grade student Kreneva Evgenia GBOU Secondary School No. 8, Moscow


Terrestrial Planets These are the four planets of the solar system: Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. They are also called inner planets, in contrast to the outer planets - the giant planets.

Terrestrial planets have a high density and consist mainly of silicates and metal, as well as oxygen, silicon, iron, magnesium, aluminum and other heavy elements. The largest terrestrial planet is Earth, but it is more than 14 times less massive than the least massive gas planet, Uranus. All terrestrial planets have the following structure: - in the center, a core made of iron with an admixture of nickel, - a mantle, consisting of silicates, - a crust, formed as a result of partial melting of the mantle and also consisting of silicate rocks, but enriched in incompatible elements. Of the terrestrial planets, Mercury does not have a crust, which is explained by its destruction as a result of meteorite bombardment.

MERCURY Is closest to the sun. The existence of this planet was mentioned in ancient Sumerian writings, which date back to the third millennium BC. This planet got its name from the Roman pantheon, Mercury, the patron saint of merchants, who also had his Greek counterpart, Hermes. Mercury completely circles the sun in eighty-eight Earth days. It travels around its axis in less than sixty days, which by Mercury standards is two-thirds of a year. The temperature on the surface of Mercury can vary greatly - from + 430 degrees on the sun side to + 180 degrees on the shadow side. In our solar system, these differences are the strongest.

MERCURY This can be observed on Mercury unusual phenomenon, which is called the Joshua effect. When the sun on Mercury reaches a certain point, it stops and begins to go in the opposite direction, and not like on Earth - it must go around a full circle around the planet. Mercury is the smallest planet of the Earth group. It is smaller in size than even the largest satellites of the planets Jupiter and Saturn. The surface of Mercury is similar to the surface of the Moon - all strewn with craters. The only difference with the lunar surface is that Mercury has numerous oblique, jagged slopes that can extend for many hundreds of kilometers. These slopes were formed as a result of compression as the planet cooled.

MERCURY One of the most popular and visible parts of the planet is the so-called Heat Plain. This is a crater that gets its name due to its close location to the "hot longitudes". The crater has a diameter of one thousand three hundred kilometers. More likely, heavenly body, which in ancient times made this crater, had a diameter of at least one hundred kilometers. Thanks to gravity, Mercury also captures particles of the solar wind, which in turn create a rather thin atmosphere around Mercury. Moreover, they are replaced every two hundred days. In addition, this planet is the fastest planet in our system. The average speed of its rotation around the sun is about forty-seven and a half kilometers per second, which is twice as fast as the Earth.

VENUS The atmosphere of Venus is quite aggressive, because relative to the Earth it has a very high temperature and there are poisonous clouds in the sky. The atmosphere of Venus consists mainly of carbon dioxide. If you find yourself in the atmosphere of this planet, you will experience a pressure of about eighty-five kg per 1 square centimeter. In the Earth's atmosphere the pressure will be eighty-five times less. If you throw a coin in the atmosphere of Venus, it will fall as if in a layer of water. Thus, walking on the surface of this planet is just as difficult as walking on the bottom of the ocean. And if, God forbid, the wind rises on Venus, it will carry you like a sea wave carries a sliver.

VENUS The atmosphere of this planet is 96% carbon dioxide. This is what creates the greenhouse effect. The planet's surface is heated by the sun, and the resulting heat cannot be dissipated into space because it is reflected by a layer of carbon dioxide. That's why the temperature of this planet is about four hundred and eighty degrees, like an oven.

VENUS The surface of Venus is dotted with thousands of volcanoes. Science fiction writers described Venus as similar to Earth. It was believed that Venus was shrouded in clouds. This means that the surface of this planet should be dotted with swamps. This means that it probably has a very rainy climate, which leads to a lot of cloudiness and a lot of humidity. In reality, everything is completely different - in the early seventies, the union sent spaceships to the surface of Venus, which clarified the situation. It turned out that the surface of this planet is made up of continuous rocky deserts, where there is absolutely no water. Of course, at such a high temperature there could never be any water.

EARTH The Earth ranks fifth in size and mass among major planets, but of the terrestrial planets, it is the largest. Its most important difference from other planets in the solar system is the existence of life on it, which reached its highest, intelligent form with the advent of man. According to modern cosmogonic concepts, the Earth was formed ~4.5 billion years ago by gravitational condensation from gas and dust matter scattered in the circumsolar space, containing all the chemical elements known in nature.

EARTH The formation of the Earth was accompanied by differentiation of matter, which was facilitated by the gradual heating of the earth's interior, mainly due to the heat released during the decay of radioactive elements (uranium, thorium, potassium, etc.). The result of this differentiation was the division of the Earth into concentrically located layers - geospheres, differing chemical composition, state of aggregation and physical properties. The Earth's core formed in the center, surrounded by a mantle. From the lightest and most fusible components of the substance released from the mantle during melting processes, the earth's crust located above the mantle arose. The totality of these internal geospheres, bounded by solid earth's surface, is sometimes called the “solid” Earth.

EARTH “Solid” Earth contains almost the entire mass of the planet. Beyond its boundaries are the external geospheres - water (hydrosphere) and air (atmosphere), which were formed from vapors and gases released from the bowels of the Earth during degassing of the mantle. The differentiation of the substance of the Earth's mantle and the replenishment of the products of differentiation of the earth's crust, water and air shells occurred throughout geological history and continues to this day.

MARS This planet is named after the famous god of War in Rome, because the color of this planet is very reminiscent of the color of blood. This planet is also called the “red planet”. It is believed that this color of the planet is associated with iron oxide, which is present in the atmosphere of Mars. Mars is the seventh largest planet in the solar system. It is considered to be the home of the Valles Marineris - a canyon that is much longer and deeper than the famous Grand Canyon in the USA. By the way, there are quite a few mountains on Mars, and the height of these mountains is sometimes much higher than our Everest. Here, by the way, there is also Olympus - the highest and most famous mountain throughout the solar system.

MARS Mars has the largest volcanoes in the solar system. But the atmosphere of this planet is one hundred times less dense than Earth’s. But this is enough to maintain the weather system on the planet - that means wind and clouds. Mars boasts an average temperature of minus sixty degrees. A year on Mars = 687 Earth days. But a day on Mars is as close as possible to a day on Earth - it is 24 hours, 39 minutes. and 35 sec. Mars has a very thick crust - about fifty kilometers in cross section. Mars also has two moons - Deimos and Phobos.

Thank you for your attention!