Meaning of mountain and forest tattoo. Mountain tattoo. The most famous and interesting mountains

The “Mountains” tattoo on the body looks very beautiful, reflects the details of steepness and rockiness, and the tattoo also gives a feeling of roughness and volume. Very often the meaning of a tattoo is endurance.

"Mountains" tattoo: meaning

Mountains count mystical places, they are difficult to navigate; there are many unexplored places there, which create mystical impressions. This is how we get the first meaning of the “Mountains” tattoo - mysticism. A person with such a pattern can emphasize his individuality, secrecy, and mysticism.

In fact, it all depends on your interpretation; only the bearer of the tattoo can know the real meaning and history of the appearance of this design. The "Mountains" tattoo does not carry any bad meaning, so you can even get it just for beauty.

There is also a more general meaning, for example, a mountain is a symbol of strength and power. Whatever happens: natural disasters (earthquakes, tsunamis, etc.), human factor- the mountain will remain unchanged. Another possible variant interpretations - a love of travel or a symbol of serious problems you have experienced.

Visual appeal

Regardless of the meaning of the Mountain tattoo, it is an excellent choice. The image options are simply amazing in their diversity. Another good thing is that this image can be placed almost anywhere on your body. Both in more open and spacious places (back, stomach), and in limited ones (arm, leg, neck).

Below are photos that may inspire you. This photo shows the silhouette of mountain ranges; as you can see, it looks very beautiful when done as a “tattoo bracelet”.

Two sides

In the next version we can see two sides. One shows all the roughness and details, and the second is clean, smooth, even. Such a tattoo can indicate that you can be either explosive, cheerful, the life of the party, or a calm, balanced family man.

Also, mountain tattoos can be performed in conjunction with images of trees, birds, and the sun. Such a landscape is often found in “sleeve tattoo” designs; they are very common among the stronger sex. The meaning is usually strength and endurance.

Girls prefer neat, inconspicuous tattoos that do not catch the eye. The following places are very common: neck, leg. The following photo shows an example of such a tattoo.

Whatever location or design option you choose, this tattoo does not have any negative meanings.

Humanity has always considered mountains to be some kind of unusual mystical symbol, denoting something difficult and unidentified. In fact, in the mountains it is quite difficult to navigate and move around, and those who are especially inexperienced can get completely lost. A mountain can also mean power, strength, influence.

After all, a mountain is an immovable object, a solid stone that is not subject to various disasters. Less commonly, a mountain can symbolize a love of travel or serious difficulties from the past. If the sun comes out from behind the mountains, the meaning of such a pattern comes down to pleasant improvements after a dark streak in a person’s life.

Tattoos depicting mountains are good because they can be placed literally on any part of the skin: mountains will look equally good on the back, on the shoulders, and even on the stomach.

Each tattoo is individual. Even if several images paint a picture of the same object, the meaning of each is original. For example, calmer and more balanced people get black tattoos, while people prone to irritation and conflicts prefer to see a riot of colors on their bodies.

In men

Men most often get tattoos that depict mountains to inspire others with the idea that they are strong, powerful, wise and indestructible people. After all, since ancient times it was believed that various supernatural creatures lived on the hills. For example, according to ancient Greek mythology, Mount Olympus was possessed by the gods.

Therefore, through such tattoos, men often try to apply to themselves the meaning of a higher power, wise and invincible.

Also, mountains are often filled with young people who want to seem mysterious, gloomy and closed people.

In females

The larger the tattoo, the more meaning is attached to it. Large tattoos depicting mountains literally scream that a person wants to show his importance. That is why almost all girls, due to their innate modesty, prefer neat and inconspicuous tattoos depicting mountains and do not advertise them particularly, that is, they either fill the design in an inconspicuous place or make it very small.

If the pattern on a girl’s body depicts uneven, hilly mountains, this indicates instability and infidelity in the girl’s character. Smooth and clear lines of elevations speak of the girl as a balanced and straightforward person. Such tattoos (tattoos) can very often indicate inaccessibility.

Prison meaning

In prisons, tattoos depicting mountains take on completely different meanings. Most often, prisoners depict on their bodies not just a mountain, but, for example, birds against the backdrop of a mountain, which signifies freedom and power. The top of a mountain is also depicted, which denotes supremacy over all.

This reveals the prisoner as arrogant and domineering, or as a person striving for power.

In prisons they don’t like upstarts, so people who are selfish and act on the sly, most often get mountains on the inside of their arms, where they are almost invisible, while people are straight and sharp, in visible places, for example, on the forearms.

In general, such tattoos do not carry any negative meaning. This is more of a decorative element than a heavy semantic load, because according to statistics, most often mountains are filled simply because of their beauty. This is the meaning of this tattoo..

The mountain is one of the oldest symbols that has firmly penetrated into fine art. Of course, mountain tattoos are widely accepted as a beautiful and meaningful image.

Since ancient times, the mountain has symbolized power, power, as well as hermitage and a certain detachment from earthly affairs. In the mythologies of many peoples, the mountain is the habitat of gods, spirits or other creatures with supernatural abilities. Based on this, it can be argued that the mountain tattoo has a mystical or religious meaning.

In culture, the image of a mountain is often associated with indestructibility and wisdom, but, at the same time, the mountain range almost always acted as a natural barrier, a border between worlds.

The specific meaning of a mountain tattoo will depend on many circumstances. These include the colors used in the execution of the drawing, the plot, and the appearance of the depicted peak. Of course, a flowering, sunlit mountain will most likely symbolize stability and protection.

An example of such a mountain is Olympus, the home of the gods. A tattoo of a gloomy, cloud-covered peak will have the opposite meaning. The image of Golgotha ​​fully meets these characteristics. Consequently, the meaning of such a drawing may be ambiguous. The image of a mountain is applied to any part of the body, both men and women. The choice of plot and symbolism depends on the character and personality of the customer.

Eye of Horus Tattoo

Another, perhaps even more popular, theme is the tattoo of the eye of Horus - a symbol of the ancient Egyptian deity Ra.

The meaning of this symbol has not changed over thousands of years - it is a protective amulet that drives away evil spirits, giving the bearer of this sign vigilance and vigilance. The meaning of the eye of Horus tattoo completely coincides with the symbolism Ancient Egypt. The location on the body can be arbitrary. The symbol is equally suitable for both sexes. Regardless of character or occupation.

Photo of mountain tattoo

Mountain Tattoo Sketches

Most popular materials

Elena Letuchaya's tattoos

“The only thing better than mountains are mountains that you have never been to before,” sang Vladimir Semyonovich Vysotsky. Anyone who has been to real mountains understands.

I just like mountains. Aesthetics, relief, majesty, symbol of upward movement.
Sveta Dzyubina, master of Crazy Tattoo

We look at photographs and sketches of tattoos with mountains, read about famous mountains and figure out what to draw.

Photo of a tattoo with mountains on the arm, leg, shoulders and other parts of the body

Mountains are most often painted in graphics, realism and watercolors. In other styles it is not so powerful, not so beautiful and not very similar.

Mountains need scope. Like this:

A couple tattoo with mountains is a great idea:

A wonderful combination. And if you add an eagle...

What's higher than the mountains? Sky and space. And together you get a cosmically cool tattoo.

Surprisingly, they are made quite often. Cute, neat, can be stuffed on any part of the body.

Knee-deep mountain tattoo

This can be a forehead design with mountains on the leg or any design that fits well on the shin or calf - from the ankle to the knee. For example, this one.

The meaning of a mountain tattoo

What does a mountain tattoo mean? There are no generally accepted symbolic meanings, so it all depends on the person.

Some people climb mountains because they love them and climb. Another likes them in appearance as a tattoo and that’s it. Beautiful picture. The third gives mountains their own special meaning: conquering peaks, achieving, overcoming, adventure, feat. The fourth remembers his native land - Altai, the Urals or the Caucasus. It also happens that the master suggests mountains as a logical part of the composition.

The most famous and interesting mountains

This is the most high mountain in the world - 8,848 meters above sea level.

Chomolungma is a compound name. Literally translated from Tibetan it means “divine mother of vital energy.” English name"Everest" is given in honor of Sir George Everest, the surveyor of British India from 1830 to 1843.

This peak was first conquered by man on May 29, 1953. The hero is New Zealand mountaineer Edmund Hillary and Sherpa Tenzing Norgay.

This legendary mountain from Tolkien’s “The Lord of the Rings”, in which the One Ring was forged and there it sank into oblivion.

The name translates as “mountain of scarlet flame”, “mountain of fire” or “mountain of doom”.

The famous volcano near Naples, the eruption of which destroyed Italian city Pompeii.

Vesuvius is the only one active volcano continental Europe.

Fuji or Fuji - the legendary mountain on Japanese island Honshu. The Japanese believe that immortals live on Fuji, and anyone who conquers its peak will become immortal.

Fuji has a perfect cone shape. It is usually depicted with a sharp top covered with ice. Despite the fact that this is an active volcano, Japanese artists paint it as calm, “no matter what happens.” And with sakura, of course.

The first known images of Fuji are Japanese ukiyo-e prints from the Edo era.

Etna is a famous Sicilian volcano near Catania. It is the highest active volcano in Europe - 3,295 meters above sea level.

Etna has several hundred side craters that periodically erupt lava.

The mountain became known thanks to writers who visited Africa - for example. Hemmingway. And this is just a very large volcano in Africa.

The mountain in Peru on which the namesake stands ancient city Incas (city among the clouds).

Mountain and cognac, to which, according to legend, Noah himself sailed in the ark after the Flood. It was once located on the territory of Armenia, and then it was chopped off by the evil Turks.

Mountains can be drawn in absolutely any style.

A tattoo depicting natural wonders has always been considered an interesting option. Mountains are magnificent, which is why many people make them part of their sketch. Not everyone knows that this kind of tattoo carries an ancient meaning. Despite the fact that the main meaning of the image of a mountain in a tattoo is the desire for power, there are many options for interpreting this symbol. Such tattoos are preferred by individuals who are confident and perhaps harsh in their judgments. Of course, mountains could not help but appear in myths or legends, which also contributed to the explanation of this image in the tattoo.

What attracts you to mountains?

Despite the fact that the mountain is simply a distortion of the relief, it has always attracted the attention of travelers and contemplators. Poets and writers glorified this miracle of nature in their works. Landscape artists did not forget about this splendor. Most high mountain Everest is considered to be (the second name is Chomolungma). Its height is more than 8000 meters. It is located in the Himalayas.

Climbers regularly attempt to conquer Everest. Perhaps not a single mountain can boast that climbing it takes about two months. Despite the fact that conquering the summit is a very dangerous adventure, in which injuries and deaths of climbers occur, Everest is still very popular. A mountain tattoo, a photo of which can be found on the Internet, can also speak of determination.

Mountain tattoo on a girl's thigh

Mountain tourism

Mountain tourism should not be confused with mountaineering, although they have common features. If the goal of a climber is to reach the top, then a tourist involved in mountain sports sets himself different goals: from climbing to a specific peak, slope, to conquering the highest point. And until 1989, conquering the peak was generally considered prohibited for lovers of the described activity. This type tourism is included in the All-Russian Register of Sports.

Mountains on a girl's back

Did you know? Since the first ascent of Chomolungma, more than 200 people have died. But every year more than 500 people try to conquer this peak. Moreover, about half of those who climbed later returned again. A mountain tattoo, the meaning of which is described below, can also identify an avid climber.

Mountains with an inscription on the shoulder blade

Tattoo meaning

There are several meanings for this image. A mountain tattoo, the designs of which are varied, can mean:

  • The desire for something. A mountain, of any kind, is a sure sign that the owner of the tattoo is a purposeful person, he has his own dreams, which are always fulfilled. Moreover, in life such people always try to stick to plans;
  • Suddenness. This value is the opposite of the previous one. Mountains are a restless place. Therefore, you can encounter many surprises during your ascent. Likewise, a person who chooses this kind of sketch may find himself full of surprises;
  • Power, strength. Mountains have been endowed with this symbol for a long time. It was believed that the image of mountains helps a person in his chosen life path;
  • Hopelessness. A tattoo made in a gloomy, laconic style takes on this meaning. There is an opinion that such images are a reference to Golgotha. As you know, it was on the top of this mountain that Jesus was crucified, so for many Christians this image is symbolic. This tattoo emphasizes the owner’s dark thoughts. For example, he may believe that altruism is not valued among people;
  • Cheerfulness. A tattoo on which mountains are depicted in color, which in itself carries positive emotions, speaks of a person’s love for the world around him. Such individuals are often smiling and good-natured;
  • Attitude to nature. People who paint landscapes are most often nature lovers. It is likely that they are fighting to protect the environment around us;
  • Love for climbing. Sometimes they get a tattoo with the image of a mountain that they have already conquered, or that they are just about to climb to the top of.

Mountain tattoo on the side of a girl's body

Symbols of mountains among the inhabitants of Japan

The Japanese often get a tattoo of Mount Fuji. This is not only a sign of patriotism, many legends are associated with this hill. In fact, it is an active volcano. Residents of Japan believe that he was born in fire, so he can only die from it. It is also believed that this place is a bridge between people and the Creator.

Mountain tattoo on back

I recently got a mountain tattoo. It is colorful, cheerful, and has many green shades. This is a symbol that I can achieve everything on my own, despite the fact that I do not have a tenacious character. I am a kind person, the life of the party. Therefore, my tattoo suits me very well.

Camilla, Zelenodolsk.

Mountain with upside down tree tattoo

Places for tattooing, choosing a design

Of such kind tattoos look good on both large area, and on small areas of skin. For example, they like to depict small mountain peaks on the legs and forearm. Also interesting is the option in which the design is applied to two arms or legs. Moreover, the sketch can be independent, but when the tattoos are connected, a new image is obtained.

Did you know? There are not many tattoo artists who can make a high-quality landscape version. At the same time, in America there are associations of artists who position themselves specifically on landscapes, engravings, and carefully transfer images onto the skin.

Mountains, trees, birds - tattoo on hand

The choice of sketch directly depends on the temperament and character of the person. For example, people of a gloomy type choose not bright, but slightly muted colors for their drawings. However, this rule does not always work. So, a cheerful person can choose an aggressive sketch that reflects his inner strength, his desire to answer everyone what he really thinks.

The mountain tattoo appeared a long time ago, when I was still dreaming of going on an ascent with climbers. Since then, I have already visited many places, but I am sensitive to drawing. This is a reminder of a dream come true, of achieving a goal. And it's just beautiful. Although my tattoo is not colorful, it looks original.

Alexander, Moscow

Video selection of tattoos with mountains