On October 12, the asteroid flies towards the earth. About the project. The car that glorified the Southern Urals is four years old

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The Moon, 92% illuminated, then almost full, will eclipse the star, starting from the East, that is, the illuminated part of the satellite; Aldebaran will appear again to the right, in the west, on the dark side, just below the half moon. The clock is calculated for the latitude of Rome and for solar time. . Notes: Zenit is highest point celestial sphere directly above our head: geometric definition - the point of intersection of a vertical line passing through the observation point and the celestial sphere. The ecliptic is the visible path of the Sun in the arc of the year across the firmament; geometrically, it is the intersection of the latter and the Earth’s orbital plan.

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Other interesting asteroids that will be observed this month. Hours in local time, also taking into account possible summer time. Become an Astrophilian Disciple too with the help of Heaven of the Month! During the month, days are shorter by about 1 hour and 21 minutes for mid-latitude areas.

On the night of October 28-29, the solar hour returns. Names and Colors of the Moon, an article by Giuseppe Petrica which illustrates all the nomenclature given to the various moons full during the year relating to its historical origin. The combined gravitational pull of the Sun and Moon on bodies of water found on our planet generates a wave, the propagation of which, visible from places on the shores, leads to the cyclical rise and fall of sea level. Anciently it was considered a kind of "breath of the sea", as if water was periodically swallowed displaced by large underwater cavities, this level variation can be calculated using celestial mechanics methods, but contributions such as those related to winds and meteorological conditions are not easily predictable.

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From the table below you can access graphs that express sea level changes due to astronomical tide. The schedules refer to the main Italian ports. Moon - Pleiades. On the evening of the 8th day, the Moon is in the constellation Taurus, where it rises accompanied by the Pleiades star cluster and the star Aldebaran.

Moon - Venus: On October 18, the moon, now near lunar phase, is associated with Venus, very low in the eastern sky, in the constellation of the Virgin Mary. Moon - Jupiter - Mercury. On the evening of October 20, a few hours after the New Moon, the constellation of the Virgin Mary meets the inconspicuous moon Luna and the planets Mercury and Jupiter, too low on the western horizon to be visible in the twilight light.

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Moon - Saturn: On the evening of the 24th day, the connection between the Moon and Saturn can still be observed, as time passes on the western horizon, where we see it set in the constellation Oculus. This month, the Astrologer's student invites you to observe. Only in the early hours of the night will it still be possible to observe some of the constellations that dominated the summer sky. With the last lights of evening twilight turned off, we'll just have time to watch Boots set with the bright star to the west Arturo, closely followed by Ofuko and Hercules.

Along the ecliptic, the Zodiac constellations we will see high in the skies over the next Autumn and Winter months will begin to appear in the east, with Taurus and then Gemini rising in the late evening. In the West, shortly after sunset, we will see Sagittarius for the last time this year, and in the southwest Capricorn and Aquarius, which do not have particularly bright stars, do not offer corresponding landmarks. The Pisces constellation is also a little flashy, but its location south of Pegasus makes the horizon easy to find. Even further east, the small zodiac constellation Aries is easily identified.

On October 12, the giant asteroid TC4 will approach the Earth. It flies towards our planet at a speed of 50 thousand kilometers per hour. Most scientists believe that the celestial body will still pass by. But there is another opinion.

So, Judith Rees, an astronomer from the University of Texas, believes that there is still a possibility of a collision with the Earth. The asteroid will fly at a distance of about 43 and a half thousand kilometers above the Earth's surface, which will be approximately one-eighth of the distance to the Moon. Theoretically, Earth's gravity could change its trajectory.

Meteorite fragments will be drawn in a lottery in Chelyabinsk

The great quadrangle of Pegasus, the winged horse, has risen high in the sky this season, almost to the zenith, that is, vertically above our heads. All these constellations are connected by a very famous legend of classical mythology. the story was passed down: Kepheo was the king of Ethiopia, and Cassiopeia was the queen, his consort. It should be noted that the Ethiopia of myth is not confused with the present, historians place the legend on the territory corresponding to modern Tel Aviv Cassiopeia, a beautiful and terribly fussy woman, to boast of even more fascinating than the Nereids, the last of whom, offended by the queen's quarrel, asked Poseidon, the god sea, to avenge them, and Poseidon sent a sea monster, a whale, to devastate the shores of the kingdom of Kepheo, and the unsuccessful King asked the Oracle of Amon what he could do to appease the wrath of the Sea God: The Oracle ordered him to sacrifice his daughter to his monster Andromeda, innocent girl.

But scientists from NASA and the Russian Academy of Sciences do not share their colleagues’ concerns. According to them, the fireball is constantly being monitored, and according to the asteroid danger scale, TC4 does not pose a threat.

You are walking through the desert, and around the corner is a tank - this doesn’t happen in space. Space is big, empty, you can see what’s flying and what’s happening. For the coming years, decades, we are confident that large bodies do not fly, and we are not threatened

A rapist who abused a fellow traveler was detained in the Chelyabinsk region

The poor girl was chained to a rock awaiting her terrible end between the whale's mouths. But, as in all happy endings, here comes our hero, the famous Perseus. Perseus comes to his horned horse, the winged Pegasus, kills the monster and frees Andromeda, his bride. Speaking of these constellations, it is impossible not to mention two sky objects among the most admired by astrophilians. It is very easy to observe objects, also suitable for those approaching astronomical observations for the first time. Let's start with the "Perseus Double Ammunition": it is in the sky between Perseus and Cassiopeia and is already visible to the eye naked in the dark sky and without the Moon, but it is already impressive with simple binoculars. "The two clusters contain 400 stars, and we are more than a thousand light years apart."

— Sergey Popov, professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

According to scientists, for a planetary catastrophe to occur, a celestial body with a diameter of at least several hundred meters must crash into the Earth, and even more dangerous - fragments of comets of similar sizes.

In the history of the 20th century, the largest meterite was Tunguska, but it most likely was a fragment of a comet made of ice and dust. That is why it exploded upon entering the atmosphere; its fragments were never found. Heavenly body TiSi 4 - stone or iron. When such rocks enter the atmosphere, only a small percentage of the material reaches the surface.

Now we look at the constellation Andromeda: we find the brightest 3 stars near Pegasus, we refer to the central one. Let's move from there to Cefeo: with the help of a map, it is not difficult to notice, even with binoculars, a small, hazy shape of a crushed ellipse: this is the famous Andromeda Galaxy, named after the constellation in which it is located. We complete our tour of the sky with Orsa Maggiore, which at this time is on the northern horizon, between two Eagles, which we can recognize as the Dragon. Obviously, these events are already beyond our search for boundaries.

It turns out that the end of the world will not come on the 12th. But this does not mean that the Hollywood scenario of the death of the earth is just an invention of the directors. The threat from space is real, and in February 2013, “ Chelyabinsk meteorite“proved this once again. Astronomers did not notice it at all, because it approached tangentially from the direction of the sun, and it was impossible to see it from the surface of the Earth.

This, of course, will not be more than 5 km. To determine this size limit, let's first say what we expect from such a corpse. It must meet at least one of the following conditions. So what is the risk of things like this getting in our way? But let's remember that this number could be more, but probably no more than two. Let us realize that this is actually an event that humanity has never experienced in its history, it is something completely unprecedented in the history of the human race.

Longer than a global catastrophe. This means that from a local perspective, each of us is more likely to be at risk of global catastrophe. We will present a measure that we can call the probability of a dead person dying due to exposure.

So that neither Tunguska nor Chelyabinsk history repeats itself, scientists propose to build a special station in space that would warn earthlings even about those asteroids that are moving towards us from the direction of the Sun. If it turns out that a collision is inevitable, a large cosmic lump could be moved from orbit by sending a smaller asteroid into it - such projects already exist. Well, as for TC 4, you can’t see it with the naked eye. You can observe it using the online broadcast of the Virtual Telescope project.

For a global catastrophe we get. The rapid alert included a long-range radar observation in Arecibo, Puerto Rico, which indicated that the asteroid was a binary and had been rotating for 4 hours. So we can get a picture of what's at stake compared to other disasters. If we change the population of the Republic, we will have 5 deaths due to exposure to 2 km of body, but several thousand dead on the roads. Of course, there are qualitative differences that are not so good when comparing these disasters.

Therefore, in this regard we will generalize our knowledge. We know that the maximum size of a body that causes a global catastrophe when it impacts the Earth's surface is about 2 km. An important first step to reduce risk is to be aware of all bodies greater than one kilometer in diameter that move in close proximity from the earth.