Black pyramid red glade. Dashur. Black Pyramid of Amenemhet III. Mystical black pyramid

It is not for nothing that the Great Pyramids are considered a wonder of the world. The whole world admires their thousands of years of history and incredible architectural perfection, as well as the amazing secrets that these ancient monuments hide. The three main pyramids at Giza are called great. The tombs of the pharaohs Cheops, Mikerin and Khafre have a strict geometric shape, and their faces are oriented exactly to the cardinal points (

However, there is evidence that there were actually at least one more Great Pyramids. Prominent Danish explorer and naval captain Frederik Norden claims in his writings that he saw the fourth of them with his own eyes. In 1737-1738, at the request of King Christian the Sixth of Denmark, he went to Sudan through all of Egypt. During this journey, the captain made many notes and sketches regarding the monuments of ancient Egyptian architecture. All this information was carefully collected after his death and posthumously published in the form of the book “Journey to Egypt and Nubia.”

Mystical black pyramid

According to Norden, the fourth Great Pyramid was made of black stone, which has the same high strength as granite. Frederick wrote that the main pyramids are located in the southeast and east of Giza, and there are exactly four of them. Nearby there are small pyramids that mean nothing compared to the Great ones. The black pyramid, according to Norden, had a height of more than one hundred and fifty meters. There were no tombs or temples located inside it, but this monument was important for another feature.

At the very top of the fourth pyramid was a colossal cube-shaped stone, which may have once served as a pedestal. However, the Dane was not sure of this and fully admitted that this stone could be a self-sufficient sculpture. The pyramid itself was made of some kind of black granite, but the building material for its top, supporting the mysterious cube, was a stone of a lighter, yellowish hue. The Black Great Pyramid was located to the west of the other three and formed a straight line with them.

It is noteworthy that many other researchers talked about Great Pyramid black color. Egyptologists and representatives of official science refuse to acknowledge this and completely deny the existence of such a monument. The world community easily believes these words, since the fourth pyramid really does not exist anywhere. There are also no debris that would certainly have remained from it. However, if Frederik Norden, who has never been caught in a lie, much less in a hoax, is not deceiving and the black pyramid really existed, then where could it have gone - that is the question?..

Mountain hike along the route: Sochi - Krasnaya Polyana - Aibga ridge - Black Pyramid 2375 m

The Aibga massif is located on the Southern Front Range and consists of 4 peaks - peaks 1, 2, 3 and the Black Pyramid. Highest point- peak 3 - 2462 m. The northern slopes of the Aibga summit ridge are steep and steep, as cross-shaped depressions carved out by ancient glaciers - carts - are cut into them. From Krasnaya Polyana in the Aibginsky ridge, the Black Pyramid mountain, 2375 m, stands out for its shape, which is popular with local climbers.
Peak Aibga (2450 m) - the peak is located at a distance of about 6 km southeast of the village of Krasnaya Polyana (valley of the Mzymta river).
The toponym comes from the ethnonym Aiba (Abkhaz family surname). According to another version, “mountain of the Aiba clan.” Possibly from the Abkhazian “abga” - cliff, steep place.

Conquering the peak, moving away from measured, routine life, a person becomes wild again, becomes part of the wild animal world! He feels like a tiger, the world, a lion or a river; he again, like a bird, soars in the sky, flying higher and higher! And every moment the comfort of home, wife, husband, family, bank account, society, church, respectability become further and further and further under the clouds...

Have you ever climbed to the top of a mountain??? The higher the rise, the fresher, the younger you feel! The higher the risk of falling, the deeper the abyss, the sharper the feeling of your life... When you balance between life and death, boredom disappears, there is no longer the dust of the past, there is no desire for the future: the present becomes sharp as a blade. It's enough...? You live here and now... What about rafting? A skiing? And what about the mountains themselves in the summer, when you went far into them? And you are alone... The higher the risk to life, the greater the pleasure, because the feeling of danger gives an indescribable feeling of the joy of life. That's why extremes are so attractive tourist routes.

From the side of the village of Krasnaya Polyana, among the peaks of the Aibga ridge, the Black Pyramid peak is especially expressive, where we are going or. Nearest locality– the village of Esto-Sadok, located north of the mountain. The height of the Black Pyramid is 2,375 meters. Having climbed to the top, you can see the Mzymta valley from Krasnaya Polyana and see the mountains of the Main Range of the Caucasus. The southwestern slopes of the peak are favored by skiers: there are trails there sports complex"Mountain carousel". Of the four peaks of the Aibga ridge, the Black Pyramid is the most popular among climbers. It usually takes less than a day to conquer the peak: if you start climbing at dawn, you can return before evening darkness sets in. Hiking trail passes through a beech and then a fir forest. A few hours later, the travelers reach a clearing where the Blue Stream flows. You can get to the top by passing subalpine meadows overgrown with tall grass, climbing steeply up and walking along the steep edge of the pre-summit ridge.

WHY IS IT USEFUL TO GO TO THE MOUNTAINS? According to psychologists and bioenergy therapists, there are several reasons.
The mountains have a healing biofield, which is why staying in them has a healing effect. “Depending on the structure of the Earth’s crystal lattice, different places Positive or negative energy fields (so-called geopathogenic zones) may dominate. Their energy activates the energy structure of the body (chakras and energy meridians), and through them the emotional, volitional and intellectual spheres are adjusted by themselves. In addition, thanks to prolonged physical activity, mountain tourists produce the so-called happiness hormone - endorphin!

I invite you to a new route!
Your instructor Kirill Sergeevich Ermakov
The only things better than mountains are mountains!

Tirol club is the main partner of the Gorki Gorod resort
in organizing active recreation!

Hiking along eco-paths
IN summer season Eco-friendly walking routes are open at our Gorki Gorod resort
for traveling to hard-to-reach places in the mountains of Krasnaya Polyana.



Very beautiful!

Gorgeous landscapes!

Re going.

Instructor and uniform

Safety precautions. One carabiner is always fastened.

The rise itself is in the clouds!

Victory stance at the top!

Instructor Alexander

The ascent process is not complicated and short, in short it’s light if there is no wind or rain

The descent process is mega beautiful!

Standing in the clouds!

Sincerely, Alexander Anatolyevich.

Reviewing your events on LiveJournal is an effective means of attracting reader interest not only in this event, but also in future events! Invite the author of the blog from LiveJournal to your event and the whole of Sochi, Moscow and St. Petersburg will read about it!

I invite you to a meeting of the Administrators Club in Krasnaya Polyana on Friday m, where professionals gather tourism business. Check out our group activities.

Well, a walk along the Caucasus mountain ranges finally led us to the Black Pyramid.
For reference: The Black Pyramid is a peak in the Aibga ridge, located in the Southern Front Range. The mountain from the side of Krasnaya Polyana stands out for its shape, looks like a triangular pyramid, which is why it got its name.

The height of the peak is 2375 m. The northern slopes are steep and steep. On the northern slope there is one of the most high waterfalls city ​​of Sochi - Polikarya waterfall. From the top you can see the entire valley of the Mzymta River from the lower station cable car Rosa Khutor to the village of Krasnaya Polyana. The peaks of the Main are clearly visible Caucasian ridge: Chugush, Pseashkho.

On the southwestern slopes of the peak there are ski slopes Mountain Carousel complex.

Having walked around the expanses of Circus 2 to our heart's content, we figured that we still had half an hour before the cable car closed and we had time to climb the Pyramid. No sooner said than done.

For tourists like us, on the Pyramid a small “wolf hut” was fenced off with a net (one step to the left, one step to the right) and, unfortunately, it was possible to admire the mountains only from there. As they explained to us, there is still too much snow in the mountains and any movements along the top are unsafe.

There really is enough snow, you can even go skiing.
Here in front of us is Circus 3 and from there the cable car goes beyond the pass to a height of 2340. As I understand it, these cable cars do not work in the summer.

Clouds are creeping over the mountains. A little more and we will “drown” in the cloudy fog

Here is the larger Circus-3 station. It's a shame you can't go down there. Although in comparison with Circus 2, where spring has already begun in full swing, here winter still doesn’t think about retreating

And this is the last section of the Gorki Gorod cable car for now.

Rescue and avalanche service huts. Local people say that this piece of mountains is very dangerous for avalanches; there are the highest number of avalanches in a season.

Of course, we were not able to get to the very top of the Pyramid; perhaps by the end of summer the “wolf cub” will be removed and we will be able to walk around more. But our 15 minutes quickly ended and with the last seat we are leaving back to Circus 2 in order to have time to get out of there to the big cable car.
The last part of the journey we practically float in “milk”.

After two days of riding on the open cable car, I almost stopped being afraid (although I’m lying, of course, I still rode halfway with my eyes closed). There’s one thing I can’t imagine - how to ride this with skis? And most importantly, how can you get away from skiing without damaging yourself?

In the next episode we'll ride the Gazprom cable car, don't switch))

It is located five kilometers from Krasnaya Polyana, in the Aibga mountain range, which includes three more peaks. The height of the Black Pyramid is about 2375 meters. The peak itself is named so because it has the shape of a triangular pyramid.

Photo by Dmitry Kovinov

Photo by Dmitry Kovinov

The pointed mountain Black Pyramid is one of the favorite places among climbers; its slopes are very steep. From the top there is a panoramic view of the Greater Caucasus Mountains and the valley of the Mzymta River. On the top ridge of the mountain you can see the so-called “karas” - cross-shaped depressions formed by ancient glaciers. On the northern slope of the Black Pyramid is the most big waterfall Greater Sochi (also one of the highest in Europe) - Polikar waterfall. Its height is about 70 meters, entrance to the waterfall is paid. On the other slope of the peak there are ski slopes that are part of the Mountain Carousel complex.

Summit of the Black Pyramid on the map:

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Summit Black Pyramid

It is located five kilometers from Krasnaya Polyana, in the Aibga mountain range, which includes three more peaks. The height of the Black Pyramid is about 2375 meters.

Summit Black Pyramid 43.641044 , 40.266438 It is located five kilometers from Krasnaya Polyana, in the Aibga mountain range, which includes three more peaks. The height of the Black Pyramid is about 2375 meters. Summit Black Pyramid

To get to the Black Pyramid, you must first get to Krasnaya Polyana. And from there you can even walk (a taxi in Krasnaya Polyana is very, very expensive). Experienced climbers with special equipment They will reach the top in less than a day, provided that they leave the foot at dawn. The route runs through beech and fir forests, then through subalpine meadows.

Latitude: 43.641044
Longitude: 40.266438