Manavgat waterfall near Side - how to get there, photos and videos. Travel to Manavgat: profitable shopping, Ali Bay Club Park and photos of the most beautiful waterfall in Turkey Manavgat where it is located


The resort village of Manavgat is located in the Antalya region and is one of its largest settlements. It is located in the southern part of the country on the Mediterranean coast. The city is crossed by a fast river of the same name, which, flowing into the sea, forms a picturesque delta. The city is surrounded on all sides by protected pine forests descending from the spurs of the Taurus Mountains. Today Manavgat is one of the most famous diving centers in Turkey.

How to get there

Manavgat has its own small airport that accepts domestic flights. The distance to the nearest international airport, located in Antalya, is 76 km. The most convenient way to get from Antalya to your destination is by bus or dolmus.


Manavgat is located in a subtropical climate zone characterized by hot, dry summers and warm, rainy winters. However, the mountainous terrain somewhat softens the climate, as a result of which summer air temperatures here are several degrees lower than in the flat areas. April is the beginning of the tourist season, at this time the sea water warms up to +21°C and the air to +25°C. The hottest months are July-August; average temperatures during this period are +28-30°C. At the end of August, the velvet season begins in Manavgat, which lasts until the end of October.


Compared to its closest neighbors - Antalya and Alanya - Manavgat is relatively young. It was founded in 1329 by the Seljuk Turks and at that time was called Molasses, which was translated from the Etruscan language as “temple of the Goddess.” In the 15th century, the city became part of the Ottoman Empire and became one of its administrative centers. It began to actively develop as a tourist center in the 80s of the 20th century.


The most famous attraction of the resort is the Manavgat Waterfalls, formed by a river running down the mountain slopes. The height of the water fall here is small - only two meters - but its rapidity is very significant. In addition, the river, making its way along mountain paths, is saturated with minerals, as a result acquiring an unusual milky-white color. You can admire the waterfall in one of the cafes and restaurants located around it.

Also on the Manavgat River there is another natural wonder - the Oymapinar reservoir - a picturesque reservoir surrounded by mountain peaks. Its depth is about 130 meters. Here, 350 meters above sea level, there is the amazingly beautiful Green Canyon with clear water, which has a second name - Emerald Lake. This lake is home to rare species of fish, which is why it is popular among fishermen. The Oymapinar Dam itself, whose height is 185 meters, is also of interest. Tourists are invited to walk along its upper edge or look at the opening picture from the upper observation deck.

12 km from Manavgat are the ruins of the ancient city of Seleukeia, founded in the 4th century BC. Due to its remoteness from other settlements, it suffered the least from robberies. Now here you can see the remains of Roman baths, temples, a mausoleum and an agora, located in the very center of a pine grove.

If you wish, you can also take an excursion from Manavgat to another ancient city - Side.

In the city itself, you should definitely visit the Manavgat Merkez Kulliye Camii Mosque, which is the largest religious building on the Antalya coast. It has four minarets and a beautiful bathhouse for ablutions. This mosque was built in 2004.


Manavgat has sandy and pebble beaches. The most popular is the section of beach called Incekum, which means “Fine Sand” in Turkish, with fine golden sand. There are also rocky beaches with clear water, which attract diving enthusiasts. For the cleanliness of the coast, many beaches of Manavgat were awarded the Blue Flag.


Most hotels in Manavgat have a huge territory and have their own beaches. Among them there are 5* hotels (Grand Prestiqe Hotel, Saray Regence Resort and Spa) and budget hotels (Mari Hotel, Serena Beach Hotel). There are also many club hotels in the resort (AliBey Club Park Manavgat, Barbaross Pasha's Beach Club, Club Calimera Kaya Side). Among tourists, the Villa Lapin hotel, located in a quiet, secluded place near the Manavgat River, enjoys a good reputation.


Manavgat offers unlimited opportunities for extreme tourism. Here you can ride a horse, go on a cruise along the Manavgat River or raft along its mountain rapids. Jeep and ATV safaris are also regularly organized in the valley between the Taurus Mountains. For lovers of hiking, there are exciting routes through the mountains and surrounding pine forests, and fans of cycling can ride along the sand spit that separates the river from the sea.

Every Monday a fair is held in Manavgat, where for a nominal price you can buy excellent knitwear, leather and ceramic products, and try real Turkish tea and fruit.

Antalya coast- the most tourist region of Turkey, millions of tourists come here every year to relax on the famous Mediterranean beaches, enjoy excellent service and visit the ruins of ancient cities.

One of the cities on the Turkish coast is Manavgat, whose attractions are suitable for those who are tired of a beach holiday and want to change the sea coast to river and mountain landscapes.

Manavgat on the map in Russian

Manavgat is part of the Antalya Coast - a conglomerate of resort towns and villages on the Mediterranean coast in the province of Antalya.

Where is it located and how to get there?

Manavgat is located on the river of the same name in the Turkish province of Antalya between the large resort cities of Antalya and Alanya. Five kilometers from Manavgat is the ancient city of Side.

The city is not located by the sea. The distance from Manavgat to the Mediterranean coast is 5 km.

Manavgat is located far from the country's largest cities, Istanbul and Ankara, so the easiest way to get to the city is through Antalya International Airport, the distance from which to Manavgat is 75 km. From Antalya you can get to the resort by taxi, rented car or intercity bus. Also by intercity bus you will have to use it if you have to travel from other Turkish cities.

A little history

Manavgat was founded in the first half of the 14th century by the Seljuk Turks after the collapse of the unified Konya Sultanate. Originally called Molasses(Karasu). In 1472 it was annexed by the Ottoman Empire, after which it was renamed after the river that flows through the city. The further fate of Manavgat is inextricably linked with the Ottoman Empire and its current successor Turkey.

Sights with photos

Tourists come to the Antalya coast of Turkey not only to soak up the beautiful Mediterranean beaches, but also to visit ancient cities, now located in Turkey, such as Manavgat.


In the vicinity of Manavgat there are two ancient cities with many preserved buildings, and the sea is easily accessible or even walkable.

There are significantly fewer tourists here than in neighboring Antalya and Alanya, the climate is cooler, so a holiday in Manavgat is suitable for tourists who avoid overly busy places.

The main architectural pearls of this area are the cities Side And Seleucia(Lirbe), which have preserved a huge number of structures from the times of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. However, in Manavgat itself there is something to admire.

However, the main architectural attractions of the area are located in the vicinity of Manavgat in Side and Lirbe. IN Side a whole complex of ancient sights has been preserved:

  1. Triumphal Arch Emperor Vespasian;
  2. market Square;
  3. largest antique in Turkey amphitheater;
  4. fountain Nymphaeum;
  5. temple Apollo;
  6. temple Artemis;
  7. port sauna;
  8. temple Dionysus;
  9. fortress walls and towers.

Also in Side, buildings from the Byzantine Empire period have been preserved, including the bishop's palace and the basilica.

Another ancient city in the vicinity of Manavgat is Lirbe, otherwise called Seleucia, boasts the presence of such ancient buildings as:

  • roman baths;
  • mausoleum;
  • agora;
  • necropolis;
  • odeon and other ancient buildings.


All natural attractions of the city and its surroundings are in one way or another connected with the Manavgat River:

In addition to the natural attractions of the Manavgat River, this area is worth a visit to the Köprülü Canyon National Park, Lake Titreyengol and other natural sites located in close proximity to the city.

What else to see?

A stop in Manavgat does not mean being tied only to this city. Trips to the mountains or along the coast are an integral part of a holiday in this city. Fortunately, the entire Antalya coast, stretching for two hundred kilometers along the Mediterranean Sea, is of significant interest.

Where to go on your own?

While vacationing in Manavgat, of course, you should not avoid a beach holiday, especially in combination with a visit to the historical and architectural country. Therefore, from Manavgat for any tourist the direct road lies to Side, where there are beautiful beaches and ruins of an ancient city.

For those who are not so interested in history and ancient architecture, it is worth going to Köprülü Canyon National Park to enjoy the superb nature of Turkey's mountainous coastal regions.

You can even go to Alanya to enjoy the nightlife of these bustling resorts.

However, for lovers of exclusive experiences, it will be more interesting to visit Lirbe (Seleucia), which is not served by public transport and where there are practically no tourists. On the way there, tourists will meet aqueduct ruins, which once supplied water to houses in Side, as well as a Roman bridge.

On the top of one of the mountains 20 km from the coast there are ruins of Lirbe, in which you can almost alone wander through the former streets and look into ancient buildings that have survived to this day.

Where to go with children?

Small private zoo, with only 10 years of operation, is located in the center of Manavgat. At the zoo, children can get acquainted with common domestic animals, including the extremely rare pig for Turkey, as well as with the fauna typical of the region.

As always, the highlight of visiting the zoo is feeding the animals, in which young visitors also participate.

Located next door dinosaur discovery park, in which children will be surprised and delighted by 40 life-size models of ancient animals. The models move, growl and make other sounds, which impresses not only children, but also adults. The park has a small zoo where visitors can admire various exotic animals.

Manavgat is a cozy city in Turkey, lost between the Tauride Mountains and the Mediterranean Sea, located 75 kilometers from Antalya.

Despite being the third largest city on the Anatolian coast, Manavgat and its surroundings are favorite holiday destinations for tourists from Russia and the CIS countries.

Within the city limits there are such tourist cities as Side and Seleucia.

Manavgat is a city in which, along with modern realities, the features of traditional Turkish society have been preserved. Since Türkiye is an Islamic country, the most important tourist attractions in the city are the mosques.

Tourists should definitely visit the main mosque of the city - Merkez Külliуe Camii (or Great Mosque) - which is also the largest mosque on the entire Anatolian coast. The mosque was built in 2004 and has 4 minarets, each 60 meters long. This is one of the few mosques in the world where representatives of all religions are allowed to enter. Inside the mosque there is a reservoir with drinking water, which anyone can get for themselves.

Location: Örnek Mahallesi - 1517.

Manavgat, like any other Turkish city, has many mosques. The Green Mosque is located at the entrance to the city from Alanya, and unlike the Great Mosque, it is closed to representatives of religions other than Islam. However, it is also interesting from the outside - the mosque, built in 1973, has a large dome and four half-domes made of tin material.

In the light of the sun, the mosque shimmers with light, creating an incredibly beautiful picture. Also on the outside of the mosque there are ornaments illustrating the Koran.

Manavgat is an area in which several eras and civilizations are intertwined. The oldest settlement here arose in the Roman era (as evidenced by the ruins of the ancient city of Side). However, in Manavgat itself there is a fountain dating back to 74 AD.

The inscription on the fountain says that it was erected during the reign of the Roman Emperor Vespasian in honor of his son Titus. Among other things, the fountain is decorated with bas-reliefs depicting Vespasian and Titus, as well as those managing the area during the construction of the fountain. It is noteworthy that the fountain is still in operation, giving the place and its surroundings additional charm.

It is difficult to imagine Turkish culture without a bazaar - this is where trade took place for centuries, and they continue to maintain their important role to this day, not giving way to supermarkets and even small shops. At the Manavgat bazaar you can buy the ripest vegetables and fruits, various spices, clothes, shoes, oils, perfumes, souvenirs, etc.

An integral part of any bazaar is bargaining. Only in Turkish bazaars you can reduce prices for some items by almost 90%. At the Manavgat bazaar, prices are indicated in euros, dollars and lira. It is noteworthy that the euro and dollar are usually equivalent to a single exchange rate, so you can pay in any currency convenient for a tourist.

Zoos in Turkey are far from what we are used to seeing in Russia. Small private zoos are more common here, where a small number of animals live and you can get quite close to them.

In the very center of Manavgat there is a similar petting zoo, in which mostly domestic animals familiar to Turks live: turkeys, pigs, sheep, etc. And also some representatives of wildlife: peacocks, iguanas and others. Especially for tourists who get tired of watching animals, there are benches on the territory of the zoo. The small zoo is a favorite place for tourists traveling with children.

The next set of attractions is in the city of Side, which is located 15 kilometers west of Manavgat. There are a number of attractions dating back to Greek and Roman history. The first of them is the triumphal arch, which greets tourists who want to visit the ruins of the ancient city of Side.

The Arc de Triomphe is 13 meters high. On its foundations there once stood figures of Roman emperors, which are now located in the Side Antique Museum. Under the triumphal arch there are automobile and pedestrian roads that lead to the historical part of Side.

Immediately after crossing the triumphal arch, tourists find themselves in the ruined part of the ancient Greek city of Side, which arose in the 7th century BC.

Here, tourists have a unique opportunity to visit the vast territory of the ancient city: tourists will walk past the buildings in which the ancient Greeks lived, stroll along the main avenue of the city, stop at the main square of the city - the agora, stroll to the temples of Apollo and Artemis Dionysus. You can travel around the city on your own, and during the walk, if you wish, you can join any Russian-speaking tourist group that walks around Side in large numbers.

The main attraction of Side is the ruins of an ancient amphitheater, which is the largest in Turkey. Researchers have calculated that in the best of times, the amphitheater could accommodate up to 20 thousand people. Holidays and gladiator fights took place here.

Currently, tourists are invited to walk along the stage of the theater and sit in the audience rows. The guides will tell you about the features of the ancient Greek theater, its structure and main holidays. The upper rows offer views of the sea on one side, and the historical buildings of Side on the other. From the height of these rows you can take stunning photographs with the sea in the background.

In the buildings of the city baths in the historical part of Side there is a museum dedicated to the ancient Greek and Roman periods of the development of the city of Side.

There is an entrance fee to this museum. The museum is divided into two parts - an indoor one, located in the bathhouse building, and an open one. In the covered part there are crypts with the remains of Greeks and sculptures. The open part contains the ruins of one of the small streets of the city and taller sculptures, as well as hints of a small arboretum that appeared here in the Middle Ages.

Seleucia (or Libre in other words) is a complex of ruins of a Greek (later Roman) city, located 10 km north of the city of Manavgat. These ruins are located far from the usual routes, and therefore were found by archaeologists only in the middle of the 20th century. Therefore, not only the ruins of the city have been preserved here, but also unique exhibits in the form of sculptures and jewelry, which are currently in the Antalya Museum.

Tourists visiting Seleucia have the opportunity to stroll through the untouched streets of the ancient city. Here tourists are invited to see the necropolis, Roman bath, temple and agora restored by archaeologists, which are located in close proximity to each other and create a picture of the life of the ancient city.

For those tourists who are interested not only in looking at ancient architecture, and especially those vacationing with children, they should enjoy the Discovery Park (Dinosaur Park), which is located in the city of Side. There are more than 40 models of ancient animals, which are made in accordance with their real sizes. The key feature is that some parts of the dinosaur's body - the head, jaws and tail - move, creating an element of reality.

All exhibits are located throughout the vast territory of the park, and appear spectacularly from behind the trees. Tourists in the park are accompanied by a guide who talks about all the dinosaurs they meet along the way. Also, especially for children, in a separate area there are figures from modern cartoons. The park also houses a mini-zoo with domestic and wild animals. Tourists who vacation with children should love this place.

The Manavgat area is rich in natural attractions. The most famous of them, perhaps, is the Green Canyon, which is a reservoir located at an altitude of 350 meters.

The road there runs along a steep mountain serpentine, then tourists are boarded on yachts and the journey through the canyon continues. During the trip, guides introduce tourists to the flora and fauna, and especially lucky tourists have the opportunity to see the mountain goat that lives on the slopes of the canyon. In the middle of the journey, the yacht makes a stop, and tourists have the opportunity to swim in the waters of a transparent reservoir.

3 km from the city of Manavgat, on the river of the same name, there is one of the most beautiful waterfalls in Turkey. It is not striking in its height - only 4 m, and is more like a picturesque river rapids, which shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow. The width of the waterfall is 40 meters, which creates an incredible picture for the eye.

Manavgat Waterfall is rightly considered one of the most beautiful in Turkey. It is the waterfall that is one of the brands of Manavgat - on all souvenirs connected in one way or another with the city there is always a waterfall, and even moreover, for a long time in the 20th century, the waterfall was on a banknote of five lire. Tourists always get incredible aesthetic pleasure from visiting the waterfall.

Perhaps the most sentimental attraction of Manavgat is the small freshwater lake Titreyengol, located six kilometers from the city. The name of the lake is translated from Turkish as “trembling lake”, and this is connected with the legend of an old man who saved ducks from hunters by sacrificing himself and drowning in this lake. And since then, the water in the lake has been trembling in memory of the old man. In addition, you can take picturesque photographs on the shores of the lake. There are walking paths along the lake, and hotels, cafes and recreation areas are located along the entire coast.

Manavgat is an incredibly interesting place for tourists. There are a huge number of attractions here, both historical, natural and entertainment. By choosing Manavgat, tourists will significantly expand their horizons and receive many unforgettable experiences!

And it occupies quite a large area.

This is a place of magnificent beauty, replete with amazing natural and ancient attractions.

City of Manavgat

The center of the region is the city of the same name - Manavgat, where there are many beautiful hotels that are looking forward to guests.

The city was founded in 1329 and bore the name Molasses (Karasu), later it was part of the Ottoman Empire, and in our time it is annexed to the district of the oldest city on earth, Konya, which is one of the brightest ancient attractions of Turkey.

Tourists vacationing here get a unique opportunity to spend their vacation among stunning nature. And those who vacation in other resorts in Turkey come to admire the surrounding beauty with a tour or on their own. Read more about the city of Manavgat...

Manavgat River

Manavgat District one of the most picturesque corners of Turkey. For nature lovers, this is a real paradise! The river of the same name cut this amazing region into two parts. The Manavgat River is one of the deepest rivers in the world, and the beauty of the surrounding landscape cannot be compared.

Travel along the Manavgat River on numerous yachts and small boats - one of the most popular excursions. No less popular are jeep safaris, cycling and walking tours and other entertaining excursions in Turkey. It is also suitable for diving. And some of its sections are perfect for professional rafting.

Sights of Manavgat

Manavgat waterfall. Its beauty is amazing; millions of tourists flock here to see with their own eyes the miracle created by nature. Between the waterfalls the river slows its flow, as if allowing you to admire the surrounding views longer. The valley of the Manavgat River in Turkey abounds with unique vegetation and rare species of animals, and in the coastal rocks nature has formed picturesque grottoes and caves, where you can swim directly by boat and see stalactites and stalagmites of the most bizarre shapes. Read more...

Trout farms Manavgat. The river is famous for the abundance of trout that live in its waters. There are many trout farms in the valley that supply numerous restaurants with fresh fish. On the banks of the river, here and there there are organized recreation areas, with excellent fish restaurants and stunning views. The largest number of restaurants is located next to the Manvgat Waterfall.

Adventure park We recommend making a stop at the beautiful Lake Oymapinar. Here, surrounded by picturesque mountains, there is a stunning extreme amusement park. There are exciting tourist routes and climbing walls, cable cars, bungee jumps and much more. At the moment (2014) there are no Russian-speaking staff or guides in the park; information about the park and guides can be found at

Ancient Seleucia. Traveling around Manavgat, you will be able to explore the ruins of a magnificent ancient city, hidden in a beautiful pine forest. Seleucia is not as large as the ancient Phaselis or the city of Aspendos, it is not as well preserved as the legendary city of Ephesus, but for this it is no less charming and interesting. Amazing ancient buildings are scattered on a high hill, from which stunning views unfold. Read more about Seleucia...

Turtle Beach. Located next to Lake Titreyengel in the seaside village of the same name. Here the Manavgat River forms a gorgeous sand spit with one of the most beautiful beaches in Turkey. Here you can swim in the cool water of a mountain river and in the warm Mediterranean Sea at the same time. This place will really appeal to those who have visited Dalyan - the turtle island.

Altynbeshik Cave. In the vicinity of the Manavgat River there is a unique three-level cave. You will sail through amazing underground lakes, past mysterious grottoes and tunnels, bizarre stalactites, stalagmites and marble columns. Small channels, ringing waterfalls - all this produces a strange impression, as if you found yourself in a mysterious fantasy world. Read more...

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Manavgat Falls is so important to every Turkish citizen that it was featured on the five lira banknote, which was in circulation until 1983. This is one of the main natural attractions of the country. Therefore, all guides recommend tourists to see the waterfall in the original. It is named after the river where it forms a beautiful cascade. The flow height is insignificant. But it’s still worth going to the waterfall to temporarily change your sea holiday to a river holiday, enjoy new experiences, sit in a fish restaurant or cafe under shady trees and leave, taking colorful photos with you. In this article we will tell you how to get to Manavgat waterfall. The self-guided tour will focus on more than just this one attraction. Near the waterfall is the ancient city of Manavgat. And along the way you can enjoy the beautiful scenery of Anatolian nature.

Manavgat (waterfall): how to get there

This amazing attraction is located just five kilometers from the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. So the excursion, which will distract you from your beach holiday, will not be long and will take a maximum of half a day. The waterfall is located in the province of Antalya. But it is separated from the main city of the coast by about eighty kilometers. More precise address of Side. Manavgat Waterfall is located literally three kilometers from the city of the same name. So you need to get to it first. Minibuses, called dolmus in Turkey, go to the city of Manavgat. It can be reached from Antalya and, of course, from Side. And already in Manavgat itself you need to change to a dolmush with a sign on the windshield “Selale” (shelale, which means “waterfall”). These minibuses depart every quarter of an hour. You can reach the city using your own or rented car along the D400 highway. To the north of the waterfall (twelve kilometers) there is the Oymapinar dam.

Self-guided tour

For city minibuses from Managavt with the sign “Selale” this is not the final stop. You need to warn the driver and get out in the parking lot. Where the tour buses and dolmushes from Side park, Manavgat Waterfall has an official entrance. You need to purchase a ticket. It costs (for an adult) three and a half liras. Near the ticket office you will find guide horses, camels, ponies and donkeys. But it is better to go to the waterfall on foot. Walk straight between the rows of souvenir shops, teahouses and cafes. And then, turning behind the white building, you will find yourself on the observation deck right in front of the waterfall. Reviews from tourists are divided on when is the best time to visit this natural attraction. After the rains, the waterfall turns into a rapid. He simply disappears into the rising river. But during the dry season, the waterfall flows down from a height of five meters. On the other hand, during the rainy season, the natural attraction makes a more powerful impression. Water floods part of the observation deck, and you can estimate the temperature of the mountain river - somewhere around ten degrees.

What is Manavgat Waterfall (Antalya)

As we have already mentioned, the height of this stream is small - only five meters. But the width is quite significant. It spreads forty meters between the two banks. The falling water breaks into many splashes. In fact, there are several viewing platforms. They are also located in a cascade, one above the other. And you can take great pictures from all of them. There is no water on the upper observation deck, but on the lower ones you need to protect your camera from splashes. Reviews advise going out to see them in shoes that fit on your feet or barefoot, since flip-flops and flip-flops can be carried away by the Manavgat waterfall with its fast and powerful current. It is difficult to take photos and selfies - both because of the splashes and because of the large crowd of people. After all, about a million people visit the waterfall every year, and most of them come in the summer. In addition to foreign tourists, many Turks come to this natural attraction. Hiking enthusiasts can walk along the paths leading along the river.

Where to eat

The Manavgat River is rich in trout. That’s why there are many fish restaurants near the waterfall. The portions here are huge and the prices are reasonable. Many restaurants are built so that visitors can watch the Manavgat waterfall in all its glory while eating. Reviews even mention one cafe that stands in the river itself, like a large raft that is about to be carried away by the current. Since this place is loved by the Turks, there are many classic teahouses with traditional low tables and cushions instead of chairs. Reviews recommend ordering trout and tasting the finest flatbreads. You will always want to come here again - just to have a romantic candlelit dinner overlooking the waterfall. And, of course, you can’t leave this place without a souvenir. And there are more than enough shops selling this product.

City of Manavgat

To explore the waterfall, even taking into account the queues for taking beautiful photographs, it will take you about an hour and a half. Don't rush back to Side. Better take this opportunity and visit the city of Manavgat. It is very ancient - the first buildings date back to the sixth century BC. Like many cities of antiquity, it was abandoned for many centuries. And the first mention of a new city (called Melas) dates back to 1329. Founded by the Seljuks, it became part of the Ottoman Empire in the fifteenth century. The city is located closer to the sea than the Manavgat waterfall. At the main bridge on the river there is a pier where you can board a tourist boat. The program on board varies. Some ships go to the waterfall. But most ships go downstream.

Selection of excursions

The waterfall on the Manavgat River is not the only attraction of these places. And you can see this by joining a boat excursion. The trip can last about two hours, or it can last up to six - it all depends on the program. Some ships simply go to the “zero” kilometer, where the Manavgat River flows into the Mediterranean Sea. Different densities and temperatures of the water cause the confluence to appear flaky. Reviews advise alternately swimming first in a cold river and then in the warm sea. On the way back, lunch and performances by folk groups are offered. Some ships sail into the Altynbesik cave, where you can see stalactites, stalagmites and small dams. Reviews recommend going to Lake Titreyengel. There are a lot of fish here. In addition to predatory fish, there are quite friendly and sociable turtles.

For lovers of active recreation

You can go down the river not only on tourist ships. Active tourists go to kilometer zero by boats and canoes. There is a sand spit between the river and the sea - an excellent place for walking or cycling. Where the Manavgat waterfall flows, there is the opportunity to ride horses or camels. You can go upstream the river - to the artificial dams Barazh and Oymapinar. Tourists leave the most positive reviews about the beauty of the last reservoir. The beauty of the dam, surrounded by steep cliffs with coniferous forests, is simply mesmerizing. Some sections of the Manavgat River are suitable for rafting. Excellent alloy in