Population of the island of Cyprus. Population of Cyprus. Male to female ratio

The population of Cyprus is more than 1.1 million people.

National composition:

  • Greeks;
  • other nationalities (Turks, Armenians, Arabs, British).

Greek Cypriots inhabit mainly southern part Cyprus, and Turkish Cypriots - northern. In addition, migrants from Bulgaria, Romania, Russia, Vietnam, and Sri Lanka live in Cyprus.

There are 120 people living per 1 sq. km, but the highest population density is observed in Levkosia, and the lowest in Paphos.

Official language– Greek, but Turkish, English and Russian are widely spoken in Cyprus.

Large cities: Nicosia, Limassol, Lefkosia, Larnaca, Paphos, Famagusta, Lemesos, Amokhostos.

Residents of Cyprus profess Orthodoxy, Islam (Sunnism), Protestantism, and Catholicism.


The male population lives on average up to 78 years, and the female population - up to 81 years.

The high figures are largely due to the fact that Cyprus has created ideal conditions for healing the body (sea, mountains, a large number of sunny days, fresh and healthy products).

Cyprus has a well-developed healthcare system (many come here not only for SPA procedures, but also for cosmetic surgery and IVF procedures) - local clinics employ professionals who use modern equipment, advanced therapeutic and diagnostic techniques in their work.

But in Cyprus, not everything is so rosy - Cypriots smoke a lot (the percentage of residents who smoke is the highest in the EU): everyone smokes here - women, men, and 12-14 year old school students.

Traditions and customs of the inhabitants of Cyprus

Cypriots are hardworking and cheerful people who love music and dancing, without which no celebration is complete.

Cypriots are very friendly and are always ready to help - to answer a question or take you to the right place. Tastings are often held in stores for tourists, and they can also be given some kind of souvenir.

Cypriots like to celebrate the Kataklysmos water festival (May-June) - on this day people compete in marine species sports and take part in competitions, which are accompanied by dousing with water.

Cypriots love to have fun, so festivals are held in high esteem in Cyprus, for example, in July-August locals participate in the Ancient Greek Drama Festival, and in September - the Limassol Wine Festival.

Wedding traditions are interesting because the father, when giving his daughter in marriage, must provide her with a dowry - put a fully furnished house at the disposal of the young family. At a wedding, as a rule, guests do not give gifts - only money in envelopes.

If you come to Cyprus, keep in mind that here you can be fined a tidy sum if you pollute the environment, for example, for throwing garbage out of a car window, you will have to pay 850 euros.

The number of men in general exceeds the number of women by a thousand. Half of all residents are between the ages of 25 and 59. 26% of the population of Cyprus are over sixty years of age. The country has one of the best life expectancy rates in the world, at 77.8 years. This is almost eight percent higher than the global figure.
On the size of the local population of Cyprus and its National composition the story associated with the profitable one had a significant impact. The indigenous population of Cyprus are the ancient Greeks, who began in the 2nd millennium BC. e. create a local civilization here. The Phoenicians also had a special influence on its culture.

In ancient times, the island was conquered by the Assyrians, Persians and Romans. And over the past eight hundred years it has survived the rule of the Franks, Venetians, Turks and English. The state became independent only less than sixty years ago. However, in 1974, the Turks invaded the northern part of the island and captured 37% of the territory. Therefore, today it is in a divided state.

National composition of the population of Cyprus

The majority of the population of Cyprus is Greek Orthodox by nationality. Now their number is over 800,000 people or almost 76%. The number of Turks exceeds three hundred thousand. Their numbers are increasing quite quickly both due to natural growth and due to the resettlement policy pursued by the Turkish authorities.
Over the past decades, the third national community of Cyprus has become Russian-speaking. There are from forty to fifty thousand people from the territory of the former Soviet Union and Russia today. They live mainly in several seaside towns Greek part of the island.

Historically, the local population of Cyprus also includes approximately 17,000 English subjects, more than 4,000 Armenians and very few Maronite Arabs.

Nowadays the question of the number of refugees from the Middle East is very relevant. Compared to countries Western Europe, it is very small. And this despite the proximity of Syria. Two circumstances contribute to this state of affairs.

The first is the presence of British military bases on the island. The second is the policy of the leadership of the Greek Republic of Cyprus. According to its laws, refugee status cannot be obtained very soon. And most importantly, you must pay 3,000 euros, which the state theoretically promises to compensate in the vague future.

Indigenous local population Cyprus - Greeks, in general, they have a friendly character. Therefore, their relations with immigrants from England, Russia, and representatives of the Armenian diaspora are usually friendly. There is a wary attitude towards Muslims. The main reason for this is the capture of the northern part of the island by Turkey and the expulsion of more than 200,000 Greeks from there.

Population of cities in Cyprus

The population of the resort town of Ayia Napa, the former fishing village, about 4,000. These are Greeks, mainly employed in tourism business. Almost all of them are fluent, and many in Russian.

Seaside Larnaca today has 80,000 inhabitants. The nationality of the majority of them (80%) is Greek. The remaining percentage consists of immigrants from Russia, CIS countries, as well as a small number of Turks.

The most big city The island is its capital. The population of Nicosia is over 300,000 people. Since the mid-1970s, the city has been divided into two parts: Greek and Turkish. The first is home to 250,000 people. These are mainly Greeks, as well as Englishmen and immigrants from the Philippines and some Asian countries who work as servants. The second is home to more than 50,000 ethnic Turks.

The population exceeds a quarter of a million people. Its national composition is very diverse. Greek Cypriots predominate. The largest Russian-speaking community on the island lives here. It makes up approximately nine percent of all residents. There is also a whole quarter inhabited by Turks. There are also Greeks from mainland Greece, Bulgarians, Armenians, Romanians and Filipinos.

The population of Paphos is about 36,000 people.

Protaras, which until recently was a village, has over 20,000 inhabitants.

Population of Northern Cyprus

It is now populated mainly by Turks, their number is just over 300,000 people. Moreover, a third of them are immigrants from mainland Turkey. The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus has existed here for several decades. But in practice, this state is recognized only by Turkey.

The country is very poor. Many cities that found themselves on its territory have been destroyed since the military conflict with the Greeks. Therefore, migrants from different countries they are not at all eager to get to Northern Cyprus.

The island of Cyprus is an island of discord, where fierce wars have raged for several centuries and a volcano of passions has raged. Many living in Cyprus consider the island truly their home, while the same authorities of the Republic of Cyprus fundamentally disagree with them. But that's a completely different story.

To understand what we are talking about, you need to imagine the following picture.

Concerning population of Cyprus , then conditionally the island of Cyprus can be divided into 3 more or less stable parts, one part of which occupied by the Greeks, the other by the Turks and everything else is divided among themselves - other nationalities: Russians, English, Armenians and Arabs .

Greek Cypriots fiercely defend their interests and firmly believe that the island is their ancestral homeland. Greek Cypriots have quite conservative views. They are hardworking, honest and enterprising. Despite their slow and measured life, Greek Cypriots truly value a beneficial holiday. They know how to enjoy their vacation, forgetting about all the troubles and squabbles. Many would do well to learn this skill from them. The vast majority of Greek Cypriots revere Orthodox religion while Turkish Cypriots are Sunni Muslims. Thanks to these two main populations in Cyprus, official languages on the island are Greek and Turkish , but the vast majority of Cypriots are able to express themselves quite well in English.

In percentage terms, the picture can be presented as follows (out of 900,000 people inhabiting the island of Cyprus):

more than 75% population is Greek (about 650,000 people)

about 20% The population is Turkish (about 160,000 people)

less than 4% The population consists of Russians (more than 20,000 people), British (there are about 17,000 people on the island) and Armenians (about 4,000 people).

Of course, the demographic situation in the Republic is constantly changing. Population growth is increasing and, according to preliminary forecasts, by 2030, under favorable circumstances, the population of Cyprus will increase by more than 50,000 people. The total population by 2030 will be 957,407 people.

Generally The island of Cyprus is a calm and cozy paradise on planet Earth. All Cypriots are friendly and polite. In any situation they are happy to help. When you contact them with a request, for example, to suggest directions to plan a route, they will patiently and thoroughly explain everything to you or kindly guide you to the right place. The law enforcement agencies themselves are tolerant of tourists and are always polite and attentive. The crime rate here is minimal . This is one of the distinctive features islands of Cyprus.

Visiting Russian tourists in Cyprus may be somewhat annoyed by the excessive and not entirely understandable slowness of the Cypriots. This can be seriously annoying. Therefore, while vacationing in Cyprus, remember that there is nowhere to rush and there is certainly nothing to worry about! You have come to rest, so enjoy the beauty, silence, tranquility and pleasant cool sea breeze of the Mediterranean Sea.

A mild Mediterranean climate, amazingly beautiful nature and friendly locals... For residents of big cities tired of the eternal bustle, a leisurely life in Cyprus may seem like paradise on earth. In this article we will look at how to live in the ancient greek island visitors and how much such a life costs.

What nationalities live in Cyprus

The first question that many people ask when planning to visit the island is who lives in Cyprus by nationality? Almost everyone knows that local residents They are called Cypriots, but not everyone knows what language they speak and what religion they profess. Since 1974, the island has been divided into two states: in the north of the island and the Republic of Cyprus in the south. In the north live Turkish Cypriots - Muslims, and in the south - Orthodox Greeks.

If we talk about how many people live in Cyprus, then the population of the island exceeds 800 thousand people, of which a third are Turks. The island is also favored by the British, who often move here after retirement; About 17 thousand English people live on the island. Another of the nationalities inhabiting Cyprus is worth noting the Armenians - there are about 4 thousand of them.

The standard of living in Cyprus is quite high. You can earn more than 2,000 euros per month in a qualified position. Working as a waiter, you can earn up to 1,000 euros, and as a cook, up to 1,500 euros per month. average salary in Cyprus is about 1500 euros. Prices for vegetables and fruits in local supermarkets and small shops are about the same as in Moscow or a little higher. If you are planning a long-term stay in Cyprus, you can expect to spend around 1-1.5 thousand euros per month on food for a family of three: this includes purchasing groceries in supermarkets and infrequent trips to cafes and restaurants.

How many Russians live in Cyprus?

More than 40 thousand Russians permanently live here - this is about 5% of the total population. Russians are treated kindly, and most of employees of tourism-related companies speak Russian.

The life of Russians in Larnaca is largely explained by the presence international airport. Paphos is the second largest city in Cyprus with a Russian-speaking population. Our compatriots often settle not in the city center, but in picturesque villages on its outskirts, where it is quite quiet, not many cars and a lot of greenery.

Nicosia is the capital of Cyprus, the only Big City far from the coast (40 km from the sea). It has a less mild climate, hot in summer and cold in winter. People usually settle here: there are many official offices of commercial firms and government agencies in the city.

The Russian community in Limassol has developed historically, and their presence is felt in the city: there are Russian schools, hairdressers, kindergartens and even a Russian-language radio. Here you can find a Russian-speaking doctor, lawyer, and taxi driver.

Standard of living

The standard of living in Cyprus is quite high. In 2012, the islanders, like citizens of many countries, were affected by the crisis, not least because of their close ties with Greece, but this moment life has already returned to normal.

Local residents are almost never in a hurry: life here is calm and measured. Cypriots are also very committed family traditions: all holidays and every weekend they usually sit at a common table.

Grocery basket in Cyprus: how much?

Please take the sociological survey!

Cypriot cuisine is not fancy; they usually cook something simple. Seafood is rarely cooked; meat is preferred. Portions in cafes and restaurants are usually large. If you are planning a long-term stay in Cyprus, you can expect to spend around 1-1.5 thousand euros per month on food for a family of three: this includes purchasing groceries in supermarkets and infrequent trips to cafes and restaurants.

However, if you save money, buy products on special offers and know the local wholesale markets, you can get by with a smaller amount - around 500-600 euros. Meat prices are comparable to prices in Moscow. By the way, at least in small villages, meat prices fall during Orthodox Lent.

Prices for vegetables and fruits in local supermarkets and small shops are about the same as in Moscow or a little higher. In small markets you can find fruits at prices sometimes half as low, but such places need to be found. Local fruits are traditionally slightly cheaper; at the end of the ripening season, their price drops even more.


If you have finally decided to settle on this Mediterranean island and are thinking about buying your own home here, know that a price of at least 300 thousand euros will allow you to get. The range of prices per square meter: from 500 euros in the Turkish part of the island to almost 2000 euros in the center of Limassol.

Children and education

An important issue for Russians who come with children is local education. There are Russian kindergartens on the island; payment for one child will be 200-250 euros. There are both Russian and English schools.

It is logical to choose a school based on where the child will go in the future. If you plan to enroll in Russian universities, then the child is sent to a Russian school. If the parents' wealth allows them to study in American or British universities and it is planned to enroll there, it would be more correct to send the child to English school. School and additional classes cost up to 700 euros per month.

Cyprus has an area of ​​9,251 square kilometers (3,571 sq mi), and coastline 648 km (402 miles). By comparison, the island is only about half the size of the state of Connecticut. The capital, Nicosia, is located in the central part of the island. It is a divided capital, with Greek Cypriots controlling the southern part of the city (Nicosia) and Turkish Cypriots controlling the northern part of the city (Lefkosa).

In 1983, the Turkish administration announced the creation of an independent state in the Northern Territory, called the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC). The population of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, according to the 1996 census, was 200,587. Of this number, 164,460 were Turkish Cypriots, 30,702 were Turkish citizens, and 5,425 were citizens of other countries. The natural population growth rate in the Turkish zone is 0.9 percent.

Greek Cypriots make up just over three quarters of the island's population, 99.5 percent of them live in the Greek zone and the remaining 0.5 percent in the Turkish zone. Turkish Cypriots make up almost the entire remaining population, 98.7 percent of whom live in the Turkish zone and 1.3 percent in the Greek zone. Other ethnic minorities make up less than 5 percent of general population islands, and they live mainly in Southern Cyprus.
Three main languages ​​are spoken on the island: Greek, Turkish and English. Greek is the dominant language in the south; Turkish predominates in the north. The majority of the population can also speak English. More than 90 percent of the population is literate.

The island's religious structure is divided, as is its population. Members of the Greek Orthodox Church make up 78 percent of the island's total population and live mainly in the Republic of Cyprus. Turks in the TRNC are mostly Muslim. Other religious groups such as the Maronites and Apostolics Armenians together make up less than 5 percent of the total population.
The last population census that took place in Northern Cyprus was in 2011, when all residents or holidaymakers were required to remain in their place of residence, was not entirely successful. The results of this census gave the total number of permanent residents (those living on the northern part of the island for a year or more) as 256,644, and the number of people who were on the island that day as 265,100.
The data showed that since the last census, there has been a strong increase in the resident population: in Kyrenia 60%, Nicosia 37%, Famagusta 21%, 14% and Guzelyurt 13%. The permanent resident population in Northern Cyprus has increased overall by 36%, with a total of 138,568 men and 118,076 women. Unfortunately, there are no statistics on the composition of local Cypriots and foreigners, but one can at least conclude that the population of Northern Cyprus is certainly on the rise!
Censuses are usually carried out every ten years in Northern Cyprus, and the next one is due to take place in 2016.

Turkish Settlers in Northern Cyprus

For several years, the Northern Cypriot authorities encouraged and supported the immigration of Turks from the mainland, in order to fill the territory of Northern Cyprus. Most of the Turkish settlers were agricultural workers and members of their families. This fact has definitely changed the demographic, social and intellectual composition of Turkish Cyprus. This policy remains extremely controversial for a number of reasons. While Greek Cypriots claim it violates international law, Turkish Cypriots generally view it as a political move to ensure Ankara's dominance.